
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Active personality theory 3
Al-Qaeda type terror groups 126, 127
Amerithrax 125–126
Amn al-Mujahid 127
Ansar al Mujahideen 124
Anti-forensics 79
digital tools and approaches 94–96
traditional forensics 94
Asrar al-Dardashah 127
Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) 75, 97


Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) 213
Basic Input Output System (BIOS) 81
BIOS parameter block (BPB) 82
Blackhole exploit kit 235, 236f
Botnets 161
advantages 255
Agobot 232
Blackhole exploit kit 235, 236f
Conficker 232
criminal business model 237, 237f
DDOS 250, 251–252
definition 231
diffusion 231
DNS features 253, 253f
Eurograbber  See (Eurograbber attack)
hidden services 254, 255f
hunting methods 250
money flows 238, 239f
network topologies and protocols 
C&C server 240
centralized architecture 241, 241f
Command & Control (C&C) server 240, 241
DGA 243
IRC bot 243
Nugache 243
P2P network 241, 242f
Network Traffic Data Warehouse 251
pillars 253, 254f
Porters model 238
PPI 238
primary activities 239, 240f
protocols failure messages 252, 252f
SDBot 232
TOR 254
Watering Hole attack 236
ZeroAccess 247–249, 248f
zero-day exploit 236
Zeus platform 233
British Psychological Society (BPS) 48
Budapest Convention 8–9, 153
Business interruption insurance 221–222


Calce, Michael 114–115
Card-not-present (CNP) fraud 160
Centralized Cross-Border Child Traffic (CBCT) 141, 142–145, 145f
Centre for Information Technology Research for the Interest of Society (CITRIS) 100
Child protection, ICT 
child-centered actions and information flows 139–142, 140f
cyber bullying 133
Deep Web 134
global digital network safety 133
government responsibilities 136
information awareness and education 135–136
legal and policy framework 134, 136
on-line pornography 133
technical challenges 134
United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child 134–135
Child trafficking 
anti-trafficking initiatives 137
CBCT response system 141, 142–145, 145f
cross-border child trafficking 137
SAARC Trafficking Convention 138
UN Protocol on Trafficking 137
labor/sexual exploitation 137
poverty 137
push and pull factors 137
Church of Scientology 113–114
Closed circuit television (CCTV) system 45
Command & Control (C&C) server 240
Communications Assistance For Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) 180
Communications Capabilities Development Programme (CCDP) 180–181
Computer forensics 
digital anti-forensics tools and approaches 94–96
traditional forensics 94
CFM, phases 99
computer tools and services 93
defense lawyers 100
digital evidence 92
ACPO guidelines 92
Fraud Act 2006 91, 92
global cost 91
manifestations 91
education and training 97–99
forensics laboratory preparation and training 93–94
law enforcement officers 96–97
multi-disciplinary research centers 100
physical evidence 92
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act 20
Computer Misuse Act 1990 1, 2, 91
Conficker 232
Contingent business interruption (CBI) 222
Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime 1
Creeper virus 20
Criminal Attempts Act 1981 91, 92
Criminal business model 237, 237f
Criminology 152
Crowd-sourcing data 209–211
Cryptocurrency 128
Cyber bullying 133
Cyber constables 9
botnets 161
Budapest Convention 153
classifications and types 
active crime 154
computer’s relationship 154
cyber-deceptions and thefts 155
cyber-pornography 155
cyber-trespass 155
passive computer crime 154
technical and societal perspective 155
violent impact 155
Creeper virus 20
criminology 152
definition 102, 149
EDT 20
e-mails 161
hacking 158–159
harassment/bullying 159
high-tech investigations  See (High-tech investigations)
identity theft 159–160
impact 150, 151t
internet auction fraud 160
keylogger 162
LRAT 154
phishing 156–158
plastic card fraud 160
RBN 20
SCADA system 20
situational awareness 
Church of Scientology, Anonymous attacks 112–113
EUs strategic initiatives 116
financial motivations 104
knowledge management 102
Mafiaboy 114–115, 118
moral motivations 104–105
multiple motivations 105
people layer knowledge 102
political motivations 104
promotional 105
repository 104
self-actualization 105
Stuxnet 110–111, 117
UK banking sector 112–113
UK strategy 116
USA’s strategic initiatives 115
spam mail 158
traditional crime 150
types 19–21
UK law enforcement agencies 153
virus 161
Cyber-deceptions and thefts 155
Cyber-enabled crime 2–3
Cyber harassment/bullying 159
Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act 2013 (CISPA) 180
Cyber Investigators Staircase Model (CISM) 34–35, 34f
Cyber liability (CL) insurance 
business interruption 221–222
changing regulatory landscape 226
command & control 228
contingent business interruption 222
cyber extortion 227–228
cyber threat 221, 225–226
extended business interruption 222
first-party 223–224
ICO notification 226–227
loss/damage of data 228
market capacity 228–229
professional indemnity 222
risk 224–225
third-party 224
Cyber-pornography 155
Cyber security 
ICT innovation cycle 
Apple II 22
computer access 21
energy and drinking water sectors 26–27
financial sector 25
health sector 25, 27–28
innovation areas 24
Internet of Things (IOT) 28
modern living 24–25
one-way encryption process 21–22
organizational aspects 23–24
PCs 22
PLC boards 23
SCADA protocols 23
smart appliances 27
smart meters 26–27
transport sector 25–26
unauthorized system 24
user-friendly functionality 21
wireless encryption protocol (WEP) 22
UK Cyber Security Strategy 1
user requirements 
BPS 48
challenges 44
cyber-ripples 44
cyber-trust 50, 51t
elicitation 51–53
elicit tacit information 54
focus groups 53
identity theft tactics 47
interactive methods 53
macro-ergonomic conceptual framework 48–49, 48f, 49f
observational and ethnographic methods 53–54
on-line policing 44
privacy and confidentiality 48
questionnaires/surveys 53
scenario-based modeling 54–55
sensitive domains 55
user-centered approaches 46f, 47
Budapest Convention 8–9
bill of digital rights 2
cyber breaches 5–6
cyber-enabled offending 4
cyber fraud 5–6
cyber standards 6
extra-territorial challenges 4
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 3
litigants 4–5
nationality/active personality theory 3
passive personality theory 3–4
population 5–6
protective theory 4
resilience and security 2
risk assessments and impact analysis 6
territoriality theory 3
unauthorized access 5
universality theory 4
Computer Misuse Act 1990 1, 2
cyber constables 9
cyber incidents 8
digital criminality 9
government policy 8
SPR 7–8
stretching and reworking 7
UK Cyber Security Strategy 1
Cyber terrorism 
cyber weapons 165, 166
definitions 15
Collin, Barry C. 11
cyberspace 14
Denning, Dorothy E. 12
Dutch government 15
elements 13
FBI 12
UK’s Terrorism Act 14
US Center for Strategic and International Studies 13
Domain Name System (DNS) servers 168–169
Internet sites 168
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters 168
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict 16
organization’s core operational systems 168, 169–170
organization’s information systems 169
technical disruption 16
terrorist organization 
cyber-attack 172
intelligence-guided capability 170–171
Internet Black Tigers 166–167
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam attack 168
operational capability 171–172
OpIsrael 167
pro-Palestinian hackers 166–167
SEA 167
Tamil Tigers guerilla fighters 166–167
technological capabilities 170
Cyber-trespass 155


Darknet networks 130
Data carving 80
Data Protection Act 1998 91
Deep Web 134
Defamation Act 1952 & 1996 91
Denial-of-service (DoS) 107
Department of Defense Strategy for Operating in Cybercrime 115
Digital evidence 
anti-forensics/counter forensics 79
categories 79, 79t
computer forensics 92
cybercrime categories 72
doxing 74–75
forensic analysis 78–79
forensic evidence 71–72
guidelines 75
image acquisition 78
IP address identification 72–73
anonymizing proxy relay services 73–74
Firewall and system logs 74
IDS, network traffic 74
spoofing 73
media storage forensics 
deleted files and folders, recovery 84
deleted partition 84
file systems 82
file tables 82–83
free/open source licenses 83
hard disk structure and format 80–81
hiberfil.sys 86
HKEY functions 84–85, 86t
keyword and phrases search 83
LastWrite time 86
MBR signature 82
MRU lists 85–86
pagefil.sys 86–87
primary and logical partition 81
proprietary tools 83
registry files 84–85, 85t
system volume information folders 87–88
VBR and BIOS parameter block 82
acquisition 77–78
data carving and magic values 80
volatility tool 79–80
reported by third party 72
seizing equipment 75–76
suspects, interviews 74
written passwords, search for 76–77
Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T) 271–272
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack 225
Church of Scientology 113, 114
HSBC, attack 112, 113
Mafiaboy 114–115
Syrian Electronic army 107
UK-based banks, attack 112
Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) 243
Domain Name System (DNS) servers 168–169
Doxing 74–75


Echelon Interception System 179
E-crimes 2–3
ACPO guidelines 92
Fraud Act 2006 91, 92
global cost 91
manifestations 91
Metropolitan Police Service 7
El Al Airlines website 166–167
Electronic control units (ECU) 25–26
Electronic Disturbance Theater (EDT) 20
Eurograbber attack 
attack infrastructure 245, 246f
infection 245–246
money theft 246–247, 247f
two-factor authentication mechanism 244–245
ZITMO 244–245
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) 260
Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) 249
Extended business interruption (EBI) 222


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) 179–180
Forensic science 59–60
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) software 209
Fraud Act 2006 91, 92
Freedom of Information Act 2000 92
F-Secure 2012 Threat Report 238


Global Islamic Media Front 127
Globally unique identifier (GUID) addressing scheme 81
Global system for mobile communication (GSM) 266


High-tech investigations 
components 60–61
core evidence 
deleted files 68
file slack 67–68
temporary files 68
crime scene 61–64
data analysis 64–67
data verification 64
digital information 59
digital landscapes 61
evidence filtering 66
forensics 59–60
index search 67
live and online data capture 62–63
offline (dead) data capture 63–64
real-time search 67
regular expressions 67
requirements 64
restore points 69
signature analysis 66
Windows event logs 69
Windows LNK files 68
Windows Prefetch files 68
Windows registry 69
Human Rights Act 1998 91


Identity theft 159–160
Indemnification 224
Information and communication technology (ICT) 12
child protection 
child-centered actions and information flows 139–142, 140f
cyber bullying 133
Deep Web 134
government responsibilities 136
information awareness and education 135–136
legal and policy framework 134, 136
on-line pornography 133
safety on global digital network 133
technical challenges 134
United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child 134–135
cyber security 
Apple II 22
computer access 21
digital red light/speed trap camera 26
energy and drinking water sectors 26–27
financial sector 25
health sector 25, 27–28
innovation areas 24
Internet of Things (IOT) 28
modern living 24–25
one-way encryption process 21–22
organizational aspects 23–24
PCs 22
PLC boards 23
SCADA protocols 23
smart appliances 27
smart meters 26–27
transport sector 25–26
unauthorized way 24
user-friendly functionality 21
wireless encryption protocol (WEP) 22
mobile communication technologies 133
privacy and private information 133
Injured forum theory 4
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 199
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) 138
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 3
children 133
Deep Web 134
government responsibilities and legal framework 135–136
information awareness and education 135–136
on-line pornography 133
terrorist organizations 
Al-Qaeda type groups 126–127
cyber terrorism 127–128
darknet networks 130
3D printing 130
financing 128–130
Jihadi cause 123–124
Lone Wolves 125–126
online social network services 124–125
propaganda purposes 123
radicalization process 125
terrorist forum 124
VPN service 131
Internet auction fraud 160
Internet Black Tigers 166–167
Internet Games-based electronic money 128
Internet of Things (IOT) 28
Internet Protocol (IP) address 72–73
anonymizing proxy relay services 73–74
Firewall and system logs 74
IDS, network traffic 74
spoofing 73
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) 73–74
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) 74
Irhabi 007 39
Israeli-Palestinian conflict 167
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters 168


Jihadi Social Network website 125


Law enforcement agency (LEA) 
social media 
blogs 197
collaborative projects 197
communication 198
connection 198
content communities 197
content sharing 198
crime data analysis 208–209
criminal threats 198
crowd-sourcing data 209–211
demographics and cultures usage 204–205
expert search 198
Facebook 200
gender impacts 202
hostage scenario 207–208
human trafficking 211–213
Instagram 200
intelligence 214–215
LinkedIn 198, 200
Lone-Wolf scenarios 206–207
minority status impacts 202
national culture impacts 202
online profiles and networks usage 205
open-source intelligence 199
performative aspect 199
personal information 203–204
Pinterest 200
public engagement 213–214
rationales 200–201
relational aspect 199
relevance 204
service/people attitudes 202
social networking sites 197
technical setup 203
Twitter 200
user characteristics 201–202
users’ identity online 198
virtual game worlds 197
virtual social worlds 197
Life-Style Routine Activity Theory (LRAT) 154
Logical block addressing (LBA) 81
Lone Wolves 125–126
Low level format (LLF) 80–81


Mafiaboy 114–115, 118
Malicious hacking 72
MANET technique 271
Master boot record (MBR) 82
Media storage  See Digital evidence
Missing Child Alert (MCA) program 
Child Trafficking in South East Asia 
anti-trafficking initiatives 137
CBCT response system 142–145, 145f
child-centered actions and information flows 139–142, 140f
cross-border child trafficking 137
data model, coded typologies 138
government and nongovernment agencies, support for 136
labor/sexual exploitation 137
missing children 137, 138
objectivity, consistency and credibility 138–139
poverty 137
push and pull factors 137
security challenges and vulnerabilities in 141–142, 142f
systems approach 139
trafficking, definition 137, 138
Plan International 136
Most recently used (MRUs) lists 85–86
Mujahideen Secrets 126
Multicast Ad-hoc on-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (MAODV) 271
Multi-technology communication mobile IP gateway (MIPGATE) 267–269


Nagorno-Karabakh conflict 16
National Coordinator of Terrorist Investigations 40
National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP) 91
Nationality theory 3
Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique 206–207
Near Field Communication (NFC) 25
Network Attached Storage (NAS ) 131
Network Traffic Data Warehouse 251
Nugache botnets 243


Obscene Publications Act 1959 & 1964 91
On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) 271
Onion router 130
Operation High Roller 111, 117
OpIsrael 167
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 136


Packet Data Optimized (PDO) 260
Passive personality theory 3–4
Pay-Per-Install (PPI) service 238
Pay-per-use (PPU) model 237–238
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network 241
Personal computer (PC) 22
Phishing 156–158
Piracy 72
Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 99
Police investigation 
contact management 38–39
crime and terror 39–41
decision making processes 32–34
hypothesis 36–37
innovative approaches 37–38
problem solving 
CISM 34–35, 34f
SARA model 35–36, 36f
Police National Legal Database (PNLD) 2
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 7
PredPol software 182
Professional indemnity (PI) insurance 222
Professional Mobile Radio (PMR)  See Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR)
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 23
Project Chanology 113
Project Rivolta 114
Proposal for a Directive in the law enforcement sector (PDPI) 186
Proposal for a new General Data Protection Regulation 186, 188
Proposal for a new General Data Protection Regulation (PGDPR) 186
Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act 2011 180
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 92
Protection of Children Act 1978 91
Protective theory 4
Proxy relay services 73–74
Public Order Act 1986 91
Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) 
advantages 267
Air Interface (AIR IF) 260–261
air-interface security 269–270
communication network architecture landscape 263–265
current trends 261–262
Direct Mode Operation (DMO) 260–261
disasters 259–260, 272
end-to-end security 269–270
ETSI 260
GSM 266
Inter-System Interface (ISI) 260–261
MIPGATE 267–269
mobile ad-hoc network 270–271
PDO systems 260
PMR 265
re-engineer commercial networks 262
security and safety threats 259–260
Terminal Equipment Interface (TEI) 260–261
TETRAPOL 265–266
transmission control protocol (TCP) 269


Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 76–77
Russian Business Network (RBN) 20


Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment (SARA) model 35–36, 36f
Senior Investigating Officers (SIO) 32
Sentiment analysis technique 206–207
Sharia law 124
Skype v3 messages 80
Social media 
and Big Data 
computer resources 176
crime prevention data collection 182
data and data sharing 177
esurveillance legislation 179–181
E.U. reform 184–186
European data protection framework 186–189
legitimacy 182–183
private sector tools and resources 183
public and the private, social control 178–183
Steganography 126
Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR) 7–8
Stuxnet 20–21, 110–111, 117
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) 23
Symantec Intelligence Report (2013) 158
Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) 167
amateur geo-Politian’s 106
AngryBirds, attack on 108–109
CNN, attack on 108
DDoS/DoS 107
Melbourne IT 108
Microsoft, attack on 109
phishing 107, 117
political/moral hackers 106–107, 117
pro-regime hacker group 106
Saudi Arabian government website 109
social media presence 109–110
website and online profiles 106
System volume information folders 87–88


Tamil Tigers guerilla fighters 166–167
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange website 166–167
Telecommunications Act 1984 91
Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA)  See Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR)
Territoriality theory 3
Terrorist Finance Tracking System (EU TFTS) 128–130
Theft Act 1968 & 1978 91
The onion router (TOR) Hidden Services 130
Third-party cyber liability 224
Tor algorithm 73–74
Total Information Awareness (TIA) 179
Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) 211–213
Transmission control protocol (TCP) 269
TrueCrypt 126
Tsouli, Younes 39, 40–41


UK banks 112–113
UK Cyber Security Strategy 1
United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 134
Universality theory 4
UN Protocol on Trafficking 137


Volatility 79–80
Volume boot record (VBR) 82


Watering Hole attack 236
Wireless encryption protocol (WEP) 22
Write blockers 78


X1 Social Discovery software 182


ZeroAccess botnets 247–249, 248f
Zeus in the mobile (ZITMO) 244–245
Zeus platform 233
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