Choosing a Color


You want to allow the user to select a color from all the colors available on your computer.


Use Swing’s JColorChooser.


OK, so it may be just glitz or a passing fad, but with today’s displays, the 13 original AWT colors are too limiting. Swing’s JColorChooser lets you choose from zillions of colors. From a program’s view, it can be used in three ways:

  • Construct it and place it in a panel

  • Call its ConstructDialog( ) and get a JDialog back

  • Call its showDialog( ) and get back the chosen color

We’ll use the last method, since it’s the simplest and the most likely to be used in a real application. The user has several methods of operating the chooser, too:

Swatches mode

The user can pick from one of a few hundred color variants.

HSB mode

This one’s my favorite. The user picks one of Hue, Saturation, or Brightness to be nailed down; by adjusting another by slider, there is a huge range of different pixel values to choose from, by clicking (or, more fun, dragging) in the central area. See Figure 13-9.

RGB mode

The user picks Red, Green, and Blue components by sliders.

JColorChooser: HSB view in action

Figure 13-9. JColorChooser: HSB view in action

Example 13-5 contains a short program that makes it happen.

Example 13-5.

import com.darwinsys.util.*;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

 * Colors - demo of Swing JColorChooser.
 * Swing's JColorChooser can be used in three ways:
 * <UL><LI>Construct it and place it in a panel;
 * <LI>Call its ConstructDialog(  ) and get a JDialog back
 * <LI>Call its showDialog(  ) and get back the chosen color
 * </UL>
 * <P>We use the last method, as it's the simplest, and is how
 * you'd most likely use it in a real application.
 * Originally appeared in the Linux Journal, 1999.
public class JColorDemo extends JFrame
    /** A canvas to display the color in. */
    JLabel demo;
    /** The latest chosen Color */
    Color lastChosen;

    /** Constructor - set up the entire GUI for this program */
    public JColorDemo(  ) {
        super("Swing Color Demo");
        Container cp = getContentPane(  );
        JButton jButton;
        cp.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, jButton = new JButton("Change Color..."));
        jButton.setToolTipText("Click here to see the Color Chooser");
        jButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(  ) {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent)
                Color ch = JColorChooser.showDialog(
                    JColorDemo.this,                // parent
                    "Swing Demo Color Popup",    // title
                    getBackground(  ));            // default
                if (ch != null)
        cp.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, demo = 
            new MyLabel("Your One True Color", 200, 100));
        demo.setToolTipText("This is the last color you chose");
        pack(  );
        addWindowListener(new WindowCloser(this, true));

    /** good old main */
    public static void main(String[] argv)
        new JColorDemo(  ).setVisible(true);

See Also

This program introduces setToolTipText( ), a method to set the text for pop-up “tooltips” that appear when you position the mouse pointer over a component and don’t do anything for a given time (initially half a second). Tooltips originated with Macintosh Balloon Help, and were refined into ToolTips under Microsoft Windows.[30] Tooltips are easy to use; the simplest form is shown here. For more documentation, see Chapter 3 of the Java Swing book.

[30] See? I even said something nice about Microsoft. I do believe in credit where credit’s due.

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