
Abed, Saif, 339

Abstaining from data collection, 54

Accenture firm, 395

Access as risk factor, 33

Access devices

controls, 104107

defined, 84

Access Hollywood tape, 304

Account credentials

payments for, 138139

theft, 187188

Account Data Compromise Recovery (ADCR) program, 165

Account management, 196197

Acquirers in credit card payment systems, 146147

Activities API, 407408

Acute phase

ChoicePoint breach, 9498

description, 60

Acxiom Congressional hearings, 109110

Adapting for cyber insurance, 388

ADCR (Account Data Compromise Recovery) program, 165

Adobe breach, 239

Adobe Reader zero-day exploits, 240

Advanced persistent threats (APTs), 251

Advertising data demands, 36

Advocate Health System breach, 272

Affinity Gambling breach, 181

Affinity Health Plan, Inc. breach, 280

Affordable Care Act, 38

Afghanistan leaks. See Megaleaks

Ahweys, Hassan Dahir, 315

AIDS Trojan, 341

AIG cyber insurance, 378, 383

AllScripts data skimming, 4647

AlphaBay forum, 261

Alternate payment solutions, 228

AMA Code of Medical Ethics, 264

Amazon S3 buckets, 395396

American Bankers Association card replacement costs survey, 226

American Bar Association healthcare breaches report, 280

American Express, 149

Ancestry Group Companies, 279

AncestryDNA service, 279

Android Pay service, 227

Angulo, Jairo, 103, 102

Anonymization and renonymization of data big data effect on, 4344

failure of, 4243

overview, 4142

Anonymous movement

attacks, 333

megaleaks, 306308

Anonymous submissions, 314

Anthem breach

compensation, 103

cyber insurance limits, 379

settlement, 261262

SSNs stolen, 85

Anthem insurance, 48

AOC (Athens Orthopedic Clinic) breach exposure extortion, 350352

overview, 243244

Apache Struts framework, 71


Home Depot breach, 222

importance, 211212

Target nonapologies, 211212

ApplePay service

merchant services offerings, 227228

payment methods, 151152

APT1: Exposing One of China’s Cyber Espionage Units report, 1213, 382383

APTs (advanced persistent threats), 251

Argenti, Paul, 213214

Ariba system, 188

Arthur, Charles, 307

Ascent cyber insurance, 383

Ashley Madison site breach, 353

Assange, Julian. See Megaleaks; WikiLeaks

Assante, Michael, 116

Asymmetric cryptography, 128130

Athens Orthopedic Clinic (AOC) breach

exposure extortion, 350352

overview, 243244

Atlantic Health, 283

Attack surface, 11

Attacker tools and techniques

commercial exploit kits, 186187

credential theft, 187188

overview, 185186

password-stealing Trojans, 188190

POS malware, 190191

Attorney-client privilege in payment card breaches, 172174

Aucsmith, David, 241

Auditing requirements, 194

Aurora breaches, 239241


alternate forms, 100101

cloud, 398399

knowledge-based, 8384

PCI DSS requirements, 192193

Avid Life Media breach, 353

AvMed, Inc. breach, 280

Backoff malware, 181, 190191

Baer, Tim, 216

Baich, Rich, 115116

Baker Hostetler, personal information definition, 7


payment card breaches, 148149

Target data breach ripple effects, 223224

Barlow, John Perry, 332

Barr, Aaron, 322

Bartholomew, Chester, 26

Beazley Group

breach response policy, 378379

business email compromise cases, 402

cyber insurance, 365, 383

BEC (Business Email Compromise), 400404

“Behind the Scenes of the Recent Target Data Breach” article, 213

Bellovin, Steve, 289290

Benoit, William L., 6163, 102

Bernstein, Jonathan, 94

Berry, Michael, 82

Beth Israel Deaconess hospital, X rays stolen from, 137

Betterley, Richard S., 366, 384

Betty Ford clinic, 35

Bhasin, Kim, 179

Big data

analytics, 3738

renonymization from, 4344

Biogen, 48

Bitcoin, 132134

“Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” 132

Black Hole salvage yard, 254

Blackhole exploit kit, 186187, 189

BlackPOS malware, 181, 190

Blake, Frank, 221, 223

Bloomberg, Michael, 355


breach, 354355

Yahoo breach, 13

Blue Health Intelligence, 48

Boothman, Richard C., 299

Booz Allen breach, 395

Borohovski, Michael, 71

Brazile, Donna, 311312

Breach fatigue, 182183, 222

Breach Notification Rule, 268271, 402

“The Brokeback Mountain Factor,” 43

Brookings Center for Technology Innovation report, 261

Brooks, Rebekah, 318

Browsealoud plug-in, 395

Bucci, Steven, 334

Bugs and breaches, 246

Bullock, Steve, 360

Burden of proof in HIPAA, 13

Bureau of Investigative Journalism on WikiLeaks, 330

Burke, Kathleen, 103

A Business a Day game, 338

Business associates, HIPAA impact on, 273

Business Email Compromise (BEC), 400404


breach revelations, 34

Target data breach, 199200, 217218, 220

Butka, Paul, 163

Buzek, Greg, 230, 235

BYOD in health data breaches, 291

Cablegate, 330331

California Coastal Records Project, 318319

Cameron, David, 320

Canadian privacy commissioner, 163164

CANDOR (Communication and Optimal Resolution) approach for medical errors, 299

Cannon, Stephen, 144

Card brands in credit card payment systems, 150 site, 124

Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP), 152

Cardholders in credit card payment systems, 146147

Cardinal Health company, 46

Caring, trust from, 62

Carolinas HealthCare System, 38

Carr, Robert, 170, 197198

“The Case of the Purloined Password,” 29

Causey, Marianne, 352

CBA (Consumer Bankers Association) card replacement costs, 223

CCSupplier (pseudonym), 126

CD Universe breach, 119120

CDIA (Consumer Data Industry Association), 105

Celebrities as targets, 3435

Center for Technology Innovation study, 285

Cerber ransomware, 345

Cerner company, 47

CGL (commercial general liability) policies, 372373

Chapman, Mary, 77, 96


Equifax data breach, 72

trust from, 62

Cheaters Gallery, 353

Cheney, Bill, 224

Cheswick, Bill, 289290

Chief information security officers (CISOs), 115116

Chip-and-PIN (EMV) cards adoption of, 228229

effectiveness, 229230

need for, 227228

ownership, 230

public opinion, 230231

resistance, 233236

resource requirements, 235236

value, 231232

ChoicePoint breach

acute phase, 9498

birth of data breaches, 7981

blame game, 96

breach preparation, 114117

breach realization, 8789

chronic stage, 108110

communications, 98

Congressional hearings, 109110

consumer compensation, 97

delayed responses, 9798

escalation, 8990

explosion, 9596

identity theft scares, 82

investigation, 90

lax information control practices, 87

logs, 9192

notifications, 64, 95

overview, 7779

personal information, 83

prodromal phase, 8593

resolution stage, 111114

scope, 9293

smoldering crisis, 8184, 8687

Chronic stage

description, 60

drama management, 108111

“A Chronology of Data Breaches” database, 8081

Church of Scientology attacks, 306

CiCi’s Pizza breach, 12

Cigna, 48

Cignet Health HIPAA investigations, 272

CINDER (Cyber Insider Threat) program, 326

Cisero’s Ristorante, 143144

CISOs (chief information security officers), 115116

CISP (Cardholder Information Security Program), 152

Citadel banking Trojan, 188190

Citigroup, TJX breach discovered by, 162

Clark, Craig, 6869

Classification, data, 5152

Clinical device breaches, 284288

Clinton, Hillary, 240, 303304, 311, 330331

Clinton Apology Tour, 331

Cloud breaches

authentication issues, 398399

control issues, 397398

end-to-end encryption, 409413

ethics, 406409

health data, 292293

large-scale monitoring, 411412

overview, 389393

permission errors, 395396

risks, 393399

security flaws, 394395

visibility, 400409

CMIA (Confidentiality of Medical Information Act), 298

Code of Medical Ethics, 264

Columbia Casualty Company, 375376

Comey, James, 355

Commercial exploit kits, 186187

Commercial general liability (CGL) policies, 372373

Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR) approach for medical errors, 299


ChoicePoint breach, 9798

controlling, 218

Equifax data breach, 73

Home Depot breach, 221223

image considerations, 6162

image repair, 6263

notifications, 6367

overview, 6061

stakeholders, 62

Target data breach, 206221

tips, 7475

trust, 62


examples, 102103

health data breaches, 297298


Equifax data breach, 7071

trust from, 62

Computer Security Incident Handling Guide, 58

“Computer Thieves Tamper with Credit” article, 32

Computers, payments for, 139

Computerworld magazine article, 28

Confidential data

cyber insurance, 367

description, 52

Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA), 298

Congressional hearings on ChoicePoint breach, 109110

ConMan (criminal), 122123

Consumer Bankers Association (CBA) card replacement costs, 223

Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA), 105


payment card breaches, 147148, 150

Target data breach, 207208

TJX breach, 165

Cook, Tim, 228

Cool Exploit Kit, 187

Copycats in megaleaks, 334335

Copyrighted material, 316317

Corrective action, 102103

Cost/benefit analyses, 50

Costa, Robert, 90, 96

Cottage Health System, 375

Counterfeit Access Device and Abuse Act, 33

Counterfeit Library, 124

Court Ventures breach, 85

Covered expenses in cyber insurance, 378

Coviello, Art, 250251

Cox, Joseph, 253

CRA (Customer Records Act), 298


payments for, 138139

theft, 187188

Credit freezes, 105

Credit monitoring

ChoicePoint breach, 97

overview, 101103

Credit Union National Association (CUNA) card replacement costs, 223224

Credit unions, Target data breach ripple effects on, 223224

Cridex malware, 189

Crisis management

communications, 6069

crisis recognition, 59

Equifax data breach, 7075

incidents, 5760

overview, 5658

stages, 60

CrowdStrike firm

campaign attacks, 304

Office 365 mailbox activity logs, 405

Cruise, Tom, 306


denial extortion, 343

overview, 132134

Cryptography, 128130

Cryptojacking, 134

CryptoLocker ransomware, 342

Cryptome site, 315

CUNA (Credit Union National Association) card replacement costs, 223224

Custom Content Type Manager plug-in, 395

Customer Records Act (CRA), 298


payment card breaches, 147148, 150

Target data breach, 207208

TJX breach, 165

CVS Caremark, 45

CVS EMV systems, 232

Cwalina, Chris

breach definitions, 46

breach preparation, 114

ChoicePoint breach, 80, 9092, 108, 112

security function, 116

Cyber arsenals as supply chain risks, 252254

Cyber Insider Threat (CINDER) program, 326

Cyber insurance

commercial off-the-shelf breach response, 364367

confidentiality considerations, 367

coverage types, 362364, 376

covered expenses, 378

data inventory, 370

exclusions, 380384

existing coverage, 371373

growth, 361

industry challenges, 361362

leveraging, 386388

limits, 379380

overview, 359361

people in, 368370

quotes, 374376

researching, 384386

retention amounts, 377

risk assessments, 370371

selecting, 367368, 386

timing, 378379

triggers, 376377

Cybersecurity by Chubb policy, 377, 381382

Cybersecurity Framework guidelines, 371

Cybersecurity vendors, breach statistics from, 1517

D&B (Dun & Bradstreet), NCSS password directory breach, 2526

Dairy Queen breach, 181

Damballa company, 189

Danchev, Dancho, 139

Dark breaches, 24

Dark data brokers, 134135

Dark e-commerce sites, 131132

DarkReading breach statistics, 1415

Dart, Tom, 245


classification, 5152

inventorying, 51

tracking, 5152

Data analytics firms demand for data, 3839

Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), 1617

Data breaches

birth of, 7981

defined, 46, 8

quantifying, 810

Data Broker Accountability and Transparency Act, 57

Data brokers

dark, 134135

demand for data, 3940

FTC survey, 140

Data decay, 4041

Data flow diagrams, 52

Data laundering, payments for, 139140

Data-loss prevention (DLP) systems, 52, 292

Data removal for exposure, 315318

Data Security Operating Policy, 152

Data skimming, 4647

Data storage, breaches from, 242

Datamation magazine, 28

Davidson, Keith, 3536

Davies, Nick, 326327

Davis, Todd, 106107

DBIR (Data Breach Investigations Report), 1617

DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee), 304

de Janes, J. Michael, 115

De Mooy, Michelle, 277

DeArment, Heidi, 196

Debit card locks, 106

Decryption in denial extortion, 341342

Deeba, Amer, 164

Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Vulnerability Analysis and Assessment Program, 810

Deidentification in HIPAA, 276278

Delavan, Charles, 303


ChoicePoint breach response, 9798

notifications, 6667

Dell Secureworks report on Target data breach, 196, 201, 219

Demand for data, 34

advertising, 36

big data analytics, 3738

data analytics firms, 3839

data brokers, 3940

data decay factor, 4041

media outlets, 3436

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), 304

Democratic National Committee (DNC), 304

Denial extortion

vs. breaches, 344345

encryption and decryption, 341342

negotiation tips, 347348

payment, 342343

prevalence, 343344

ransomware, 340348

response, 345348

Deny and defend approach for medical errors, 299

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

breach statistics, 14

privacy gap report, 7

Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) breach, 359

Der Spiegel

Assange interview, 307

megaleaks, 327, 329330

Detection in HIPAA, 267

Devaluing data, 5354, 99101

DiBattiste, Carol, 116

Digital Dozen security standards, 152

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 316

Digital signatures, 130

Dingledine, Roger, 131

DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) Vulnerability Analysis and Assessment Program, 810

Discrimination in health data breaches, 296297

Disposal of data, 53

Dissent Doe (researcher), 244

Distribution in megaleaks, 332333

Dixon, Pam, 40, 56, 137

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signatures, 311

DLP (data-loss prevention) systems, 52, 292

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), 316

DNC (Democratic National Committee), 304

Dolinar, Lou, 32

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) signatures, 311

Domscheit-Berg, Daniel, 316

Donovan, Mike, 365

Douville, Sherri, 263, 291

Dow Chemical breach, 239

Doxbin site, 315316

Doxxing, 305306

DPHHS (Department of Public Health and Human Services) breach, 359

Drake, Paula, 222

DRAMA management

access devices, 84

acute phase, 9498

birth of data breaches, 7981

breach preparation, 114117

chronic stage, 108111

harm reduction, 98107

identity theft scares, 82

knowledge-based authentication, 8384

overview, 7779

personal information, 83

prodromal phase, 8593

resolution stage, 111114

smoldering crises, 8184

Dread Pirate Roberts (pseudonym), 134

Dropbox breach, 394395

Drug fraud, 296

Drummond, David, 239

Duke, Katie, 293

Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), NCSS password directory breach, 2526

Durbin, Richard, 235


dark sites, 131132

payment card breach website hacks, 151

E-Gold service, 162

E3 Encrypting Payment Device, 170171

E3 POS systems, 197198

Easy Solutions company, 178

Economic exploitation in health data breaches, 296

Economic incentives in HIPAA, 267268

ECTF (Electronic Crimes Task Force), 127

EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), 131

EHR (Electronic Health Record) software product, 351

Einstein intrusion detection and prevention system, 1011

Elavon payment processor, 143144

Electronic Crimes Task Force (ECTF), 127

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), 131

Electronic Health Record (EHR) software product, 351

Electronic medical record (EMR) systems, 262

Elliott, Kayo, 351352

Ellsberg, Daniel, 317


cloud breaches, 400401

encryption, 311, 410

exposure, 309310

health data breaches, 291292

Target data breach, 214215

EMC breach, 19

Emotet banking Trojan, 247

EMR (electronic medical record) systems, 262

EMV cards. See Chip-and-PIN (EMV) cards

EMVCo company, 233236


asymmetric cryptography, 128130

cloud breaches, 409413

cryptocurrency, 132134

dark data brokers, 134135

dark e-commerce sites, 131132

denial extortion, 341342

description, 198

email, 311

onion routing, 130131

payment cards, 170171

retailgeddon, 197198

End-to-end encryption

cloud breaches, 409413

description, 198

payment cards, 170171

Enforcement issues in HIPAA, 266

Engel, Beverly, 211

English, Michael, 171

Enten, Harry, 304

Enterprise/personal interface, 53

Equation Group, 249, 252

Equifax data breach

character concerns, 72

communications, 7375

competence concerns, 7071

image considerations, 6162

impact, 7374

notification delays, 6667

response, 5657

SSNs, 100

Escalation in ChoicePoint breach, 8990

EternalBlue exploit, 247248, 252

Ethics in cloud breaches, 406409


defined, 5

log files, 2, 9192

EveryDNS and WikiLeaks, 331

Evidence acquisition

business email compromise cases, 403404

HIPAA, 270

Exclusions in cyber insurance, 380384

Experian, Court Ventures breach, 85

Exploit kits, 186187

Explorys health data analytics firm, 39

Exposure and weaponization

Anonymous movement, 306307

attacker reaction, 322

data removal, 315318

doxxing, 305306

email exposure, 309310

exposure breaches, 305310

free speech issues, 317318

internal data dumps, 308309

investigation, 312314

legal action, 316

megaleaks. See Megaleaks

motivation, 305

overview, 303305

public relations, 319322

response, 310322

Sony Pictures Entertainment breach, 308

Streisand Effect, 318319

technical action, 318

verification, 310312

weaponization, 307310

WikiLeaks, 307

Exposure extortion

healthcare, 350352

intellectual property, 354355

overview, 348349

regulated data, 349352

response, 355356

school districts, 349350

sextortion, 352353


denial, 340348

exposure, 348356

faux, 356357

health data breaches, 296

overview, 337338

prevalence, 339340

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 3031

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act(FACTA), 101102

Fair Credit Reporting Act, 33, 102

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 349

Farmer’s Market, 132

Faux email encryption, 410

Faux extortion, 356357

Fawcett, Farrah, 3435

Fazio, Ross E., 188

Fazio Mechanical Services, 177, 184, 187188, 190

FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

HIPAA guidelines, 286287

third-party dependencies, 286

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

account and password management advice, 196

NCSS password directory breach, 25, 29

stolen data investigation, 120

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

ChoicePoint breach, 8687

civil penalties, 236

credit report videos, 101102

data brokers, 3940, 140

identity theft protection rackets, 107

Feeney, George, 31

Fehr, David, 28

Feinstein, Dianne, 80, 96, 110

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), 349

Fines for payment card breaches, 159160

Fink, Steven, 57, 6062, 94, 111

FireEye system, 200202

Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wiley Hacker, 289

Fisher College of Business on apology elements, 211212

Flynn, John, 69

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

HIPAA guidelines, 286287

third-party dependencies, 286

For-profit standards in payment card breaches, 154155

Forbes study, 19

Ford, Michael

credit monitoring limitations, 298

HHS fines, 272

patient-managed data, 294295

remote organizations, 282, 288290

Fortune magazine

healthcare breaches, 15

Home Depot breach, 222223

4chan imageboard website, 306307

Four-factor risk assessment in HIPAA, 270271

Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, 237

Frances (medical record theft victim), 263


data breaches from, 122123

payment cards, 225226

stolen data, 121123

Free speech issues, 317318, 102

Freedom from Equifax Exploitation (FREE) Act, 57

FuZZbuNch tool, 252

Galloway, John (pseudonym), 8788

GAO data breach report, 810

Garrett, James (pseudonym), 8788

Gartner Phishing Survey, 16, 112

Gas pumps, chip-and-PIN cards use at, 234

Gates, Robert, 325

Geer, Dan, 247

Genesco, Inc. v. Visa case, 172174

Genpact firm, 396

Genuine statements, 214

Gibney, Ryan, 374

Givens, Beth, 80

Glen Falls Hospital breach, 372

Glickman, Dan, 33

Gonzalez, Albert

Heartland breach, 167168

Keebler Elves group, 123

POS malware, 191

takedown, 126128, 169170

TJX breach, 160162

Goodin, Dan, 132, 247

Goodwill data breach, 10


breach, 239

end-to-end encryption, 413

Google Health, 8

Government-sponsored attack insurance exclusions, 382383

GPCode malware, 341

Green Hat Enterprises, 161162

Greenberg, Andy, 357

Greenwald, Glenn, 334

Grimes, Roger A., 266, 268

Grothus, Ed, 254


hacking exposee, 317

megaleaks, 326330

Guild firm, 2324

HackerOne company, 67

Hacktivists, 305306

Halamka, John, 137

Hamrem, John, 116

Hard drive firmware hacks, 249

Harding, Luke, 331

Hardware risks in technology supply chain, 249

Hargave, John, 232

Harm reduction

access controls, 104107

devaluing data, 99101

monitor and respond, 101104

overview, 9899

Harm triggers, 56

Have I Been Pwned web service, 139

HB Gary Federal exposure, 322

Health data breaches

cloud, 292293

compensation, 297298

complexity, 282284

harm, 295297

HIPAA. See Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) lawsuits, 298299

medical crowdsourcing, 294

medical errors, 299300

mobile workforces, 290

overview, 257

patient-managed data, 294295

perimeter issues, 289295

perspectives, 259260

prevalence, 260263, 279281

protection gaps, 258259

sensitive information, 261263

social media, 293294

specialized applications, 282283

third-party dependencies, 284288

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, 5

Breach Notification Rule, 268

culpability categories, 271272

description, 7

EMR systems, 262

impact on business associates, 273

purpose, 258260

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). See also Health data breaches

burden of proof changes, 13

business email compromise cases, 402

deidentification, 276278

description, 263264

effectiveness, 265268

exceptions, 274279

FDA guidelines, 286287

health data protection, 264265

impact on business associates, 273

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (cont.)

noncovered entities, 278279

notifications, 266271

penalties, 271272

privacy gaps in, 78

reidentification, 277278

Health Net of California, Inc. lawsuit, 298

“Healthcare Biggest Offender in 10 Years of Data Breaches,” 15

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) survey, 273

Healthcare sector

breach statistics, 15

denial extortion, 344

exposure extortion, 350352

Heartland breach

breach, 167168

encryption, 197198

improvements after, 170171

noncompliance, 168169

overview, 167

settlements, 169

Heartland Secure program, 170171

Heiser, Tom, 250

Henderson, Zach, 49

Henry, Scott, 113

HHS (Health and Human Services)

breach statistics, 14

privacy gap report, 7

Hiltzik, Michael, 72

HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) survey, 273

HIPAA. See Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Hippocratic Oath, 264

HITECH Act. See Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH)Act

Hodirevski, Andrey, 225

Holder, Eric, 236

Holland, Dawn, 35

Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital, denial extortion incident, 343

Home Depot breach

discovery, 181

lawsuit, 19

response, 221223

Hooley, Sean, 49


breaches, 283284

denial extortion, 343344

Hosts, exposure, 313314

“How Home Depot CEO Frank Blake Kept His Legacy from Being Hacked,” 223

Howell, Gary, 149

Hu, Elise, 182

Huffington Post report, 306

Human resources, investing in, 203

Hunt, Troy, 139

Husted, Bill, 94

IBM study, 19

IBM Watson Health, 39

ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists)

manifesto, 321

WikiLeaks database, 334335

Identity theft

description, 122

protection rackets, 106107

scares, 82

Identity Theft business rules, 104

Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) data breach report, 260261

healthcare breaches report, 280

Identity Theft Survey Reports, 16

IDSs (intrusion detection systems), 11


considerations, 6162

repair, 6263

Improving Critical Infrastructure Security executive order, 237

IMS Health, 4548, 50


crisis management, 5760

defined, 5

Independent Community Bankers of America study, 223

Ingenix data broker, 50

Insider threats, 325326

Institute for Advanced Technology in Governments, 241

Insurance industry

claims data, 4849

cyber insurance. See Cyber insurance

fraud, 122, 296

prior consent, 384385

Insurance Insider article, 379

Intel breach, 239

IntelCrawler, 190

Intellectual property, 354355

Internal data

description, 52

dumps, 308309

Internal fraud monitoring, 103104

Internal network payment card breaches, 150151

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whitepaper on fraud, 104

International Association of Privacy Professionals, data breach legislation, 166

International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)

manifesto, 321

WikiLeaks database, 334335

International Risk Management Institute, Inc. (IRMI), coverage triggers, 376377

Internet Explorer zero-day exploits, 240

Internet of Things, 283

Internet Security Threat report (ISTR) as resource, 1617

small business attacks, 183185, 343

The Interview movie, 309

Introspection, 109

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs), 11

Intrusion prevention systems (IPSs), 11


cyber insurance, 370

data, 51


business email compromise cases, 401403

ChoicePoint breach, 90

exposure, 312314

HIPAA, 272273

PCI, 171173

IPSs (intrusion prevention systems), 11

IPWatchdog study, 230

IRMI (International Risk Management Institute, Inc.), coverage triggers, 376377

IRS (Internal Revenue Service) whitepaper on fraud, 104

Isaacman, Jared, 231

Isenberg, David S., 43


credit card payment systems, 146

TJX breach, 165

ISTR (Internet Security Threat report)

as resource, 1617

small business attacks, 183185, 343

ITRC (Identity Theft Resource Center)

data breach report, 260261

healthcare breaches report, 280

J.P. Morgan Chase, 224

Jackson, Lawanda, 34

Jackson, Michael, 3536

Jackson Memorial Hospital breach, 257258

James, Brent, 82

Jimmy John’s breach, 181

Johnson & Johnson company, 81

Jones, Karen, 148

Joyce, Rob, 100

Kaine, Tim, 275

Kaiser Permanante company, 49

Kalanick, Travis, 68

Kalinich, Kevin, 372

Kaptoxa malware, 190

Kaspersky Labs, 249, 341

Keebler Elves group, 123

Khosrowshahi, Dara, 68

A “Kill Chain” Analysis of the 2013 Target Data Breach report, 191192

Kingbin, 128

Kmart breach, 181

Knowledge-based authentication, 8384

Kolberg, Jason, 227

Koller, M. Scott, 6566

Korman, Roger, 45

Kosto, Seth, 162

Krebs, Brian

breach revelations by, 204206

chip-and-PIN cards, 230

CiCi’s Pizza breach, 12

credential theft, 188

Equifax breach, 7071

Home Depot breach, 221222

password-stealing Trojans, 188

payment card fraud, 225226

PF Chang’s China Bistro breach, 381

shotgun attacks, 185

Target, analysis, 180181

Target, breach discovery, 204206

Target, breach identification, 178

Target, malware leaks, 219

Target, penetration tests, 193, 218

Target, response, 199, 215216

Target, stonewalling, 207208

theft costs, 183

W-2 form theft, 136137

Kremez, Vitali, 138

Krieger, Fritz, 46

Kurtz, George, 241

L-3 Communications breach, 250

LabCorp, 48

Laboratories, 4748

Lamo, Adrian, 325

Landon, Jana, 373

Large-scale cloud monitoring, 411412

Larson, Jill, 354

Larson, Rick, 354

Larson Studios, 354

Lauchlan, Stuart, 391


breach revelations, 5

retailgeddon, 236237

from TJX breach, 166167


exposure, 316

health data breaches, 298299

Le Monde, WikiLeaks data, 330

Leibowitz, Jon, 107

Leigh, David, 331

Levy, Elias, 119120

Lewicki, Roy, 212

LexisNexis Congressional hearings, 109110

Lieberman, Joe, 331, 333

LifeLock company, 106107

Limits for cyber insurance, 379380

LinkedIn passwords, 139, 394


health data breaches, 262

risk factor, 33

Litan, Avivah

Heartland breach, 169

payment card authentication, 151

TJX breach, 165166

two-factor authentication, 192

Lloyd, Edward, 364

Lloyd’s of London, 364, 374

Lockheed Martin breach, 250

Lofberg, Peter, 45

Logrippo, Frank, 26

Logs, 2

importance, 9192

Office 365, 407

Lohan, Lindsay, 35

Lord, Robert, 261

Los Alamos National Laboratories, 371

Los Angeles Times, ChoicePoint breach report, 95

Lutine bell, 364

Magic Unicorn Tool, 404405

Maintain stage, 111

Maintaining cyber insurance, 388

Majka, Joseph, 160, 163

Malware analysis services, 220

Mandated information sharing in HIPAA, 274

Mandiant firm

cyber espionage report, 1213, 382

Uber extortion, 68

Manning, Bradley. See Megaleaks

Maples, William R., 18

Marketing data demands, 36

MarketWatch, Home Depot breach, 222

Marquis, Oscar, 153

Marsh & McLennan, Inc. breach, 28

Marshalls breach, 161

Masnick, Mike, 319

Massachusetts General Hospital HIPAA investigations, 272

Mathewson, Nick, 131

Maximus Federal Services study, 278

Maxus (pseudonym), 119120

Mayberry Systems, 46

Mayer, Marissa, 391


cloud service prevalence, 393

cloud service visibility, 400

medical data report, 261

SCM systems, 251252

McCallie, David, Jr., 47

McCann, Michael, 258

McComb, Cissy, 143144

McWilton, Chris, 229

Media outlets demand for data, 3436

Mediametrics company, 24

Medical crowdsourcing, 294

Medical records, payments for, 137138

Medicare fraud, 137

MedStat Systems, 38


consequences, 335336

cooperation model, 326327

copycats, 334335

data products, 329

distribution, 332333

Manning document copying, 323325

overview, 323

punishment, 333334

redactions, 328

takedown attempts, 331332

timed and synchronized releases, 329330

volume of data, 327

WikiLeaks, 303304

Mello, John P., Jr., 373

Menighan, Thomas, 45

Merchant Breach Warranty, 170171


credit card payment systems, 146147, 149

payment card breaches, 150152

Merkel, Angela, 330

Merold, Bob, 36

Merritt, Chris, 148

Methodist Hospital, denial extortion, 343

Michaels breach, 180

Micros Systems breach, 161

Microsoft software vulnerabilities, 240, 248, 253

Middleton, Blackford, 262

Midwest Orthopedic breach, 243244

Migoya, Carlos A., 258

Miller, Dave, 232

Milliman data broker, 50

Minimal disclosure strategy in NCSS password directory breach, 2527

Minimizing data, 5354

Mitroff, Ian, 59

Mobile workforces in health data breaches, 290

Mogull, Rich, 168

Molina Healthcare breach, 295

MoneyPak payment system, 342

Monitoring cloud, 411412

Monoculture paper, 247

Moran, Jerry, 69

Mossack Fonesca law firm breach, 242, 320

Motherboard magazine, Yahoo breach report, 389

MPack exploit kit, 186

Mulligan, John, 202, 211, 217

Murdoch, Rupert, 317318

Murray, Patty, 297

Muse, Alexander, 44

Nakamoto, Satoshi, 43-44, 132

Narayanan, Arvind, 42

National CSS (NCSS) password directory breach, 23

customer notifications, 2527

discovery, 2425

downplaying risk, 2728

law enforcement involvement, 25

lessons learned, 2930

media manipulation, 2829

previous breaches, 29

theft, 2324

National Enquirer medical treatment revelations, 3435

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

breach definitions, 5

Cybersecurity Framework guidelines, 371

Framework for Improving Critical

Infrastructure Cybersecurity, 237

incident handling guide, 58

National Retail Federation, EMV cards complaint, 236237

National Security Agency (NSA)

breach, 252253

eavesdropping, 410, 412413

Nakamoto identification by, 44

NotPetya malware, 357

NCSS. See National CSS (NCSS) password directory breach

Near-field communication (NFC), 228

Negotiation tips for denial extortion, 347348

Neiman Marcus breach, 180


anonymization, 4243

hack, 354

Neutrino exploit kit, 187

New York Times

Dun & Bradstreet software, 2526

megaleaks, 327, 330

Operation Firewall, 128

Pentagon Papers breach, 317

Newman, Lily Hay, 85

News of the World, hacking by, 317318

NICE Systems breach, 396

Nimda malware, 247

NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Nixon administration, Pentagon Papers breach, 317 site, 342

Noncovered entities (NCEs) in HIPAA, 278279

Northrup Grumman breach, 239

Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation breach, 245

Northwestern Memorial Hospital breach, 293


ChoicePoint breach, 95

delays, 6667

HIPAA, 266271

issues, 6364

National CSS password directory breach, 2527

omissions, 6566

overnotification, 66

regulated vs. unregulated data, 6465

Uber, 6769

NotPetya malware, 356357

NRSMiner cryptominer, 247

NSA. See National Security Agency (NSA)

Obama, Barak, 334

OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project), 321

OCR (Office for Civil Rights)

breach statistics, 15

HIPAA investigations, 272273

OSHU breach, 397

O’Farrell, Neal, 182

Office 365 accounts

email breaches, 400401

Magic Unicorn Tool, 404405

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

breach statistics, 15

HIPAA investigations, 272273

OSHU breach, 397

Office of Personnel Management (OPM) breach, 1011

Ohio State University apology guidelines, 212

Ohm, Paul, 42

OHSU (Oregon Health & Science University) breach, 397

Oing, Jeffrey K., 373

Oldgollum (criminal), 261

Oluwatosin, Olatunji, 88, 93

Omnibus HIPAA Rulemaking, 268

Onion routing, 130131, 314

Operation Aurora, 239241

Operation Avenge Assange, 333

Operation Firewall, 127

Operation Get Rich or Die Tryin,’ 161

OPM (Office of Personnel Management)

breach, 1011

Opper, Richard, 360

Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) breach, 397

Organization issues in healthcare breaches, 284

Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), 321

Origins of exposures, 313

Overnotification, 66

Palin, Sarah, 333

Palmer, Danny, 345

Panama Papers breach, 242, 320321, 334335

PandaLabs report, 186

Pascal, Amy, 309


cloud issues, 398399

harm reduction, 99

LinkedIn, 394

management, 196197

NCSS. See National CSS (NCSS) password directory breach

payments for, 138139

strong, 197

Trojans, 188190 site, 305, 315

Patch problems in technology supply-chain risks, 247248

Patient issues in healthcare breaches, 283

Patient-managed data, 294295

Paul, Bruce Ivan, 23

Paunch (exploit kit developer), 187

Paylosophy blog, 233

Payment card breaches

attorney-client privilege, 172174

blame for, 150153

credit card payment systems, 146147

Heartland breach, 167171

impact, 146150

overview, 143144

PCI investigations, 171173

prevalence, 144145

security standards, 152153

self-regulation, 153160

TJX breach, 160167

Payment card fraud, 121

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)

overview, 153160

two-factor authentication, 192193

Payment card numbers

harm reduction, 99

payments for, 136

Payment cards

access controls, 105

alternate payment solutions, 228

chip-and-PIN cards. See Chip-and-PIN (EMV) cards

fraud detection, 12

fraud extent, 225226

reissuing, 226227

replacement costs, 223224

Payment processors in credit card payment systems, 149150

Payments for denial extortion, 342343


megaleaks, 331, 333

merchant services offerings, 227228

payment methods, 151152

Paysafecard, 342

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards)

overview, 153160

two-factor authentication, 192193

PCI forensic investigators (PFIs), 171172

PDMPs (Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs), 274275

Peace (hacker), 139

Penalties in HIPAA, 271272

Pentagon Papers breach, 317 Perimeter issues in health data breaches, 289295

Permission errors in cloud breaches, 395396

Personal information

definition, 7

unprotected, 68

Personally identifiable information (PII), payments for, 136

PF Chang’s China Bistro

breach, 181

cyber insurance, 381383

PFIs (PCI forensic investigators), 171172

Pharmacies, 4446

PharMetrics Plus product, 48

PHI (protected health information), 258, 260

Physical access by service providers, 244245

Physical theft in payment card breaches, 151

Pierce, Larry, 282284

Pierre-Paul, Jason, 257260, 299

PII (personally identifiable information), payments for, 136

PIN vs. signatures, 232233

Pirate Bay site, 316

Pizzini, Lynne, 359361

Plastic Card Security Act, 166

Podesta, John, 303304

Point-of-sale vulnerabilities, 161

Pole, Andrew, 6

Ponemon Institute survey

breach costs, 379

breach notifications, 182

corporate brand effect, 19

Popp, Joseph, 341

Portal Healthcare Solutions, LLC, 372

POS systems

encryption, 197198

malware, 190191

PR professionals, benefits, 321

Practice Fusion, 47

PRC (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse)

breach statistics, 14

ChoicePoint breach, 8081

Premera Blue Cross breach, 297

Prescription drug fraud, 122

Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs), 274275

Presidio Insurance Solutions, 379

Price Waterhouse Cooper cyber insurance estimates, 361

Prior consent in cyber insurance, 384385

Privacy Act, 33, 82

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC)

breach statistics, 14

ChoicePoint breach, 8081

Privacy Rule in HIPAA, 276277

Private data, description, 52

Prodromal stage, 60, 8593

Profiting from data breaches, 72

Prognos broker, 48

Prognos DxCloud product, 48

Project Chanalogy, 306

Proliferation as risk factor, 33

Proofpoint company, 248

Protected health information (PHI), 258, 260

Protonmail system, 413

Public data, description, 52

Public key cryptography, 128130

Public records, breach statistics for, 1416

Public relations in exposure, 319322

Publicizing breaches, 26 Punishment in megaleaks, 333334

Putin, Vladimir, 320321

Qualified security assessors (QSAs), 158159

Quartz magazine on chip-and-PIN cards, 232

Quest Diagnostics, 48

Quest Records LLC breach, 244

Quick, Becky, 213

Rackspace breach, 239

Ragan, Steve, 367

Raiu, Costin, 249

Ramirez, Edith, 236


denial extortion, 340348

prevalence, 339340

Raptis, Steve, 377

Reagan, Michael J., 183

Reagan, Thomas, 374375

Recognition, escalation, investigation, and scoping process, 88

Redkit exploit kit, 187

Ree[4] hacker, 190

Regulated data

extortion, 349352

notifications, 6465

Reidentification in HIPAA, 277278

Reissuing payment cards, 226227

Remote access

health care vendors, 288

service providers, 243244

Reputational impact of breaches, 19

Rescator (criminal), 225226

Resolution stage, 60, 111114


business email compromise cases, 401

ChoicePoint breach, 9798

cyber insurance for, 364367

denial extortion, 345348

exposure, 310322, 355356

faux extortion, 357

Home Depot breach, 221223

immediate, 206

teams, 366367

Retailgeddon. See also Target data breach

accident analysis, 179180

account and password management, 196197

attacker tools and techniques, 185191

data breach fatigue, 182183

EMV chips, 227236

encryption/tokenization, 197198

legislation and standards, 236237

overview, 177179

pileup, 180182

prevention, 191198

segmentation, 195196

small businesses, 183185

two-factor authentication, 192193

vulnerability management, 193194


medical records, 263

risk factor, 33

Retention amounts in cyber insurance, 377

Reuters, Yahoo breach article, 390

Ribotsky, Mimi Bright, 89

Richey, Ellen, 168

Riddell, Bridget A. Purdue, 298

Ries, Al, 95

Ries, David G., 298

Riptech, Inc., 1617

Risk reduction

data tracking, 5152

minimizing data, 5354


cloud breaches, 393399

cyber insurance assessments, 370371

factors, 3334

Rockefeller, John, 191

Rosato, Donna, 309

Rosen, Elizabeth, 96

Rosen, Jay L., 338

RSA breach, 19, 249250

R(x)ealTime product, 46

Ryle, Gerald, 242

S.B. 1386, 93

Sale of stolen data

asymmetric cryptography, 128130

onion routing, 130131

overview, 123124

Shadowcrew site, 124129

Sally Beauty breach, 180

Samsung Pay system, 227

Sanders, Bernie, 303

Saunders, Bill, 49

SBC (Service Bureau Corporation), 29

SCA (Sony Corporation of America), 384385

Scalet, Sarah, 80

Scaling up in technology supply-chain risks, 246247

Scharf, Charlie, 229

Schefter, Adam, 257259

Schneiderman, Eric, 72

Schneier, Bruce

economic incentives, 113

Internet eavesdropping, 412

security complexity, 282

Schnuck Markets breach, 183, 191

School districts exposure extortion, 349350

Schumer, Chuck, 216

SCM (software configuration management) systems, 251252

Scope in ChoicePoint breach, 9293

Scott, James, 345

Scottrade Bank breach, 396

Secret data collections, 3132

Secret Service in Shadowcrew takedown, 127129

SecurID products, 249250


cloud breaches, 394395

TJX breach, 163164

Security practices exclusions in cyber insurance, 383384

Security Rule in HIPAA, 265

Security Standards Council (SSC), 154158

Security standards for payment card breaches, 152153

Security team myths, 117

Segmentation, 195196

Self-insured retentions (SIRs) in cyber insurance, 377

Self-regulation in payment card breaches, 153160

SERMO social network, 294

Service Bureau Corporation (SBC), 29

Service provider access

data storage, 242

physical access, 244245

remote access, 243244

vetting, 243

Service providers, 4748

Sextortion, 352353

Shadow Brokers, 252

Shadowcrew site, 124129

Shalala, Donna E., 264265

Shaughnessy, John, 152

Shelf life of medical records, 263

Shirky, Clay, 335

Shmatikov, Vitaly, 42

Signatures vs. PINs, 232233

Silk Road site, 132, 134135

SIPRNet, 324

SIRs (self-insured retentions) in cyber insurance, 377

Site Data Protection standards, 152

Skyhigh Networks firm, 396

Slammer malware, 247

SleepHealth app, 39

Small business attacks, 183185

Smart cards. See Chip-and-PIN (EMV) cards

Smith, Brad, 253

Smith, Derek V., 87

ChoicePoint breach introspection, 109

ChoicePoint breach response, 9495

ChoicePoint breach revelation, 89

information importance, 90

Smith, Larry, 29

Smith, Rick, 5657, 7273, 100

Smoldering crises, 8184, 8687

Snowden, Edward, 411412

Social media in health data breaches, 293294

Social Security numbers (SSNs)

original purpose, 83

stolen, 8485, 99100

Software configuration management (SCM) systems, 251252

Software vulnerabilities in technology supply-chain risks, 245248

Solove, Daniel, 78

Sony Corporation of America (SCA), 384385

Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) breach, 308310

cyber insurance, 384385

cyber insurance claim, 367

Sony Playstation network, 373

Sophisticated cyber attacks, 251

Sophos report, 186

Soupnazi (pseudonym), 123

SPE (Sony Pictures Entertainment)

breach, 308310

cyber insurance, 384385

cyber insurance claim, 367

Spectrum Health breach, 293

Spiegel Online, megaleaks report, 329

Spin in exposure, 320321

Spora ransomware, 345

Sprenger, Karen, 110, 114

SSC (Security Standards Council), 154158

SSNs (Social Security numbers)

original purpose, 83

stolen, 8485, 99100

Staff issues in healthcare breaches, 283

Staffing requirements, 194

Stairway to Tax Heaven game, 335

Stakeholders, communications with, 62

Standard & Poor, data breach ratings effect, 19


payment card breaches, 152153

retailgeddon, 236237

Staples breach, 182

State Auto Property & Casualty Insurance Co. v. Midwest Computers case, 372

State governments, 49–50

State of the Auth report, 399


cybersecurity vendor data, 1617

public records, 1416

self reporting, 16

skewed, 1314

Steinhafel, Gregg

CNBC interview, 217

CNN interview, 213214

nonapology, 211

repair strategy, 210

resignation, 18, 221

response, 207

victim strategy, 209

Stolen data

fraud, 121123

free speech issues, 317318

goods sold, 135141

leveraging, 121

overview, 119121

reaction to, 140141

sale of, 123135

Streisand, Barbra, 318319

Streisand Effect, 318319

Stroz Friedberg firm, 173

Sudden crises, 81

Suddeutsche Zeitung, Panama Papers leak, 334

Sullivan, John, 6869

Supervalu breach, 181

Suppliers of suppliers, 251252

Supply chain risks

cyber arsenals, 252254

overview, 239241

service provider access, 242245

technology, 245252

Swedesboro-Woolwich School District denial extortion, 343344

Swedish, Joseph, 379

Sweeney, Latanya, 4142, 4950

Sweeney, Patrick J., 62

Sweet Orange exploit kit, 187

Swindoll, Charles, 199

Symantec, 16

breach, 239

ransomware report, 341343

small business attacks report, 183185

Symantec Endpoint Protection, 200

Synchronized releases in megaleaks, 329330

Syverson, Paul, 131

Szot, Michelle, 231232

Takedown requests in exposure, 315316

Tanner, Adam, 36, 38, 4546

Tarbell, Christopher, 134

Target data breach

accident analysis, 179180

account and password management, 196

bad news campaign, 215217

cause, 177179, 185

communications crisis, 206221

data collected in, 6

Fazio Mechanical Services, 177

inaction reasons, 201202

incompetence, 220221

industry standards, 203204

Krebs factor, 204206

malware leaks, 219220

media leaks, 217218

missed alerts, 200202

nonapologies, 211212

notifications, 6

payment card fraud, 225226

personal communications, 212214

phishing emails, 214215

profit losses, 18

realization, 199200

response overview, 199

ripple effects, 223227

segmentation, 195

stonewalling, 207208

Tarnished image, 210211

victim strategy, 208209

Tax refund fraud, 104, 136

Taxpayer Advocate Service, 104, 136

Taxpayer Protection Program hotline, 104

TDO (TheDarkOverlord)

medical record sales, 137138, 337338

Netflix hack, 354

school districts, 349351


response, 366367

security, 117

Technology companies, hacking, 249250

Technology supply-chain risks

hardware, 249

software, 245248

suppliers of suppliers, 251252

technology companies, 249250

Telang, Rahul, 10

Tentler, Dan, 253

Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA), 363

Terry, Nicolas P., 258

Texthelp developer, 395

TheDarkOverlord (TDO)

medical record sales, 137138, 337338

Netflix hack, 354

school districts, 349351

TheRealDeal market, 139, 337338

Third-party dependencies in health data breaches, 284288

Thomson, Lucy, 280

ThreatExpert service, 219

Time releases in megaleaks, 329330

Timing in cyber insurance, 378379

TJX breach, 10

Green Hat Enterprises, 161162

legislation from, 166167

liability, 163

overview, 160161

point-of-sale vulnerabilities, 161

revelation, 162163

security, 163164

settlements, 164166

TMZ medical treatment revelations, 35

Tokenization, 197198

Tor onion routing, 131, 314

Tracking data, 5152

Trading breached data, 274

Transcendence image repair strategy, 240241

TrapX firm

healthcare breach detection, 283284, 286

medical record sales, 137138

Traveler’s insurance, 372

Trend Micro

breach statistics, 1415

spam research, 187

Trojans, 189

TRIA (Terrorism Risk Insurance Act), 363


cyber insurance, 376377

harm, 56

Trojans, password-stealing, 188190

Trump, Donald, Access Hollywood tape remarks, 304


3 C’s, 62

Target data breach, 210211

Truven Health Analytics, 50

Truven Health System, 38

TRW breach, 3233

“TRW Credit-Check Unit Maintains Low Profile—and 86 Million Files,” 3132

Tullman, Glen, 47

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

cloud, 399

PCI DSS requirements, 192193

smart phones, 100

Tylenol product tampering case, 81

Tyrangiel, John, 220221

U.S. Bank payment card breaches, 143144

Uber extortion, 6769

Ulbricht, Ross, 134

Undetected breaches, 1012

Unencrypted device exclusions in cyber insurance, 384

UnitedHealth insurance, 48

Unknown breaches, 2021

Unprotected personal information, 68

Unregulated data, notifications for, 6465

Unreported breaches

extent of, 26

reasons, 1820

UPS breach, 181

URM company, 227

Usernames, payments for, 138139

Value-added services in cyber insurance, 386

Value as risk factor, 33

Vanity Fair report, 308

Vartanyan, Mark, 190

VBIR (Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report)

breach case load, 1718

breach discovery methods, 203

healthcare breaches, 284

Vendors in health data breaches, 284288

Verdugo, Georgina, 272

Verification of exposure, 310312

Verini, James, 162

VERIS (Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing), 18


breach detection report, 12

password report, 398

Target penetration tests, 193, 196

Yahoo breach, 390392

Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (VBIR)

breach case load, 1718

breach discovery methods, 203

healthcare breaches, 284

Vickery, Chris, 395

Victimization, 208209

Victims in exposure, 320

Video Privacy Protection Act, 43

Vietnam War, Pentagon Papers breach, 317

Virginia medical records breach, 275

VirusTotal service, 201, 219

Visibility in cloud breaches, 400409

Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing (VERIS), 18

Vulnerability management, 193194

W-2 forms

payments for, 136137

tax fraud, 122

Walden, Greg, 71

Wall of Shame in HIPAA, 269

Wall Street Journal

ChoicePoint breach, 87

Target breach, 193, 218

Walsh, Declan, 328

WannaCry ransomware, 247

War driving, 161

Warner, Mark, 67, 391

Warren, Elizabeth, 7172

Washington Post

Access Hollywood tape, 304

ChoicePoint breach, 82

intercepted emails, 412

Pentagon Papers breach, 317

Yahoo breach, 390391

Washington state medical records, 4950

Watering hole attacks, 185

Watson Health, 39

Watt, Stephen, 161

Weapons in cyber arsenals, 252253

WebMD Health, 50

WebMoney service, 162

Website Billing Inc., 149

Webster, Karen, 235

Weld, William, 42

White, Jay, 158


description, 307

email exposure, 303304, 309

megaleaks. See Megaleaks

origin, 314315

Tor onion routing, 314

Winning as a CISO, 115

Winston, Joel, 278279

Winter, Ed, 3536

Wire transfer fraud, 122

Wizner, Ben, 334

WordPress breach, 395

World Privacy Forum, 113

World’s Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks:

Selected Losses Greater Than 30,000 Records page, 280281

Yahoo breach, 239

detection, 10

extent, 13

response, 389393

Yaraghi, Niam, 267

Yastremskiy, Maksym, 161162, 169

Yoran, Amit, 1617

Young, John, 315

Zeltser, Lenny, 33

Zero-day exploits preparing for, 246

supply chain risks, 240

Zero-day forensic artifacts, 408

ZeuS-in- the-mobile (ZitMo) function, 189

ZeuS/Zbot banking Trojan, 188189

Zezev, Oleg, 355

Zurich American Insurance Co., 373

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