
Writing a book is normally an enormous task, one that takes months to complete with many revisions, and many “back and forth” sessions between editors and all those who help. The team that helped assemble this book operated with 100% professionalism and I could not have been more grateful.
Chris, as usual, thank you for all work up front, putting the ideas together, and getting this book on the schedule. You are always available when needed and helpful.
Ben, I am grateful for all of your assistance while putting this book together. Having worked with you on a few books now, I appreciate all of the work you do behind the scenes.
Allison, without your attention to detail, diligence, and hard work, this book would not be the best it could be. Thank you for all of the hard work you put into reviewing all of chapters and contributing as much as you did.
John, you are a great lawyer and your work in reviewing the legal and ethical aspects of this book is greatly appreciated.
I would also like to extend a thank you to Muzz Hafeez for assisting with providing much needed legal research when needed.
Last, I would like to extend a thank you to the readers and the security community in general. As security practitioners, we have big shoes to fill – keeping ourselves, our peers, friends and family, and the world at large safe from a bigger evil. It is amazing how connected our world has become, it’s nice to see a connected community, who works together so closely to ensure safety and privacy, and ethics that are considered and enforced.
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