Transforming XML with XSLT


You need to make significant changes to the output format.


Use XSLT; it is fairly easy to use and does not require writing much Java.


XSLT, or Extensible Style Language for Transformations, allows you a great deal of control over the output format. It can be used to change an XML file from one DTD into another, as might be needed in a business-to-business (B2B) application where information is passed from one industry-standard DTD to a site that uses another. It can also be used to render XML into another format such as HTML. Think of XSLT as a scripting language for transforming XML.

You need a set of classes called an XSLT processor . One freely available XSLT processor is the Apache project’s Xalan (formerly available from Lotus/IBM as the Lotus XSL processor). To use this, you create an XSL processor by calling the factory method getProcessor( ) , then call its parse method passing in two XSLTInputSources (one for the XML document and one for the XSL stylesheet) and one XSLTResultTarget for the output file.

Assume you have a file of people’s names, addresses, and so on, stored in an XML document such as the file people.xml, shown in Example 21-1.

Example 21-1. people.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <name>Ian Darwin</name>
    <email>[email protected]</email>
    <name>Another Darwin</name>
    <email type="intranet">ad</email>

You can transform the people.xml file into HTML by using the following command:

$ java XSLTransform people.xml people.xsl people.html

Figure 21-2 shows the resulting HTML file opened in a browser.

XML to HTML final result

Figure 21-2. XML to HTML final result

Let’s look at the file people.xsl (shown in Example 21-2). Since an XSL file is an XML file, it must be well-formed according to the syntax of XML. As you can see, it contains some XML elements but is mostly (well-formed) HTML.

Example 21-2. people.xsl

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
<xsl:template match="/">

<head><title>Our People</title></head>

    <table border="1">

    <xsl:for-each select="people/person">
            <td><xsl:value-of select="name"/></td>
            <td><xsl:value-of select="email"/></td>



The program XSLTransform appears in Example 21-3.

Example 21-3.

import org.apache.xalan.xslt.*;

 *  Demonstrate transforming a file using XSLT.
public class XSLTransform {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {
            // Require three input args
            if (args.length != 3) {
                System.out.println("Usage: java XSLTransform "
                    + "<input XML file> <input XSL file> <output file>");

            XSLTProcessor myProcessor = XSLTProcessorFactory.getProcessor(  );
            XSLTInputSource xmlSource = new XSLTInputSource(args[0]);
            XSLTInputSource xslStylesheet = new XSLTInputSource(args[1]);
            XSLTResultTarget xmlOutput = new XSLTResultTarget(args[2]);
            myProcessor.process(xmlSource, xslStylesheet, xmlOutput);
        catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException exc) {
            System.err.println("Found invalid XML during processing:");
            exc.printStackTrace(  );

See Also

A new development in progress is the use of translets. Sun is developing a program that will read a stylesheet and generate a Translet class, which is a compiled Java program that transforms XML according to the stylesheet. This will eliminate the overhead of reading the stylesheet each time a document is translated. See

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