Chapter 18. Developing Windows Mobile Applications

The mobile application platform has gained a lot of interest among enterprise developers in recent years. With so many mobile platforms available, customers are spoiled for choice. However, at the front of developers' minds are the various criteria that they need to evaluate before deciding on the platform to support. These factors are:

  • Size of device install base

  • Ease of development and support for widely known/used programming languages

  • Capability to run one version of an application on a large number of devices

One mobile platform of choice among developers is the Microsoft Windows Mobile platform, now into its sixth generation. Today, the Windows Mobile platform is one of the most successful mobile device platforms in the market, with several handset manufacturers (such as HP, Asus, HTC, and even Sony Ericsson and Palm) supporting it.

This chapter presents the basics of Windows Mobile. It shows you how to create an RSS Reader application and then how to test and deploy the application to a real device. In particular, you will:

  • Examine the basics of the Windows Mobile platform

  • Learn how to download and install the various Software Development Kits (SDKs) to target the different platforms

  • Create an RSS Reader application that allows users to subscribe to RSS feeds

  • Explore various ways to deploy your Windows Mobile applications

  • Create a professional-looking setup application to distribute your Windows Mobile applications

The Windows Mobile Platform

The Windows Mobile platform defines a device running the Windows CE operating system customized with a standard set of Microsoft-designed user interface shells and applications. Devices that use the Windows Mobile platform include:

  • Pocket PCs

  • Smartphones

  • Portable Media Centers

  • Automobile computing devices

For this chapter, the discussion is restricted to the first two categories — Pocket PCs and Smartphones. (The latter two categories use a different shell and are not widely used in today's market.)

The latest version of the Windows Mobile platform at the time of writing is Windows Mobile 6.1. With this new release, there are some new naming conventions. Here's a list of the Pocket PC and Smartphone names used by Microsoft over the years.

Pocket PCs


Pocket PC 2000/Pocket PC 2000 Phone Edition


Pocket PC 2002/Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition

Smartphone 2002

Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC/Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC Phone Edition

Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphone

Windows Mobile 2003 SE (Second Edition) for Pocket PC/Windows Mobile 2003 SE (Second Edition) for Pocket PC Phone Edition

Windows Mobile 2003 SE for Smartphone

Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC/Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition

Windows Mobile 5.0 for Smartphone

Windows Mobile 6 Classic/Windows Mobile 6 Professional

Windows Mobile 6 Standard

Beginning with Windows Mobile 6, Microsoft defines a device with a touch screen but without phone capability as a Windows Mobile 6 Classic device (previously known as Pocket PC or Windows Mobile). Figure 18-1 shows a Windows Mobile 6 Classic device (the iPaq 211).

Figure 18-1

Figure 18.1. Figure 18-1

Touch-screen devices with phone functionality are now known as Windows Mobile 6 Professional (previously Windows Mobile Phone Edition). Figure 18-2 shows such a device (the HTC Touch Cruise).

Figure 18-2

Figure 18.2. Figure 18-2

Devices that do not support touch screens are now known as Windows Mobile 6 Standard (previously Smartphones). One is the Moto Q9h, shown in Figure 18-3.

Figure 18-3

Figure 18.3. Figure 18-3

Developing Windows Mobile Applications Using the .NET Compact Framework

The easiest way to develop for the Windows Mobile platform is to use the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (.NET CF). The .NET CF is a scaled-down version of the .NET Framework and is designed to work on Windows CE (a scaled-down version of the Windows OS supporting a subset of the Win32 APIs) based devices. The .NET CF contains a subset of the class libraries available on the desktop version of the .NET Framework and includes a few new libraries designed specifically for mobile devices.

At the time of writing, the latest version of .NET CF is version 3.5. Following is a list of the various version names of the .NET CF and their corresponding version numbers:

Version Name

Version Number

1.0 RTM


1.0 SP1


1.0 SP2


1.0 SP3


2.0 RTM


2.0 SP1


2.0 SP2


3.5 Beta 1


3.5 Beta 2





Knowing the version number of the .NET CF installed in your device is useful at development time because it helps you determine the exact version of the .NET CF installed on the target device/emulator.

As a developer, you can use either the C# or VB.NET language to write applications for the Windows Mobile platform. All the functionalities required by your applications can be satisfied by:

  • The class libraries in the .NET CF, and/or

  • APIs at the OS level via Platform Invoke (P/Invoke), and/or

  • Alternative third-party class libraries such as the OpenNetCF's Smart Device Extension (SDE)

You can determine the versions of the .NET Compact Framework currently installed on your Windows Mobile device by going to Start

Developing Windows Mobile Applications Using the .NET Compact Framework

Figure 18-4 shows the version of the .NET CF installed on a Windows Mobile emulator (more on this later).

Figure 18-4

Figure 18.4. Figure 18-4

Windows Mobile 5.0 devices comes with the .NET CF 1.0 preinstalled in ROM, whereas the newer Windows Mobile 6 devices come with the .NET CF 2.0 preinstalled in ROM. If your application uses the newer .NET CF v3.5, you will need to install it onto the device before applications based on it can execute.

Obtaining the Appropriate SDKs and Tools

To develop Windows Mobile applications using the .NET CF, you need to download the SDK for each platform. Here are the SDKs you need:

  • Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for Pocket PC

  • Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for Smartphone

  • Windows Mobile 6 Professional and Standard Software Development Kits Refresh

You can download the SDKs from Microsoft's web site ( at no cost. The best tool to develop Windows Mobile applications using the .NET CF is to use the Visual Studio IDE, using Visual Studio 2005 Professional or above.

If you are using Visual Studio 2005, you need to download the Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK for Pocket PC and Smartphone (as described earlier). If you are using Visual Studio 2008, the Windows Mobile 5.0 SDKs for Pocket PC and Smartphone are already installed by default. For both versions, you need to download the Windows Mobile 6 SDKs to develop applications for Windows Mobile 6 devices.

With the relevant SDKs installed, the first step toward Windows Mobile development is to launch Visual Studio 2008 and create a new project. Select the Smart Device project type, and then select the Smart Device Project template (see Figure 18-5).

Figure 18-5

Figure 18.5. Figure 18-5

The Add New Smart Device Project dialog opens. You can select the target platform as well as the version of the .NET CF you want to use (see Figure 18-6).

Figure 18-6

Figure 18.6. Figure 18-6

You are now ready to start developing for Windows Mobile. Figure 18-7 shows the design view of a Windows Mobile Form in Visual Studio 2008 designer.

Figure 18-7

Figure 18.7. Figure 18-7

Building the RSS Reader Application

With the recent introduction of the Windows Mobile 6 platforms, we are now beginning to see a proliferation of new devices supporting Windows Mobile 6 Standard (aka Smartphone). As Windows Mobile 6 Standard devices do not have touch screens, they pose certain challenges when developing applications to run on them. Hence, in this section you will learn how to develop a Windows Mobile 6 Standard application that allows users to subscribe to RSS feeds.

The RSS Reader application has the following capabilities:

  • Can subscribe to RSS feeds as well as unsubscribe from feeds

  • Can cache the feeds as XML files on the device so that if the device goes offline the feeds are still available

  • Uses a web browser to view the content of a post

Building the User Interface

To get started, launch Visual Studio 2008 and create a new Windows Mobile 6 Standard application using .NET CF 3.5. Name the application RSSReader.

Don't forget to download the free Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK ( You need it to create the application detailed in this chapter.

The default Form1 uses the standard form factor of 176x180 pixels. As this application is targeted at users with wide-screen devices, change the FormFactor property of Form1 to Windows Mobile 6 Landscape QVGA.

Populate the default Form1 with the following controls (see also Figure 18-8):

  • One TreeView control

  • Four MenuItem controls

Figure 18-8

Figure 18.8. Figure 18-8

Add an ImageList control to Form1 and add three images to its Images property (see Figure 18-9).

You can download the images from this book's source code at its Wrox web site.

Figure 18-9

Figure 18.9. Figure 18-9

These images will be used by the TreeView control to display its content when the tree is expanded or closed. Hence, associate the ImageList control to the TreeView control by setting the ImageList property of the TreeView control to ImageList1.

Add a new Windows Form to the project, and populate it with a WebBrowser and MenuItem control (see Figure 18-10). The WebBrowser control will be used to view the content of a posting.

Figure 18-10

Figure 18.10. Figure 18-10

Set the Modifiers property of the WebBrowser control to Internal so that the control is accessible from other forms. Specifically, you want to set the content of the control from within Form1.

Switch to the code behind of Form1, and import the following namespaces:

using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

Declare the following constants and variable:

namespace RSSReader
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        //---constants for icons---
        const int ICO_OPEN = 0;
        const int ICO_CLOSE = 1;
        const int ICO_POST = 2;

        //---file containing the list of subscribed feeds---
        string feedsList = @"Feeds.txt";

        //---app's current path---
        string appPath = string.Empty;

        //---the last URL entered (subscribe)---
        string lastURLEntered = string.Empty;

        //---used for displaying a wait message panel---
        Panel displayPanel;

        //---for displaying individual post---
        Form2 frm2 = new Form2();

Creating the Helper Methods

When RSS feeds are being downloaded, you want to display a message on the screen to notify the user that the application is downloading the feed (see Figure 18-11).

Figure 18-11

Figure 18.11. Figure 18-11

For this purpose, you can improvise with the aid of the Panel and Label controls. Define the CreatePanel() function so that you can dynamically create the message panel using a couple of Panel controls and a Label control:

//---create a Panel control to display a message---
        private Panel CreatePanel(string str)
            //---background panel---
            Panel panel1 = new Panel()
                BackColor = Color.Black,
                Location = new Point(52, 13),
                Size = new Size(219, 67),
                Visible = false,

            //---foreground panel---
            Panel panel2 = new Panel()
                BackColor = Color.LightYellow,
                Location = new Point(3, 3),
                Size = new Size(panel1.Size.Width - 6, panel1.Size.Height - 6)

            //---add the label to display text---
            Label label = new Label()
                Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 12, FontStyle.Bold),
                TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter,
                Location = new Point(3, 3),
                Size = new Size(panel2.Size.Width - 6, panel2.Size.Height - 6),
                Text = str

            //---adds the label to Panel2---

            //---adds the Panel2 to Panel1---
            return panel1;

For simplicity, you are hardcoding the location of panel1 (assuming that this application is running on a wide-screen device). Figure 18-12 shows the various controls forming the display panel.

Figure 18-12

Figure 18.12. Figure 18-12

Next, define the IsConnected() function to test whether the user is connected to the Internet:

//---check if you are connected to the Internet---
        private bool IsConnected()
                string hostName = Dns.GetHostName();
                IPHostEntry curhost = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName);
                return (curhost.AddressList[0].ToString() !=
            catch (Exception)
                return false;

Dns is a static class that provides simple domain name resolution. The GetHostName() method gets the host name of the local computer, which is then passed to the GetHostEntry() method of the Dns class to obtain an IPHostEntry object. IPHostEntry is a container class for Internet host address information. Using this object, you can access its AddressList property to obtain the list of IP addresses associated with it. If the first member of the AddressList property array is not the loopback address (; represented by IPAddress.Loopback), it is assumed that there is Internet connectivity.

Next, define the DownloadFeed() function, which takes in the URL for the feed you want to download and a title argument (to return the title of the feed). Each post title and its corresponding description is appended to a string and returned to the calling function:

//---download feed and extract Title and Description for each post---
        private string DownloadFeed(string feedURL, ref string title)
            XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();

            //---always load from storage first---
            string FileName =
                appPath + @"" + RemoveSpecialChars(feedURL) + ".xml";

            if (File.Exists(FileName))
                //---check if there is network connectivity---
                if (IsConnected())
                    WebRequest ftpReq = null;
                    WebResponse ftpResp = null;
                    Stream ftpRespStream = null;
                    StreamReader reader = null;
                    bool getRSSFeedFailed = false;
                        //---download the RSS document---
                        ftpReq = WebRequest.Create(feedURL);
                        ftpResp = ftpReq.GetResponse();
                        ftpRespStream = ftpResp.GetResponseStream();
                        reader = new StreamReader(ftpRespStream,

                        //---load the RSS document into an XMLDocument object---

                        //---save a local copy of the feed document---
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        getRSSFeedFailed = true;
                        if (ftpRespStream != null)
                        if (ftpResp != null) ftpResp.Close();
                    if (getRSSFeedFailed) return String.Empty;
                    return String.Empty;

            //---get the title of the feed---
            XmlNode titleNode = xml.SelectSingleNode(@"rss/channel/title");
            title = titleNode.InnerText;

            //---select all <rss><channel><item> elements---
            XmlNodeList nodes = xml.SelectNodes("rss/channel/item");

            string result = String.Empty;
            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                //---select each post's <title> and <description> elements---
                result += node.SelectSingleNode("title").InnerText + ((char)3);
                result += node.SelectSingleNode("description").InnerText +
            return result;

To download the RSS feed XML documents, you use the WebRequest and WebResponse classes. The document is then read using a StreamReader object and loaded into an XmlDocument object. Each post title and its description are separated by the ASCII character 3, and each posting is separated by the ASCII character 12, like this:


Notice that after the XML feed for an URL is downloaded, it is saved onto storage. This ensures that the application continues to work in offline mode (when user disconnects from the Internet). The URL of the feed is used as the filename, minus all the special characters within the URL, with the .xml extension appended. For example, if the feed URL is, then the filename would be httpwwwwroxcomWileyCDAfeedRSSWROXALLNEWxml.xml. To strip off all the special characters in the URL, define the RemoveSpecialChars() function as follows:

//---removes special chars from an URL string---
        private string RemoveSpecialChars(string str)
            string NewString = String.Empty;
            Regex reg = new Regex("[A-Z]|[a-z]");

            MatchCollection coll = reg.Matches(str);
            for (int i = 0; i <= coll.Count - 1; i++)
                NewString = NewString + coll[i].Value;

            return NewString;

You use the Regex (regular expression) class to extract all the alphabets from the URL and append them into a string, which will be returned to the calling function to use as a filename.

Next, define the SubscribeFeed() function to subscribe to a feed, and then add each post to the TreeView control (see Figure 18-13):

//---returns true if subscription is successful---
        private bool SubscribeFeed(string URL)
            bool succeed = false;
                //---display the wait message panel---
                if (displayPanel == null)
                    displayPanel = CreatePanel("Downloading feed...Please wait.");
                    displayPanel.Visible = true;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                    //---update the UI---

                //---download feed---
                string title = String.Empty;
                string[] posts = DownloadFeed(URL, ref title).Split((char)12);
                if (posts.Length > 0 && posts[0] != String.Empty)
                    //---always add to the root node---
                    TreeNode FeedTitleNode = new TreeNode()
                        Text = title,
                        Tag = URL,  //---stores the Feed URL---
                        ImageIndex = ICO_CLOSE,
                        SelectedImageIndex = ICO_OPEN

                    //---add the feed title---

                    //---add individual elements (posts)---
                    for (int i = 0; i <= posts.Length - 2; i++)
                        //---extract each post as "title:description"---
                        string[] str = posts[i].Split((char)3);

                        TreeNode PostNode = new TreeNode()
                            Text = str[0], //---title---
                            Tag = str[1],  //---description---
                            ImageIndex = ICO_POST,
                            SelectedImageIndex = ICO_POST

                        //---add the posts to the tree---
                            [TreeView1.Nodes[0].Nodes.Count - 1].
                    //---subscription is successful---
                    succeed = true;

                    //---highlight the new feed and expand its post---
                    TreeView1.SelectedNode = FeedTitleNode;
                    succeed = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
//---subscription is not successful---
                succeed = false;
                //---clears the panel and cursor---
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                displayPanel.Visible = false;

                //---update the UI---
            return succeed;
Figure 18-13

Figure 18.13. Figure 18-13

For each TreeView node representing a feed title (such as Wrox: All New Titles), the Text property is set to the feed's title and its URL is stored in the Tag property of the node. For each node representing a posting (.NET Domain-Driven Design and so forth), the Text property is set to the posting's title and its description is stored in the Tag property.

Wiring All the Event Handlers

With the helper functions defined, let's wire up all the event handlers for the various controls. First, code the Form1_Load event handler as follows:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //---find out the app's path---
            appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(

            //---set the feed list to be stored in the app's folder---
            feedsList = appPath + feedsList;

                //---create the root node---
TreeNode node = new TreeNode()
                    ImageIndex = ICO_CLOSE,
                    SelectedImageIndex = ICO_OPEN,
                    Text = "Subscribed Feeds"

                //---add the node to the tree---
                TreeView1.SelectedNode = node;
            catch (Exception ex)

                //---load all subscribed feeds---
                if (File.Exists(feedsList))
                    TextReader textreader = File.OpenText(feedsList);

                    //---read URLs of all the subscribed feeds---
                    string[] feeds = textreader.ReadToEnd().Split('|'),

                    //---add all the feeds to the tree---
                    for (int i = 0; i <= feeds.Length - 2; i++)
                    //---pre-subscribe to a few feed(s)---
            catch (Exception ex)

When the form is first loaded, you have to create a root node for the TreeView control and load all the existing feeds. All subscribed feeds are saved in a plain text file (Feeds.txt), in the following format:

Feed URL|Feed URL|Feed URL|

An example is:||

If there are no existing feeds (that is, if Feeds.txt does not exist), subscribe to at least one feed.

In the Click event handler of the Subscribe MenuItem control, prompt the user to input a feed's URL, and then subscribe to the feed. If the subscription is successful, save the feed URL to file:

private void mnuSubscribe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsConnected())
                MessageBox.Show("You are not connected to the Internet.");

            //---add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll---
            string URL = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox(
                "Please enter the feed URL", "Feed URL", lastURLEntered, 0, 0);

            if (URL != String.Empty)
                lastURLEntered = URL;

                //---if feed is subscribed successfully---
                if (SubscribeFeed(URL))
                    //---save in feed list---
                    TextWriter textwriter = File.AppendText(feedsList);
                    textwriter.Write(URL + "|");
                    MessageBox.Show("Feed not subscribed. " +
                    "Please check that you have entered " +
                    "the correct URL and that you have " +
                    "Internet access.");

C# does not include the InputBox() function that is available in VB.NET to get user's input (see Figure 18-14). Hence, it is a good idea to add a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll library and use it as shown in the preceding code.

Figure 18-14

Figure 18.14. Figure 18-14

Whenever a node in the TreeView control is selected, you should perform a check to see if it is a posting node and enable/disable the MenuItem controls appropriately (see Figure 18-15):

//---fired after a node in the TreeView control is selected---
        private void TreeView1_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            //---if a feed node is selected---
            if (e.Node.ImageIndex != ICO_POST && e.Node.Parent != null)
                mnuUnsubscribe.Enabled = true;
                mnuRefreshFeed.Enabled = true;
            {  //---if a post node is selected---
                mnuUnsubscribe.Enabled = false;
                mnuRefreshFeed.Enabled = false;
Figure 18-15

Figure 18.15. Figure 18-15

When the user selects a post using the Select button on the navigation pad, Form2 containing the WebBrowser control is loaded and its content set accordingly (see Figure 18-16). This is handled by the KeyDown event handler of the TreeView control:

//---fired when a node in the TreeView is selected
        // and the Enter key pressed---
        private void TreeView1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            TreeNode node = TreeView1.SelectedNode;
            //---if the Enter key was pressed---
            if (e.KeyCode == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Enter)
                //---if this is a post node---
                if (node.ImageIndex == ICO_POST)
                    //---set the title of Form2 to title of post---
                    frm2.Text = node.Text;

                    //---modifier for webBrowser1 in Form2 must be set to
                    // Internal---
                    //---set the webbrowser control to display the post content---
                    frm2.webBrowser1.DocumentText = node.Tag.ToString();

                    //---show Form2---
Figure 18-16

Figure 18.16. Figure 18-16

To unsubscribe a feed, you remove the feed's URL from the text file and then remove the feed node from the TreeView control. This is handled by the Unsubscribe MenuItem control:

//---Unsubscribe a feed---
        private void mnuUnsubscribe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //---get the node to unsubscribe---
            TreeNode CurrentSelectedNode = TreeView1.SelectedNode;

            //---confirm the deletion with the user---
            DialogResult result =
               MessageBox.Show("Remove " + CurrentSelectedNode.Text + "?",
               "Unsubscribe", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,

                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    //---URL To unsubscribe---
                    string urlToUnsubscribe = CurrentSelectedNode.Tag.ToString();

                    //---load all the feeds from feeds list---
                    TextReader textreader = File.OpenText(feedsList);
                    string[] feeds = textreader.ReadToEnd().Split('|'),

                    //---rewrite the feeds list omitting the one to be
                    // unsubscribed---
                    TextWriter textwriter = File.CreateText(feedsList);
                    for (int i = 0; i <= feeds.Length - 2; i++)
                        if (feeds[i] != urlToUnsubscribe)
                            textwriter.Write(feeds[i] + "|");

                    //---remove the node from the TreeView control---
                    MessageBox.Show("Feed unsubscribed!");
            catch (Exception ex)

When the user needs to refresh a feed, first make a backup copy of the feed XML document and proceed to subscribe to the same feed again. If the subscription is successful, remove the node containing the old feed. If the subscription is not successful (for example, when a device is disconnected from the Internet), restore the backup feed XML document. This is handled by the Refresh Feed MenuItem control:

//---refresh the current feed---
        private void mnuRefreshFeed_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //---if no Internet connectivity---
            if (!IsConnected())
                MessageBox.Show("You are not connected to the Internet.");

            //---get the node to be refreshed---
            TreeNode CurrentSelectedNode = TreeView1.SelectedNode;
            string url = CurrentSelectedNode.Tag.ToString();

            //---get the filename of the feed---
            string FileName =
               appPath + @"" + RemoveSpecialChars(url) + ".xml";

                //---make a backup copy of the current feed---
                File.Copy(FileName, FileName + "_Copy", true);

                //---delete feed from local storage---

                //---load the same feed again---
                if (SubscribeFeed(url))
                    //---remove the node to be refreshed---
                else //---the subscription(refresh) failed---
                    //---restore the deleted feed file---
                    File.Copy(FileName + "_Copy", FileName, true);
                    MessageBox.Show("Refresh not successful. Please try again.");

                //---delete the backup file---
                File.Delete(FileName + "_Copy");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Refresh failed (" + ex.Message + ")");

In the Click event handler for the Collapse All Feeds MenuItem control, use the CollapseAll() method from the TreeView control to collapse all the nodes:

private void mnuCollapseAllFeeds_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Finally, code the Click event handler in the Back MenuItem control in Form2 as follows:

private void mnuBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

That's it! You are now ready to test the application.

Testing Using Emulators

The SDKs for the various platforms include various emulators for you to test your Windows Mobile applications without needing to use a real device. For example, if your project is targeting the Windows Mobile 6 platform, you would see a list of emulators available for your testing (see Figure 18-17).

Figure 18-17

Figure 18.17. Figure 18-17

Once you have selected an emulator to use, click the Connect to Device button to launch it. To test your application, cradle the emulator to ActiveSync first so that you have Internet connectivity on the emulator. To cradle the emulator to ActiveSync, select Tools

Figure 18-17
Figure 18-18

Figure 18.18. Figure 18-18

Now press F5 in Visual Studio 2008 to deploy the application onto the emulator for testing.

Testing Using Real Devices

While most of the testing can be performed on the emulators, it is always helpful to use a real device to fully test your application. For example, you will find out the true usability of your application when users have to type using the small keypad on the phone (versus typing using a keyboard when testing on an emulator). For this purpose, you can test your application on some of the devices running the Windows Mobile 6 Standard platform, such as the Samsung Black II (see Figure 18-19).

Figure 18-19

Figure 18.19. Figure 18-19

Testing your Windows Mobile application on real devices could not be easier. All you need is to:

  1. Connect your device to your development machine using ActiveSync.

  2. Select Windows Mobile 6 Standard Device (see Figure 18-20) in Visual Studio 2008.

    Figure 18-20

    Figure 18.20. Figure 18-20

  3. Press F5.

The application is now deployed onto the device.

Deploying the Application

Once the testing and debugging process is over, you need to package the application nicely so that you have a way to get it installed on your users' devices.

The following sections show how to create a CAB (cabinet) file — a library of compressed files stored as a single file — so that you can easily distribute your application. Subsequent sections explain how to create an MSI (Microsoft Installer) file to automate the installation process.

Creating a CAB File

An easy way to package your Windows Mobile application is to create a CAB file so that you can transfer it onto the end user's device (using emails, web browser, memory card, and so on). The following steps show you how:

  1. Add a new project to the current solution in Visual Studio 2008 (see Figure 18-21).

    Figure 18-21

    Figure 18.21. Figure 18-21

  2. Choose the Setup and Deployment project type, and select the Smart Device CAB Project template (see Figure 18-22). Use the default name of SmartDeviceCab1, and click OK.

    Figure 18-22

    Figure 18.22. Figure 18-22

  3. In the File System tab, right-click on Application Folder, and select Add

    Figure 18-22
    Figure 18-23

    Figure 18.23. Figure 18-23

  4. Select the RSSReader project, and click Primary output (see Figure 18-24). Click OK. This adds the output of the RSSReader project (which is your executable application) to the current project.

    Figure 18-24

    Figure 18.24. Figure 18-24

  5. Right-click on the output item shown on the right-side of the File System tab, and create a shortcut to it (see Figure 18-25). Name the shortcut RSSReader.

    Figure 18-25

    Figure 18.25. Figure 18-25

  6. Right-click the File System on Target Machine item, and select Add Special Folder

    Figure 18-25
    Figure 18-26

    Figure 18.26. Figure 18-26

  7. Drag and drop the RSSReader shortcut onto the newly added Start Menu Folder (see Figure 18-27). This ensures that when the CAB file is installed on the device, a shortcut named RSS Reader appears in the Start menu.

    Figure 18-27

    Figure 18.27. Figure 18-27

  8. Right-click on the SmartDeviceCab1 project name in Solution Explorer, and select Properties. Change the Configuration from Debug to Release. Also, name the output file (see Figure 18-28).

    Figure 18-28

    Figure 18.28. Figure 18-28

  9. In Visual Studio 2008, change the configuration from Debug to Release (see Figure 18-29).

    Figure 18-29

    Figure 18.29. Figure 18-29

  10. Finally, set the properties of the SmartDeviceCab1 project as shown in the following table (see Figure 18-30).




Developer Learning Solutions


RSS Reader v1.0

Figure 18-30

Figure 18.30. Figure 18-30

That's it! Right-click on the SmartDeviceCab1 project name in Solution Explorer and select Build. You can find the CAB file located in the Release folder of the SmartDeviceCab1 project (see Figure 18-31).

Figure 18-31

Figure 18.31. Figure 18-31

Now you can distribute the CAB file to your customers using various media such as FTP, web hosting, email, and so on. When the user clicks on the RSSReader CAB file in File Explorer (on the device; see Figure 18-32), the application will ask if he wants to install it onto the device, or onto the storage card (if available).

Figure 18-32

Figure 18.32. Figure 18-32

When the application is installed, the RSS Reader shortcut is in the Start menu (see Figure 18-33).

Figure 18-33

Figure 18.33. Figure 18-33

Creating a Setup Application

Although you can deploy CAB files directly to your users, you might want to use a more user-friendly way using the traditional setup application that most Windows users are familiar with — users simply connect their devices to their computers and then run a setup application, which then installs the application automatically on their devices through ActiveSync.

Creating a setup application for a Windows Mobile application is more involved than for a conventional Windows application because you have to activate ActiveSync to install it. Figure 18-34 shows the steps in the installation process.

Figure 18-34

Figure 18.34. Figure 18-34

First, the application containing the CAB files (and other relevant files) must be installed on the user's computer. Then ActiveSync needs to install the application onto the user's device.

The following sections detail how to create an MSI file to install the application onto the user's computer and then onto the device.

Creating the Custom Installer

The first component you will build is the custom installer that will invoke ActiveSync to install the application onto the user's device. For this, you will use a Class Library project.

Add a new project to your current solution by going to File

Creating the Custom Installer
Figure 18-35

Figure 18.35. Figure 18-35

Delete the default Class1.cs file and add a new item to the project. In the Add New Item dialog, select the Installer Class template, and name the file RSSReaderInstaller.cs (see Figure 18-36).

Figure 18-36

Figure 18.36. Figure 18-36

Add two references to the project: System.Configuration.Install and System.Windows.Forms (see Figure 18-37).

Figure 18-37

Figure 18.37. Figure 18-37

Switch to the code view of the RSSReaderInstaller.cs file and import the following namespaces:

using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Forms;

Within the RSSReaderInstaller class, define the INI_FILE constant. This constant holds the name of the .ini file that will be used by ActiveSync for installing the CAB file onto the target device.

namespace RSSReaderInstaller
    public partial class RSSReaderInstaller : Installer
        const string INI_FILE = @"setup.ini";

In the constructor of the RSSReaderInstaller class, wire the AfterInstall and Uninstall events to their corresponding event handlers:

public RSSReaderInstaller()

            this.AfterInstall += new
            this.AfterUninstall += new

        void RSSReaderInstaller_AfterInstall(object sender, InstallEventArgs e)

        void RSSReaderInstaller_AfterUninstall(object sender, InstallEventArgs e)

The AfterInstall event is fired when the application (CAB file) has been installed onto the user's computer. Similarly, the AfterUninstall event fires when the application has been uninstalled from the user's computer.

When the application is installed on the user's computer, you use Windows CE Application Manager (CEAPPMGR.EXE) to install the application onto the user's device.

The Windows CE Application Manager is installed automatically when you install ActiveSync on your computer.

To locate the Windows CE Application Manager, define the following function named GetWindowsCeApplicationManager():

private string GetWindowsCeApplicationManager()
            //---check if the Windows CE Application Manager is installed---
            string ceAppPath = KeyExists();
            if (ceAppPath == String.Empty)
                MessageBox.Show("Windows CE App Manager not installed",
                "Setup", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                return String.Empty;
                return ceAppPath;

This function locates the Windows CE Application Manager by checking the registry of the computer using the KeyExists() function, which is defined as follows:

private string KeyExists()
            //---get the path to the Windows CE App Manager from the registry---
            RegistryKey key =
              @"SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp PathsCEAPPMGR.EXE");
            if (key == null)
                return String.Empty;
                return key.GetValue(String.Empty, String.Empty).ToString();

The location of the Windows CE Application Manager can be obtained via the registry key: "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp PathsCEAPPMGR.EXE", so querying the value of this key provides the location of this application.

The next function to define is GetIniPath(), which returns the location of the .ini file that is needed by the Windows CE Application Manager:

private string GetIniPath()
            //---get the path of the .ini file---
            return """ +
               GetExecutingAssembly().Location), INI_FILE) + """;

By default, the .ini file is saved in the same location as the application (you will learn how to accomplish this in the next section). The GetIniPath() function uses reflection to find the location of the custom installer, and then return the path of the .ini file as a string, enclosed by a pair of double quotation marks (the Windows CE Application requires the path of the .ini file to be enclosed by a pair of double quotation marks).

Finally, you can now code the AfterInstall event handler, like this:

void RSSReaderInstaller_AfterInstall(object sender, InstallEventArgs e)
            //---to be executed when the application is installed---
            string ceAppPath = GetWindowsCeApplicationManager();
            if (ceAppPath == String.Empty)
            Process.Start(ceAppPath, GetIniPath());

Here, you get the location of the Windows CE Application Manager and then use the Process.Start() method to invoke the Windows CE Application Manager, passing it the path of the .ini file.

Likewise, when the application has been uninstalled, you simply invoke the Windows CE Application Manager and let the user choose the application to remove from the device. This is done in the AfterUninstall event handler:

void RSSReaderInstaller_AfterUninstall(object sender, InstallEventArgs e)
            //---to be executed when the application is uninstalled---
            string ceAppPath = GetWindowsCeApplicationManager();
            if (ceAppPath == String.Empty)
            Process.Start(ceAppPath, String.Empty);

The last step in this section is to add the setup.ini file that the Windows CE Application Manager needs to install the application onto the device. Add a text file to the project and name it setup.ini. Populate the file with the following:

Version      = 1.0
Component    = RSSReader

Description  = RSSReader Application
Uninstall    = RSSReader
CabFiles     =

For more information about the various components in an .ini file, refer to the documentation at

To build the project, right-click on RSSReaderInstaller in Solution Explorer and select Build.

Set the SmartDeviceCab1 project's properties as shown in the following table.




Developer Learning Solutions


RSS Reader v1.0

Creating a MSI File

You can now create the MSI installer to install the application onto the user's computer and then invoke the custom installer built in the previous section to instruct the Windows CE Application Manager to install the application onto the device.

Using the same solution, add a new Setup Project (see Figure 18-38). Name the project RSSReaderSetup.

Figure 18-38

Figure 18.38. Figure 18-38

Using the newly created project, you can now add the various components and files that you have been building in the past few sections. Right-click on the RSSReaderSetup project in Solution Explorer, and select Add

Figure 18-38
Figure 18-39

Figure 18.39. Figure 18-39

Add the following files (see Figure 18-40):

  • SmartDeviceCab1ReleaseRSSReader.CAB

  • RSSReaderInstallerinReleaseRSSReaderInstaller.dll

  • RSSReaderInstallersetup.ini

Figure 18-40

Figure 18.40. Figure 18-40

These three files will be copied to the user's computer during the installation.

The next step is to configure the MSI installer to perform some custom actions during the installation stage. Right-click the RSSReaderSetup project in Solution Explorer, and select View

Figure 18-40
Figure 18-41

Figure 18.41. Figure 18-41

The Custom Actions tab displays. Right-click on Custom Actions, and select Add Custom Action (see Figure 18-42).

Figure 18-42

Figure 18.42. Figure 18-42

Select Application Folder, select the RSSReaderInstall.dll file (see Figure 18-43), and click OK.

Figure 18-43

Figure 18.43. Figure 18-43

The Custom Actions tab should now look like Figure 18-44.

Figure 18-44

Figure 18.44. Figure 18-44

Set the various properties of the RSSReaderSetup project as shown in the following table (see Figure 18-45).




Wei-Meng Lee


Developer Learning Solutions



Figure 18-45

Figure 18.45. Figure 18-45

The last step is to build the project. Right-click on the RSSReaderSetup project in Solution Explorer, and select Build.

The MSI installer is now in the Release subfolder of the folder containing the RSSReaderSetup project (see Figure 18-46).

Figure 18-46

Figure 18.46. Figure 18-46

Testing the Setup

To test the MSI installer, ensure that your emulator (or real device) is connected to ActiveSync. Double-click the RSSReaderSeup.msi application, and the installation process begins (see Figure 18-47).

Figure 18-47

Figure 18.47. Figure 18-47

Follow the instructions on the dialog. At the end, an Application Downloading Complete message displays(see Figure 18-48).

Figure 18-48

Figure 18.48. Figure 18-48

Check your emulator (or real device) to verify that the application is successfully installed (see Figure 18-49).

Figure 18-49

Figure 18.49. Figure 18-49

To uninstall the application, double-click the RSSReaderSeup.msi application again. This time, you see the dialog shown in Figure 18-50.

Figure 18-50

Figure 18.50. Figure 18-50

If you choose to remove the application, the Windows CE Application Manager displays the list of programs that you have installed through ActiveSync (see Figure 18-51). To uninstall the RSS Reader application, uncheck the application and click OK. The application is removed.

Figure 18-51

Figure 18.51. Figure 18-51

Installing the Prerequisites — .NET Compact Framework 3.5

One problem you will likely face when deploying your application to real devices is that the target device does not have the required version of the .NET Compact Framework (version 3.5 is needed). Hence, you need to ensure that the user has a means to install the right version of the .NET Compact Framework. There are two ways of doing this:

  • Distribute a copy of the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 Redistributable to your client. You can download a copy from Users can install the .NET Compact Framework before or after installing your application. This is the easiest approach, but requires the user to perform the extra step of installing the .NET Compact Framework.

  • Programmatically install the .NET Compact Framework during installation, using the custom installer. Earlier, you saw how you can invoke the Windows CE Application Manager from within the custom installer class by using the .ini file. In this case, you simply need to create another .ini file, this time to install the CAB file containing the .NET Compact Framework. The various CAB files for the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 can be found on your local drive in the following directory: C:Program FilesMicrosoft.NETSDKCompactFrameworkv3.5WindowsCE. Figure 18-52 shows the various CAB files for each processor type (ARM, MIPS, SH4, X86, and so on). To install the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 on Windows Mobile 6 Standard devices, you just need to add the file to the RSSReaderInstaller project, together with its associated .ini file.

Figure 18-52

Figure 18.52. Figure 18-52


This chapter explored developing applications for the Windows Mobile 6 platform, using the .NET Compact Framework. Using that framework, you can leverage your familiarity with the .NET Framework to develop compelling mobile applications. The RSS application is an example of a useful application that you can use on a daily basis. The chapter also explained how to package an application into a CAB file and then into a MSI package so that you can distribute it to your users easily.

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