

8.3 filenames, 273

32-bit architecture, 128

64-bit architecture, 128


AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting), 199


definition of, 304

technologies, 37

as virtualization technique, 102

access model (cloud computing as), 12

access tier (three-tier design), 306


block storage, 233

ATA, 234-235

SCSI, 235-237

files, 269-270

remote files. See distributed file systems

ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure), 382

APIC in, 391

fabric management, 392-394

integration methods, 394-395

visibility, 395-396

architecture, 383-385

benefits of EPGs, 388-389

Cisco Nexus 9000 series switches, 475

contracts, 389-391

data plane, 396-397

integration with VM managers, 398

licensing, 478

policy model, 385-388

UCS versus, 451

ACI mode, 475

activating practice exam, 518

Active Directory, 284

Adapter FEX (Adapter Fabric Extender), 434

adapter policy (UCS), 442

Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv), 181, 197-199, 486-487

ADC contexts, 211

ADCs (application delivery controllers), 203-204

address learning (FabricPath), 351-352

addresses (Fibre Channel), 239-241

adjacency servers, 333

admin VDCs, 313

Advanced Management Pod (AMP), 508

Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA), 234-235

AFP (Apple Filing Protocol), 293

aggregation blocks, 306

aggregation groups, 232

aggregation tier (three-tier design), 306

Agile model (software development), 25

allocating resources (VDCs), 312-313


Simple Storage Service (S3), 298

Web Services (AWS)

example (IaaS), 39-42

history of cloud computing, 11

AMP (Advanced Management Pod), 508

Android, 124

anycast gateways, 359

Anything as a Service (XaaS), 52-53

AO (application optimization), 207

APIC in ACI fabric, 391

fabric management, 392-394

integration methods, 394-395

visibility, 395-396

APIs (application programming interfaces)

benefits of, 105

CLI (command-line interface) versus, 106-111

definition of, 105

RESTful APIs, 111-115


Filing Protocol (AFP), 293

iOS, 124

Mac OS, 124

AppleTalk, 293

appliances, 511

Application Centric Infrastructure. See ACI

application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) firmware, 373

Application Virtual Switch (AVS), 398


containers as isolation design, 45

delivery controllers (ADCs), 203-204

hosting, 373

inspection, 199

isolation, 210

legacy support, 126

optimization (AO), 207

profiles (ACI), 386

programming interfaces. See APIs

service providers (ASPs), 32

arbitrated loop topology, 239


ACI, 383-385

cloud computing architecture

cloud meter, 97-99

cloud orchestrator, 94-97

cloud portal, 90-94

components of, 89-90

ICF (Cisco Intercloud Fabric), 74-76

UCS, 418-419

x86 microarchitecture, 411-414

ARPANET, 10, 20

ASAv (Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance), 181, 197-199, 486-487

ASDM (Adaptive Security Device Manager), 199

ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) firmware, 373

ASPs (application service providers), 32

ASR 1000 routers as VXLAN gateways, 181

ASR 9000 routers as VXLAN gateways, 181

ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment), 234-235

ATAPI (ATA Packet Interface), 237

atomic inheritance, 164

authentication, 293

Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA), 199

automated networks, 370-371

automation phase (cloud implementation), 103-104

auxiliary memory, 224

availability, 304

availability zones (IaaS), 38-39

AVS (Application Virtual Switch), 398

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

example (IaaS), 39-42

history of cloud computing, 11


B-Series blade servers, 482

B-Series servers (UCS), 426-429

BaaS (Backup as a Service), 53

back-end disk array connections, 230

backbone cabling, 320

backup interfaces, 336

bandwidth starvation, 206

Barbican, 116

bare-metal hypervisors, 130

basic ATA command set, 234

BB_Credits (Buffer-to-Buffer Credits), 241

big data, 71

BIOS (basic input/output system), 413

BIOS policy (UCS), 442

blade chassis, 414

Blade Server Chassis (UCS 5100 series), 481

blade servers

Cisco UCS B-Series, 482

definition of, 414

provisioning, 416

UCS B-Series servers, 426-429

block storage. See also storage

accessing, 233

ATA, 234-235

SCSI, 235-237

cloud computing, 258

Block Storage as a Service, 259-260

infrastructure, 258-259

file storage versus, 270-271

HDDs (hard disk drives), 225

types of, 224

Block Storage as a Service, 259-260


definition of, 226

in ext2-formatted volumes, 274


definition of, 274

types of, 275

boot partitions, 278

boot policy (UCS), 442

border leaves (ACI), 387

bridge domains, 308, 386

bridged interfaces (ACI), 387

bring your own device (BYOD), 71

broad network access, 20-21

Broadcast Alias service, 242

brownfield, 501

Buffer-to-Buffer Credits (BB_Credits), 241

bus (SCSI), 235

buses, 412

BYOD (bring your own device), 71


C-Series rack servers, 482-483

C-Series servers (UCS), 430-432

cabling structure, 320

EoR (end-of-row) designs, 321-322

Fabric Extenders, 322-326

horizontal cabling, 320

MoR (middle-of-row) designs, 321-322

ToR (top-of-rack) designs, 320-321


definition of, 225

of RAID groups, 231

CDBs (command descriptor blocks), 236

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol), 167

CEE (Converged Enhanced Ethernet), 338

central processing unit (CPU), 122, 411

Ceph, 298

chapter review tools, 520

chargeback, 97

chassis switches, 162

chattiness, 291

chipsets, 412

ChromeOS, 124

CIFS (Common Internet File System), 289

CIMC (Cisco Integrated Management Controller), 431-432

Cinder, 115, 259


ACI. See ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure)

Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM), 199

Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv), 181, 197-199, 486-487

Algo Boost, 468

Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000V, 181, 199-201, 487-488

Discovery Protocol (CDP), 167

Integrated Management Controller (CIMC), 431-432

Intercloud, 70-73

Intercloud Fabric (ICF), 73-74

architecture, 74-76

services, 76-82

use cases, 83

IOS, 124

Learning Network, 519

MDS 9000 series, 460-462

MDS 9148S, 460

MDS 9222i, 460

MDS 9250i, 460

MDS 9336S, 460

MDS 9700 series, 461

Metapod, 83

Nexus 1000V series switches, 161, 462-463

advanced features, 166-168

chassis switches versus, 162

components of, 161

as multi-hypervisor platform, 168-171

operational procedures, 163-164

port profiles, 164-166

standard VXLAN deployment, 177-179

Virtual Services Data Path (vPath), 192-193

as VXLAN gateways, 181

Nexus 1100 Cloud Services Platforms (CSPs), 463-464

Nexus 2000 series Fabric Extenders, 464-466

Nexus 3000 series switches, 466-469

Nexus 5000 series switches, 469-471

Nexus 7000 series switches, 471-474

Nexus 7700 Platform Switches, 472

Nexus 9000 series switches, 475-478

Nexus 9300 Platform Switches, 475

Nexus 9500 Platform Switches, 476-477

Nexus Data Center Switches, 462

Cisco Nexus 1000V series, 462-463

Cisco Nexus 1100 Cloud Services Platforms, 463-464

Cisco Nexus 2000 series Fabric Extenders, 464-466

Cisco Nexus 3000 series, 466-469

Cisco Nexus 5000 series, 469-471

Cisco Nexus 7000 series, 471-474

Cisco Nexus 9000 series, 475-478

Open SDN Controller, 380-381

Prime Data Center Network Manager (DCNM), 478-479

Prime Network Services Controller (PNSC), 193

Remote Integrated Services Engine (RISE), 217-218

Security Manager (CSM), 199


2200 series Fabric Extenders, 481

5100 series Blade Server Chassis, 481

6200 and 6300 series Fabric Interconnects, 480-481

B-Series blade servers, 482

C-Series rack servers, 482-483

Invicta, 483-484

M-Series modular servers, 484-485

Unified Computing System (UCS), 479-480

Blade Server Chassis, 481

B-Series blade servers, 482

C-Series rack servers, 482-483

Fabric Extenders, 481

Fabric Interconnects, 480-481

Invicta, 483-484

M-Series modular servers, 484-485

Validated Designs (CVDs), 503

Virtual Application Cloud Segmentation (VACS), 212-216

Virtual Security Gateway (VSG), 75, 193-197, 490

Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM), 193

Virtual Wide Area Application Services (vWAAS), 207-208, 489-490

WebEx example (SaaS), 51-52

Wide Area Application Services (WAAS), 206-207


NetScaler 1000V, 204-205, 488-489

XenServer, 129

classification of clouds, 22-24. See also deployment models; services, models

Clean Slate Program, 367

Cleese, John, 368

CLI (command-line interface)

API (application programming interface) versus, 106-111

definition of, 105

clock generators, 412


service profiles (UCS), 443

virtual machines, 141

cloud computing


cloud meter, 97-99

cloud orchestrator, 94-97

cloud portal, 90-94

components of, 89-90

block storage in, 258

Block Storage as a Service, 259-260

infrastructure, 258-259

brokers, 35, 52

bursting, 70


broad network access, 20-21

elasticity, 16-17

list of, 3, 12

measured service, 19-20

multi-tenancy, 21-22

on-demand self-service, 14-16

resource pooling, 17-19

classification of clouds, 22-24


CLI versus API, 106-111

list of, 105

RESTful APIs, 111-115

data center

network challenges, 366-367

role in, 12-14

definition of, 11-12

deployment models. See deployment models

file storage in

file hosting services, 294-295

infrastructure, 294

OpenStack Manila, 295-297

history of, 9-11

hype surrounding, 7-9

implementation (phases in), 99-100

automation, 103-104

consolidation, 100-101

orchestration, 104-105

standardization, 103

virtualization, 102

infrastructure, 90

meter, 97-99

orchestrator, 94-97

portal, 90-94

service models. See services, models

Service Router (CSR), 75

Service Router (CSR) 1000V, 181, 199-201, 487-488

services providers, 34-36

server virtualization and, 142

elasticity, 144

resource pooling, 143-144

self-service on demand, 142

software stack

cloud meter, 97-99

cloud orchestrator, 94-97

cloud portal, 90-94

definition of, 90

UCS and, 451-452

cloud-scale apps, 25

cluster software, 136

clusters, 133, 278

CMS (Conversational Monitor System), 126

collapsed-core topology, 249

colocation, 33

command descriptor blocks (CDBs), 236

command-line interface (CLI)

application programming interface (API) versus, 106-111

definition of, 105

Common Internet File System (CIFS), 289

communication methods

CLI versus API, 106-111

list of, 105

RESTful APIs, 111-115

community clouds, 67-69

compliance standards, 68

computation as a public utility, 10

compute firewalls, 193

computer service providers (CSPs), 33

configurable networks, 369-370

configuration files (VMs), 131

configuration management software, 373


FabricPath, 352-354

OTV, 332-334

Congress, 116

connectivity policy (virtual switches), 155-156

consolidation (data centers), 100-101

constraints (RESTful APIs), 111

containers, 144

contexts (ACI), 386

contracts (ACI), 386, 389-391

control planes

definition of, 375

separation from data planes, 375-381

Control Program (CP), 126

control risks (public clouds), 63-64

converged access model (I/O consolidation), 347-348

converged aggregation model (I/O consolidation), 348-349

Converged Enhanced Ethernet (CEE), 338

converged infrastructures. See integrated infrastructures

converged networks, 336. See also I/O consolidation

convergence, 315

conversational MAC learning, 351

Conversational Monitor System (CMS), 126

core-aggregation-access topology, 306

core-edge topology, 249

core tier (three-tier design), 306

cores, 411

cost model (service measurement), 97-99

cost risks (public clouds), 64-65

CP (Control Program), 126

CPU (central processing unit), 122, 411

credit-based flow control, 241

cross-switch PortChannels, 316

CSM (Cisco Security Manager), 199

CSPs (computer service providers), 33

CSR (Cisco Cloud Services Router) 1000V, 75, 181, 199-201, 487-488

custom virtual application container templates, 215

customer data handling, 34

CVDs (Cisco Validated Designs), 503

cylinders, 225


D-Pieces, 231

D-Stripes, 231

DaaS (Desktop as a Service), 53

DAS (direct-attached storage), 235

data center bridging (DCB), 338-341

Data Center Bridging Exchange Protocol (DCBX), 340

Data Center Ethernet (DCE), 338

data center interconnections (DCIs)

Layer 2 extension challenges, 327-328

technologies for, 328-329

data center networks

ACI, 382

APIC in, 391

architecture, 383-385

benefits of EPGs, 388-389

contracts, 389-391

data plane, 396-397

fabric management, 392-394

integration methods, 394-395

integration with VM managers, 398

policy model, 385-388

visibility, 395-396

attributes of, 304

cabling structure, 320

EoR (end-of-row) designs, 321-322

Fabric Extenders, 322-326

horizontal cabling, 320

MoR (middle-of-row) designs, 321-322

ToR (top-of-rack) designs, 320-321

cloud computing challenges, 366-367

consolidation, 100-101

DCNM, 478-479

definition of, 12

FabricPath, 349-351

configuring, 352-354

MAC address learning, 351-352

STP and, 354-356

I/O consolidation, 336-337

data center bridging, 338-341

deploying, 343-346

designs, 346-349

Fibre Channel over Ethernet, 341-343

Layer 2 extensions

challenges, 327-328

DCI technologies for, 328-329

OTV, 329-335

scenarios for, 326-327

modular data centers, 497

custom PODs versus integrated infrastructures, 501-503

pool of devices (POD), 497-501

OpenStack Neutron, 399-403

physical components, 13

role in cloud computing, 12-14


challenges of, 382-383

definition of, 367-369

separation of control and data planes, 375-381

software-based virtual overlays, 381-382

spine-leaf topologies, 356-358

switches (Cisco Nexus switches), 462

Cisco Nexus 1000V series, 462-463

Cisco Nexus 1100 Cloud Services Platforms, 463-464

Cisco Nexus 2000 series Fabric Extenders, 464-466

Cisco Nexus 3000 series, 466-469

Cisco Nexus 5000 series, 469-471

Cisco Nexus 7000 series, 471-474

Cisco Nexus 9000 series, 475-478

three-tier design, 305-307, 319

Unified Fabric. See Unified Fabric


benefits, 309-310

creating, 310-311

definition of, 308-309

resource allocation, 312-313

VXLAN fabrics, 358-360

data center service providers (DCSPs), 33

data planes, 396-397

definition of, 375

separation from control planes, 375-381

Data Redundancy Elimination (DRE), 206

data storage, 224-225. See also block storage; file storage

databases, 271

Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), 75

DCB (data center bridging), 338-341

DCBX (Data Center Bridging Exchange Protocol), 340

DCE (Data Center Ethernet), 338

DCIs (data center interconnections)

Layer 2 extension challenges, 327-328

technologies for, 328-329

DCNM (Cisco Prime Data Center Network Manager), 478-479

DCSPs (data center service providers), 33

DDR (Double Data Rate) RAM chips, 412

decommissioning, 367

dedicated process isolation design, 44

default VDCs, 310

DELETE actions, 113

demilitarized zones (DMZs), 310

deployment models

cloud services (phases in), 99-100

automation, 103-104

consolidation, 100-101

orchestration, 104-105

standardization, 103

virtualization, 102

community clouds, 67-69

definition of, 23, 57, 89

hybrid clouds, 69-70

Cisco Intercloud, 70-73

Cisco Intercloud Fabric. See ICF

I/O consolidation, 343-346

private clouds, 65-67, 83

public clouds

challenges of, 62

control risks, 63-64

cost risks, 64-65

definition of, 61

private clouds versus, 69

security risks, 62-63

Designate, 116

Desktop as a Service (DaaS), 53


consolidation, 309

partitioning, 210

DevOps, 26

DHCP Snooping, 167

dialects (SMB), 289

direct-attached storage (DAS), 235

directories, 272

directors, 460-462

disaster avoidance, 139

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), 53

disk arrays

components of, 229-230

connection types, 230

definition of, 229

dynamic disk pools, 230-231

disk controllers, 228-229

distributed file systems

definition of, 285

NFS, 286-289

open protocols, 293

SMB, 289-293

distributed Port Groups, 157

distributed virtual switches (DVSs), 157-158

DMZs (demilitarized zones), 310

Docker, 145

dockerfiles, 145


groups, 450

UCS, 418-419

vPCs, 317

Double Data Rate (DDR) RAM chips, 412

double-indirect blocks, 276

downloading practice exam, 518

DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service), 53

DRAM (dynamic RAM), 225

DRE (Data Redundancy Elimination), 206

drivers, 116

DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security), 75

dual-homed topologies, 325-326

DvNICs (dynamic vNICs), 434

DVSs (distributed virtual switches), 157-158

Dynamic ARP Inspection, 167

dynamic disk pools, 230-231

dynamic RAM (DRAM), 225

dynamic vNICs (DvNICs), 434


EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), 11

edge-core-edge topology, 249

edge devices, 332

edge firewalls, 197

EE_Credits (End-to-End Credits), 241

EISL (Enhanced Inter-Switch Link), 253

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), 11

elasticity, 16-17, 144

embedded programming languages, 373

Encapsulated Remote SPAN (ERSPAN), 167

encapsulation (VXLANs), 173-177

end-host mode, 424

end-of-row (EoR) designs, 321-322

End-to-End Credits (EE_Credits), 241

endpoint groups (EPGs)

benefits of, 388-389

definition of, 386

endpoints (ACI), 386

Enhanced Inter-Switch Link (EISL), 253

Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS), 339-340

Enhanced VXLANs, 181-184

ENodes, 342

EoMPLS (Ethernet over Multi-protocol Label Switching), 328

EoR (end-of-row) designs, 321-322

EPGs (endpoint groups)

benefits of, 388-389

definition of, 386

ERSPAN (Encapsulated Remote SPAN), 167

ESXi, 129

EtherChannels, 315

Ethernet networks

link aggregation, 315-316

loops, 313-315

packet forwarding, 376-377

Ethernet over Multiprotocol Label Switching (EoMPLS), 328

ETS (Enhanced Transmission Selection), 339-340


exam preparation

chapter review tools, 520

Cisco Learning Network, 519

memory tables, 519-520

Pearson Cert Practice Test engine

activating practice exam, 518

installing, 518

study mode versus practice exam mode, 520-521

Premium Edition, purchasing, 519

suggested study plan, 520

exchange-based load balancing, 244

expansion buses, 412

extended file systems, 274-278

ext2 (second), 274-278

ext3 (third), 276

ext4 (fourth), 276

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 109

Extensible Message and Presence Protocol (XMPP), 373

Extensible Virtual Switches (Microsoft), 159

External Data Representation (XDR), 286

external networks (ACI), 386

extranet, 21


fabric. See also FC (Fibre Channel)

definition of, 237, 241, 354

management with APIC, 392-394

services, 241-243

switches, 460-462

Fabric Controller service, 242

Fabric Extenders (FEXs), 322-324

Cisco Nexus 2000 series, 464-466

Cisco UCS 2200 series, 481

topologies in, 325-326

Fabric Interconnects, 418-424, 480-481

Fabric-Provided MAC Address (FPMA), 343

Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF) protocol, 243-245

FabricPath, 349-351

configuring, 352-354

MAC address learning, 351-352

STP and, 354-356

fan-out, 248

FAT (File Allocation Table), 278-280

fault isolation, 309

fault tolerance, 140-141

FC (Fibre Channel)

addresses, 239-241

definition of, 237

fabric services, 241-243

flow control, 241

FSPF protocol, 243-245

layers, 237-238

logins, 245-246

port types, 239

topologies, 238-239

zoning, 246-247

FCF (FCoE forwarder), 342

FCIDs (Fibre Channel Identifiers), 240

FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet), 341-346

FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP), 342

FCoE_LEP (FCoE link end-point), 342

FEXs (Fabric Extenders), 322-324

Cisco Nexus 2000 series, 464-466

Cisco UCS 2200 series, 481

topologies in, 325-326

Fibre Channel. See FC

Fibre Channel Identifiers (FCIDs), 240

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), 341-346

Fielding, Roy Thomas, 111

File Allocation Table (FAT), 278-280

file storage

block storage versus, 270-271

in cloud computing

file hosting services, 294-295

infrastructure, 294

OpenStack Manila, 295-297

file systems

definition of, 271

distributed file systems, 285-293

namespaces, 272-274

permissions, 281-285

volume formatting, 274-281

locations of files, 269-270

file systems

definition of, 271

distributed file systems

definition of, 285

NFS, 286-289

open protocols, 293

SMB, 289-293


definition of, 272

Linux naming rules, 272-273

Windows naming rules, 273-274


definition of, 281

Linux, 281-282

NTFS, 282-285

volume formatting

definition of, 274

extended filesystems, 274-278

FAT, 278-280

NTFS, 280-281

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 293


definition of, 268

hosting services, 294-295

locations, 269-270

locking, 288

for virtual machines, 131-132

servers, 269

sharing, 269

FIP (FCoE Initialization Protocol), 342

firewall contexts, 211

flash drives, 260-261

flexibility, 304

FlexPod, 503-505

FlexPod Datacenter, 504-505

FlexPod Express, 505

FlexPod Select, 505

flooding, 173, 377

flow-based load balancing, 244

flow control

Fibre Channel, 241

PFC, 338-339

flow tables, 195, 376

folders, 273

Ford, Henry, 103

formatting file systems. See volume formatting


in FabricPath, 350-351

packets, 376-377

planes, 375

policies, 193

fourth extended filesystem (ext4), 276

FPMA (Fabric-Provided MAC Address), 343

fragmentation, 279

frame forwarding, 350-351

FreeBSD, 124

front-end disk array connections, 230

FSPF (Fabric Shortest Path First) protocol, 243-245

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 293

full IT outsourcing, 33


gateways, 180-181

GBP (Group-Based Policy), 401

GET actions, 113

Glance, 115

Google Docs example (SaaS), 50-51

greenfield, 501

guest operating systems, 129


hard disk drives. See HDDs

hard zoning, 246

hardware-defined networking (HDN), 368

hardware port groups, 311

hash functions, 244

HBA (host bus adapter), 235

HDDs (hard disk drives)

definition of, 225-226

disk arrays, 229-231

RAID levels, 226-228

storage controllers, 228-229

volumes, 231-233

HDN (hardware-defined networking), 368

HDN (human-defined networking), 368

Heat, 115

HFT (high-frequency trading) POD, 499-500

high availability (virtual machines), 136-137

history of cloud computing, 9-11

horizontal cabling

definition of, 320

EoR (end-of-row) designs, 321-322

Fabric Extenders, 322-326

MoR (middle-of-row) designs, 321-322

ToR (top-of-rack) designs, 320-321

host bus adapter (HBA), 235

hosted hypervisors, 130

hosting, 33

Howard, Luke, 22

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 111-112, 293

request parameters, 112

response parameters, 113

human-defined networking (HDN), 368

hybrid clouds, 69-70

Cisco Intercloud, 70-73

Cisco Intercloud Fabric (ICF), 73-74

architecture, 74-76

services, 76-82

use cases, 83

Hyper-V, 133-134

hyperconvergence, 510-512

Cisco Nexus 1000V for, 168-171

virtual networking, 158


architectures, 132

Linux KVM, 134-135

Microsoft Hyper-V, 133-134

multi-hypervisor environments, 135-136

VMware vSphere, 133

definition of, 129

non-VMware hypervisors, 168-171

types of, 129-130

virtual networking versus VMware solutions, 158-159


I/O consolidation, 336-337

data center bridging, 338-341

deploying, 343-346

designs, 346-349

Fibre Channel over Ethernet, 341-343

I/O modules

Cisco Nexus 7000 series switches, 473

Cisco Nexus 7700 series switches, 473

Cisco Nexus 9500 Platform Switches, 477

comparison between Cisco Nexus 7000 and 7700 series switches, 474

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 36-38

Amazon Web Services example, 39-42

challenges of, 37-38

regions and availability zones, 38-39

ICF (Cisco Intercloud Fabric), 73-74

architecture, 74-76

services, 76-82

use cases, 83

ICFD (Intercloud Fabric Director), 74

ICS (Intercloud Switch), 75

ICX (Intercloud Extender), 75

IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics), 234

IDEs (integrated development environments), 44

index nodes (inodes), 274


cloud infrastructure, 90

block storage and, 258-259

file storage and, 294

preparation, 415-417

virtualization. See virtual networking

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 36-38

Amazon Web Services example, 39-42

challenges of, 37-38

regions and availability zones, 38-39

inline appliances, 191

inodes, 274

insourcing, 33

installing Pearson Cert Practice Test engine, 518

integrated development environments (IDEs), 44

Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE), 234

integrated infrastructures

custom PODs versus, 501-503

FlexPod, 503-505

hyperconvergence, 510-512

UCSO (OpenBlock), 510

Vblock, 506-508

VSPEX, 508-510

integration methods (ACI), 394-395

Inter-VSAN Routing (IVR), 256

Intercloud, 70-73

Intercloud Extender (ICX), 75

Intercloud Fabric. See ICF

Intercloud Fabric Director (ICFD), 74

Intercloud Fabric for Business, 74

Intercloud Fabric for Providers, 74

Intercloud Switch (ICS), 75

Intergalactic Computer Network, 10

internal interfaces (OTV), 332

internal storage, 123

Internet of Things (IoT), 71

Internet Protocol Security (IPsec), 10

Internet SCSI (iSCSI), 237, 256-258

Internet service providers (ISPs), 33

Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS), 258

intranet, 21

Invicta, 483-484

iOS, 124

IoT (Internet of Things), 71

IP multicast, 181-184

IP Source Guard, 167

IPS Stack, 29

IPsec (Internet Protocol Security), 10

IPTaaS (IP Telephony as a Service), 53

IQN (iSCSI Qualified Name), 257

Ironic, 115, 453

iSCSI (Internet SCSI), 237, 256-258

iSNS (Internet Storage Name Service), 258

isolation designs (PaaS), 45

ISPs (Internet service providers), 33

IT departments

challenges, 8

cloud computing hype in, 7-9

IVR (Inter-VSAN Routing), 256


JBODs (just a bunch of disks), 229

join interfaces (OTV), 332

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 109-111


kernel, 124-125

Keystone, 115

KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), 129, 134-135

Cisco Nexus 1000V for, 168-171

virtual networking, 159


LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol), 316

lanes, 412

last mile links, 33

latency, 206, 225

Layer 2 extensions

challenges, 327-328

DCI technologies for, 328-329

OTV, 329-332

configuring, 332-334

site designs, 335

scenarios for, 326-327

Layer 2 multipathing

with FabricPath, 349-351

configuring, 352-354

MAC address learning, 351-352

STP and, 354-356

spine-leaf topologies, 356-358

VXLAN fabrics, 358-360

Layer 2 VXLAN gateways, 180

Layer 3 VXLAN gateways, 180

Lee, Stan, 378


Cisco MDS 9000 series, 461

Cisco Nexus 5000 series switches, 471

Cisco Nexus 7000 and 7700 series switches, 474

Cisco Nexus 9000 series switches, 478

Smart Software Licensing, 487

vWAAS, 490

Licklider, J. C. R., 10

link aggregation, 315-316

Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), 316


Containers (LXC), 45, 144-145

definition of, 124

file naming rules, 272-273

KVM, 129, 134-135

Cisco Nexus 1000V for, 168-171

virtual networking, 159

permissions, 281-282

live migration, 137-139

live templates, 166

load balancing, 140

local disk configuration policy (UCS), 442

local files, 269

localization services (IaaS), 38-39

log files, 131

logical constructs (ACI), 386-387

logical demilitarized zones (DMZs), 310

logical scaling model, 500

Login Server service, 242

loops (Ethernet networks), 313-315

LPC (low pin count) buses, 413

LUNs (logical unit numbers), 235, 254

LUs (logical units), 235

LXC (Linux Containers), 144-145


MAC addresses

FabricPath, 351-352

FCoE communication, 343

learning process example, 174-176, 181-184

table depletion

addressing with VXLANs, 177

definition of, 172

Mac OS, 124

Magnum, 116

main memory, 122, 224

mainframe virtualization, 126-127

maintenance mode (virtual machines), 141

manageability, 304

managed service providers (MSPs), 33


consolidation, 418

interfaces, 336

planes, 375

Management Server service, 243

Manila, 116, 295-297

McCarthy, John, 10

mean time between failures (MTBF), 226

mean time to recover (MTTR), 34

measured service, 19-20

mechanical actuators, 226

member ports, 317

memory, 122

buses, 412

controllers, 412

modules, 225

tables (exam preparation), 519-520

metadata, 268

mezzanine, 414

microarchitecture, 411-414

microkernel operating systems, 125

micro-segmentation, 197


Azure example (PaaS), 45-49

Hyper-V, 129, 133-134

Cisco Nexus 1000V for, 168-171

virtual networking, 158

Windows, 124

Windows Virtual PC, 129

middle-of-row (MoR) designs, 321-322

midplane, 476

mirroring, 227

Mistral, 116

Modifications of Clouds (Howard), 22

modular data centers, 497-503

modular servers, 484-485

monolithic operating systems, 125

MooreMs law, 126

MoR (middle-of-row) designs, 321-322

motherboards, 123, 413

mounting NFS servers, 287-288

MPLSoGRE (MPLS over Generic Routing Encapsulation), 328

M-Series modular servers, 484-485

MSPs (managed service providers), 33

MTBF (mean time between failures), 226

MTTR (mean time to recover), 34

multi-hypervisor environments, 135-136

multi-instance, 22

multi-tenancy, 21-22

multi-user, 21

multicast OTV configuration, 333

multidestination trees, 351

multilayer directors, 460-462

multipathing, 258

multiprocessing, 411


NaaS (Network as a Service), 399-403

Name Server service, 242


definition of, 272

Linux naming rules, 272-273

Windows naming rules, 273-274

NAS (network-attached storage) devices

definition of, 269

NFS and, 289

SMB and, 292-293

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 12

native hypervisors, 130

NAT (Network Address Translation), 199

nested RAID levels, 228

NetScaler 1000V, 204-205

Network as a Service (NaaS), 399-403

network-attached storage (NAS) devices. See NAS devices

Network File System (NFS), 286-289

network interface card (NIC), 123

Network Lock Manager (NLM), 288

network management systems (NMSs), 369-370

network service providers (NSPs), 33

Network Services Header (NSH), 218

Network Virtualization using Generic Routing Encapsulation (NVGRE), 381


adapters, 123

automated networks, 370-371

cloud computing access, 20-21

configurable networks, 369

containers, 210

controllers, 373-374

converged networks, 336

data center networks. See data center networks

Ethernet networks

link aggregation, 315-316

loops, 313-315

management (DCNM), 478-479

NMSs, 369-370

planes, 375-381

profiles, 169

programmable networks

definition of, 371-372

network controllers, 373-374

tools for, 372-373

types of, 21

virtual networking

challenges in server virtualization environments, 159-160

challenges of, 152-154, 308

Cisco Nexus 1000V. See Cisco Nexus, 1000V

definition of, 149

distributed virtual switches, 157-158

on non-VMware hypervisors, 158-159

virtual switches, 154-157



networking services

Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS), 206-207

definition of, 187, 190

insertion innovations, 217-218

insertion in physical networks, 190-192

virtual networking services

application delivery controllers (ADCs), 203-204

Cisco Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv), 197-199, 486-487

Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000V, 199-201, 487-488

Cisco Virtual Security Gateway (VSG), 75, 193-197, 490

Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services (vWAAS), 207-208, 489-490

Citrix NetScaler 1000V, 204-205, 488-489

definition of, 190

server load balancers (SLBs), 201-203

virtual application containers, 210-217

Virtual Services Data Path (vPath), 192-193

vPath service chains, 208-210

Neutron, 115, 399-403

New Technology File System (NTFS), 280-285

Nexus 1000V. See Cisco, Nexus 1000V

Nexus 5600 switches, 181

Nexus 6000 switches, 181

Nexus 9300 switches, 181

Nexus Series switches, 306. See also Unified Fabric

NFS (Network File System), 286-289

NIC (network interface card), 123

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), 12

NLM (Network Lock Manager), 288

NMSs (network management systems), 369-370

nonvolatile RAM files (VMs), 131

Nova, 115, 135

NPIV (N_Port ID Virtualization), 250

N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV), 250

N_Port Virtualization (NPV), 249

NP_Port (Node Proxy Port), 250

NPV (N_Port Virtualization), 249

NSH (Network Services Header), 218

NSPs (network service providers), 33

NTFS (New Technology File System), 280-285

NVGRE (Network Virtualization using Generic Routing Encapsulation), 381

.nvram file extension, 131

NX-OS mode, 475


object storage, 297-298

ODL (OpenDaylight), 378-381

OmniStack Integrated Solution with UCS, 511

ONC RPC (Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call), 286

on-demand, 14

on-demand self-service, 14-16

ONF (Open Network Forum), 378

Open Network Forum (ONF), 378

Open vSwitch (OVS), 159

OpenBlock, 510

OpenDaylight (ODL), 378-381

OpenFlow, 375-378, 382-383

Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC), 286


Cinder, 115, 295

definition of, 115

Ironic, 453

Manila, 295-297

Neutron, 379-403

Nova, 135

services, list of, 115-116

Swift, 298

version naming conventions, 116

operating system–level virtualization, 144-145

operating systems. See OSs

OPEX (operational expenditure) model, 20

OpFlex, 394

Oracle VM, 129

Oracle VM Virtual Box, 129

orchestration phase (cloud implementation), 104-105

orchestrators, 370-371

Originator Exchange Identifier (OX_ID), 244

OSs (operating systems)

definition of, 124-125

pre-OS installation settings, 417

types of, 124

OS X, 124

OTV (Overlay Transport Virtualization), 329-332

configuring, 332-334

site designs, 335


interfaces, 332

OTV, 333

software-based virtual overlays, 381-382

oversubscription, 248

OVS (Open vSwitch), 159

OX_ID (Originator Exchange Identifier), 244


PaaS (Platform as a Service), 43-49

packet forwarding, 376-377

Parallels Desktop for Mac, 129

parent partitions, 133


definition of, 304

technologies, 37

as virtualization technique, 102

partitions, 274

PATA (Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment), 234

pathnames, 272

PBR (policy-based routing), 191

PCaaS (Private Cloud as a Service), 83

PCIe (PCI Express), 412

PCs (personal computers), 10

Pearson Certification Practice Test engine

activating practice exam, 518

installing, 518

study mode versus practice exam mode, 520-521

peer keepalive links, 318

peer links, 318

peers, 317

performance (SLAs), 34

peripherals, 123


definition of, 281

Linux, 281-282

NTFS, 282-285

Persistent Lempel-Ziv (PLZ), 206

personal computers (PCs), 10

PFC (Priority-based Flow Control), 338-339

phases in cloud implementation, 99-100

automation, 103-104

consolidation, 100-101

orchestration, 104-105

standardization, 103

virtualization, 102

physical networks, 190-192

physical scaling model, 501

physical servers

infrastructure preparation, 415-417

OpenStack Ironic, 453

pre-OS installation settings, 417


virtualization rate, 410-411

x86 microarchitecture, 411-414

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 43-49

plug-ins, 116

PLZ (Persistent Lempel-Ziv), 206

PNSC (Cisco Prime Network Services Controller), 193

POAP (PowerOn Auto Provisioning), 373

POD (pool of devices), 497-501

components, 497

definition of, 497

FlexPod, 503-505

HFT (high-frequency trading) POD, 499-500

integrated infrastructures versus, 501-503

logical scaling model, 500

physical scaling model, 501

versioning, 501

virtualization POD, 498-499

point-to-point topologies, 238, 346

policies (UCS), 442-443

policy-based routing (PBR), 191

policy models (ACI), 385-388

pool of devices. See POD


definition of, 304

resources, 17-19

service profiles (UCS), 444-445

technologies, 37

as virtualization technique, 102

PortChannels, 244-245

definition of, 170, 316

in Cisco Nexus 1000V, 170

Port Group connectivity policy, 155-156


classifications, 169

groups, 311

port profiles, 462

definition of, 164

in Cisco Nexus 1000V, 164-166

types, 239

POST actions, 113

power control policy (UCS), 442

power management, 141

PowerOn Auto Provisioning (POAP), 373

practice exam

activating, 518

study mode versus, 520-521

Premium Edition, 519

pre-OS installation settings, 417

primary storage, 224

principal switches, 243

Priority-based Flow Control (PFC), 338-339

Private Cloud as a Service (PCaaS), 83

private clouds, 65-67

definition of, 35

PCaaS (Private Cloud as a Service), 83

public clouds versus, 69

private interfaces, 336

private VLANs, 167

processors, 122

programmable networks

definition of, 371-372

network controllers, 373-374

tools for, 372-373

provisioning servers

infrastructure preparation, 415-417

OpenStack Ironic, 453

pre-OS installation settings, 417

UCS, 418-419

architecture, 418-419

B-Series servers, 426-429

cloning service profiles, 443

in cloud computing, 451-452

C-Series servers, 430-432

Fabric Interconnects, 419-424

policies, 442-443

pools, 444-445

service profiles, 436-442

templates, 445-449

UCS Central, 449-451

UCS Manager, 424-426

VIC adapters, 432-436

virtualization rate, 410-411

x86 microarchitecture, 411-414

provisioning storage capacity, 232

public clouds

challenges of, 62

control risks, 63-64

cost risks, 64-65

definition of, 61

private clouds versus, 69

security risks, 62-63

public interfaces, 336

PUT actions, 113


QCN (Quantized Congestion Notification), 341

QoS (Quality of Service), 167

Quantum, 115, 399-403


rack-mountable servers

definition of, 413

provisioning, 415

UCS C-Series servers, 430-432

rack servers, 482-483

RAID (redundant array of independent disks), 226

challenges of, 230


capacity of, 231

definition of, 226

levels, 227

nested levels, 228

RAID 0, 227

RAID 1, 227-228

RAID 5, 227

RAID 6, 228

RAID 10, 228

RAM (random-access memory), 123, 225

rapid elasticity, 17

Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), 315

RAS (reliability, availability, serviceability) features, 413

rationalization, 100

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV), 129

regions (IaaS), 38-39

regulatory compliance standards, 68

remote files, accessing. See distributed file systems

remote VPNs (virtual private networks), 198

Representational State Transfer (REST), 111

request parameters (HTTP), 112

reserved characters, 272-274


allocation, 312-313

load balancing, 140

pooling, 17-19, 143-144

templates, 313

response parameters (HTTP), 113

REST (Representational State Transfer), 111

RESTful APIs, 111-115

reverse-proxy, 191

review tools (exam preparation), 520

RHEV (Red Hate Enterprise Virtualization), 129

RISE (Cisco Remote Integrated Services Engine), 217-218

root bridges, 315

root switches, 351

routed interfaces (ACI), 387

routers, 487-488

RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol), 315


S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service), 11, 298

SaaS (Software as a Service), 49-52

Sahara, 116, 11

SAL (Service Abstraction Layer), 379

SAM (SCSI Architecture Model), 236

SANs (storage-area networks)

cloud computing, 258-259

iSCSI, 256-258

islands, 250-251

topologies, 247-250

VSANs, 251

terminology, 251-252

trunking, 253

use cases, 255-256

zoning, 254-255

SAS (Serial Attached SCSI), 236

SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment), 234

SATA Tunneling Protocol (STP), 237


Cisco Nexus 1000V series switches, 463

definition of, 304

scaling system nodes (SSNs), 483

scaling system routers (SSRs), 483

SCP (Secure Copy Protocol), 293

scrub policy (UCS), 442

SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 235-237

bus, 235

initiators, 235

iSCSI, 256-258

targets, 235

SCSI Architecture Model (SAM), 236

SCSI identifier (SCSI ID), 235

SCSI Parallel Interface (SPI), 236

SDK (software development kit), 105

SDN (software-defined networking)

challenges of, 382-383

controllers, 376

definition of, 367-369

separation of control and data planes, 375-381

software-based virtual overlays, 381-382

SDNi (SDN Interface), 379

SDR (Single Data Rate) RAM chips, 412

second extended filesystem (ext2), 274-278

secondary storage, 224

sector clusters, 226

sectors, 225

Secure Copy Protocol (SCP), 293

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 10


authentication, 293

risks, 62-63

self-service, 14

self-service on demand, 142

Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA), 234

Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), 236

serial over LAN policy (UCS), 443

Server Message Block (SMB), 289-293

Server-Provided MAC Address (SPMA), 343


cluster software, 203

components of, 122-123

definition of, 122

load balancers (SLBs), 201-203

operating systems, 125

physical servers

infrastructure preparation, 415-417

OpenStack Ironic, 453

pre-OS installation settings, 417

UCS. See UCS (Unified Computing System), 418

virtualization rate, 410-411

x86 microarchitecture, 411-414

pools, 444


Cisco Nexus 1000V series switches, 462-463

cloud computing and, 142-144

definition of, 102

features, 136, 141-142

hypervisors. See hypervisors

mainframe virtualization, 126-127

networking challenges in, 159-160

resource load balancing, 140

virtualization rate, 410-411

virtual machine fault tolerance, 140-141

virtual machine high availability, 136-137

virtual machine live migration, 137-139

virtual machine managers, 132

virtual machines, 130-132

on x86 machines, 127-128

Service Abstraction Layer (SAL), 379

service-level agreements (SLAs), 34


chains, 208-210

graphs, 390

ICF (Cisco Intercloud Fabric), 76-82


innovations in, 217-218

in physical networks, 190-192

with vPath, 192-193


definition of, 23, 89

IaaS, 36-42

PaaS, 43-49

PCaaS, 83

SaaS, 49-52

XaaS, 52-53

networking services. See networking services

OpenStack services, list of, 115-116

profiles (UCS), 436-437

building, 437-442

cloning, 443

policies in, 442-443

pools, 444-445

templates, 445-449

providers (SPs)

cloud services providers, 34-36

definition of, 32

types of, 32-33

shadow IT, 35

share-level authentication, 293

Shared Nothing Live migration, 139

shared process isolation design, 44

shares, 292

sharing files, 269, 391

showback, 97

Simple Storage Service (S3), 11

Single Data Rate (SDR) RAM chips, 412

single-layer topology, 249

site designs (OTV), 335

site-to-site VPNs (virtual private networks), 198

site VLANs (OTV), 333

sites (OTV), 333

SLAs (service-level agreements), 34

SLBs (server load balancers), 201-203

Small Computer Systems Interface. See SCSI

Smart Software Licensing, 487

SMB (Server Message Block), 289-293

snapshots (virtual machines), 141

sockets, 412

Software as a Service (SaaS), 49-52

software-based virtual overlays, 381-383

software-defined networking. See SDN

software development kit (SDK), 105

software development models

Agile model, 25

DevOps, 26

waterfall model, 24-25

soft zoning, 246

solid-state drives (SSDs), 260-261

spanning tree, 314

Spanning Tree Protocol. See STP

SPAN (Switched Port Analyzer), 167

special characters (file naming rules)

Linux, 272

Windows, 274

spine-leaf topologies, 356-358

SPI (SCSI Parallel Interface), 236

SPMA (Server-Provided MAC Address), 343

SPs (service providers)

cloud services providers, 34-36

definition of, 32

types of, 32-33

SSDs (solid-state drives), 260-261

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 10

SSNs (scaling system nodes), 483

SSPs (storage service providers), 33

SSRs (scaling system routers), 483

standalone mode (CIMC), 431-432

standardization phase (cloud implementation), 103

state, 287

stateless, 259, 287


access interfaces, 336

block storage. See block storage

controllers, 123, 228-229

file storage. See file storage

object storage, 297-298

service providers (SSPs), 33

virtualizers, 233

volume, 102

storage-area networks. See SANs

STP (SATA Tunneling Protocol), 237

STP (Spanning Tree Protocol)

DCI challenges, 327-328

definition of, 314-315

diameter, 327

FabricPath and, 354-356

link aggregation, 315-316

straight-through topologies, 325

striping, 227

study mode (practice exam), 520-521

study plan (exam preparation), 520

subnets (ACI), 386

supervisor modules

Cisco MDS 9000 series, 461

Cisco Nexus 7000 and 7700 series switches, 472

Cisco Nexus 9500 series switches, 476

definition of, 461

swap memory files (VMs), 131

Swift, 115, 298

Switch ID field, 350

switch mode (Fabric Interconnect), 423-424

switched fabric topologies, 239

Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN), 167


data center switches, 462

Cisco Nexus 1000V series, 462-463

Cisco Nexus 1100 Cloud Services Platforms, 463-464

Cisco Nexus 2000 series Fabric Extenders, 464-466

Cisco Nexus 3000 series, 466-469

Cisco Nexus 5000 series, 469-471

Cisco Nexus 7000 series, 471-474

Cisco Nexus 9000 series, 475-478

distributed virtual switches (DVSs), 157-158

fabric switches, 460-462

Nexus Series switches, 306. See also Unified Fabric

virtual switches, 154-157

Cisco Nexus 1000V. See Cisco, Nexus 1000V

distributed virtual switches versus, 157

synchronicity, 287

system buses, 412


tape libraries, 225

TCP Flow Optimization (TFO), 206

TE_Port (Trunk Expansion Port), 253

telecommunications service providers (TSPs), 33


for service profiles (UCS), 445-449

of virtual machines, 141

tenants, 21, 386

terminators, 235

tertiary storage, 224

TFO (TCP Flow Optimization), 206

TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 293

thick provisioning, 232

thin provisioning, 233

third extended filesystem (ext3), 276

three-tier design (data center networks), 305-307, 319

three-tier templates, 213

time-sharing, 10

Time-to-Live (TTL), 314


Fibre Channel, 238-239

Fabric Extender (FEX) designs, 325-326

SANs, 247-250

spine-leaf, 356-358

ToR (top-of-rack) designs, 320-321

tower servers, 413

tracks, 225


classes, 377

management for virtual machines. See virtual networking

steering, methods of, 190-192

transmission window, 206

TRILL (Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links), 358

triple-indirect blocks, 276

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), 293

tromboning, 328

Trove, 115

Trunk Expansion Port (TE_Port), 253

trunking, 253

TrustSec, 167

TSPs (telecommunications service providers), 33

TTL (Time-to-Live), 314

Twinax cables, 321

Type-1 hypervisors, 130

Type-2 hypervisors, 130


UCS (Unified Computing System), 407, 418-419, 479-480

architecture, 418-419

B-Series blade servers, 482

B-Series servers, 426-429

Blade Server Chassis, 481

C-Series rack servers, 482-483

C-Series servers, 430-432

Central, 449-451

in cloud computing, 451-452

Director, 371

Fabric Extenders, 481

Fabric Interconnects, 419-424, 480-481

integration with OpenStack Ironic, 453

Invicta, 260-261, 483-484

M-Series modular servers, 484-485

Manager, 424-426

Mini, 480

policies, 442-443

service profiles, 436-437

building, 437-442

cloning, 443

pools, 444-445

templates, 445-449

VIC adapters, 432-436

UCSO (UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Red Hat OpenStack), 510

UCS Utility OS (UUOS), 441

unicast-based VXLANs, 181-184


forwarding, 377

OTV configuration, 333-334

Unified Computing System. See UCS

Unified Fabric

Fabric Extenders, 322-326

FabricPath, 349-351

configuring, 352-354

MAC address learning, 351-352

STP and, 354-356

features of, 306

I/O consolidation, 336-337

data center bridging, 338-341

deploying, 343-346

designs, 346-349

Fibre Channel over Ethernet, 341-343

OTV, 329-332

configuring, 332-334

site designs, 335

spine-leaf topologies, 356-358


benefits, 309-310

creating, 310-311

definition of, 308-309

resource allocation, 312-313

vPCs, 316

creating, 317-319

definition of, 317

in three-tier design, 319

VXLAN fabrics, 358-360

Unified Ports, 423, 469

uplinks, 154, 315

uptime, 34

use cases

ICF (Cisco Intercloud Fabric), 83

VSANs, 255-256

user-level authentication, 293


isolation, 126

space, 125

UUOS (UCS Utility OS), 441


VACS (Cisco Virtual Application Cloud Segmentation), 212-216

Vblock, 506-508

VCE (Virtual Computing Environment), 506-508

VCE Vision Intelligent Operations, 508

vDCs (virtual data centers), 102

VDCs (virtual device contexts)

benefits, 309-310

creating, 310-311

definition of, 308-309

resource allocation, 312-313

vDS (vNetwork Distributed Switch), 398

VEM (Virtual Ethernet Module), 462

VF_Port (Virtual F_Port), 342

VIC (Virtual Interface Card) adapters, 432-436

virtual appliances, 168

virtual application containers, 92, 210-217

virtual application container templates, 212

Virtual Computing Environment (VCE), 506-508

virtual data centers (vDCs), 102

virtual device contexts. See VDCs

virtual disk files (VMs), 131

Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM), 462

Virtual eXtensible LANs. See VXLANs

Virtual Interface Card (VIC) adapters, 432-436

virtual local-area networks. See VLANs

Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI), 131

Virtual Machine Control Program (VM-CP), 126

Virtual Machine Fabric Extender (VM-FEX), 434-436

virtual machines. See VMs

virtual networking

challenges in server virtualization environments, 159-160

challenges of, 152-154, 308

Cisco Nexus 1000V, 161

advanced features, 166-168

chassis switches versus, 162

components of, 161

as multi-hypervisor platform, 168-171

operational procedures, 163-164

port profiles, 164-166

standard VXLAN deployment, 177-179

Virtual Services Data Path (vPath), 192-193

as VXLAN gateways, 181

data center networks. See data center networks

definition of, 149

distributed virtual switches, 157-158

on non-VMware hypervisors, 158-159


application delivery controllers (ADCs), 203-204

Cisco Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv), 197-199, 486-487

Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000V, 199-201, 487-488

Cisco Virtual Security Gateway (VSG), 75, 193-197, 490

Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services (vWAAS), 207-208

Cisco Virtual Wide-Area Application Services (vWAAS), 489-490

Citrix NetScaler 1000V, 204-205, 488-489

definition of, 190

server load balancers (SLBs), 201-203

virtual application containers, 210-217

Virtual Services Data Path (vPath), 192-193

vPath service chains, 208-210

virtual switches, 154-157



Virtual Network Switches (Microsoft), 158

Virtual Network Tag (VNTag), 324

Virtual PC, 129

virtual PortChannel Plus (vPC+), 355-356

virtual PortChannels (vPCs), 316

creating, 317-319

DCIs, 328

definition of, 317

in three-tier design, 319

Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), 66

Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS), 328

virtual private networks (VPNs)

ASAv capabilities, 198

history of cloud computing, 10

Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), 258

Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF), 210, 307

Virtual Security Gateway (VSG), 75, 193-197, 490

virtual service blades (VSBs), 162, 463-464

Virtual Services Appliances (VSAs), 162

Virtual Services Data Path (vPath), 192-193

virtual storage-area networks. See VSANs

virtual STP bridges, 355

Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM), 193, 462

virtual switches, 154-157

Cisco Nexus 1000V, 161

advanced features, 166-168

chassis switches versus, 162

components of, 161

as multi-hypervisor platform, 168-171

operational procedures, 163-164

port profiles, 164-166

standard VXLAN deployment, 177-179

Virtual Services Data Path (vPath), 192-193

as VXLAN gateways, 181

distributed virtual switches versus, 157

Virtual Switch Update Manager (VSUM), 168

Virtual Tenant Network (VTN) coordinator, 379

virtual zones (vZones), 197


classes of, 304

clusters, 132

data center network attribute, 304

definition of, 36, 125

hosts, 130

infrastructure virtualization. See virtual networking

operating system–level virtualization, 144-145

POD, 498-499


Cisco Nexus 1000V series switches, 462-463

cloud computing and, 142-144

features, 136, 141-142

hypervisors. See hypervisors

mainframe virtualization, 126-127

networking challenges in, 159-160

resource load balancing, 140

virtualization on x86 machines, 127-128

virtualization rate, 410-411

virtual machine fault tolerance, 140-141

virtual machine high availability, 136-137

virtual machine live migration, 137-139

virtual machine managers, 132

virtual machines, 130-132

types of, 37

workstations, 127

virtualization phase (cloud implementation), 102

virtualized isolation design, 45

virtualized modular chassis, 323

Virtualized Multiservice Data Center (VMDC) reference architecture, 211

visibility (APIC), 395-396

VLANs (virtual local-area networks)

challenges of, 171-173, 177

definition of, 102, 153, 307

ID starvation

addressing with VXLANs, 177

definition of, 172

manipulation, 191

private VLANs, 167


addressing with VXLANs, 177

definition of, 172

tagging, 154, 307

VXLAN gateways, 180-181

VM-CP (Virtual Machine Control Program), 126

VM-FEX (Virtual Machine Fabric Extender), 434-436

VM Manager (VMM), 193

ACI integration with, 398

definition of, 132

VMs (virtual machines)

cloning, 141

components of, 130-131

definition of, 130

fault tolerance, 140-141

files for, 131-132

high availability, 136-137

history of, 10, 126

live migration, 137-139

maintenance mode, 141

managers, 132

networking. See virtual networking

power management, 141

snapshots, 141

storage live migration, 259

templates, 141

VMCI (Virtual Machine Communication Interface), 131

VMDC (Virtualized Multiservice Data Center) reference architecture, 211

.vmdk file extension, 131

vmknic (virtual machine kernel network interface card), 158

vmnic (virtual machine network interface card), 157


ESXi, 129

Fusion, 129

Player, 129

virtualization on x86 machines, 127

virtual networking versus non-VMware hypervisors, 158-159

vNetwork Standard Switch (vSS), 154

vSphere, 129, 133, 157

Workstation, 129

.vmx file extension, 131

vNetwork Distributed Switch (vDS), 398

vnic (virtual network interface card), 158

VN_Port (Virtual N_Port), 342

VNTag (Virtual Network Tag), 324

volume formatting

definition of, 274

extended filesystems, 274-278

FAT, 278-280

NTFS, 280-281

volumes, 231-233

vPath (Virtual Services Data Path), 192-193, 208-210

vPCs (virtual PortChannels), 316

creating, 317-319

DCIs, 328

definition of, 317

in three-tier design, 319

VPCs (Virtual Private Clouds), 66

vPC+ (virtual PortChannel Plus), 355-356

VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Services), 328

VPNaaS (VPN as a Service), 53

VPNs (virtual private networks)

ASAv capabilities, 198

history of cloud computing, 10

VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding), 210, 307

VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol), 258

VSANs (virtual storage-area networks), 251

Manager, 251

terminology, 251-252

trunking, 253

use cases, 255-256

zoning, 254-255

VSAs (Virtual Services Appliances), 162

VSBs (virtual service blades), 162, 463-464

VSG (Cisco Virtual Security Gateway), 75, 193-197, 490

VSM (Cisco Virtual Supervisor Module), 193, 462

VSPEX, 508-510

vSphere, 129, 133, 157

vSS (VMware vNetwork Standard Switch), 154

VSUM (Virtual Switch Update Manager), 168

vSwitches, 154-157

.vswp file extension, 131

VTEP (VXLAN tunnel endpoint), 174

VTN (Virtual Tenant Network) coordinator, 379

vTracker feature, 167-168

vWAAS (Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services), 207-208, 489-490

VXLANs (Virtual eXtensible LANs), 171

addressing VLAN challenges, 177

benefits, 381

encapsulation, 173-177

as fabrics, 358-360

flooding, 177

gateways, 180-181

OTV versus, 331

standard deployment in Cisco Nexus 1000V, 177-179

tunnel endpoint (VTEP), 174

unicast-based VXLANs, 181-184

vZones (virtual zones), 197


WAAS (Cisco Wide Area Application Services), 206-207

WANs (wide-area networks)

acceleration, 206

Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services (vWAAS), 207-208

Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS), 206-207

performance issues, 205-206

vWAAS, 489-490

waterfall model (software development), 24-25

WCCP (Web Cache Control Protocol), 191-192

web services, 105

well-known addresses, 242


definition of, 124

file naming rules, 273-274

permissions, 282-285

Virtual PC, 129


in cloud orchestrator, 95-97

definition of, 95

workstation virtualization, 127

WWNs (World Wide Names), 239-240


x86 machines, 127-128

x86 microarchitecture, 411-414

XaaS (Anything as a Service), 52-53

XDR (External Data Representation), 286

Xen, 159

XenServer, 129

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 109

XMPP (Extensible Message and Presence Protocol), 373


Zaqar, 116

Zone Server service, 247

zone sets, 246


Fibre Channel, 246-247

VSANs, 254-255

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