
Yeah, this is it. I suddenly realize how far along this book has come now that I have to sit down and think back about who actually made this piece of work possible.

Of course, I'd like to thank myself. Without me, this book would never have happened. Through seemingly endless hours of writing, researching, and fighting for space, I have shown me that I had what it took to make it through. Thank me, I've been wonderful.

OK, time to get serious.

No person has meant more to completing this book than my wife Lena. I mean, I've spent the last nine months writing almost every day for more hours than I care to count, but Lena has still been patient and has supported me, encouraged me, cooked me dinner, cleaned the house, and done absolutely everything that anyone can dream of in a partner. This really isn't a book written by me; it is a book created by us, and her name should be on the cover, above mine.

Second, I would like to thank the SharePoint community. You have my deepest respect for your effort, your attitude, and the willingness to share and help anyone, regardless of level or experience. Thanks to you people, you have taught me more about SharePoint than I thought was possible to learn in a lifetime.

Writing a book, though, is not a solo effort. The Apress team, the technical reviewer, and the community reviewers have contributed massively to ensure that this book made it past the first chapter. Specifically, I would like to mention Sahil Malik, the technical reviewer; Sofia Marchant, the project manager; and Kim Wimpsett, the copy editor—thank you all for your massive help during the previous months.

Phew, I think that's about as much seriousness as I can take.

I'd like to thank my sister's dalmatian: Spot, the dog. You are my absolute favorite nephew.

Honorable mention also goes to the pizza guy, the artists on my Spotify playlists, Aleister Crowley, Santa Claus, Ikea, the seven dwarfs, and whoever figured out that coffee was a good idea. Writing just isn't the same without coffee. As for the other honorable mentions, well, you'll just have to imagine something. image

Oh, and of course, Arno Nel of SharePoint Magazine, who gave me a chance to write in public and start a career path that so far has left me flat broke and with more people hating me than I knew existed before I started writing—thanks a lot, dude. I'll bring a bat to thank you in person next time we meet.

The biggest thanks go to you, however, the reader of this book. Ultimately, I wrote this for you and no one else. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reading what I write. You make it all worthwhile.

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