

  1. Activities

    1. databases

    2. data movement

    3. data transformation

  2. Alerts and notifications

    1. Azure Event Hub

    2. consistency

    3. event consumers and consumer groups

    4. Event Hub partitions

    5. event publishers

    6. reference implementation

    7. streaming analytics

  3. Analog-to-Digital (ADC) adapter

  4. API gateways

  5. APIM

    1. build definition

    2. groups

    3. policy

    4. products

    5. property

  6. API proxy

  7. APIs

  8. Automation

  9. Azure

    1. cmdlets

    2. PowerShell

  10. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

  11. Azure AD B2C tenant

    1. B2CGraphClient command-line utility

    2. B2C settings

    3. creation and configuration

    4. graph API

    5. imported tenant

    6. local global administrator

    7. policies

    8. PowerShell scripts

    9. subscription

    10. utility, listing user

    11. web application, registering

  12. Azure blob storage account

  13. Azure Classic mode

  14. Azure Data Factory

    1. activities

    2. AML retraining

    3. Author and Deploy option

    4. AzureMLBatchExecution

    5. Azure ML training

      1. linked service

      2. update

    6. AzureMLUpdateResource

    7. components

    8. create job parameters

    9. CSV output files

    10. data processing operations

    11. dataset

      1. blob storage option

      2. output data

      3. training data

    12. data transformation functions

    13. diagram view

    14. DMU

    15. ETL

    16. job state transition flow

    17. JSON

      1. advantage

      2. Author and Deploy options

      3. copy activity definition

      4. CSV

    18. linked service, Azure storage

    19. Monitor & Manage option

    20. monitoring and management

    21. parallel copies

    22. performance

    23. pipeline

      1. components

      2. copy activity

      3. creation

      4. JSON definitions

      5. option

    24. reference implementation

    25. re-run job activity

    26. resource group

    27. scheduling and execution

    28. tools

  15. Azure Data Lake

    1. Azure blob storage

      1. Data Factory Copy Data

      2. Data Factory creation

      3. parameters

      4. resource group

    2. Data Factory Copy Data

      1. copy files recursive

      2. deployment complete screen

      3. destination file format values

      4. destination selection

      5. format settings

      6. properties

    3. Visual Studio Cloud Explorer

  16. Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA)

    1. account, creation

      1. database and table

      2. Data Explorer

      3. job execution

      4. parameter values

      5. resource group

      6. sample scripts

      7. SQL table

      8. U-SQL

      9. web page

    2. Azure SQL database and tables

    3. CopyFromBlobToDataLake

    4. core capability

    5. CSV files

    6. Data Factory

      1. Copy Data

      2. Data Lake Store

      3. Input Dataset

      4. job parameters

      5. Output Dataset

      6. pipeline

      7. resource group

    7. data sources

    8. JOIN operations

    9. reference implementation architecture

    10. separate extract files

    11. VisualStudio

SeeVisual Studio
  1. Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS)

    1. Hadoop Access

    2. MEKs

    3. reference implementation

    4. encryption key management

    5. security layers

  2. Azure Event Hub

    1. architecture

    2. Big Data processing

    3. Consumers and Consumer groups

    4. event publisher

    5. partitions

    6. streaming analytics

    7. throughput units

  3. Azure functions

    1. cost effective scaling

    2. developer BYOL

    3. DevOps integration

    4. e-mail alert

      1. Integrate option

      2. SendGrid

      3. SendGridAPIKey

    5. INPUT event types

    6. monitor

    7. output event types

    8. reference implementation

    9. schedule function

    10. text alert

      1. C# code

      2. configure application settings

      3. confirmation page

      4. event hub trigger CSharp

      5. JSON code

      6. output binding

      7. parameters

      8. resource group

  4. Azure IoT gateway architecture

  5. Azure IoT Hub

  6. Azure Machine Learning

    1. cheat sheet

    2. cloud-based

    3. Cortana Analytics Gallery

    4. Data Science Flow

    5. experiments

      1. AML web tester spreadsheet

      2. characteristics

      3. create R Model

      4. creation

      5. data file upload

      6. data file visualize

      7. modules categories

      8. reference implementation

      9. result, visualizing

      10. re-training AML web service

      11. re-training ML web service

      12. R Script module

      13. Score Model module

      14. Split Data module

      15. Train Model module

      16. web service

      17. web service creation

    6. Free Tier

    7. Published Guidance

    8. Studio

      1. Cortana Intelligence Suite

    9. TDSP

    10. templates

    11. workspace

  7. Azure mapping

  8. Azure PowerShell

  9. Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

    1. JSON templates

    2. terminology

  10. Azure Security Center

  11. Azure Stream Analytics (ASA)

    1. advantages

    2. applications

    3. blob storage

    4. built-in monitoring

    5. Data Factory

      1. creation

      2. CSV output files

      3. job parameters

      4. Monitor & Manage option

      5. re-run job activity

      6. resource group

    6. Data Factory Copy Data

      1. Azure blob storage

      2. destination data store

      3. DocumentDB

      4. file format settings

      5. output file/folder properties

      6. performance settings

      7. properties

      8. query parameters

      9. summary page

      10. tables or query, copy

    7. data stream inputs

    8. file naming convention

    9. HDInsight

    10. hopping windows

    11. IoT Hub configuration

    12. job

    13. JSON parameters

    14. low-cost solutions

    15. mission-critical reliability

    16. Power BI

    17. PowerShell deployment

    18. rapid development

    19. reference data

    20. sliding windows

    21. SQL

SeeSQL query
  1. SQL database

  2. storage options

  3. tumbling windows

  4. web service

  1. Azure Stream Analytics query

    1. Azure Event Hub

      1. ASA Query

      2. creation

      3. output definitions

      4. parameters

      5. resource group

    2. Power BI

      1. custom R controls

      2. filter criteria

      3. R Script control

      4. SQL Server connection

      5. summarization type change


  1. Big Data

  2. Bluetooth beacons

  3. BRT Operators

  4. Business intelligence landscape


  1. Cloud data Movement Unit (DMU)

  2. Cloud platforms

  3. Cloud reporting cost architectures

  4. Cloud services

  5. Cmdlets

  6. Configure() function

  7. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deliver (CICD)

  8. Cortana Intelligence Gallery


  1. Data and associated analytics

  2. Data encryption

  3. Data management

  4. Datasets

  5. Data transformations

  6. Device hub

  7. Device management

    1. API

    2. API management

    3. Azure IoT hub

    4. Cadence properties

    5. configuration operations

    6. Configure() function

    7. create Manifest operation

    8. dashboard

    9. debug console

    10. debugger launch

    11. device.js file

    12. device twin

    13. DM solution explorer

    14. firmware update

    15. IoT Hub connection

    16. JSON document

    17. lifecycle

    18. planning

    19. provisioning

    20. reboot direct method

    21. reboot function

    22. setRebootHandler() function

    23. Set up Launch.Json file

    24. software services

    25. startup process

    26. UpdateFirmware() function

    27. WigiTech

  8. Device twin

    1. desired and reported properties

    2. model

    3. tags

  9. DevOps

    1. andAzure

  1. code

  2. continuous delivery

  3. continuous integration

  4. people

  5. process

  1. Direct methods

  2. DMU

SeeCloud data Movement Unit (DMU)
  1. DragonBoard 410c

  2. DragonBoard setup

E, F

  1. Edge gateways

    1. Azure IoT gateway SDK

    2. operations

  2. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems

  3. Event Hub partitions

  4. Event publishers

  5. Extract-Transform-Load (ETL)


  1. GSM modems and SMS


  1. Hardware Security Modules (HSMs)


  1. Identity

    1. authentication and authorization

    2. multi-tenancy

  2. Internet of Things (IoT)

  3. IoT sub-system


  1. Jobs

  2. JSON definition

    1. advantage

    2. Author and Deploy options

    3. copy activity definition

      1. input

      2. output

    4. CSV


  1. Key management


  1. Lambda architecture

    1. batch and stream processing methodology

    2. IoT

  2. Lean engineering

  3. Linked services

M, N

  1. Machine Learning (ML)

    1. algorithms

      1. classification

      2. clustering

      3. recommenders

      4. regression

      5. supervised learning

      6. unsupervised learning

    2. applications

    3. data input

    4. defined

    5. history

    6. templates

SeeAzure Machine Learning
  1. vs. traditional programming

  1. Management by exception

  2. Master Encryption Keys (MEKs)

  3. Microcontroller software

    1. cloud services

    2. smart devices

    3. Windows 10 IoT

  4. Microservices

  5. Microsoft Azure IoT

    1. API gateway

    2. ASA

    3. automation

    4. data management

    5. device hub

    6. devices

    7. messaging

    8. microservices

    9. security and identity

    10. storage

    11. visualization, alerts, and notifications

  6. Microsoft R Open

  7. Microsoft R server

    1. advantages

    2. machine learning

      1. cheat sheet

      2. supervised learning

    3. processing limitations

    4. reference implementation

    5. R portfolio

    6. stress tests

    7. Visual Studio

  8. Multi-tenant application

    1. added files

    2. authentication

    3. create web application

    4. home page

    5. login

    6. NuGet packages update

    7. project settings update

    8. user authentication

    9. user claims


  1. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology


  1. PaaS services

  2. Platform APIs

    1. Claims view

    2. contents update

    3. Edit Profile menu

    4. NuGet packages

    5. WigiTech

      1. login as admin

      2. login as employee

  3. platform approach

  4. Power BI

    1. app service, Visual icon

    2. Cortana integration

    3. custom R controls

    4. custom visuals

    5. dashboard, Visual icon

    6. data alerts

    7. data analysis

    8. data sources

    9. desktop

    10. embedded

    11. Excel

    12. filter criteria

    13. gauge control

    14. mobile application

    15. natural language query

    16. notification center window

    17. pie chart control

    18. Q&A

    19. ReST APIs

    20. R Script control

    21. R Visualizations

      1. ggplot2 R package

      2. Microsoft R Open

      3. Script visual control

    22. service and desktop

    23. streaming datasets access

    24. summarization type change

    25. table control

  5. PowerShell

    1. administrator

    2. parameters

    3. Visual Studio code

  6. Predictive analytics

  7. Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)

  8. Protocol gateway


  1. Queries


  1. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

  2. Real-time analytics

    1. competitive advantage

    2. implementation

    3. streaming analytics

  3. Real-time business platform

    1. advantage

    2. architecture

    3. methodology

    4. principles

    5. process

  4. Real-time business reference architecture

    1. advanced analytics

    2. alerts

    3. API gateways

    4. automation

    5. component

    6. data management

    7. device hub

    8. devices

    9. identity

    10. microservice

    11. notifications

    12. security

    13. stream processing

    14. visualization

  5. Reference architecture

  6. Retiring process

  7. R Script Module


  1. Security layers

  2. Security protocols

  3. Sensors

    1. ADC adapter

    2. PLC

SeeProgrammable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
  1. types

  1. setRebootHandler() function

  2. Simulator

    1. BRZKR mode

    2. dashboard visualizations and alert

    3. reference architecture

  3. Single-Board Computers (SBC)

    1. Azure IoT Device SDKs

    2. Raspberry Pi enclosures

    3. shields and sensor kits

  4. Smart device creation

    1. build definition

    2. Device Explorer

    3. device ID

    4. GetDeviceManifest()

    5. heartbeat messages

    6. MainPage_OnLoaded()

    7. MSBuild Settings

    8. NuGet Installer settings

    9. NuGet Packager

    10. NuGet Publisher

    11. requirements

    12. SBC

      1. BlinkLED()

      2. DragonBoard 410c

      3. DragonBoard setup

      4. GPIO interface

      5. heartbeat and temperature sensor messages

      6. IP address set up

      7. mezzanine board stacking

      8. requirements

      9. sensors

      10. StartTelemetry()

      11. Visual Studio configuration

      12. voltage jumper, set up

      13. Windows device portal

      14. Windows IoT extensions

    13. SmartDevice references

    14. StartHeartbeat()

    15. StartTelemetry()

    16. telemetry messages

    17. Windows universal app project

  5. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

  6. SQL query

    1. absence of events

    2. Azure SQL database

    3. blob storage

    4. built-in operators and functions

    5. data type conversions

    6. data types

    7. duplicate records

    8. event delivery

    9. hopping windows

    10. job output

    11. job stream

    12. joining multiple streams

    13. language

    14. Power BI

    15. sliding window

    16. temporal semantic function

    17. time management functions

    18. tumbling windows

    19. unified programming model

    20. user defined functions

  7. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

  8. Stream processing

  9. STRIDE classifications


  1. Team Data Science Process (TDSP)

  2. Team Foundation Server (TFS)

  3. Team simulators

  4. Threat modeling

    1. Azure Security Center

    2. data encryption

    3. key

    4. security protocols

    5. STRIDE

    6. zones

      1. cloud gateway

      2. cloud services

      3. device

      4. local

  5. Throughput units

  6. TwinPropertyRequest


  1. UpdateFirmware() function

  2. User-Defined Operators (UDOs)

  3. U-SQL

    1. analytical functions

    2. aggregation functions

    3. Azure Portal integration

    4. Big Data

    5. built-in optimization

    6. combine row sets

    7. features and benefits

    8. federated query

    9. query data

    10. UDOs

    11. windowing functions


  1. Visual Studio

    1. additional tools

    2. U-SQL features and benefits

  1. Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)

    1. account

    2. APIM

      1. build definition

      2. groups

      3. policy

      4. product

      5. property

    3. API proxy

    4. APIs

    5. Azure Classic commands

    6. Bootstrap utility

    7. build definition

    8. creation

    9. deployment build definition

    10. databases and collections

    11. Git repo configuration

    12. NuGet.config

    13. NuGet packages and feed

    14. package feed

    15. project, creation

    16. provisioning build definitions

    17. simulation data

    18. subscription keys

    19. TFS

W, X, Y

  1. Windowing functions

  2. Worker Health and Safety

    1. Complicated Badger

    2. repository

    3. solution architecture

    4. Tall Towers

    5. WigiTech


  1. Zones

    1. cloud gateway

    2. cloud services

    3. device

    4. local

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