
Gladiolus can grow to a height of two to six feet, and their flowers range from two to six inches across. Petals can be smooth, flaring, wavy, or ruffled.


Draw on plate-finish bristol board using HB, 2B, and flat sketching pencils. Block in the flower and begin shading using the side of the HB, blending with a paper stump. Draw subtle texture lines using the sharp point of an HB, filling in shadows with a 2B.

Shade the background with a flat sketching pencil, using random strokes. Then apply crosshatching in small areas with a sharp-pointed 2B. Finally, lift out highlights with a kneaded eraser.


Every block-in line is important, especially when drawing closely overlapped petals. Put your observation skills to the test!

Gladiolus have a very happy nickname–“Glad”!

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