Chapter 11. Sending and Reading E-mail

Chapter contents

  • Choosing an e-mail program and getting started

  • Reading e-mail with pine

  • Sending e-mail with pine

  • Customizing pine

  • Reading e-mail with elm

  • Sending e-mail with elm

  • Reading e-mail with mail

  • Sending e-mail with mail

  • Creating a signature file

  • Forwarding incoming messages

  • Announcing an absence

If you're anything like us, your whole day revolves around getting goodies in your e-mail inbox and sending "highly important" messages (of course, they're important, right?). In any case, sending and receiving e-mail will probably be pretty common tasks in your UNIX experience.

In this chapter, we'll introduce you to a few UNIX e-mail programs and show you how to get started with them. (Of course, just use the instructions that apply to the program you're using!) Then, we'll show you some clever things you can do with e-mail in UNIX, such as creating signature files and sending automatic vacation e-mail replies.

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