Abaton, 388

Absolute risk reduction, 442

Acceptance: of e-home care, 284285; of EHRs, factor critical to, 103, 106; ensuring, 24, 33; obtaining, 33; as requisite for e-medicine implementation, 253; social and cultural context of, 505; unresolved issues of, 241

Access network, 168

Access to care, addressing issue of, 5, 11, 38, 39, 543544

Access to information. See Information access

Accessibility requirements, 172, 173, 174177

Accordant, 385

Accountability: privacy principle of, 110; public, emphasis on, 40, 96

Accountability expectations: framework for, 540543; increasing pressure to adapt to, 4

Accuracy: of e-DSS, 311, 312, 313; of EHRs, issue of, 123; privacy principle of, 111; of public health data, 135

ACP Journal Club (ACP-ASIM), 445

Active surveillance, 135

Actual visit, meaning of, 272

Acute care needs, driven by, issue of, 45

Ad hoc wireless network, defining, 192

Adaptation, over time, to new technology, 501

Addis Ababa University, 248

Administrative and clinical cost reduction. See Cost reduction

Administrative and policy diagnosis, 84

Administrative and support applications, 214219

Administrative benefits, 100101

Administrative concerns, 240

Administrative data warehouse (ADW), 139, 140, 141

Administrative Simplification, 458459

Administrative training, 213

Admission-discharge-transfer (ADT) system, 61

Advance appointments, issue of, 118119

Advanced Informatics Distributed Medical Access Network (AIDMAN), 183184

Adverse drug effects, 398

Advisory Council on Health Infostructure (ACHI), 9495, 96, 109, 115

AenausHealthcare, 385

Aetna, 385, 386

Affordable care, 44

African continent, 236

African Human Development Indicators, 246, 260

Age and experience, general practitioner awareness levels influenced by, 117

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 445

Agglomerative clustering, 335

Aggregates, service encompassing, 452. See also E-health data integration (e-HDI)

Aging population trend, 269270, 272, 281

AIDS Information Online (AIDSLINE), 213


Akron Children's Hospital, 14

Alamo City Medical Group, 217

Alert system, 138, 276, 293, 527

Allscripts, 215

Alta Vista search engine, 366

Alzheimer patients, smart home for, 279280

Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Online, 212, 222

AlzheimerSupport, 385

Amazon, 11, 375

American Academy of Pediatrics, 444

American Board of Medical Specialties, 382

American College of Physicians (ACP), 445

American College of Radiology, 235, 322

American Medical Association (AMA), 50, 180, 215, 506, 507

American National Standards Institute, 178

American Society of Internal Medicine (ASIM), 445

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 229, 230

American Telemedicine Association (ATA), 286, 287

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 426, 429

Anik A-1, 240

Animated Dissection of Anatomy for Medicine (ADAM), 548

Anonymity, 169, 173, 178, 467, 469. See also Privacy and confidentiality

ANSI standard, 303

AOL, 391

Application service providers, 374

Applications connectivity, 165

Applied machine learning algorithms, 314

AQ17-DCI, 332

AQ17-HCI, 332

Around-the-clock consultation project, 263

ArthritisSupport, 385

Ascend inverse multiplexer, 227

Assets data, defined, 145

Association of Canadian Academic Health Organisations (ACAHO), 426, 427, 434

Association of Schools of Public Health, 136

Association rule analysis technique, constructive, 332

Asthma management, 275

Asymmetric encryption, 179, 180, 181

Asynchronous connection-less (ACL) link, 192

Asynchronous message exchange service, 463

Asynchronous services, 261, 263

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network, 184, 185, 262, 263

Audit ability, greater, 118119

Australia: palliative care in, 277; tele-ultrasound in, 208

Authentication: in e-health data integration, 463; emerging technique for, 481; and e-networking, 169, 173, 178179, 180, 181, 192, 196, 198; meaning of, 462463

Authority shift, 510. See also Consumer-driven care system

Authorization, meaning of, 463

Automated clinical records, confusing, with EHRs, 94

Automated decision support, defined, 95

Automated services strategy, 386387

Automation: crucial functions for, 508; of repetitive processes, 98

Availability, focus of, 473, 475

Average silhouette width, 336

Aware Home Research Initiative, 280

Awareness of technology, 117, 253


Back-propagation neural network, 354

Balanced Budget Act (BBA), 282

Bandwidth requirements, 168, 169, 170, 170, 171172, 173, 184, 238, 326, 400; achieving, 174177

Baptist Hospital, 14

Baptist Hospital East, 494

Barriers. See specific barriers

Bayes' Theorem, 300, 316

Bayesian network, 315

Bayesian theory, 300, 301, 314, 316, 316317

Behavioral and environmental diagnosis, 84

Behavioral factors, 85

Bejing Suicide Research and Prevention Center, 210

Belief function, 300, 301, 314

Benchmark comparison studies, 434435

Benchmarking performance, clear standards for, need for, 540, 542

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 50

Bidirectional encryption, 180

Bidirectional frames (B-frames), 177

Bidirectional information flow, 167

Bill C-6 (currently the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act), 110, 454, 458

Binary attribute, defined, 333

Binocular omni-orientation monitor (BOOM), 548

Biodefense, applying GIS-related technologies in, 142143, 145

Biological databases, 212213

Biological sensor, defined, 278

Biomedical research, 172173

Bioterrorism and biohazards: challenge of preparing against, 130; emergency preparedness against, GIS-related technologies for, 143145, 147, 148-149; and public health preparedness and response, 143

Bitplanes, 483, 484, 485

Blackberries, 392, 526; defined, 12

Blue Cross Blue Shield, 97, 386

Bluetooth SIG Security Expert Group, 199, 200

Bluetooth-enabled mobile medicine system: applications of, 194195; attacks on, 197; background on, 190191; conclusion on, 198199; enhancing security of, 198; prototype of, 191194; questions on, 199; and security issues, 196197

BMJ Publishing Group, 445, 446

Bona fide intent, 506

Bosons, defined, 71, 72

Brand name promotion, 43

BreatheFree, 385

Brick-and-mortar model, 10, 370

Brick-and-point model, 10

British Columbia: health care costs in, 273; health privacy law in, 458. See also Canada entries

British Columbia Health Information Standards Council (BCHISC), 241

British Columbia Ministry of Health Planning, 241, 410, 439

Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN), 183, 184, 185, 326

Buffer zones, defined, 146

Burroughs, 14

Business potential, consideration of, to accommodate future features, 11, 367

Business processes, reengineered, 499501

Business-to-business (B2B) model, 7, 10, 43, 66, 205, 216, 368369, 377, 386387, 496

Business-to-consumer (B2C) model, 10, 43, 66, 205, 368, 370, 382, 384385, 387, 496


Cabarrus Family Medicine, 500

Cable system, 190

Calculators, interactive, 446, 448

California Health Care Foundation, 377

California, public health insurance in, 377

California State University, Los Angeles, 279

Call centers, 219

Canada: defining EHRs in, 9495; e-learning in, 213; e-medicine in, 238242; and e-public health information systems, 132; growth of health care industry in, 331; home health care expenditures in, 270271; hospice care in, 276; Internet use in, 380; privacy legislation in, 454, 458; privacy protections in, 109110; resources for learning EBM in, 447, 448; rising health care costs in, issue of, 5, 11, 38, 205, 235, 273; use of virtual reality in, 530; and virtual medical records, 97

Canadian Centres for Health Evidence, 447

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 456

Canadian College of Health Service Executives, 422, 439

Canadian Health Act, 414

Canadian Health Association guide, 426

Canadian health care system: executives across, e-surveying, on HCTM, 413426; trends in, 272273, 409; view of, 205

Canadian Health Infoway: Paths to Better Health (ACHI), 109

Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), 241

Canadian Minister of Health, 109

Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education, 241

Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 110, 458

Cancer Literature Online (CANCERLIT), 213, 444

Cardiac arrhythmia monitoring, 274

Cardiac rehabilitation monitoring, 274

Case repository, 297, 303, 304

Catastrophic interference problem, 354

CathSim Intravenous Training System, 213214

Cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE), 548

Cell-switched network, 184

Cellular communication network, 186187, 195. See also Wireless cellular phones

CEN Project Teams, 125n1

CEN TC251, 125n1

Center for Bio-ethics, 240

Center for Evidence-Based Practice, 529

Center for Health Services Research, 275

Center for Information Technology Leadership, 398, 405

Center for Research on Telehealth and Healthcare Communications, 212

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 97, 134135, 136, 142, 143, 147, 148-149, 150, 152, 154

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 204, 285, 287, 327, 459

Central nursing system, 190, 195

Centralized control bus system, 292, 293

Centralized remote control system, 291

Centralized repository, for EHRS, 324

Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, 448

Cerner, 216

Certainty factors, 314

Certainty values, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 310, 316, 318

Certificate authorities, 179, 180, 181

Certified Doctor, 322

Change management, 428, 429, 435436

Change theory, 6871

Changes: political, need for, 257; rapid, aiding in realizing, 4647; significant, being prepared to face, importance of, 499

Changing the health care concept. See E-health paradigm shift

Chaos theory and quantum mechanics, 6871

Chaotic mixing algorithm, 198

Charlotte Memorial, 14

Chemical sensor, defined, 278

CHI Profile, 158161

Chief technology officer (CTO), analysis of, 432, 433

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division, University of Florida, 550

CHI-Mart, 158159

China: e-counseling in, 210; e-work in, 219

Chinese wall security policy, 475

Choctaw Memorial Hospital, 224, 226, 227

Choropleth maps, defined, 146

Chronic disease management: application to, 209; appropriate audit of, 119; cost reduction in, 501; role of e-health in, 119121. See also E-disease management

Chronic heart failure patients, monitoring, 274

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 209, 276

Chrysler, 536

CIGNA, 386

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), 398399

Circuit-switched network, 184

Claims analysis technique, illustration of, 346347

Claims submission and processing. See On-line claims processing

Clarity, 70, 76, 254

Classification analysis techniques, constructive, 332

Clearinghouses, 7, 8, 239

Click-and-mortar models, 370, 371, 383

Clinic hopping, 326

Clinical and administrative cost reduction. See Cost reduction

Clinical application criteria, relevancy of, consideration of, 253

Clinical benefits, 100101

Clinical data dictionary, defined, 95

Clinical data repository (CDR): defined, 95; use of, 139

Clinical decision support tools, 446. See also E-decision support systems (e-DSS)

Clinical diagnosis decision support systems, 218, 296. See also E-diagnosis support systems (e-DSS)

Clinical efficacy, 308, 311313

Clinical Epidemiology for Effective Clinical Practice Online Tutorial, 447

Clinical Evidence (BMJ Publishing Group), 446, 447

Clinical guidelines for e-home care, 286

Clinical information management system, 398399

Clinical research, evidence from, applying. See Evidence-based medicine

Clinical Research Institute, 240

Clinical uses, 9799

CliniCare, 463

Cliniguide, 446

Closed systems, example of, 61

Closed-circuit television, emergence of, 240

Closing-the-gap analysis, 540, 542

Cluster analysis, applying, 424, 426, 430433

Cluster numbers, determining, 335336

Clustering analysis algorithm, 333334, 345

Clustering analysis, defined, 332

Clustering analysis techniques: and e-health data integration, 452; fundamentals of, 333336; overview of, 333; summary on, 348; use of, 141. See also Constructive clustering analysis technique

Clustering, defined, 331

CN2-MCI, 332

Cochrane Collaboration, 444

Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews, 444

Codes, standardized, use of, 105

Coding errors, 136

Coding system, 105, 135136

Coding tables, 481, 483, 484

Cognitive Neuroscience Group, 550551

Collaborative filtering, 516

Collaborative learning, 234

Collaborative model, 543

Collection, limiting, privacy principle of, 111

Committee on Development and Information, Third Meeting of, (CODI 3), 259

Committee on Science and Technology for Countering Terrorism, 143, 154

Common clustering analysis approach, 334335

Common good, potential of technology for, 545

Common Open Policy Service protocol, 176

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, 208

Communication technologies. See specific type

Communications, improving, value of, 12

Community diagnosis, 158

Community health: assessment of, requirements for, 134; background on, 156; infrastructure of, e-home care complementing, 273

Community health information networks (CHINs), 20, 78, 168, 463

Community Health Institute (CHI) project, 156161

Community health profile: example of, 160; indexes for, 156, 157; quantitative indicators forming, 134; selecting indicators for, 158; timeliness and geographic requirements for, 158159; users and uses of, 159161

Compaq PC, 30

Comparative advantage, providing, 100

Comparative costs and benefits, questions about, answering, issue of, 410

Competence, testing, 310, 311, 319

Competition, open, 322323

Competitive advantage, 380, 384, 402, 410, 413, 497498, 543, 545

Competitive balance, shift in, 408

Competitive e-health model, 74, 76, 237, 238, 542

Competitive rules, technological change affecting, 411

Completeness: evaluation of, 309; limited, 301302

Complex societal life, increasingly, 69

Complex systems, 44, 49, 60, 61, 64, 66, 83. See also Chaos theory and quantum mechanics

Complexity: adding to, aspects adding to, 92; computational, 482, 485, 486; dynamic vs. detail, 62; of e-communities, 78, 79; of EHR implementation, 107; of HCTM process, 414

Compliance, challenging, principle of, 112

Comprehensive Assessment for Tracking Community Health (CATCH), 136137

Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System, 322

Compression types, 170171. See also Lossless compression; Lossy compression

Computer simulation modeling, 213214. See also Simulations; Virtual reality (VR)

Computer Stored Ambulatory Record System (COSTAR), 15

Computer use: impact of, on changing health behavior, 8687; increase in, 38

Computer-based patient records (CPRs): defined, 94; e-health records vs., 101; impediments to diffusion of, 101102; limitations of, 98

Computerized tax records, comparison to, 121

Computerized teaching programs, evaluating, for health promotion interventions, 8687

Concept hierarchies: ascent of attributes in, 339344; for clustering health care providers, 348; defining, 337; examples of, at a university, 338; goal of research on, 350; optimal configuration of, 339

Concept space: and clustering results for providers, 348; and comparison of clustering results, 349; defined, 339; and deviation of credibility scores, 350; optimal, determining, 339345

Conceptual schema, 518

Conceptualization stage, 537538, 539

Confidentiality: defining, 456; in e-health data integration, 461462; maintaining, 462. See also Privacy and confidentiality

Confidentiality agreements, signing, 459

Conflict of interest, defined, 475

Conflict of interest regulation (CIR), 471473, 475

Congestive heart failure (CHF) management, 210, 211, 276, 282, 400

Connectivity: in Bluetooth-enabled system, 194; Internet, attention shifted to, 16; network, standards for, 165; three-tier, 182

Connectivity sites, 388389

Consensus model-based inference algorithm, 307308, 316317

Consent, 110, 458459

Consistency, 309, 318

Constructive approach, defining, 332

Constructive clustering analysis technique: algorithm in, 345; application of, 346347; development of, 338345; goal of research on, 350; results from applying, evaluation of, 347, 348, 349, 350

Constructive data mining techniques, 336337, 338

Consultants, hiring, to manage transition process, 505

Consultation project, around-the-clock, 263. See also E-consultation

Consumer demand, 237

Consumer health information modules, 214, 233, 237

Consumer-centered e-health marketplace, 367368

Consumer-driven care system: accountability expectations framework for, 540543; continuing move toward, 404; as a driver, 47; overview of, 535534; shift to, 17; user information requirements in, analyzing, 536540

Consumers, range of, 371372. See also E-consumer entries

Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) model, 43, 66, 205, 387

Content layer, 470

Content-based knowledge discovery, 518

Context, defined, 79

Context-dependent aggregation, 471472

Contexts, single vs. multiple, 7980

Continuing medical education, 213, 233, 263, 326

Continuity of care, 271

Continuum of care, 76, 474

Control Data, 14

Convergent interests, 144

Cookbook medicine, 446

Coordinating body, importance of, 242

Copyright protection, 480, 481

Core value propositions, 10, 1113

Cost benefits, 100, 101

Cost computation, challenge of, 4849

Cost containment, 205, 257, 273, 536

Cost reduction, 1112, 47, 499501

Cost savings, 4748, 274, 284, 398, 403404, 500, 502

Cost sharing, 325

Cost-benefit analyses, issue of, raising, 410

Cost-effectiveness issue, 281282, 283

Costs of care, rapid escalation of. See Health care costs, rising, issue of

Countermeasures, need for, 475

Covert channels, use of, 198, 199

Covert communication, emerging technique for, 480, 481

Creative Good, 218

Credibility scores, 347, 350

Critical attributes for HCTM, 416-421

Critical mass of transactions, potential for, consideration of, 11, 367

Critically Appraised Topics (CATs), 445

Cross-platform system interoperability, 265

Cross-sell opportunity, 374

CSS Credentialing, 322

Cueing, 292293

Cultural barriers, 77

Cultural impacts, 504505

Culture, aspects of, 254, 255

Culture-specific beliefs and values, impact of, on e-medicine transfer, 254256

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), 213, 444

Custodianship, 458

Customer-focused e-health services, 372, 410

Customized information technology services, 374

CVS Pharmacy, 410

Cyber-Angel system: conclusion on, 55; donor-based aspect of, 5354; lessons from, 5455; operations of, 53; overview of, 5253; questions on, 55

Cybersickness, 535


Danderyd Hospital, 14

Data capture, 104, 105, 146

Data cleaning, 141, 146, 304

Data collection methods: enhanced, 147148; reengineering, 137

Data embedding, integrating selective encryption with. See Integrated selective encryption and data embedding (I-SEE)

Data embedding methods, 480, 481

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 480, 481, 484

Data flow, wireless, 195

Data format, 104, 105, 177178

Data gloves, 533, 548

Data hiding technique, 462

Data input, GIS-related, 145146, 147, 148-149

Data integration. See E-health data integration (e-HDI)

Data integrity, 462

Data management technology: in Bluetooth-enabled system, 194; combining GIS-related technologies with, 142, 145149; forms of, 910; in GIS-based public health preparedness system, 147; in health information processing system, 148-149

Data mining: applying e-health vision to, 41; aspects of, 1920; and case repositories, 304; classification categories of, 331332; and e-health data integration, 451452; for e-supply ordering, 216; for knowledge replenishment, 315

Data mining methodologies: emergence of, as e-public health technologies, 133134; for emergency preparedness, 146; other uses of, 142; for public health surveillance and preparedness, 140141; purposes of, 128

Data mining techniques: constructive, 332, 336337, 338; overview of, 331332; use of, to infer identities, 472. See also Clustering analysis techniques

Data output, GIS-related, 146, 147, 148-149

Data ownership, issue of, 328

Data repositories, incorporating new data into, challenge of, 401

Data security, privacy, and confidentiality. See Privacy and confidentiality; Security

Data set conceptualization, 466

Data sets, views of, examples of, 466467, 468-469, 470

Data storage, 104, 106

Data views, 518

Data warehouse database (DWD), 141

Data warehouses (DW): applying e-health vision to, 41; aspects of, 1920; building, to enhance CATCH, 137; distinguishing between, 139; for e-supply ordering, 216; implementation of, issues in, 140; open structure of, 149; star schema, 297, 304

Data warehousing: emergence of, as e-public health technologies, 133134; for public health surveillance and preparedness, 139140, 141

Database management technology, 9, 12

Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), 444, 445

DataGlove, 533

DBLearn, 332

Deaconess Hospital, 14

Death certificates, data from, issues with, 135

Decision outcomes: identifying, 304, 305; multiple, 301, 314, 354

Decision support software scenario, 322

Decision support systems (DSS), 217218, 296, 352, 390, 400, 401. See also specific type

Decision support tools, 446

Decision-making tools, 105

Dedicated networks, 169

Degradation in image quality, 481, 485

Degree of belief, 300

Dell Computer Corporation, 84

Deloitte & Touche, 373

Delphi approach, 415

Demonstration stream, 3233

Denial of service (DoS), 197, 198

Depression treatment, 210

Description layer, 470

Description spaces, defined, 332

Detail complexity, 62

Detailed view, levels of, providing, 9899

Developed and developing countries, situation in, 236. See also specific countries

Developing countries, research on diffusion of e-medicine in, 256257

Development Information Services Division (DISD), 259

Diabetes, managing, 119121, 274275

DiabetesWell, 385

Diagnosis: assisting in, and treatment, 21; defining, 296; involving uncertainty, 300301; remote, 400. See also E-diagnosis support systems (e-DSS)

Diagnosis interface, 303304

Diagnosis questions, identifying, 304, 306

Diagnostic phases, in precedeproceed model, 84

Diagnostic related groups (DRGs), 105, 204, 374

Diagnostic ultrasound, 208

DICOM Standards Committee and Working Groups, 52, 178, 188. See also Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standards

Dietetics screening, 279

Differentiated services (DiffServ) model, 175176

Differing realities, 6768

DiffServ model, 175176

Diffusion: anticipation of, 38; and e-health impacts, 26; of innovation, characteristics affecting, 257; of Internet use, 16, 38; managing, overview of, 22; skepticism about, 4849; successful, of several key e-health domains, 42. See also E-medicine diffusion

Digital divide, 168, 236, 253, 257

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standards, 177178, 184, 235, 253, 265, 322, 325, 484

Digital mammography, 324

Digital medical imaging, 170171, 177178

Digital subscriber line (DSL), 190, 278, 326

Digital technology, emergence of, 235

Disabled patients: rehabilitation for, 533, 549; smart home for, 279, 290294

Disaster management, 143. See also E-public health information systems

Discharge information, providing, 493494

Disclosure, limiting, privacy principle of, 111

Disease Management Association of America, 275, 288

Disease management, defined, 275. See also E-disease management

Distance measures, defining, 333334

Distortion of I-SEE, 485, 486

Distributed computing environment, supporting, 173

Distributed data entry, defined, 454

Distribution Rules, 125n1

Divisive clustering, 335

DNA, use of, for patient identification, 122

Dichotomous measures of effect, importance of, 442

Doctor shortage, 205, 209

Doctors' Stories (Hunter), 96

Document management technology, aspects of, 18

Domain Term List, 125n1

Downtime, issue of, 172

Dreamweaver 4.0 Web design software, 425

DrKoop, 368, 376, 387, 515, 518519

Drug News Weekly, 529

DrugLink, 529

Duke University Medical Center, 15, 322, 447

Dynamic complexity, 62


E-administrative and support services, 214219, 234. See also specific services and applications

Early detection, 282, 284, 500501

eBay, 11

eBenX, 386

E-billing and e-charge capture, 528

EBM Solutions, 446

Eckard pharmacies, 215

E-clinical applications, defined, 233

E-clinical care: and e-networking, 169172; ongoing account of, maintaining, 9798

E-clinical decision support systems (e-CDSS), 16, 21

Eclipsys, 372

E-commerce: defining, 43, 205; emphasis on, 510; limited, 367; types of, 7, 205. See also E-health marketplace

E-communities: aspects of, 212; conclusion on, 519; consolidation of, 515; creation of, contributor to, 43; and e-health strategies, 391; emphasis on, 510511; and information delivery, 516517; and information organization, 517518; and knowledge mining, 518519; overview of, 515; questions on, 519; as sociocultural entities, 7779

Economics and Statistics Administration, 272, 288

E-consultation: facilitating collaboration in, 494; as most promising proposed application, 373374; patient-provider, process of, 369370; scenario of, 322; success of, 384; value proposition of, 382, 384. See also Teleconsultation

E-consumer approach, shift to, 23

E-consumer desires, 373

E-consumer empowerment and satisfaction, 6, 49, 75, 166, 501502, 510

E-consumer expectations, 366. See also Accountability expectations

E-consumer health informatics, 166169, 180, 237

E-consumer information retrieval, 92

E-consumer needs, addressing, e-technologies contributing to, 508

E-continuing medical education, 213, 233

E-counseling, aspects of, 210

E-credentialing, 528

E-decision support systems (e-DSS), 217218, 352

E-delivery networks, highly distributed, regrouping into, 454

E-diagnosis support system (e-DSS) for lower back pain: architecture of, 297, 302304; conclusion on, 314315; and consensus model-based inference algorithm, 307308, 316317; designing, challenges in, 299302; evaluation of, framework for, 302, 308313; introduction to, 296299; learning objectives involving, 296; and the modified Turing test, 309311, 318319; questions on, 315316; and uncertainty, 304; Web-based, 302308

E-diagnosis support systems (e-DSS): case involving telemedicine and, 321329; for mobile health, 527; strategies and impacts of, 400; value of, 296. See also E-diagnosis support system (e-DSS) for lower back pain

E-diagnostic consultation, 263

E-directories, 389390

E-disease management, 210211, 275276, 281, 282, 384385, 501

Education and training. See specific type

Educational and organizational diagnosis, 84

Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), 213

E-expert decision support systems (e-EDSS), 2122

Effect, dichotomous measures of, importance of, 442

E-government refugee immigrant statistical system, 63

E-health: adoption of, factors limiting, 380, 393394; attitude toward, social trend in, 47; barriers and challenges facing, 4850; case involving, 2735; challenges of, 378, 380, 381; concepts encompassed by, 4244; conclusion on, 26; defining, 4, 4243, 205; distinguishing, from e-business, 543; domains and applications in, 1322; drivers of, 4548; evolution of, stages of, 509; foundations and benefits of, 613; future of, essence of, 545; history of, 1417; increasing role of IT in, 331; introduction to, 46; key areas bridged in, 5; key feature of, 92; learning objectives involving, 4; new scenarios resulting from emergence of, 436437; opportunities of, 375378, 379; questions on, 27; role of, in primary care, 119121; strategies in and impacts of, 2226

E-Health 2001: The Future of Health Care in Toronto, 456

E-health business structures, 10, 368, 370371, 383. See also specific structure

E-health care systems and subsystems, relationship of, 44

E-health care technology management (e-HCTM): case involving, 439449; conclusion on, 435438; e-surveying health executives on HCTM, 413426; introduction to, 407409; learning objectives involving, 407; multidimensionality of, 409413; overview of, 22, 23; questions on, 438; research findings with relevance for, 427435; strategy of, 412413

E-health care technology, meaning of, 411. See also E-health technology strategies and impacts; E-technologies

E-health connectivity, 388389

E-health data integration (e-HDI): and aggregation issues, 460, 464473; architecture of, 465470; authentication and authorization in, 462464; data integrity in, 462; e-security policy for, engineering, 470473; overview of, 451452; research on security and privacy in, limited, 453; sample schema for, 466, 467; security and privacy requirements for, 460462; security framework for, 471473

E-health decision support systems (e-HDSS), 21

E-health domains: of applications, systems in, types of, 1722; case involving, 224230; conclusion on, 221222; in e-administrative and support services, 214219; in e-learning and tele-education services, 211214; in e-medical or direct patient care services, 206211; introduction to, 204206; learning objectives involving, 204; questions on, 222. See also specific domains and applications

E-health education applications, 211214

E-health help desks, 385

E-health impacts: aspects of, 2526; beneficial, 497504; case involving, 515519; conclusion on, 513; and continuing evolution, 507512; e-health strategies and, case involving, 396405; introduction to, 490491; learning objectives involving, 490; on primary care, 123, 124; questions on, 513514; risks resulting from, 504507; on various sectors, 492497, 498

E-health information: availability and accessibility of, 366; classification of, 474; greater emphasis on delivery of, 509510

E-health information system model, 401

E-Health Initiative, 515, 519

E-health intelligence: case involving, 352360; conclusion on, 348, 350; and development of constructive clustering analysis technique, 338345; and empirical evaluation, 346347, 348, 349, 350; and fundamental of clustering analysis techniques, 333336; introduction to, 331333; learning objectives involving, 331; and medical image transfer, 171; questions on, 351; and representation of constructive data mining techniques, 336337

E-health marketplace: encouraging collaboration in, 543; growth and development of, driver of, 47, 238; new, emergence of, 367368; size of, and prediction on, 491; stakeholders in, 367, 368. See also E-health strategies

E-health model: characteristics of, consideration of, 10, 367; ideal, specifying, 540, 541, 542; move towards, pressure to, 26

E-health paradigm shift: aspects of, 3945; benefits and promise of, unlocking, issue of, 56; concept of health care changing during, 498499; concepts encompassing, 4245; context of, 17; core value propositions supporting, 11; current success of, aspects resulting in, 7; experiencing further, 525; goal striving for during, 75; ideal and most significant, 545; impact and prospects of, 544; need for, example demonstrating, 98; reflection of, in e-HDI security framework, 474; trend contributing to, 490; underlying drivers for, 45, 46; view impeding, 407408; vision in, 4042

E-health perspectives: case involving, 8289; of chaos and string theories, 6877; conclusion on, 8081; of general systems concepts, 6068; introduction to, 60; and learning objectives, 60; questions on, 8182; of sociocultural entities, 7780

E-health processes and services, integration of, 76

E-health prospects: case involving, 547552; conclusion on, 543545; of consumer-driven e-health systems, 535543; introduction to, 524526; learning objectives involving, 524; in mobile health care, 526529; questions on, 545; in virtual reality, 530535

E-health records (EHRs): aspects of, 215216; barriers to implementing, 101104; benefits of, 100101; cases involving, and e-primary health care, 116125; challenges in, 121123; concepts and characteristics defining, 9496; conceptualization of, 104105; conclusion on, 114115; as critical to e-clinical care, 172; and data mining, 141; defined, 95; ethical use and distribution of, focus on, 460; future, objectives for, 113114; and general systems theory, 6162; growth of, 99; implementation of, 104114; intelligent, employing, to apply e-health vision, 41; introduction to, 9293; learning objectives involving, 9192; more data in, consideration of, in I-SEE framework, 484; purposes of, 9799; questions on, 115; restricting access to, 462; standards for, 178; and teleradiology, 324325; trends in, 9697

E-Health Solution, 248

E-health strategies: aspects of, 2223; case involving, and impacts, 396405; conclusion on, 392394; framework for, 367370; future directions for, 544545; introduction to, 366372; learning objectives involving, 366; opportunities and challenges of, 372382; questions on, 394395; service models and services in, 382392. See also specific strategies

E-health systems: basic components of, 1011; focus of, 40; implementation and evaluation of, 22, 2425; planning, 23; problems with, 123; reliance on, 118; types of, by dimension of integration, 1722. See also specific systems

E-health technology strategies and impacts case: conclusion on, 404; and future trends, 402404; in the health care industry, 397; in home monitoring and telediagnosis, 399400; in medical error reduction, 398399; in naval health care, 397; overview of, 396397; questions on, 404405; success of, 400402

E-health vision: case involving, 5255; characteristics of, understanding, 4042; conclusion on, 51; drivers of and barriers to, 4550; and the e-health paradigm shift, 3945; embracing, need for, 372; extension of, 129; introduction to, 3839; learning objectives involving, 3738; and medicolegal considerations, 5051; and trends in EHRs, 9697

eHealthEngines, 387

E-home care: acceptance of, 284285; access and cost issues in, 283284; applications of, 274280; aspects of, 208209, 209210; case involving, 290294; clinical outcomes and processes in, 282283; concepts in, 269274; conclusion on, 285286; cost savings from, 500; defining, 44, 205, 268; design issues in, 281; determining appropriateness of, 286; for diabetes, 120; ethical considerations for, 286; evaluation of, 282285; introduction to, 268269; issues and challenges in, 280282; learning objectives involving, 265266; other e-technologies used in, 277280; privacy and confidentiality issues for, 280281; projected growth in, 236237; questions on, 286287; rationale and trends for, 272274; reimbursement for, 281282; successful diffusion of, 42

E-hospice, 277

E-information service model, 528

El Camino Hospital, 14

E-laboratory systems, 113, 114

E-learning: applications of, 213214, 233234, 531; emphasis on, 7778, 510; opportunities in, 374; scenario of, 322; value of, 12

E-learning and tele-educational services, 211214. See also specific services and applications

E-learning communities. See E-communities

Electrocardiogram (ECG) cellular transmission, 186

Electronic data interchange (EDI) methodology, 79, 206

Electronic Healthcare Record Support Action project, 122123

Electronic health records. See E-health records (EHRs)

Electronic incidental records, defined, 94

Electronic laparoscopic simulation, 548

Electronic medical records (EMRs): access to, issues involving, 463464; confusing, with EHRs, 94; cost savings from, 398; early research findings on, issues raised by, 121122; and e-health data integration, 460, 464; and epidemiological surveillance, 142; as a hybrid e-health model, 387388; unauthorized retrieval of, 328. See also E-health records (EHRs)

Electronic patient records (EPRs): defined, 94, 95; merging, with medical images, 484. See also E-health records (EHRs)

Electronic Record Architecture, 125n1

Electronic surveillance. See E-surveillance

Elsevier Science, 444

E-mail: discovery of, 16; security of, 180181; use of, proliferation in, 235

E-marketing: defining, 43; successful diffusion of, 42


E-medical or direct patient care services, 206211. See also specific services and applications

E-medicine: applications of, 22, 206208; benefits of, 238; defining, 4344, 232, 269; history of, 16, 234235; in hospice care, 276277; implementation of, factors in, 252254, 256; as an information clearinghouse, 239; limitations of, 121; nature of, 254; and outcomes measurement, research needed on, 256257; overview of, 233238; in primary care, 120121; slow adoption of, 380; specific examples of, 232; successful implementation of, key requirements for, 241242; use of telecommunications in, 190; value of, 373. See also Telemedicine

E-medicine development in Taiwan: for around-the-clock consultation, 263; conclusion on, 265266; for emergency support, 263; evaluation of, and management issues, 264265; major programs involved in, 261262; for military acute care, 264; overview of, 260261; for videoconferencing needs, 262263

E-medicine diffusion: barriers to, 235, 241; in Canada, 238242; case involving, 260266; challenges in, 236; conclusion on, 257; drivers of, 257; in Ethiopia, 242256; factors affecting, 248256; factors driving, 236238; introduction to, 232233; learning objectives involving, 232; and overview of e-medicine, 233238; questions on, 258; research on, in developing countries, 256257; successful, 42

E-medicine software, 248

E-medicine transfer: factors affecting, 249256; outcomes of, 251, 253, 255, 256

Emergency decision support system (EDSS), 151

Emergency information access, 475

Emergency preparedness: and bioterrorism, GIS-related technologies for, 143145; GIS-related data management for, 145149; using virtual reality for, 532

Emergency room use, 210, 211, 273, 282, 400

Emergency support, 263

E-messaging, 528

Employers, 374, 378

Empowerment: defining, 75; principle of, 270; and supersymmetrical thinking, 73, 75. See also E-consumer empowerment and satisfaction; User empowerment

Enabling factors, 85

Encoders, choice of, 30

Encryption algorithms, 181, 191192, 196197, 198, 265, 480481, 506

Encryption technology, 173, 178179, 180, 181, 186, 459, 462, 506. See also Integrated selective encryption and data embedding (I-SEE)

E-network infrastructure support, 174177

E-networking: case involving, 190199; conclusion on, 187188; defining, 165; and e-home care, 269; in Ethiopia, 248; external integration required for, 20; infrastructures and configurations of, 182187; introduction to, 164166; learning objectives involving, 164; questions on, 188; requirements for, 166173; and security, 463; standards for, 174182

E-networks: expanded, potential for, 278; linking EHRs to, 114

England, hospitals in, 14

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, 6465

Entropy rate, 485

E-nursing systems, 114

ENV 12265, 125n1

Environmental assessment, 23

Environmental factors, 85

Eoffering Corp., 491

ePad, 528

E-patient data gathering, 92

E-patient education, 275

E-patient image retrieval case, 352360

E-patient learning, 214

E-patient monitoring and tracking, 527. See also Remote patient monitoring

E-patient safety and error reduction, 527. See also Error reduction; Safety

ePhysician, 215, 528

Epic Systems Corporation, 216

EpicCare, 216

Epidemiological databases, 142

Epidemiological diagnosis, 84

Epidemiological investigations, 140141

Epidemiological rapid assessment, 150152

Epidemiological surveillance, 142, 144, 151

Epidemiology and Biostatistics Resources, 448

EpiInfo 2002, 151

EpiMap, 151

EPocrates Rx Pro, 529

E-prescribing, 398, 399

E-prescription referencing, 529

E-prescription systems, 113, 214215, 367, 375376, 384, 496, 505, 527, 528, 529, 536

E-primary care: for dermatology, 248; for diabetes, 120; and e-health records cases, 116125

E-primary care systems, early, inadequacy of, 123124

E-profiling community health: background on, 156158; and community diagnosis, 158; conclusion on, 161; geographic areas in, consideration of, 158159; overview of, 155156; questions on, 161162; selection of profile indicators in, 158; timeliness of, 159161

E-public health informatics: aspects of, 131133; challenges to, 153

E-public health information systems: case involving, 155162; conclusion on, 153; development of, infrastructure issues hindering, 132; infrastructure of, simplified model of, 141, 142; introduction to, 128133; key features of, 134136; learning objectives involving, 128; legacy health systems vs., 133138; network infrastructure for, requirements for, 173; for public health surveillance and preparedness, 139152; questions on, 153154

E-public health statistical system, 62, 134

E-purchasing/procurement, 369, 494. See also E-supply ordering

Equitable care: e-technologies working against, problem of, 511; organization promoting, 325. See also Universal health care

E-radiological systems, 113, 114. See also Teleradiology

E-readiness factor, 253

E-recording, 529

E-referencing, 527

E-rehabilitation, 219220, 221

Ergonomic data presentations, defined, 95

E-Robin Hood case, 5255

E-robotics, breakthrough expected in, 544

Error reduction, 99, 398399, 527

Escape mechanism, as requisite, 475476

E-security: case involving, 479487; conclusion on, 474476; and e-health data aggregation issues, 464473; and e-health data integration, 460464; frameworks in, 453459; introduction to, 451452; learning objectives involving, 451; questions on, 476; technologies in, aspects of, 178181

E-security policies: engineering, 470473; need for additional research on, 475

E-servicing e-health care, 509

E-speech therapy program: background on, 225; benefits of, 221; development of, 226; e-technologies for, 226227; evaluation of sessions in, 227228; and evaluation outcomes, 228229; expanded, 229; future implications of, 229; overview of, 224225; questions on, 229230

E-stakeholders: acceptance and support from, importance of, 103, 106, 107, 253; commitment of, as essential, 284; community of, consideration of, 10, 114, 366367; as a component in EHR development, 105; connecting, 388389; e-health challenges for, 379, 380, 381; e-health opportunities for, 375378, 379; empowerment of, 75; integration between and among, 76; major, groups of, 25; partnerships among, for EHR implementation, need for, 113; relationships among, in consumercentered marketplace, 367, 368; willingness and e-readiness of, importance of, 253

E-supply ordering, 216217, 368369, 384, 386, 494

E-surgical training, 214, 530531

E-surveillance, defined, 133. See also Surveillance systems

E-survey design, example of, 425426

E-surveying health executives on HCTM, 413426

E-tasking, 529

E-technologies: allowing for greater information use and misuse, 118; continuing attention to evolution of, 507512; determining vision for, 23; development of, stages of, 508509; emerging, benefits of, 1213; extended, rise of, 16; forms of, 5; gradual impact of, in various health care and service sectors, 492497, 498; harnessing the power of, focus on, 436; as hub of health care delivery at the macro level, 129; implementation of, evaluation guiding, 505; integration of, 76; mismanagement of, 507; and overview of effects, 490491; potential of, for primary care, 117; power of, 497504; promise of, 490; risks in applying, 504507; significance of, 490491; slow adoption of, 379; slow investment in, reason for, 372; strategic role of, 409411; and summary of effects, 513. See also specific technologies

E-technology management. See E-health care technology management (e-HCTM)

E-technology officer: responsibilities and capabilities of, 413; role of, 412

E-technology strategies. See E-health technology strategies and impacts

E-therapeutic consultations, 263

Ethical considerations, 24, 26, 35, 215, 240, 286, 460

Ethical practices, increasing emphasis on, 96

Ethical principle, for e-health data integration, 461462

Ethiopia: background on, 243248; e-medicine in, 242256; factors affecting diffusion of e-medicine in, 248256; health care spending in, 245; Internet connection in, 236; situation in, 242243, 257; socioeconomic and health indicators of, 245, 246

Ethiopian Council of Ministers, 245

Ethiopian Telecommunication Agency, 248

Ethiopian Telecommunication Cooperation, 248

EU Framework III Telematics project, 125n1

Euclidean distance metric, 332, 333

Europe, 14, 116, 408

European Community, 248

European Union, 122, 125n1, 275

Evaluation, project planning and, system for, 8486

Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation, 547

Evidence relevancy, combining, 305

Evidence, source of, Internet as, 442446, 515

Evidence-based guidelines, development of, 444445

Evidence-Based Medicine (BMJ Publishing Group), 445

Evidence-based medicine (EBM): access to, gaining, issue of, 40; call for, 240; continual benchmarking via, 542; continued importance of, 508; future of the Internet and, 448; overview of, 439442; questions on, 448; resources for learning, 446448; source for evidence in, 442446, 515; stages of, 441

Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM (Sacket, Straus, Richardson, Rosenberg, and Haynes), 440

Evidence-Based Medicine Resource List, 448

Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group, 440, 442443, 449

Evidence-Based On-Call, 446

Evolutionary implementation, 107, 113

E-work: aspects of, 218219; design of, challenges in, 49

Exact science, primary care appearing as, technological factors resulting in, problem with, 123

Exclusion principle, 72

Executive information system (EIS), 19, 217

Existence layer, 470

Expectations, 4, 45, 366, 413, 540543

ExperienceSeniorPower®, 84

Experimental stage, 29

Expert knowledge acquisition, 304

Expert performance, 310311, 312, 318319

Expert systems (ES), 16, 18, 85

Expertise, integrating, from specialists, move toward, 44

Exposure therapy, 551

Extended Architecture and Domain Model, 125n1

eXtensible Markup Language (XML), 89, 41, 76, 165, 178, 206, 221, 393, 518

External coupling, 78

External integration, defined, 18

External schema, 518

EZENIA 320/323 gateway, 227


Factor analysis, 426, 427

Faculty of Medicine, Addis Ababa, 248

Fair information practices, list of, 458

Family nursing system, 190

Fear, as a barrier, 48, 255, 384, 505

Federal Department of Communications, 240

Federal Drug Agency, 277

Federal Emergency Management Agency, 143

Federal Geographic Data Committee, 149

Feedback, 33, 228, 503

Feedback loops, 61

Fee-for-service payment, 238

Fermions, defined, 7172

Financial firewalls, 443

Financial restrictions, 204205, 269, 272, 401

Financing schemes, changes to, 536

Fingerprints, use of, 122

Firewall protection, 20, 459, 506

Flexibility, 388

Flexible input capabilities, defined, 95

Florida Department of Elders Affairs, 212

FluNet, 138, 453

Food and Drug Administration, 324, 380

Ford Motor Company, 536

Forrester Research, 221

Forum shopping, 50

Fragmentation, 62, 63, 69, 77, 7980, 97, 539

Frame relay, 262

Franklin Health, 180

Fraud and abuse, protections against, need for, 48

Free space data, defined, 146

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 458

Friends of the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, 28, 30

Functionality-dependent aggregation, 473

Funding streams, impact of, 116

Future developments, business potential to accommodate, consideration of, 11, 367

Future EHRs, objectives for, 113114

Future trends, 402404

Fuzzy logic, 314


Gap scoring, 423424, 430, 431, 432, 433

Gates Foundation, 74

General Electric (GE), 14

General Motors, 372, 536

General systems theory (GST), 6068, 69

Genonme Database, 213

Geocoded events, defined, 146

Geocoding target, 143

Geographic areas, consideration of, 158159

Geographical barriers, 234, 240

Geographical information systems (GIS): aspects of, 1819; benefits of, 139; and convergent interests, 144; emergence of, as e-public health technologies, 133134; purposes of, 128; uses of, 129; and virtual reality, 532. See also GIS entries

George Washington University, 133

Georgia Institute of Technology, 279, 282, 288

Georgia Tech Research Corporation, 279, 280

Geospatial analysis, 151

Geospatial database, 147, 149

Geostationary earth orbit (GEO) systems, 187

German hospital, 14

Gimmick effect, 29

GIS-based public health preparedness system, 147, 150151

GIS-enabled rapid assessment system, 150152

GIS-related technologies: aspects of, 139142; and data management, combining, for emergency preparedness, 142, 145149; for emergency preparedness and bioterrorism, 143145; for epidemiological surveillance, 142; for health surveillance and rapid assessment, 150152; for public health preparedness, 142143

Global marketplace, competition in, 408

Global network, 4142

Global perspective, 40

Global surveillance system, 4142, 128, 138

Global system for mobile communications (GSM) channel, 186

Global teleradiology network, achieving, goal of, 324

Global virtual teams, and learning communities, 7779. See also E-communities

Globalization, 7374, 153, 543, 544

Globalizing e-health care, 509

GlobalTelemedix, 387

GloveTalker, 534

Goldman calculator, 446

Good European Health Record (GEHR) project, 125n1

Government funding, importance of, 242, 261

Governmental boundaries, crossing, issue of, 380. See also Licensure requirements

Granite Hospital, 262, 263

Greenpeace, 372

Group health decision support system (group HDSS), aspects of, 19

Group-defined identity, 78


H235 standard, 181

H320 standard, 184, 225, 227, 253

H323 standard, 181, 184, 225, 227

H324 standard, 278

Handicapped users, 516

Hanover Hospital, 14

Harris Interactive, 211, 223

Harris Poll, 515, 520

Harrison Online, 211

Harvard Medical School, 551

Harvard Telepsychiatry Project, 209210

Hay Group Study, 423, 434435

Hazard simulations, 532

Hazard sites data, defined, 145

HBOC, 376

Header file, 484

Head-mounted display (HMD), 530, 535, 547548, 551

Health and medical information sites, 211212, 237

Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI), 213

Health Association of British Columbia (HABC), 241

Health behavior change: and impact of computer use, 8687; principle of, 84

Health Buddy, 210, 373, 392

Health Canada, 94, 109, 128, 270

Health care concept, changing the, 498499. See also E-health paradigm shift

Health care costs, rising, issue of, 5, 11, 38, 205, 235, 242, 273. See also Cost entries

Health care crisis, 56, 11, 38, 411

Health care executives, e-surveying of, 413426

Health Care Financing Administration, 180, 281, 497

Health care hierarchies, 39

Health care industry, 331, 397, 400, 489513

Health care informatics

Health care principles, protection of, 414

Health care procurement, 216217, 368369, 386

Health care product companies, aspects of, and impact of e-technologies, 496, 498

Health care reform, 46, 100, 269, 409, 535

Health care spending: in Ethiopia, 245; in the United States, 204. See also Health care costs

Health care system: continuing strategies of the, 409410; restructuring the, need for, 204, 257; transformation as only constant in the evolving, 525; trends in the, 272273, 409

Health care technology management (HCTM): defining, 414415; further research needed on, 435, 437438; recent attention to, 408. See also E-health care technology management (e-HCTM)

Health care technology management (HCTM) model: addressing validity and reliability of, 423424; application of, issues relating to, 437; critical attributes informing, from content analysis, 415, 416-421; dimensions of, 427, 428, 429, 435436; gap scores in, 423424; indicators in, 427, 428, 430433, 431; national survey on, 426; and performance measures, 434435; pilot testing and field testing of, 415, 422423; revised, 427, 428; survey design based on, 425426; testing generalizability of, further research needed for, 435; variables underlying, 427, 428

Health data aggregation issues: defining, 460; example of, 460461; formal specification of, 464473

Health data management, 453

Health decision making, improving, value of, 13

Health decision support systems (HDSS): defining, 525; early interest in, 16; example of, that moves away from legacy systems, 137; focus shifting to, 525; as generic term, 21; group, 19; integrating with, 19; purposes of, 128

Health, defined, 411

Health Families Children's Health program, 377

Health Hero Network, 210, 373

Health informatics, 2122, 123124

Health information processing system: components of, 145; and IT specifications for emergency preparedness, 148-149

Health Information Research Unit, 447

Health insurance companies, aspects of, and impact of e-technologies, 496-497, 498

Health insurance information, 377, 385

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 109, 215, 280, 328, 378, 380, 454, 457, 458, 495, 506

Health Insurance Reform, 458

Health insurance services, 2021, 386, 502503. See also On-line claims processing

Health Key research initiative, 180

Health Level Seven (HL7), 177, 178, 253, 325

Health Link, 463

Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 218, 372, 385

Health management information system (HMIS): diffusion, proliferation, and acceptance of, 525; move towards, 15, 16

Health problem diagnosis, 84, 85

Health professional shortage area (HPSA), 226, 282

Health promotion, preventive health and, applying e-health vision to, 41, 45

Health records, defined, 95

Health Resources and Services Administration, 219, 230

Health Sciences Library, 447

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 325

Health-e-App, 377

HealtheCare, 385

Healtheon, 388389, 500, 502503. See also WebMD

HealthMarket, 385

HealthNet/BC, 241

Healthstream, 213

HealthVillage, 510511, 512

Healthy People 2010, 143

HealthyPyramid, 366

Henry Ford Health System, 14, 275, 372

Heterogeneous technologies, issue with, 401

Hewlett Packard, 48

Hidden information, 467, 469

Hidden layer activation model, 353, 354, 355, 360

Hiding information, 462, 470

Hierarchical clustering approach, 335

Hierarchy of layers, 182183

High-speed digital exchange network, 262

HIV/AIDS: and e-medicine diffusion, 257; in Ethiopia, 242, 244, 245; relief movement involving, 74. See also Infectious diseases

Home asthma telemonitoring (HAT) system, 275

Home Care Services, University of Tennessee, 209

Home health care agencies, aspects of, and impact of e-technologies, 495496, 498

Home health care (HHC): advances in, 373; benefits of, 271; history of, 268; reducing labor costs in, 500; significance of, 270272. See also E-home care

Home management system, 291

Home networking, 171

HomeCareAmerica, 376

Honeywell, 14

Hong Kong Health Authority, 264

Horizontally and vertically integrated systems, increasing investment in, result of, 99

Hospice Association of America, 277

Hospice care, 276277

Hospital hopping, 326

Hospital marketing, 493

Hospitals, aspects of, and impact of e-technologies, 492494, 498

House Committee on Small Business, 277

HTML. See Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Hub/Authority approach, 516

Hub-spokes topology, 325

Huffman coding, 481, 483

Hugo Public Schools, 224, 226, 227, 229

Human contact, need for, 121

Human Resource and Services Administration, 227

Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC), 458

Human thinking, shift in, benefit of, 545

Human-computer interface (HCI), 24

Hybrid e-health models, 387392

Hybrid Internet and compact disc (CD) modules, 213

Hybrid strategies, 511

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 8, 9


IBM, 14, 49, 374, 393, 510511

ICD-10, 105, 296

ICD-9-CM, 105

Identifying information, hiding, 467

Identity databases, 122

Ideological perspective, 40

IEEE 802.11b, 191, 192, 196

iEnhance, 389

IETF Integrated Services, 176

Image archive database systems, existing, use of, 263

Image degradation, 481, 485

Image retrieval experiments, 355357, 358, 359

Image retrieval, prior, case involving, 352360

Image transmission. See Medical image transmission and storage

Imaging. See Digital medical imaging

Immersive virtual reality case, 547552

Impact assessment, 85

Improving Health in the Community: A Role for Performance Monitoring (Durch, Bailey, and Stoto), 156

Incidental records, defined, 94

Incremental EHR implementation, 105, 107, 113

Incremental learning, 352

Incremental learning in an e-DSS, defined, 352

Incremental neural net learning: conclusion on, 360; evaluation of, in e-patient image retrieval experiments, 355357, 358, 359; hidden layer activation in, 355; motivation for, 353355; overview of, 352353; questions on, 360

Incremental ratio, 357, 359, 360

India, e-work in, 219

Individual access to personal information, privacy principle of, 112

Individual impact, consideration of, 25

Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), 224, 225

Indonesian islands, 236

Industrial Revolution, public health focus during, 130

Industrial, scientific, and medicine (ISM) band, 191

Industry Canada, 239, 240, 241, 259

Infectious diseases: and e-medicine diffusion, 257; monitoring and controlling, 4142, 128, 130, 138; preparedness for, 143

Inference algorithm, 303, 307308, 313, 316317

Inference engine, 297, 303, 304

Infoland, 30, 31

Informating e-health care, 509

Information: giving inappropriate weight to, 123; harnessing, facilitation of, as essential, 117, 118; long-term integrity of, issue of, 121122; misuse of, 118, 507. See also specific type of information

Information access: component of, defining, 104105; continued expansion of, 402403; emergency, 475. See also Patient information access

Information and communication technologies (ICT): advances in, 269; CDC-specifications for application of, for emergency preparedness and bioterrorism, 147; developing and testing of, location of, 243; expanding field of, 205; for health in Ethiopia, policy development initiative on, 245, 247; and impact of infrastructures on e-medicine transfer, 250, 251, 252, 256, 257; implementation of, effect of culture on, 255256; incorporating, to support HHC services, 268; and infrastructure issues, 132; national policies on, impact of, on e-medicine transfer, 249250, 251, 256257; present-day applications of, 128. See also specific technologies

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Team, 247, 259

Information clearinghouse, e-medicine as, 239

Information delivery, e-communities and, 516517

Information dissemination process, 89, 49

Information exchange, 238239

Information explosion, 117

Information flow: bidirectional, 167; integrated, 7677

Information gatekeepers, shift from, 49

Information management, scalability challenges in, case involving, 515519

Information organization, e-communities and, 517518

Information overload, 117, 516

Information ownership, issue of, 328

Information Privacy Policy, 458

Information push, proactive, 517

Information quality, challenge of, 511, 516

Information requirements (IRs) of users, analyzing, 536540

Information superiority, 402

Information systems. See specific systems

Information technology (IT), investments in, growth of, 331. See also Information and communication technologies (ICT)

Information therapy, 510

Information-focused stage, 508509

Informed consent, debate over, 459

Infrastructure wireless network, defining, 192

Initialization key, 196, 197

Inland Revenue records, 121

Innovation diffusion, characteristics affecting, 257, 264

Innovation management, 428

Input-process-output triads, 61, 62

Insight Research Corporation, 272

Institute of Medicine (IOM), 94, 95, 96, 97, 100, 103, 113, 116, 156, 158, 240, 276, 398

Institute of Scientific Information, 444

Intake forms, 32

Integrated delivery networks, highly distributed, regrouping into, 454

Integrated delivery systems (IDSs), vertically and horizontally, increasing investment in, result of, 99

Integrated e-systems, break-through expected in, 544

Integrated perspectives, development of, need for, 539540

Integrated selective encryption and data embedding (I-SEE): background on, 479480; conclusion on, 486; framework of, 482483; overview of, 479; questions on, 487; rationale for, 480482; and receiver processing, 486; and transmitter processing, 483486

Integrated services digital network (ISDN) technology, 183186, 219, 227, 262, 264, 278, 326

Integrated services (IntServ) model, 175, 176

Integrated systems: early efforts at implementing, 15; external, 18; implementing and overseeing, 2425; internal, 17; move towards, 16. See also specific systems

Integrated view: defining, 466467; example of, 470. See also E-health data integration (e-HDI)

Integrating Clinical Information System (ICIS), 398399

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), 325, 328

Integration: architecture of, 6566; case reflecting, 84; defining, 7576; dimension of, types of e-health systems by, 1722; for e-disease management, 275; for e-home care, 274; for e-public health, 131; importance of, 264; initiative on, 325; knowledge, 315; lack of, 164; limiting, 461; and supersymmetrical thinking, 73, 7577; for teleradiology, 325. See also E-health data integration (e-HDI); E-networking

INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center ((IBMC), 226227

INTEGRIS Health System, 226, 227

INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Center (IJTRC), 219220, 221, 226, 227, 229

INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Network, 224

INTEGRIS Rural Health, 219

INTEGRIS Rural Telemedicine, 224, 226, 227, 229

INTEGRIS Wide Area Network (WAN), 227

Integrity of information: long-term, issue of, 121122; requirements for, further technological aids to address, need for, 118

Intel, 180

Intelligence, e-health. See E-health intelligence

Intelligence enhancement, 315

Intelligent electronic health records, 41

Intelligent e-networks, break-through expected in, 544

Intelligent organizations, 512

Intelligent remote transmission, 292, 293

Intelligent support, providing, value of, 13, 16, 327

IntelliHealth, 211, 385

IntensiveCare, 447

Interactive calculators, 446, 448

Interactive video, emergence of, 235, 326

Interface design, importance of, 103

Interfaces: dual, 297, 303304; in Ethiopia, 248; smooth, importance of, 24, 76; standards for, need for, 393; user-friendly, 104105, 106, 114, 214, 281, 327, 394

Interfacing standards, multiple, 253

Intergenerational programming, defined, 501. See also Maria-Madeline Project (MMP)

Interleaving techniques, 484

Internal coaxial network, 30

Internal coupling, 78

Internal integration, defined, 17

Internal operations and organizational management, functions of, for e-technologies to contribute to, 508

Internal schema, 518

Internal video circuit, 28, 30

International agendas, 40

International and national identity databases, 122

International classification of diseases, 105, 136

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), 480, 481, 484

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 455

International Medical Informatics Association, 460, 464, 477

International Organization for Immigration, 244

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 253, 455

International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 184, 247, 248, 252, 253, 259, 278. See also specific ITU standards

International Telework Association and Council, 218

Internet: and e-health business structures, 370371; and electronic data interchange, 8; and evidence-based medicine, 442448; fastest growing group to embrace, 403; by hospitals, 493494; increase in, 38, 167; intranets and extranets extending concept of, 2021; likeliness of, 211; network access through, 41; proliferation of, 235, 366; public awareness of, growing, as a driver, 47; rapid growth of, 323. See also specific Internet-based tools, systems, and applications

Internet connectivity: attention shifted to, 16; disparity in, 236; in Ethiopia, 248

Internet costs vs. telephone costs, 500

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 176, 179

Internet Explorer, 462

Internet portals, 391

Internet Protocol (IP) networks, 174, 175, 176, 184185, 462

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), 179180, 181, 196, 462

Internet search issues, 167, 168

Internet service providers (ISPs), 168, 176, 177

Internet video streaming, 29, 3031

Internet2 consortium, 213. See also Next Generation Internet (NGI)

Interoperability of systems, 264265, 278, 322, 328

Interoperable databases, defining, 104

Interval attribute, defined, 333

Intranets and extranets, 2021, 268, 493, 500

Intrapicture frames (I-frames), 177

Introduction to Evidence-Based Medline tool, 447

IntServ model, 175, 176

iPods, 526


Isabel interactive tool, 446

iScribe, 215

ISO 17799, 455

ISO 9000, 253

Issues in Credentialing Team, 229, 230

Italy, study in, on general practitioner awareness levels, 117


Japan, 277, 326, 408

Java 2, 303

Java servlets technology, 304

JavaServer Pages, 304

JBIG2, 483

Jin-Men Provincial General Hospital, 262, 263

Jin-Shan Medical Center, 262263

Job losses, potential for, 504505

John Hopkins, 211, 213, 385

John Hopkins Oncology Center, 15

Johnson & Johnson, 43

Join-attributes, 467

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 177, 483

Journal of the American Medical Association, 441

JPEG2000, 483

JPEG-LS, 483

Jurisdictional boundaries, 240

Just-in-case mobile applications, 392

Just-in-time inventory management, 216, 376


Kaiser Permanente, 216

Kaiser Permanente Rocky Mountain Division, 107

Karolinska Hospital, 14

Kinetra, 215

Kings Hospital, 14

K-means, 334

Knowledge acquisition and representation, 304307, 314

Knowledge, as power, 75

Knowledge base, 297, 302303, 315; verification of, 308, 309

Knowledge discovery. See Data mining techniques; Incremental neural net learning

Knowledge dissemination, value of, 13

Knowledge gaps, 117

Knowledge inference, 307308

Knowledge integration, 315

Knowledge management, 117118

Knowledge mining, e-communities and, 518519

Knowledge preservation, 390

Knowledge replenishment, systematic, need for, 315

Knowledge update interface, 303, 304

Knowledge-base management technology, 910

Kohonen neural network, 335

KPMG survey, 376


Laboratory capacity, focus on, in GIS-enabled systems, 150, 151152

Laboratory systems, 113, 114

Landline systems, issues with, 190

Language barriers, 50, 152

Latency guarantees, 169, 171172, 173, 174177

Latent variables, defined, 427

Latter Day Saints Hospital, 14

Layer hierarchy, 182183

Layers of secrecy, 470

Leadership, importance of, 241, 328, 412, 413, 507

Leapfrogging, 386

Learning in Virtual Environments (LIVE), 531

Learning-disabled people, virtual program for, 531

Least significant bitplanes (LSBs), 483, 485486

Legacy systems, 19, 133138, 141, 164, 372

Legal issues, 24, 26, 506

Legislation and policies, implementation of, conducive to promoting e-health, need for, 46, 48, 51. See also Privacy legislation and codes

Lempel-Ziv (LZ) algorithm, 483

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZ) algorithm, 484

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm, 483

Liability concerns, 5051, 240

Licensure requirements, 51, 240, 375, 386

Lien-Chiang County Hospital, 262, 264

Life Masters, 211

Link keys, 196, 197

Literacy barrier, 50

Litigation, avoiding, focus on, issue with, 117

Local area networks (LANs), 180, 186, 190, 191, 278. See also Wireless local area networks (WLANs)

Lockheed Information Systems Division, 14

Logician, 216

London Hospital, 14

Longitudinal trend analysis, 137

Long-term integrity of information, issue of, 121122

Los Alamos National Laboratory, 18

Los Angeles Internet connectivity, 236

Lossless compression, 170, 327, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485

Lossy compression, 170171, 177, 327, 481

Low-earth orbit (LEO) systems, 187

Lower back, defining, 297

Lower back pain: issue of, 296; managing, common service process for, 297299; overview of, 297. See also E-diagnosis support system (e-DSS) for lower back pain

Lubbock Cancer Center, 324

Lung transplant patients, monitoring, 276


M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 326

M theory, 73

Macquarie University, 208

Mainstream health care. See Traditional health care systems

Makaton symbols, teaching, 531

Malaria, high prevalence of, 242, 244, 257

Malpractice insurance coverage, 240

Mammography, 170, 171, 324, 325

Managed care, 204, 237, 238, 385, 393

Management support, importance of, 252

Management systems, focus of, 412

Managerial challenges and implications, 511512

Managerial e-health delivery strategies, 509511

Manhattan distance metric, 333

“Mapping the Hazards to Keep Rescuers Safe,” 143, 154

Maria-Madeline Project (MMP): applying research on computer use and health behavior change to, 8687; background on, 8384; conclusion on, 8889; evaluation plan of, 8788; as learning community for seniors, 82, 392; overview of, 8283; precede-proceed framework for, 8486; questions on, 89; rich picture of, 6667

Marketing integration-focused stage, 509

Marketplace changes, attention shifted to, 23. See also E-health marketplace

Mary's Help Hospital, 14

Massachusetts General Hospital, 15, 213, 551

Materials management systems, 376

Maternal and child health programs, 214, 233

Mayo Clinic, 211, 213, 393

Mayohealth, 211

McDonnell-Douglas, 14

McKesson Corporation, 372, 376

McMaster University, 447

McNeil pharmaceutical, 43

MDConsult, 211

MDLinx, 386

Mean squared error, 485

Medem, 382

Mediametrix, 211

Medicaid reimbursement, 323

Medi-Cal, 377

Medical and health information sites, 211212, 237

Medical care applications, 206211

Medical Center Net, 496

Medical Center Telemedicine Network, University of Tennessee, 209

Medical claims submission and processing. See On-line claims processing

Medical digital libraries, 390

Medical education: opportunities in, 374; virtual reality in, 531, 548549. See also Continuing medical education

Medical error reduction, 398399

Medical image transmission and storage: in e-medicine programs, 263, 264, 265; and file size, 170, 171; security of, 198, 199, 479486

Medical informatics, 123124

Medical insurance. See Health insurance entries

Medical records, considerations involving, 121122, 123. See also Electronic medical records (EMRs)

The Medical Record (TMR), 15

Medical supply and specialty superstores, 384

Medically underserved area (MUA), 226

MedicaLogic, 391

Medicare: financial difficulties of, 272; and home health care, 271; reimbursement from, 51, 178, 281, 282, 323, 327

Medication adherence/compliance, 274, 282, 283

Medication errors, 398

Medicine Online, 390391

Medicolegal considerations, 5051, 240

MEDLINE, 114, 142, 212, 441, 443, 444

Medlinepro, 386

Medoid, defined, 334

Medpool, 386

MedQue, 376

Medscape, 216, 388, 391, 444

MedSite, 43

Mental models, 6368, 83

Merck, 366, 376377, 389

Merck Manuals, 376, 389

Merck-Medco, 389

Messages for the Exchange of Record Information, 125n1

Messaging, electronic, 528

Meta-analysis, 441

Metadatabase, defined, 149

Metaphor, purpose of, 65

Metaphors and mental models, 6368

Metasearch engines, 445

Microsoft, 49, 374, 393

Microsoft Windows, 30, 33, 374

Microsoft Word, 425

Mid-earth orbit (MEO) systems, 187

Military acute care, 264

Millennium products, 216

Minkowski distance metric, 333

Misleading authoritative results, 123

Mismanagement of e-technologies, 507

Mission, of system analyst group, 22

Misuse of information, 118, 507

Mobile health: administrative applications in, 528529; clinical applications in, 527528; delivery systems in, 529; overview of, 526

Mobile health networks case. See Bluetooth-enabled mobile medicine system

Mobile medicine, defined, 190

Mobile modality equipment, 325

Mobile network infrastructures, 186187

Mobile service strategy, 392

Model Privacy Code, 458

Model-base management technology, 9

Models: development of, purpose of, 6364; mental, and metaphors, use of, 6368. See also specific models

Modem quality, 30

Moderate incremental classes, 357, 359

Modified Delphi approach, 415

Modified Turing test, 309311, 318319

Monmouth Medical Center, 14

Morning after pill, 384

Mortality rates: in Ethiopia, 244245; and evidence-based medicine, 442; from medical error, 398

Most significant bitplanes (MSBs), 483, 485

Mount Sinai Hospital, 448

Moving Pictures Expert Group (MPEG), 177, 481

MSWatch, 385

Multicommunity e-health promotion programming case, 6667, 8289

Multidimensional databases (MDDB), 141

Multilayer neural network, 353

Multilayered architecture, 518

Multimedia training systems and simulations, 213214

Multiple decision outcomes, simultaneous, issue of, 301, 314, 354

Multiple diagnoses, simultaneous, accommodating, 301, 314

Multiple sociocultural contexts, 7980

Multiple-party communications, improving, value of, 12

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME), 181

MUNIN, 301

MySQL, 303


Nanotechnology, 544

Narrowband ISDN (N-ISDN), 183, 184, 185

National Academy of Sciences, 94, 240

National and international identity databases, 122

National Association for Homecare, 270, 271, 289

National boundaries, crossing, issue of, 380

National Broadband Experimental Network, 260

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), 443

National Center for Emergency Medicine Informatics, 446

National Center for Health Statistics, 271, 289

National Cheng-Kung University Hospital (NCKUH), 261, 262, 263

National Electrical Manufacturers, 235

National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), 445

National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), 262, 264

National Health Service Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 444

National Health Service (NHS), 94, 107

National ICT policies: impact of, on e-medicine transfer, 249250, 251, 256257. See also E-medicine development in Taiwan

National Infrastructure Initiative (NII), 260, 261, 262, 263, 264

National Institute for Clinical Excellence, 118

National Institute of Health, 97

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 550, 551

National Institute of Nursing Research, 271, 289

National Jewish Medical and Research Center, 18

National Library of Medicine (NLM), 399, 400, 405, 441, 443

National Mental Health Association, 551

National Research Council, 143, 154, 155

National Research Council Committee, 167, 180, 189

National Science Foundation, 38, 97

National Spatial Data Infrastructure, 142

National strategy, 40

National surveillance system, 41, 128

National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), 260, 262263

Natural language questions, 516517

Naval health care, 397

Navigation mining, 519

NCR, 14

Nebraska Psychiatric Institute, 235

Needs forcasting, 221

Need-to-know principle, 461, 464

Neoforma, 384, 386, 390

.NET Enterprise Server platform, 374

Netherlands, trial in, on roles altering clinical decision making, 124

Netscape, 391, 462

Netting the Evidence, 448

Network analysis, defined, 146

Network availability, 172

Network intelligence, 65

Network strategy, employing, in an e-health vision, 4142

Network thinking, 63

Network-based materials management systems, 376

Network-based service community, expanding to, importance of, 265

Networking basis, 254

Networking technologies: aspects of, 20; and interoperability, 264265; move towards, 1516; in teleradiology, 324

Neural networks (NN), 6465, 68, 76, 137, 352, 356. See also Incremental neural net learning

New technology, adaptation to, over time, 501

New York Internet connectivity, 236

Newbridge 3645 carrier-grade switch, 227

Next Generation Internet (NGI), 403404

Niche industry, 39

Nokia's 7650, 194

Nominal attribute, defined, 333

Non-immersive virtual reality, 547

Nonstructural learning, defined, 353

Norfolk Hospital, 235

North American countries. See Canada; United States

Norwest, 411

Nova Scotia e-medicine network, 241

Null description, 337

Number needed to treat, 442

Nursing homes, aspects of, and impact of e-technologies, 494495, 498

Nursing shortage, 191, 194195, 205, 209

Nursing systems, 114

Nursing training, virtual reality in, 548549

Nutritional screening, 279


Objective testing, 298

Obsolescence, 537

Occupational therapy, 533534, 549

OECD, 458

Office automation (OA), move towards, 15, 16

Office for the Advancement of Telemedicine, 227

Office of Advancement of Telehealth, 219

Office of Health and the Information Highway (OHIH), 9495, 96, 104, 107, 116, 270271, 289

Office of Rural Health Policy, 225, 230

Okanagan-Similkameen Health Region, 273

Oklahoma Healthcare Authority, 227

OliverHome Project: applications of, 292293; aspects of, 291292; conclusion on, 293294; development of, 292; overview of, 290; questions on, 294

OneNet, 225

OneTouch, 43

Ongoing surveillance, 150

OnHealth, 211, 384385

On-line analytic processing (OLAP), 41, 141, 217

On-line auctions, 390391

On-line claims processing, 12, 2021, 217, 377, 502

On-line medical transcriptions, 219

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), 213

On-line recruiting, 218

On-line scheduling, 322, 500, 502

On-line services, e-consumer desire for, 373

On-line suicide counseling, 210

On-line support groups, 47, 212, 403, 501502

On-the-spot security risk factor, 475

Ontology systems, 517518

Open access, issue of, 443

Open competition, 322323

Open complex systems, characteristics of, 61

Open data warehouse structure, 149

Open systems, example of, 61

Open systems interconnect (OSI) model, 165, 182183

Openness, privacy principle of, 112

Optum Health Forum, 385

Oracle, 304

Ordinal attribute, defined, 333

Organizational, cultural, and societal impacts, 504506

Organizational management, 428, 429, 435, 508

Organizational perspective, 511, 512

Osprey 200 Codec cards, 30

Ottawa rule, 446

Outcome assessment, 85

Outcome indicators, measuring and monitoring, 134

Outcomes, enhanced clinical, 503504

Outsourcing technologically advanced functions, 505506

Overlay analysis, defined, 146

Overplanning, problem of, 80

Oversight, need for, 48

OVID, 212, 444, 446

Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine, 445, 447, 449

Oxhp, 385


Packet-switched network, 184

Pagers, advanced, 526

Palm Pilots, 526, 528

PalmOS, 448

Pan-American Standards Council, 393

PandaMedicine, 366

Panic disorders, defined, 550

Paper chart backup, 105

Paper reduction, 100

PAPNET, 137138

Paradigm shift concept, defining, 39

Parallel systems, running, 505

Parkinson's disease, rehabilitation for, 534

Participation vs. planning, 80

Partition-based clustering approach, 334335

Partitioning around medoids (PAM), 334

Partners Health System, 217

Passive surveillance, 135

Passwords, 196, 506

Pathfinder, 301

Patient assessment, 298

Patient care applications, 206211

Patient Data Exchange program, 528

Patient education, 119120, 283, 502, 510

Patient empowerment concept, 270, 275

Patient identification, correct, issue of, 122

Patient identifiers, hiding, 462, 467, 469, 470

Patient information access: benefits involving, 494; issues involving, 4950, 96, 97, 112. See also Privacy and confidentiality

Patient information systems: efforts to develop, 1415; existing, use of, 263; medical devices affecting flow, quality, and quantity in, 403

Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters (POEMS), 445

Patient participation, significance of, 283

Patient perceptions, instrument for measuring, 285

“Patient Privacy in the Information Age,” 456

Patient record retrieval system, 263

Patient records: computerization of, 93; defined, 94; importance of, 92; protecting, 328. See also E-health records (EHRs)

Patient-provider relationship, 121, 211, 393, 502

Patient-provider-insurer relationship, strengthened, 502503

Patients' rights, 281

Patient-to-provider (P2P) transactions, 205

PedsCCM Evidence-Based Journal Club, 445

Peng-Hu Provincial Hospital, 262, 263

PennHealth, 393

People factor, 7879

Performance measures, consumerdriven, need for, 540

Perinatal center, connecting parents with newborns at, project involving. See Telebaby® project

Personal area networks (PANs), 192, 193, 194, 196

Personal data/digital assistants (PDAs), 12, 143, 192, 193, 216, 269, 279, 292, 326, 374, 377, 392, 445, 448, 526, 529

Personal identification number (PIN), 197, 198

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (formerly Bill C-6), 110, 454, 458

Personal information, protection of, principles for, 110-112, 135. See also Privacy and confidentiality; Security

Personalized information delivery, 517

PersonalMD, 388

Pew Internet & American Life Project, 403

Pfizer, 374, 496

Pharmaceutical companies, aspects of, and impact of e-technologies, 496, 498

Pharmaceutical industry, 375376, 377, 380

PharmaNet/BC, 241

Phased evaluation, 85

Philips Medical Systems, 399, 400

Philosophical perspective, 40

Phobia therapy, virtual reality in, 532533, 549550, 551

Phobias, types of, 550551

Physical connectivity, 165

Physical sensor, defined, 278

Physical therapy modality, 297

Physician certification, 382

Physician needs, opportunities to meet, 374, 376377

Physician-centered care system, shift from, 17

Physician-patient relationship management, 373374

Physicians' offices, aspects of, and impact of e-technologies, 493494, 498

Physicians Online, 213

PICO acronym, 441

Piconets, 192, 193

Picture archiving and communications system (PACS), 170, 177, 253, 265, 323, 324, 325, 531

Pill Box Pharmacy, 496

Pioneering hospitals, 14

Plain old telephone system (POTS), 219

Planning and evaluation system, 8486

Planning stage, 29

Planning vs. participation, 80

PocketPCs, 445, 448, 526

PocketScript, 215

Point-and-click model, 10

Point-in-polygon maps, defined, 146

Point-to-point (P2P) connectivity, 7, 8, 176, 261, 264, 265

Policies and legislation: and e-networking, 176; implementation of, conducive to promoting e-health, need for, 46, 48, 51; initiative to develop, on ICT, for health in Ethiopia, 245; national ICT, impact of, on e-medicine transfer, 249250, 251, 256257

Political changes, need for, in structure of health care systems, 257

Polygon-overlaid maps, defined, 146

Poor populations, 226, 236, 244, 254

Population growth, high, 242

Portable monitoring devices, 269, 274, 277

Portals, 391

Postpartum smoking relapse, avoiding, use of software for, 214

Post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) therapy, 551552

Power: knowledge as, 75; of technology, increasing, recognition of, 436

Power shift, 23

Power structures, developed, networking needing, 254

Practice management system (PMS), 528

Pre-admission information, providing, 493

Precede-proceed model, 8486

Precision rate, 311, 312, 313, 356, 357, 358, 360, 516

Predicted frames (P-frames), 177

Predisposing factors, 85

Preparedness activities, defined, 142

Preparedness planning, focus on, in GIS-enabled systems, 150, 151

Prescription drug business, 214215, 375376

Prescription software package, 528

Prescriptions, discharge, providing, 493494. See also E-prescription systems

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 179, 180181

Preventive health and health promotion: applying e-health vision to, 41, 45; cost savings from, 500501; increasing focus on, in developing countries, 257; role of EHRs in, 99

Primary care: and challenges in EHRs, 121123; conclusion on e-health for, 124125; drivers of, 116; and e-medicine programs in Taiwan, 262263; environment of, differing, 116117; greater ability to audit, 118119; harnessing information and managing knowledge in, 117118; impacts of e-health on, 123; and issues leading to development of health informatics and medical informatics, 123124; managing chronic disease in, 119; role of e-health in, 119121; traditional roles in, e-health impacts on, 124

Primary care needs, driven by, issue of, 45

Primary care professionals, experience and expertise of, as essential, 121

Primary care targets, setting, issue of, 118119

Primary care teams, development of, reason for, 117118

Primary EDI users, 465, 466

PRISMATIC Project Management Team, 137, 154

Privacy Act, 109110, 495

Privacy and confidentiality: as a barrier to e-health diffusion, 48, 51; as a challenge for e-stakeholders, 378, 380, 394; consideration of, 24, 506; and e-health data integration, 452, 453454; e-health engendering questions about, 26; and e-home care, 280281; and EHRs, 103104, 108113; in e-medicine program development, 265; and e-medicine transfer, 250; in e-networking, 172, 173, 178, 179; in e-public health information systems, 135; framework for, 456458; in the Telebaby® project, 29, 30, 35; in teleradiology, 328. See also Security

Privacy, defining, 456

Privacy legislation and codes, 109110, 454, 457, 458459, 495. See also specific legislation

Privacy principles, 110-112, 113, 464

Private keys, 178, 179

Private networks, 20

Privatization of ICT infrastructures, issue of, 250

Probability calculator, 446

Probability estimation, 300, 302, 305306, 307, 313, 314, 316, 317

Process and service integration, 76

Process indicators, measuring and monitoring, 134

Process management, shift from product management to, 412413

Professional services-focused stage, 509

Profitability issue, 542, 543

Project champions, importance of, 252

Propecia, 384, 496

Property rights, e-health engendering questions about, 26

PROSAFE project, 279280

Prospective payment system (PPS), 204, 282

Provider attributes, 346, 347

Provider-patient communication, significance of, 271272, 283

Provider-to-provider (P2P) model, 387

ProxyMed, 215

Pseudoexactness and bald statements, 123

Psychology and psychiatry, virtual reality in, 549550, 551552

Public health care, applying e-health vision to, 41

Public health data entry, timing of, influences on, 134135

Public health, defining, 129130

Public health field, 129131

Public health informatics, defining, 131

Public health players, defining, 130131

Public health practitioners, primary roles of, defining, 130

Public health preparedness and response: convergent interests in, 144; supporting, 142143

Public health preparedness surveillance, defining, 142

Public health problems, knowing about, importance of, 75

Public health problem solving approach, 130

Public health response, comprehensive, focus areas for, 150

Public health surveillance and preparedness, e-technologies for, 139152

Public key infrastructure (PKI), 179, 462, 463

Public Library of Science, 443

Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 186, 190, 191, 192, 194

Public-private key pairs, 179

PubMed, 212, 443, 444, 445

Purposes, identifying, privacy principle of, 110

Pyxis, 376


Quality assurance issue, 393

Quality of care, 100, 503504

Quality of service (QoS), 101, 174177, 181, 185, 400

Quantitative indicators, elements in, 134

Quantity-dependent aggregation, 472

Quantum mechanics and chaos theory, 6871

Question answering technique, 516517

Quick decisions, supporting, suggestions for, 122

Quick Medical Reference, 218


Radial basis functions (RBF) networks, 354

Radio News, 234

Radio use, emergence of, 234

Radiological examination, 353

Radiological Society of North America, 325

Radiological systems, 113, 114

Radiology order entry system, 399

Radiology, total digitization of, issue of, 324. See also Teleradiology

Rapid public health assessment, 150152

Rate of I-ISEE, 485, 486

Rate-distortion curve, 485486

Readiness assessment, focus on, in GIS-enabled systems, 150

Read-only access channels, 465, 466

Realities, differing, 6768

Reality, virtual. See Virtual reality (VR)

Real-time video encryption algorithm, 481

Reasoning capability, providing, 315

Recall rate, 311, 312, 313, 356, 357, 358, 360, 516

Receiver processing, 486

Recommender systems, 517

Recruiting sites, 218

Redundancy issue, 93

Reengineered business processes, 499501

Reengineering efforts, 100, 137

Referrals, issue of, 119, 211

Regenstrief Medical Record System (RMRS), 15

Rehabilitation, virtual reality in, 533534, 549. See also E-rehabilitation

Rehospitalization reduction, 282, 400

Reimbursement issues, 51, 237238, 262, 281, 282, 323, 327, 394, 503

Reinforcing factors, 85

Relational database, 303

Relational database perspective, 466

Relationship, patient-provider. See Patient-provider relationship

Relationship with insurers, strengthened, 502503

Relative risk, 442

Relative risk reduction, 442

Relevancy, consideration of, 253, 305, 537, 540, 542

Reliability issues, 172, 191

Remote care, 44

Remote diagnosis support, for emergency care, 263

Remote patient monitoring, 171172, 190, 269, 292, 293, 322, 373, 527. See also Telemonitoring

Remote sensing technologies, 143

Remote surgery, 173

Repetitive processes, automation of, 98

Report on Mental Health (U.S. Surgeon General), 550

Requests for proposals, 216217

Resistance, 264, 505

Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP), 175, 176

Responsibility: clarity in, 254; for clinical care decisions, issue of, 240; of leadership, 413; sharing, 98; shift in, 23. See also Roles and responsibilities

Restructuring, need for, of health care systems, 204, 257

Retention, limiting, privacy principle of, 111

Rethinking, need for, 8081

Retin-A, 384

Retinal prints, 122, 196

Retrospective data, uses of, 98

Return on investment (ROI), 217

Reversible data embedding method, 481, 482. See also Lossless compression

Revolutionary implementation, 107

Rich picture approach, 6667

Right-to-know concept, 462

Rijndael Advanced Encryption Standards (AES), 480, 484

Risk analysis, 470471, 475

Risk communication, focus on, in GIS-enabled systems, 150, 152

Risk reduction, 442

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption algorithm, 463, 480

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 97

Robotics, 121, 173, 233, 269, 530531, 544, 549

Roles and responsibilities, 124, 254, 505, 508

Rough set analysis, 140

Routine diabetes testing, role of e-health in, 119120

Rural populations, 225

Rural school children, e-speech therapy for, 224230


Safeguards, security. See Security safeguards

Safety: consideration of, 29, 33, 253, 292, 293; improving, 527

St. Francis Hospital, 14

St. Vincent de Paul Society, 84

Sanitization, meaning of, 471

Satellite communications, 187, 326

Satellite launch, first, 240

Satellite networks, 185, 186, 187, 190, 191, 194, 195, 234, 240

Satellite signals, 235

SCAN-ICT Baseline Studies UNECA, 247

Scenario planning, 23

Schools of public health, 132133, 152

Science and Technology for Countering Terrorism: Panel on Information Technology, 143, 155

Screening system, 137

Search engines, 366, 445

Search strategy, 345

Sears, 410

Secondary care needs, driven by, issue of, 45

Secondary EDI users, 465, 466

Secrecy, layers of, 470

Secret keys, 196, 481, 484, 506

Secret-sharing scheme, 196, 198

Secure communications protocols, focusing on, 463. See also Security protocols

Secure links, 197

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) system, 180, 265, 462

Secure/MIME, 181

Security: baseline, 194; of Bluetooth-enabled system, 192, 196197, 198; as a challenge for e-stakeholders, 378, 380, 394; challenges in, 4950; consideration of, 24, 33, 48, 506; defining, 456; and e-health data integration, 452, 453454; e-health engendering questions about, 26; and e-networking, 172; ensuring, 20, 21, 76, 103104; framework for, 454456; further technological aids to address, need for, 118; national and international policies on, need for, 250; as requisite, 169; tangibility of, 459; in teleradiology, 328. See also E-security

Security architecture, 196, 463

Security assertions, 470, 471

Security breach, 461, 475

Security enforcement, 461, 475

Security infrastructure, 328

Security layer, 105

Security policies, 328, 456, 464. See also E-security policies

Security protocols, 179180, 181, 196, 462

Security safeguards: as essential, 173; privacy principle of, 112; requiring, for e-public health information systems, 135

Security violations, 461

Selective encryption, integrating, with data embedding. See Integrated selective encryption and data embedding (I-SEE)

Selective encryption methods, 479, 480481

Self-care, endorsing concept of, 166

Self-learning paradigm, 65, 70

Self-learning systems, defined, 71

Semantic Web, 517518

Senior Internet use, increase in, 403. See also Maria-Madeline Project (MMP)

SeniorPlace, 389

Sensitive information, classified as, 474

Sensors, 278279, 292, 293, 548

September 11, 2001, 143144

Sequential pattern analysis technique, constructive, 332

Serial measurements, trends in, graphical display of, 99

Servers, connection to, 30

Service configuration, importance of, 265

Service Discovery Protocol, 197

Service diversity, importance of, 265

Service-level agreement (SLA), 175

Sharing information, means of, 474. See also E-health data integration (e-HDI)

Sharing responsibility, 98

Siemens Health Services, 372

Silhouette coefficient, defined, 336

Silhouette measure, defining, 335336

Silverplatter, 444

Simple PKI working group, 179

Simple systems, example of, 61

Simulations, 213214, 531, 532, 548

Simultaneous multiple diagnoses, 301, 314

Singapore, 207, 236

Single vs. multiple contexts, 7980

Skepticism, 48, 374

Smart cards, 114, 122, 463

Smart cars, 114

Smart homes, 44, 114, 209, 274, 279280; case study of, 290294

Smart shirts, 279

SmartBo project, 279

Smoking relapse, postpartum, avoiding, use of software for, 214

SOAP process, 297299

Social diagnosis, 84

Social phobias, defined, 550

Social Security Administration, 272, 289

Social Security program, 272

Social trends, 47

Societal impacts, 26, 504505

Societal life, growing complexity of, 69

Society of Critical Care Medicine, 444

Sociocultural entities, 7780

Sociotechnological perspective, 511, 512

South-East Asian countries, 207, 408

Southwest Medical Center, 226

Spain, palliative care in, 277

Specialist care: improved access to, 248; referrals to, issue of, 119

Specific Link Layers, 176

Specific phobias, defined, 550. See also Phobia therapy, virtual reality in

Specification stage, 537, 538, 539

Speech therapy case. See E-speech therapy program

Stability testing, 318

Standard encryption algorithms, 480

Standard incident reporting, need for, 138

Standard of care, basic, lack of, 254

Standardization: of codes, defining, for use in EHRs, 105; process of, overseeing, need for, 49, 103; of terminology, 135136, 401

Standards: adoption of, and security, 455; for benchmarking performance, clear, need for, 540; in Canada, need for, 241; consideration of, 253, 506507; development and establishment of, importance of, 103, 207, 393; for e-networking, 174182; evolution of, 235; lack of, as a barrier, 49; for national ICT policy, issue of, 250; promoting use of, for teleradiology, 325. See also specific standards

Star schema–based data warehouse, 297, 304

State licensing laws, issues involving. See Licensure requirements

StatReference, 211

Stentor Inc., 177, 241

Strange attractor, defining, 68

Strategic e-health care applications, break-through expected in, 544

Strategic intent, defined, 416

Strategic management, 428, 429, 436, 545

Strategic planning: future research in, focus for, 544545; horizons of, for harnessing e-technologies, 411; information requirements for, 537, 539. See also E-health strategies

Stress, 501

String theories, 7173, 83

Stroke rehabilitation, 534, 549

Strong incremental classes, 357, 359

Structural learning, defined, 353

Structure Database, 213

Subjective testing, 298

Sub-Saharan Africa, 242, 243, 245, 246, 248, 252

Subsystems, and general systems theory, 6061

Success factors, critical, 401402

Suicide, 210

SUMSearch, 445

SUNY Upstate Medical University, 529

Supersymmetrical thinking, 7173, 74, 75, 76, 83

Supervision, 293

Supply industry, 216

Support groups. See On-line support groups

Surgical bidding, 391

Surgical intervention, virtual reality in, 530531, 549

Surgical Simulator, 531

Surveillance capacity, focus on, in GIS-enabled systems, 150, 151

Surveillance systems: applying e-health vision to, 4142; example of Internet-based, 138; purposes of, 128; technologies in, 128, 139152; uses of, 129

Sweden, hospitals in, 14

Swedish Handicap Institute, 279

Symmetric encryption, 178, 179, 180

Synchronous connection-oriented (SCO) link, 192

Synchronous services, 261, 263

System analyst group, mission of, 22

System chaos, factors resulting in, 49

System creator, vision of, reflecting, 22

System, defined, 61

System goals and benefits, 4548

System impact, consideration of, 25, 26

System integration: importance of, 264; success in, 325

System interoperability, importance of, 264265

System modifications and changes, implementation and evaluation leading to, 25

System performance, 310311, 312, 318319

System receiver processing, 486

System strategic planning, 23

System technology interface (STI), 24

System transmitter processing, 483486

System usage, results on, 3334

System validation, 308, 309311, 318319

Systematic reviews, 441, 444

Systems analysis tools, 6368

Systems connectivity, 165

Systems development life-cycle (SDLC), 107

Systems thinking and analysis, 6263


T-1 lines, 219, 224, 227, 228, 263, 278, 324

T120 standard, 184

Tablet PCs, 216

Taipei Military General Hospital (TMGH), 260, 262, 264

Taipei Veteran's General Hospital (TVGH), 260, 262, 263

Taiwan: application of constructive clustering analysis in, 346347; growth of health care industry in, 331. See also E-medicine development in Taiwan

Taiwan Bureau of National Health Insurance (BNHI), 346, 347

Taiwan Bureau of Telecommunications, 262

Taiwan Department of Health (DoH), 260, 261, 264

Taiwan Ministry of Transportation, 262

Targeted funding approach, 132

Targets, achievement of, focusing on, issue with, 118119

Task complexity, 78

Task environment, 78

Tax records, computerization of, comparison to, 121

Taxonomy Database, 213

TCP spoofing, 185186

Technical Committee of the European Standards Organisation (CEN TC251), 125n1

Technicon Corporation, 14, 15

Technological challenge, greatest, 103

Technological culturation, impact of, on e-medicine transfer, 254, 255256

Technological expertise, lacking in, 507

Technological lag, issue of, 102103

Technological perspective, 511, 512

Technological revolution, 38, 39

Technological societies, and attitude toward e-health, 47

Technology: importance of, 78; potential of, for the common good, 545; power of, increasing, recognizing, 436. See also specific type of technology

Technology and Operations Group, 410

Technology infrastructure for EHRs, defining, 106

Technology management (TM): defined, 414; framework for, 414, 415. See also Health care technology management (HCTM)

Technology transfer, issues of, 248256

Telebaby® project: background on, 28; conclusion on, and limitations of, 3435; hardware and software used in, 3031; implementation of, 3233; overview of, 27; questions on, 35; results in, 3334; scope of, 2830

Telecare: defining, 205; Internet enabling, 373; successful diffusion of, 42; term encompassing, 270. See also E-home care

Telecommunications: in Canada, evolution of use in, 240; focus on, history of, 16; integrating and networking capabilities, 20; range of equipment in, 243

Telecommunications and Industrial Physics Center, 208

Telecommunications Development Bureau (BDT), 248

Telecommunications Industry Association, 281, 290

Telecommunications networks, in teleradiology, 326

Telecommunications signaling protocol, 175

Telecommuting, 218

Teleconferencing: defining, 207, 233; replacing face-to-face visits with, 237. See also Videoconferencing

Teleconsultation: bandwidth requirements for, 169, 170; defining, 207, 233; as an e-medicine application, 22, 220. See also E-consultation

Teledensity: defined, 250; low, 252

Teledermatology project, in Ethiopia, 248

Telediagnosis, 400. See also E-diagnosis support systems (e-DSS)

Tele-education, 12, 220. See also Continuing medical education

Telehealth: defining, 205; meaning of, 232; progression of, 209; reimbursement for, under Medicare, 51; successful diffusion of, 42. See also E-health

Tele–Health Applications, 208, 224

Tele–home health care services, aspects of, 209; defining, 205; term encompassing, 270. See also E-home care

TeleHomeCare Project, 276

Telemarketing. See E-marketing

Telematic Management of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus project, 275276

TeleMed, 18

Telemedicine: aspects of, 206208; bandwidth requirements for, 170; booming niche in, 322323; cross-disciplinary, evolution into, 324325; defining, 205, 322; e-medicine vs., 22; fastest growing areas of, 399400; in hospice care, 277; meaning of, 232; mobile technology in, use of, 190199; reimbursement for, under Medicare, 178; successful diffusion of, 42. See also E-medicine

Telemedicine Perception Questionnaire (TMPQ), 285

Telementoring, 220

Telemonitoring: defining, 208, 233; as an e-medicine application, 220; growth of, and strategies in, 399400; replacing face-to-face visits with, 237. See also Remote patient monitoring

Telephone costs vs. Internet costs, 500

Telephone use, emergence of, 234

Telepresence surgery, 530531, 549

Telepsychiatry, 210

Teleradiology: aspects of, 207; as a booming niche in telemedicine, 322323; in Canada, emergence of, 240; defining, 233; and digitization across modalities, 324; as an e-medicine application, 22; equitable, for the underserved, 325326; evolution of, 235, 324325; and medical image transfer, 170; overview of, 321322; patient confidentiality and security in, 328; questions on, 328329; reimbursement for, 178, 327; and sophisticated data compression, 327; success of, as a model, 328, 373; and telecommunications networks, 326

Teleradiology network, 324

TeleRehab®, 219220, 221

Telereporting, defining, 207208, 233

Telerobotic surgery, 530531, 549

Telestation, 400

Telesupervision, 220

Telesurgery, defining, 233

Teletherapy, 220

Tele–ultrasound, 208

Television use, emergence of, 234235

Telework. See E-work

Terminology issues, 135136, 401, 517

Terrorist attack simulation, 532. See also Bioterrorism and biohazards

Tertiary care needs, driven by, issue of, 45

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC), 324, 325, 326

Thinking, transformation needed in, 8081

Thomas Jefferson University Radiology Department, 327

Three-dimensional (3-D) visualization, 531, 547

Three-layer neural networks, 356

Three-tier connectivity, 182

Threshold value, 356

Tikur Ambessa hospitals, 248

Time, importance of, 78

Time reduction ratio, 356357, 359, 360

Time reduction, transmission, 327

Time savings, realizing, 4748

Time-dependent aggregation, 472473

Timeliness: in community health data profiling, 159; of public health data entry, issue of, 134135

Tokai University of Japan, 248

Tracking system, 136137

Traditional health care systems: drivers of, 45; focus of, 40; need to transform, example demonstrating, 98; shift from, need for, 46; transformation of, key to, 93

Train-and-test process, 356

Training and education. See specific type

Traitor tracing, 480, 481

Transaction speed, demand for, 92

Transition process, managing, hiring consultants for, 505

Transmission control protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 184185, 186

Transmission control protocol (TCP), 174175, 185186

Transmission time, reducing, 327

Transmitter processing, 483486

Transport Layer Security (TLS), 179, 180

Transportation routes and utility networks data, defined, 145146

Travelocity, 388

Treatment planning, 298, 299

Turf claims, breaking down, as requisite, 76

Turing test, 309311, 318319

Turning Research into Practice (TRIP) database, 445

24/48 target, 118

Two-layer neural networks, 356

Two-way closed-circuit television system, 235

Two-way communication, improving, value of, 12

Two-way information exchange concept, 238239

Type of service (ToS) field, 175


Ubiquitous access, 73

Ubiquitous exchange, 76

Ubiquitous health care, 404

U.K. Secretary of State for Health, 118, 126

Ultrasound transmission, 208

Uncertainty: diagnosis involving, 300301, 304, 314, 315; and incremental neural net learning, 354

Underserved areas, extending service to, potential for, 74

Undeveloped countries, issue facing, 236. See also specific countries

Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), 517

Uninsured Americans, number of, 204

Unique identifiers, need for, 135

United Health Care, 385, 386

United Kingdom: audits of and targets for primary care in, 118119; computerized tax records in, 121; defining EHRs in, 94; and e-disease management, 209; evaluation of PAPNET conducted in, 137; growth of health care industry in, 331; hospice care in, 276; incremental approach adopted by, 107; on-line evidence in, 444; palliative care in, 277; primary care environment in, 116, 117; resources for learning EBM in, 447; statutory duty for primary care groups in, 118; and virtual medical records, 97

United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 246, 260

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, 248

United States: annual health budget of, 204; defining EHRs in, 94, 95; e-learning in, 213; encouraging collaboration in, 543; and e-public health information systems, 132; financing studies in, conducting, 536; growth of health care industry in, 331; home health care expenditures in, 270; hospice care in, 276277; Internet use in, 380; lack of consensus on universal health care in, 97; prescription drug business in, 214; privacy legislation in, 454, 458; public health focus in, 153; regulation and monitoring of Internet commerce in, 393; size of e-health marketplace in, 491; states successfully implementing palliative care in, 277

U.S. Congress, targeted funding by, issue with, 132

U.S. Constitution, 456

U.S. Department of Commerce, 288

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), 154, 230, 280, 458459

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 94, 116

U.S. health care costs: containing, issue of, 205; resulting from medical errors, 398; rising, issue of, 5, 11, 38, 235, 237

U.S. health care system: trends in, 272273, 409; view of, 204, 205

U.S. hospitals, 14

U.S. House of Representatives, 277

U.S. Navy, 279, 397

U.S. Office of Management and Budget, 225

U.S. Surgeon General, 550

Universal e-health model, ideal of, invoking, 74

Universal health care: e-technologies working against, problem of, 511; fear of, moving beyond, 40; lack of consensus on, 97; need for, changes brought by, 543544; subscribing to vision of, 242

Universities: examples of concept hierarchies at, 338; GIS courses and research at, 152; recognition by, of e-public health informatics importance, 132133

University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development, 213

University Medical Center, University of Arizona, 355

University Medical Centre Utrecht, 27, 28, 29

University of Arizona, 355

University of British Columbia (UBC), 233, 234

University of Calgary, 240

University of Cape Town (UCT), 233, 234

University of Florida, 212, 550

University of Hertfordshire, 448

University of Kentucky, 214

University of Michigan Department of Pediatrics, 445

University of Minnesota, 276

University of Nebraska, 235

University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill, 447

University of Tennessee, 209

University of Texas Health Science Center, 445

University of Utah, 448

University of Victoria, 240

University of Wisconsin, 322

University of Wollongong, 278, 290

University of York, 444

Unnecessary expenditures, addressing, 273

Up-sell opportunity, 374

Usability testing, 281

Use, limiting, privacy principle of, 111

User actions, mining of, 518519

User empowerment, 12, 42, 75

User information requirements, analyzing, 536540

User menus, 31

User satisfactions, 13, 3334

User training, 24, 32, 252, 264, 505

User workload, 516

Users' Guides to the Medical Literature, 441, 442, 447


Validation: defining, 309311; system, 309311, 318319

Validation stage, 537, 539

Value propositions: aspects of, 371372; consideration of, 367; core, understanding, importance of, 10, 1113; defined, 10; e-health, 370, 383; leveraging on strategic opportunities with set of, 368

Value-added network (VAN), 7, 8

Variables, attention to, 62, 134

Verification, defined, 309

Verification function, adding, 542

Vertical service integration, 261, 264

Vertically and horizontally integrated delivery systems (IDSs), increasing investment in, result of, 99

Veterans Administration, 14

Viagra, 384, 496

ViagraPurchase, 43, 375

Video bridge, 226227

Video circuit, internal, 28, 30

Video encryption algorithm, 480481

Video representation, 177178. See also Digital medical imaging

Videoconferencing: in e-consultation, 369; in e-home care, 268269, 277, 278, 281, 282; in e-learning, 234; in e-medicine programs, 261, 262263, 264; in e-speech therapy, 224225, 227; transmission for, 185; value of, 12

Videophones, aspects of, 278. See also Videoconferencing

Vietnam, 236

Virtual business models and services, 370371, 383

Virtual clinics, 169

Virtual communities, 212. See also E-communities

Virtual doctor visit strategy, 383, 384. See also E-consultation; Teleconsultation

Virtual environments (VEs): defining, 530; immersive, entering, 547548

Virtual global teams, perspective of, 7779. See also E-communities

Virtual health networks: conceptualization of, through analogy, 6465; creation of, contributor to, 43

Virtual home care visits, issues with, 283, 284. See also E-home care

Virtual integration, 6566

Virtual Medical Group, 382

Virtual medical record (VMR), 97, 325

Virtual Naval Hospital (VNH), 397

Virtual operations, 173

Virtual outpatient clinic sessions, 263

Virtual overlay networks (VONs), 176

Virtual patient records (VPR): aspects of, 18; value of, 12

Virtual pharmacies, 215

Virtual private networks (VPNs): use of, issues in, 180; value of, 12, 47

Virtual radiology departments, evolution into, 323

Virtual reality (VR): defining, 547; as an e-health delivery strategy, 511; for e-learning, 214; for emergency preparedness, 532; in medical education, 531, 548549; overview of, 530; in phobia therapy, 532533, 549550, 551; in psychology and psychiatry, 549550, 551552; in rehabilitation, 533534, 549; in surgical intervention, 530551, 549; tradeoffs in, 534535; types of, 547

Virtual reality (VR) cases: conclusion on, 552; entering immersive virtual environments in, 547548; in health care, 548552; questions on, 552

Virtual training, 173

Vision: in e-health paradigm shift, 4042; of system creator, reflecting, 22. See also E-health vision

Vivius, 385

VPL Research, 547


Walgreen's, 215

Waste reduction, 273

Wayne State University Community Health Institutes (CHI) project, 156161

Wayne State University School of Business, 67, 84

Weak incremental classes, 357, 359

Wearable computers, 143

Wearable sensors, 278279

Web development language, importance of, 76. See also specific language

Web of Science, 444

Web services, 518

Web sites: for accessing medical and health information, 211212; access and ownership issues involving, 281; availability of health information on, 366; cross-selling on, 374; customizing, 375; design of, 10, 206, 281; most active of, 376; personalizing, 276, 375; regulation and monitoring of, lack of, 393; revenue for, 368; secured, value of, 12; successful, element of, 11; and user menus, 31. See also specific Web-based tools, systems, and applications

Web-based biological databases, 212213

WebMD, 43, 180, 213, 366, 368, 388, 515

WebRx, 376

WeeFIM, 228

Well-being, improved, 13, 28, 45

Well-defined roles, networking needing, 254

WellMed, 180

Wells Fargo, 411

Wholeness, 62, 63, 79, 80

WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program, 246, 260

Wide area networks (WANs), 180, 190, 191, 227, 235, 278

Willingness, as requisite for e-medicine implementation, 253

Windows 2000 operating system, 30, 374

Windows Media Encoder, 30

Windows Media Player, 33

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol, 191

Wireless cellular phones, 12, 186187, 192, 193, 194, 195, 326, 526

Wireless local area networks (WLANs), use of, 190, 191, 193, 196, 197

Wireless medicine: advantages of, 190191; applications of, 194195. See also Bluetooth-enabled mobile medicine system

Wireless network infrastructure, 186187

Wireless personal computers, 528

Wireless remote area networks, 193, 194

Wireless sensor applications, 269

Wireless systems: integrating with, 374; issues with, 190; services provided by, 392, 399. See also Mobile health

Wisconsin Health Information Network (WHIN), 20, 21

WordNet, 517

Workflow interdependence, 78

Workgroup impact, consideration of, 25

World Bank, 260

World Development Indicators Database, 246, 260

World Health Organization (WHO), 105, 116, 128, 138, 153, 242, 248, 325, 408, 411, 439

World Trade Center attacks, 143144

World Wide Web Consortium, 8

WorldSpace, 248

Wound care, 276

WristSystem, 533


Xinhua News Agency, 210

XML. See eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

XOR, 480, 484

X-ray ordering system, 399

X-ray transmission, 185, 234


Yahoo!, 391, 515

Yi-Lan Primary Care Clinic, 262, 263


Zigzag permutation algorithm, 480

Zyban, 384

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