
This is a book about corporate governance, written from an organizational perspective. It is intended for practitioners and aspiring practitioners who are interested in improving governance systems in their organizations. Unlike many other books on governance, this book is not written primarily from a legal perspective. Although we describe the legal obligations of selected organizational participants, our objective is not to rehash legal constructs. Books written by trained lawyers are much better for that purpose, and many fine works explain these obligations for the practitioner. Instead, our purpose is to examine the choices that organizations can make in designing governance systems and the impact those choices have on executive decision making and the organization’s performance. This book is therefore relevant to corporate directors, executives, institutional investors, lawyers, and regulators who make organizational decisions.

Corporate governance is a topic that suffers from considerable rhetoric. In writing this book, we have attempted to correct many misconceptions. Rather than write a book that is based on opinion, we use the knowledge contained in the extensive body of professional and scholarly research to guide our discussion and justify our conclusions. This approach does not always lead to simple recommendations, but it has the advantage of being grounded in factual evidence. As you will see, not every governance question has been the subject of rigorous empirical study, nor is every question amenable to a simple solution. There are gaps in our knowledge that will need to be addressed by further study. Still, we hope this book provides a framework that enables practitioners to make sound decisions that are well supported by careful research.

In each chapter, we focus on a particular governance feature, describe its potential benefits and costs, review the research evidence, and then draw conclusions. Although the book is written so that it can be read from cover to cover, each chapter also stands on its own; readers can select the chapters that are most relevant to their interests (board structure, CEO succession planning, executive compensation, and so on). This book—along with our set of associated case studies and teaching materials—is also suitable for undergraduate and graduate university courses and executive education programs.

We believe it is important for organizations to take a deliberate approach in designing governance systems. We believe this book provides the information that allows them to do so.

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