4.1 Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing

Parsing of a given sentence can be done in one of the two ways shown in Fig. 4.1:


Top-down and Bottom-up parsing


Fig. 4.1 Top-down and Bottom-up parsing


Top-down: Starting with the start symbol of the grammar, we apply various productions to ultimately obtain the required sentence.

Bottom-up: Starting with a handle in the given sentence, we construct a forest of trees by applying the reductions (i.e. productions in reverse) which will ultimately merge into one parse tree.

Consider a grammar:

G = <{I,D,L}, {a−z, 0−9}, I, P>, with productions
P = { I –> L | IL | ID
      L –> a | b | … | z
      D –> 0 | 1 | … | 9

and a sentence x2 to be parsed. First, we consider the Top-down parsing (Fig. 4.2).


Starting from I, and looking at “X2”, we derive a single tree, which ultimately results in “X2”


Fig. 4.2 Starting from I, and looking at “X2”, we derive a single tree, which ultimately results in “X2”


Note that in the second step we chose the production I –> ID. Instead, had we chosen I –> IL there, the parsing would have been unsuccessful. Thus in top-down parsing, we start with the start symbol and go on applying productions, but always “looking” at the sentence we want to generate.

Now consider Bottom-up parsing (Fig. 4.3). Again take x2 as the given sentence to be parsed. The sequence of reductions is


x2 ⇒ L2 ⇒ I2 ⇒ IDI


Starting from the given sentence, we detect the handle and reduce it by grammar rules


Fig. 4.3 Starting from the given sentence, we detect the handle and reduce it by grammar rules


Consider, for example, grammar G given above the sentential form LDL:

  • D is NOT a phrase.
  • b is a simple phrase.
  • L is a simple phrase.
  • L is a handle, as it is the leftmost simple phrase.

The concept of a handle is important as it allows us to reduce it to an NT of that grammar.

We say that during Top-down parsing, we derive sentential forms and during Bottom-up parsing we reduce from sentential forms to the start symbol. It is necessary to give formal definitions of these concepts.

Definition 4.1.1 (Leftmost canonical Direct Derivation) If A → β is a production in the grammar and image, then image

We say if image, x right produces y.

Definition 4.1.2 (Rightmost canonical Direct Derivation) If A → β is a production in the grammar and image, then image

We say if image, x right produces y.


Leftmost derivation corresponds to left-to-right scan for Top-down parsing. Rightmost reduction (i.e. derivation in reverse) is used for Bottom-up parsing, while doing left-to-right scan.

Example – Derivation and Reduction

A unambiguous version for an arithmetic expression grammar, imageimage, and P is given by


P = {

1. EE + T | ET | T

2. TT * F | T/F | F

3. F → (E) | a


Consider the grammar image and derive sentence “a + a * a” by left and right derivations.

Note that leftmost derivation corresponds to left-to-right scan while doing Top-down parsing. In case of Bottom-up parse, the problem of finding the correct sequence of productions image for a given σ is approached by starting with σ and reducing the string to S; see the third column of Table 4.2.


Table 4.2 Left and right derivations, right reduction


Left and right derivations, right reduction


Note: The third column shows left-to-right scan to catch a handle by rightmost derivation in reverse order (⇐) as reduction.


Further note that for the sentential form “E + T * a”, neither “E + T” nor “T” is a handle. Remember that a handle in a sentential form derived from the start symbol should be replaceable by a single NT. If we try that while reducing “E + T * a” as “E * a” it is not a sentential form derivable from E. Similarly, if the reduction as “E + E * a” it is not a sentential form derivable from E.

Reduced Grammars

There may be several forms of redundancies in a grammar. In a reduced grammar, which is free from such redundancies, the following are removed:

  1. redundant rules like A ⃗ A,
  2. redundant NT, which does not generate any Terminal string,
  3. unreachable NT.
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