

1G, 344

2G, 345

3DES (Triple-DES), 246, 255257

3G, 345

4G, 345

10 Steps to Cyber Security, 63

64-bit key, 246

802.1AE (MACsec), 306

802.1AR, 306

802.1X, 352

802.11 wireless networks, 346348

Bluetooth, 350

encryption, 351

standards, 348349

topologies, 348

wireless protection mechanisms, 352354

802.11a, 348

802.11ac, 349

802.11b, 349

802.11g, 349

802.11i, 349, 353

802.11n, 349

802.15, 349

802.16, 349


AaaS (Authentication as a Service), 377

absolute addressing, 181

acceptable risk, 147

acceptable use policies (AUPs), 154, 495, 519, 523

acceptance testing and implementation, SDLC (System Development Life Cycle), 551552

access, 375

to BCP (business continuity plan), 621

controlling, managing users, 495

Kerberos, 393396

monitoring, 408409

network access control devices, 355

demilitarized zones, 357358

firewall designs, 359

firewalls, 355

physical access, controlling, 524525

remote access, 502

CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), 360

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 360361

PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), 360

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 360

single sign-on (SSO), 392393

unauthorized access, 448

access aggregation, 448449

access control lists (ACLs), 397398

access control models, 403

centralized access control, 403404

Diameter, 406407

RADIUS (remote authentication dial-in user service), 404405

TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System), 406

decentralized access controls, 407

access control threats, 448

access aggregation, 448449

eavesdropping, 453

identity theft, 453454

password attacks, 449450

shoulder surfing, 453

spoofing, 453

unauthorized access, 448

access controls

authentication, 375376

authorization, 375376, 397

CDAC (content-dependent access control), 403

DAC (discretionary access control), 397398

LBAC (lattice-based access control), 403

MAC (mandatory access control), 398400

RBAC (role-based access controls), 401402

rule-based access controls, 402

categories of, 155156

identification, 375376

access logs, 434

accessibility, to facilities, 77

account management, 391

accountability, 375, 408, 518, 525. See also auditing

monitoring and auditing controls, 518

accounts, managing, 493495

clipping level, 496

accreditation, 213214, 553

ACLs (access control lists), 397398, 402

acoustical detection, 106

acquire, computer forensics, 475477

active sniffing, 440

ActiveX, 564

activity blockers, 510

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 306

address space layout randomization (ASLR), 219220

adhoc mode, 348

administrative controls, 154

administrative law, 124

administrative support teams, 534

ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line), 340

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 255, 257258

advanced persistent threats (APTs, 439, 462

advisory policies, 151

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 255, 257258

agent based, SIEM (security information and event management), 522

agentless, SIEM (security information and event management), 522

aggregation, databases, 567, 568569

agile development methods, 557558

AH (authentication header), 282, 363

AI (artificial intelligence), 570

AIC (availability, integrity, confidentiality), 29

air conditioning, facilities, 9899

air intakes, 81

alarm systems, 106

IDS (intrusion detection systems), 106107

monitoring and detection, 107108

alarms, silent hostage alarms, 95

ALE (annual loss expectancy), 139140

algorithms, 246247

asymmetric algorithms, 247

Diffie-Hellman, 261262

DSA (digital signature algorithm), 271

dynamic routing, 334

hashing algorithms, 267268

Merkle-Hellman Knapsack, 264

Rivest cipher, 258259

RSA, 262263

symmetric algorithms, 247, 250251

alpha tests, 551

alphabetic cipher, 238239

alternate routing, 607

ALU (arithmetic logic unit (ALU), 176

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 84

analysis, computer forensics, 478

analyzing, threats, 135139

Anderson, James, 409

annual loss expectancy (ALE), 139140

annual rate of occurrence (ARO), 139

annunciators, 87

anomaly-based IDS engines, 412

Anonymous, 437

anti-malware, 509510

antivirus, 56

antivirus software, 577

applets, Java, 573574

application layer

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, 302

TCP/IP, 314317

application security testing, 429

application servers, 186

application switches, 330

application transactions, monitoring, 520521

application whitelisting, 56

application-level proxy, 356

application/process layer controls, securing TCP/IP, 280

APTs (advanced persistent threats), 439, 462

architecture, security architecture. See security architecture

archive bits, 512

archiving, 3839

area concerns, facilities, 7778

arithmetic logic unit (ALU), 176

ARO (annual rate of occurrence), 139

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 306, 310

ARP poisoning, 446

artificial intelligence, 570571

ASLR (address space layout randomization), 219220

assemblers, 564


exam readiness, 1819

potential loss, 595598

risk, 130133

asset identification, 133135

asset management, 4950, 497

endpoint security, 5657

equipment lifecycle, 5152

software licensing, 5051

asset placement, in facilities, 82

asset security, 28

asset valuation, 133135

assets, 49, 130

assisted password reset, 391

assurance classes, 210

ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), 84

asymmetric algorithms, 247

asymmetric cryptography, 236

asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), 340

asymmetric encryption, 259261, 272

versus symmetric encryption, 264265

asymmetric mode, 178179

asynchronous attacks, 220

asynchronous replication, 611

asynchronous token devices, 382383

asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), 307

ATBASH, 237238

ATM (asynchronous transfer mode), 307, 337

ATO (Authorization to Operate), 118

atomicity, 569

attack methodologies, 437439

attack surface, 571

attacks, 126. See also threats

availability attacks, 437

birthday attack, 287

brute force attacks, 378

chosen ciphertext, 287

chosen plaintext, 287

ciphertext-only attack, 287

covert channels, 221

cryptographic attacks, 285288

data diddling, 435

DDoS attacks, 437, 443

dictionary attacks, 378

differential cryptanalysis, 287

directory traversal attacks, 223

DoS attacks, 442443

VoIP (voice over IP), 344

emanations, 222223

financial attacks, 575

hybrid attacks, 451

incremental attacks, 221222

inference attacks, 284

injection attacks, 225

key clustering, 287

known plaintext attack, 287

linear cryptanalysis, 287

logic bombs, 575

man-in-the middle attack, 288

password attacks, 449450

brute-force crack, 451

dictionary crack, 450451

rainbow tables, 452

pharming attacks, 447

phishing, 454

replay attack, 288

rubber hose attack, 288

salami attacks, 575

side channel attack, 288

social engineering attacks, 454455

spear phishing, 454

SQL injection, 224225

state attacks, 220

viruses, 576577

worms, 577578

attenuation, 327

attributes, databases, 567

attribute-value pairs (AVPs), 404

audio detection, 106

audit controls, 525

audit logs, 434

audit processes, 3738

audit reduction and correlation tools, 518

audit reduction tools, 408409

auditing, 408. See also accountability

user activities, 519

auditors, roles and responsibilities, 33

audits, 426427

data audits, 3738

AUPs (acceptable use policies), 154, 495, 519, 523

authentication, 375376

computer forensics, 477

cryptography, 235, 266

something you are (Type 3), 385390

something you have (Type 2), 381

asynchronous token devices, 382383

cards, 383384

certificates, 384385

synchronous tokens, 381382

strong authentication, 390

techniques for, 376377

something you know (Type 1), 377379

Authentication as a Service (AaaS), 377

authentication header (AH), 282, 363

authentication service, 394

authority, social engineering, 162

authorization, 374, 375376

access controls, 397

CDAC (content-dependent access control), 403

DAC (discretionary access control), 397398

LBAC (lattice-based access control), 403

MAC (mandatory access control), 398400

RBAC (role-based access controls), 401402

rule-based access controls, 402

Authorization to Operate (ATO), 118

automated backups, 512

availability, 29

calculating, 606

availability attacks, 437

avalanche effect, 267268

avoiding system failures, 543

checks and application controls, 543544

failure states, 544

AVPs (attribute-value pairs), 404


BCP (business continuity plan), implementing, 619

ethics, 163164

security awareness, 161162

security management, 160161


backdoors, 220, 458459, 550

background checks, 156157

social networking, 157

backup sites, 601602

backups, 29, 511512, 608609

automated backups, 512

choosing methods, 613614

cloud computing backups, 613

continuous backups, 609

data replication, 611

database shadowing, 612

differential backups, 512, 609

electronic vaulting, 612

full backups, 512, 609

incremental backups, 512513, 609

media-rotation strategies, 611612

on-demand backups, 512

remote journaling, 612

restoration, 609611

SAN (storage area network), 613

tape rotation methods, 513

badges, employee access control, 9495

baseband, 322

baselines, 5758

risk management, 152

Basic Rate Interface (BRI), 338

bastion hosts, 357358

BC (business continuity), 588

defined, 590

BCP (business continuity plan), 588, 589591

access to, 621

assessing potential loss, 595598

BIA (business impact analysis), 593595

implementing, 618619

awareness and training, 619

monitoring and maintenance, 621622

plan design and development, 615

employee services, 617

insurance, 617618

interacting with external groups, 616617

personnel mobilization, 615616

process responsibilities, 622

project management and initiation, 591593

recovery strategies, 599600

backup and restoration, 609611

business process recovery, 600601

data and information recovery, 608609

facility and supply recovery, 601

operations recovery, 606608

user recovery, 605

testing, 619621

behavioral-based IDS, 412, 528529

Bell-LaPadula model, 199201

Berlin Wall, 83

Bernay, Mark, 465

best evidence, 482

BIA (business impact analysis), 593595

assessing, potential loss, 595598

questionnaires, 595597

reputation, 599

vulnerability assessments, 595

Biba model, 202203

Tibetan monks, 203

biometric access controls, 9697

considerations before deploying, 389390

usage patterns, 388

biometrics, authentication, 385390

birthday attack, 287

blackbox testing, 428

blackbox tests, 552

blacklists, 506

blind tests, 429

block ciphers, 237, 240, 247248

Blowfish, 250

bluejacking, 350

bluesnarfing, 350

Bluetooth, 350

Boehm, Barry, 554555

bogon filtering, 333

bollards, 8586

boolean operators, stream ciphers, 248

BootP (Bootstrap Protocol), 315

bot herders, 444445

botnets, 443446

fast-flux botnets, 445

BPA (Business Partnership Agreement), 119

The Brain, 456

Brewer and Nash model, 205

BRI (Basic Rate Interface), 338

bridges, 328

British Standard (BS) 7799, 216

broadband, 322

brute force attacks, 378

brute-force crack, 451

buffer overflows, 219220, 574575

preventing, 574575

buffers, 574

bulletproof hosting, 461462

bus, I/O bus standards, 183184

bus topology, 319

business continuity. See BC (business continuity)

business continuity plan. See BCP (business continuity plan)

business impact analysis (BIA), 593595

business operations, threats to, 588589

Business Partnership Agreement (BPA), 119

business process recovery, 600601

business reference model, 215

BYOD (bring your own device), 226

BYOT (bring your own technology), 226


C, 564

C#, 564

C+, 564

C++, 564

CA (Certificate Authority), 272273

CaaS (Communication as a Service), 503

Cable Internet access, 340

cable modems, 340341

cable specifications, LAN cabling, 323324


coaxial cable, 322

fiber-optic cable, 324

LANs (local area networks), 322324

multimode fiber, 324

plenum-grade cable, 324

single-mode fiber, 324

twisted pair, 322323

CAC (Common Access Card), 95

Caesar’s cipher, 237

CAIN (confidentiality, availability, integrity, nonrepudiation), 29

calculating, availability, 606

CALEA (Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act), 441

call trees, 615616

CAM (content addressable memory), 329

campus area networks (CANs), 325

Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria (CTCPEC), 207

CANs (campus area networks), 325

capability lists, reference monitors, 191

Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 558560

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), 559560

capability tables, 402


authentication, 383384

employee access control, 9495

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), 320

carriers, steganography, 244

CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering), 557

CAST (Carlisle Adams/Stafford Tavares), 251

categories of

access controls, 155156

cloud computing models, 504

threats to business operations, 589

CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode, 253, 270

CBF (critical business function), 590

CCDs (charged coupled devices), 87

CCMP, 353

CCTV (closed-circuit television), 7677

perimeter controls, 87

CDAC (content-dependent access control), 403

CDDI (Copper Distributed Data Interface), 320

CDI (constrained data items), 204

CDs (compact discs), 183

ceilings, 7981

cell phones, 344346

central processing unit. See CPU (central processing unit)

centralized access control, 403404

Diameter, 406407

RADIUS (remote authentication dial-in user service), 404405

TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System), 406

CER (crossover error rate), 386

CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), 467

Certificate Revocation List (CRL), 273274


authentication, 384385

digital certificates, 274276

certification, 18, 213214

operations and maintenance, SDLC (System Development Life Cycle), 552553

CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act), 123

CFB (Cipher Feedback) mode, 253254

chain of custody, 478

chaining, 253

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), 360, 404

change control process, 561562

change controls, 3435

change detection, 575576

change management, 498500, 561562

changeover techniques, 553

CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), 360, 404

charged coupled devices (CCDs), 87

charts, Gantt charts, 560

checklists, BCP (business continuity plan), 620

checks and application controls, 543544

chief security officer, roles and responsibilities, 32

Chinese Wall model, 205

chosen ciphertext, 287

chosen plaintext, 287

CIA (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), 28

Cialdini, Robert, 162

Cipher Block Chaining mode, 253

cipher block chaining-Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC), 270

Cipher Feedback mode, 253254

cipher-based message authentication code (CMAC), 270


alphabetic cipher, 238239

block ciphers, 240, 247248

Caesar’s cipher, 237

concealment ciphers, 241

polyalphabetic cipher, 238239

Rivest cipher, 258259

rotation cipher, 237

running key cipher, 241

stream ciphers, 240, 248

symmetric substitution ciphers, 240

transposition ciphers, 240

Vernam cipher, 241242

Vigenere cipher, 238239, 239

ciphertext, 236, 249

ciphertext-only attack, 287

CIR (committed information rate), 337

circuit switching, WANs (wide area networks), 337

cable modems, 340341

DSL (digital subscriber line), 339340

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), 338

POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), 338

T-carriers, 338339

circuit-level proxy, 357

CIRT (Computer Incident Response Team), 467

CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing), 178

Citadel, 461

civil law, 124

Clark-Wilson model, 204

classification approach, knowledge extraction, 36

classifying information, 46

data classification, 4647

cleaning crews, 94

cleartext, 236

cleartext protocols, sniffing, 441

click-wrap license agreements, 50

client’s role, in PKI (public key infrastructure), 276277

climatology, facilities, 77

clipping level, 379, 496

cloning, 345346

closed systems, 192

closed-circuit television (CCTV), 7677

cloud computing, 341342, 503504

cloud computing backups, 613

cloud computing models, 504

cloud-based storage, 39

clouds, 185

clustering, 514, 606

CMAC (cipher-based message authentication code), 270

CMM (Capability Maturity Model), 558560

CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), 559560

coaxial cable, 322

COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology), 3738, 218, 427

COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language), 564

CoCOM (Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls), 285

cognitive passwords, 380

cohesion addresses, 549

COI (conflict of interest), 205

cold sites, 603

collisions, 269

hashing, 268

combination locks, 90

committed information rate (CIR), 337

Committee for Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), 168

Common Access Card (CAC), 95

Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL), 564

common computer ethics fallacies, 167

Common Criteria, 210212

common law, 123

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), 566


cell phones, 344346

LANs (local area networks). See LANs (local area networks)

standards, 327

VoIP (voice over IP), 343

Communication as a Service (CaaS), 503

communication loss, physical security, 75

communication protocols, 318319

Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), 441

communications attack, 126

communications teams, 534

compact discs (CDs), 183

comparative analysis, 450


quantitative assessments, and qualitative assessments, 145146

symmetric encryption, and asymmetric encryption, 250, 264265

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), and TCP, 313

compartmentalized systems, 400

compartmented, security modes of operation, 193

compensating access controls, 155

compilers, 564

completeness check, 544

Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC), 178

components of, IDS (intrusion detection systems), 413, 529

computer crimes, 125128

Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), 467

Computer Ethics Institute, 165

computer forensics, 472, 473, 474

acquire, 475477

analysis, 478

authentication, 477

integrity, 477478

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), 123

Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), 467

Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE), 557

concealment ciphers, 241


military data classification, 47

public/private data classification, 48

confidentiality, 28

Bell-LaPadula model, 199201

cryptography, 235

reciprocal agreements, 605

security models, 199

symmetric encryption, 250

confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA), 28

configuration lockdown, 56

configuration management, 498500

conflict of interest (COI), 205

confusion, 248

consistency, 569

social engineering, 163

constrained data items (CDI), 204

construction of facilities, 78

doors, walls, windows, and ceilings, 7981

contact smart cards, 383

contactless smart cards, 383

content addressable memory (CAM), 329

Content Scrambling System (CSS), 286

content switches, 330

content-dependent access control (CDAC), 403

content-services switches, 330

contingency planning, 511, 516517

continuing professional education (CPE), 128

Continuity of Operations (COOP), 118

continuous backups, 609

continuous lighting, 88

Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT), 3738, 218, 427

control units, 177

control zones, 524

controlling, physical access, 524525

controlling access, 495

controls, 131, 154

access controls, categories of, 155156

administrative controls, 154

application/process layer controls, security TCP/IP, 280

biometric access controls, 9697

change controls, 3435

checks and application controls, 543544

corrective controls, 550551

data controls, 3435

data lifecycle control, 37

detective controls, 550551

environmental controls, 98

host to host layer controls, securing TCP/IP, 280282

Internet layer controls, securing TCP/IP, 282283

manual authorization input control, 520

monitoring and auditing controls, 518519

auditing user activities, 519

controlling physical access, 524525

emanations, 524

keystroke monitoring, 523

monitoring application transactions, 520521

NAC (Network Access Control), 522

SIEM (security information and event management), 521522

network access layer controls, securing TCP/IP, 283284

output controls, 520, 521

physical controls, 155

physical port controls, 82

preventative controls, 550551

privacy controls, 43

process controls, 520

recovery controls, 516518

technical controls, 155

telecommunication controls, 503

blacklists, 506

cloud computing, 503504

email, 504506

fax, 506507

graylists, 506

PBX, 507508

whitelists, 506

COOP (Continuity of Operations), 118, 531

Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (CoCOM), 285

coordination teams, 534

Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI), 320

copyrights, 34

length of, 121

CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), 566

corporate spies, 127, 435

Corpus Juris Civilis, 125

corrective access controls, 155

corrective controls, 550551

COSO (Committee for Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission), 168

cost, data governance policies, 31

counter measure selection, risk assessment, 146149

Counter mode, 254255

covering tracks, 439

covers, steganography, 244

covert channels, 220221

covert storage channel attacks, 221

covert timing channel attacks, 221

Cowen, Fred, 456

CPE (continuing professional education), 128

CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), 7677

CPU (central processing unit), 176180

advancements, 177

cracking, password attacks, 450

cramming, 509

credentials, Kerberos, 394

crime, 465466

evidence life cycles, 483

evidence types, 481482

forensics, 472473

computer forensics, 474

procedures, 473

honeynets, 480481

honeypots, 480481

how computer crime has changed, 464465

incident response, 467468

incident response team, 468

processes, 469470

results, 470471

interrogations, 480

interviews, 480

investigating computer crime, 466467

investigations, 479

jurisdiction over computer crime, 467

negligence, 483

surveillance, 479

trials, 482483

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), 7677

crime triangle, 466467

crimes, computer crimes, 125128

crimeware kits, 461462

criminal activities, physical security, 75

criminal law, 123124

criminals, 465466

critical business function (CBF), 590

criticality prioritization, 594

CRL (Certificate Revocation List), 273274

crossover error rate (CER), 386

cross-site request forgery (CSRF), 223

cross-site scripting (XSS), 223

crosstalk, 327

cryptanalysis, 236, 285

crypters, 460

cryptographic algorithm, 236

cryptographic keys, 236

cryptography, 29, 234

3DES (Triple-DES), 255257

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 257258

algorithms, 246247

asymmetric encryption, 259261

attacks, 285288

authentication, 235, 266

confidentiality, 235

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 252

CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode, 253

CFB (Cipher Feedback) mode, 253254

Counter mode, 254255

ECB (Electronic Cookbook) mode, 253

OFB (Output Feedback) mode, 254

Diffie-Hellman, 261262

digital signatures, 270271

DSA (digital signature algorithm), 271

ECC (Elliptical Curve Cryptosystem), 263

El Gamal, 263

email protection mechanisms, 277

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 278


history of, 237243

hybrid encryption, 265266

Feistel Network, 242

hashing algorithms, 267268

CBC-MAC (cipher block chaining-Message Authentication Code), 270

CMAC (cipher-based message authentication code), 270

HAVAL, 269

HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code), 269270

MAC (Message Authentication Code), 269

MD algorithms, 268269

secure hashing algorithms, 269

integrity, 235

integrity verification, 266267

Merkle-Hellman Knapsack, 264

nonrepudiation, 235236

NSA (National Security Agency), 242

PAIN (privacy, authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation), 235

quantum cryptography, 242

RSA, 262263

steganography, 243244

digital watermarks, 245246

steganography operations, 244245

symmetric encryption, 249252

TCP/IP, 279

application/process layer controls, 280

host to host layer controls, 280282

Internet layer controls, 282283

network access layer controls, 283284

CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team), 467

CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance), 320

CSRF (cross-site request forgery), 223

CSS (Content Scrambling System), 286

CTCPEC (The Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria), 207

customary law, 125

cut-through switches, 330

cybercriminals, 127

Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union, 63

cyberterrorists, 127


DAC (discretionary access control), 397398

damage assessment teams, 534

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 467

DASD (direct access storage device), 513


decommissioning, 45

organizing, 35

data access, terminated employees, 33

data and information recovery, 608609

data at rest, encryption, 5254

data audits, 3738

data centers, 82

temperatures of, 98

data classification, 4647

military data classification, 4748

public/private data classification, 48

data controls, 3435

data custodians, roles and responsibilities, 32, 3435

data de-duplication (DDP), SAN (storage area network), 41

data diddling, 435

data disposal, 4445

data documentation, 35

data entry specialists, 493

data execution preventions (DEP), 219220

data governance policies, 3031

data in transit, 5456

data input validation, 543

data lifecycle control, 37

data link layer, OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, 299300

data management, 30

data mining, 3536

Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS), 340341

data owner identification, 34

data owners, roles and responsibilities, 32

data ownership, 3334

roles and responsibilities, 3334

data protection, 28

Data Protection Authority, 121

data reference model, 215

data remanence, 45

data replication, 611

data retention, 4445

data security, 4142

encryption, 52

data at rest, 5254

data in transit, 5456

endpoint security, 5657

information handling requirements, 43

privacy impact assessment, 4243

data standards, 37140

data storage, 3839

cloud-based storage, 39

information handling requirements, 43

NAS (network attached storage), 3839

SAN (storage area network), 3839, 3941

data warehousing, 35

database administrators, 493

database attacks, 446

database management, 566567

artificial intelligence, 570571

common terms, 567568

integrity, 569

transaction processing, 569570

database servers, 186

database shadowing, 612


aggregation, 568569

inference, 569

DBMS (database management system), 566

DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, 443

DDoS attacks, 437

DDP (data de-duplication), SAN (storage area network), 41

DDR (double data rate), 182

DDR2, 182

DDR3, 182

DDR4, 182

dead analysis, 478

decentralized access controls, 407

decommissioning, data, 45

DeCSS, 286

DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Communication), 354

dedicated, security modes of operation, 193

de-encapsulation, 304

default routes, 334

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 467

defense in depth, 72, 279

defense of breadth, 72

degaussing, 44, 502503

delay alarms, 80

Delphi technique, 144

deluges, water sprinklers, 105

demilitarized zones, 357358

NAT (Network Address Translation), 358

denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, 442443

denial-of-service (DoS) testing, 429

DEP (data execution prevention), 219220

Department of Defense

security modes of operation, 193194

standard, 177199, 554

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 246, 250, 252

CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode, 253

CFB (Cipher Feedback) mode, 253254

Counter mode, 254255

ECB (Electronic Cookbook) mode, 253

OFB (Output Feedback) mode, 254

DES EDE2, 256

DES EDE3, 256

DES EEE2, 256

DES EEE3, 256


of data, 4445

physical security, 74

detective access controls, 155

detective controls, 550551

deterrent access controls, 155

developers, roles and responsibilities, 32

developing, security policies, 149150

development methods, software development, 554

JAD (Joint Application Development), 555556

MPM (Modified Prototype Model), 557

prototyping, 556557

RAD (Rapid Application Development), 556

spiral model, 554555

waterfall model, 554

DIACAP (DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process), 213

Diameter, 406407

dictionary attacks, 378

dictionary crack, 450451

diesel fuel, 100

differential backups, 512, 609

differential cryptanalysis, 287

Diffie-Hellman, 261262

diffusion, 248

digital certificates, 274276, 384385

Digital Enhanced Cordless Communication (DECT), 354

digital signature algorithms (DSA), 271

digital signatures, 236, 270271, 273

DSA (digital signature algorithm), 271

digital subscriber line (DSL), 339340

digital video discs (DVDs), 183

digital watermarks, 245246

direct access storage device (DASD), 513

direct evidence, 482

direct OS commands, 223

direct-access storage, 183

directory traversal attacks, 223

direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), 347

disaster recovery, 532533

physical security, 534

Disaster Recovery Institute (DRI), 588

disaster recovery life cycle, 531532

disaster recovery managers, 532

disaster recovery plan. See DRP (disaster recovery plan)

disaster recovery teams, 533534

disasters, defined, 590

discernment, 89

discretionary access control (DAC), 397398

discretionary security property, 201

disgruntled employees, 127

disk encryption, 56


data custodians, 35

SDLC (System Development Life Cycle), 553, 554

distance-vector protocols, 334

distributed computing, 514

distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, 443

distribution of, symmetric keys, 249250

diverse routing, 607

DIX (Digital, Intel, and Xerox), 318

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), 51

DMZ (demilitarized zones), 357358

NAT (Network Address Translation), 358

DNS (Domain Name Service), 315

DNS spoofing, 447


DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification), 340341


change control process, 561562

data documentation, 35

DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP), 213

dogs, perimeter controls, 89

Domain Name Service (DNS), 315

doors, 7981

DoS (denial-of-service) testing, 429

DoS (denial-of-service) attacks, 442443

VoIP (voice over IP), 344

double data rate (DDR), 182

double-blind tests, 429

drag and drop questions, 21

DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), 181182

Draper, John, 465

DRI (Disaster Recovery Institute), 588

drive wiping, 44, 502

DRP (disaster recovery plan), 589

dry contact switches, 106

dry pipes, water sprinklers, 104

DSA (digital signature algorithm), 271

DSD (dynamic separation of duties), 401

DSL (digital subscriber line), 339340

DSL (very high data rate digital subscriber line), 340

Dsniff suite, 449450

DSSS (direct-sequence spread spectrum), 347

dual-homed gateways, 359

dual-use keys, 249

due care, 123, 496497

due diligence, 123, 496497

dumb cards, 95

duplicate check, 544

durability, 570

duress alarms, 95

DVD CCA (DVD Copy Control Association), 286

DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA), 286

DVDs (digital video discs), 183

dwell time, 347

dynamic NAT, 358

dynamic passwords, 379380

Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM), 181182

dynamic routing, 334

dynamic separation of duties (DSD), 401


E1, 339

E3, 339

EA (enterprise architecture), 214217

EALs (Evaluation Assurance Levels), 211

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 284, 360361, 404


EAP-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling), 361


EAP-MD5, 361


EAP-SIM, 361

EAP-Subscriber Identity Module (EAP-SIM), 361


EAP-Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP-TTLS), 361

earthquakes, 73

eavesdropping, 453

VoIP (voice over IP), 344

eBay, passwords, 378

ECB (Electronic Cookbook) mode, 253

ECC (Elliptical Curve Cryptosystem), 263

Economic Espionage Act of 1996, 123

Edmondson, Dave, 154

education, security management, 160161

EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), 254

EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol), 336

EICER (European Institute of Computer Anti-virus Research), 577

El Gamal, 263

electric lock pick guns, 93

electrical, physical security, 81

electrical power, 99100

electromagnetic (EMI) chambers, 78

electro-mechanical, 106

Electronic Cookbook mode, 253

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), 254

electronic serial number (ESN), 345346

electronic vaulting, 612

elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, 263

elliptic curves, 263

Elliptical Curve Cryptosystem (ECC), 263

email, 504506

encryption, 55

email protection mechanisms, 277, 365

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 278

emanation security, 524

emanations, 222223, 524

embedded device forensics, 472

embedded devices, 186

emergency funding, Katrina (hurricane), 617

emergency management teams, 534

emergency operations center (EOC), 601

emergency operations teams, 534

emergency power off (EPO), 100

emergency response teams, 534

emergency system restart, Orange Book, 501

EMI (electromagnetic interference) chambers, 78

employee access control, 94

badges, tokens, and cards, 9495

biometric access controls, 9697

RFID tags, 9596

employee services, BCP (business continuity plan), 617

employee-awareness programs, security management, 160

employees, terminated employees, security management, 159160

encapsulated secure payload (ESP), 282

encapsulating security payload (ESP), 363

encapsulation, 303304

OOP (object-oriented programming), 565

encapsulation of process or objects, 179

encryption, 52, 235, 236

802.11, 351

asymmetric encryption, 259261

authentication, 235

data at rest, 5254

data in transit, 5456

disk encryption, 56

end to end encryption, 56

end-to-end encryption, 284

history of, 237243

hybrid encryption, 265266

link encryption, 56

public key encryption, 260261

software encryption, 54

symmetric encryption, 237, 249252

confidentiality, 250

end to end encryption, 56

end-of-life provisions, 35

endpoint security, 5657

endpoint-based NAC, 415, 522

end-to-end encryption, 284

enforcement, 377

Enigma machine, 242

enterprise architecture (EA), 214215

enticement, 480, 482

entity relationship diagram (ERD), 547548

entrapment, 482

warning banners, 510

enumeration, 438

environmental controls, facilities, 98

EOC (emergency operations center), 601

EPO (emergency power off), 100

equipment, network equipment, 328

bridges, 328

gateways, 333

hubs, 328

mirrored ports, 330

network taps, 330331

repeaters, 328

routers, 332333

switches, 329330

VLANs (virtual LANs), 331

equipment failure, physical security, 75

equipment lifecycle, 5152, 101

ERD (entity relationship diagram), 547548

escalation, 439

escalation of privilege, 439

escrow agreements, 611

ESN (electronic serial number), 345346

ESP (encapsulated secure payload), 282

ESP (encapsulating security payload), 363


attacks, 464

DDoS attacks, 443

Ethernet, 305, 318

Ethernet frame, 318

Ethernet II protocol, 318

ethical hackers, 430

ethics, 163164

common computer ethics fallacies, 167

Computer Ethics Institute, 165

IAB (Internet Architecture Board), 165166

ISC2, 164

NIST SP 800–14, 166167

regulatory requirements, 167168

European Institute of Computer Anti-virus Research (EICER), 577

European Union, Data Protection Authority, 121

Evaluation Assurance Levels (EALs), 211

event logs, 434

events, 468

evidence life cycles, crime, 483

evidence types, crime, 481482

exam readiness, assessing, 1819

exams. See also tests

drag and drop questions, 21

hotspot question format, 2223

multiple-choice questions, 21

strategies for taking, 2425

strategies for taking exams, question-handling strategies, 2425

taking, 1920

exclusive-or (XOR), 352

execution domain switching, 189

existence check, 544

expert systems, 570

exposed risk, 138

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), 284, 360361, 404

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 565

extensions, Diameter, 407

Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), 336

exterior gateway protocols, 336

external groups, interacting with, 616617

extreme programming (XP), 558


facial recognition, 388

facial scans, 97

Facilitated Risk Assessment Process (FRAP), 144

facilities, 76

area concerns, 7778

asset placement, 82

construction, 78

doors, walls, windows, and ceilings, 7981

CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), 7677

electrical power, 99100

employee access control, 94

badges, tokens, and cards, 9495

biometric access controls, 9697

RFID tags, 9596

environmental controls, 98

heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, 9899

location, 78

perimeter controls, 83

bollards, 8586

fences, 8384

gates, 8485

guards and dogs, 89

lighting, 8889

lock picking, 9294

locks, 8992

UPS (uninterruptible power supplies), 100

facility and supply recovery, 601

mobile sites, 604

reciprocal agreements, 604605

redundant sites, 603604

subscription services, 601603

factor analysis of information risk (FAIR), 130

fail safe, 195

fail soft, 195

fail-open state, 544

fail-safe locks, 80

fail-secure, 80

failure states, 544

FAIR (factor analysis of information risk), 130

fake login screens, 455

false acceptance rate (FAR), 386

false negatives, 410, 526

false positives, 410, 526

false rejection rate (FRR), 386

FAR (false acceptance rate), 386

Farmer, Dan, 164, 427

fast infection viruses, 576577

fast-flux botnets, 445

fault tolerance, 513514, 606607

fax, 506507

fax activity logs, 507

fax encryption, 507

fax servers, 507

FCoE (Fiber Channel over Ethernet), 40, 326

FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act), 168

FEA (Federal Enterprise Architecture), 215

Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), 215

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), 61

Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 5960, 497

Federal Sentencing Guidelines of 1991, 123

federation, 392

fees, for hot sites, 601602

Feistel, Horst, 242

Feistel Network, 242

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration), phreakers, 508

fences, 8384

FHSS (frequency-hopping spread spectrum), 347

Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), 40

fiber-optic cable, 324

fields, databases, 567

file infection, 456, 576

file servers, 186

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 314

final tests, 552

finance teams, 534

financial attacks, 575

financial audits, 3738

fingerprint scans, 9697

fingerprints, 388389

FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards), 61

fire, 74

fire detection, 101102

fire detectors, 81

fire drills, 102

fire escapes, physical security, 81

fire prevention, 101102

fire suppression, 101102, 103

halon, 105106

water sprinklers, 104105

fire-detection equipment, 102103

firewall designs, 359

firewalls, 355

packet filters, 355356

proxy servers, 356357

stateful firewalls, 356

FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act), 5960, 497

floods, 73

food, disaster recovery, 605

footprinting, 225, 438

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), 168

foreign government agents, 436

foreign keys, databases, 567

forensics, 472473

computer forensics, 474

acquire, 475477

analysis, 478

authenticate, 477

integrity, 477478

procedures, 473


fraggle, DoS attacks, 442443

fragment free switches, 330

fragmentation, 307

Frame Relay, 337


risk management, 129130

Zachman Framework, 214215

FRAP (Facilitated Risk Assessment Process), 144

Free Space Optics (FSO), 608

frequency analysis, 238

frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), 347

Fresnel lens, 88

Friedman, William, 243

FRR (false rejection rate), 386

FSO (Free Space Optics), 608

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 314, 357

FTP Secure (FTPS), 280

FTPS (FTP Secure), 280

full backups, 512, 609

full duplex, 327

full interruption, BCP (business continuity plan), 620

fully connected topology, 322

function tests, 552

functional requirements and planning, SDLC (System Development Life Cycle), 547548

fuzzing, 552

fuzzy solutions, 570


G8 (Group of Eight), 497

GANs (Global Area Networks), 325

Gantt charts, 560

GAP in WAP, 354

garbage in, garbage out testing, 552

gates, 8485

gateways, 333

Generation 1, 563

Generation 2, 563

Generation 3, 563

Generation 4, 563

Generation 5, 563

generations of languages (GLs), 562563

generators, 100

GFS (grandfather-father-son), 513, 612

GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), 59

Global Area Networks (GANs), 325

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), 192

globally unique identifier (GUID), 479

GLs (generations of languages), 562563

gold box, phreakers, 508

Gonzalez, Albert, 466

governance, 4950

laws, standards, mandates, 5860


international resources, 6163

United States, 6061

security, 214215

security governance, 116117

government spies, 127

Graham Denning model, 205

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), 59

grandfather-father-son (GFS), 513, 612

granularity, databases, 567568

graybox testing, 428

graylists, 506

grounding devices, 98

Group of Eight (G8), 497

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), 192

guards, perimeter controls, 89

GUID (globally unique identifier), 479

guidelines, 153

security, 214215


hacker insurance, 135

hacker researchers, 436

hackers, 125128

ethical hackers, 430

skilled hackers, 436

hactivists, 435, 444

half duplex, 327

halon, 105106

hand geometry, 97, 387

hard changeovers, 553

hardening, 498

hardware device forensics, 472

hardware failures, 606

hardware keystroke loggers, 415416, 523

Hardware Security Modules (HSM), 277

hardware-based NAC, 415, 522

Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman model, 205

hash, 236

hash values, 267

Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC), 269270

hashed values, 576

hashes, 379

hashing, 575

collisions, 268

hashing algorithms, 267268, 273

CBC-MAC (cipher block chaining-Message Authentication Code), 270

CMAC (cipher-based message authentication code), 270

HAVAL, 269

HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code), 269270

MAC (Message Authentication Code), 269

MD algorithms, 268269

secure hashing algorithms, 269

HAVAL, 269

HBA (host bus adapter), 40, 326

HDLC (High-Level data Link Control), 341

HDSL (high data rate digital subscriber line), 340

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 58

hearsay evidence, 482

heating, facilities, 9899

heuristic scanning, 509510

HIDS (host-based intrusion detection systems), 411, 526, 527

hierarchical database management system, 567

hierarchical designs, 400

high data rate digital subscriber (HDSL), 340

High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC), 341

high-speed serial interface, 341

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 58

history of, encryption, 237243

HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code), 269270

honeynets, 480481, 510

honeypots, 480481, 510

horizontal privilege escalation, 439

host bus adapter (HBA) allocation, 40, 326

host to host layer controls, securing TCP/IP, 280282

host-based firewalls, 56

host-based intrusion detection systems, 411

host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDS), 527

host-to-host layer, TCP/IP, 311

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 312313

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 313

Host-to-LAN tunnels, 55

hot fixes, 572

hot sites, 601602

hotspot question format, 2223

HSM (Hardware Security Modules), 277

HTML, 564

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 315316, 357

hubs, 328

human safety, 590

hurricanes, 73


facilities, 9899

security, 81

hybrid attacks, 451

hybrid designs, 400

hybrid encryption, 265266

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 315316

hypervisor, 185


I Love You virus, 464

IA (Interoperability Agreement), 118

IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-service), 341, 503

IAB (Internet Architecture Board), 165166

IAM (Information Assurance Methodology), 144

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 333

ICMP, 306

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol, 309310

IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm, 251, 258

identification, 375376

identity and access management, 374

identity management, 391392

account management, 391

federation, 392

password management, 391

profile management, 391

identity theft, 453454

IDP (Intrusion Detection and Prevention), 414, 525

IDS (intrusion detection systems), 106107, 409410, 525526

anomaly-based IDS engines, 412, 528

behavioral-based IDS, 412, 528529

components of, 413, 529

HIDS (host-based intrusion detection systems), 411, 527

NIDS (network-based intrusion detection systems), 410, 526527

rule-based access controls, 412

rule-based IDS, 528529

sensor placement, 413, 529

signature-based IDS engines, 411, 528

IDSL (Internet digital subscriber line), 340

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 297

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 166, Open Systems Interconnection model

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), 310311

IGRP (Internet Gateway Routing Protocol), 306

IKE (Internet Key Exchange), 363

IKE (IPSec Internet Key Exchange), 283

ILM (information lifecycle management), 33

IM (instant messaging), 364

IMAP (Internet Message Authentication Protocol), 316, 505

IMAPv4, 316


BCP (business continuity plan), 618619

awareness and training, 619

personnel security, 156157

IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity), 345346

incident response, 467468, 530531

processes, 469470

results, 470471

teams, 468

incident response teams, 468, 534

incidents, 468

operational security incidents, responding to, 530

incremental attacks, 221222

incremental backups, 512513, 609

Industry Standard Architecture (ISA), 183

inference, 284

databases, 569, 567

inference attacks, 284


classifying, 46

data classification, 4647

obsolete information, 48

Information Assurance Methodology (IAM), 144

information flow model, 199

information handling requirements, data security, 43

information lifecycle management. See ILM (information lifecycle management)

Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), 3738, 218

information technology infrastructure library (ITIL), 61, 214

Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC), 210

informative policies, 151152

Infrastructure-as-as-service (IaaS), 341, 503

infrastructure-based NAC, 414, 522

initial program load (IPL), 501

initial sequence numbers (ISNs), 440

initialization vector (IV), 247

initiation, BCP (business continuity plan), 591593

injection attacks, 225

input/output operations, 189

inputs, 520

insiders, threat actors, 435

instant messaging (IM), 364


BCP (business continuity plan), 617618

hacker insurance, 135

intangible assets, 496

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), 338

integrity, 29

computer forensics, 477478

cryptography, 235

referential integrity, 569

security models, 202

Biba model, 202203

Clark-Wilson model, 204

semantic integrity, 569

integrity checking, 510

integrity verification, cryptography, 266267

integrity verification procedures (IVPs), 204

intellectual property, protecting, 121

intellectual property rights, 34

software licensing, 5051

interacting with external groups, BCP (business continuity plan), 616617

Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA), 118

interface testing, 551

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), 258

international law, 124125

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 297

International Organization on Computer Evidence (IOCE), 473

international resources, for governance, 6163

International Subscriber Identity (IMSI), 345346

International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunications Standardization Sector (ITU-T), 297

Internet Architecture Board (IAB), 165166

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 333

Internet Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), 283

Internet digital subscriber (IDSL), 340

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 166, 297

Internet Gateway Routing Protocol. See IGRP (Internet Gateway Routing Protocol)

Internet key exchange (IKE), 363

Internet layer, TCP/IP, 306

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 310

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol, 309310

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), 310311

IP (Internet Protocol), 306309

Internet layer controls, securing TCP/IP, 282283

Internet Message Authentication Protocol (IMAP), 316, 505

Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI), 3940, 325

Interoperability Agreement (IA), 118

interpreters, 564

interrogations, 480

interrupt-driven I/O, 180

interrupts, 179180

Inter-Switch Link (ISL), 331

interviews, crime, 480

intrusion detection, 409

intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP), 414

intrusion detection systems (IDS). See IDS (intrusion detection systems)

intrusion prevention systems, 414

intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), 530

investigating computer crime, 466467, 479

invocation property, 202

I/O bus standards, 183184

I/O using DMA, 180

IOCE (International Organization on Computer Evidence), 473

IP (Internet Protocol), 306309

IP addresses, 332

IPL (initial program load), 501

IPS (intrusion prevention systems), 414, 530

IPSec (IP Security), 55, 362364

IPSec Internet Key Exchange), 283

IPv6, 307309

iris recognition, 387

iris scans, 97

IS security steering committees, roles and responsibilities, 32

ISA (Industry Standard Architecture), 183

ISA (Interconnection Security Agreement), 118

ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association), 3738, 218

ISAKMP (The Internet Association and Key Management Protocol), 283

ISC2, ethics, 164

iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface), 3940, 325

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), 338

ISL (Inter-Switch Link), 331

ISNs (initial sequence numbers), 440

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 6162, 297

ISO 9001, 62

ISO 17799, 41, 216

ISO 27000, 217

ISO 27001, 61, 217

ISO 27002, 61, 117, 217

ISO 27003, 62, 217

ISO 27004, 62, 217

ISO 27005, 62, 217

ISO 27799, 62

ISO-certified, 62

isolation, 570

IT audits, 3738

ITIL (information technology infrastructure library), 61, 214

ITSEC (Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria), 210

ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunications Standardization Sector), 297

IV (initialization vector), 247

IVPs (integrity verification procedures), 204


JAD (Joint Application Development), 555556

Japanese Purple Machine, 242, 243

Java, 196, 564, 573

mobile code, 573

Java applets, 573574

JBOD (Just a Bunch of Disks), 516

JFK Records Act, 44

job rotation, 158

job titles, 494

Johansen, Jon Lech, 286

joins, 403

Joint Application Development (JAD), 555556

jurisdiction over computer crime, 467

Just a Bunch of Disks (JBOD), 516


Katrina (hurricane), 600

emergency funding, 617

KDC (Key Distribution Center), 393, 394

Kerberos, 393396

weaknesses of, 395

Kerckhoff’s Principle, 286

Kerckhoff, Auguste, 286

key cards, employee access control, 9495

key clustering, 287

Key Distribution Center (KDC), 393

key space, 246

key-bumping, 93

keys, dual-use keys, 249

keystroke monitoring, 415416, 523

knowledge base, 570

knowledge extraction, 3637

knowledge management, 3637

known plaintext attack, 287

KryptoKnight, 396


L2F, 284

L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), 55, 284

land, DoS attacks, 442

languages, programming languages, 562565

LANs (local area networks), 318

cabling, 322324

communication protocols, 318319

LAN-to-LAN tunnels, 55

last mile protection, 607

Lattice model, 205206

lattice structure, 567

lattice-based access control (LBAC), 403


administrative law, 124

civil law, 124

common law, 123

Corpus Juris Civilis, 125

criminal law, 123124

customary law, 125

FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act), 5960

GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), 59

governance, 5860

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 5859

international law, 124125

keystroke monitoring, 524

mixed law, 125

Napoleonic law, 125

privacy laws, 121122

religious law, 125

security, 123

SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), 60

United States, 123124

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), 55, 284

layered protections, 72

LBAC (lattice-based access control), 403

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 316, 404

LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol), 361

least privilege, 158159

legal compliance, data governance policies, 31

liability, data governance policies, 31

librarians, 493

licensing, software, 5051

lifecycles, equipment lifecycle, 5152, 101

lighting, perimeter controls, 8889

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 316

Lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP, 404

Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP), 361

liking, social engineering, 163

limit check, 543

Line Printer Daemon, 316

linear cryptanalysis, 287

link encryption, 56

link-state protocols, 335

link-to-link encryption, 285

Lipner model, 205

live analysis, 478

LKM (loadable kernel module), 461

loadable kernel module (LKM), 461

local area networks. See LANs (local area networks)

location, of facilities, 78

location redundancy, 326

SAN (storage area network), 40

lock pick sets, 93

lock picking, 9294

lock shims, 94


combination locks, 90

lock picking, 9294

mechanical locks, 91

perimeter controls, 8992

programmable locks, 9192

tumbler locks, 91

warded locks, 91

logging, 408409

access logs, 434

audit logs, 434

centralized logging, 518

event logs, 434

system logs, 434

logic bombs, 457458, 575

logic check, 544

logical attacks, 126

logs, security logs, 434

LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon), 437, 444

Loki program, 221

longest running suppressed patent, 243

lookup tables, 329

loose source routing, 307


potential loss, assessing, 595598

threat analysis, 136

Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC), 437, 444

low-level checks, 149

LPD (Line Printer Daemon), 316

LUC, 263

Lucifer, 252

LUN masking, 326

SAN (storage area network), 40

LuzSec, 465

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