
The Apache Web Server is the work of a worldwide community, on whose collective wisdom I have drawn in writing this book. I am privileged to work within this community as a developer and educator.

I am grateful to my series editor Arnold Robbins, and to reviewers Brian France, Brad Nicholes, Noirin Plunkett, and Ivan Ristic for drawing my attention to errors and other weaknesses in the original manuscript and suggesting improvements. I am especially grateful to Rich Bowen for agreeing to take the time to write a foreword (Rich is, of course, better known as the author of several well-respected Apache books, as well as much of the documentation at Finally, thanks to my commissioning editor Catherine Nolan and her team at Prentice Hall for bringing this project from manuscript to publication.

The source code examples presented here are drawn mostly from my own work, but many are taken from the Apache core code and are the work of the larger Apache community. Likewise, the text is mostly mine, but draws in part on other sources:

The ASF overview (Section 1.2) is drawn from

The brief introduction to buckets and brigades in Chapter 3 is drawn from the API documentation.

The introductions to Jeff Trawick’s introspection modules in Chapter 12 are mostly Jeff’s.

The entire texts of the three appendixes are reproduced verbatim from Web sources.

Appendix C is copyright by the Internet Society and is reproduced under the terms of its own copyright notice (C.21). All other third-party material used is reproduced here under the terms of the Apache License (Appendix A).

Source code used here is licensed under various licenses. Please refer to the original sources before copying code from this book other than for strictly personal use.

All illustrations used are the original work of the author. However, some are drawn from existing sources:

Chapter 2: Figures 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4 are reproduced from

Chapter 8: Figures 8-1 and 8-2 were first used in the author’s tutorial presentations. Figures 8-3 and 8-4 are reproduced from documentation at

Chapter 10: Figure 10-1 is reproduced from documentation at

Chapter 11: Figure 11-1 is reproduced from documentation at

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