A standard reference text for Scanners and parsers is Aho, Sethi and Ullman [ASU86]. Advanced material is found in Muchnick [Muc97]. Detailed compiler design with C language implementation is discussed in Holub [Hol90]. Kernighan and Pike [KP87] have illustrated the use of yacc and lex in detail while describing development of various versions of Higher Order Calculator or HOC.

Complete details about the GNU Compiler Collection are available in two e-books – “Using the GNU Compiler Collection” and “GNU Compiler Collection Internals” both by Richard M. Stallman and the GCC Developer Community. These e-books are available at the GCC website: http://gcc.gnu.org. There are several research groups which have adopted GCC as a Vehicle for Compilation/Architecture Research, for example, see http://www.hipeac.net, “High-performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers”.

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