
Page numbers in italics indicate figures and in bold indicate tables on the corresponding pages.

2D and 3D content in 3D world 70

2D animation 114116, 115

3D animation 116, 117

3D models 2223

action charts 42

active signal booster 155

actors 1415; telepresent 124; tracking 130131, 130131

adapters, video cable 157159, 158159

ADC (analog-to-digital converter) 198

additive systems 91, 92

Adobe After Effects 68, 74, 116, 168

Adobe Illustrator 56, 74, 116

Adobe Premiere Pro 98, 110, 111, 168, 205

agency 124

.AIFF file type 110

algorithmic visuals 69

alignment/warping/blending 63, 64

alpha channels 92, 93

amplitude 147

analog-to-digital converters (ADC) 159

analog video 103

Anderson, Laurie 2

angles, camera 99100, 100

animation 114116, 115, 117

aperture 196197, 197

archiving, project 68

artistic team 1219; actors 1415; directors 1214; rehearsing with interactive digital media 1519

Art-Net 204, 208

aspect ratio 58, 104, 105; projector 172

assets 36; composited 54; organization of 74, 74

atmospheric digital media 67

audience-responsive digital media 8

audio in video production 110111

audio kits 201, 201

audio meters 111

audio playback in performance space 3233

Audio Visual Laboratories (AVL) 53

auto-follow 48

backing up of data 7475

balance 81, 81

balanced audio inputs 110

batch export 144

batch render 144

beat, script 42

Bell, Phaedra 6

Bézier surface 184, 185

bidirectional microphones 111

big data 120, 120122

binary 148

bit depth 90, 90

bit rate 105

bits and bytes 8586

blackouts 41

BlackTrax 206207, 207

Black Widow (paint mix) 21

blending 188189, 190191

blob tracking 206

blocking 40

BNC cable 150, 150

boosting, sound 111

borders and legs 21

bounce 110

bouncing off mirrors 181

Bourke, Paul 182

Branch, Boyd 135138

bridging shot 107, 109

bridling 25

brightness 2930

budgets 10, 3637, 37

Builders Association, The 18

built-in mapping 170

bust shots 99, 99

cables 67, 148149; adapters and signal converters 157159, 158159; anatomy 149, 149; BNC 150, 150; Cat 5/6 155, 155156, 205; coax 150, 150; DisplayPort 153, 153; DVI 152, 152; fiber optic 154, 154; FireWire 155, 155; HDMI 152, 153; network 205, 205; paths and runs 149; projector network 173; RCA 150151, 151; SDI 153, 154; serial 206; S-video 151, 151; Thunderbolt 154, 154; USB 155, 155; VGA 151152, 151152, 158; Y/C 151, 151

cages and mounts, projector 193, 193

calculators, projection 182, 183

calling cues 53

camcorders 155

camera angles 99100, 100

camera kits 201, 201

camera operators 128129, 129

cameras: basics of 196198, 197198; depth 207, 207; DSLR 198199; infrared 155, 206; live 125, 126, 199200; rehearsing with 125, 126128; tracking performers and objects 130131, 130131; video 199

Castel, Louis Bertrand 135

Cat 5/6 cables 155, 155156, 159, 205; extenders 158159

CCD (charge-coupled device) 198

cel drawn animation 114

central processing units (CPUs) 161162

channels, video 29

character 8

Cheeta 3D 116

chroma 86; as real-time live-camera effect 125

chroma sampling 9495

chroma subsampling 94

Cinema 4D 116

Cirque Du Soleil 54

clappers 110

clock speed 161162

close-ups 99, 99

CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) 198

CMYK 90, 9091, 91, 93

coax cable 150, 150, 158

codecs 105106

cognitive dissonance 6970

collage 102, 102

color organ 135

color palette 2729

color(s) 8182; chroma sampling 9495; primary 90, 91; secondary 90, 91; tertiary 90, 91

color space 9294

ColorSync 9394

color temperature 26, 27

command line in generative art/video 120

composited assets 54

compositing 9697

composition 77, 78

compression 105, 105

computer/machine vision 129130

conceptual design phase 4748

condenser microphone 111

conductors 148

connector, cable 149, 149

constraints, script 44

contact microphones 208

containers, video 105106

content: animated 114116, 115, 117; custom 96; data as 120; found 96; generative art/video as 116120, 118120; hybrid 139, 139143; interactive digital media as 123124; real-time effects on 116; rendering, storage, and playback 143144; rendering vs. real-time 144145, 146; still images/photography 97103; stock 9697; video 130135; video game theory and technology in 135, 139

content creation 6970; 2D and 3D content in 3D world 70 basics of digital content and 8590; how much and how long to take for 7374, 74; in relation to theatrical set and for surfaces other than projection screens 7073; and show integration workflow 5859, 5860

contrast 82, 83; dynamic range and 95, 96

contrast ratio 172

convergence 178, 178

converters, signal 157159, 158159

cores, CPU 161162

corner pinning 175

costumes 8, 3334

CPU 106

Creative Commons 96

creativity 53

cross-fades 125

C-stands 202, 202

cue lists 42; calling 53; creation of 4849, 49; elements of good 4950; numbering 50, 5152; review with the director 50; to-do lists and 50

cues 30; placeholder cue image 62, 62

curtains 41

custom content 96

cutting on action 114

D3 54

dark time in theatres 6264, 64, 64

data: backing up of 7475; big 120, 120122; as content 120; parsed 131; pixels as 8687; skeletal 131; transport of 2

Datapath 156, 156

degradations 89

deliverables, negotiation of 36

depth cameras 207, 207

depth of field 197

descriptive geometry 70

design, unified 1934; 3D models in 2223; audio playback in performance space and 3233; brightness in 2930; color palette in 2729; color temperature in 26, 27; costumes in 3334; direction of light in 26; elevations and sections in 24, 24; floor treatment in 22; ground plan in 23, 23; lighting in 2526; line set schedule in 25, 25; materials and textures in 2122; projections in 26; projector placement in 27; props in 34; scenic design in 1920; screens in 2021; self-emitting media gear in 22; shared documents created by the scenic department in 23; sound in 3031; staging in 22; tech in 30; who’s in charge of what in 31

design basics: balance 81, 81; color 8182; composition 77, 78; contrast 82, 83; emphasis 82; line 7576, 76; negative space 79, 79; repetition and pattern 83, 84; rule of thirds 77, 78, 79; scale and proportion 83, 84; shape 77, 77; style 75, 75; texture 82; typography 84, 84; unity 79, 80; variety 80, 80

design principles 75

design process and workflow: considering the schedule in 37, 38; design meetings in 3839, 39, 40; equipment in 37, 56; first steps 3540; knowing the venue in 38; locking down equipment, cables, and media server in 67; negotiating deliverables in 36; order of tech and dark time in the theatre and 6264, 64, 64; paperwork in 61; phase 1: research 4447; phase II: conceptual design 4748; phase III: from script to cue list 4853; phase IV: deciding on system and technology 5358, 55, 56; phase V: content creation and show integration workflow 5859, 5860; phase VI: load-in and tech week 6065, 6162, 62, 64; phase VII: finalizing the design 65, 67; phase VIII: documenting your work 6768; phase IX: archiving the project 68; production meetings in 40; rendering in 61, 62; rental equipment in 56; salary in 3536; scripts in 4044; setting limits in 36; show reports 67; stock equipment in 56; working with budgets in 3637, 37

devising 43

diaphragm 197

dielectric 149, 149

diffusion gel 110

digital color space 92

digital image sensors 198

digital media: atmospheric 67; defined in terms of theatrical performance 23; design process and workflow (see design process and workflow); interactive 6, 78; meaning making and the language of 58; reasons for using 5; in the rehearsal hall 11; rise of 12; stage manager and 12; unified design (see design, unified)

digital media designer: basic skills 34; as a career 45; jobs beyond the theatre 5; practical taxonomy 6; role of 3; salaries 3536

Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theatre, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation 5

digital-to-analog converters (DAC) 159

digital video 103; see also video

direction of light 26

directories in generative art/video 120

directors 1214; getting final sign-off from 67; reviewing the cue list with 50

DisplayPort cable 153, 153

displays, pixels in 8788

distortions 89

distribution hardware, video signal 156159

Dixon, Steve 5, 6

DLP (digital light processing) 171, 171

DMX512-A 203204

documentation of work 6768

documents, shared 23

double-stack projectors 29

dowsers 26, 56, 192, 192193

dramaturge 44

drop frame 104

DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) 198199

DSP (digital signal processing) chip 198

Dutch/title angle 100, 100

DVI (Digital Visual Interface) 152, 152

dynamic microphone 111

dynamic range and contrast 95, 96

EDID managers 156

editing, video 111, 112, 113, 113; systems 202203, 203

effects 7

electric in direction of light 26

elevations and sections 24, 24

emissive displays 4, 195

emphasis 82

encoders 130, 130, 208

equipment 37; locking down of 67; order of turning on/off 169170; projector (see projectors); projector-related (see projector-related equipment); purchasing 56; rental 56; stock 56

Ex Machina 18

exposure 197

extenders 156

extreme close-ups 99, 99

eye level 100, 100

fan/air flow/filters, projector 172173

feedback loops 123

fiber optic cables 154, 154

finalization, design 65, 67

finals (content) 59, 5960

Final Cut Pro 88, 111, 113, 168

Fine, Daniel: on color palette 2829; on hybrid content 139143; on rehearsing with interactive digital media 1518; on rehearsing with live cameras 126128; sample notes from design meeting 40

FireWire 155, 155

firsts (content) 5859, 59

first-surface mirrors 181

flocking 118

floor treatment 22

focal plane 176

focus grid 175176, 176

Foley 111

footlamberts 178, 179

forced perspective 71

Förtere, Holger 54

found content 96

frame rates and standards 104

framing/shots: photography 99, 99; video 107, 108109

front projection screens 194, 194

f-stop lenses 173

gain 179

Galanter, Philip 116

gamut 92

gear, video production 201203, 201203

generative art/video 116120, 118120

geometry, descriptive 70

GLSL processing frameworks 139

golden hour 100

Google: drive 61; image searching 46

GPU 106

grain/noise 101, 101

graphical user interface 163

graphics cards 159161

Greco, Sherée 12

ground plan 23, 23

gyroscopic sensors 208209, 209

handheld shot 107, 109

hard disk drives (HDD) 161

Harrington, Wendell 1, 53

HDMI cable 152, 153, 159

hierarchy 84

high angle 99, 100

high-level computer programming languages 120

hotspots 21

hue(s) 90, 91

human-computer interaction 116

human-computer interface 54

hybrid content/systems 139, 139143

hybrid drives 161

image magnification 5

infrared (IR) lights 33

inputs, max # of 170

inputs/outputs, projector 172

insert shot 107, 109

installation, projector 173

integrated graphics cards 159

interactive digital media 6, 78; artistic team rehearsing with 1519; as content 123124; meaning making from 124; thoughts on adding 7

interlaced/progressive scanning 103, 103

interpolation 89

iPads 202

IR (infrared) cameras 155, 206

Isadora 54

ISO settings 101, 197, 198

Jones, Robert Edmond 1

jump cuts 111

justification 84

KA (Cirque Du Soleil) 54

kerning 84

Keynote 54

keystone (projectors) 176177, 177

Kinect depth camera 207, 207

Kinect sensors 131

king’s seat 70, 72

lamp hours 188

lamps 192, 192

laser projectors 172

latency 200

layer/cue stack-based media servers 163, 164165, 167, 167

layers, max # of 170

LCD (liquid crystal display) 171172

LCoS (liquid crystal on silicon) 172

leading 84

LEDs (light-emitting diodes): displays 195196; embedded in costumes 33; infrared 33; self-emitting media gear 22

lenses, projector 173175, 174175; screen size and 180, 180

lens shift 177

LePage, Robert 18

libraries in node-based media servers 168

light, direction of 26

lighting 7, 8; for live cameras 200; moving 27; for photography 100101, 101; in unified design 2526; video 110

lighting boards 30

lighting plot 26

light kits 202, 202

limit setting in design process 36

linear editing 113

lines 70, 7576, 76

line sets 21; schedules 25, 25

“Live Media: Interactive Technology and Theatre” 7

liveness 124

live video/cameras 125, 126, 199200; latency with 200; lighting for 200

load-in 6065, 6162, 62, 64

LOG/RAW video files 198, 199

long shots 99, 99

long throw (telephoto) lenses 174, 175

looping 114

loops, feedback 123

low angle 100, 100

low-level computer behaviors 168

luma 86; as real-time live-camera effect 125

lumens 172

luminance 178179

magic hour 100

magnification, image 5

mapping 64, 64, 170; pixel 196

margin of error 178

marker-based real-time tracking of performers and objects in 3D 206207, 207

masking 64, 64, 170; projector 186, 186, 187; of video 27

matching eyeline 114

materials and textures 2122

Matrox Triple Head 156, 157

MAX 163

max # of inputs 170

max # of layers 170

max # of simultaneous HD videos 170

meaning making 58; from interactivity 124

media servers 67, 159166; building your own 159163; common features of 169171, 170; max # of inputs 170; max # of layers 170; max # of simultaneous HD videos 170; types of 166169, 166169; updating/upgrading 170171

medium shots 99, 99

meetings, design 3839, 39, 40

megapixels 86

Mezzochhi, Jared 6

mica flakes 21

microphones 208, 208

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) 204, 204

mirrors, bouncing off 181

mixers, video 157, 157

Moiré patterns 101, 101, 101102

monitors/TVs 196

montage 114

mood 7

mood boards 47, 47

mounts and cages, projector 193, 193

moving images in photography 102103

moving lights 27

multiple projectors 186188, 187, 188

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) 30

muslin 21

Muybridge, Eadweard 103

negative space 79, 79

negotiation of deliverables 36

network cables 205, 205; projector 173

networking 203206, 204205

NI-Mate 207

node-based media servers 163, 164165, 168, 168

noise/grain 101, 101, 148

non-drop frame 104

nonlinear editing 113, 113

nonplanar surfaces 183

notes, tech 65

NTSC (National Television System Committee) 104, 149

numbering, cue list 50, 5152

number of cores, CPU 161162

Obscura Digital 2

off-axis viewing angles 70, 72

ohm ratings 150

Oliszewski, Alex 4445, 132134

omnidirectional microphones 111

OmniGraffle 56

onstage camera operators 128129, 129

Open Sound Control (OSC) 30, 203, 208

Open Theatre, The 135

operating system in generative art/video 120

operators, camera: onstage 128129, 129; training of 65, 66

optical prism block 199

Orbbec Astra camera 207

order of tech 6264, 64, 64

order of things 4041

order of turning on/off equipment 169170

organization of assets 74, 74

orthographic view (projection) 70

outer jacket, cable 149, 149

outlines 43

over-modulated audio 111

over the shoulder shot 107, 108

pace/speed 113114

Paik, Nam June 1

PAL (Phase Alternating Line) 104, 147

Pandoras Box 54

panning shot 107, 109

paper tech 61

paperwork 61

parallel projection 70, 71

parsed data 131

particle systems 118

passive hardware 156

paths and runs, cable 149

pattern and repetition 83, 84

PCI slot/expansion 163

peaking, sound 111

perceived brightness 72

perfect loop 114

persistence of vision 102

personnel/crew 11

photocall 68

photography: basics of 97103; camera angles 99100, 100; collage 102, 102; lighting for 100101, 101; Moiré patterns 101, 101, 101102; moving images 102103; noise/grain 101, 101; sharpness 101; software applications for 98; types of shots/framing 99, 99; ubiquity of 97

Photoshop 56

pica 85

Piezo microphones 208

Pinterest boards 4647

pixelization 8889, 89

pixel mapping 196

pixel pitch 196

pixels 86, 88, 143; calculations 181, 181182; as data 8687; in displays 8788

placeholder cue image 62, 62

platter drives 161

playback 60, 143144

point cues 50

polar patterns 111

poly cyc 21

postproduction 74, 110

POV shot 107, 108

PowerPoint 54

preamps 110

presentations, design 4748

pressure, flex, and contact sensors 209, 209

primary colors 9091, 91

prime lenses 174

procedural methods in generative art 118

process in generative art 118

processor speed 161162

producers and production management 911

production, time spent in 7374

production meetings 40

programming/cueing 64

programming languages 168

progressive/interlaced scanning 103, 103

projection, parallel 70, 71

projection calculators 182, 183

ProjectionCentral 182, 183

projection plane 70

projections 26; blending 188189, 190191; warping and projection mapping 183185, 184, 185

projection screens 193195, 194195

projection throw 25

projector black 26

ProjectorCalc 182

projector-related equipment: dowsers 192, 192193; lamps 192, 192; mounts and cages 193, 193

projectors: lenses on 173175, 174175; placement of 27, 5658, 57; technical specifications of 172173; types of 171, 171172; underpowered 179; using multiple 186188, 187, 188; working with 175189, 190191

proportion 83

props 8, 34

PTZ cameras 199, 200

purchasing of equipment 56

Python 120

QLab 54, 167, 167

quad surface 184

Quartz Composer 163

QuickTime 23

Ragan, Matthew 118120, 159163

rainbow effect 171, 171

RAM (random-access memory) 162163

rasters 21, 86; vs. vectors 89, 90

raster size 143

RCA cable 150151, 151, 158

RealSense camera 207

real-time effects 116; on live cameras 125, 126

real-time tracking, marker-based 206207, 207

real-time vs. render 144145, 146

rear projection screens 194, 195

rehearsal halls 12

rehearsing with cameras 125, 126128

rendering 61, 62, 143144; batch 144; vs. real-time 144145, 146

rental equipment 56

repeaters 156

repetition and pattern 83, 84

replicators 156

reports, show 67

research phase in design 4447

Resolume 208

resolution 58, 86, 86, 87, 104, 105; projector 172

retreats, design 39

reverse image search function in Google 46

reverse shot 107, 108

RFID sensors 34

RF modulator 158

RGB 90, 91, 9294, 93; alpha channels 92

ribbon microphone 111

Rimini Protokoll 139

ringing out 63

Robinson, Andrew 194

room tone 111

roughs 58, 58

rule of thirds 77, 78, 79

salaries 3536

Saltz, David 4, 6, 7

saturation 91, 92

scale 70, 83, 84

scalers, video 144, 157

scene-by-scene breakdown 42; cue list and 4849, 49

scenery 7, 1920

Schechner, Richard 135

scheduling 1011, 37, 38

scores 43

screen gain 21, 22, 193194, 194

Screen Goo 21

screens 2021; projection 193195, 194195

screen size 180, 180

scripts: constraints 44; cue list from 4853; devising 43; first reading of 41; list of lists regarding 4243; second reading of 41; third reading of 4142; working with 40

SDI (Serial Digital Interface): cables 153, 154, 158; standards 148


secondary colors 90, 91

seconds (content) 59, 59

sections and elevations 24, 24

self-emitting media gear 22

sensor-driven interactions 8

sensors 206209, 207209

sensor systems 1; encoder 208; gyro 208209, 209; pressure, flex, and contact 209, 209

serial cables 206

serial commands (projectors) 176

serif 84

set protocols 107

shapes 77, 77

shared documents 23

sharkstooth scrim 195, 196

sharpness 101

Shelanskey, Ian 120122

shielding, cable 149, 149

short throw (wide) lenses 174, 175

shotgun microphone 111

shots/framing: photography 99, 99; video 107, 108109

show control 147

show reports 67

shutter speed 197, 197

signals, video 147148, 148

simultaneous videos, max # of 170

sine-waves 147

skeletal data 131

Sketchup 116

smartphones 2

soft box 110

software-based media servers 159

solid-state drives 161

sound in unified design 3031; key components and workflow between digital media and 3132

specialized interactions 8

spine, script 41

splitters 156

Spout 135

square wave 148

stage directions 40

stage management 1112; paper tech and 61

staging 22, 40

still images 97, 98; see also photography

stock content 9697

stock equipment 56

stock projectors 2930

stop down 110

stop-motion animation 114

storage, content 143144

style 75, 75

subsampling 9495

subtending 182

subtractive primaries 90, 91

supertitles 75

surface brightness 178179

S-video 151, 151, 158

syncing 110

Syphon 135

system and technology decisions in design process 5358, 55, 56

system diagram creation 56

systems 147

TAB 53

tablet computers 202

Tanenbaum, Andrew 2

tech: handy tools for 60; order of 6264, 64, 64; rehearsals 36; in unified design 30

tech notes 65

tech week 6; load-in and 6065, 6162, 62, 64

telepresent actors 124

temperature, color 26

tertiary colors 90, 91

text 7

texting 8

texture 82, 82

theatrical performance: defining digital media in terms of 23; meaning making and the language of digital media in 58

theatrical teams 9; artistic team 1219; producers and production management 911; stage management 1112; toward unified design with 1934

three-point lighting 110

throw distance 173, 174; bouncing off mirrors and 181; calculating 180, 180

throw ratio 173

Thunderbolt cables 154, 154

time 7

timeline-based media servers 163, 164165, 166, 166167

tint 92

to-do lists 50

TouchDesigner 54, 120, 163, 208

tracking 84, 130131, 130131; blob 206

tracking shot 107, 109

training of operators 65, 66

transcoding 106

transport of data 2

turnkey media servers 159, 163

two shot 107, 108

typography 84, 84

uncompressed digital media 105

underpowered projectors 179

unidirectional microphones 111

United Scenic Artists Local USA 829 35

unity 79, 80

upscaling 88, 89

upstage 75

USB cables 155, 155

value 91, 92

vanishing point 70

variety 80, 80

vectors vs. rasters 89, 90

Vectorworks 56

venues, familiarity with 38

Vershbow, Paul 53

VGA cable 151152, 151152, 158

Vicon systems 206207, 207

video: analog vs. digital 103; bit rate 105; codecs 105106; compression 105, 105; containers 105106; file types 105106; frame rates and standards 104; interlaced/progressive scanning 103, 103; live 125; network 205, 205; resolution/aspect ratio 58, 104, 105; transcoding 106

video amplifiers 156

video art 1

video black 26

video cables 67, 148149; adapters and signal converters 157159, 158159; anatomy 149, 149; BNC 150, 150; Cat 5/6 155, 155156, 205; coax 150, 150; DisplayPort 153, 153; DVI 152, 152; fiber optic 154, 154; FireWire 155, 155; HDMI 152, 153; RCA 150151, 151; SDI 153, 154; S-video 151, 151; Thunderbolt 154, 154; USB 155, 155; VGA 151152, 151152, 158; Y/C 151, 151

video cameras 199

video capture 8788; cards and devices for 200201

video channels 29

video conferencing 39

video editing 111, 112, 113, 113

video game theory and technology 135, 139

video mixers 157, 157

video production 106114; animation in 114116, 115; audio in 110111; cutting on action/matching eyeline 114; editing in 111, 112, 113, 113; gear for 201203, 201203; lighting 110; looping in 114; montage 114; supplies for 107; types of shots 107, 108109

video scalers 144, 157

video shoots 10

video signals 147148, 148; cables for 148156; converters 157159, 158159; distribution hardware 156159

viewfinders 110

viewing angles 20, 21, 193194, 194; off-axis 70, 72

Viola, Bill 1

vision: computer/machine 129130; persistence of 102

visual flow 70

Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) 56

VJ-based media servers 163, 164165, 169, 169

VJ style 135136

warping and projection mapping 183185, 184, 185

Watchout 54, 166, 166

waveforms 110

.WAV file type 110

white balance 197198, 198

wide/long shots 99

wild sound 111

wipes 111

wired and wireless routers/switches 204205, 205

wireframes 58

wireless lavalier 111

wireless video 158

Wooster Group, The 18, 125

work documentation 6768

Wyphon 135

Y/C cable 151, 151

zoom lenses 174, 175

zoom shot 107, 108

Z space 116

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