3.21. help

Element typehelp
Attributescond | count
Parentsfield | form | initial | menu | object | record | subdialog | transfer | vxml
Childrenassign | audio | clear | disconnect | enumerate | exit | goto | if | log | prompt | reprompt | return | script | submit | throw | value | var
DescriptionA shorthand for a catch element that catches help events.


<!ELEMENT help (%executable.content;)* >
<!ATTLIST help
  %event.handler.attrs; >

Language model


cond : expression = true

This event handler will only be executed if this ECMAScript expression evaluates to true.

count : integer

The event handler should be run only when the counter associated with a menu, form, or form item is equal to the quantity specified by this attribute. In the case where there is no count value equal to the counter, than the help with the lowest count value, which is greater than the counter, will be selected. When the counter is greater than all count values, the catch with the highest count value will be selected.



The code to be executed in response to this element catching a help event.


Example 3-24. Using a help element activated by the user saying "help"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<vxml version="1.0">
    <field name="cmd">
      <grammar>hello | goodbye</grammar>
      <help>Valid commands are hello or goodbye.  
            Please say a valid command.</help>
      <prompt>Please say a command.</prompt>
      <catch event="nomatch noinput">
        For valid commands, you may say help at any time.
        <if cond="cmd=='hello'">
          <prompt>Hello, to you.</prompt>

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