About the Authors

Rob Shimonski
Rob Shimonski (www.shimonski.com) is an experienced entrepreneur and an active participant in the business community. Rob is a best-selling author and editor with over 15 years of experience developing, producing, and distributing print media in the form of books, magazines, and periodicals. To date, Rob has successfully created over 100 books that are currently in circulation. Rob has worked for countless companies to include CompTIA, Microsoft, Cisco, the National Security Agency, and Elsevier. As an Author, Rob has helped produce well over 50 security-centric books covering topics such as cybercrime, cyberwarfare, hacking, penetration testing, and security engineering. Rob started to train others while in the US Marine Corps. Since then Rob has held a NY State teaching certificate as well as multiple trainer roles in colleges and trade schools across the world and continues his goal of always trying to help others learn difficult topics.
John M. Zenir, ESQ.
Contributing Editor
John M. Zenir ESQ. (www.jmzesq.com) is an experienced law attorney. He has been practicing law in the state of New York since 1992. John is a frequent lecturer and has been honored by both the Nassau and the Suffolk County Bar Associations. He is also a member of the New York State Bar Association, for which he serves on the Committee for Children and the Law. From 2004 to 2005, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Legal Aid Society of Nassau County. John has been a member of the 18-B Family Court Panel for Nassau County for both trials and appeals since 1994 and is currently a member of the Law Guardian Panel for Nassau County. John has shown a strong commitment to the community through his participation in pro bono activities for the Volunteer Lawyers Project for Nassau County since he began practicing law.
Allison Bishop
Technical Editor
Allison Bishop is a highly experience criminal reviewer with 10 years of experience reviewing cases, criminal research, and criminal activity. Allison also works as a paralegal performing tasks such as briefing cases and reviewing case law and working within the legal process. As an editor, Allison enjoys reviewing and editing works based on criminal justice, legal studies, security topics, and cybercrime. When Allison is not entrenched in studies, she loves to exercise, cook, and travel.
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