GET /api/v2/tweets/[id]

The GET method lists the tweets made by the specified ID.

Add the following code to to add a route for the GET method with a specified ID:

    @app.route('/api/v2/tweets/<int:id>', methods=['GET']) 
    def get_tweet(id): 
      return list_tweet(id) 

Let's define the list_tweet() function, which connects to the database, gets us the tweets with the specified ID, and responds with the JSON data. This is done as follows:

     def list_tweet(user_id): 
       print (user_id) 
       conn = sqlite3.connect('mydb.db') 
       print ("Opened database successfully"); 
      cursor.execute("SELECT * from tweets  where id=?",(user_id,)) 
      data = cursor.fetchall() 
      print (data) 
      if len(data) == 0: 
        user = {} 
        user['id'] = data[0][0] 
        user['username'] = data[0][1] 
        user['body'] = data[0][2] 
        user['tweet_time'] = data[0][3] 
    return jsonify(user) 

Now that we've added the function to get a tweet with the specified ID, let's test out the preceding code by making a RESTful API call at:

curl http://localhost:5000/api/v2/tweets/2

With this addition of tweets, we have successfully built the RESTful API that collectively works as the microservices needed to access data and perform various actions around it.

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