Chapter 24. Templates

Thou cunning’st pattern of excelling nature.

Shakespeare, Othello, Act V

What Is a Template?

Templates are a relatively new addition to C++. They allow you to write generic classes and functions that work for several different data types. The result is that you can write generic code once and then use it over and over again for many different uses. In fact, C++ comes with something called the Standard Template Library (STL), which makes extensive use of templates to provide powerful data-processing tools to the C++ user.

There are some problems with templates, however. Working out the implementation details was very difficult for the people on the C++ Standards Committee. There was a lot of hard fighting involving tanks, mortars, and heavy artillery (or the academic equivalent, which is a tartly worded memo). As a result, template implementation details were one of the last items in the C++ Standard to be agreed upon. Later in this chapter, we’ll discuss some of the implementation problems with templates.

Templates: The Hard Way

Suppose we want to define a function max to return the maximum of two items. Actually, we don’t want to define just one max function, but a family of functions: one to find the maximum of two ints, one for floats, one for chars, and so on.

We start by defining a parameterized macro to generate the code for the function. This is called the definition stage . The macro looks like this:

#define define_max(type) type max(type d1, type d2) { 
    if (d1 > d2)                                      
        return (d1);                                  
    return (d2);                                      


Each line except the last one ends in a backslash (). A #define macro spans a single line, so the backslash turns our five lines into one. By putting the backslashes in the same column, we can easily tell if we miss one.

This macro generates no code. It merely provides the definition that is used in the next phase to generate the functions we want. This is called the generation phase. The following three statements use the define_max macro to generate three versions of the max function:


Finally, somewhere in the code we use the functions we’ve just defined. (This is called the use phase, of course.)

int main(  ) {
    float f = max(3.5, 8.7);
    int   i = max(100, 800);
    char ch = max('A', 'Q'),

Figure 24-1 shows the source code for the #define style templates and the code generated by them.

Code generated by #define style templates
Figure 24-1. Code generated by #define style templates

This method works adequately for simple functions like max. It doesn’t work well for larger functions. One drawback to this system is that we must invoke the macro define_max for each data type we want to use. It would be nice if C++ called define_max automatically.

Templates: The C++ Way

Templates allow you to define a generic function. C++ then uses this template to generate a specific instance of the function as needed. For example, to define the function max as a template, we write:

template<typename kind>
kind max(kind d1, kind d2) {
    if (d1 > d2)                                    
        return (d1);                                
    return (d2);                                    


The construct <typename kind> tells C++ that the word kind can be replaced by any type.

This template declaration corresponds to the definition of the parameterized macro. Like the parameterized macro, it generates no code; it merely provides a definition for the next phase.

Now we can use the template much like we used the functions defined by the parameterized macro:

int main(  ) {
    float f = max(3.5, 8.7);
    int   i = max(100, 800);
    char ch = max('A', 'Q'),
    int  i2 = max(600, 200);

You may have noticed that we skipped the generation phase. That’s because C++ automatically performs the generation for us. In other words, C++ looks at the line:

    float f = max(3.5, 8.7);

and sees that it uses the function max (float, float). It then checks to see whether the code for this function has been generated and generates it if necessary. In other words, everything is automatic. (There are practical limits to what can be done automatically, as you will see in the implementation details section.)

Figure 24-2 shows the code generated by the template implementation of max. From this you can see that the first time max is used for a float it generates the floating-point version of max. Next we use max for int, and the int version of max is created. Note that the last line:

    int  i2 = max(600, 200);

does not generate any function. This is because we’ve already generated the integer version max and don’t need to do so again.

Template code generation
Figure 24-2. Template code generation

Function Specialization

Templates go a bit further than simple code generation. They can handle special cases as well. Suppose we want to use the function max to compare C style strings as well:

const char *name1 = "Able";
const char *name2 = "Baker";

std::cout << max(name1, name2) << '

We have a problem, because C Style strings are represented by a character pointer (char *). The comparison:

if (d1 > d2)

compares the value of the pointers, not the data that’s pointed to. What we want to do is tell C++: “Use the normal comparison except when the data type is a C style string, and then use strcmp.”

This is done through a process called specialization . We declare a special version of the max function just for strings:

char *max(const char *const d1, const char *const d2) {
    if (std::strcmp(d1, d2) > 0)
        return (d1);
    return (d2);

When C++ first sees the use of the function max, it looks through the list of simple functions before it looks through its list of templates. Thus when we have:

std::cout << max(name1, name2) << '

C++ will find the simple function:

max(const char *const, const char *const)

before trying to expand the template max(kind d1, kind d2).

Example 24-1 illustrates the use of template functions.

Example 24-1. max-t/max.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

// A template for the "max" function

template<typename kind> 
kind max(kind d1, kind d2) {
    if (d1 > d2)
        return (d1);
    return (d2);

// A specialization for the "max" function 
//   because we handle char * a little differently
const char *const max(const char *const d1, const char *const d2) {
    if (std::strcmp(d1, d2) > 0)
        return (d1);
    return (d2);

int main(  )
    // Let's test out max
    std::cout << "max(1,2) " << max(1,2) << '
    std::cout << "max(2,1) " << max(2,1) << '

    std::cout << "max("able", "baker") " << 
                  max("able", "baker") << '

    std::cout << "max("baker", "able") " << 
                  max("baker", "able") << '
    return (0);

Class Templates

Class templates are a little more complex than function templates. Declaring them is easy; they are defined just like function templates. Example 24-2 shows the stack class from Chapter 13, written as a template.

Example 24-2. max-t/stack1.cpp
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

const int STACK_SIZE = 100;     // Maximum size of a stack

 * Stack class                                          *
 *                                                      *
 * Member functions                                     *
 *      stack -- initalize the stack.                   *
 *      push -- put an item on the stack.               *
 *      pop -- remove an item from the stack.           *
// The stack itself
template<typename kind>
class stack {
        int count;              // Number of items in the stack
        kind data[STACK_SIZE];  // The items themselves
        // Initialize the stack
        stack(  ) {
            count = 0;  // Zero the stack

        // Push an item on the stack
        void push(const kind item) {
            assert(count >= 0);
            assert(count < sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]));

            data[count] = item;

        // Pop an item from the stack
        kind pop(  ) {
            // Stack goes down by one

            assert(count >= 0);
            assert(count < sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]));

            // Then we return the top value
            return (data[count]);

There is a problem, however. To use this class we need to declare an instance of it. In the past, we’ve been able to declare a stack with the statement:

stack a_stack;    // This won't work

The problem is that stack is now a generic template. The stack can now contain anything. When C++ sees this declaration, it’s going to ask, “A stack of what?” We must specify the type of data we are storing. The new declaration is:

stack<int> a_stack;    // A stack of integers

The <int> tells C++ to use int for kind throughout the stack. We can now use the new class variable:

x = a_stack.pop(  );

In the stack class, we defined all the member functions inside the class definition. We could just as well have specified the procedures outside the class. To do so, we must put the template clause template<class kind> in front of each procedure and put the template parameter (<kind>) in the name of the class. For example, the push routine would look like this:

 * stack::push -- push an item on the stack             *
 *                                                      *
 * Warning: We do not check for overflow                *
 *                                                      *
 * Parameters                                           *
 *      item -- item to put on the stack                *
template<typename kind>
inline void stack<kind>::push(const kind item)
    assert(count >= 0);
    assert(count < sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]));

    data[count] = item;

Class Specialization

You can think of a class template such as this:

template <typename kind>stack { ...

as instructions that tell C++ how to generate a set of classes named stack<int>, stack<double>, stack<float>, and so on. C++ will also generate automatically the member functions: stack<int>::push, stack<double>::push, and stack<float>::push.

However, if you explicitly declare a member function yourself, C++ will use your definition before generating its own. Suppose we want to have a stack store C-style strings (char *). We don’t want to store the pointers; we want to store the actual strings. To do this, we need a special version of the push function that duplicates the string before pushing it onto the stack:

inline void stack<char *>::push(const char *const item)
    data[count] = std::strdup(item);

Note that we didn’t use template<typename kind> at the beginning of the function. The template keyword tells C++, “This is a generic class. Generate specific versions from it.” With no template, we are telling C++, “This is the real thing. Use it directly.”

Implementation Details

Now we come to a problem that has vexed most compiler makers, the details of the compilation process. Consider the files that make up Example 24-3. The program defines the following files listed in Examples Example 24-3 through Example 24-6.


Defines a simple integer class.


Defines the prototype for the template function square.


Defines the body of the template function square.


Uses the template function square with the class integer.

Example 24-3. template/integer.h
class integer 
        int value;

        integer(int i_value): value(i_value) {};

        integer operator * (const integer i2)
            integer result(value * i2.value);
            return (result);
Example 24-4. File: template/square.h
template<class integer> extern integer square(const integer value);
Example 24-5. File: template/main.cpp
#include "square.h"
#include "integer.h"

int main(  )
    integer test(5);

    integer test2 = square(test);
    return (0);
Example 24-6. File: template/square.cpp
#include "square.h"

template<class integer> integer square(const interger i)
    return (i.value * i.value);

Now consider what must happen when we compile these files. We’ll start with file main.cpp. When this file is compiled, the compiler sees that the template function square is used with the class integer. Normally, this would cause it to generate the code for square<integer>. But there is a problem: the body of this function is defined in the file square.cpp, which we are not compiling at this time. The result is that the compiler doesn’t have enough information to generate the template.

But when we compile square.cpp, the compiler knows nothing about the class integer, so it can’t generate the code for square<integer> either.

The C++ Standard has a solution to this problem. The solution is to put the keyword export in front of the definition of the function square in the file square.cpp. This tells the C++ compiler, “This template definition may be used in other files so keep its code around to be expanded in later compilations.”

So the first thing we do is to compile square.cpp. The export directive tells the compiler to save a definition of the function somewhere. Next we compile main.cpp. The compiler sees that we want to generate code for square<integer>, goes to its library of exported templates, looks for the definition square, and uses it to generate the code.

Real-World Templates

Unfortunately, the standards for handling templates were one of the last things to be defined in the process of creating the C++ Standard. As a result, many compilers cannot compile standard code.

Most compilers force you to define all the data types you’re going to use with a template before you define the body of a template. In our example, this means that we must include the line:

#include "integer.h"

in the square.cpp file. We also must tell C++ that we want to generate a function for square<integer> through the use of the statement:

template integer square<integer>(const integer value);

So our updated square.cpp would look like this:

Example 24-7. template/square2.cpp
#include "square.h"
#include "integer.h"

template integer square<integer>(const integer i);

template<class number> number square(const number i)
    return (i.value * i.value);

When to Generate Code

Suppose we have 20 files, all of which use the template function max<int>. On some compilers, this means that the body of the function is generated for every file in which it is used (in this case, the function is generated 20 times). That also means that the code for the function body is loaded 20 times in our program. That’s 19 times too many.

Some compilers are smart enough to detect multiple loading of the same function and delete the extras. Some are not, and the result can be very large object files.

To solve this problem, some compiler makers force you to provide hints in your code to tell them when to generate a template and when not to. The actual syntax for the hints varies from compiler to compiler, so check your compiler documentation.

Writing Portable Templates

How can you write a portable template? One way to create a truly portable template is to write all your templates as inline functions and put all your functions in a single header file. As far as I can tell, this method works for every compiler that has templates. It may not be the most efficient way of doing things, but it is the most portable.

Advanced Features

There are a few advanced template features that are beyond the scope of this book. These include default parameters and partial specialization.

Default Parameters

Let’s suppose that we wish to create a class to hold an address list. There are several different classes that hold addresses. There’s one for a local addresses and one for international addresses. Since the two will never be mixed, let’s use a template for our address list that handles everything:

// Half designed
template<class address> class address_list { ... }

But there’s another design feature we must consider. Some lists are short (0-1000 names) and some are long (1,000-10,000,000 names). The short ones we can keep in memory; the long ones need to be put on disk.

There are two classes for the storing of list data, the in_memory_list and the on_disk_list. We can augment our template to include a provision for how the list is implemented:

// Closer
template<class address, class list> class address_list { .... }

But 99% of the time we want to use the in_memory_list implementation. We can tell C++ to use this as the default in our template specification:

// Closer
template<class address, class list = in_memory_class> 
class address_list { .... }

Now if we don’t specify an implementation for our list, C++ will use the in_memory_list. So the following two statements are equivalent:

template<local_address, in_memory_class> small_local_addresses;
template<local_address> small_local_addresses;

Partial Specialization

When we defined our template for the function max we had to define a specialization for the case when a character pointer (char *) was used. Let’s suppose we have a template that takes two types:

// Template definition
template<typename container, typename item> class store {...};

The first type is an ordered container, such as a queue or stack, and the second type is what to put in the container.

But C-style strings are a problem. They don’t handle their own memory allocation, so they can be a bit tricky. What we’d like to do is to turn the C-style strings into C++ strings whenever they are used for the item.

For that we need to create a specialization of the template. But the template takes two parameters, a container and an item. If we wanted to use full specializations, we would have to create one every possible container type.

A solution is to create a partial specialization, where we specialize only the parts of the template that we need. The partial specialization for our store class looks like this:

// Partial specilization
template<typename container> class store<container, char *> {...}

The second definition tells C++ that whenever the second parameter is a C-style sting, it should use this definition for the template. For all other types, the first definition is used.

There are a number of tricky ways partial specialization can be used. Let’s look at the template:

template<typename T1, typename T2> class example {....};

We can have a specialization for when the two types are the same:

template<typename T1> class example<T1, T1> {....};

We can also have a different specialization for when the first parameter is a pointer:

template<typename T1, typename T2> class example<T1*, T2> {....};

And so on.

Template specifications should be written with the most general first and the most specific last. That’s because the compiler goes through the various forms of the template from the last declared to the first declared to see if it can find one that matches the parameters presented.

Templates are an extremely powerful programming tool. Careful planning and design is essential to using partial specialization properly. (Don’t use it to patch up a bad design.)


Templates provide a convenient way of writing generic classes and functions. Many compiler makers have not completely implemented this feature, however. As a result, you’ll probably have to play with the compilation switches and some #pragma directives to get things to work.

When you do get templates working, the result can be some very powerful code. An example of this is the Standard Template Library (see Chapter 25).

Programming Exercises

Exercise 24-1: Write a template min that returns the minimum of two values. Make sure you handle C-style strings correctly.

Exercise 24-2: Write a template class to implement an array with bounds checking.

Exercise 24-3: Define a template class that implements a set. The class allows you to set, clear, and test elements. (An integer version of this class was presented in Exercise 13-4.)

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