3.39. phoneme

Element typephoneme
Attributesalphabet | ph
Parentsaudio | choice | emphasis | enumerate | menu | paragraph | prompt | prosody | sentence | voice
DescriptionAllows for the definition of a word using a phonetic alphabet. The supported phonetic alphabets are:
  • International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA),

  • Worldbet,

  • X-SAMPA.


<!ELEMENT phoneme (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST phoneme
  ph       %phoneme-string;   #REQUIRED
  alphabet %phoneme-alphabet; #IMPLIED >

Language model


alphabet : phoneme-alphabet

Indicates which alphabet is being used to represent the ph attribute. Possible values are: ipa (International Phoneme Alphabet), worldbet (Worldbet), xsampa (X-SAMPA).

ph : phoneme-string

Indicates the phonetic spelling of this word. This attribute can also contain entity references such as &uk_tomato; assuming uk_tomato was defined previously using the XML <!ENTITY> declaration.


PCDATA representation of this phoneme.


Example 3-45. An XML entity declaration showing pronunciation of the word "tomato"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!ENTITY uk_tomato "t&#x252;m&#x251;to&#x28a;">

<vxml version="2.0">
  <form id="audiotest">
      <prompt xml:lang="us-en">
        In England they pronounce the word tomato like this:
        <phoneme ph="uk_tomato;"> tomato </phoneme>  

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