
Address, 56
American computer analyst, 8
device, 62
Google, 116, 158
Linux-based Google phone, 115
smartphones, 115
Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), 100
Anti-malware software, 170, 233
Anti-spyware protection software, 221
Anti-spyware software, 185
Antivirus software, 186, 187
Apple, 61
iChat, 168
iPhone, 62, 125
location services, 62
Apple’s MobileMe (iCloud), 145, 230
ATM cash machines, 195
ATM pin number, 223
ATM receipts, 220
Attackers, 55, 85, 88
Attacks, 55
Adobe PDF file/Zip file, 93
online, 188
Backtrack, 51, 59, 224
Barcode, 147, 231
Blackshades, 170
Bluetooth-enabled devices, 156
Bugging, 138–140, 224
Call logs, 114
Calls recording, iphone, 67
Camera tracking, 161
Boston Marathon video surveillance, 166
creepware, 170
fake surveillance device, 171
gaming consoles, 171
legal/ethical concerns, 173–180
Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect system, 172
military operations, satellite, 169
mobile devices, 170
Nanny Cam, home invasion caught, 164
PC devices, 168
personal computers (PCs), 161
privacy/security, 165
satellite surveillance systems, 168
security surveillance systems, 163–165
tracking examples, 162
video surveillance warning signs, 167
webcams, 168, 169
Card skimmers, 193
CCTV systems, 168
Cellebrite, UFED device, 197
Cellular telephone, 135
Charge-coupled device (CCD), 171
Closed-circuit television (CCTV), 166
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (1994), 141
Couple tracker, 115
Creepware, 170
Creepy, 51
cross-border, 12
cybercrime, 12
Criminologists, 167
Cross-border crimes, 12
Cyberattack, 16
Cyber-bullying, 9
Cybercrime, 4, 12, 21
sample law, 22–43
Cyber intelligence analyst, 19
Cyberlaw, 21
crimes related with, 158
Cyber security engineer, 19
Cybersquatting, 100
Cyberstalking, 22
Cydia software, 114, 122
Data backups, 224
Data capture, 233
advanced, 198
analysis, 198
basic techniques, 184
data at rest, 185
legal and ethical concerns, 198–214
Data corruption, 155
Data encryption, 156
Data exploitation concerns, 190
Data leakage, 233
Data loss prevention (DLP), 183
software, 187, 193
by using identify finder, 188
Data mining, 50, 52
Data skimmers, 195
Data theft, 184, 196, 233
types of, 186
Data threat, 62, 183
Data transmissions, 46, 47
Department of Defense (DoD), 8
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 2
Department of Justice, 130
Device tracking, physical, 145, 150, 151, 229, 230
Apple’s MobileMe (iCloud), 145
vs. application installation, 150
biometric device, 148
fingerprint, 146
fleet location tracking, 152
health tracker, 146
historical examples, 146
legal/ethical concerns, 158–159
location tracking, 157
via console, 153
pinpointing location, 154
radio-frequency identification (RFID), 148, 149
for reconnaissance today, 147
smartwatches, using, 157, 158
through Cloud, 151
used for good, 154
wearable technology, 155
wireless tracker, 152
Digital forensics, 8, 16
advanced data capture and analysis, 198
applications, 197
devices, 197
examiners, 18
mobile device forensics, 197
stochastic forensics, 198
teams, 183, 233
Digital landscape
high-level view of, 47
viewing, 2
Digital mobile phone, 113
Digital reconnaissance, 1, 2
landscape, 5
threat of, 4
Digital spying, 3
by American government, 7
art of, 3
history of, 3
legal concepts of, 4
threat of, 2, 4, 218
Digital surveillance, 1, 2, 8, 22, 161, 183, 232
camera, 5
companies performing, 12
mitigate and defend, 3
sample law, 22–43
threat of, 4
Digital video recorder (DVR) system, 166
DNS, 56
information, 50
network-level protocols, 51
Drones, 3
Dumpster diving, 89, 223
Eavesdropping, 222
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA, 1986), 4, 136, 137
Electronic tracking device, 138
e-mails, 46
with malicious call, 223
personal account, 46
secure, 192
texts, receiving, 225
transmission, 46
Encryption method, 191
capturing data in transit, 192
protection, 191
Espionage, 3
Ethical principles, 21
Exploitation, 233
Facebook, 14, 47, 153, 156
data, 121
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 163
FiLIP smartwatch, 158
Fingerprint device, 147
Firewalls, 86, 188
typical host-based firewall, 189
Flickr accounts, 51
Game consoles, 222
Geolocation, 151
Global positioning system (GPS)
latitude, 63
location, 114
satellites, 118
software, 127
stalking, 131
technology, 113, 151, 228
units, 61
Google Android, 158
Google Glass, 157, 158
Google Maps, 126, 128
data, 63
tracking, 129
Hackers, 18, 85, 171
site hacked, 48
“Hardening” of systems, guidelines to, 221
Harden systems, 221
general reconnaissance, 222
guidelines, 221
surveillance, 222
Host-based intrusion detection (HIDS) software, 186
Identity theft, 219
information, physical theft of, 220
Information gathering, 45, 59, 223
bugging, 224
documents, shred, 226
dumpster diving, 223
Edward Snowden’s passport, 49
e-mails/texts, receiving, 225
hacker site hacked, 48
keystroke logger, 223
mitigate, 224
online reconnaissance, 54
Apple’s location services, 62
content filtering, 57
data searching with Google, 56
data threat (metadata), 62
identify theft, 59
infrastructure, 61
internet threat, 54
location mapping, 63
Microsoft tracking protection list, 57
mobile device threat, 61
NMAP, using, 60
phishing, 56
scanning/sniffing/mapping, 59
search engines, 55
social media, 58
tracking, 57
wired/wireless, 60
wireless networking, 61
phishing, 223
physical reconnaissance, 63
analog phone tapping, 66
BackTrack’s social engineering toolkit, 65
iphone, calls recording, 67
legal/ethical concerns, 67–84
social engineering, 64
stalking, 64
tailing, 64
tapping, 66
physical security, 225
points, 47
privacy invasion, 48
privacy of life, 46
process of, 50
recording, 224
searching online databases, 53
shoulder surfing, 223
social engineering and trickery, 223
spied on, 46
tools, 51
using backtrack, 51
using maltego, 52
Whois search, conducting, 54
Information privacy, 218
Infringing domain name (IDN), 101
Intelligence collection, 8
Internet, 54, 58, 86, 150
connection, 55
explorer, 56
tracking protection, 57
public, 54
threat, 54
Internet protocol (IP), 127
address, 59, 118, 147, 183, 225, 231, 233
devices based on, 150, 231
Interstate stalking, 22
Intrusion detection system (IDS), 186
Intrusion prevention system (IPS), 186
iPhone, 62, 115
Android, 115
calls recording, 67
iTunes store, 61
Jailbreaking, 121
routine, 122
Kali Linux distribution, 224
Keystroke logger, 223
Key word searches, 55
Kinect, 172
Laptops, 221
Law enforcement professionals
police, agents, and detectives, 20
Legal principles, 21
Linux-based Google Android phones, 115
Location-based service (LBS), 113, 149
Location Privacy Protection Act of 2012, 130, 131
LoJack, 145
MAC address, 147, 231
Malicious tracking, 119
geolocation, 127
global positioning system, 127
Google glass, 129, 130
Google mapping, 126, 128, 129
location-based services, 125, 126
reconnaissance, 120
subscriber identity module (SIM) card, 127
Maltego Tungsten, 52
Malware protection, 185
Man in the Middle (MITM) attacks, 61
Metadata, See Data threat
Microlevel, 15
Microsoft-based encryption method, 192
Microsoft Windows Firewall, 188
Microsoft Xbox, 161, 232
game, 118, 172
Military surveillance, 10
Mobile devices, 61, 62, 162, 221
use of, 61
Mobile forensics, 197
Mobile phones technology, 125
Mobile phones tracking, 114, 118, 228
Apple iPhone, 114, 115
Blackberry, 116, 117
Google Android, 115, 116
hiding, applications, 124
jailbreaking and prepping, 121
legal and ethical concerns, 130
dashboard, 124
installing/configuring, 122
passwords changing, 125
Patriot Act, 119
risk, 114, 228
turning, on location services, 123
Windows, 116, 117
Mobile technology, threat, 6
MSpy, 120, 122, 124
dashboard, 124
installing/configuring, 122
National Security Agency (NSA), 2, 46
Snowden, Edward Joseph, 8
Network analyzer, 193
Network hardware, 221
New York City Police Department (NYPD), 133
NMAP, 59
Online attacks, 188
Optic Nerve, 172
Orwell, George, 5
Packet analyzer, 193
Packet-level analysis, 66
Passwords, 222
Pedometer, 155
Penetration Testers, 18, 52
Personal computers (PCs), 161, 221
Phishing, 56, 223
attack, 56
Phone conversations, 66
Phone scams, 87
Phones, data transmission by, 66
Physical device tracking, See Device tracking, physical
Physical security, 225
Physical theft, 185
Physical tracking, 229, See also Tracking
PlaceRaider, 171
Ports, 59
Posting, 224
Private investigator (PI), 14, 20
Protection methods
be concerned, 218
defend yourself, 217
general security, 219
identity theft, 219
mitigation techniques, 219
secure your actions, 218
Protocol analyzer, 193
PSTN-based phone, 113, 228
Radio-frequency identification (RFID), 148
Reconnaissance, 1, 2, 8, See also Digital reconnaissance
satellites, 168
Recording, 224
Remote administration tool (RAT), 170
Removable media
threat, 190
Search engines, 5, 14, 55
Security analysts, 52
Security drone, 3
Shoulder surfing, 223
SIM chips, 127
Skimmers, 195
data theft, 196
VOIP call, captured, 195
Skype, 161, 168, 232
Android, 115
Google Android, 116, 158
Windows Phone 7, 131
SmartScreen filter, 56
Smartwatches, 156, 157
SMS messages, 114
SMS spoofing, 94
SMTP, network-level protocols, 51
Sniffers, 193
attacks, 195
to capture data, 192
source IP address, 194
troubleshoot problems, 193
SNMP, network-level protocols, 51
SnoopWall, 170
Snowden, Edward Joseph, 8, 9
passport, 49
Social engineering, 85
attackers, 88
basic foundation of, 226
bypass security biometrics, 227
information gathering, 88
bugging and recording, 95
dumpster diving, 89
phishing, 91, 92
pin theft, 91
shoulder surfing, 90, 91
social engineering toolkit (SET), 92
with backtrack, 94
information privacy, 98
legal/ethical concerns, 99–111
mitigation of, 96
attack, 97
information privacy, 98
programs, 65
protected/unprotected networks, 87
reverse, 99
scam, example, 86
security, 85, 226
spied on, 86
Social engineering toolkit (SET), 224
with backtrack, 94
create attack, 94
deploy payload, 95
to generate payload, 93, 95
to launch exploit, 94
Social media, 5, 6, 58
concerns, 15
sites, 58, 224, 232
Spear-phishing, 224
Spy camera/cell phone CN-SPY008, 171
banking and finance sector, 15
cybercrime, 12, 13
cyber intelligence analyst, 19
cyber security engineer, 19
digital forensic, 16
examiner, 18
gains, defined, 15
hackers, 18
importance of, 7
law enforcement, 20
motivation, 13
National Security Agency (NSA), 8
newspaper headlines, activity, 11
penetration testers, 19
portable storage devices, 16
private investigation, 20
professional roles, 17
public trust, 10
Snowden, Edward Joseph, 8
social media concerns, 15
SSH tool, 123
Stalkers, 85
Stored Communications Act (SCA), 136
Subscriber identity module (SIM) card, 96, 127
SYN attacks, 186
TapeACall, 66
Terrorism, 3
Threat, digital reconnaissance, 4
Thumb drives, 189
device, 136
physical, 145
Traffic analyzer, 193
Traffic cameras, 7
Transmission control protocol (TCP), 127, 147
Trojans, 233
Twitter accounts, 51
Universal serial bus (USB)
devices, 145, 230
thumb drive, 189
URL logs, 114
US nuclear weaponry, 183
Viber data, 121
Video surveillance, 161, 166, 232
in-home, 15
Videotaping, 222
Virtual machine, 51
Virus, 19
VPN tunnel, 193
Webcam, 161
Web cameras, 168, 221, 233
tracking, 232
Webcams, See Web cameras
Webex, 168
Websites, 55
Windows BitLocker encryption, 192
drive encryption, 192
Windows phone, 116, 131
Wireless networks, 61, 135
Wireless systems, 221
Wireshark, 59
Wiretaps, 66
W32.Shadesrat, 170
Xbox One, 172
Yahoo, 51
Yahoo map, tracking with latitude, 128
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