3.45. return

Element typereturn
Attributesevent | namelist
Parentsblock | catch | error | filled | help | if | noinput | nomatch
DescriptionReturns control to the calling dialog; used in a subdialog to return data or an event.


<!ELEMENT return EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST return
  namelist %field.names; #IMPLIED
  event    %event.name;  #IMPLIED >

Language model


event : event.name

Returns control to the dialog and throws an event.

namelist : field.names

A list of variables to return to the calling dialog.




Example 3-56. A subdialog that returns execution to its calling dialog
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<vxml version="1.0">
    <subdialog name="result" src="#collectInfo">
        We want to verify the information collected. 
        Your birthdate is <value expr="result.itemdate"/>, 
        your daytime phone number is 
        <value expr="result.itemphone"/>,
        and your temporary password is <value expr="result.pwd"/>.

  <form id="collectInfo">
    <var name="pwd" expr="'twilight'"/>
    <field name="itemdate" type="date">
        What is your birthdate? Please say the month, date, 
        and year.
    <field name="itemphone" type="phone">
        Please say your daytime phone number and extension,
        starting with the area code.
    <filled mode="all">
      <return namelist="itemdate itemphone pwd"/>

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