
Part I   Introduction

  1   Evaluating Competence in the Course of Everyday Interaction

Judith Duchan, Madeline Maxwell, and Dana Kovarsky

Part II   Hidden Factors Influencing Judgments of Competence

  2   “I Used to Be Good With Kids.” Encounters Between Speech-Language Pathology Students and Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD)

Robert Stillman, Ramona Snow, and Kirsten Warren

  3   Slipping Through the Timestream: Social Issues of Time and Timing in Augmented Interactions

D. Jeffery Higginbotham and David P. Wilkins

  4   How Opposing Perceptions of Communication Competence Were Constructed by Taiwanese Graduate Students

Carol Jorgenson Winkler

  5   The Social Competence of Children Diagnosed With Specific Language Impairment

Terry Irvine Saenz, Kelly Gilligan Black, and Laura Pellegrini

  6   Deaf Members and Nonmembers: The Creation of Culture Through Communication Practices

Madeline Maxwell, Diana Poeppelmeyer, and Laura Polich

  7   Spiraling Connections: The Practice of Repair In Bektashi Muslim Discourse

Frances Trix

Part III   Diagnosis as Situated Practice

  8   Good Reasons For Bad Testing Performance: The Interactional Substrate of Educational Testing

Douglas W. Maynard and Courtney L. Marlaire

  9   An Afro-Centered View of Communicative Competence

Toya Wyatt

10   Reports Written by Speech-Language Pathologists: The Role of Agenda in Constructing Client Competence

Judith Felson Duchan

11   Revelations of Family Perceptions of Diagnosis and Disorder Through Metaphor

Ann M. Mastergeorge

12   The Social Work of Diagnosis: Evidence for Judgments of Competence and Incompetence

Ellen L. Barton

Part IV   Intervention as Situated Practice

13   The Construction of Incompetence During Group Therapy With Traumatically Brain Injured Adults

Dana Kovarsky, Michael Kimbarow, and Deborah Kastner

14   Social Role Negotiation in Aphasia Therapy: Competence, Incompetence, and Conflict

Nina Simmons-Mackie and Jack S. Damico

15   The Social Construction of Language Incompetence and Social Identity in Psychotherapy

Kathleen Ferrara

Author Index

Subject Index

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