




1st AD/Director relationship, 99

1st Assistant Accountant, 65, 72

1st Assistant Cameraperson, 104, 141, 143

1st Assistant Director, 20, 32, 38, 86, 9699, 103, 104, 107, 109, 111, 112, 114, 115, 125, 131, 168, 173, 243, 247, 251

1st Assistant Editor, 209

2D animators, 169

2nd 2nd Assistant Director, 96, 105

2nd Assistant Accountant, 65, 72, 104

2nd Assistant Cameraperson, 104, 141, 143, 144

2nd Assistant Director, 75, 86, 96, 97, 99, 102, 103, 108, 110, 112, 121, 129, 144, 164, 183, 245, 247

2nd Assistant Editor, 209

2nd Camera, 36, 65

2nd Unit, 36, 114, 116

camera team on, 115

paperwork, 116

2nd Unit Director, 107, 114

3D animators, 169

5.1 Surround Sound, 216


Above-the-line, 44

Academy of Dance on Film, 107

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 255

Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, 256

Accident/Injury Report, 248249

Accounting apprentice, 72

Accounting department, 57

Actors, categories of

extras, 130

leads, 129

silent bits/special ability, 130

stand-ins, 130

supporting roles, 129, 130

Actors’ Equity Association, 127, 253

Actual column, 59

Actuals-Budget, 59,

Acquiring the script, 8

Adaptation rights, 224

Additional hair, 182

Additional labor, 26

AD paperwork, 111

ADR editor, 213

Advertising, 1112

Aerial camera, 116

Aerial unit, 36

Ambience, 107

American Federation of Musicians, 256

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, 127, 254

American Film Export Association, 256

American Film Marketing Association, 257

American Humane Association, 128, 129

American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, 224, 252

Amount column, 45


handler, 25

working with, 128, 129

Animation production, 1718

Animation supervisor, 169

Animator’s schedules, 18

Answer Prints, 45

Apprentice editor, 207

Arrangers, 225

Art Department, 6, 35, 133, 134, 138, 140, 169, 190, 202

coordinator, 134, 136, 140

director, 138

hierarchy, 134

operations, 139

production assistants (PAs), 138

Assigning production offices, 84

Assistant casting director, 117

Assistant hair/additional hair/extra hair, 182

Assistant location manager, 186

Assistant makeup artist, 179

Assistant production office coordinator, 65, 66, 68, 86, 103, 131, 149, 197

Assistant props person, 137, 138, 220

Assistant to art director, 138

Assistant to production designer, 138

Assistant to the costume designer, 175

Assistant to the producer, 7

Associate producer, 7

Atmosphere/extras, 23

Aural concept, 209

Automated dialogue replacement (ADR) editor, 210

Automobile production insurance, 233

Axis, 73


Background coordinator, 105, 117, 121

Background on set, 108

Back matching, 75

Banded, 153

Beauty shots, 36

Becoming signatory, 56

Behind-the-scenes for DVD, 150

Below-the-line, 44, 55

Best boy electric, 153

Best boy grip, 153, 154, 155

Big production meeting, 102

B list, 118

B-Roll, 16

Blocks of rooms, 82

Body clocks, 34

Body makeup, 181

Boom operator, 161, 163

Breakdown sheet, 21, 22, 25, 28, 3032, 36, 41

Breaking film, 149

Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI), 224

Budget, 12

cash flow worksheet, 58

disbursement forms, 57

disbursing funds, 57

final report, 61

good vs. bad, 59

limitations, 62

line items, 6162

managing the budget, 59

padding the budget, 53, 54

software, 4243, 46

three-million-dollar film budget, 47

with software packages, 46

Budget report, 59

Budget structure, 44

above-the-line, 44

below-the-line, 44

columns, 45

post-production, 4443

spreadsheet, 46

Building the microphone, 161

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 167

Buyer, 136


Cable person, 163

Cable puller, 163

Call sheet, 21, 99, 109111,

Call time, 98

Callbacks, 120, 124

Calling rolling and cut, 108


car, 157

department, 148

expendables, 59

operator, 26, 143

PA, 144

package, 147146

remote system, 147, 148

report, 144, 145, 149

team hierarchy, 142

tests, 150

wrap, 34

Cash advance, 57, 59

Cash flow worksheet, 57, 58


breakdown, 118

insurance, 66

list, 88, 89

numbering, 30

physicals, 66

rehearsals, 98

releases, 110

Cast and crew travel, 11, 16, 56, 68, 69

Cast list, 89

Casting assistants, 117, 121, 123

Casting department, 117

hierarchy, 118

Casting director, 117118

local, 120

Casting session, 118, 120, 122123

Casting Society of America, 253

Catering, 246

Certificate of Insurance, 193, 195

Character breakdown, 123

Check request, 57

Checking the gate, 143

Child Performers Education and Trust Act, 127

Child welfare law, 128

Choreographer, 96, 107

Clapper/loader, 144

Clearance, 17, 223, 224, 235, 236

Closed set, 107

Codified Basic Agreement, 128

Cold reading, 119

Collaboration agreement, 9

Company grips, 155

Completion bond, 45, 231

Composer, 225

Computer-generated images (CGI), 24, 26, 135, 142, 168, 169, 202, 230

Concept meeting, 102

Conductor, 225

Construction coordinator, 138137

Construction foreman, 139

Construction laborers, 139

Contact list, 85

Contingency fee, 45, 54, 59, 234

Contracts, 237

Contractuals, 45

Coogan Law, 128

Copyist, 225

Cost report, 59, 60

Costume designer, 35, 38, 102, 171, 172, 173, 175, 219

Costumer’s, men and women’s, 174

Couriers, 85

Courtesy credit, 4

Cover sets, 34

Craft service person, 59, 240244

Craft services, 14, 57, 244

Crane operator, 155, 156

Creature design, 165

Creature manufacturer, 166

Credits, end, 219, 220

Crew, 12

call, 34, 111, 245, 246

differences in low- to high budget, 62

distant, 56, 83

gifts, 7, 66

list, 67, 111

local, 56

packets, 85

working in weather, 35


Dailies, 4, 7, 65, 67, 82, 85, 86, 109, 139, 148149, 176, 204, 217, 218

Daily crew deal memo, 238

Daily progress report, 75, 78

Day breakdown, 73, 74

Day players, 110, 130, 179

Day-out-of-days, 21, 3938

Deal memos, 66, 120

Development budget, 43

DGA trainee, 103

Dialect coach, 107

Dialogue coach, 107

Dialogue editor, 210, 212

Digital intermediate, 217

Digital signal processing (DSP), 214

Digitize, 204, 209, 217

Directing Extras, 101

Director, 38, 16, 32, 39, 56, 79, 84, 96, 98, 102, 107, 108, 114, 117, 118, 121, 125, 134, 136, 140, 146, 157, 169, 182, 188, 196, 204, 212, 217, 222, 240, 253, 255, 256

1st AD/director relationship, 99

dealing with first-time directors, 9

of animation, 6

production, 97

Director’s assistant, 96, 106

Director’s Guild of America (DGA), 219, 254

Director of photography, 4, 56, 84, 141, 190

Director’s team, 96

hierarchy, 97

Disbursement forms, 57

Disbursing funds, 57

Dispatcher, 200

Distant locations, 42

Distribution process, 18

Distributors, 43

Documentary, 1415


doorway, 155, 156

grip, 155, 156

track, 158, 163

Draftsperson, 138

Dramatic rights, 224

Drop-pickup, 34

DVD, 216, 217


Edit decision list, 209

Editor, 204


full-scale physical, 166

mechanical, 169

optical, 26

physical, 114, 167

special, 165, 166 (See also Special effects) weather, 167

Eighths, 27

Electricians, 153

Electronic press kit (EPK), 150


additional labor, 26

animal handler, 25

continuity of, 27

extras/atmosphere, 23

greenery, 25

makeup, 23, 26, 106, 142, 178, 179

miscellaneous, 45, 54

multiple elements, 30

music, 25

notes, 9, 26, 27

optical effects, 26

props, 21

security, 26

silent bits, 23

sound effects, 24

speaking cast, 23, 30

special effects, 23, 165, 167

special equipment, 24

stunts, 24, 26

tagging, 22

Emergency, fire and police, personnel

accident/injury report, 250

form, 248

information, 249

procedures, 247

services, 12

Employee benefits, 55

unions, 55

Encumbered columns, 59

Errors and omissions, 229

Equipment insurance, 232

Equipment rental agreement, 241

Executive producer (EP)

qualities for, 5

styles of production, 4

Expense reports, 72

Extra costumers, 176

Extra expense, 231


breakdown, 121, 122

casting, 121

casting coordinator, 118, 121

directing, 103

releases, 110


Facebook, 18

Faulty stock, 230

Feature-length low-budget films, 20

Featurette, 150

Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), 54

Federal Unemployment Insurance (FUI), 54

Federation of Independent Film Producers, 257

Film lab, 217

Film magazines, 143

Film permit, 193

Film stock summary report, 110, 144, 146, 149

Final budget report, 61

Final crew list, 88

First assistant director, 115

First assistant director-director relationship, 99

First assistant editor, 209

First team on set, 108

First-time directors

working with, 98

Fittings, 125, 127

Foley artist, 213

Foley session, 213

Foley tracks, 210

Food Service Providers, 245. See also Craft services

Form 1099, 55

Freelancers, 56

Fringe benefits, 54


Gaffer, 38, 54, 130, 141, 142, 152, 156, 158, 189, 190

General expenses, 45

Generator operator, 154

Glidecam, 147

Good budgeting vs. bad budgeting, 59

Graphic artist, 137

Greenery, 2425, 126, 139

Grip department, 86, 141

Grip package, 157

Ground squibs, 167


Hair and makeup tests, 142

Hair breakdown, 182

Head accountant, 71

Header board, 32

Hold days, 34

Honeywagon, 101, 202

Hotel log, 68

Hotels, 82, 83

House power, 153, 154


Illustrator, 137

Independent contractors, 55

Industry Code of Conduct, 79

Industry-Wide Labor Management Safety Committee Safety Bulletins, 79

Insurance, 13, 45, 66, 229, 231, 254, 256

automobile, 231

cast, 230

certificate of, 193

equipment, 230

errors and omissions, 229

faulty stock, 230

federal unemployment, 54

miscellaneous category, 231

negative, 230

production package, 230

third party, 230

Interiors, 34

locations, 35

Intern release, 237, 242

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, 252

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 253

International Documentary Association, 254

International Intellectual Property Alliance, 257

Interviews, 16

Investors, 42


Jib, 155, 156


Key grip, 38, 141, 154, 155, 157, 158, 189, 190

Key hair, 151, 178, 179, 181, 182

Key makeup, 178, 179, 181, 182

Key PA, 105


Lamp operator, 153

Last supper, 247

Lead man, 136

Legal department, 228, 235, 247

Letter of intent, 234

Licensing rights, 223220

Lighting grids, 152

Lighting hierarchy, 153

Lighting package, 116, 152, 153, 156157

Line producer, 55

Line-item production budget, 42

Lining the script, 75

Local casting director, 120

Local production coordinator, 67

Local vs. distant, 56


considerations, 188

distant, 56

hierarchy, 185

list, 186

local vs. distant, 56

map, 103, 190, 191

PA, 115, 187

paperwork, 192

permits, 193

proximity to airport, 82

proximity to locations, 83

proximity to restaurants and shops, 82

release agreement, 194

scout—the event, 6, 188

scout—the person, 187

Location manager, 115

Location services, 191

Lock-ups, 190

Looping, 214, 215

Loss and damage, 54

Low-budget films, 20


Main titles, 219, 220

Makeup and hair

breakdown, 180

hierarchy, 179

qualities, 183

team, 183

tests, 179

Man on the street, 10

Maps, 190189

Martini, 109, 156

Matte painting, 166

Mechanical effects, 169

Medicare, 54

Medium-budget films, 20

Meet-and-greet, 86, 88

Men’s costumer, 174, 175

Meter reading, 142

Miniatures, 166

Minor permit, 35


parents, 128

working with, 127, 128

Mobile content, 3, 17

Modelers, 166

Money and securities, 231

Motion control camera, 168

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 45, 258

Movie Magic Budgeting, 43

Movie Magic Scheduling, 21, 22

MPAA seal, 45


editor, 210, 213, 225

in public domain, 224

package fee, 225

rights, 220223

source, 25

Music and effects (M&E), 216

Music clearance, 25, 223

Music editor, 210, 213

Music package, 224

Music supervisor, 210, 213, 224226

Musicians, 23, 128, 226, 254, 256


National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians, 253

National Association of Broadcasters, 257

National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, 247

ND stunt, 132

Negative cutting, 218

Negative insurance, 232

New deal, 108

Nonlinear editing system, 217

Notes category, 26


O/C, 111

Office equipment

Office production assistants, 71

qualities, 71

One-liner, 38

Optical effects, 26

Option and Purchase Agreement, 9

Orchestrators, 225

Overhead, 45


Padding, production budget, 5352

Paper cut, 17

Partial script, 8

Payroll, 14

fees, 54, 55

Penalties, 56

Per diem, 11, 43, 46


film, 11

location, 111, 116

minor, 128

pyrotechnics, 166, 191

theatrical, 35, 128

Petty cash, 67, 72, 201

Physical effects, 114, 165, 166, 170

Pickup report, 197, 199

Picture vehicles, 25, 200201


operator, 146

sound, 164

Post-production, 205

hierarchy, 205

process, 213216

schedule, 208, 210, 217

supervisor, 7, 208


calendar, 9294

considerations for, 1112

Prep time, 36

Press day, 243

Principal photography, 10

Prints and advertising budget (P&A), 43

Pro Tools, 212

Producer, 39, 1616, 27, 44, 66, 80, 84, 96, 107, 115, 120, 134, 169, 188, 192, 215, 220, 224, 247, 256, 258

assistant to, 67

qualities of, 8

range of duties, 8

responsibilities of, 3, 10

Producer-Screen Actors Guild Codified Basic Agreement of 1998, 128, 129

Producers Guild of America, 256

Producing media, 89,

animation production, 1617

assistant to producer, 67

qualities of, 8

associate producer, 7

distribution, 18

documentary production, 1415

field production, 910

line producer, 5

live events production, 1112

mobile content production, 17

script acquisition, 78


working with, 9

Product placement, 66, 7879

Production, 14

board, 32, 33

cost report, 60

design, 13

etiquette, 251

lists, 8892

meetings, 102

music, 25

office, 81, 82

blocks of rooms, 82

kinds, 81

laundry service, 83

nicer rooms for stars, 8281

parking, 83

proximity to airport, 82

proximity to locations, 83

proximity to restaurants and shops, 82

refrigerators, 83

room service, 82

running, 86

services and amenities

wrapping out, 88

report, 111112

schedule, 32

staff, 64

Production assistants (PAs), 4, 56

Production board, 21, 30, 32

Production designer, 6, 38, 82, 84, 102, 107, 111, 133, 134, 138, 141, 142, 172, 188189, 198

Production etiquette, 250

Production office coordinator (POC), 66, 67, 104

qualities, 67

Production reports, 4, 5, 68, 101, 108, 110, 112113

Production vehicles, 202201

Programs, 13

Projection, 150

Props, 14, 2122, 30, 38, 84, 104, 134, 137

definition of, 23

assistant, 138, 220

Prosthetics, 181

Public domain, 224

Public performance rights, 224

Publicity, 1011

Purchase order, 57, 65

Pyrotechnics, 24, 166

miniature, 166


Re-recording mixer, 214

Receptionist, 71

Rehearsals, 13, 75, 107, 125, 161, 164, 241

and training, 125

schedule, 125

Releases, 236

Release prints, 217

Remote vehicles, 166

Rendering, 57

Residual payments, 8

Revision colors, 41

Rigging crew, 154, 291

Right-to-work, 250

Room service, 82

Room tone, 109, 161, 210

Rooms for stars, 82

Royalties, 224, 226, 252

Run of show, 35, 36, 147

Rushes, 4



Industry-Wide Labor Management Safety Committee Safety Bulletins, 79

Officer/Manager, 79

set first aid, 247

Sales tax., 54

Scale, 43, 53, 56, 166, 167

Scene log, 75

Schedule children, 35

Schedules to print, 37

day-out-of-days, 3938

one-liner, 3837

production schedule, 38

shooting schedule, 3637


a film, 21

creating a schedule, 32

schedules to print, 37

software, 2120

step-by-step overview, 21

updating, 3940

Scheduling parameters, 32

2nd Camera/2nd Unit, 36

cast members, 22, 34, 39

children, 35

day/night, 34


geography, 32

sequence, 35

special effects and stunts, 35

special equipment, 24, 36

time of year/climate, 35

Scoring session, 204, 225, 226

Screen Actors Guild (SAG) rate, 35, 43, 56, 255

Screen tests, 124

Script, 78, acquisition of 6, 7, 12, 18, 20, 24, 30, 43, 80, 110, 133

changes, 4, 6, 7

clearance companies, 224

lining, 75

partial, 15

revision colors, 41

summary report, 112

Script breakdown, 20, 21, 43

by hand, 22

electronically, 21

Script supervisor, 73

daily form, 77

pre-production, 7374

production, 75

qualities, 78

shot coverage, 76

wrap, 78

Seamstress, 175

Second meal, 246

Second unit, 36

Security, 26

money and, 231

Sequence, 35

Set box, 109110

Set decorator, 134, 135, 139, 140, 189, 198, 315

Set designer, 134, 136, 137, 138

Set dresser, 104, 110, 134, 136138

Set dressing, 23, 108, 140

Set massage therapist, 262

Set operations, 107

2nd Unit, 116

camera, 148

communication and, 81

grip and electric, 156155

sound, 44, 163, 164

special effects, 169

wardrobe, 175, 176

Set production assistants, 96, 104105

Set protocol, 108109

Setting up the office, 8283

assigning offices, 84

making operational, 84

Shaders, 169

Shipment logs, 71

Shooting, 10

digitally, 219

film for release on film, 217

Shooting interviews, 62

for docudrama, 6162

Shooting schedule, 37

Shot coverage, 76

Shot lists, 10

Sides, 119

Signatory to union, 56

Silent bits, 23


mix, 204, 212, 215, 215216

PA, 161, 163

package, 163

playback, 164

report, 161, 162

Sound designer, 209

Sound editing, 212

Sound editor, 210

Sound effects, 24

editor, 210, 212

Sound mixer, 160

Sound package, 163

Sound production assistant, 161, 163

Sound report, 161, 162

Sound track album, 226

Sound tracks, 210

Source music, 25, 223

Speaking cast, 23

Speaking off-screen (O.S.), 23

Special ability, 129130

Special effects

and CGI, 24

and stunts, 3435

coordinator, 167, 168

house, 166, 169, 170

makeup, 23, 181, 183

Supervisor, 38, 198

unit, 114, 115

Special equipment, 24, 36

Special operators, 147

Special-effects makeup, 23, 181, 183

Split calls, 201

Sponsors, 12

Spotting sessions, 210

Spotting sheet, 211

Spreadsheet budgeting, 4651

Staging areas, 189

Standard screenplay format, 21

Standby greens person, 139

Standby painter, 139

Stand-ins, 130

Start-work (SW), 39

State Unemployment Tax (SUI), 54

Steadicam, 36

Steadicam operator, 147

Still photographer, 12, 240

Stock, 149

Stock footage, 45, 46, 116, 236

Stock tests, 150

Storyboard artist, 96, 107

Strike time, 35

Strip board, 32, 33

Stunt coordinator, 24, 131

Stunts, 130

coordinator, 24, 131

performance of, 132

person, 130131

Summing tool, 47

Swing gang, 136

Synchronization rights, 224


Taft-Hartley, 129

Taxes, 5354

Technical advisor, 65, 7172

Technical scout, 189

Telecine, 150

Television version, 209, 228

Tests, 124

The Blue Book, 127

The Film Foundation, 257

Theatrical permit, 35

Total Other, 44, 45


Captain, 200

Coordinator, 197198

crew, 200

department, 197

pickup report, 199

hierarchy, 198

team, quality of, 200, 201

Transportation captain, 200

Transportation coordinator, 197198

Transportation crew, 200

Travel log, 69, 70

Travel-duties, and responsibilities, 69

Truck wrap, 158

Tunnel vision, 10

Turnaround, 14, 34, 128, 217, 218

Tutors, 127, 128

Two-point system, 158

Tying in, 153


Underscore, 25, 225

Underwater camera, 116

Union vs. nonunion issues, 55

Unions, guilds, and associations, 251252

Unit column, 45

Unit production manager (UPM), 3, 7, 20, 64, 65, 72, 114, 215

post-production, 66

pre-production, 6364

production, 65

qualities of, 66

wrap, 66

Unit publicist, 150, 237, 240, 243



picture, 201, 202

production, 202, 203

remote, 166

Video assist, 146, 147

Videographer, 12

VIP office, 84

Visual effects, 26, 168, 169

in computers, 168

optical effects/CGI or, 26

personnel, 256

producer, 169

supervisor, 79, 102

team, 135

unit, 115

Visual effects unit, 115


Walkie-talkies, 104

distribution, 104

etiquette, 103104

Wall of envelopes, 85


breakdown, 173, 174

department, 171

dressing the masses, 137

fittings, 127

hierarchy, 172

items for, 23

men’s costumer, 174, 175

PA, 175

rental house, 176

Supervisor, 172, 176

tests, 151

washing and returning, 173, 176

women’s costumer, 174, 175

Weather effects

floods and rain, 167

smoke, 167

snow, 167

wind, 167

Weekly players, 130

Wescam, 116

Wild sound, 160

Women’s costumer, 174, 175

Work-finish (WF), 39

Workers’ compensation, 54, 105, 231

Wrap party, 7, 88

Wrap sheet, 86, 87

Writers Guild of America (WGA), 55, 255


X column, 45, 46


YouTube, 18

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