Chapter 16


* This chapter was specifically written by K. Elisha Madhu Kumar, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Amada Soft India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, to be included in this book. The author is indebted to him for his contribution.

1. “Indian IT Industry: NASSCOM Analysis: Indian IT-BPO Industry Factsheet 2008,” available at

2. “Indian IT Industry: NASSCOM Analysis: Indian IT Industry Factsheet 2007,” available at

3. John Del Vecchio and Mike Trigg, “What the Next Microsoft Will Look Like,” The Motley Fool, 4 December 2000, available at

4. Garry Crystal, “What Is BPO? (Business Process Outsourcing)” Wisegeek, 2007, available at

5. C. Rammanohar Reddy, “BPO and the Indian Economy,” The Hindu, 6 December 2003, available at

6. NASSCOM, “NASSCOM-McKinsey Report Predicts Robust Growth For Indian IT Services and IT Enabled Services Industry,” 2002, available at

7. Frederick P Brooks, Jr, The Mythical Man-month: Essays on Software Engineering (Singapore: Addison Wesley Longman, 1999).

8. Ibid.

9. Vinod Mahanta and Bhanu Pande, “Corporate India Puts Top Honchos on HR Job,” The Economic Times, Chennai edition, 13 July 2006.

10. “NASSCOM Report: Knowledge Professionals in India, 2006,” available at

11. Ibid.

12. Jonathan Krim, “Customer Data Lost, Citigroup Unit Says; 3.9 Million Affected as Firms Security Lapses Add Up,” The Washington Post June 2005, available at

13. David M. Ewalt, “Faces in the News: Citigroup Blames UPS for Customer Data Loss,” available at

14. Chris Mellor, “Iron Mountain Loses More Back-up Tapes,” Techworld, 2 May 2006, available at

15. NDTV correspondent, “NDTV Uncovers Phone Tapping Business,” 9 March 2006, available at

16. Mansi Bhatt, “Privacy: A Guarded Issue,” The Economic Times, Chennai edition, 14 July 2006.

1. Abhay Vaidya, “India’s First BPO Scam Unravelled,” The Times of India, 23 April 2005, available at,prtpage-1.cms

2. Frontline, Vol. 22, Issue 14, 1–15 July 2005.

3. Amanpreet Singh, “Security Check,” Business Today, 28 August 2005, available at

1. Amelia Gentleman, “Data Fraud Worry at Indian Call Centres,” Deccan Chronicle, Chennai edition, 31 July 2006.

2. Ibid.

3. K. V Subramanya, “HSBC Scam: U.K. Recipient of Data Is of Indian Origin,” The Hindu, 30 June 2006, available at

* The writer of this article is Mrs. Ameeta Ananth. The author is obliged to her for permission to use this article in the book.

1. Russell G. Smith, “e-Crime Solutions and Crime Displacement,” NSW ICAC/NSW Ombudsman 4th National Investigations Symposium, 8 November 2002, available at

2. Prajit Nair, “All About Phishing,” BCA Journal, Mumbai: Bombay Chartered Accountants’ Society, October 2006, available at

3. Sapna Agarwal, “Mafia Invades Cyberspace,” Business Standard, Chennai edition, 1 August 2006.

4. Correspondent, “TCS Set to Do a First in Checking Online Piracy,” Business Standard, Chennai edition, 2 August 2006.

5. Correspondent, “US Couple in Data Theft Row,” Deccan Chronicle, Chennai edition, 2 July 2006.

6. Geeika Pokhriyal, “Plan to Kidnap Adnan Made on Orkut? Killed by Friends,” IBN Live, 21 August 2007, available at

7. “Internet Crime Schemes,” Internet Crime Complaint Center, available at

8. Correspondent, “HSBC Slaps Case Against Errant Employee,” Deccan Chronicle, Chennai edition, 29 June 2006.

9. Correspondent, “Thieves Prowl the Cyberspace,” The Hindu, 4 April 2006.

10. Mumbai Police, “Cyber Crime Awareness,” Cyber Crime Investigation, Cell, Crime Branch, CID, Mumbai, available at

11. Kevin Coleman, “Cyber Terrorism,” Directions Magazine, 10 October 2003, available at

12. “Protect Your Windows Systems,” Symantec, 23 August 2006, available at

13. “A Phishing Update,” Symantec, 18 April 2006,

14. See Note 3.

15. Wikipedia, “Firewall,” available at

16. Ameeta Ananth, “Cyber Crimes—The Glitches Amidst the Glow,” Management Matters, Vol. 1 (6), 2006.

17. Correspondent, “Cyber Crime Bigger Threat Than Physical Crime,” Business Standard, 28 March 2006.

18. Wikipedia, “Copyright Infringement of Software,” 2007, available at

19. Correspondent, “Cyber Threat? Get Human Firewall,” Economic Times, 29 June 2006.

20. See Note 16.

21. Phil Williams, “Organized Crime and Cyber-Crime: Implications for Business,” CERT Coordination Center, Carnegie Mellon University 11 Oct 2005, available at

22. Correspondent, “KPMG: India Susceptible to Fraud Risk,” Deccan Chronicle, 27 March 2006.

23. Correspondent, “Much Hyped IT Act Stays a Dead Letter,” The Economic Times, 21 July 2006.

24. Correspondent, “Top Five Cyber Threats in 2008,” The Economic Times, 4 February 2008, available at

25. Correspondent, “New Methods to Interpret Terror Messages,” Deccan Chronicle, 29 July 2006.

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