Phrase Book

In an Emergency

Help! Aiuto! eye-yoo-toh
Stop! Fermate! fair-mah-teh
Call a doctor. Chiama un medico kee-ah-mah oon meh-dee-koh
Call an ambulance. Chiama un’ ambulanza kee-ah-mah oon am-boo-lan-tsa
Call the police. Chiama la polizia kee-ah-mah lah pol-ee-tsee-ah
Call the fire brigade. Chiama i pompieri kee-ah-mah ee pom-pee-air-ee

Communication Essentials

Yes/No Si/No see/noh
Please Per favore pair fah-vor-eh
Thank you Grazie grah-tsee-eh
Excuse me Mi scusi mee skoo-zee
Hello Buon giorno bwon jor-noh
Goodbye Arrivederci ah-ree-veh-dair-chee
Good evening Buona sera bwon-ah sair-ah
What? Quale? kwah-leh?
When? Quando? kwan-doh?
Why? Perchè? pair-keh?
Where? Dove? doh-veh?

Useful Phrases

How are you? Come sta? koh-meh stah?
Very well, thank you. Molto bene, grazie. moll-toh beh-neh grah-tsee-eh
Pleased to meet you. Piacere di conoscerla. pee-ah-chair-eh dee-coh-noh-shair-lah
That’s fine. Va bene. va beh-neh
Where is/are …? Dov’è/ Dove sono …? dov-eh/doveh soh-noh …?
How do I get to …? Come faccio per arrivare a …? koh-meh fah choh pair arri-var-eh ah …?
Do you speak English? Parla inglese? par-lah een-gleh-zeh?
I don’t understand. Non capisco. non ka-pee-skoh
I’m sorry. Mi dispiace. mee dee-spee-ah-cheh


How much does this cost? Quant’è, per favore? kwan-teh pair fah-vor-eh?
I would like … Vorrei … vor-ray
Do you have …? Avete …? ah-veh-teh …?
Do you take credit cards? Accettate carte di credito? ah-chet-tah-teh kar-teh dee creh-dee-toh?
What time do you open/close? A che ora apre/chiude? ah keh or-ah ah-preh/kee-oo-deh?
this one questo kweh-stoh
that one quello kwell-oh
expensive caro kar-oh
cheap a buon prezzo ah bwon pret-soh
size, clothes la taglia lah tah-lee-ah
size, shoes il numero eel noo-mair-oh
white bianco bee-ang-koh
black nero neh-roh
red rosso ross-oh
yellow giallo jal-loh
green verde vair-deh
blue blu bloo

Types of Shop

bakery il forno/il panificio eel forn-oh/eel pan-ee-fee-choh
bank la banca lah bang-kah
bookshop la libreria lah lee-breh-ree-ah
cake shop la pasticceria lah pas-tee-chair-ee-ah
chemist la farmacia lah far-mah-chee-ah
delicatessen la salumeria lah sah-loo-meh-ree-ah
department store il grande magazzino eel gran-deh mag-gad-zee-noh
grocery la drogheria lah droh-geh-ree-ah
hairdresser il parrucchiere eel par-oo-kee-air-eh
ice cream parlour la gelateria lah jel-lah-tair ree-ah
market il mercato eel mair-kah-toh
newsstand l’edicola leh-dee-koh-lah
post office l’ufficio postale loo-fee-choh pos-tah-leh
supermarket il supermercato eel su-pair-mair-kah-toh
tobacconist il tabaccaio eel tah-bak-eye-oh
travel agency l’agenzia di viaggi lah-jen-tsee-ah dee vee-ad-jee


art gallery la pinacoteca lah peena-koh-teh-kah
bus stop la fermata dell’autobus lah fair-mah-tah dell ow-toh-booss
church la chiesa/la basilica lah kee-eh-zah lah ah-seel-i-kah
closed for holidays chiuso per le ferie kee-oo-zoh pair leh fair-ee-eh
garden il giardino eel jar-dee-no
museum il museo eel moo-zeh-oh
railway station la stazione lah stah-tsee-oh-neh
tourist information l’ufficio di turismo loo-fee-choh dee too-ree-smoh

Staying in a Hotel

Do you have any vacant rooms? Avete camere libere? ah-veh-teh kah-mair-eh lee bair-eh?
double room una camera doppia oona kah-mair-ah doh-pee-ah
with double bed con letto matrimoniale kon let-toh mah-tree-moh-nee-ah-leh
twin room una camera con due letti oona kah-mair ah kon doo-eh let-tee
single room una camera singola oona kah-mair-ah sing-goh-lah
room with a bath, shower una camera con bagno, con doccia oona kah-mair ah kon ban-yoh, kon dot-chah
I have a reservation. Ho fatto una prenotazione. oh fat-toh oona preh-noh-tah-tsee-oh-neh

Eating Out

Have you got a table for …? Avete una tavola per …? ah-veh-teh oona tah-voh-lah pair …?
I’d like to reserve a table. Vorrei prenotare una tavola. vor-ray preh-noh-tar-reh oona tah-voh-lah
breakfast colazione koh-lah-tsee-oh-neh
lunch pranzo pran-tsoh
dinner cena cheh-nah
the bill il conto eel kon-toh
waitress cameriera kah-mair-ee-air-ah
waiter cameriere kah-mair-ee-air-eh
fixed price menu il menù a prezzo fisso eel meh-noo ah pret-soh fee-soh
dish of the day piatto del giorno pee-ah-toh dell jor-no
starter antipasto an-tee-pass-toh
first course il primo eel pree-moh
main course il secondo eel seh-kon-doh
vegetables i contorni ee kon-tor-noh
dessert il dolce eel doll-cheh
cover charge il coperto eel koh-pair-toh
wine list la lista dei vini lah lee-stah day vee-nee
glass il bicchiere eel bee-kee-air-eh
bottle la bottiglia lah bot-teel-yah
knife il coltello eel kol-tell-oh
fork la forchetta lah for-ket-tah
spoon il cucchiaio eel koo-kee-eye-oh

Menu Decoder

l’acqua minerale lah-kwah mee-nair-ah-leh mineral water
gassata/naturale gah-zah-tah/nah-too-rah-leh fizzy/still
agnello ah-niell-oh lamb
aglio al-ee-oh garlic
al forno al for-noh baked
alla griglia ah-lah greel-yah grilled
la birra lah beer-rah beer
la bistecca lah bee-stek-kah steak
il burro eel boor-oh butter
il caffè eel kah-feh coffee
la carne la kar-neh meat
carne di maiale kar-neh dee mah-yah-leh pork
la cipolla la chip-oh-lah onion
i fagioli ee fah-joh-lee beans
il formaggio eel for-mad-joh cheese
le fragole leh frah-goh-leh strawberries
il fritto misto eel free-toh mees-toh mixed fried fish
la frutta la froot-tah fruit
frutti di mare froo-tee dee mah-reh seafood
i funghi ee foon-ghee mushrooms
i gamberi ee gam-bair-ee prawns
il gelato eel jel-lah-toh ice cream
l’insalata leen-sah-lah-tah salad
il latte eel laht-teh milk
il manzo eel man-tsoh beef
l’olio loh-lee-oh oil
il pane eel pah-neh bread
le patate leh pah-tah-teh potatoes
le patatine fritte leh pah-tah-teen-eh free-teh chips
il pepe eel peh-peh pepper
il pesce eel pesh-eh fish
il pollo eel poll-oh chicken
il pomodoro eel poh-moh-dor-oh tomato
il prosciutto cotto/crudo eel pro-shoo-toh kot-toh/cooked/cured kroo-doh ham
il riso eel ree-zoh rice
il sale eel sah-leh salt
la salsiccia lah sal-see-chah sausage
succo d’arancia/di limone soo-koh dah-ran-chah/dee lee-moh-neh orange/lemon juice
il tè eel teh tea
la torta lah tor-tah cake/tart
l’uovo loo-oh-voh egg
vino bianco vee-noh bee-ang-koh white wine
vino rosso vee-noh ross-oh red wine
le vongole leh von-goh-leh clams
lo zucchero loh zoo-kair-oh sugar
la zuppa lah tsoo-pah soup


1 uno oo-noh
2 due doo-eh
3 tre treh
4 quattro kwat-roh
5 cinque ching-kweh
6 sei say-ee
7 sette set-teh
8 otto ot-toh
9 nove noh-veh
10 dieci dee-eh-chee
11 undici oon-dee-chee
12 dodici doh-dee-chee
13 tredici tray-dee-chee
14 quattordici kwat-tor-dee-chee
15 quindici kwin-dee-chee
16 sedici say-dee-chee
17 diciassette dee-chah-set-teh
18 diciotto dee-chot-toh
19 diciannove dee-chah-noh-veh
20 venti ven-tee
30 trenta tren-tah
40 quaranta kwah-ran-tah
50 cinquanta ching-kwan-tah
60 sessanta sess-an-tah
70 settanta set-tan-tah
80 ottanta ot-tan-tah
90 novanta noh-van-tah
100 cento chen-toh
1,000 mille mee-leh
2,000 duemila doo-eh mee-lah
1,000,000 un milione oon meel-yoh-neh


one minute un minuto oon mee-noo-toh
one hour un’ora oon or-ah
a day un giorno oon jor-noh
Monday lunedì loo-neh-dee
Tuesday martedì mar-teh-dee
Wednesday mercoledì mair-koh-leh-dee
Thursday giovedì joh-veh-dee
Friday venerdì ven-air-dee
Saturday sabato sah-bah-toh
Sunday domenica doh-meh-nee-kah
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