8.5 Abstract or Virtual Machine Code

The Intermediate form could be “machine code” for an abstract or virtual machine. Usually, the abstract machine selected, closely models the constructs and operations of the High Level language being processed. P-code used with many PASCAL compilers and the Bytecode used by Java compilers are good examples.

The abstract machine models primitive operations and data types in a High Level language. Usually, the instruction set of the abstract machine consists of single-address instructions.

Although defining an abstract machine for a particular High Level language is relatively easy, defining a single abstract machine for a number of diverse languages, e.g. C, Java, Lisp and Prolog, is a difficult task.

8.5.1 P-code for a PASCAL Machine

The abstract machine for PASCAL is called P-machine and the code which it executes is called P-code. It is a stack machine, i.e. the instruction set is defined for data operations with respect to an operand stack. It consists of a stack, five registers and a memory (see Fig. 8.8). The five registers are explained below:


A typical stack machine


Fig. 8.8 A typical stack machine


PC – Program Counter: Keeps track of the next code position.

NP – New pointer: Top of the Heap, location from where next dynamically, explicitly, allocated memory will be issued.

SP – Stack pointer: Top of the execution stack.

MP – Mark pointer: Base of the stack-frame of current function.

EP – Extreme stack pointer: The maximum possible size of each stack-frame is known at compile-time and this is denoted by EP. SP cannot go beyond EP.


The memory is viewed as a linear array of words and has two major parts – code and store. The stack contains a series of stack-frames (Activation Records, see Sections 7.1.3 and 9.6.3.) In P-code, the stack-frame contains:

  • “Mark stack” part – an implicit parameter;
  • a possibly empty parameter section – explicit parameters;
  • local data section – explicit parameters;
  • temporary elements – compiler created locals;

The “Mark stack” part contains implicit parameters:

  • value field for the return value from the function (not filled for a procedure);
  • static link – pointer to the “Mark stack” part of the routine or the block just outside of this one;
  • dynamic link – pointer to the “Mark stack” part of the calling block;
  • maximum stack size value for this block;
  • return address – an address within the code area.

The P-machine has several classes of instructions, like integer and real arithmetic, logical, relational, conditional and unconditional branches, subroutine call, etc. Some of them are:

ABR: Absolute value of real, pop the real on the TOS and push back its absolute value.

ADI: Adds two integers popped from the top of the stack and leaves an integer result.

DVR: Real division.

CUP: Call user procedure.

INN: Test set membership.

UJP: Unconditional jump.

8.5.2 Java Bytecode

Java Bytecode is the input language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Remember that Java is a strongly typed language and many of the automatic upgrading and downgrading of value types are not available in it.

The JVM is expected to correctly perform operations given in a Java class file. Operations like memory layout, garbage collection and internal optimization are not part of JVM specifications and are left to the implementer.

There are several differences between Java language and the JVM language, for example Boolean in Java is represented by an integer in JVM.

Run-Time Data Areas

The following data areas are considered:

At start-up:


Heap: Shared between threads, the Garbage Collector operates on this area (need not be contiguous).


Methods area: Similar to text area in Unix/Linux systems.

Per thread: Created when a thread is created.


PC: A pointer to the Bytecode list. It is undefined for the native code, but it can hold the return address or pointer to a native code subroutine.


VM stack: Stores locals, temporaries, invocation return, etc. It is allocated on the Heap and need not be contiguous.


Run-time constants pool: Per class or interface.


Native methods stacks: Used, for example, implementation of VM in C.


Frames (AR): Activation Records (Chapter 7) created on the JVM stack. Contains an operand-stack, local variables, etc.

Instruction set of JVM consists of instructions with one-byte op-code plus zero or more bytes for operands (Big-endian).

We illustrate the nature of Java Bytecode program (i.e. contents of a class file) by a simple example of a Java program to calculate Fibonacci numbers.

public class fibonacci{
  static int fibonacci(int n){
    if(n > 1) return fibonacci(n − 1) + fibonacci(n − 2);
    else return 1;
  public static void main(String[] args){
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      System.out.println(“fibonacci(“+i+”) = “+fibonacci(i));

We obtained a human-readable version of the corresponding Bytecode program by a Java system utility javap:

static int fibonacci(int);
  0: iload_0
  1: iconst_1
  2: if_icmple     19
  5: iload_0
  6: iconst_1
  7: isub
  8: invokestatic  #2; //Method fibonacci:(I)I
  11: iload_0
  12: iconst_2
  13: isub
  14: invokestatic #2; //Method fibonacci:(I)I
  17: iadd
  18: ireturn
  19: iconst_1
  20: ireturn

We have not shown the Bytecode the main() method. A careful scrutiny of the Bytecode will tell you that:

  • iload_0 represents the first invocation argument and it is pushed on the operand stack.
  • iconst_1 represents a constant value 1, pushed on the operand stack.
  • if_icmple 19 represents “compare the top two operands on the operand stack and jumps to instruction 19 if the first operand is less than or equal to the second”.
  • isub subtracts the TOS from the second from TOS and leaves the result on the stack.
  • invokestatic #2 calls fibonacci() method, it being the second method, the first is init() which we have not shown.
  • iadd adds the top two operands on the stack and leaves the result there.

Thus, we see that Java Bytecode is in Reverse Polish notation and the JVM is a stack-oriented machine.

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