This IBM® Redbooks® publication takes an existing IBM 3270-COBOL-VSAM application and describes how to use the features of IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS®) Transaction Server (CICS TS) cloud enablement. Working with the General Insurance Application (GENAPP) as an example, this book describes the steps needed to monitor both platform and application health using the CICS Explorer CICS Cloud perspective.
It also shows you how to apply threshold policy and measure resource usage, all without source code changes to the original application. In addition, this book describes how to use multi-versioning to safely and reliably apply and back out application changes.
This Redbooks publication includes instructions about the following topics:
How to create a CICS TS platform to manage and reflect the health of a set of CICS TS regions, and the services that they provide to applications
How to quickly get value from CICS TS applications, by creating and deploying a CICS TS application for an existing user application
How to protect your CICS TS platform from erroneous applications by using threshold policies
How to deploy and run multiple versions of the same CICS TS application on the same CICS TS platform at the same time, enabling a safer migration from one application version to another, with no downtime
How to measure application resource usage, enabling a comparison of the performance of different application versions, and chargeback based on application use
This book describes how CICS TS cloud enablement uses existing operational facilities, including monitoring, events, transaction tracking, CICS TS bundles, and IBM CICSPlex® System Manager (CICSPlex SM), to integrate with existing deployment and management processes.
This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the IBM Hursley Park, Hursley UK.
Rufus Credle is a Certified Consulting information technology (IT) Specialist at the ITSO, Raleigh Center. In his role as project leader and information developer, he conducts residencies and develops IBM Redbooks, IBM Redpapers™, Solution Guides, and so on. Subjects include network operating systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, voice technology, high availability (HA), clustering solutions, web application servers, pervasive computing, IBM and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) applications, IBM WebSphere® Commerce, IBM MQ, CICS TS, IBM industry technology, IBM System x, and IBM BladeCenter. Rufus’ various positions during his IBM career include assignments in administration and asset management, systems engineering, sales and marketing, and IT services. He has a B.S. degree in Business Management from Saint Augustine’s College. Rufus has been employed at IBM for 34 years.
Isabel Arnold has been working as a CICS TS Technical Sales Specialist since 2004. She started working in the field of IT in 2001 and holds a German Diploma from the University of Corporate Education, Stuttgart. Her areas of expertise include CICS TS with a focus on integration and modernization, in addition to modern application development for IBM System z®. In her role, she has worked on three IBM International Technical Support Organization (ITSO) Redbooks, and has been presenting at conferences, such as the System z and WebSphere Technical Conferences. Isabel teaches System z software basics at German universities, is an IBM representative for the German CICS TS user group, and leads a team of CICS TS TechSales specialists across Europe.
Andrew Bates is the IBM Product Manager for CICS TS based in Hursley, UK. Andrew has worked in the CICS TS organization for almost 15 years. This includes a three-year assignment to IBM China in 2007, where Andrew was the IBM CICS TS portfolio Business Development Manager for the Asia Pacific region. Andrew has been the CICS TS Product Manager since returning to the UK at the end of 2009.
Michael Baylis is a software developer in CICS TS, with a current responsibility for enhancing the automated test infrastructure used by the CICS TS development team.
Pradeep Gohil is a software developer for IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS®. Since joining IBM in 2002, he has developed CICS Systems Management, CICS TS Feature Packs, and several releases of CICS TS. With a keen interest in application modernization and web services, he most recently has been part of the development team that provided the CICS TS cloud enablement enhancements, specializing in CICS TS bundles.
Christopher Hodgins is a software developer for CICS TS for z/OS, specializing in CICSPlex System Manager. Since joining IBM in 2005, he has been the technical lead for the CICS Management Client Interface (CMCI) in CICS TS V4.1 and V4.2, and cloud technical lead in CICS TS V5.1. He also regularly blogs about the CICSPlex and the cloud.
Daniel Millwood joined IBM in 1995, working as a developer for IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS and the messaging components of IBM WebSphere Application Server. He joined the CICS TS team in 2007, initially to lead a cross-product integration test team, testing CICS TS web services interoperability. Later, he joined the CICS TS development team, where he led the development of the CICS TS Feature Pack for Modern Batch, and helped develop the CICS TS cloud capabilities in CICS TS V5.1 and V5.2.
Ian J Mitchell is an IBM Distinguished Engineer with responsibility for the technical architecture of the CICS TS product portfolio. He has more than 20 years of experience as a technical leader in IBM Hursley, and has been in the forefront of creating and introducing many important CICS TS innovations, including workload management, IBM Parallel Sysplex® support, business transaction services, Java and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), web services, event processing, and the CICS Explorer. In this role, Ian has worked with many technical leaders across most mainframe technology components. Ian also has close relationships with many of the largest IBM customers running critical systems using CICS TS and the mainframe.
Catherine Moxey is an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member in the CICS Transaction Server for z/OS team, based in Hursley, UK. She holds an M.A. in Chemistry from Oxford University, and has 30 years of experience as a software engineer, 25 of those with IBM. Her areas of expertise include CICS TS, System z, performance, event processing, and cloud enablement. Catherine frequently presents at conferences, and has written several articles and papers on the capabilities of CICS TS.
Geoffrey Pirie is a CICS TS product marketing manager with the IBM Software Group - Application and Integration Middleware Software, at IBM Hursley Park, United Kingdom. He joined IBM as a developer, and later moved into the management of the CICS TS System Test and Performance team. Today, his experience and growth led him to join the marketing team for CICS TS, enjoying and experiencing the management of the CICS TS portfolio.
Inderpal Singh is a software engineer for the CICS TS portfolio at IBM Hursley UK. Often heard ranting about the mainframe’s importance for the future, Indi is a keen advocate for adopting new technologies on System z.
Stewart Smith started as an IBM employee in 2003 after contracting since 1988. He moved through application then systems programming on IBM z/VM®, IBM MVS™, CICS TS, IBM DB2®, IBM VTAM®. He specialized in performance and stress testing using IBM Workload Simulator for z/OS and IBM Teleprocessing Network Simulator (TPNS) before joining the CICS TS System Test team. Now working on the CICS TS Client Success Team, he delivers services engagements to customers for CICS TS health checks and HA competence studies.
Matthew Webster is an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member in the CICS Transaction Server for z/OS team, based in Hursley, UK. He holds a BSc in Physics with Computer Science from Southampton University, and has over 25 years of experience as a software engineer at IBM leading a wide range of projects, from mainframe to open source. His areas of expertise include CICS TS, Java, agile software development, and cloud technologies. Matthew is a regular blogger, podcaster, and presenter, with published articles and papers on CICS TS and software development.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Tamikia Barrow-Lee, Richard Conway, Robert Haimowitz
ITSO, Raleigh and Poughkeepsie Center
Fraser Bohm, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) CICS TS Application Modernization
IBM Hursley
Claudia Prawirakusumah
IBM Germany
Phil Wakelin, CICS TS Strategy and Planning: Java, access to CICS TS
IBM Hursley
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