3.12. enumerate

Element typeenumerate
Parentsaudio | catch | choice | emphasis | error | field | filled | help | if | initial | menu | noinput | nomatch | object | paragraph | prompt | prosody | record | sentence | subdialog | transfer | voice
ChildrenPCDATA | audio | break | emphasis | enumerate | log | mark | paragraph | phoneme | prosody | say-as | sentence | value | voice
DescriptionIterates over the choices in the parent menu or the options in the parent field and renders each of them, based optionally on a speech template defined by the element's children. This speech template indicates how each iteration should be rendered. It can use the following variables:


The prompt for the current choice.


The assigned DTMF for the current choice.


<!ELEMENT enumerate (%audio; | %tts;)* >

Language model




audible and tts elements

Used to define the enumeration template. The template define show each choice or option will be rendered to audio.


Example 3-14. Enumerating a menu
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<vxml version="1.0">
    <field name="maincourse"> 
        Please select an entree. Today, we're featuring 
          <value expr="_prompt"/> 
          which can be ordered by pressing 
          <value expr="_dtmf"/>
      <option dtmf="1" value="fish"> swordfish </option> 
      <option dtmf="2" value="beef"> roast beef </option> 
      <option dtmf="3" value="chicken"> frog legs </option> 
        <submit next="/cgi-bin/maincourse.cgi" method="post" 

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