Project: Compiler for a MiniC

What you will learn in this chapter

  • Grammar of miniC – a language like simplified C
  • Compiler for miniC language
  • Essentials of x86 Instruction Set
  • AT&T syntax for x86 Assembly language
  • Some frequently used x86 assembly language idioms
  • The structure of the Symbol Table in miniC compiler
  • Symbol Table access functions
  • Intermediate Representation and target code generation
  • How to use gdb for checking and debugging FPU code?

Key Words

miniC language, miniC grammar, miniC compiler, target language, x86 assembly language, symbol table, intermediate representation, code generation

In this chapter, we try to demonstrate development of a compiler for a language similar to simplified C, which we call miniC. In the preceding chapters, we have discussed, in rather disjoint manner, a few points about the compiler for this language. Here, we try to present the whole story.

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