

Guide to The Production Forms Online





The online forms for this book contain all of the forms presented in the preceding chapters, as well as many more forms that are needed on a production. The files are set up so that if you are looking for the kind of forms the location department uses, just look in the folder titled “Locations.” If you are looking for a specific form and do not know what department it might fall under, open the section titled “Complete Alphabetical List of Forms,” where you will find all of the forms in alphabetical order. All forms were generated in either a word processing or spreadsheet format, so that you may adjust them for your needs. Also, for the reader’s convenience, all forms are repeated in a fillable pdf format.

In addition, many forms have “Example” versions. These forms are already filled out, and some have explanations as to how they were written. A list of the forms follows. Finally, a number of lists, such as pre-production or post-production are included to help remember all that needs to be done.


Accident Injury Report

Actor’s Deal Memo Non-Union

ADR Cue Sheet

Animation Budget Template

Animation Crew Plan

Animation Feature Production Schedule

Animation Feature Schedule

Artwork Release Form

Box Rental Agreement

Budgets (Various examples and blank forms)

Call Sheet – Commercial

Call Sheet – Legal

Call Sheet – Letter

Camera Report

Cash Advance Request

Cash Flow Weekly

Cash Flow Worksheet

Cash Receipt Full Page

Cash Receipt Small

Cast Addendum

Cast List

Cell Phone Log

Certificate of Insurance Application

Check Request

Composer Agreement

Cost Report

Crew Time Card

Crowd Release Notice

Dailies Shipping Log

Daily Script Report

Deal Memo Daily

Deal Memo Weekly

Delivery and Production Files Checklist

Distribution Log Crew

Emergency Form

Equipment Rental Agreement

Example Accident Injury Report

Example Breakdown Sheet

Example Cash Flow

Example Cast List

Example Contact List

Example Crew List

Example Daily Script Supervisor’s Report

Example Day Breakdown

Example Day-Out-Of-Days

Example Emergency Form

Example Film Stock Summary Report

Example Final Budget Report

Example Hotel Log

Example Line Items

Example Location List

Example Low Budget 20000

Example Low Medium Budget 10 mil

Example Medium Budget 30 mil

Example One Liner

Example Page Breakdown

Example Post-Production Calendar

Example Production Report

Example Production Strip Board

Example Scene Log Film

Example Shooting Schedule

Example Shot Coverage

Example Student Film Budget

Example Weekly Deal Memo

Expendable Supply List

Extra Talent Voucher

Film Stock Summary Report

Foley Cue Sheet

Hotel Log

Intern Release

Location Agreement

Location Neighborhood Filming Notification

Location Release Agreement Non-Filmed

Loss and Damage Report

Meal Allowance Sheet

Mileage Log

Minor Permit Application

Player’s Engagement Agreement

Post-Production Checklist

Pre-Production Checklist

Private Vehicle Release Forms

Product Placement Release Form

Production Report Digital

Production Report Legal

Production Report Letter

Purchase Order Log

Purchase Order Log

Revision Colors

Safety Checklist

Safety Guidelines Acknowledgement

Safety Report

Scene Log Digital

Scene Log Film

Script Clearance Checklist

Script Coverage Form

Script Distribution Checklist

Script Distribution Log

Shipping Log

Sound Report

Spotting Sheet

Spreadsheet Budget Template Feature Film

Still Photograph Release

Storyboard Form

Student Film Budget Template

Synchronization License

Talent Release for Minors

Talent Release Form

Travel Log

Travel Transport Request Sheet

Vehicle Rental Agreement

Walkie Talkie Sign Out Sheet

Weekly Production summary Digital

Weekly Production Summary Film

Wrap Checklist

Wrap Sheet

Writer’s Agreement


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