Chapter 8. Cisco Secure Policy Manager (CSPM)

This chapter contains the following sections:

As networks grow, so too does the administrative burden associated with the centralized control of the networking devices. One specific range of devices that requires stringent control is that group responsible for maintaining network integrity: the security devices. The security devices from Cisco include the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall and various Cisco routers running the Cisco IOS Firewall. By default, each of these security devices is a complete standalone entity that relies on editing the configuration with the command-line interface (CLI). As the network grows, a centralized, policy-based tool is required to keep control of network security, and a method of simplified administration and deployment becomes necessary.

Cisco provides the Cisco Secure Policy Manager (CSPM) to carry out such a function.

This chapter covers CSPM by first explaining exactly what CSPM is and what it strives to achieve. Installation of CSPM will be covered right through to the specific configuration requirements essential for obtaining the most out of the product.

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