3.56. transfer

Element typetransfer
Attributesaai | aaiexpr | bridge | cond | connecttimeout | dest | destexpr | expr | maxtime | name | transferaudio (2.0)
ChildrenPCDATA | audio | catch | enumerate | error | filled | grammar | help | noinput | nomatch | prompt | property | value
DescriptionTransfers the call to another phone number.


<!ELEMENT transfer (%audio; | %event.handler; | filled
                                 | grammar | prompt | property)* >
<!ATTLIST transfer
  dest           %uri;        #IMPLIED
  destexpr       %expression; #IMPLIED
  bridge         %boolean;    'false' 
  connecttimeout %duration;   #IMPLIED
  maxtime        %duration;   #IMPLIED 
  aai            CDATA
  aaiexpr        %expression
  transferaudio  %uri         #IMPLIED >

Language model


aai : CDATA

Application-to-application information to be received by a computer-telephony system on the receiving end of the transfer.

aaiexpr : expression

An ECMAScript expression yielding application-to-application information to be received by a computer-telephony system on the receiving end of the transfer.

bridge : boolean

When true, the call will return to the session context after transfer to the third party finishes. When false, the call will be blindly transferred to the third party and will not return to the current session context.

cond : expression = true

A guard condition associated with this form item, written as an ECMAScript expression. This expression must evaluate to true for the Form Interpretation Algorithm to visit this form item.

connectimeout : duration

The maximum time to wait for the transfer to connect.

dest : uri

The URI of the destination phone number. This uses the “tel:URL,” syntax as described by RFC 2806 and may optionally support other URI-based addressing schemes depending on the interpreter platform.

destexpr : expression

An expression that yields the URI of the destination phone number.

expr : expression = undefined

An ECMAScript expression defining an initial value for this form item. The Form Interpretation Algorithm will visit transfer only if the expression evaluates to undefined.

name : field.name

The name associated with this form item. When the caller fills this form-item, by producing an utterance that matches that item's grammar, the value will be stored in a variable of this name visible from within the containing form element.

maxtime : duration

The maximum time the transferred call is allowed to last.

transferaudio : uri

The URI of the audio to play while waiting for the transfer to complete.


prompt elements and audible contents

To be rendered upon visiting this element.

grammar elements

To be active during the bridged transfer.

event.handler elements

To be active during the bridged transfer.

filled elements

To be executed once this transfer completes successfully.

property elements

To set system properties for the duration of this element.


Example 3-67. Transferring a caller
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<vxml version="1.0">
  <form id="transfer">
        I will now attempt to transfer you to the operator.
    <transfer name="operator" dest="tel:18003434273">
        <if cond="operator == 'busy'">
          <prompt>The operator is busy.</prompt>
          <prompt>Returning to main menu.</prompt>
          <goto next="main_menu.asp"/>
        <if cond="operator == 'noanswer'">
          <prompt>The operator did not answer.</prompt>
          <prompt>Returning to main menu.</prompt>
          <goto next="main_menu.asp"/>
        <if cond="operator == 'network_busy'">
            A failure occurred while transferring to the operator.
          <prompt>Returning to main menu.</prompt>
          <goto next="main_menu.asp"/>

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