Printing: JDK 1.1


You need to generate hardcopy, and you’re using JDK 1.1.


Use java.awt.PrintJob . Or, upgrade to JDK 1.2.


The JDK 1.1 API puts your program in the driver’s seat: you decide what to print and when to print it. But first, you have to let the user pick a printer, which you can do by calling the Toolkit method getPrinterJob( ). This pops up a platform-specific print chooser dialog, and if the user picks a printer, you get back a PrintJob object (otherwise you get back null). Your program is in charge of pagination (breaking the data into pages) and drawing each page onto a print buffer. How? For each page you want to print, call the PrintJob ’s getGraphics( ) method to retrieve a Graphics object. Use it as you will; any of its draw or fill methods will draw, not to the screen, but onto paper. Your best bet is to pass it to your paint( ) method, if you have one. This is one of the few places where you do call paint( ) directly. When the page is done, call the Graphics object’s dispose( ) method. When the whole print job is done, call the PrintJob’s end( ) method, and you’re finished -- the data is on its way to the printer.

Here’s a little program that displays a simple graphical component called a DemoGFXCanvas. When you click the Print button at the bottom, the program prints the contents of the DemoGFXCanvas (this is shown graphically in Figure 12-6). When you click on the Print button in the main window, the printer dialog shown at the bottom of the figure appears. Example 12-5 is the code that makes it all happen. (The push button and the addActionListener code will be explained in Chapter 13; suffice it to say that this causes an action to be performed when the button is pressed.)

Example 12-5. PrintDemoGfx (JDK 1.1 version)

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

/** PrintDemoGfx -- Construct and print a GfxDemoCanvas.  JDK1.1 VERSION. */
public class PrintDemoGfx1_1 {

    /** Simple demo main program. */
    public static void main(String[] av) {
        final JFrame f = new JFrame("Printing Test Dummy Frame");

        // Construct the object we want to print. Contrived:
        // this object would already exist in a real program.
        final GfxDemoCanvas thing = new GfxDemoCanvas(500, 300);

        f.getContentPane(  ).add(thing, BorderLayout.CENTER);

        JButton printButton = new JButton("Print");
        f.getContentPane(  ).add(printButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        printButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(  ) {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

                PrintJob pjob = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(  ).getPrintJob(f,
                    "Printing Test", null);

                if (pjob == null)
                    return;                // user cancelled

                // Fetch the Print Graphics object
                Graphics pg = pjob.getGraphics(  );

                // Now (drum roll please), ask "thing" to paint itself
                // on the printer, by calling its paint(  ) method with 
                // a Printjob Graphics instead of a Window Graphics.
                pg.dispose(  ); // end of this page
                pjob.end(  );    // end of print job.

        f.pack(  );

One limitation of the 1.1 API is that it offers no way to print without a screen connection for the GUI-based printer dialog, so you can’t use the 1.1 API in a background job or cron job on Unix, or in a service on other platforms. For that, use the Java 2 API.

PrintDemoGfx program in action (main screen and MS-Windows print dialog)

Figure 12-6. PrintDemoGfx program in action (main screen and MS-Windows print dialog)

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