Code Optimization

What you will learn in this chapter

  • What are the issues in Code Optimization?

  • How are Basic Blocks found out?

  • What is a Flow-graph?

  • What is Value Numbering Scheme?

  • What is Peep-hole optimization?

  • What are the different methods of Peep-hole optimization?

  • What is Structural Optimization?

  • What are the different methods of Structural Optimization?

  • How is Global Data-flow analysis done?

  • What is Live variable analysis and how is it done?

  • What are Super-optimizers?

Key Words

machine-independent optimization, flow-graph, value numbering, peep-hole optimization, structural optimization, global data-flow analysis, live variable analysis, super-optimizers

We have already discussed some preliminary ideas about Optimization in Chapter 9, Section 9.7. There the emphasis was on methods which can be used on the raw target code generated by the code generator. We now discuss methods which can be applied before the target code is generated, in other words the optimizing transformations are applied to the IR.

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