
Note: page numbers in italics refer to illustrations and figures; page numbers in bold refer to tables.

agricultural land 8, 256

agriculture 11, 89, 120

air quality 37, 52, 54, 107

airports 97, 98, 121


behavioural change 389

Beijing 17, 20, 29, 55, 56

Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region 10, 56

Blue Economic Zone 97100

Bonded Zones 15, 18, 19

Border Economic Cooperation Zone 19

Border Trade Zone 19


carbon emissions 42, 89

(see also low-carbon cities)

Changsha 57

Chaohu Ecological Demonstration Zone 133, 134

Chengdu 11526

administration structure 123

Ecological Garden City 11926

Hi-tech Zone 118

manufacturing sector 117

New Tianfu Square 117

planning and design 123

Shouan New Town 124, 125

Shuangliu Airport 121

Southwest Jiaotong University 117, 118

urban transformation and upgrading capability 55

Chongqing 57, 117

city governance see local governance

city regions 10

(see also Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region; Pearl River Delta; Yangtze River Delta)

collective-owned land 23, 26

Community Administration System 31

community governance 2936

Community Residents’ Committees 323

Community Residents Self-governance 35

community service 324

community volunteers 323

conservation see environmental protection; heritage conservation

construction land 8, 26

consumerism 9, 79

creative industries 46, 109

Cross-border Industrial Zone 19

Cross-Taiwan Strait Technology Industrial Park 19

cultivated land see agricultural land

cultural development 46, 76, 109

cultural heritage 378

Cultural Revolution 5


Dalian 57

Daqing 47

development zones 1420

GDP 18, 19

land management 27

main economic indicators 19

relation to their host cities 18, 20

types and number 19

diamond model 48, 49

domestic investment 20

Dongying Economic and Technological Development Zone 15


Eco-cities 3942, 47

Chengdu 11926

Nanchang 8392

Ecological Civilisation 378

Ecological Garden City 11926

ecological issues 8, 10, 3744

ecological transformation 46, 57

Economic and Technological Development Zones (ETDZs) 14, 15, 17, 18, 19

economic restructuring 456

electronic information sector 117

energy conservation 86, 89

energy systems 8, 89

environmental protection 10, 3742, 86 (see also Eco-cities; pollution control)

Export Processing Zones 19


farmland see agricultural land

Finance Trade Zone 74

Five-Year Plans 4, 7, 9

foreign investment 17, 18, 19

Free Trade Zone (FTZ) 80, 81

Fuzhou 24


garden cities 87, 11926

Guangzhou 18, 24, 28, 55, 56


Hangzhou 10313

Alibaba Group building 112

central business district 11011

construction 106, 111

East New Town 109

East Railway Station 109, 110

economic development 1056, 10912

housing 1067

land reserve agency 28

local governance 107

new towns 109, 110, 111

as part of Yangtze River Delta 109

planning and redevelopment 106

road construction 106

transformation in practice 10712

urban transformation and upgrading capability 55

‘villages within the city’ 105, 107

West Lake 103, 104

headquarters economy 46, 112, 119

heavy industry 10, 13, 57, 74

Hefei 12736

Administration Service Centre 131

BOE Technology 135

Chaohu Ecological Demonstration Zone 133, 134

manufacturing sector 129, 131, 134

Science Island 130

Swan Lake CBD 129

Urban Community 32

heritage conservation 378, 111

High and New Technology Industry Development Zones 15, 17, 18, 19

Hongqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone 17

Hongqiao Transportation Hub 73, 80

housing 21, 1067


industrial parks 19, 100, 120, 124

industrial production 13, 18

industrial restructuring 18

industrialisation 45, 1314

innovative cities 1306


knowledge economy 47

(see also creative industries)

Kunming 55


Land Administration Law 24, 25, 26

land policies 21

Land Property Rights System 238

land management in development zones 27

land ownership 23

Land Reserve System 28

land use planning system 26, 278

land use rights leasehold market 27

land use rights transfer market 27

land use taxation 24

land resources 8

Liuting International Airport 97, 98

liveable cities see Eco-cities

local governance 58

financial capability 58

Hangzhou 107

Shanghai 80

Steering Committee for Community Building (SCCB) 31

(see also community governance)

low-carbon agriculture 89

low-carbon buildings 89

low-carbon cities see Eco-cities

low-carbon energy 89


manufacturing sector 7, 13, 20

Chengdu 117

Hefei 129, 131, 134

Nanchang 87, 89

Qingdao 95

Shanghai 75

marine economy 978

market economy 5, 13, 31, 57, 745

metropolitan regions see city regions

middle-class 389, 48

migrant workers 5, 6, 9

Minhang Economic and Technological Development Zone 17

multinational companies 18, 134


Nanchang 8392

Ganjiang Riverside 85

Garden City 87

Low-carbon City 8492, 912

manufacturing sector 87, 89

Nanchang Bayi Bridge 83

Pavilion of Prince Teng 86

Transit-oriented Development (TOD) 89

Xiang Lake Wetland Park 85

Yao Lake Wetland Park 90

Nanjing 28, 55

National Development Zones 19

National Eco-cultural Protection Zone 38

National Tourism Resorts 16, 18, 19

new towns 201

Chengdu 124, 125

Hangzhou 109, 110, 111

New Urbanisation 9

non-governmental organisations (NGOs) 34


Ocean University of China 99

Olympic Sailing Centre 94


Pearl River Delta 10, 56

Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) 80, 81

planned economy 4, 13, 2930

plot ratios 10

pollution 8, 37

(see also air quality)

pollution control 86, 107

power plants 89

Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone 88

property rights see Land Property Rights System

Provincial Development Zones 19

public governance see local governance

public services 9

Chengdu 122

Shanghai 76

(see also community service; social provision)

Pudong Lujiazui Finance Trade Zone 74


Qianjiang New Town 110, 111

Qingdao 93102

Ba Da Guan Treaty Port Architecture 94

Blue Economic Zone 97100

‘Dragon’ Deep-sea Submersible 101

economic development 95

Harbour 95

Jiaozhou Qingdao Bay Bridge 96

land reserve agency 28

Liuting International Airport 97, 98

manufacturing sector 95

marine economy 978

Marine Science Survey Ship 101

Ocean University of China 99

Olympic Sailing Centre 94

West Coast Economic Zone 99


real estate market 21

recycling 47, 86

research and development 1516, 97, 100, 130, 1325

Residents’ Committees 29, 30, 323, 35

resource recycling 47, 86

resource-based cities 47, 578

resources 8

rural land transaction system 26

rural/urban integration 9, 11, 80, 119, 120, 122


science and technology innovation 53, 77, 1306

(see also research and development)

secondary sector see manufacturing sector

service sector 7, 14, 456

Nanchang 89

Shanghai 77, 79

Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone Development Plan 97

Shanghai 7181

Community Service Centre 33

East China Sea Bridge 74

Economic and Technological Development Zone 17

economic development 75, 769

Hongqiao Transportation Hub 73, 80

land allocation 712

land reserve agency 28

land use reform 24

local governance 80

manufacturing sector 75

Master Plan (2016–40) 712

measures for the transformation and development of 769

Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) 80, 81

public services 76

Pudong Lujiazui Finance Trade Zone 74

redevelopment of Yangpu District 77

satellite towns 20

service sector 77, 79

urban transformation and upgrading capability 55

Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone 15

World Expo 2010 778, 79

Wujiaochang Area, Yangpu District 78

Yangshan Deepwater Port 73

Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta 73, 74, 75, 77

Shenyang 20

Shenzhen 24, 47, 55, 56

Shouan New Town 124, 125

Shuangliu Airport 121

Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city see Tianjin

social provision 9, 2930, 31, 46

Chengdu 122

Hangzhou 107

Shanghai 76

social responsibility 389

Southwest Jiaotong University 117, 118

spatial layout 10, 13

Hangzhou 1056, 108, 112

Nanchang 89

Qingdao 957

Shanghai 74, 75

Street and Residence Administration System 2930

Street Offices 2930

sustainable development 3742, 46, 88

evaluation indices 47, 4950

Hangzhou 108

patterns of development 467

transformation process 479

urban development capacity 4854

(see also Eco-cities; Urban Transformation and Upgrading Capability)

Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) 18


Taihu National Tourist Resort 17

Taiwanese Investment Zone 19

tax revenue 18, 19, 24, 111

technological innovation see science and technology innovation

tertiary sector see service sector

Tianjin 24, 41, 55, 56

(see also Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region)

Tourism Resorts 16, 18, 19

Transit-oriented Development (TOD) 89

transportation 21

Chengdu 122

Hangzhou 104, 106, 109

Nanchang 89

Shanghai 72, 73


urban clusters see city regions

Urban Community Administration System 2931

urban community service 324

urban development capacity 4854

urban ecological construction 3942

urban land market 278

urban planning 11

Urban Street Offices 2930

Urban Transformation and Upgrading Capability 4569

evaluation index 4954, 50, 51, 534

factors influencing 478

main patterns of 467

ranking of cities 558, 5967

top ten cities 55, 56

urban zoning 18

urbanisation 312

development phases 7

and environmental protection 10

managed migration 9, 11

New Urbanisation 9

reconfiguration of urban space 10, 20

regional variation 78

resources and ecology 8

social issues 9

urbanisation rate

China 34, 67, 57

different countries by income group 6



rural/urban integration 9, 11, 80, 119, 120, 122

Village Committees 33

‘villages within the city’ 105, 107


Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone 15

water resources 8, 90

World Expo 2010 778

Wuhan 55


Xiamen 24, 28, 56

Xiang Lake Wetland Park 85

Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village 38

Xiongan New Area 56

Xixi Wetland 108, 109


Yangcheng Lake, Suzhou 41, 42

Yangshan Deepwater Port 73

Yangtze River Delta 10, 55, 73, 74, 79

(see also Hangzhou; Nanjing; Shanghai)

Yao Lake Wetland Park 90


Zhengzhou 28, 56

Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park 16, 17

ZhuAo (Zhuhai, and Macao) Cross-border Industrial Zone 19

Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou 20

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