Chapter 5. Modeling Concerns with Use Cases

Software development starts with understanding and capturing stakeholder concerns. The use-case technique models stakeholder concerns by walking through the interactions between users and the system. This provides early validation of stakeholder concerns and acceptance criteria, and leads naturally to the identification of test cases. In addition, the way you specify use cases follows very much the idea of building a system incrementally—you build the core functionalities before adding more advanced capabilities on top. Likewise, when describing use-case flow of events, you begin with the most basic of scenarios with basic flows and then describe how more complex variations are handled in separate, alternate flows. This early separation of concerns improves the overall comprehensibility of the system.

Use-Case Modeling

We established in Part I that it is important to keep concerns separate. This is the only way to make complex systems comprehensible. Keeping concerns separate should begin right from the start during requirements. In addition, they should be modeled in a way that facilitates early validation and incremental development of the system. The use-case technique does precisely that.

Use cases are a means to specify required usages of a system. They are used to capture the requirements of a system—that is, what a system is supposed to do. When modeling the use cases of a system, you represent the users and any other external systems that may interact with the system as actors. Actors always represent entities that are outside the boundaries of the system.

The required behavior of the system is specified by one or more use cases, which are defined according to the needs of actors. Each use case specifies a unit of useful functionality that the system provides to its actors.

A use-case model contains all the use cases of a system. It is the sum of all the possible uses of a system. You depict the different use cases for a system on a use-case diagram, where a stick figure represents an actor and an ellipse represents a use case. Lines between actor use-case pairs indicate that the actor can interact with the associated use case. For our Hotel Management System, the use-case diagram is depicted in Figure 5-1. A use-case diagram specifies who can do what with the system. For example, a customer can reserve a room. Hotel counter staff can check in or check out the customer.

Use-case diagram.

Figure 5-1. Use-case diagram.

For larger systems, you may partition the use-case model into various use-case packages. Each package can contain a set of use cases for a group of actors, such as for a department in a company. Alternately, you might wish to package use cases according to entities that the use cases manipulate. For example, you may have use cases to manipulate inventory entities, sales entities, and so on. A third way is according to functional areas. For example, sales can be one functional area of a system, customer relationship can be another functional area, and so on. Each use-case package should have a use-case diagram to provide an overview of the use cases contained within it.

Use-Case Instances and Flows of Events

Just as drawing classes in a class diagram does not give you code, drawing a use-case ellipse is only a small part of the use-case technique. When applying the use-case technique, you find that a significant portion of time is spent on specifying the behavior for each use case, or more specifically, the behavior of each use-case instance.

Both actors and use cases are classifiers or class-like elements in UML. Both have attributes and operations. Both are instantiable and generalizable. When you describe the behavior of the system through use cases, you follow through the execution of a use-case instance. A use-case instance is created when an actor instance initiates a use case. For example, for the Reserve Room use case, the use-case instance is created when a customer indicates that she wants to reserve a room (see Figure 5-2).

Execution of a use-case instance.

Figure 5-2. Execution of a use-case instance.

Once a use case is instantiated, a dialog between the use-case instance and its actor instances can occur as specified by the use-case specification. This continues until it is terminated as specified by the use-case specification. Just as a class instance follows through a particular path defined by its class source code, a use-case instance follows one path through the use case.

Tracing through the different execution paths of a use case is an important part of understanding what the user wants, what she wants to do with the system, and how she wants the system to respond as she interacts with it. This provides early validation of what the system needs to do.

This execution of a use case results in a use-case scenario. A use-case scenario is made up of one or more use-case flow of events. A use-case flow can be either a complete path or a segment of a path through the use case. The smaller segments allow us to focus attention on specific areas of the system behaviors and are especially useful when considering how variations are handled.

Describing Use Cases

When describing a use case, you start with the simplest or the most typical scenario and trace through the sequence of events in it. We call this the basic flow. A use case has one or more basic flows depending on the number of ways the use case can be instantiated.

After describing the basic flow, you gradually describe how different variations are handled on top of the basic flows; that is, you describe them in separate use-case flows, which we call alternate flows. By keeping the descriptions separate, you prevent the basic flow from being entangled by all the variations that the use case needs to handle.

As you describe the use-case flows in a use case, you may find that some of the interaction sequences are repetitive, and you might want to factor and describe them separately. We call such use-case flows subflows.

The behavior of a use case can be specified in a number of ways depending on who the intended reader is. Today, the textual form is the most frequently used approach to specify the behavior of a use case. This form is most easily understandable by end-user representatives. Listing 5-1 provides an example of a use-case specification for the Reserve Room use case.

Example 5-1. Use-Case Specification: Reserve Room

Brief Description

This use case describes how the customer reserves a room.

Basic Flows

B1. Reserve Room

The use case begins when a customer wants to reserve a room.

  1. The customer selects to reserve a room.

  2. The system displays the types of rooms the hotel has and their rates.

  3. The customer Check Room Cost.

  4. The customer makes the reservation for the chosen room.

  5. The system deducts from the database the number of rooms of the specified type available for reservation.

  6. The system creates a new reservation with the given details.

  7. The system displays the reservation confirmation number and check-in instructions.

  8. The use case terminates.

Alternate Flows

A1. Duplicate Submission

If in step 5 of the basic flow there is an identical reservation in the system (same name, e-mail, and start and end dates), the system displays the existing reservation and asks the customer if he wants to proceed with the new reservation.

  1. If the customer wants to continue, the system proceeds with the reservation, and the use case resumes.

  2. If the customer indicates that the new reservation is a duplicate, the use case terminates.

A2. . . .

. . .


S1. Check Room Cost

  1. The customer selects his desired room type and indicates his period of stay.

  2. The system computes the cost for the specified period.


The customer has logged in to the system.


Upon successful reservation, a new reservation record is created, and the number of rooms available for the specified dates is decreased. If reservation is unsuccessful, there is no change in the database.

Special Requirements

The system must handle five concurrent reservations. Each reservation should not take more than 20 seconds.

Listing 5-1 follows a typical use-case specification template. It has a brief description and a number of flows, which we discuss shortly. The use case also has preconditions and postconditions. They respectively indicate the circumstances in which the use case can be instantiated and the system state when the use-case instance terminates. There is also a section that describes special requirements for the use case. In this case, there are some performance requirements.

The textual specification of a use case may not adequately describe what the user representative wants. Thus, it is not uncommon that the use-case specification is supplemented with additional tables and diagrams, such as user interface descriptions and flow charts.

Let’s look at the flows in Listing 5-1 more closely. It shows one basic flow and one alternate flow for the Reserve Room use case. The basic flow describes the steps leading to a successful reservation of a room for a specified time period. Step 3 refers to the subflow Check Room Cost. We use an underline in Listing 5-1 to denote a reference. This subflow is defined later in S1 to describe the steps to choose rooms for reservation. By using subflows, you keep the basic flow less cluttered. In addition, multiple flows can reference or “use” the subflow. Thus, instead of specifying the interaction multiple times, you need to specify it only once.

Listing 5-1 shows an alternate flow, A1, that handles the case of duplicate submission of reservations. Note that the basic flow has no checks for duplicate submission or any reference to the alternate flow. All such details are in the alternate flow. Using this approach, you can keep concerns about duplicate submissions totally separate from the basic flow and localize them to the alternate flow A1. But you must somehow indicate where the behavior for handling duplicate submissions is inserted into the basic flow. This is achieved with the phrase that says, “If in step 5 of the basic flow. . . .”. Note that in general a use case specification will contain a number of alternate flows. We indicate this in Listing 5-1 through A2, ... It is important that you explore these alternatives and describe how the system should use them appropriately.

Aspect orientation applies a similar mechanism and thus provides a seamless transition when we attempt to realize a use case. We discuss more of that in Chapter 6, “Structuring Use Cases.”

Multiple Basic Flows

In the example above, there is only one basic flow named Reserve Room that allows a customer to book a room online. In general, there are multiple entry points. For example, a customer might make a phone call or send a fax to a hotel staff who will then make the actual reservation. It is possible to use an alternate flow to describe such variations. However, since the way the use case is initiated is different for each situation, it is not easy to identify where the alternate flow will be inserted if we choose to use alternative flows. Hence, having multiple basic flows becomes an effective option. These basic flows usually reference the same subflows. For example, the Check Room Cost subflow will be used repeatedly.

Referencing Subflows

In our example, we use the underline to denote how a flow references a subflow. In practice, you might use the hyperlink capabilities available in most word processors today. Some practitioners use a keyword to indicate the referencing of a subflow. A more technical keyword you can use is an “include,” which we explain later in this chapter when we discuss how to structure use cases.

Visualizing Use-Case Flows

The complexity of a use case is very much dependent on how many variations or scenarios it must handle. The use cases identified in Figure 5-1 may apply to a simple hotel or even to small a bed and breakfast accommodation. A sophisticated hotel chain might have the same set of use cases, but each use case will have to handle a much larger number of variations.

The ellipse notation on its own does not give any indication of the complexity of a use case. For example, Figure 5-3 illustrates the Reserve Room use case. It has no indication of how complex the Reserve Room use case is or the multitude of variations or scenarios the use case needs to handle.

Reserve Room use case using ellipse notation.

Figure 5-3. Reserve Room use case using ellipse notation.

Although the ellipse is the most well-known notation for use cases, there are also other ways to display it. A use case is actually just a special case of classifiers or a stereotype of classifiers. A classifier in UML is a class-like thing—it can be instantiated, and it is generalizable. You can denote a use case using the standard rectangle notation for classifiers with an ellipse icon in the upper right-hand corner of the rectangle with optional separate list compartments for its contents, as exemplified in Figure 5-4. Figure 5-4 illustrates the Reserve Room with its flows in a compartment. This notation gives us an overall perspective of the responsibilities of a use case.

Flows as compartments.

Figure 5-4. Flows as compartments.

As illustrated by the earlier Reserve Room example, each use-case flow can be a basic flow, an alternate flow, or a subflow. In Figure 5-4, we distinguish between different kinds of flows using tags denoted as strings within brackets: {}. While UML allows us to define tag values to give more information about particular elements in our model, the tags {basic}, {alt}, and {sub} are not defined in UML. However, we believe that they should be added, since they reflect the standard practice in writing use cases.

Use cases, like classes, are generalizable elements, and their flows can be either concrete or abstract. A flow is concrete when the steps that constitute the flow are defined—that is, you have all the text that describes flow. A flow is abstract when you have given the flow a name, but the flow itself is unspecified. The actual specification is defined as a child use case.

Summary and Highlights

Each use case is a unit of useful functionality that the system provides to its actors. A use-case specification contains a number of flows that describe how variations are handled. You can easily verify that you have captured stakeholder concerns by walking through the flows with the stakeholders.

The use-case technique is a widely adopted technique to model the requirements of a system. Use cases are a huge topic, and while we do not explore them in depth, many books have been written to demonstrate how to apply the technique effectively. If you want to learn more about use cases, we recommend the following books as references:

  1. Ivar Jacobson, Magnus Christerson, Patrik Jonsson & Gunnar Övergaard, Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use-Case Driven Approach, Addison-Wesley, Boston, 1992.

  2. Kurt Bittner & Ian Spence, Use-Case Modeling, Addison-Wesley, Boston, 2002.

  3. Gunnar Övergaard and Karen Palmkvist, Use-Cases: Patterns and Blue Prints, Addison-Wesley, Boston, 2004.

There have not been many changes to the use-case technique or the representation of use cases since their introduction. In this chapter, we introduced a small enhancement—to represent use-case flows as a compartment within the use-case classifier. This helps us visualize the responsibilities of the use case and prevents practitioners from falling into the functional decomposition trap. More importantly, it is the starting point for us to model pointcuts in use cases, which we discuss in Chapter 6.

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