
This glossary is organized by acronym: for example the “Data Encryption Standard” entry says “See—DES.” The “DES” entry contains the definition. This is done because it is the logical approach for a technical book, and allows faster lookups of definitions.

The second reason is to encourage you to learn the mapping of acronyms to terms (and vice-versa). Formal phrases in the Common Body of Knowledge can provide a shortcut to cutting through the clutter in an exam question. Knowing the formal acronyms can provide the fastest roadmap to identifying the crux of a question.

You should understand every term defined in this glossary before taking your exam. A read through of the glossary is a good final exam prep step, as discussed in the “How to Prepare for the Exam” section of the introduction.

802.11 Wireless networking standard

* Integrity axiom Biba property which states “no write up”

* Security property Bell-LaPadula property that states “no write down”

“Bad” blocks/clusters/sectors Good disk blocks marked as bad

4GL Fourth-generation programming language, designed to increase programmer’s efficiency by automating the creation of computer programming code

802.11-1997 The original mode of 802.11, operated at 2 mbps using the 2.4 GHz frequency

802.11a 802.11 mode that operates at 54 mbps using the 5 GHz frequency

802.11b 802.11 mode that operates at 11 mbps using the 2.4 GHz frequency

802.11g 802.11 mode that operates at 54 mbps using the 2.4 GHz frequency

802.11i The first 802.11 wireless security standard that provides reasonable security

802.11n 802.11 mode that uses both 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies and allows speeds of 144 mbps and beyond

802.1X Port-based Network Access Control, layer 2 authentication

ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode, HDLC combined mode where nodes may act as primary or secondary, initiating transmissions without receiving permission

Abstraction Hides unnecessary details from the user

Acceptance Testing Testing to ensure the software meets the customer’s operational requirements

Access aggregation The collective entitlements granted by multiple systems to one user. Can lead to authorization creep

Access Control List See—ACLs

Access control matrix Table defining what access permissions exist between specific subjects and objects

Account lockout Disables an account after a set number of failed logins, sometimes during a specific time period

Accountability Holds individuals accountable for their actions

Accountability Principle OECD Privacy Guideline principle which states individuals should have the right to challenge the content of any personal data being held, and have a process for updating their personal data if found to be inaccurate or incomplete

Accreditation The Data Owner’s acceptance of the risk represented by a system

ACK TCP flag, acknowledge received data

ACL Access control lists

Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally Second canon of the (ISC) Code of Ethics

Active RFID Powered RFID tags that can operate via larger distances

Active-active cluster Involves multiple systems all of which are online and actively processing traffic or data

Active-passive cluster Involves devices or systems that are already in place, configured, powered on and ready to begin processing network traffic should a failure occur on the primary system

ActiveX controls The functional equivalent of Java applets. They use digital certificates instead of a sandbox to provide security

Ad hoc mode 802.11 peer-to-peer mode with no central AP

Address Space Layout Randomization See—ASLR

Administrative controls Implemented by creating and following organizational policy, procedure, or regulation. Also called directive controls

Administrative law Law enacted by government agencies, aka regulatory law

ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, DSL featuring faster download speeds than upload

Advance and protect the profession Fourth canon of the (ISC) Code of Ethics

Advanced Encryption Standard See—AES

AES Advanced Encryption Standard, a block cipher using 128 bit, 192 bit, or 256 bit keys to encrypt 128-bit blocks of data

Agents of law enforcement Private citizens carrying out actions on behalf of law enforcement

Aggregation Mathematical attack where a user is able to use lower-level access to learn restricted information

Agile Software Development Flexible software development model that evolved as a reaction to rigid software development models such as the Waterfall Model

AH Authentication Header, IPsec protocol that provides authentication and integrity for each packet of network data

ALE Annualized Loss Expectancy, the cost of loss due to a risk over a year

All pairs testing See—Pairwise testing

Allocated space Portions of a disk partition that are marked as actively containing data

ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit, CPU component that performs mathematical calculations

Analog Communication that sends a continuous wave of information

ANN Artificial Neural Networks, simulate neural networks found in humans and animals

Annual Rate of Occurrence See—ARO

Annualized Loss Expectancy See—ALE

Antivirus software Software is designed to prevent and detect malware infections

API Application Programming Interface, allows an application to communicate with an another application, or an operating system, database, network, etc. For example, the Google Maps API allows an application to integrate 3rd-party content, such as restaurants overlaid on a Google Map

Applet Small pieces of mobile code that are embedded in other software such as web browsers

Application layer (OSI) Layer 7 of the OSI model, where the user interfaces with the computer application

Application layer (TCP/IP) TCP/IP model layer that combines Layers 5 though 7 of the OSI model

Application-layer proxy Proxy firewall that operates up to Layer 7

Application Programming Interface See—API

ARCNET Attached Resource Computer Network, a legacy LAN technology that uses tokens

Arithmetic Logic Unit See—ALU

ARM Asynchronous Response Mode, HDLC mode where secondary nodes may initiate communication with the primary

ARO Annual Rate of Occurrence, the number of losses suffered per year

ARPAnet The predecessor of the Internet

Artificial Intelligence The science of programming electronic computers to “think” more intelligently, sometimes mimicking the ability of mammal brains

Artificial Neural Networks See—ANN

ASLR Address Space Location Randomization, seeks to decrease the likelihood of successful exploitation by making memory addresses employed by the system less predictable

Assembly language Low-level computer programming language with instructions that are short mnemonics, such as “ADD,”“SUB” (subtract) and “JMP” (jump), that match to machine language instructions

Asset A resource that is valuable to an organization and must be protected

Asset Value See—AV

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line See—ADSL

Asymmetric Encryption Encryption that uses two keys: if you encrypt with one you may decrypt with the other

Asynchronous Balanced Mode See—ABM

Asynchronous Dynamic Token Authentication token that is not synchronized with a central server; includes challenge-response tokens

Asynchronous Response Mode See—ARM

Asynchronous Transfer Mode See—ATM

ATA Secure Erase Hardware-level secure erase command available on Solid State Drives (SSDs) that erases all blocks and also generates a new encryption key

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode, a WAN technology that uses fixed length cells

Attribute A column in a relational database table

Authentication Proof of an identity claim

Authentication Header See—AH

Authorization Actions an individual can perform on a system

Authorization creep Occurs when employees not only maintain old access rights but also gain new ones as they move from one division to another within an organization

AV Asset Value, the value of a protected asset

Availability Assures information is available when needed

Awareness Security control designed to change user behavior

Backdoor A shortcut in a system that allows a user to bypass security checks

Background checks Verification of a person’s background and experience, also called a pre-employment screening

Backward chaining Expert system mode that starts with begins with a premise, and works backwards

Baseband Network with one channel; can only send one signal at a time

Baseline Uniform ways to implement a safeguard, administrative control

Baselining The process of capturing a point in time understanding of the current system security configuration

Basic Input Output System See—BIOS

Basic Rate Interface See—BRI

Bastion host Any host placed on the Internet that is not protected by another device

Bayesian filtering Uses mathematical formulas to assign probabilities to make decisions such as identifying spam

BCI The Business Continuity Institute

BCP Business Continuity Plan, A long-term plan to ensure the continuity of business operations

BCP/DRP project manager The key point of contact for ensuring that a BCP/DRP is not only completed, but also routinely tested

Bell-LaPadula Security model focused on maintaining the confidentiality of objects

Best evidence rule Requires use of the strongest possible evidence

Best practice A consensus of the best way to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of assets

BGP Border Gateway Protocol, the routing protocol used on the Internet

Biba Security model focused on maintaining the integrity of objects

Big Bang testing Integration testing that tests all integrated software components

Binary image Bit-level copy of memory

BIOS Basic Input Output System, typically stored in firmware

Black box software testing Gives the tester no internal details: the software is treated as a black box that receives inputs

Black hat Unethical hacker or researcher

Blowfish Block cipher using from 32 through 448 bit (the default is 128) keys to encrypt 64 bits of data

Bluetooth 802.15 networking, a PAN wireless technology

Bollard A post designed to stop a car, typically deployed in front of building entrances

Book cipher Cryptographic method that uses whole words from a well-known text such as a dictionary as a one-to-one replacement for plaintext

Boot sector virus Virus that infects the boot sector of a PC, which ensures the virus loads upon system startup

BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol, used for bootstrapping via a network by diskless systems

Bootstrap Protocol See—BOOTP

Border Gateway Protocol See—BGP

Bot A computer system running malware that is controlled via a botnet

Botnet A central bot command and control (C&C) network, managed by humans called bot herders

Bottom-Up programming Starts with the low-level technical implementation details and works up to the concept of the complete program

Breach notification Notification of persons whose personal data has been, or is likely to have been, compromised

Brewer-Nash See—Chinese Wall Model

BRI Basic Rate Interface, provides two 64 K digital ISDN channels

Bridge Layer 2 device that has two ports and connects network segments together

Broadband Network with multiple channels; can send multiple signals at a time, like cable TV

Broadcast Traffic that is sent to all stations on a LAN

BRP Business Recovery Plan, details the steps required to restore normal business operations after a recovering from a disruptive event. Also known as the Business Resumption Plan

Brute force attack Attack that attempts every possible key or combination

BS-25999 Continuity standard by the British Standards Institution (BSI)

Buffer overflow Condition where an attacker can insert data beyond the end of a buffer variable

Bus Physical network topology that connects network nodes in a string

Business Continuity Plan See—BCP

Business interruption testing Partial or complete failover to an alternate site

Business Owners Also called Mission Owners, members of senior management who create the information security program and ensure that it is properly staffed, funded, and has organizational priority

Business Recovery Plan See—BRP

Business Resumption Plan See—BRP

Bytecode Machine-independent interpreted code, used by Java

Cable modem Provide Internet access via broadband cable TV

Cache memory The fastest memory on the system, required to keep up with the CPU as it fetches and executes instructions

Caesar Cipher A rot-3 substitution cipher

Callback Modem-based authentication system

Caller ID Identifies the calling phone number, sometimes used as a weak authentication method

Candidate keys Any attribute (column) in the table with unique values

Capability Maturity Model See—CMM

Carrier Sense Multiple Access See—CSMA

CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering, uses programs to create assist in the creation and maintenance of other computer programs

CBC Cipher Block Chaining, a block mode of DES that XORs the previous encrypted block of ciphertext to the next block of plaintext to be encrypted

CCD Charged Couple Discharge, a digital CCTV

CCMP Counter Mode CBC MAC Protocol, used by WPA2 to create a MIC

CCTV Closed Circuit Television, a detective device used to aid guards in detecting the presence of intruders in restricted areas

CDN Content Distribution Networks (also Content Delivery Networks) use a series of distributed caching servers to improve performance and lower the latency of downloaded online content

Central Processing Unit See—CPU

Centralized access control Concentrates access control in one logical point for a system or organization

CER Crossover Error Rate, describes the point where the False Reject Rate (FRR) and False Accept Rate (FAR) are equal

Certificate Authority PKI component that authenticates the identity of a person or organization before issuing a certificate to them

Certificate Revocation List See—CRL

Certification A detailed inspection that verifies whether a system meets the documented security requirements

CFB Cipher Feedback, a stream mode DES that is similar to block-mode CBC

Chain of custody Requires that once evidence is acquired, full documentation regarding who, what, when, and where evidence was handled is maintained

Chaining Block cipher mechanism that seeds the previous encrypted block into the next block to be encrypted

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol See—CHAP

Change management The process of understanding, communicating, and documenting changes

Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit See—CSU/DSU

CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol, a more secure network authentication protocol that uses a shared secret

Charged Couple Discharge See—CCD

Checklist testing Lists all necessary components required for successful recovery, and ensures that they are, or will be, readily available should a disaster occur. Also known as consistency testing

Chinese Wall Model Model designed to avoid conflicts of interest by prohibiting one person, like a consultant, from accessing multiple conflict of interest categories (CoIs)

CIA triad Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

CIDR Classless Inter-Domain Routing, allows for many network sizes beyond the arbitrary stateful network sizes

Cipher A cryptographic algorithm

Cipher Block Chaining See—CBC

Cipher disk Cryptographic device that uses two concentric disks, each with an alphabet around the periphery

Cipher Feedback See—CFB

Ciphertext An encrypted message

Circuit-level proxy Proxy firewall that operates at Layer 5

Circuit-switched network Network that provides a dedicated circuit or channel between two nodes

Circumstantial evidence Evidence that serves to establish the circumstances related to particular points or even other evidence

CIRT Computer Incident Response Team, a team that performs incident handling

CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer, CPU instructions that are longer and more powerful

Civil law Law that resolves disputes between individuals or organizations

Civil law (legal system) Legal system that leverages codified laws or statutes to determine what is considered within the bounds of law

Clark-Wilson Real-world integrity model that protects integrity by having subjects access objects via programs

Class I gate Residential gate designed for home use

Class II gate Commercial gate, such as a parking garage gate

Class III gate Industrial/limited access gate, such as a large loading dock

Class IV gate Restricted Access gate, used at an airport or prison

Classful addresses IPv4 networks in classes A through E

Classless Inter-Domain Routing See—CIDR

Clearance A determination, typically made by a senior security professional, about whether or not a user can be trusted with a specific level of information

Client-side attacks Attack where a user downloads malicious content

Clipper Chip (Failed) 1993 Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES), which used the Skipjack algorithm

Clipping level A minimum reporting threshold level

Closed Circuit Television See—CCTV

Closed source Software released in executable form: the source code is kept confidential

Closed system System using proprietary hardware or software

CMM Capability Maturity Model, a maturity framework for evaluating and improving the software development process

CMP Crisis Management Plan

Coaxial Network cabling that has an inner copper core separated by an insulator from a metallic braid or shield

COBIT Control Objectives for Information and related Technology, a control framework for employing information security governance best practices within an organization

COCOM Committee for Multilateral Export Controls, a munitions law which was in effect from 1947 to 1994. It was designed to control the export of critical technologies (including cryptography) to “Iron Curtain” countries during the cold war

Code Repositories Secure service for storing source code of projects, a public example is GitHub

Codebreakers (The) David Kahn’s history of cryptography

Cohesion OOP concept that describes an independent object. Objects with high cohesion have low coupling

Cold site A backup site with raised floor, power, utilities, and physical security, and no configured systems or data

Collection Limitation Principle OECD Privacy Guideline principle which states personal data collection should have limits, be obtained in a lawful manner, and, unless there is a compelling reason to the contrary, with the individuals knowledge and approval

Collision Two or more plaintexts that generate the same hash

Collusion An agreement between two or more individuals to subvert the security of a system

Color of law Acting on the authority of law enforcement

COM Component Object Model, locates, and connects objects locally

Combinatorial software testing Black box testing method that seeks to identify and test all unique combinations of software inputs

Commandments of Computer Ethics The Computer Ethics Institute code of ethics

Commit Makes changes to a database permanent

Common Criteria An internationally agreed upon standard for describing and testing the security of IT products

Common law Legal system that places significant emphasis on particular cases and judicial precedent as a determinant of laws

Common Object Request Broker Architecture See—CORBA

Compartmentalization Technical enforcement of need to know

Compensating controls Additional security controls put in place to compensate for weaknesses in other controls

Compensatory damages Damages provides as compensation

Compiler Convert source code, such as C or Basic, and compile it into machine code

Complex Instruction Set Computer See—CISC

Component Object Model See—COM

Computer bus The primary communication channel on a computer system

Computer crimes Crimes using computers

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Title 18 United States Code Section 1030

Computer Incident Response Team See—CIRT

Computer Security Incident Response Team See—CSIRT

Computer-Aided Software Engineering See—CASE

Commercial Off-the-Shelf Software See—COTS

Conduct the business impact analysis (BIA) Second step of the NIST SP 800-34 contingency planning process

Confidentiality Seeks to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of information

Configuration management The process of developing a consistent system security configuration that can be leveraged throughout an organization

Confusion The relationship between the plaintext and ciphertext should be as confused (or random) as possible

Consistency testing See—Checklist testing

Constrained user interface Presents a user with limited controls on information, such as an ATM keypad

Containment phase Incident response phase that attempts to keep further damage from occurring as a result of the incident

Content-dependent access control Adds additional criteria beyond identification and authentication: the actual content the subject is attempting to access

Content Distribution Networks See—CDN

Context-dependent access control Adds additional criteria beyond identification and authentication: the context of the access, such as time

Continuity of Operations Plan See—COOP

Continuity of Support Plan Focuses narrowly on support of specific IT systems and applications

Continuity Planning Project Team See—CPPT

Contraband check Seek to identify objects that are prohibited to enter a secure perimeter (such as an airplane)

Control Objectives for Information and related Technology See—COBIT

Control unit CPU component that acts as a traffic cop, sending instructions to the ALU

Convergence All routers on a network agree on the state of routing

COOP Continuity of Operations Plan, a plan to maintain operations during a disaster

Copyright Type of intellectual property that protects the form of expression in artistic, musical, or literary works

CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture, an open vendor-neutral networked object broker framework

Corrective controls Controls that correct a damaged system or process

Corroborative evidence Evidence that provides additional support for a fact that might have been called into question

COTS Commercial Off-the-Shelf Software, third-party developed commercial software available to the general public

Counter Mode See—CTR

Counter Mode CBC MAC Protocol See—CCMP

Coupling OOP concept that connects objects to others. Highly coupled objects have low cohesion

Covert channel Any communication that violates security policy

CPPT Continuity Planning Project Team, a team comprised of stakeholders within an organization and focuses on identifying who would need to play a role if a specific emergency event were to occur

CPU Central Processing Unit, the “brains” of the computer, capable of controlling and performing mathematical calculations

Cracker A black hat hacker

Criminal law Law where the victim can be seen as society itself

Crippleware Partially functioning proprietary software, often with key features disabled. The user is typically required to make a payment to unlock the full functionality

Crisis Management Plan See—CMP

CRL Certificate Revocation Lists, PKI component which lists digital certificates that have been revoked

Crossover Genetic algorithm concept that combines two algorithms

Crossover Error Rate See—CER

Cross-Site Request Forgery See—CSRF

Cross-Site Scripting See—XSS

Cryptanalysis The science of breaking encrypted messages (recovering their meaning)

Cryptographic Protocol Governance Describes the process of selecting the right cipher and implementation for the right job

Cryptography Science of creating messages whose meaning is hidden

Cryptology The science of secure communications

CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team, the group that is tasked with monitoring, identifying, and responding to security incidents

CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access, a method used by Ethernet networks to allowed shared usage of a baseband network, and avoid collisions

CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery, third-party redirect of static content within the security context of a trusted site

CSU/DSU Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit, DCE device

CTR Counter, a stream mode of DES that uses a counter for feedback

Custodian Provides hands-on protection of assets

Customary Law Customs or practices that are so commonly accepted by a group that the custom is treated as a law

CWR New TCP flag, Congestion Window Reduced

Cyber Incident Response Plan Plan designed to respond to disruptive cyber events, including network-based attacks, worms, computer viruses, Trojan horses, etc

Cybersquatting Registering Internet domain names associated with another organization’s intellectual property

DAC Discretionary Access Control, gives subjects full control of objects they have or been given access to, including sharing the objects with other subjects

DAD Disclosure, Alteration, and Destruction, the opposite of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, funders of the original MILNET and ARPANET

Data controllers Role that creates and manages sensitive data within an organization. Human resources employees are an example: they create and manage sensitive data, such as salary and benefit data, reports from employee sanctions, etc

Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment See—DCE

Data Definition Language See—DDL

Data dictionary Contains a description of the database tables, including the schema, database view information, and information about authorized database administrator and user accounts

Data Encryption Algorithm See—DEA

Data Encryption Standard See—DES

Data Execution Prevention See—DEP

Data hiding See—Encapsulation (object)

Data link layer Layer 2 of the OSI model, handles access to the physical layer as well as local area network communication

Data Manipulation Language See—DML

Data mining Used to search for patterns, such as fraudulent activity, in a data warehouse

Data Owner A management employee responsible for assuring that specific data is protected

Data processor Role that manages data on behalf of data controllers. An outsourced payroll company is an example of a data processor

Data Quality Principle OECD Privacy Guideline principle that states personal data should be complete, accurate, and maintained in a fashion consistent with the purposes for the data collection

Data remanence See—Remanence

Data Terminal Equipment See—DTE

Data warehouse A large collection of data

Database A structured collection of related data

Database Administrators See—DBA

Database journal A log of all database transactions. Should a database become corrupted, the database can be reverted to a backup copy, and then subsequent transactions can be “replayed” from the journal, restoring database integrity

Database Management System See—DBMS

Database replication Mirrors a live database, allowing simultaneous reads and writes to multiple replicated databases by clients

Database shadowing Two or more identical databases that are updated simultaneously

Database view The result of a database query

DBA Database Administrators, role that manages databases

DBMS Database Management System, controls all access to the database and enforces database security

DCE Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment, a device that networks DTEs, such as a router

DCOM Distributed Component Object Model, locates, and connects objects across a network

DDL Data Definition Language, used to create, modify, and delete tables

DDoS Distributed Denial of Service, an availability attack using many systems

DEA Data Encryption Algorithm, described by DES

Deadbolt A rigid locking mechanism that is held in place by a key, and prevents the door from opening or fully closing when extended

Decryption Converts a ciphertext into plaintext

Defense-in-depth Application of multiple safeguards that span multiple domains to protect an asset

Defined CMM phase 3

Degaussing Destroying the integrity of the magnetization of the storage media, making the data unrecoverable

Demarc Demarcation point, where the ISP’s responsibility ends, and the customer’s begins

Demilitarized Zone See—DMZ

Denial of Service See—DoS

DEP Data Execution Prevention, which can be enabled within hardware and/or software, and makes specific pages of the stack non-executable

Depth of field The area that is in focus

DES Data Encryption Standard, a symmetric block cipher using a 56-bit key and 64-bit block size

Detection phase Incident response phase that analyzes events in order to determine whether they might comprise a security incident

Detective controls Controls that alert during or after a successful attack

Deterrent controls Deter users from performing actions on a system

Develop an IT contingency plan Fifth step of the NIST SP 800-34 contingency planning process

Develop recovery strategies Fourth step of the NIST SP 800-34 contingency planning process

Develop the contingency planning policy statement First step of the NIST SP 800-34 contingency planning process

DevOps A more agile development and support model, echoing agile programming methods including Sashimi and Scrum. Developers directly support operational functions

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, assigns temporary IP address leases to systems, as well as DNS and default gateway configuration

Diameter RADIUS’ successor, designed to provide an improved Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) framework

Dictionary attack Password cracking method that uses a predefined list of words, like a dictionary, running each word through a hash algorithm

Differential backup An archive of any files that have been changed since the last full backup was performed

Differential cryptanalysis Seeks to find the “difference” between related plaintexts that are encrypted

Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Protocol Key agreement allows two parties to securely agree on a symmetric key via a public channel with no prior key exchange

Diffusion The order of the plaintext should be dispersed in the ciphertext

Digital Communication that transfers data in bits: ones and zeroes

Digital signature Provides nonrepudiation, which includes authentication of the identity of the signer, and proof of the document’s integrity

Digital Subscriber Line See—DSL

Direct evidence Testimony provided by a witness regarding what the witness actually experienced

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum See—DSSS

Directory Path Traversal Escaping from the root of a web server (such as /var/www) into the regular file system by referencing directories such as “../..”

Disassembler Attempts to convert machine language into assembly

Disaster Any disruptive event that interrupts normal system, operations

Disaster Recovery Plan See—DRP

Disclosure, Alteration and Destruction See—DAD

Discretionary Access Control See—DAC

Diskless workstation Computer systems that contains CPU, memory and firmware, but no hard drive, type of thin client

Distance vector Routing protocol that uses a simple metric, such as hop count

Distributed Component Object Model See—DCOM

Distributed Denial of Service See—DDoS

Distributed Network Protocol See—DPN3

Divestitures Also known as de-mergers and de-acquisitions, and represent the flip side of acquisitions: one company becomes two or more

DML Data Manipulation Language, used to query and update data stored in the tables

DMZ Demilitarized Zone network, used to separate trusted from untrusted networks

DNP3 Distributed Network Protocol, provides an open standard used primarily within the energy sector for interoperability between various vendors’ SCADA and smart grid applications

DNS Domain Name System, a distributed global hierarchical database that translates names to IP addresses, and vice versa

DNS reflection attack Spoofed DoS attack using third-party DNS servers

DNSSEC Domain Name Server Security Extensions, provides authentication and integrity to DNS responses via the use of public key encryption

Domain Name Server Security Extensions See—DNSSEC

Domain Name System See—DNS

Domains of trust Access control model used by Windows Active Directory

DoS Denial of Service, an attack on availability

DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory, stores bits in small capacitors (like small batteries), cheaper, and slower than SRAM

DRP Disaster Recovery Plan, a short-term plan to recover from a disruptive event

DSL Digital Subscriber Line, uses existing copper pairs to provide digital service to homes and small offices

DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, uses the entire wireless band at once

DTE Data Terminal Equipment, a network “terminal,” such as a desktop, server, or actual terminal

DTE/DCE Connection that spans the demarc

Dual-factor authentication See—Strong authentication

Dual-homed host Host with two network interfaces: one connected to a trusted network, and the other connected to an untrusted network

Due care Requires that key organizational stakeholders are prudent in carrying out their duties, aka the “prudent man rule.”

Due diligence The management of due care

Dumpster diving A physical attack in which a person recovers trash in hopes of finding sensitive information that has been merely discarded in whole rather than being destroyed

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol See—DHCP

Dynamic password Changes at regular intervals

Dynamic signatures Biometric control that measures the process by which someone signs their name

Dynamic testing Tests code while executing it

E1 Dedicated 2.048 megabit circuit that carries 30 channels

E3 24 E1s

EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol, a layer 2 authentication framework that describes many specific authentication protocols

EAP-FAST EAP-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling, designed by Cisco to replace LEAP


EAP-Transport Layer Security See—EAP-TLS

EAP Tunneled Transport Layer Security See—EAP-TTLS

EAP-TLS EAP—Transport Layer Security, uses PKI, requiring both server-side and client-side certificates

EAP-TTLS EAP Tunneled Transport Layer Security, simplifies EAP-TLS by dropping the client-side certificate requirement

EAPOL EAP Over LAN, a layer 2 protocol for varying EAP

ECB Electronic Code Book mode, the simplest and weakest mode of DES

ECE New TCP flag, Explicit Congestion Notification Echo

ECPA Electronic Communications Privacy Act, provides search and seizure protection to non-telephony electronic communications

eDiscovery Electronic Discovery, pertains to legal counsel gaining access to pertinent ESI (Electronic Stored Information) during the pre-trial discovery phase of civil legal proceedings

EEPROM Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, electrically erasable memory via the use of flashing program

EF Exposure Factor, the percentage of value an asset lost due to an incident

EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol

Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory See—EEPROM

Electronic backups Data that is stored electronically and can be retrieved in case of disruptive event or disaster

Electronic Code Book See—ECB

Electronic Communications Privacy Act See—ECPA

Electronic Discovery See—eDiscovery

Electronic vaulting Batch process of electronically transmitting data that is to be backed up on a routine, regularly scheduled time interval

Emanations Energy which escape an electronic system, and which may be remotely monitored under certain circumstances

Emergency Operations Center See—EOC

Encapsulating Security Payload See—ESP

Encapsulation (network) Takes information from a higher network layer and adds a header to it, treating the higher-layer information as data

Encapsulation (object) Contains and hides the details of an object’s method

Encryption Converts the plaintext to a ciphertext

End-User License Agreement See—EULA

Enigma Rotor machine used by German Axis powers during World war II

Enrollment The process of enrolling with a system (such as a biometric authentication system), creating an account for the first time

Enticement Making the conditions for commission of a crime favorable for those already intent on breaking the law

Entitlements The permissions granted to a user

Entity integrity Requires that each tuple has a unique primary key that is not null

Entrapment A legal defense where the defendant claims an agent of law enforcement persuaded the defendant to commit a crime that he or she would otherwise not have committed

EOC Emergency Operations Center, the command post established during or just after an emergency event

Ephemeral ports TCP/IP ports 1024 and higher

EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, memory which may be erased with ultraviolet light

Eradication phase Incident response phase that cleans a compromised system

Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory See—EPROM

ESP Encapsulating Security Payload, IPsec protocol which Payload primarily provides confidentiality by encrypting packet data

Ethernet Dominant local area networking technology that transmits network data via frames

Ethics Doing what is morally right

EU Data Protection Directive Privacy directive which allows for the free flow of information while still maintaining consistent protections of each member nation’s citizen’s data

EULA End-User License Agreement, a form of software licensing agreement

Exclusive Or See—XOR

Executive Succession Planning Determines an organization’s line of succession

Exfiltration Policy-violating removal of sensitive data from a secure perimeter

Exigent circumstances With respect to evidence acquisition, justification for the seizure of evidence without a warrant due to the extreme likelihood that the evidence will be destroyed

Expert systems Seeks to replicate the knowledge and decision-making capability of human experts

Exposure Factor See—EF

Extensible Authentication Protocol See—EAP

Extensible Markup Language See—XML

Exterior Gateway Protocol See—EGP

Extranet A connection between private Intranets

Extreme Programming See—XP

Facial scan Biometric control takes compares a picture of a face to pictures stored in a database

Failover cluster See—High availability cluster

Fair use doctrine Allows someone to duplicate copyrighted material without requiring the payment, consent, or even knowledge of the copyright holder

False Accept Rate See—FAR

False Reject Rate See—FRR

FAR False Accept Rate, occurs when an unauthorized subject is accepted as valid. Also known as a type II error

Faraday Cage Shields enclosed objects from EMI

FCoE Fibre Channel over Ethernet, Storage Area Network (SAN) protocol that leverages Fibre Channel, but can be transmitted across standard Ethernet networks. Does not use TCP/IP

FCIP Fibre Channel over IP, Storage Area Network (SAN) protocol that encapsulates Fibre Channel frames via Ethernet and TCP/IP

FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface, legacy LAB technology that uses light

FDE Full Disk Encryption, also called Whole Disk Encryption

FDX See—Fetch and execute

Federated Identity Management See—FIdM

Feedback Stream cipher mechanism that seeds the previous encrypted bit into the next bit to be encrypted

Fetch and execute Mechanism that allows the CPU to receive machine language instructions and execute them. Also called “Fetch, Decode, Execute,” or FDX

FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum, uses a number of small frequency channels throughout the wireless band and “hops” through them in pseudorandom order

Fibre Channel Non-Ethernet/IP fiber optic storage technology

Fibre Channel over Ethernet See—FCoE

Fibre Channel over IP See—FCIP

FIdM Federated Identity Management, applies Single Sign On at a much wider scale: ranging from cross-organization to Internet scale

Fiber Distributed Data Interface See—FDDI

Fiber Optic network cable Uses light to carry information

Field of view The entire area viewed by a camera

File Transfer Protocol See—FTP

FIN TCP flag, finish a connection (gracefully)

Fingerprint scan Biometric scan of the minutiae (specific details of the fingerprint)

Firewall Device that filter traffic based on layers 3 (IP addresses) and 4 (ports)

Firmware Stores small programs that do not change frequently, such as a computer’s BIOS

First sale doctrine Allows a legitimate purchaser of copyrighted material to sell it to another person

Fitness function Genetic algorithm concept that assigns a score to an evolved algorithm

Flash memory A specific type of EEPROM, used for small portable disk drives

Flat file Text file that contains multiple lines of data, each in a standard format

Footcandle One lumen per square foot

Foreign key A key in a related database table that matches a primary key in the parent database

Formal access approval Documented approval from the data owner for a subject to access certain objects

Forward chaining Expert system mode that starts with no premise, and works forward to determine a solution

Fourth-generation programming language See—4GL

Fraggle attack Smurf attack variation which uses UDP instead of ICMP

Frame Layer 2 PDU

Free software Controversial term that is defined differently by different groups. “Free” may mean free of charge, or “free” may mean the user is free to use the software in any way they would like, including modifying it

Freeware Software that is free of charge

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum See—FHSS

FRR False Reject Rate occurs when an authorized subject is rejected as invalid. Also known as a type I error

FTP File Transfer Protocol, used to transfer files to and from servers

Full backup An archive of all files

Full disclosure The controversial practice of releasing vulnerability details publicly

Full Disk Encryption See—FDE

Full duplex Two-way simultaneous transmission, like two people having a face-to-face conversation

Full knowledge test A penetration test where the tester is provided with inside information at the start of the test

Fuzz testing See—Fuzzing

Fuzzing A type of black box testing that enters random malformed data as inputs into software programs to determine if they will crash

GAN Global Area Network; a global collection of WANs

Genetic algorithms Creating computer algorithms via Darwinian evolution principals

Genetic programming Creating entire software programs (usually in the form of Lisp source code) via Darwinian evolution principals

GFS Grandfather-Father-Son, a backup rotation method

GIG Global Information Grid, the US DoD global network, one of the largest private networks in the world

GLBA Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, requires financial institutions to protect the confidentiality and integrity of consumer financial information

Global Area Network See—GAN

Global Information Grid See—GIG

Graham-Denning Model Has three parts objects, subjects and rules. It provides a more granular approach for interaction between subjects and objects

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act See—GLBA

Grandfather-Father-Son See—GFS

Gross negligence The opposite of due care

Guideline A recommendation, administrative control

Hacker Controversial term that may mean explorer or someone who maliciously attacks systems

Hacktivist Hacker activist, someone who attacks computer systems for political reasons

Half duplex Sends or receives at one time only (not simultaneously), like a walkie-talkie

Hand geometry Biometric control that uses measurements from within specific points on the subject’s hand

Hardcopy data Any data that is accessed through reading or writing on paper rather than processing through a computer system

Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman Model Maps subjects, objects, and access rights to an access matrix. It is considered a variation to the Graham-Denning Model

Hash Function One-way encryption using an algorithm and no key

Hash of Variable Length See—HAVAL

Hashed Message Authentication Code See—HMAC

HAVAL Hash of Variable Length, a hash algorithm that creates message digests of 128, 160, 192, 224, or 256 bits in length, using 3, 4, or 5 rounds

HDLC High-Level Data Link Control, the successor to SDLC

HDSL High-data-rate DSL, matches SDSL speeds using two pairs of copper

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act See—HIPAA

Hearsay Second-hand evidence

Hebern Machines Class of cryptographic devices known as rotor machines, includes Enigma and SIGABA

HIDS Host-based Intrusion Detection System, a detective technical control

Hierarchical database Database that forms a tree

High availability cluster Multiple systems that can be seamlessly leveraged to maintain the availability of the service or application being provided. Also called a failover cluster

High-data-rate DSL See—HDSL

High-Level Data Link Control See—HDLC

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, United States regulation which protects healthcare information

HIPS Host-based Intrusion Prevention System, preventive device that processes information within the host

HMAC Hashed Message Authentication Code provides integrity by combining symmetric encryption with hashing

Hold-down timer Distance vector routing protocol safeguard that avoids flapping

Honeynet A network of honeypots

Honeypot A system designed to attract attackers

Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems See—HIDS

Host-based Intrusion Prevention System See—HIPS

Host-to-host layer See—Transport layer (TCP/IP)

Host-to-host transport layer See—Transport layer (TCP/IP)

Hot site A backup site with all necessary hardware and critical applications data mirrored in real time

HTML Hypertext Markup Language, used to display web content

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol, a protocol to transmit web data via a network

HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, HTTP using SSL or TLS

Hub Layer 1 network access device that acts as a multiport repeater

Hybrid attack Password attack that appends, prepends or changes characters in words from a dictionary

Hybrid risk analysis Combines quantitative and qualitative risk analysis

Hypertext Markup Language See—HTML

Hypertext Transfer Protocol See—HTTP

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure See—HTTPS

Hypervisor Software or operating system that controls access between virtual guests and host hardware

Hypervisor mode Allows guests to operate in ring 0, controlled by a hypervisor in ring “-1”

I/O Controller Hub See—Southbridge

IaaS Infrastructure as a Service, provides an entire virtualized operating system, which the customer configures from the OS on up

ICC See—Smartcard

ICH See—Southbridge

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol,

IDaaS Identity as a Service, also called cloud identity, allows organizations to leverage cloud service for identity management

IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm, a symmetric block cipher using a 128-bit key and 64-bit block size

Identification Association of an individual

Identify preventive controls Third step of the NIST SP 800-34 contingency planning process

Identity as a Service See—IDaaS

IDL Interface Definition Language, used by CORBA objects to communicate

IDS Intrusion Detection System, a detective technical control

IGP Interior Gateway Protocol

IKE Internet Key Exchange, manages the IPsec encryption algorithm

IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol, an email client protocol

Impact The severity of damage, sometimes expressed in dollars (value)

Incremental backup An archive of all files that have changed since the last backup of any kind was performed

Individual Participation Principle OECD Privacy Guideline principle that states individuals should have control over their data

Industrial, Scientific and Medical See—ISM

Inference Deductive attack where a user is able to use lower-level access to learn restricted information

Inference engine Expert system component that follows the tree formed by knowledge base, and fires a rule when there is a match

Information Technology Infrastructure Library See—ITIL

Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria See—ITSEC

Infrastructure as a Service See—IaaS

Inheritance Objects inherit capabilities from their parent class

Initial CMM phase 1

Installation Testing Testing software as it is installed and first operated

Instance One copy of an object

Integrated Circuit Card See—Smartcard

Integrated Product Team See—IPT

Integrated Services Digital Network See—ISDN

Integration Testing Testing multiple software components as they are combined into a working system

Integrity Seeks to prevent unauthorized modification of information

Intellectual property Intangible property that resulted from a creative act

Interface Definition Language See—IDL

Interface testing Tests all the ways users can interact with the application, and is concerned with appropriate functionality being exposed. From a security-oriented vantage point, the goal is to ensure that security is uniformly applied across the various interfaces

Interior Gateway Protocol See—IGP

International Data Encryption Algorithm See—IDEA

Internet A global collection of peered networks running TCP/IP

Internet Control Message Protocol See—ICMP

Internet Key Exchange See—IKE

Internet layer TCP/IP model layer that aligns with the Layer 3 of the OSI model, describes IP addresses and routing

Internet Message Access Protocol See—IMAP

Internet of Things See—IOT

Internet Protocol See—IP

Internet Protocol Security See—IPsec

Internet Relay Chat See—IRC

Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol See—ISAKMP

Internet Small Computer System Interface See—iSCSI

Interpreted code Code that is compiled on the fly each time the program is run

Interrupt Indicates an asynchronous CPU event has occurred

Intranet A privately owned network running TCP/IP

Intrusion Detection System See—IDS

Intrusion Prevention System See—IPS

IOT Internet of Things, Internet-connected embedded devices such as thermostats, baby monitors, appliances, light bulbs, smart meters, etc

IP Internet protocol, includes IPv4 and IPv6

IPS Intrusion Prevention System, a preventive device designed to prevent malicious actions

IPsec Internet Protocol Security, a suite of protocols that provide a cryptographic layer to both IPv4 and IPv6

IPT Integrated Product Team, a customer-focused group that focuses on the entire lifecycle of a project

IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4, commonly called IP. It is the fundamental protocol of the Internet

IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6, the successor to IPv4, featuring far larger address space, simpler routing, and simpler address assignment

IPv6 autoconfiguration Autoconfiguration of a unique IPv6 address, omitting the need for static addressing or DHCP

IRC Internet Relay Chat, a global network of chat servers and clients

Iris scan Passive biometric scan of the iris (colored portion of the eye)

ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol, manages the IPsec Security Association process

iSCSI Internet Small Computer System Interface, Storage Area Network (SAN) protocol transmitted via Ethernet and TCP/IP

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network, provides digital service via copper pair

ISM Industrial, Scientific, and Medical, wireless bands set aside for unlicensed use

ISO 17799 A broad-based approach for information security code of practice by the International Organization for Standardization

ISO 22301 Management-focused business continuity guideline called “Business continuity management systems - Requirements”

ISO/IEC-27031 Technically-focused business continuity guideline that is part of the ISO 27000 series

ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library, is a framework for providing best services in IT Service Management

ITSEC Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria, the first successful international evaluation model

Java An object-oriented language used not only to write applets, but also as a general-purpose programming language

JavaScript Object Notation See—JSON

Jefferson Disks Cryptographic device invented by Thomas Jefferson that used multiple wheels, each with an entire alphabet along the ridge

JSON JavaScript Object Notation, a data interchange format

KDC Key Distribution Center, a Kerberos service that authenticates principals

Kerberos A third-party authentication service that may be used to support Single Sign On

Kernel The heart of the operating system, that usually runs in ring 0. It provides the interface between hardware and the rest of the operating system, including applications

Key Distribution Center See—KDC

Key lock Preventive device that requires a physical key to unlock

Keyboard dynamics Biometric control that refers to how hard a person presses each key and the rhythm by which the keys are pressed

Keyboard unit The external keyboard

Knowledge base Expert system component that consists of “if/then” statements

L2F Layer 2 Forwarding, designed to tunnel PPP

L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, combines PPTP and L2F

Label Security level assigned to an object, such as confidential, secret or top secret

LAN Local Area Network, a comparatively small network, typically confined to a building or an area within one

LAND attack DoS attack which uses a spoofed SYN packet that includes the victim’s IP address as both source and destination

Lattice-Based Access Controls Nondiscretionary access control with defined upper and lower bounds implemented by the system

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol See—L2TP

Layered defense See—Defense-in-depth

Layering Separates hardware and software functionality into modular tiers

LCP Link Control Protocol, the initial unauthenticated connected used by CHAP

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, open protocol for interfacing and querying directory service information provided by network operating systems. Uses port 389 via TCP or UDP

LEAP Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol, a Cisco-proprietary protocol released before 802.1X was finalized

Least privilege See—Principle of least privilege

Legal liability Liability enforced through civil law

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol See—LDAP

Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol See—LEAP

Linear cryptanalysis Known plaintext attack where the cryptanalyst finds large amounts of plaintext/ciphertext pairs created with the same key

Link Control Protocol See—LCP

Link state Routing protocols that factor in additional metrics for determining the best route, including bandwidth

Live forensics Taking a binary image of physical memory, gathering details about running processes, and gathering network connection data

LLC Logical Link Control, layer 2 protocol that handles LAN communications

Local Area Network See—LAN

Lock bumping Attack on locks using a shaved key, which bumps the pins, allowing the lock to turn

Lock picking The art of unlocking a lock without a key

Logic bomb A malicious program that is triggered when a logical condition is met, such as after a number of transactions have been processes, or on a specific date

Logical Link Control See—LLC

Logical Unit Numbers See—LUN

Lumen The amount of light one candle creates

LUN Logical Unit Numbers, provide a way of addressing storage across the network. Also used for basic access control for network accessible storage

Lux One lumen per square meter

LWP See—Thread

MAC (Access Control) Mandatory Access Control, system-enforced access control based on subject’s clearances and object’s labels

MAC (Telecommunications) Media Access Control, layer 2 protocol that transfers data to and from the physical layer

MAC address Layer 2 address of a NIC

Machine code Software that is executed directly by the CPU


Magnetic stripe card Passive device that contains no circuits. Sometimes called swipe cards: they are used by swiping through a card reader

Maintenance hook Shortcut installed by system designers and programmers to allow developers to bypass normal system checks during development

Malicious Code See—Malware

Malware Malicious software, any type of software which attacks an application or system

MAN Metropolitan Area Network, typically confined to a city, a zip code, or a campus or office park

Managed CMM phase 4

Managed mode 802.11 mode that clients use to connect to an AP

Mandatory Access Control See—MAC

Mandatory leave Forcing staff to take vacation or time away from the office. Also known as forced vacation

Mantrap A preventive physical control with two doors. Each door requires a separate form of authentication to open

Master mode 802.11 mode used by APs

Maximum Allowable Downtime See—MTD

Maximum Tolerable Downtime See—MTD

Maximum Transmission Unit See—MTU

MCH See—Northbridge

MD5 Message Digest 5, a hash function that creates a 128-bit message digest

Mean Time Between Failures See—MTBF

Mean Time to Repair See—MTTR

Media Access Control See—MAC

Memory Volatile or nonvolatile computer storage

Memory Controller Hub See—Northbridge

Mesh Physical network topology that interconnects network nodes to each other

Message Digest 5 See—MD5

Message Integrity Check See—MIC

Method The function performed by an object

Metropolitan Area Network See—MAN

MIC Message Integrity Check, integrity protocol used by WPA2

Microkernels A modular kernel

Microwave motion detector Active motion detector that uses microwave energy

Middleware Connects programs to programs

Minimum Operating Requirements See—MOR

Minutiae Specific fingerprint details that include whorls, ridges, bifurcation, and others

Mirroring Complete duplication of data to another disk, used by some levels of RAID

Mission Owners See—Business Owners

Mobile sites DRP backup site option that is a “data centers on wheels”; towable trailers that contain racks of computer equipment, as well as HVAC, fire suppression and physical security

Modem Modulator/Demodulator; takes binary data and modulates it into analog sound that can be carried on phone networks

Modes of Operation Dedicated, system-high, compartmented, and multilevel modes

Monitor mode 802.11 read-only mode used for sniffing

Monoalphabetic cipher Substitution cipher using one alphabet

Monolithic kernel A statically compiled kernel

MOR Minimum Operating Requirements, describes the minimum environmental and connectivity requirements in order to operate computer equipment

Motherboard Contains computer hardware including the CPU, memory slots, firmware, and peripheral slots such as PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) slots

MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching, provides a way to forward WAN data via labels

MTBF Mean Time Between Failures, quantifies how long a new or repaired system will run on average before failing

MTD Maximum Tolerable Downtime, the total time a system can be inoperable before an organization is severely impacted

MTTR Mean Time to Repair, describes how long it will take to recover a failed system

MTU Maximum Transmission Unit, the maximum PDU size on a network

Multicast One-to-many network traffic, and the “many” is preselected

Multipartite virus Virus that spreads via multiple vectors. Also called multipart virus

Multiprocessing Runs multiple processes on multiple CPUs

Multiprotocol Label Switching See—MPLS

Multitasking Allows multiple tasks (heavy weight processes) to run simultaneously on one CPU

Mutation Genetic algorithm concept that introduces random changes to algorithms

Mutual Aid Agreement See—Reciprocal agreement

NAT Network Address Translation, translates IP addresses

NDA Nondisclosure agreement, a contractual agreement that ensures that an individual or organization appreciates their legal responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information

Need to know Requirement that subjects need to know information before accessing it

Network access layer TCP/IP model layer that combines layers 1 and 2 of the OSI model. It describes Layer 1 issues such as energy, bits, and the medium used to carry them

Network Address Translation See—NAT

Network Interface Card See—NIC

Network Intrusion Prevention System See—NIPS

Network layer Layer 3 of the OSI model, describes routing data from a system on one LAN to a system on another

Network model (databases) Type of hierarchical database that allows branches to have two parents

Network model (telecommunications) A description of how a network protocol suite operates

Network stack A network protocol suite programmed in software or hardware

Network-based Intrusion Detection System See—NIDS

NIC Network Interface Card, a card that connects a system to a network

NIDS Network-based Intrusion Detection System, a detective technical control

NIPS Network Intrusion Prevention System, a preventive device designed to prevent malicious network traffic

NIST SP 800-34 NIST Special Publication 800-34 “Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology Systems”

Nonce Sum See—NS

Nondisclosure agreement See—NDA

Nondiscretionary access control Access control based on subjects’ roles or tasks

Noninterference Model Ensures that data at different security domains remain separate from one another

Non-repudiation Assurance that a specific user performed a specific transaction and assurance that the transaction did not change

Normal Response Mode See—NRM

Normalization Seeks to make the data in a database table logically concise, organized and consistent

Northbridge Connects the CPU to RAM and video memory, also called the Memory Controller Hub (MCH)

NRM Normal response mode, SDLC/HDLC mode where secondary nodes can transmit when given permission by the primary

NS Nonce Sum, the newest TCP flag, used for congestion notification

Object A data file

Object A “black box” that combines code and data, and sends and receives messages

Object encapsulation Treats a process as a “black box”

Object Linking and Embedding See—OLE

Object Request Brokers See—ORBs

Object-Oriented Analysis See—OOA

Object-oriented database Database that combines data with functions (code) in an object-oriented framework

Object-Oriented Design See—OOD

Object-Oriented Programming See—OOP

Occupant Emergency Plan See—OEP

OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol, a client-server method for looking up revoked certificates

OCTAVE Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation, a risk management framework from Carnegie Mellon University

OECD Privacy Guidelines Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development privacy guidelines, containing eight principles

OEP Occupant Emergency Plan, a facility-based plan focused on safety and evacuation

OFB Output Feedback, a stream mode of DES that uses portions of the key for feedback

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing, a newer wireless multiplexing method, allowing simultaneous transmission using multiple independent wireless frequencies that do not interfere with each other

Offshoring Outsourcing to another country

OLE Object Linking and Embedding, part of DCOM which links documents to other documents

One-Time Pad Theoretically unbreakable encryption using paired pads of random characters

One-time password Password that may be used for a single authentication

Online Certificate Status Protocol See—OCSP

OOA Object-Oriented Analysis, high-level approach to understanding a problem domain that and identifies all objects and their interaction

OOD Object-Oriented Design, a high-level object-oriented approach to designing software

OOP Object-Oriented Programming, changes the older procedural programming methodology, and treats a program as a series of connected objects that communicate via messages

Open Shortest Path First See—OSPF

Open source Software with publicly published source code, allowing anyone to inspect, modify, or compile the code

Open system System using open hardware and standards, using standard components from a variety of vendors

Openness Principle OECD Privacy Guideline principle that states collection and use of personal data should be readily available

Operating system Software that operates a computer

Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation See—OCTAVE

Optimizing CMM phase 5

Orange Book See—TCSEC

ORBs Object Request Brokers, used to locate and communicate with objects

Organizationally Unique Identifier See—OUI

Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing See—OFDM

OSI model A network model with seven layers: physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application

OSPF Open Shortest Path First, an open link state routing protocol

OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier, the first 24 bits of a MAC address

Output Feedback See—OFB

Outsourcing Use of a third party to provide Information Technology support services which were previously performed in-house

Overt channel Authorized communication that complies with security policy

PaaS Platform as a Service, provides a pre-configured operating system, and the customer configures the applications

Packet Layer 3 PDU

Packet filter A simple and fast firewall that has no concept of state

Packet-switched network A form of networking where bandwidth is shared and data is carried in units called packets

Pairwise testing Form of combinatorial software testing that tests unique pairs of inputs

PAN Personal Area Network, a very small network with a range of 100 m or much less

Panic bar Egress device that opens externally facing doors from the inside

PAP Password Authentication Protocol, an insecure network authentication protocol that exposes passwords in cleartext

Parallel processing Recovery of critical processing components at an alternate computing facility, without impacting regular production systems

Parent class OOP concept that allows objects to inherit capabilities from parents

Parity A means to achieve data redundancy without incurring the same degree of cost as that of mirroring in terms of disk usage and write performance

Partial knowledge test A penetration test where the tester is provided with partial inside information at the start of the test

Passive infrared sensor Passive motion detector that detects infrared energy created by body heat

Passive RFID Unpowered RFID tags

Passphrase A long static password, comprised of words in a phrase or sentence

Password Authentication Protocol See—PAP

Password cracking An offline technique in which the attacker has gained access to the password hashes or database

Password guessing An online technique that involves attempting to authenticate as a particular user to the system

Patch management The process of managing software updates

Patent Intellectual property protection that grants a monopoly on the right to use, make, or sell an invention for a period of time

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard See—PCI-DSS

PCI-DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, a security standard created by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC)

PDA Personal Data Assistant, a small networked computer that can fit in the palm of your hand

PDU Protocol Data Unit, a header and data at one layer of a network stack

PEAP Protected EAP, similar to EAP-TTLS, including not requiring client-side certificates

Penetration test Security test designed to determine if an attacker can penetrate an organization

Permutation (Also called transposition) provides confusion by rearranging the characters of the plaintext, anagram-style

Personal Area Network See—PAN

Personal Digital Assistant See—PDA

Personal Identification Number See—PIN

Personally Identifiable Information See—PII

PGP Pretty Good Privacy, software that integrates asymmetric, symmetric and hash cryptography

Phishing Malicious attack that poses as a legitimate site such as a bank, attempting to steal account credentials

Photoelectric motion sensor Active motion detector that sends a beam of light across a monitored space to a photoelectric sensor

Physical controls Implemented with physical devices, such as locks, fences, gates, etc

Physical layer Layer 1 of the OSI model, describes units of data like bits represented by energy, and the medium used to carry them

PII Personally Identifiable Information, data associated with a specific person, such as credit card data

PIN Personal Identification Number, a number-based password

Ping Sends an ICMP Echo Request to a node and listens for an ICMP Echo Reply

Ping of death DoS that sends a malformed ICMP Echo Request (Ping) that is larger than the maximum size of an IP packet

Pipelining CPU feature that combines multiple steps into one combined process, allowing simultaneous fetch, decode, execute and write steps for different instructions

PKI Public Key Infrastructure leverages symmetric, asymmetric and hash-based cryptography to manage digital certificates

Plaintext An unencrypted message

Plan maintenance Seventh step of the NIST SP 800-34 contingency planning process

Plan testing, training, and exercises Sixth step of the NIST SP 800-34 contingency planning process

Platform as a Service See—PaaS

PLD Programmable Logic Device, field-programmable hardware

Point-to-Point Protocol See—PPP

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol See—PPTP

Poison reverse Distance vector routing protocol safeguard that sets bad route to infinity

Policy High-level management directives, administrative control

Polyalphabetic cipher Substitution cipher using multiple alphabets

Polyinstantiation Allows two different objects to have the same name. The name is based on the Latin roots for multiple (poly) and instances (instantiation)

Polymorphic virus Virus that changes its signature upon infection of a new system, attempting to evade signature-based antivirus software

Polymorphism OOP concept based on the Greek roots “poly” and “morph,” meaning many and forms, respectively): allows an object to overload an operator, for example

POP Post Office Protocol, an email client protocol

POST Power-On Self-Test, performs basic computer hardware tests, including verifying the integrity of the BIOS, testing the memory, identifying system devices, among other tasks

Post Office Protocol See—POP

POTS Plain Old Telephone Service, analog phone service

Power-On Self-Test See—POST

PPP Point-to-Point Protocol, a Layer 2 protocol that has largely replaced SLIP, adding confidentiality, integrity and authentication

PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, tunnels PPP via IP

Presentation layer Layer 6 of the OSI model, presents data to the application in a comprehensible way

Pretty Good Privacy See—PGP

Preventive controls Prevents actions from occurring

PRI Primary Rate Interface, provides 23 64K digital ISDN channels

Primary key Unique attribute in a relational database table, used to join tables

Primary Rate Interface See—PRI

Principal Kerberos client (user) or service

Principle of least privilege Granting subjects the minimum amount of authorization required to do their jobs, also known as minimum necessary access

Privacy Protection of the confidentiality of personal information

Privacy Act of 1974 Protects US citizens’ data that is being used by the federal government

Private key One half of asymmetric key pair, must be kept secure

Problem domain A specific challenge that needs to be addressed

Procedural languages Programming languages that use subroutines, procedures and functions

Procedure Step-by-step guide for accomplishing a task, administrative control

Process An executable program and its associated data loaded and running in memory

Process isolation Logical control that attempts to prevent one process from interfering with another

Product Owner Scrum role that serves as the voice of the business unit

Programmable Logic Device See—PLD

Programmable Read Only Memory See—PROM

PROM Programmable Read Only Memory, memory that can be written to once, typically at the factory

Promiscuous access The ability to sniff all traffic on a network

Protect society, the commonwealth, and the infrastructure First canon of the (ISC) Code of Ethics

Protected EAP See—PEAP

Protocol Data Unit See—PDU

Provide diligent and competent service to principals Third canon of the (ISC) Code of Ethics

Proxy firewall Firewalls that terminate connections and act as intermediary servers

Prudent Man Rule Organizations should engage in business practices that a prudent, right thinking, person would consider to be appropriate

Pseudo guard An unarmed security guard

PSH TCP flag, push data to application layer

Public key One half of asymmetric key pair, may be publicly posted

Public Key Infrastructure See—PKI

Punitive damages Damages designed to punish an individual or organization

Purple Allied name for the stepping-switch encryption device used by Japanese Axis powers during World War II

Purpose Specification Principle OECD Privacy Guideline principle that states the purpose for the data collection should be known, and the subsequent use of the data should be limited to the purposes outlined at the time of collection

PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit, a circuit that is always connected

QoS Quality of Service, gives specific traffic precedence over other traffic on packet-switched networks

Qualitative Risk Analysis RA method which uses approximate values

Quality of Service See—QoS

Quantitative Risk Analysis RA method that uses hard metrics such as dollars

Query language Language that searches and updates a database

Race condition See—TOCTOU

RAD Rapid Application Development, rapidly develops software via the use of prototypes, “dummy” GUIs, back-end databases, and more

Radio-Frequency Identification See—RFID

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial in User Service, a UDP-based third-party authentication system

RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, a method of using multiple disk drives to achieve greater data reliability, greater speed, or both

RAID 0 RAID striped set

RAID 1 RAID mirrored set

RAID 1 + 0 RAID 0 combined with RAID 1, sometimes called RAID 10

RAID 10 See—RAID 1 + 0

RAID 2 RAID Hamming code

RAID 3 RAID striped set with dedicated parity (byte level)

RAID 4 RAID Striped set with dedicated parity (block level)

RAID 5 RAID striped set with distributed parity

RAID 6 RAID striped set with dual distributed parity

Rainbow Table Acts as database that contains the hashed output for most or all possible passwords

RAM Random Access Memory, memory that allows any address to be directly accessed

Random Access Memory See—RAM

Rapid Application Development See—RAD

RAT Remote Access Trojans, Trojan Horses which may be remotely controlled

RBAC Role-Based Access Controls, subjects are grouped into roles and each defined role has access permissions based upon the role, not the individual

RC4 Rivest Cipher 4, used to provide confidentiality by WPA

RC5 Rivest Cipher 5, Symmetric block cipher by RSA Laboratories

RC6 Rivest Cipher 6, Symmetric block cipher by RSA Laboratories, AES finalist

Read Only Memory See—ROM

Real evidence Evidence consisting of tangible or physical objects

Realm A logical Kerberos network

Real-time Transport Protocol See—RTP

Reciprocal agreement A bi-directional agreement between two organizations in which one organization promises another organization it can move in and share space if it experiences a disaster. Also known as mutual aid agreement

Recovery controls Controls that restore a damaged system or process

Recovery phase Incident response phase that restores a previously compromised system to operational status

Recovery Point Objective See—RPO

Recovery Time Objective See—RTO

Reduced Instruction Set Computer See—RISC

Reduction analysis The process of analyzing and lowering risk

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks See—RAID

Redundant site An exact production duplicate of a system that has the capability to seamlessly operate all necessary IT operations without loss of services to the end user

Reference monitor Mediates all access between subjects and objects

Referential integrity Requires that every foreign key in a secondary table matches a primary key in the parent table

Registers Small storage locations used by the CPU to store instructions and data

Regression Testing Testing software after updates, modifications or patches

Regulatory law See—Administrative law

Relational database Contains two-dimensional tables of related data

Religious law Legal system that uses religious doctrine or interpretation as a source of legal understanding and statutes

Remanence Data that might persist after removal attempts

Remote Access Trojans See—RAT

Remote Authentication Dial In User Service See—RADIUS

Remote File Inclusion See—RFI

Remote journaling Saves database checkpoints and the database journal to a remote site. In the event of failure at the primary site, the database may be recovered

Remote meeting technology Newer technology that allows users to conduct online meetings via the Internet, including desktop sharing functionality

Remote wipe The ability to remotely erase a mobile device

Repeatable CMM phase 2

Repeater Layer 1 device that receives bits on one port, and “repeats” them out the other port

Reporting phase Incident response phase that provides a final report on the incident

Representational State Transfer See—REST

Reserved ports TCP/IP ports 1023 and lower

Responsible disclosure The practice of privately sharing vulnerability information with a vendor, and withholding public release until a patch is available

REST Representational State Transfer, used to implement web services

Retina scan Biometric laser scan of the capillaries which feed the retina

Return on Investment Money saved by deploying a safeguard

RFC 1918 addresses Private IPv4 addresses which may be used for internal traffic

RFI Remote File Inclusion, altering web URLs to include remote content

RFID Radio-Frequency Identification, a type of contact less card technology

Rijndael Cipher which became AES, named after authors Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen

Ring (physical) Physical network topology that connects nodes in a physical ring

Ring model Form of CPU hardware layering that separates and protects domains (such as kernel mode and user mode) from each other

RIP Routing Information Protocol, a distance vector routing protocol that uses hop count as its metric

RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer, CPU instructions which are short and simple

Risk A matched threat and vulnerability

Risk Analysis Matrix A quadrant used to map the likelihood of a risk occurring against the consequences (or impact) that risk would have

Robust Security Network See—RSN

Role-Based Access Controls See—RBAC

Rollback Restores a database after a failed commit

ROM Read Only Memory

Rootkit Malware that replaces portions of the kernel and/or operating system

Rotation Cipher Substitution cipher that shifts each character of ciphertext a fixed amount past each plaintext character

Rotation of duties Requires that critical functions or responsibilities are not continuously performed by the same person without interruption. Also known as job rotation

Router Layer 3 device that routes traffic from one LAN to another, based on IP addresses

Routing Information Protocol See—RIP

RPO Recovery Point Objective, the amount of data loss or system inaccessibility (measured in time) that an organization can withstand

RSN Robust Security Network, part of 802.11i that allows changes to cryptographic ciphers as new vulnerabilities are discovered

RST TCP flag, reset (tear down) a connection

RTO Recovery Time Objective, the maximum time allowed to recover business or IT systems

RTP Real-time Transport Protocol, VoIP protocol designed to carry streaming audio and video

Rule-based access control Uses a series of defined rules, restrictions, and filters for accessing objects within a system

Running-key cipher Cryptographic method that uses whole words from a well-known text such as a dictionary, “adding” letters to plaintext using modular math

S/MIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, leverages PKI to encrypt and authenticate MIME-encoded email

SA Security Association, a simplex connection which may be used to negotiate ESP or AH parameters

SaaS Software as a Service, completely configured cloud-based application, from the operating system on up

Salt A random number that is hashed with a password. Allows one password to hash multiple ways

SAML Security Assertion Markup Language, an XML-based framework for exchanging security information, including authentication data

SAN Storage Area Network, provides block-level disk storage via a network

Sanction Action taken as a result of policy violation

Sarbanes-Oxley Act See—SOX

Sashimi Model Development model with highly overlapping steps; it can be thought of as a real-world successor to the Waterfall Model

Savepoint A clean snapshot of the database tables

Schema Describes the attributes and values of the database tables

Scoping The process of determining which portions of a standard will be employed by an organization

Screened host architecture Older flat network design using one router to filter external traffic to and from a bastion host via an ACL

Screened subnet architecture Two firewalls screening a DMZ

Script kiddies Attackers who target computer systems with tools they have little or no understanding of

Scrum Agile development model that uses small teams, roles include Scrum Master and Product Owner

Scrum Master Senior member of the organization who acts as a coach for the Scrum team

SDLC (Applications) Systems Development Life Cycle, a system development model that focuses on security in every phase

SDLC (Telecommunications) Synchronous Data Link Control, a synchronous layer 2 WAN protocol that uses polling to transmit data

SDN Software Defined Networking, separates a router’s control plane from the data (forwarding) plane. Routing decisions are made remotely, instead of on each individual router

SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line, DSL with matching upload and download speeds

Search warrant Court order that allows a legal search

Secondary evidence Evidence consisting of copies of original documents and oral descriptions

Secure Hash Algorithm 1 See—SHA-1

Secure Hash Algorithm 2 See—SHA-2

Secure Real-time Transport Protocol See—SRTP

Secure Shell See—SSH

Secure Sockets Layer See—SSL

Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions See—S/MIME

Security Assertion Markup Language See—SAML

Security assessments A holistic approach to assessing the effectiveness of access control. May use other tests as a subset, including penetration tests and vulnerability scans

Security audit A test against a published standard

Security domain The list of objects a subject is allowed to access

Security Parameter Index See—SPI

Security Safeguards Principle OECD Privacy Guideline principle that states personal data should be reasonably protected against unauthorized use, disclosure, or alteration

Segment Layer 4 PDU

Semantic integrity Requires that each value is consistent with the attribute data type

Separation of duties Dividing sensitive transactions among multiple subjects

Serial Line Internet Protocol See—SLIP

Server-side attack Attack launched directly from an attacker to a listening service. Also called service-side attack

Service Level Agreement See—SLA

Service Set Identifier See—SSID

Servicemark Intellectual property protection that allows for the creation of a brand that distinguishes the source of services

Session hijacking Compromise of an existing network sessions

Session Initiation Protocol See—SIP

Session layer Layer 5 of the OSI model, manages sessions, which provide maintenance on connections

SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1, a hash function that creates a 160-bit message digest

SHA-2 Secure Hash Algorithm 1, a hash function that includes SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512, named after the length of the message digest each creates

Shadow database Similar to a replicated database, with one key difference: a shadow database mirrors all changes made to a primary database, but clients do not access the shadow

Shareware Fully functional proprietary software that may be initially used free of charge. If the user continues to use the Shareware for a specific period of time, the shareware license typically requires payment

Shielded Twisted Pair See—STP

Shoulder surfing Physical attack where an attacker observes credentials, such as a key combination

Shredding See—Wiping

Side-channel attack Cryptographic attack which uses physical data to break a cryptosystem, such as monitoring CPU cycles or power consumption used while encrypting or decrypting

SIGABA Rotor machine used by the United States through World War II into the 1950s

Simple integrity axiom Biba property that states “no read down”

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol See—SMTP

Simple Network Management Protocol See—SNMP

Simple Security Property Bell-LaPadula property that states “no read up” (NRU)

Simplex One-way communication, like a car radio tuned to a music station

Simulation test Recovery from a pretend disaster, goes beyond talking about the process and actually has teams carry out the recovery process

Single Loss Expectancy See—SLE

Single Sign-On See—SSO

SIP Session Initiation Protocol, a VoIP signaling protocol

SLA Service Level Agreement, contractual agreement that helps assure availability

Slack space Space on a disk between the end-of-file marker, and the end of the cluster

SLE Single Loss Expectancy, the cost of a single loss

SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol, a Layer 2 protocol which provides IP connectivity via asynchronous connections such as serial lines and modems

Smart card A physical access control device containing an integrated circuit. Also known as an Integrated Circuit Card (ICC)

SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service, an older WAN technology that is similar to ATM

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a store-and-forward protocol used to exchange email between servers

Smurf attack Attack using an ICMP flood and directed broadcast addresses

Sniffing Confidentiality attack on network traffic

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol, used to monitor network devices

SOAP Originally stood for Simple Object Access Protocol, now simply “SOAP”. Used to implement web services

Social engineering Uses the human mind to bypass security controls

Socket A combination of an IP address and a TCP or UDP port on one node

Socket pair Describes a unique connection between two nodes: source port, source IP, destination port and destination IP

SOCKS Popular circuit-level proxy

Software as a Service See—SaaS

Software Defined Networking See—SDN

Software escrow Source code held by a neutral third party

Software piracy Unauthorized copying of copyrighted software

Solid State Drive See—SSD

SONET Synchronous Optical Networking, carries multiple T-carrier circuits via fiber optic cable

Source code Computer programming language instructions that are written in text that must be translated into machine code before execution by the CPU

Southbridge Connects input/output (I/O) devices, such as disk, keyboard, mouse, CD drive, USB ports, etc

SOX Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, created regulatory compliance mandates for publicly traded companies

SPAN port Switched Port Analyzer, receives traffic forwarded from other switch ports

Spear phishing Targeted phishing attack against a small number of high-value victims

SPI Security Parameter Index, used to identify simplex IPsec security associations

Spiral Model Software development model designed to control risk

Split horizon Distance vector routing protocol safeguard will not send a route update via an interface it learned the route from

Spoofing Masquerading as another endpoint

Spring-bolt lock A locking mechanism that “springs” in and out of the door jamb

SQL Structured Query Language, the most popular database query language

SRAM Static Random Access Memory, expensive and fast memory that uses small latches called “flip-flops” to store bits

SRTP Secure Real-time Transport Protocol, used to provide secure VoIP

SSD Solid State Drive, a combination of flash memory (EEPROM) and DRAM

SSH Secure Shell, a secure replacement for Telnet, FTP and the UNIX “R” commands

SSID Service Set Identifier, acts as a wireless network name

SSL Secure Sockets Layer, authenticates and provides confidentiality to network traffic such as web traffic

SSO Single Sign-On, allows a subject to authenticate once, and then access multiple systems

Standard Describes the specific use of technology, often applied to hardware and software, administrative control

Star Physical network topology that connects each node to a central device such as a hub or a switch

Stateful firewall Firewall with a state table that allows the firewall to compare current packets to previous

Static password Reusable passwords that and may or may not expire

Static Random Access Memory See—SRAM

Static route Fixed routing entries

Static testing Tests code passively: the code is not running

Statutory damages Damages prescribed by law

Stealth virus Virus that hides itself from the OS and other protective software, such as antivirus software

Steganography The science of hidden communication

Storage Area Network See—SAN

Storage channel Covert channel that uses shared storage, such as a temporary directory, to allow two subjects to signal each other

STP Shielded Twisted Pair, network cabling that contains additional metallic shielding around each twisted pair of wires

Strike plate Plate in the door jamb with a slot for a deadbolt or spring-bolt lock

Striping Spreading data writes across multiple disks to achieve performance gains, used by some levels of RAID

Strong authentication Requires that the user present more than one authentication factor. Also called dual-factor authentication

Strong tranquility property Bell-LaPadula property that states security labels will not change while the system is operating

Structured Query Language See—SQL

Structured walkthrough Thorough review of a DRP by individuals that are knowledgeable about the systems and services targeted for recovery. Also known as tabletop exercise

Subject An active entity on an Information System which accesses or changes data

Substitution Cryptographic method that replaces one character for another

SVC Switched Virtual Circuit, a circuit that is established on demand

Swapping Uses virtual memory to copy contents in primary memory (RAM) to or from secondary memory

Switch Layer 2 device that carries traffic on one LAN

Switched Multimegabit Data Service See—SMDS

Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line See—SDSL

Symmetric Encryption Encryption that uses one key to encrypt and decrypt

Synthetic transactions Also called synthetic monitoring, involves building scripts or tools that simulate activities normally performed in an application

System owner A manager responsible for the actual computers that house data. This includes the hardware and software configuration, including updates, patching, etc

SYN TCP flag, synchronize a connection

SYN Flood Resource exhaustion DoS attack that fills a system’s half-open connection table

Synchronous Data Link Control See—SDLC

Synchronous Dynamic Token Use time or counters to synchronize a displayed token code with the code expected by the authentication server

Synchronous Optical Networking See—SONET

System call Allow processes to communicate with the kernel and provide a window between CPU rings

System unit Computer case, containing all of the internal electronic computer components, including motherboard, internal disk drives, power supply, etc

Systems Development Life Cycle See—SDLC

T1 A dedicated 1.544 megabit circuit that carries 24 64-bit DS0 channels

T3 28 Bundled T1s

Table A group of related data in a relational database

Tabletop exercise See—Structured walkthrough

TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System, a SSO method often used for network equipment

Tailgating Following an authorized person into a building without providing credentials. Also known as piggybacking

Tailoring The process of customizing a standard for an organization

Take-Grant Protection Model Determines the safety of a given computer system that follows specific rules

TAP Test Access Port, provides a way to “tap” into network traffic and see all unicast streams on a network

TCP Transmission Control Protocol, uses a 3-way handshake to create reliable connections across a network

TCP/IP model A network model with four layers: network access, Internet, transport and application

TCSEC Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, aka the Orange Book, evaluation model developed by the United States Department of Defense

Teardrop attack A malformed packet DoS attack that targets issues with systems’ fragmentation reassembly

Technical controls Implemented using software, hardware, or firmware that restricts logical access on an information technology system

Telnet Protocol that provides terminal emulation over a network using TCP port 23

TEMPEST A standard for shielding electromagnetic emanations from computer equipment

Temporal Key Integrity Protocol See—TKIP

Terminal Access Controller Access Control System See—TACACS

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol, a simple way to transfer files with no authentication or directory structure

TGS Ticket Granting Service, a Kerberos service which grants access to services

TGT Ticket Granting Ticket, Kerberos credentials encrypted with the TGS’ key

Thicknet Older type of coaxial cable, used for Ethernet bus networking

Thin client applications Use a web browser as a universal client, providing access to robust applications that are downloaded from the thin client server and run in the client’s browser

Thin clients Simple computer systems that rely on centralized applications and data

Thinnet Older type of coaxial cable, used for Ethernet bus networking

Thread A lightweight process (LWP)

Threat A potentially negative occurrence

Threat agents The actors causing the threats that might exploit a vulnerability

Threat vectors Vectors which allow exploits to connect to vulnerabilities

Throughput The process of authenticating to a system (such as a biometric authentication system)

Ticket Data that authenticates a Kerberos principal’s identity

Ticket Granting Service See—TGS

Ticket Granting Ticket See—TGT

Time multiplexing Shares (multiplexes) system resources between multiple processes, each with a dedicated slice of time

Time of Check/Time of Use See—TOCTOU

Timing channel Covert channel that relies on the system clock to infer sensitive information

TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol, used to provide integrity by WPA

TLS Transport Layer Security, the successor to SSL

TNI Trusted Network Interpretation, the Red Book

TOCTOU Time of Check/Time of Use, altering a condition after it has been checked by the operating system, but before it is used

Token Ring Legacy LAN technology that uses tokens

Top-Down programming Starts with the broadest and highest level requirements (the concept of the final program) and works down towards the low-level technical implementation details

Total Cost of Ownership The cost of a safeguard

TPM Trusted Platform Module, a processor that can provide additional security capabilities at the hardware level, allowing for hardware-based cryptographic operations

Traceability Matrix Maps customers’ requirements to the software testing plan: it “traces” the “requirements,” and ensures that are being met

Traceroute Command that uses ICMP Time Exceeded messages to trace a network route

Trade secret Business-proprietary information that is important to an organization’s ability to compete

Trademark Intellectual property protection that allows for the creation of a brand that distinguishes the source of products

Training Security control designed to provide a skill set

Transmission Control Protocol See—TCP

Transport layer (OSI) Layer 4 of the OSI model, handles packet sequencing, flow control and error detection

Transport layer (TCP/IP) TCP/IP model layer that connects the internet layer to the application Layer

Transport Layer Security See—TLS

Transposition See—Permutation

Tree Physical network topology with a root node, and branch nodes that are at least three levels deep

Triple DES 56-bit DES applied three times per block

Trivial File Transfer Protocol See—TFTP

Trojan Malware that performs two functions: one benign (such as a game), and one malicious. Also called Trojan Horses

Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria See—TCSEC

Trusted Network Interpretation See—TNI

Trusted Platform Module See—TPM

Truth table Table used to map all results of a mathematical operation, such as XOR

Tuple A row in a relational database table

Turnstile Device designed to prevent tailgating by enforcing a “one person per authentication” rule

Twofish AES finalist, encrypting 128-bit blocks using 128 through 256 bit keys

Type 1 authentication Something you know

Type 2 authentication Something you have

Type 3 authentication Something you are

Type I error See—FRR

Type II error See—FAR

Typosquatting Registering Internet domain names comprised of likely misspellings or mistyping of legitimate domain trademarks

UDP User Datagram Protocol, a simpler and faster cousin to TCP

Ultrasonic motion detector Active motion detector that uses ultrasonic energy

Unallocated space Portions of a disk partition which do not contain active data

Unicast One-to-one network traffic, such as a client surfing the web

Unit Testing Low-level tests of software components, such as functions, procedures or objects

Unshielded Twisted Pair See—UTP

URG TCP flag, packet contains urgent data

USA PATRIOT Act Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001

Use Limitation Principle OECD Privacy Guideline principle that states personal data should never be disclosed without either the consent of the individual or legal requirement

User Datagram Protocol See—UDP

UTP Unshielded twisted pair, network cabling that uses pairs of wire twisted together

VDSL Very High Rate Digital Subscriber Line, DSL featuring much faster asymmetric speeds

Vernam Cipher One-time pad using a teletypewriter, invented by Gilbert Vernam

Very High Rate Digital Subscriber Line See—VDSL

Vigenère Cipher Polyalphabetic cipher named after Blaise de Vigenère, using a Vigenère Square

Virtual memory Provides virtual address mapping between applications and hardware memory

Virtual Private Network See—VPN

Virtualization Adds a software layer between an operating system and the underlying computer hardware

Virus Malware that requires a carrier to propagate

Vishing Phishing via voice

VLAN LAN, which can be thought of as a virtual switch

Voice over Internet Protocol See—VoIP

Voice print Biometric control that measures the subject’s tone of voice while stating a specific sentence or phrase

VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol, carries voice via data networks

VPN Virtual Private Network, a method to send private data over insecure network, such as the internet

Vulnerability A weakness in a system

Vulnerability management Management of vulnerability information

Vulnerability scanning A process to discover poor configurations and missing patches in an environment

Walkthrough drill See—simulation test

WAN Wide Area Network, typically covering cities, states, or countries

WAP Wireless Application Protocol, designed to provide secure web services to handheld wireless devices such as smart phones

War dialing Uses modem to dial a series of phone numbers, looking for an answering modem carrier tone

Warded lock Preventive device that turn a key through channels (called wards) to unlock

Warm site A backup site with all necessary hardware and connectivity, and configured computers without live data

Wassenaar Arrangement Munitions law that followed COCOM, beginning in 1996

Watchdog timer Recovers a system by rebooting after critical processes hang or crash

Waterfall Model An application development model that uses rigid phases; when one phase ends, the next begins

WSDL Web Services Description Language, provides details about how Web Services are to be invoked

Weak tranquility property Bell-LaPadula property that states security labels will not change in a way that violates security policy

Web Services Description Language See—WDSL

Well-formed transactions Clark-Wilson control to enforce control over applications

WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy, a very weak 802.11 security protocol

White box software testing Gives the tester access to program source code, data structures, variables, etc

White hat Ethical hacker or researcher

Whole Disk Encryption See—FDE

Wide Area Network See—WAN

Wi-Fi Protected Access See—WPA

Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 See—WPA2

Wiping Writes new data over each bit or block of file data. Also called shredding

Wired Equivalent Privacy See—WEP

Wireless Application Protocol See—WAP

WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

Work factor The amount of time required to break a cryptosystem (decrypt a ciphertext without the key)

Work Recovery Time See—WRT

Worm Malware that self-propagates

WORM Write Once Read Many, memory which can be written to once, and read many times

WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access, a partial implementation of 802.11i

WPA2 Wi-Fi Protected Access 2, the full implementation of 802.11i

Write Once Read Many See—WORM

WRT Work Recovery Time, the time required to configure a recovered system

X.25 Older packet switched WAN protocol

XML Extensible Markup Language, a markup language designed as a standard way to encode documents and data

XOR Exclusive OR, binary operation that is true if one of two inputs (but not both) are true

XP Extreme Programming, an Agile development method that uses pairs of programmers who work off a detailed specification

XSS Cross Site Scripting, third-party execution of web scripting languages such as JavaScript within the security context of a trusted site

Zachman Framework Provides 6 frameworks for providing information security, asking what, how, where, who, when and why, and mapping those frameworks across rules including planner, owner, designer, builder, programmer and user

Zero knowledge test A blind penetration test where the tester has no inside information at the start of the test

Zero-day exploit An exploit for a vulnerability with no available vendor patch

Zombie See—Bot

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