
Number and Symbol
2TDES EDE, 165
3TDES EDE, 165
4GL (fourth-generation programming languages), 433
802, 1X, 146, 278–280
802, 11A, 260
802, 11Ac, 260
802, 11B, 260
802, 11G, 260
802, 11I, 259, 262
802, 11N, 260
802, 11-1997, 260
9 Step process, risk analysis, 67–68
ABM (Asynchronous Balanced Mode), HDLC, 256
Abstraction, secure design concepts, 117
Academy Award watermarks, 183
Acceptance of risk, 65
Acceptance testing, software, 337, 467–468
Accepted practices, customary law, 21
Access aggregation, 311–312
Access audits, 311–312
Access control, 55–58, 293–327
account lockouts, 296
administrative security, 348–352
architecture, 128–131
authentication methods, 294–309
Bell-LaPadula model, 106
Biba model, 107–108
biometrics, 304–308
centralized, 309
Chinese Wall model, 109
Clark–Wilson, 108–109
clipping levels, 295–296
contactless cards, 191, 262–263
content-/context-dependent, 323
credential management systems, 313
Data Loss Prevention, 367–368
decentralized, 309–310
defensive categories and types, 55–58
Diameter, 279–280, 319
discretionary, 321
endpoint security
exam objective summary, 323–324
Federated Identity Management, 312
Graham–Denning model, 111–112
Harrison–Ruzzo–Ullman model, 112
honeypots & honeynets, 370–371
Identity as a Service, 312–313
IDS and IPS, 364–366
information flow model, 109
integrity models, 106–109
KERBEROS, 314–318
lattice-based, 106–107
LDAP, 314
location-based, 309
log reviews, 333–335
mandatory, 128, 293, 321, 349
Microsoft Active Directory Domains, 320
modes of operation, 112–113
non-discretionary, 321–323
noninterference model, 109–110
PAP & CHAP, 278, 320
passwords and keys, 294–301
penetration testing, 44–45, 330–333
perimeter defenses, 183–196
preventative controls, 55–56
protocols and frameworks, 318–320
provisioning lifecycles, 311–312
RADIUS, 318–319
reading up and writing down, 104–105
role-based, 293, 321–323
rule-based, 323
salts, 300
security assessments and audits, 332–333
self test, 324–326, 499–504
Single Sign-On, 309, 310–311
Take-Grant Protection Model, 110
technologies, 309–320
tokens, 301–303
Zachman Framework, 111
Access Control Lists, See ACL
Access control matrices, 110–112
Access reviews, 311–312
centralized access control, 309
cornerstone concepts, 16–17
OECD privacy guidelines, 37
RADIUS, 318–319
Account lockouts, 296
Accreditation, 92–93, 113–115
ACK flags, 238–239
ACL (Access Control Lists), 275
Acquired software, security impact assessment, 468–469
Acquisitions, security issues, 45–46
Activation of disaster recovery teams, 393
Active-active clusters, 382, 416
Active Directory Domains, 320
Active entities, subjects and objects, 18
Active-passive clusters, 382, 416
Active RFID tags, 262–263
ActiveX controls, 141, 460
Adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks, 173–174
Adaptive chosen plaintext attacks, 173
ARP and RARP, 227, 235–236
directed broadcasts, 236
IPv6, 227, 229–232
Network Interface Cards, 227
RFC 1918, 233–234
translation, 234–235
Address Resolution Protocol, See ARP
Address space layout randomization, See ASLR
AddRoundKey, AES, 167
Ad hoc mode, 802, 11, 261
Adjacent buildings, 197–198
Administrative controls, 348–352
Administrative law, concepts, 23
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), properties, 283
Advanced Encryption Standard, See AES
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 165–168, 181, 262
Agents of law enforcement, reasonable searches, 28–29
Aggregation, databases, 143–144
Agile Software Development, 439–441
AH (Authentication Headers), IPSEC, 179–181
Airborne contaminants, 203
Air conditioning, See HVAC
ALE (Annualized Loss Expectancy), risk analysis, 60–64
Algorithms, genetic, 472
Allocated space, forensics, 353
All pair testing, 338
Alteration, cornerstone concepts, 13–14
ALU (arithmetic logic unit), 120
AMD-V (AMD Virtualization), 118
AMP (asymmetric multiprocessing), 122
Analog communications, 221
Bayesian filtering, 471–472
forensics, 352–357
software tests, 339–340
Analytics, database security issues, 144
ANN (Artificial Neural Networks), 470–471
Annualized Loss Expectancy, See ALE
Annual Rate of Occurrence, See ARO
Anomaly Detection Intrusion Detection Systems, 366
Antivirus software, 139, 368–369
Apache licenses, 435–436
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), security, 449
Applets, vulnerabilities, 141
Application Layer
Layer 7 of OSI model, 224, 274
TCP/IP model, 226, 241–245
Application-layer proxy firewalls, 274
Application Programming Interfaces, See APIs
Applications, See Software
Application virtualization, remote access, 284–285
CPUs, 120–123
Data Execution Prevention, 126–127
instruction sets, 122–123
internet, vulnerabilities, 140–142
IPsec, 281–282
memory addressing, 123
memory protection, 123–126
motherboards, 119–120
networks, 220–263
secure operating systems and software, 127–131
secure system hardware, 119–127, 182
trusted platform modules, 126
Archive bits, backup storage, 378
ARCNET (Attached Resource Computer Network), 249
Arithmetic logic unit, See ALU
ARM (Asynchronous Response Mode), HDLC, 256
ARO (Annual Rate of Occurrence), risk analysis, 62
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 227, 235–236
ARPAnet, 222
Artificial Intelligence, 469–472
Artificial Neural Networks, See ANN
AS (Authentication servers), 279–280, 310–311
ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization), 126–127
Assemblers, 430–431
access control security, 332–334
disaster recovery, 393
Asset security, 81–102
business continuity planning, 398–399, 400
classifications, 82–85
compartments, 82–83
configuration, 371–373
data destruction, 90–92
data in motion and at rest, 96–98, 149, 277–287
data security controls, 92–98
exam objectives, 98
memory and remanence, 81, 87–91
ownership, 85–87
risk analysis, 58
security operations, 371–375
self test, 98–100, 484–489
sensitive information media, 84–85
Asset tracking, 199
Asset Value, See AV
Assignment of privileges, 17–18, 55–56
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, See ADSL
Asymmetric encryption, 103, 168–170, 179
Asymmetric multiprocessing, See AMP
Asynchronous Balanced Mode, See ABM
Asynchronous dynamic tokens, 303
Asynchronous Response Mode, See ARM
Asynchronous Transfer Mode, See ATM
ATA Data Set Management Command, TRIM, 89–90
ATA Secure Erase, SSDs, 90
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), 255
Attached Resource Computer Network, See ARCNET
Attestation, service provider security, 44
Attributes, relational databases, 451
Attribute Value Pairs, See AVPs
Attribution, computer crimes, 31
Audits, security and access entitlements, 44–45, 311–312, 332
802, 1X and EAP, 278–280
access control
methods, 294–309
technologies, 309–320
account lockouts, 296
biometrics, 304–308
brute-force attacks, 299–300
callback, 283
centralized access control, 309–311
clipping levels, 295–296
cryptography, 146–147
dictionary attacks, 297–299
hybrid attacks, 300
identities, 15–16
KERBEROS, 314–318
LDAP, 314
location-based access control, 309
management of passwords, 300–301
non-repudiation, 17, 146–147
PAP and CHAP, 278, 320
passwords and keys, 294–301
protocols and frameworks, 278–280
RADIUS, 318–319
salts, 300
tokens, 301–303
Authentication Headers, See AH
Authentication servers, See AS
Authenticators, EAP, 279
centralized access control, 309
cornerstone concepts, 16–18
least privilege, 17–18, 349
Linux files, 16–17
need to know, 17–18, 84, 349
RADIUS, 318–319
Authorization creep, 311–312
Autoconfiguration, IPv6, 227, 229–232
Automated call trees, 410–411, 420
Autorun, disabling, 369–370
backups, 412–417
breaches, 84–85
cornerstone concepts, 11, 12–15
fault tolerance, 376–382
hardcopy records, 413–414
Highly Available clusters, 253–254, 382, 416
memory protection, 123–126
personnel, 391
software escrow, 416–417
WLANs, 259
AV (Asset Value), 61–64
Avoidance, risks, 66
AVPs (Attribute Value Pairs), RADIUS, 319
Awareness, training of personnel, 52, 419–420
Backdoors, 137, 463, 465–466
Background checks, 52–53, 352
Backup power, 388–389
emergency training, 419
generators, 197, 201, 419
redundant supplies, 382
UPSs, 197, 201, 388–389
Backup storage
archive bits, 378
availability, 412–417
databases, 456
fault tolerance, 376–381
hardcopy records, 413–414
offsite, 97–98
RAID, 378–381
sensitive information, 84–85
storage and transportation, 84, 97–98
tape rotation, 415
types of policies, 377–378, 414–415
Backward chaining, 469–470
“Bad” blocks/clusters/sectors, forensics, 354
Bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, 259
Bandwidth, packet-switched networks, 222
Baseband networks, concepts, 220
Baselining, 44, 51–52, 371–372
Basic Input Output System, See BIOS
Basic Rate Interface, See BRI
Bastion hosts, 274
Bayesian filtering, 471–472
BCI (Business Continuity Institute), Good Practice Guide, 423
BCP (Business Continuity Planning), 347, 348, 383–424
Business Impact Analysis, 399–403
call trees, 409–411, 420
change management, 420
continued maintenance, 420–421
Crisis Management Plans, 409–411
critical state assessment, 398–399
development of approach, 394–412
disasters or disruptive events, 385–392
Executive Succession Planning, 411–412
failure and recovery metrics, 401–403
frameworks, 421–423
mistakes, 421
plan approval, 412
principles, 383–384
project initiation, 395–398
project managers, 397
reciprocal agreements, 406–407
recovery strategy development, 403–407
related plans, 407–412
relationship with DRP, 384–385
scoping, 398
secondary sites, 405–407
subscription services, 407
team building, 397–398
version control, 421
vital records storage, 411
Becoming a CISSP, 4
Bell-LaPadula model of access control, 106
Berkeley Software Distribution, See BSD
Best evidence rule, 26
Best practice, 21, 24
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 271
BIA (Business Impact Analysis), 399–403
Biba model of access control, 107–108
Big Bang testing, 337
Binary images, 353
Biometrics, 304–308
BIOS (Basic Input Output System), 88–89, 125–126, 128
Birthday attacks, 175–176
Biting codes, keys, 188–189
Black box tests, 330, 336
Black hats, 69, 331
Block ciphers, 160
Block level striping, 380–381
Blowfish, 168
Bluetooth, WLANs, 262
Bollards, 184–185
Book ciphers, 154
Boot integrity, TPM, 126
BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol), 135, 245
Boot sector viruses, 138
Border Gateway Protocol, See BGP
Botnets, 72
Bots, 72
Bottom-Up programming, 434
Bounds checking, 463–464
availability, 84–85
confidentiality, 84
HIPAA, 54–55
integrity, 84–85
US notification laws, 43
Brewer–Nash, See Chinese Wall model
BRI (Basic Rate Interface), ISDN, 282
Bridges, networks, 263–264
Broadband networks, 220
Broadcast traffic, 236–237
Brute-force attacks, 171–172, 190, 299–300
BS-25999 standards, 422–423
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), 435–436
Budgeting, risk analysis, 64–65
Buffer overflows, software development, 463–464
adjacent and shared, 197–198
environmental controls, 200–211
evacuations, 204–205
fire suppression, 205–211
heat, smoke and flame detectors, 203–204
HVAC, 202–203
perimeter defenses, 183–196
site configuration and design, 197–199
site selection, 196–197
Burden of proof, 22–23
Buses, LANs, 250–251
Business Continuity Institute, See BCI
Business Continuity Planning, See BCP
Business Impact Analysis, See BIA
Business interruption testing, Disaster Recovery Plans, 419
Business Owners, information security, 85
Business Recovery Plans, See BRP
Business travel, 205
Bytecode, 431
Cable modems, 283
networks, 223, 245–248
thicknet/thinnet, 247, 248
wiring closets, 198
Cache memory, 87–88
Caesar Cipher, 150–151
ALE, 60–62
risks, 59–60
TCO, 62–63
California Senate Bill 1386, See SB 1386
Callback, authentication, 283
Caller ID services, 283–284
Call trees, 409–411, 420
Candidate Information Bulletin, See CIB
Candidate keys, relational databases, 451
Canons, the (ISC) Code of Ethics, 47–48
Capability Maturity Model, See CMM
Capacitors, RAM, 88
Carbon dioxide, See CO2
Carrier Sense Multiple Access, See CSMA
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection, See CSMA/CD
CAs (Certification Authorities), PKI, 178
CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering), 434
Categories of cabling, 246
CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), DES, 163
CBC-MAC (Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Codes), 177
CBK (Common Body of Knowledge), 2
CBT (Computer Based Testing), 5
CCB (Configuration Control Boards), 450
CCD (Charged Couple Discharge) Cameras, 185–186
CCMP (Counter Mode CBC MAC Protocol), 262
CCTV (Closed Circuit Television), 185–187
CDI (constrained data items), Clark–Wilson, 108
CDN (Content Distribution Networks), 287
CD-Rs (Compact Discs - Recordable), 92
Ceilings, design, 194–195
Centralized access control, 309–311
Centralized logging, reviews, 334–335
Central Processing Unit, See CPU
CEO (Chief Executive Officers), BCP/DRP development, 395–397
CER (Crossover Error Rate), biometrics, 293, 305–306
Certificate Revocation Lists, See CRL
Clark–Wilson, 108–109
data security, 92–93
system security, 113–115
Certification Authorities, See CAs
CFB (Cipher Feedback), DES, 163
CFO (Chief Financial Officers), BCP/DRP development, 395–397
Chain of custody, 27, 29, 297
Chaining, symmetric encryption, 161
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol, See CHAP
Challenge-response tokens, 303
Change management, 373–375, 420, 449–450
broadband networks, 220
covert, 109–110
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit, See CSU/DSU
CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol), 278, 320
Charged Couple Discharge cameras, See CCD cameras
Disaster Recovery Plans, 418
exam readiness, 4
Chief Executive Officers, See CEO
Chief Financial Officers, See CFO
Chief Information Officers, See CIO
Chief Operating Officers, See COO
Chinese Wall model of access control, 109
Chosen ciphertext attacks, 173–174
Chosen plaintext attacks, 173
CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity and availability), 12–15
CIB (Candidate Information Bulletin), 2
CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing), 231, 232–233
CIO (Chief Information Officers), BCP/DRP development, 395–397
Cipher Block Chaining, See CBC
Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Codes, See CBC-MAC
Cipher disks, 151–153
Cipher Feedback, See CFB
Bluetooth, 262
definition, 146
hash functions, 103, 170–171, 176–178, 181, 296–300
historical, 150–159
IDEA, 165
monoalphabetic, 148, 150–151
polyalphabetic, 148, 151–153
WEP, 261
attacks, 173–174
definition, 146
Circuit-level proxy firewalls, 274
Circuit-switched networks, 221
Circumstantial evidence, 25
CIRT (Computer Incident Response Teams), 19, 358
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers), 122–123
CIS security benchmarks, 64–65
Civil law, 20, 22–23
Clark–Wilson integrity model, 108–109
Classes of fires and suppression agents, 205–207
Classes of gates, 184
Classful networks/addresses, 232
Class I/II/III/IV gates, 184
Classifications, data security, 82–85
Classless Inter-Domain Routing, See CIDR
Clearance, 83
C-level management, 395–397, 411–412
Client-side attacks, 140
Clipper Chips, 182
Clipping levels, passwords, 295–296
Closed Circuit Television, See CCTV
Closed source software, 435
Closed systems, design concepts, 119
Cloud services, 132–134, 312–313
CMM (Capability Maturity Model), 430, 462, 466–467
CMP (Crisis Management Plans), 409–411
CM Plans (Configuration Management Plans), 450
CMS (Content Management Systems), 449–450
Coaxial cable, 202, 247
COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) framework, 95
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), fire suppression, 208
CoCom (The Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls), 39, 160
Codebooks, 154–155
Cohesion, Object-Orientated Programming, 458–459
Cold boot attacks, 88
Cold sites, 406
Collection limitation principle, 37
Ethernet, 248–249
hash functions, 170–171
Collusion, 347
Color of law enforcement, 28–29
Combination locks, 190
Combinatorial testing of software, 338
COM (Component Object Model), 460
Commandments of Computer Ethics, 48
Commercial Off-the-Shelf software, See COTS
Commit, databases, 455
Common Body of Knowledge, See CBK
Common law, 21
Common Object Request Broker Architecture, See CORBA
Communications, 277–287
analog, 221
authentication protocols and frameworks, 278–280
Content Distribution Networks, 287
continuity of operations, 404–405
covert channels, 109–110
Crisis Management Plans, 409–411
digital fundamentals, 220–221
disaster recovery, 393
exam objectives summary, 287–288
failures, 391–392
IRC, 285
multiplexing, 260
remote access, 282–287
remote meeting technology, 286
remote wipe, 286
risk assessment, 394
security, 277–288
self-tests, 288–290, 494–499
telecommunications management, 404–405
telecommuting, 282–287
unlicensed bands, 259
Compact Discs - Recordable, See CD-Rs
information security, 82–83
security domains, 113, 117
United States, 82–83
Compensating controls, concepts, 57
Compensatory financial damages, 23
Compilers, 431
Complete business interruption testing, 419
Complex Instruction Set Computers, See CISC
abstraction, 117
passwords and passphrases, 295
Compliance, 20–23
Component Object Model, See COM
Components, program policies, 49–50
Computer-Aided Software Engineering, See CASE
Computer based testing, See CBT
Computer bus, design, 119–120
Computer Ethics Institute, 48
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act - Title 18 Section 1030, 40, 41–42
Computer Incident Response Teams, See CIRT
Computer Security Incident Response Teams, See CSIRT
Computer viruses, 137–138
Conficker worm, 58–59, 139
breaches, 84
code repository history, 448
cornerstone concepts, 12–15
cryptography, 146–147
databases, 451
definition, 11
HIPAA, 14, 40, 42–43, 54–55, 97
memory protection, 123–126
penetration testing, 331–332
privacy laws, 36–38
trusted platform modules, 126
Confidential object labeling, 82
Configuration Control Boards, See CCB
Configuration issues
change management, 449–450
security operations, 371–373
site design, 197–199
Configuration Management Plans, See CM Plans
Conflicts of interest, Chinese Wall model, 109
Confusion, cryptography, 147
Congestion Window Reduced flags, See CWR
Connections, maintenance, OSI model, 224
Consistency testing, 418
Constrained data items, See CDI
Constrained user interfaces, databases, 453
Consultants, security issues, 53–54
Contactless cards, access control, 191, 262–263
Containment phase, incident responses, 361
Contaminants, airborne, 203
Content-dependent access control, 323
Content Distribution Networks, See CDN
Content Management Systems, See CMS
Context-dependent access control, 323
Continuity of operations
backup storage, 84–86, 97–98, 376–381, 412–417, 456
BS-25999 standards, 422–423
Business Continuity Planning, 383–424
Business Impact Analysis, 399–403
call trees, 409–411, 420
change management, 420
continued maintenance, 420–421
COOP, 407–408
critical resources, 385
critical state assessment, 398–399
Disaster Recovery Planning, 383–424
disasters or disruptive events, 385–392
Executive Succession Planning, 411–412
failure and recovery metrics, 401–403
fault tolerance, 376–382
frameworks, 421–423
Good Practice Guide, 423
Highly Available clusters, 382, 416
incident response management, 357–363
ISO 22301 guidelines, 422–423
ISO/IEC-27031 guidelines, 422–423
mobile sites, 407
NIST SP, 800-34, 422
plan approval, 412
principles, 383–384
project initiation, 395–398
reciprocal agreements, 406–407
recovery strategy development, 403–407
secondary sites, 405–407
security operations, 375–424
Service Level Agreements, 44, 375–376
subscription services, 407
supply chain management, 403–404
system redundancy, 382, 405–406
telecommunications management, 404–405
utilities management, 405
version control, 421
vital records storage, 411
Continuity of Operations Plans, See COOP
Continuity Planning Project Teams, See CPPT
Continuity of Support Plans, 408
Continuous monitoring, security operations, 367
Contraband checks, 193
Contractors, security issues, 53–54
Contractual security, service providers, 44–45
Control frameworks
databases, 144
data security, 93–96
Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology framework, See COBIT framework
Control technologies, access management, 309–320
Control unit, See CU
Convention on Cybercrime, 38
Converged protocols, networks, 256–258
Convergence, routing, 268
COO (Chief Operating Officers), BCP/DRP development, 395–397
COOP (Continuity of Operations Plans), 347, 384–385, 407–408
The Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls, See CoCom
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), 460–461
Core keys, 188–190
Cornerstone concepts
confidentiality, integrity and availability, 12–15
cryptography, 146–150
disclosure, alteration and destruction, 13–14
identity and authentication, authorization and accountability, 15–18
Object-Orientated Programming, 457–458
security, 12–19
Corrective controls, 56
Corroborative evidence, 25–26
Corrosion, environmental control, 203
Cosmic compartmented information, NATO, 83
Cost approach to asset valuation, 61
COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) software, security impacts, 468–469
Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, 38
Count-down timers, gas fire suppression systems, 209
Counter-based synchronous dynamic tokens, 303
mobile device attacks, 145–146
security engineering, 145–146
Counter Mode, See CTR
Counter Mode CBC MAC Protocol, See CCMP
Coupling, Object-Orientated Programming, 458–459
Covert channels, 109–110, 136–137
CPPT (Continuity Planning Project Teams), 397–398
CPUs (Central Processing Units)
architecture, 120–123
cache, 87–88
FDX process, 121
instruction sets, 122–123
interrupts, 121
machine code, 430–431
memory addressing, 123
multitasking and multiprocessing, 122
pipelining, 121
processes and threads, 121–122
rings, 117–118
watchdog timers, 122
Crackers, 69
Cracking passwords, 296–300
Crashes, watchdog timers, 122
Credential management systems, 313
Credentials, KERBEROS, 315–318
Crime, site selection, 197
Criminal law, 22
Crippleware, 435
Crisis Communications Plans, 409
Crisis Management Plans, See CMP
Critical assets
BCP/DRP development, 398–399, 400
Business Impact Analysis, 400
vital records storage, 411
Critical processes, watchdog timers, 122
Critical resources
Business Continuity Planning, 385
disaster recovery, 393
Critical state assessment, BCP/DRP development, 398–399, 400
CRL (Certificate Revocation Lists), PKI, 178
Crossover, Genetic Algorithms, 472
Crossover Error Rate, See CER
Cross-Site Request Forgery, See CSRF, XSRF
Cross-Site Scripting, See XSS
Crosstalk, 201–202
Cryptanalysis, 146, 171–176, 299–300
Cryptographic strength, 148
Cryptographic technologies
data in motion, 96–97, 149, 277–282
import/export restrictions, 39
trusted platform modules, 126
asymmetric encryption, 168–170
attacks, 171–176
confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation, 146–147
confusion, diffusion, substitution and permutation, 147
cornerstone concepts, 146–150
data at rest and in motion, 96–97, 149, 277–282
digital signatures, 176–177
Digital Watermarks, 183
escrowed encryption, 181–182
hash functions, 103, 170–171, 176–178, 181, 296–300
historical ciphers, 150–159
history, 150–160
IDEA, 165
implementation, 176–183
IPSEC, 179–181
key terms, 146
laws, 159–160
modular maths, 148
monoalphabetic ciphers, 148, 150–151
PGP, 181
polyalphabetic ciphers, 148, 151–153
prime number factoring, 168–169
protocol governance, 149–150
security engineering, 146–183
SSL and TLS, 179, 280, 282, 286
steganography, 182–183
strength, 147
symmetric encryption, 160–168
types, 160–171
WEP, 261
CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Teams), 358
CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access), 219, 248–249
CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection), 249
CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery), 465
CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit), 277
CTR (Counter Mode), DES, 163
CU (control unit), CPUs, 120
Custodians, information security, 86
Customary law, 21, 24
Custom-developed third party products, security impacts, 469
CWR (Congestion Window Reduced) flags, 238
attribution, 31, 38
evidence integrity, 27, 29, 297
financially motivated attackers, 390
honeypots & honeynets, 370–371
Cyber Incident Response Plans, 409
Cybersquatting, 35–36
DAC (Discretionary Access Control), 293, 321, 349
DAD triad (disclosure, alteration and destruction), 13–14
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 221–222
analytics, 144–145
breach notification laws, 43
destruction, 90–92
differential backups, 377–378, 414–415
exfiltration prevention, 193
fault tolerance, 376–382
full backups, 377, 414
Full-Disk Encryption, 96–97, 126, 149, 370
hardcopy records, 413–414
incremental backups, 377, 414
labels, 82
overwriting, 91
ownership, 85–87
privacy, 36–38
remanence, 81, 87–89, 91
remote wipe, 286
retention, 357
security classifications, 82–85
SSD writing method, 90
subjects and objects, 18
trans-border flows, 38, 39, See also Integrity, Objects
Database Administrators, See DBAs
Database Management System, See DBMS
backups, 456
confidentiality, 451
constrained user interfaces, 453
development, 450–456
hierarchical, 451, 454–455
inference and aggregation, 143–144, 451
integrity, 455
journals, 455
meta-data, 453
mining, 144, 456
normalization, 453
object-orientated, 451, 455
polyinstantiation, 143
query languages, 451, 453–454
relational, 451–453
remote journaling, 415
replication and shadowing, 415, 455–456
security engineering, 142–145
types, 451–455
views, 453
warehousing, 456
Database schemas, 453
Data centers, environmental and power issues, 388–389
Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment, See DCE
Data collection limitations, 86–87
Data controllers, 86
Data Define Language, See DDL
Data dictionaries, 453
Data Encryption Algorithm, See DEA
Data Encryption Standard, See DES
Data Execution Prevention, See DEP
Data hiding, See Encapsulation
Data integrity, See Integrity
Data Link Layer (Layer 2), 223, 236–237, 263–266
Data Loss Prevention, See DLP
Data Manipulation Language, See DML
Data mining, 144, 456
Data in motion, 96, 277–287
authentication protocols and frameworks, 278–280
protection, 98, 149, 277–283
remote access, 282–287
Data Owners, 85–86
Data points, fingerprint scans, 305
Data Processors, 86
Data Quality principles, 37
Data remanence, See Remanence
Data at rest, 96–97, 149
Data security controls, 92–98
accreditation and certification, 92–93
in motion and at rest, 96–98, 149, 277–287
scoping and tailoring, 96
standards and frameworks, 93–96
Data Service Unit, See DSU
Data Terminal Equipment, See DTE
Data Terminal Equipment/Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment, See DTE/DCE
Data warehousing, 456
DBAs (Database Administrators), 451
DBMS (Database Management System), 450–451, 455–456
DC (Domain Controllers), 296
DCE (Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment), 277
DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model), 460
DDL (Data Define Language), 453–454
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, 72
De-acquisitions, security issues, 46
DEA (Data Encryption Algorithm)
IDEA, 165
Deadbolts, 188–189
Decentralized access control, 309–310
Declaration on Transborder Data Flows, 39
Decode instructions, CPUs, 121
Dedicated mode of operation, 112
Default routes, LANs, 267
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, See DARPA
Defense-in-Depth, 19, 145
asset tracking, 199
contraband checks, 193
dogs, 195–196
guards, 195
honeypots & honeynets, 370–371
media destruction, 92
networks, 220, 271–277
perimeter defenses, 183–196
port controls, 199–200
restricted areas and escorts, 196
server-side attacks, 139–140
system defenses, 199–200
Defensive categories, access control, 55–58
Defined, CMM Phase, 3, 467
Degaussing, 89, 91
Deletion of files, remanence, 91
Deluge sprinkler systems, 211
Demarc, 277
De-mergers, security issues, 46
Demilitarized Zone, See DMZ
De-multiplexing, TCP/IP model, 226
Denial of Service attacks, See DoS
Density, data centers, 388–389
DEP (Data Execution Prevention), 126–127
Deployment of patches, 372
Depth of field, CCTV, 185–186
DES (Data Encryption Standard), 161–165, 181
Design concepts
abstraction, 117
cloud computing, 132–134
countermeasures, 145–146
CPUs, 120–123
databases, 142–145
Data Execution Prevention, 126–127
large-scale parallel data systems, 134
layering, 116–118
memory protection, 123–126
motherboards, 119–120
networks, 220–263
open and closed systems, 119
P2P networks, 134–135
ring model, 117–118
secure hardware architecture, 119–127
secure operating system and software architecture, 127–131
secure systems, 116–119
thin clients, 135
trusted platform modules, 126
virtualization, 131–132
WORM storage, 126
Desktop virtualization, 284–285
cornerstone concepts, 13–14
data, 90–92
Detection phase, incident responses, 360
Detective controls, 56, 57, 363–371
Anomaly Detection IDS, 366
HIDS, 365
NIDS, 364–365
Pattern Matching IDS, 366
Protocol Behavior IDS, 366
Deterrent controls, concepts, 56–57, 58
software, 429–477
acceptance testing, 467–468
Agile methods, 439–441
APIs, 449
Artificial Intelligence, 469–472
Capability Maturity Model, 430, 462, 466–467
code repositories, 448
databases, 450–456
exam objectives summary, 473
Extreme Programming, 429, 441
Genetic Algorithms, 472
methods, 436–450
Object-Orientated Analysis and Design, 461–462
Object-Orientated Programming, 456–461
programming concepts, 430–436
prototyping, 442–443
Rapid Application Development, 442
Sashimi Model, 438–440
Scrum, 440–441
security effectiveness, 462–469
self test, 473–475, 515–520
Spiral Model, 429, 441–442
Systems Development Life Cycle, 429, 443–447
vulnerabilities, 462–466
Waterfall Model, 429, 436–439
Device drivers, ring model, 118
DevOps, 450
DF (do not fragment) flags, IPv4, 229
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 135, 231, 245
Diameter, 279–280, 319
Dictionary attacks, 297–299
Differential backups, 377–378, 414–415
Differential cryptanalysis, 174–175
Diffie–Hellman Key Agreement Protocol, 169
Diffusion, cryptography, 147
Digital communications, fundamental concepts, 221
Digital forensics, security operations, 352–357
Digital signatures, cryptography, 176–177
Digital Subscriber Line, See DSL
Digital Video Recorders, See DVR
Digital Watermarks, implementation, 183
Dilution of trademarks, 35
Directed broadcast addresses, 236
Direct evidence, concept, 25
Direct mode, memory addressing, 123
Directory Path Traversal, 463
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, See DSSS
autorun, 369–370
IPv6 services, 232–233
Disassemblers, 431
Disaster, definition, 347
Disaster Recovery Planning, See DRP
Business Impact Analysis, 399–403
environmental, 386–387, 388–389
human, 386–387
natural, 386–388
Disciplinary processes, 17, 53
cornerstone concepts, 13–14
software vulnerabilities, 466
Disclosure, Alteration and Destruction, See DAD triad
Discrete logarithms, asymmetric encryption, 169
Discretionary Access Control, See DAC
Disease, personnel shortages, 390–391
Diskless workstations, principles, 135
ciphers, 151–153
degaussing, 91
encryption, 96–97
forensic analysis, 353–355
Full-Disk Encryption, 96–97, 126, 149, 370
hashing for authenticity validation, 297
RAID, 378–381
reformatting, 91
remanence, 81, 87–89, 91
Disruptive events
Business Impact Analysis, 399–403
communications failures, 391–392
disaster classifications, 386–387
electrical/power problems, 388–389
environmental failures, 388–389
errors and omissions, 387
financially motivated attackers, 390
natural disasters, 386–388
personnel shortages, 390–391
types, 385–392
warfare, terrorism and sabotage, 389
Distance Vector Routing Protocols, 269–271
Distributed access control, See Decentralized access control
Distributed Component Object Model, See DCOM
Distributed Denial of Service attacks, See DDoS
Distributed Network Protocol, See DNP3
Divestitures, security, 46
DLP (Data Loss Prevention), 367–368
DML (Data Manipulation Language), 453–454
DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), 276
DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol), 256
DNS (Domain Name System), 244
DNSSEC (Domain Name Server Security Extensions), 244
Documentation, security policies, 49–52
DoD (U.S. Department of Defense), 221
Dogs as a defense, 195–196
Domain Controllers, See DC
Domain Name Server Security Extensions, See DNSSEC
Domain Name System, See DNS
Domains, security, 117
Do not fragment flags, See DF
Doors, security, 194
DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, 14, 72, 259
Double-interlock sprinkler systems, 211
Drag & drop questions, 5–7
Drains, HVAC, 202
DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), 88
Disaster Recovery Plans, 418
evacuations, 204–205
Drives, See Disks, Media
DRP (Disaster Recovery Planning), 348, 383–424
awareness, 420
backup availability, 412–417
Business Impact Analysis, 399–403
call trees, 409–411, 420
change management, 420
continued maintenance, 420–421
Crisis Management Plans, 409–411
critical state assessment, 398–399
development of approach, 394–412
Executive Succession Planning, 411–412
failure and recovery metrics, 401–403
frameworks, 421–423
mistakes, 421
plan approval, 412
principles, 384
process instantiation, 392–393
project initiation, 395–398
reciprocal agreements, 406–407
related plans, 407–412
relationship with BCP, 384–385
reviews, 417–418
scoping, 398
secondary sites, 405–407
strategy development, 403–407
subscription services, 407
team building, 397–398
testing, 417–419
training, 419–420
version control, 421
vital records storage, 411
Dry pipe sprinkler systems, 210–211
Dry powder, fire suppression, 208
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), properties, 283
DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum), WLANs, 259–260
DSU (Data Service Unit), 277
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment), 277
DTE/DCE (Data Terminal Equipment/Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment), 277
Dual-factor authentication, See Strong authentication
Dual-homed hosts, 275
Dual stack systems, TCP/IP, 231
Due care, 19, 24
Due diligence, 19, 24, 45–46
Dumpster diving, 90–91, 92
Duress warning systems, 204–205
rotation, 350–351
separation, 108–109, 349–350
DVR (Digital Video Recorders), 185
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, See DHCP
Dynamic NAT, 234–235
Dynamic passwords, 295
Dynamic Random Access Memory, See DRAM
Dynamic signatures, 308
Dynamic testing of software, 335–336
E1/E3 circuits, 254
EAL (Evaluation Assurance Levels), ICC, 116
EAP (Extensible Authorization Protocol), 278–280
EAP-FAST (EAP-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling), 280
EAP-MD5, 280
EAPOL (EAP Over LAN), 279
EAP-TLS (EAP-Transport Layer Security), 280
EAP-TTLS (EAP-Tunneled Transport Layer Security), 280
Earthquake Disaster Risk Index, 59–60
ECB (Electronic Code Book), DES, 161–162
ECE (Explicit Congestion Notification Echo) flags, 238
Echo Replies, ping, 240
ECPA (Electronic Communications Privacy Act), 40
EDE (Encrypt, Decrypt, Encrypt), Triple DES, 164
eDISCOVERY (Electronic Discovery), 357
EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory), 88–90
EER (Equal Error Rates), biometrics, 305–306
EES (Escrowed Encryption Standard), 182
EF (Exposure Factors), risk analysis, 62, 63
EGPs (Exterior Gateway Protocols), 268–269
Egyptian Hieroglyphics, 150
disruptive events, 388–389
emergency power training, 419
environmental controls, 200–202
faults, 200, 388–389
generators, 197, 201, 419
redundant supplies, 38
UPSs, 197, 201, 388–389
Electromagnetic emanations, See Emanations
Electromagnetic Interference, See EMI
Electromagnetic spectrum, bands, 259
Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, See EEPROM
Electronically stored information, See ESI
Electronic backups, See Backup storage
Electronic Code Book, See ECB
Electronic Communications Privacy Act, See ECPA
Electronic Discovery, See eDISCOVERY
Electronic Protected Health Information, See ePHI
Electronic vaulting, 415
Elliptic Curve Cryptography, 169
Emanations, 136
Embedded device forensic analysis, 356–357
Emergency Operations Centers, See EOC
Emergency power
technology, 197, 201, 388–389
training requirements, 419
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference), 201–202, 245–246, 263
background checks, 52–53
disaster recovery training and awareness, 419–420
disciplinary processes, 17, 53
Encapsulating Security Payload, See ESP
Object-Orientated Programming, 457
TCP/IP model, 226
Encrypt, Decrypt, Encrypt, See EDE
asymmetric, 103, 168–170
cold boot attacks, 88
cornerstone concepts, 146–150
definition, 146
digital signatures, 176–177
Digital Watermarks, 183
disks, security operations, 370
drives and tapes, 96–97
escrowed, 181–182
hash functions, 103, 170–171, 176–178, 181, 296–300
IDEA, 165
IPSEC, 179–181
Message Authentication Codes, 177–178
PGP, 181
prime number factoring, 168–169
security engineering, 146–183
SSL and TLS, 179, 280, 282, 286
steganography, 182–183
symmetric, 104, 160–168
trusted platform modules, 126
Encryption order, triple DES, 164–165
Endpoint security, 368–370
End-to-end encryption, 98
End-user license agreements, See EULA
accountability, 16–17
Clark–Wilson, 108–109
Engineering, security, See Security engineering
English letters, frequency, 148
Enigma Machines, 157
Enrollment, biometrics, 304
Enterprise Architecture, 111, 126
Enticement, concepts, 30
Entity integrity, relational databases, 452
Entrapment, 30
Environmental controls
electricity, 200–202
heat, smoke and flame detectors, 203–204
personnel safety, training and awareness, 204–205
Environmental disasters, types, 386–387
EOC (Emergency Operations Centers), 411
Ephemeral ports, TCP, 237–238
ePHI (Electronic Protected Health Information), 97
EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory), 88–89
Equal Error Rates, See EER
Eradication phase, incident response management, 361
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, See EPROM
human, 387
software development, 462–463
Escorts, restricted areas, 196
Escrow, software, 416–417, 447
Escrowed encryption, implementation, 181–182
Escrowed Encryption Standard, See EES
ESI (electronically stored information), eDISCOVERY, 357
ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), IPsec, 179–181, 281–282
CSMA, 219, 248–249
FCoE, 256–257
OSI model, 223
types, 248
Ethics, 46–49, 69
EU (European Union)
Convention on Cybercrime, 38
data privacy laws, 36–38
Data Protection Directive, 36–38
EU–US Safe Harbor Agreement, 38
ITSEC, 114–115
EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifiers), 227
EULA (end-user license agreements), 34, 435
European Union, See EU
Evacuations, 204–205
Evaluation, real-world system security, 113–115
Evaluation Assurance Levels, See EAL
disasters and disruptive, 385–392, See also BCP, DRP
burden of proof, 22–23
chain of custody, 27, 29
concepts, 25–27
integrity, 27, 29, 297
preponderance, 23
reasonable searches, 27–30
after, 9
computer based testing, 5
drag & drop questions, 5–7
hotspot questions, 6–8
multiple-choice questions, 5
practice tests, 3
preparation, 2–4
retakes, 9
scenario questions, 5
self tests
access control, 324–326, 499–504
asset security, 98–100, 484–489
communications, 288–290, 494–499
Identity and Access Management, 324–326, 499–504
network design, 288–290, 494–499
security assessment and testing, 340–344, 504–510
security engineering, 212–215, 489–494
security operations, 424–426, 510–515
security and risk management, 74–78, 479–484
software development, 473–475, 515–520
taking the test, 4–9
three pass method, 9
two pass method, 8–9
Exclusive Or, See XOR
Execute functions, CPUs, 121
Executive Succession Planning, 411–412
Exfiltration prevention, 193
Exigent circumstances, reasonable searches, 27–30
Expert systems, 469–470
Explicit Congestion Notification Echo flags, See ECE
Exposure Factors, See EF
Extended Unique Identifiers, See EUI-64
Extensible Authorization Protocol, See EAP
Extensible Authorization Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling, See EAP-FAST
Extensible Authorization Protocol Over LAN, See EAPOLEAP
Extensible Authorization Protocol-Transport Layer Security, See EAP-TLS
Extensible Authorization Protocol-Tunneled Transport Layer Security, See EAP-TTLS
Extensible Markup Language, See XML
Extensions, copyright terms, 33
Exterior Gateway Protocols, See EGPs
External auditors, access control security, 333
Extranets, fundamental concepts, 221
Extreme Programming, See XP
Facial scans, 308
Factoring prime numbers, encryption, 168–169
Failover clusters, 382
Failure metrics, 401–403
Failures in communications, 391–392
Fairness, biometrics, 304
Fair use limitations, copyright, 34
False Accept Rate, See FAR
False negative/positive events, 363–364
False Reject Rate, See FRR
Faraday Cages, 263
FAR (False Accept Rate), biometrics, 293, 305–306
FAT (File Allocation Table), remanence, 91
Faults, electrical, 200
Fault tolerance, 376–382
archive bits, 378
availability of backups, 412–417
backup storage, 376–381, 412–417
RAID, 378–381
star topology, 253
system redundancy, 382, 405–406
FCIP (Fibre Channel over IP), 257
FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet), 256–257
FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface), 249–250
FDE (Full-Disk Encryption), 96–97, 126, 149, 370
FDX (Fetch, Decode, Execute) instruction, 121
Federated Identity Management, See FIdM
Feedback, symmetric encryption, 161
Fences, 183
Fetch, Decode, Execute instruction, See FDX
Fgdump application, 296
FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum), WLANs, 259–260
Fiber Distributed Data Interface, See FDDI
Fiber optic cable, 202, 248
Fibre Channel over Ethernet, See FCoE
Fibre Channel over IP, See FCIP
FIdM (Federated Identity Management), 312
Field-programmable devices, 89
Field of view, CCTV, 185
FIFO (First In First Out) tape rotation, 415
File Allocation Table, See FAT
File authorizations
least privilege, 17–18, 349
Linux, 16–17
need to know, 17–18, 84, 349
File Transfer Protocol, See FTP
Filtering air, 203
Financial damages, common types, 23
Financially motivated attacks, 390
FIN flags, 238–239
Fingerprint scans, 305, 306–307
ABCDK types, 205–207
classes, 205–207
detectors, 203–204
portable extinguishers, 211
suppression, 205–211
Firewalls, 271–277
bastion hosts, 274
client-side attacks, 140
dual-homed hosts, 275
fundamental designs, 274–276
packet filters, 219, 271–272
proxy, 272–274
screened host architecture, 275–276
stateful, 219, 272–273
Firmware, remanence, 88–89
First In First Out, See FIFO
First sale doctrine, 34
Fitness functions, Genetic Algorithms, 472
Flags, 229, 238–239
Flame detectors, 204
Flash memory, remanence, 89
Flip-flops, RAM, 88
Floors, design, 194–195
Foot-candles, 185
Forced vacations, 351
Foreign keys, relational databases, 452
Forensics, 352–357
embedded devices, 356–357
media analysis, 353–355
network analysis, 356
software analysis, 356
Formal access approval, 83
For Official Use Only, See FOUO
FOUO (For Official Use Only), 82
Fourth Amendment, 27–30
Fourth-generation programming languages, See 4GL
Fragmentation, IPv4 packets, 228–229
Frame Relay, 254–255
access control, 318–320
data security controls, 93–96
secure communications, 278–280
Free software, 435
Freeware, 435
Frequency of English letters, 148
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum, See FHSS
FRR (False Reject Rate), biometrics, 293, 305–306
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 242–243
Full backups, 377, 414
Full disclosure of software vulnerabilities, 466
Full Disk Encryption, See FDE
Full-duplex communication, 220
Full-knowledge tests, penetration testing, 330
Fuzzing, 337–338
GANs (Global Area Networks), 221
Garbage collection, SSDs, 89
Gas-based systems for fire suppression, 208–209
Gates, 184
Gateway-to-gateway architecture, 281
Generators, 197, 201, 419
Generic Routing Encapsulation, See GRE
Genetic Algorithms/Programming, 472
GFS (Grandfather-Father-Son) tape rotation, 415
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), 224
GIG (Global Information Grid), 221
GLBA (Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act), 40
GLB (Greatest Lower Bound), 106–107
Global Area Networks, See GANs
Global Information Grid, See GIG
GNU Public License, See GPL
Good Practice Guide, See GPG
cryptography protocols, 149–150
security, 45, 49–55
vendors, 45
GPG (Good Practice Guide), 423
GPL (GNU Public License), 435–436
GPUs (Graphical Processing Units), 299
Graham–Denning model, 111–112
Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, See GLBA
Grandfather-Father-Son, See GFS
Graphical Processing Units, See GPUs
Graphical remote access, 285
Graphics Interchange Format, See GIF
Gray hats, 69
Greatest Lower Bound, See GLB
GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation), PPTP, 281
Grid computing, principles, 134
Gross negligence, concepts, 19
Guards, perimeter defenses, 195
policies, 51, 52
privacy in OECD countries, 37
Hackers/hacking, 68–69, 71–72
APIs, 449
dictionary attacks, 297–299
financially motivated, 390
honeypots & honeynets, 370–371
Metasploit Framework, 69–70, 296, 354–355
phreaking, 90–91
pushbutton locks, 190
rainbow tables, 172–173, 299–300
Hacktivists, 71–72
HA (Highly Available) clusters, 253–254, 382, 416, 455
Half-duplex communication, concept, 220
Halon and substitutes, 209
Hand geometry, implementation, 307
Handheld Device Markup Language, See HDML
backup storage, 84
sensitive media, 84
Handshakes, TCP, 238–239
Hangs, watchdog timers, 122
Hard-coded credentials, software, 463, 465–466
Hardcopy data, 92, 413–414
redundancy, 382, 405–406
secure architecture, 119–127, 182
segmentation, 124
Harrison–Ruzzo–Ullman model, See HRU
Hashed Message Authentication Codes, See HMAC
Hash functions, 103, 170–171, 176–178, 181, 296–300
Hash of Variable Length, See HAVAL
HAVAL (Hash of Variable Length), cryptography, 171
HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control), 256
HDML (Handheld Device Markup Language), 286–287
HDSL (High-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line), properties, 283
encapsulation, 226
IPv4 packets, 228
IPv6, 229–230
TCP, 237
UDP, 239
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, See HIPAA
Hearsay evidence, 26
Heat, environmental controls, 202
Heat detectors, 203
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, See HVAC
Heavy weight processes, See HWP
Hebern Machines, 156–158
HIDS (Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems), 365
Hierarchical databases, 451, 454–455
Hierarchical networks, 251
Hieroglyphics, 150
High-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line, See HDSL
High-Level Data Link Control, See HDLC
Highly Available clusters, See HA clusters
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 14, 40, 42–43, 54–55, 97
HIPS (Host-based Intrusion Prevention Systems), 365
Historical ciphers, 150–159
History of cryptography, 150–160
HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Codes), 177–178
Hold-down timers, Routing Information Protocol, 270–271
Honeynets, 370–371
Honeypots, 370
Horizontal escalation, 465
Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems, See HIDS
Host-based Intrusion Prevention Systems, See HIPS
Hosted solutions, SLA, 44, 375–376
Host-to-gateway architecture, IPsec, 281
Host-to-host architecture, IPsec, 281
Host-to-Host Transport Layer, TCP/IP model, 226, 237–241
Hot sites, continuity of operations, 406
Hotspot questions, 6–8
HRU (Harrison–Ruzzo–Ullman) model of access control, 112
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 140, 245, 286–287
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 245
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), 179, 245
Hubs, 263
Human disasters, 386–387
Humidity, 202–203, 388–389
HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), 202–203, 388–389
HWP (heavy weight processes), 121–122
Hybrid attacks, password cracking, 300
Hybrid risk analysis, 67
Hypertext Markup Language, See HTML
Hypertext Transfer Protocol, See HTTP
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, See HTTPS
Hypervisor mode, 118
Hypervisors, 103, 131–132, 265–266
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 132–133
IAB (Internet Activities Board), ethics, 48–49
IAM (Identity and Access Management), 293–327
account lockouts, 296
authentication methods, 294–309
biometrics, 304–308
brute-force attacks, 299–300
clipping levels, 295–296
content-/context-dependent access control, 323
control technologies, 309–320
credential management systems, 313
Diameter, 279–280, 319
dictionary attacks, 297–299
Discretionary Access Control, 321
exam objective summary, 323–324
Federated Identity Management, 312
hybrid attacks, 300
Identity as a Service, 312–313
KERBEROS, 314–318
LDAP, 314
location-based, 309
management of passwords, 300–301
Mandatory Access Control, 293, 321
Microsoft Active Directory Domains, 320
models, 321–323
non-discretionary access control, 321–323
PAP & CHAP, 278, 320
passwords and keys, 294–301
protocols and frameworks, 318–320
provisioning lifecycles, 311–312
RADIUS, 318–319
Role-Based Access Control, 293, 321–323
rule-based access control, 323
salts, 300
self test, 324–326, 499–504
task-based access control, 323
third-party system integration, 314
tokens, 301–303
ICC (Integrated Circuit Cards), 190–192
ICH (I/O Controller Hub), 120
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 225, 228, 240–241, 272–273, 364–365
IDaaS (Identity as a Service), 312–313
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm), 165
authentication, 15–16
Identity and Access Management, See IAM
Identity as a Service, See IDaaS
IDL (Interface Definition Language), 460–461
IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems), 363–366, 461–462
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), OUIs and EUIs, 227
IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols), 268–269
IKE (Internet key Exchange), IPSEC, 180–181
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 243
Impact, risk analysis, 60
Implementation, cryptography, 176–183
Implementation attacks, cryptanalysis, 175
Implied copyright, 32–33
Import/export restrictions, 38–39
Incident responders, 358
Incident response management, 357–363
Income approach, asset valuation, 61
Incremental backups, 377, 414
Indirect mode, memory addressing, 123
Individual participation principle, OECD privacy guidelines, 37
Industrial, Scientific and Medical bands, See ISM
Inference, database security, 143–144
Inference engines, expert systems, 469–470
Information flow model, access control, 109
Information owners, 85
Information Systems Audit and Control Association, See ISACA
Information Technology Infrastructure Library, See ITIL
Information technology Security Evaluation Criteria, See ITSEC
Infrastructure as a Service, See IaaS
Inheritance, Object-Orientated Programming, 457–458
Initialization vectors, symmetric ciphers, 160–161
Initiation, BCP/DRP development projects, 395–398
Inline Network-based Intrusion Prevention Systems, 365
Insider attacks, 71
Installation testing, 337
Instances, Object-Orientated Programming, 457
Instant messaging, 285
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, See IEEE
Instruction sets, CPUs, 122–123
Intangible assets, value calculation, 61
Integrated Circuit Cards, See ICC
Integrated Product Teams, See IPT
Integrated Services Digital Network, See ISDN
Integration testing, 314, 337
802, 11i, 262
BIOS, 125–126
breaches, 84–85
code repository history, 448
computer crime investigations, 297
cornerstone concepts, 12–15, 17
cryptography, 146–147
databases, 455
Data Loss Prevention, 367–368
definition, 11
evidence, 27, 29, 297
fault tolerance, 376–382
hardcopy records, 413–414
memory protection, 123–126
non-repudiation, 17, 146–147
P2P networks, 135
penetration testing, 331–332
trusted platform modules, 126
WORM storage, 126
*Integrity Axiom, access control, 107–108
Integrity models, access control, 106–109
Integrity, See IVPs
Intellectual property, 31–36, 134–135
Intel VT (Intel Virtualization Technology), 118
Interface Definition Language, See IDL
Interface testing, 339
Interior Gateway Protocols, See IGPs
Internal audits, access control security, 333
Internal traffic, RFC 1918 addressing, 233–234
International Common Criteria, security evaluation, 115–116
International cooperation, cybercrimes, 38
International Data Encryption Algorithm, See IDEA
International Software Testing Qualifications Board, See ISTQB
architecture attacks, 140–142
DNS, 244
fundamental concepts, 221
IPSEC, 98, 179–181
IPv4, 229–232
IPv6, 227, 229–232
routing protocols, 267–271
Internet Activities Board, See IAB
Internet Control Message Protocol, See ICMP
Internet key Exchange, See IKE
Internet Layer, TCP/IP model, 225–226, 227–241
Internet Message Access Protocol, See IMAP
Internet Protocol Security, See IPSEC
Internet Protocol Suite, See TCP/IP model
Internet Protocol, See IPv4
Internet Protocol, See IPv6
Internet Relay Chat networks, See IRC networks
Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol, See ISAKMP
Internet Small Computer System Interface, See iSCSI
Interpreted languages, 431
Interpreters, 431
Interrupts, CPUs, 121
Intranets, 221, See also LANs
Intrusion Detection Systems, See IDS
Intrusion Prevention Systems, See IPS
chain of custody, 27, 29
computer crimes, 30–31
entrapment and enticement, 30
evidence integrity, 27
exigent circumstances, 27–30
legal aspects, 24–31
reasonable searches, 27–30
types of evidence, 25–26
I/O Controller Hub, See ICH
IP Identification Fields, See IPID
IPID (IP Identification Fields), IPv4 packet fragmentation, 229
IPSEC (Internet Protocol Security), implementation, 98, 179–181
IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems), 363–366
IPT (Integrated Product Teams), software development, 447
IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4), 227–229, 232, 233–234
IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6), 227, 229–233
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) networks, 72, 285
Iris scans, 307
ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association), COBIT framework, 95
ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol), IPSEC, 180
the (ISC) Code of Ethics, 46–48
iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface), 256–257
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), 282–283
ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) bands, 259
ISO 17799, asset security, 94–95
ISO 22301 guidelines, 422–423
ISO 27000 series, asset security, 94–95
ISO 27001, service provider security, 44
ISO/IEC-27031 guidelines, 422–423
Isolation of ports, 265–266
ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board), 467–468
ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework, 95
ITSEC (Information technology Security Evaluation Criteria), 114–115
IVPs (integrity verification procedures), Clark–Wilson, 108
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