

64-bit operating systems, 60-61


ABORT_BACKUP command, 100-101, 185

AIX support for MySQL Cluster, 54-55

ALL DUMP 1000, 64

ALTER_TABLE statements, 62-63, 103

APF firewall package, 115-117

application servers

firewall rules, 114

one-to-one relationships with MySQL servers, 168

security of, 111


ArbitrationDelay setting, 94

ArbitrationRank setting, 72, 94

ArbitrationTimeout settings, 88

troubleshooting node shutdowns, 154-156

architecture, system

designing clusters, 23-24

multiple processes per server, 157-160

recommended network design, 109, 111

second-best network design, 111

attributes, MaxNoOfAttributes, 81

auto-discovery of databases, 42

auto-increment fields error, 65

automatic failover, 163

average response time, 129


B-trees, 133


ABORT_BACKUP command, 100-101, 185

BACKUP directory location, 101

BackupDataBufferSize setting, 90

BackupDataDir setting, 76

--backupid ndb_restore option, 176

BackupLogBufferSize setting, 90

BackupWriteSize setting, 91

buffering issues, 107

disk is full errors, 107

Diskless setting, 83

IDs of, 100

importance of, 99, 161

locking tables for mysqldump, 102

logs of, 100, 107

memory issues, 107

mysqldump tool for, 102-103

native MySQL Cluster tool for, 99-101

NOWAIT option, 100

options for mysqldump tool, 102

restarts with, 68

restoring. See restoring backups

single-user mode for, 102-103

START_BACKUP command, 100, 185

storage of, 101

timed, command for, 119

troubleshooting, 107

UNDO logs, 101

upgrades, concurrent with, 99

WAIT_COMPLETE option, 100

WAIT_STARTED option, 100

BASH profiles, 27

basic two-machine setup, 167

BatchByteSize setting, 94

BatchSize setting, 94

BatchSizePerLocalScan setting, 80

benchmarking, 29, 130-132


configuration file special group for, 173

mysql program, 174

mysqld program, 174

--ndb-connectionstring option, 173

ndbd program, 175

ndb_desc program, 176

ndb_mgm program, 175

ndb_mgmd program, 175

ndb_restore program, 176

ndb_show_tables program, 177

ndb_waiter program, 177

options overview, 173

package installations, 24-29

perror program, 177

BitKeeper releases for installations, 25, 31-32


BackupDataBufferSize setting, 90

BackupLogBufferSize setting, 90

BackupWriteSize setting, 91

config.ini settings, 88-90

RedoBuffer setting, 89

UndoDataBuffer setting, 89

UndoIndexBuffer setting, 88-89

bugs in version 5.0, 160-161



benchmarking, effects on, 131

ndb_check_cashe_time values, 137

query caches, 136-137

status variables, query cache, 136

case sensitivity, 68

catastrophic data loss, 99

CentOS 4.0, 25


global, 44

local, 45

NoOfDiskPages settings, 87-88

purpose of, 44-45

REDO, NoOfFragmentLogFiles settings, 80

TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints settings, 86

TimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints settings, 85-86

chrooted environments, 125-128

client/server topography, 169


<category>, 183-184

FILTER, 182-183

INFO, 182

ON, 181


commands, management. See management commands

compiling MySQL from source code, 24, 29-31

condition pushdowns, 138-144

--config-file ndb_mgmd option, 175

config.ini files. See also configuration files

all nodes, options for, 70

ArbitrationDelay setting, 94

ArbitrationRank setting, 72, 94

ArbitrationTimeout setting, 88

BackupDataBufferSize setting, 90

BackupDataDir setting, 76

BackupLogBufferSize setting, 90

BackupWriteSize setting, 91

BatchByteSize setting, 94

BatchSize setting, 94

BatchSizePerLocalScan setting, 80

Boolean parameters, 82-83

buffer settings, 88-90

check points, setting, 44

CONSOLE option, 71

DataDir setting, 36, 72, 74

DataMemory setting, 74-75

directory for, 34, 67

Diskless setting, 83

editing, 35-36

FILE option of LogDestination, 71

FileSystemPath setting, 76

global settings, 35

HeartBeatIntervalDb settings, 84-85

HostName option, 70, 72

Hostname setting, 36, 95

ID parameters, 37, 70-72

IndexMemory setting, 74-75

LockPagesInMainMemory setting, 83

LogDestination setting, 71

logging settings, 80-81

LogLevel settings, 91-92

LongMessageBuffer setting, 80

management node settings, 70-73

MaxNoOfAttributes setting, 81

MaxNoOfConcurrentIndexOperations, 78

MaxNoOfConcurrentScans setting, 79

MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions, 76

MaxNoOfFiredTriggers, 78

MaxNoOfLocalOperations, 77-78

MaxNoOfLocalScans setting, 80

MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes setting, 82

MaxNoOfSavedMessages settings, 81

MaxNoOfTables setting, 82

MaxNoOfTriggers setting, 82

MaxNoOfUniqueHashIndexes setting, 82

MaxScanBatchSize setting, 94

metadata object settings, 81-82

MYSQLD section, 70

MYSQLD_DEFAULT node settings, 93-94

NDBD section, 70

NDBD_DEFAULT section, 92

NDB_DEFAULT section, 35-36

NDB_MGM section, 70

NDB_MGMD_DEFAULT settings, 70-72

node-specific settings, 35

NoOfDiskPages settings, 87-88

NoOfFragmentLogFiles settings, 80-81

NoOfReplicas setting, 35, 73-74

parameter changes requiring restarts, 68

PortNumber setting, 71

RedoBuffer setting, 89

restart on edits requirement, 67

sample, three server, 36-37

sections of, 69

SQL node settings, 93-95

StartFailureTimeout setting, 84

StartPartialTimeout setting, 84

StartPartitionedTimeout setting, 84

StopOnError setting, 83

storage node example, 92-93

storage node settings, 73-93

structure of, 68-69

SYSLOG option, 71

TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints settings, 86

TimeBetweenInactiveTransactionAbort Check settings, 86

TimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints settings, 85-86

TimeBetweenWatchDogCheck setting, 84

transaction parameters, 76-79

TransactionBufferMemory setting, 79

TransactionDeadlockDetection setting, 87

TransactionInactiveTimeout setting, 86

UndoDataBuffer setting, 89

UndoIndexBuffer setting, 88-89

configuration. See also setups

APF firewalls, 116-117

binary options overview, 173

changes, backups prior to, 99

clusters, initial, 34-37

config.ini. See config.ini files

connection strings, 34

DataDir setting, 36

editing config.ini, 35-36

firewalls, 116-117

global settings, 35

Hostname setting, 36

ID parameters, 37

mysql-cluster directory, 34

NDB_DEFAULT section, 35-36

node-specific settings, 35

NoOfReplicas setting, 35

parameter changes requiring restarts, 68

rolling online change steps, 67-68

sample config.ini file, 36-37

settings, config.ini. See config.ini

steps for rolling online changes, 67-68

configuration files. See also config.ini files

binaries, group for, 173

global default, 173

mysql_cluster group, 173

SCI, enabling, 148-149

setup for, 173

shared memory, enabling, 147

user-specific, 173

connection strings

management consoles, for, 179

--ndb-connectionstring option, 173

passing to ndbd, 39

purpose of, 34

connection errors, 152

Connector/J, 164

CONSOLE option for management logs, 71

constraint memory requirements, 58

count(), 134

CPU bottlenecks, 146

CREATE_TABLE statements, 63-64

crontab commands, issuing, 119-120



cannot become daemon errors, 153

management. See management daemons

data retrieval

condition pushdowns, 138-144

EXPLAIN command with, 140-144

Extra column of EXPLAIN, 142

full table scans, 138-140

key columns of EXPLAIN, 142

methods for, 137

ordered index access, 138

primary key access, 137

row column of EXPLAIN, 142

row order, 141

type column of EXPLAIN, 141

unique key access, 137


auto-discovery of, 42

converting to NDBCLUSTER, 63

creating, 41-42

--database ndb_desc option, 176

folder creation for, 26

folders for, 30

initializing, 26, 30

normalizing, 61-62

DataDir setting, 36, 72, 74, 160


calculating requirements, 64-65

DUMP 1000 command, 180

NoOfDiskPagesToDiskAfterRestartUP setting, 87

purpose of, 61

setting, 74-75

table is full errors, 156

date type sizes, table of, 57

DBTUP could not allocate memory errors, 157

debugging. See troubleshooting

designing clusters, 23-24

directories, FileSystemPath setting, 76

disk storage

I/O performance, 130

storage node check pointing, 44-45

Diskless setting, 83

DNS round-robin load balancing, 165

Dolphin Interconnect Solutions, Inc., 147

download page, MySQL, 25

drivers, JDBC, 164


ALL DUMP 1000, 64

DUMP 1000 command, 180-181


editing config.ini, 35-36

endianness, 55

engine condition pushdowns, 139, 142-144

Engine statistics, 63



708, 157

arbitrator shutdowns of nodes, 154-156

cannot become daemon errors, 153

codes, plain text for, 177

DBTUP errors, 157

deciphering, 153

LogLevelError setting, 92

NDBD startup errors, 153-154

NDBD won’t connect, 152

reporting to MySQL, 161

StopOnError setting, 83

table importation, 64-66

table is full, 156

Ethernet. See also networks

checking before installation, 22

speed issues, 146

--execute ndb_mgm option, 176


EXPLAIN command, 140-144



automatic within data nodes, 163

dual-port network cards supporting, 170

hardware solutions for, 165-166

in front of MySQL nodes, 163

JDBC driver issues, 164

listing servers, 164

round-robin DNS for, 165

transaction handling of, 164


arbitrator role during, 154-156

handling of, 44

random, troubleshooting, 160-161

storage nodes, survivability of, 46


auto-increment fields error, 65

sizes for types, 56-57


variable width not supported, 56

width reduction, 62

FILE option for management logs, 71

FileSystemPath setting, 76


APF recommended, 115-117

application node rules, 114

configuring APF, 116-117

errors caused by, 152, 154

iptables package, 115

node zones, 112

ports used, defining, 114

purpose of, 109

routers as software firewalls, 112

rules for, 114

second-best network setup, 111

storage node rules, 114

forcing sends, 145

forums, MySQL Cluster, 161

full table scans, 138-140

G - H

global checkpoints, 44

groups, database server setup, 26

hardware load balancing solutions, 165-166

hash indexes, 132-133, 137


HeartBeatIntervalDb settings, 84-85

missed, 152

help Web sites, 161

high-speed interconnects. See interconnect methods

--host option, mysql, 174

Hostname parameter

config.ini options, 70, 72

requirements for, 36

SQL nodes, for, 95

HP-UX support for MySQL Cluster, 54-55

httperf benchmarking tool, 132


I/O, network, 130

ID parameters

case sensitivity of, 68

config.ini options, 37, 70-72

importing tables

ALTER_TABLE statements for, 62-63

CREATE_TABLE statements for, 63-64

error messages, 64-66


B-trees, 133

error from too many, 65

hashes, 132-133, 137

IndexMemory settings. See IndexMemory

MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes setting, 82

MaxNoOfUniqueHashIndexes setting, 82

memory requirements, 57

memory settings. See IndexMemory

multiple, issues with, 135

ndb_use_exact_count variable, 134

ordered indexes, 133, 138

overhead size, 57

parallel index scans, 138

PRIMARY_KEY columns, 132-133, 137

statistics for optimizing, 134-135

T-trees, 133

UndoIndexBuffer setting, 88-89

UNIQUE hash indexes, 133, 137

USING_INDEX clauses, 135


calculating requirements, 64-65

DUMP 1000 command, 180

purpose of, 61

setting, 74-75

--initial flag, 44, 68, 175

InnoDB table structure issues, 22


BASH profiles, 27

binary package method, 24-29

binary tarballs for, 24-28

BitKeeper releases, 25, 31-32

compiling from source code, 24, 29-31

configuring clusters, 34-37

designing clusters, 23-24

downloads for, 25, 33

easiest method, 24

file locations, 24

folder creation for, 26

folders for databases, 30

initializing databases, 26, 30

location for data storage, 26

MySQL-Max package requirement, 22

MySQL-Max, procedures for, 24-31

NDB limitations, 21

network, checking, 22

node set up requirements, 22

node types created during, 21

obtaining MySQL, 24

PATH variable, 27

preparing for, 21-22

RAM requirements, 22

RPM binaries for, 24, 28-29

security issues, 26

SELinux issues, 25

SHOW_TABLE_TYPES command, 33-34

soft links for, 26

SQL nodes, connecting, 40-41

standard, 21

starting management daemons, 38-39

starting storage nodes, 39-40

table structure requirements, 22

testing, 27, 46-47

upgrading binary tarball setups, 27

verifying, 33-34

working clusters, SHOW example, 41

interconnect methods

custom, 149

SCI, 147-149

shared memory, 146-147

SHM transport, 146

TCP/IP, 146

transport types supported, 145

IP addresses

HostName parameter for, 70

reserved set options, 111

iptables firewall package, 115

J - K - L

JDBC drivers, 164

kern.maxsize, 157


key columns of EXPLAIN, 142

primary. See primary keys

killing nodes, 46-47

latency, network, 130, 144-145

LCPs (local checkpoints), 45


Linux-HA, load balancing with, 166

support for MySQL Cluster, 54-55

load balancing

automatic within data nodes, 163

data nodes, relation to, 163

hardware solutions for, 165-166

in front of MySQL nodes, 163

JDBC driver issues, 164

Linux-HA application for, 166

LVS application for, 166

one-to-one server relationships for, 168

parameter settings, JDBC, 164

round-robin DNS for, 165

round-robin, JDBC, 164

software applications for, 166-167

Ultra Monkey application for, 166

local checkpoints (LCPs), 45

LockPagesInMainMemory setting, 83


backups, 100

CLUSTERLOG commands, 181-184

config.ini settings, 80-81

directories for, 151

file name interpretation, 151

LogDestination setting, 71

LogLevel settings, 91-92

management daemon destination option, 71

management node error logs, 153

management server logs, 152

NoOfFragmentLogFiles settings, 80-81

threshold levels, 183-184

LongMessageBuffer setting, 80

LVS, load balancing with, 166


Mac OS X support for MySQL Cluster, 54-55

management clients. See management consoles

management commands

ABORT BACKUP, 100-101, 185

CLUSTERLOG commands, 181-184

DUMP 1000, 64, 180-181





SHOW, 33-34, 38, 179


START, 180


STATUS, 43, 160, 180

STOP, 47, 180

management consoles

accessing, 179

backup tool, 100

commands, issuing, 119

commands. See management commands

connect strings for, 179

daemon, relationship to, 179

defined, 38

excluding unconnected nodes, 120-121

opening, 38

rolling cluster restarts, 121-124

script example, 120

shutting down clusters, 43

startups, monitoring, 43

STATUS commands, 43

timed commands, 119-120

upgrading MySQL Cluster versions, 48

management daemons

access issues, 109

console, relationship to, 179

directory, startup, 34

security, 109

starting, 38-39

stopping, 67

switches, running on, 168

management nodes

all of, config.ini settings for, 70-72

ArbitrationRank setting, 72

commands. See management commands

config.ini settings for, 70-73

console for. See management consoles

CONSOLE option, 71

DataDir setting, 72

defined, 21

directory listings, 151

error logs, 153

FILE option of LogDestination, 71

HostName setting, 72

ID setting, 72

killing, 46

LogDestination setting, 71

multiple, 95-98

PortNumber setting, 71

restarting, 46

RPM packages, table of, 28

set up requirements, 22

SHOW command, 38

starting, 38-39

storage nodes, finding from, 39

SYSLOG option, 71

management servers

logs on, 152

method for starting clusters, 51-53

output files directory setting, 72

specifying location of, 173

maximum response time, 129

MaxNoOfAttributes setting, 81, 157

MaxNoOfConcurrentIndexOperations setting, 78

MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations setting, 77-78

MaxNoOfConcurrentScans setting, 79

MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions setting, 76

MaxNoOfFiredTriggers setting, 78

MaxNoOfLocalOperations setting, 77-78, 157

MaxNoOfLocalScans setting, 80

MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes setting, 82

MaxNoOfTables setting, 82

MaxNoOfTriggers setting, 82

MaxNoOfUniqueHashIndexes setting, 82

MaxScanBatchSize setting, 94


allocation failure errors, 157

automatic calculating of requirements, 60

constraint requirements, 58

DataMemory setting. See DataMemory

DBTUP errors, 157

field width reduction, 62

index requirements, 57

IndexMemory setting. See IndexMemory

LockPagesInMainMemory setting, 83

NDB requirements, 55

normalizing databases, effect of, 61-62

page storage system, 58

primary key requirements, 57

RedoBuffer setting, 89

replica requirements, 58

requirements for installation, 22

requirements overview, 55-56

row overhead, 57

storage node requirements, 23

table requirements, calculating, 56-60

UndoDataBuffer setting, 89

message grouping, 145

metadata objects, 81-82

metrics, performance, 129-130

Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool, 132


connecting SQL nodes, 40

starting storage nodes, 39

mybench benchmarking tool, 132

MyISAM table structure issues, 22

Myrinet, 146

MySQL daemons, SQL nodes as, 21

mysql program options, 174

mysql-cluster directory, 34

mysql_cluster configuration file group, 173


BitKeeper releases for installations, 25, 31-32

compiling from source code, 24, 29-31

installing, 24-31

purpose of, 22-24

RPM binaries for installing, 28-29

tarbars for installing, 25-28

upgrading BitKeeper releases, 33

mysql.server script, location for, 27, 31

mysqld program options, 174

mysqldump, 102-103, 106-107

MYSQLD_DEFAULT config.ini settings, 93-94


NDB (Network Database)

memory requirements, 55

--ndb perror option, 177

--ndb-connectionstring option, 173

ndb_check_cashe_time values, 137

NDB_DEFAULT section of config.ini, 35-36

ndb_desc, 176

ndb_force_send variable, 145

ndb_mgm, 100, 175

ndb_mgmd, 38, 175

ndb_restore, 176

ndb_restore program, 104-106

ndb_shm option, 147

ndb_show_tables, 177

ndb_use_exact_count variable, 134

ndb_waiter, 177

nodes, 41

page storage system, 58

table structure issues, 22


defined, 175

--initial option, 68, 175

multiple processes per server, 157-160

NDBD won’t connect errors, 152

NDBD won’t start errors, 153-154

--nostart option, 175

options for, 175

starting storage nodes, 39

network cards, 170


cable removal errors, 154

checking before installation, 22

crossover cable scenario, 152

gigabit switch recommended, 110

I/O scalability, 130

latency, 130, 144-145

partitioning of, 111

recommended design, 109-111

second-best design, 111

skip-networking option, 118

speed issues, 146

--nodeid ndb_restore option, 176

--nostart option, ndbd, 51-53, 175

--not-started ndb_waiter option, 177

node groups

defined, 23

nodes assignments, 158

NoOfReplicas setting, 73

split brain scenarios, 156


arbitrators, 72

config.ini, options for all, 70

connection strings for, 34

designing clusters, 23-24

killing, 46-47

machine configurations for, 21

management. See management nodes

maximum number of, 23

RPM packages, table of, 28

single-node restarts, 45

SQL. See SQL nodes

storage. See storage nodes

system restarts, 45-46

types created during installation, 21

NoOfDiskPages settings, 87-88

NoOfReplicas setting, 73-74

normalizing databases, 61-62

NOWAIT option, 100

numeric types, table of, 57

O - P

obtaining MySQL, 24

one-to-one server relationships, 168-169

OpenWRT, 168

operating systems supported, 54-55, 60-61

ordered indexes, 133, 138

OS X, 54-55

page storage system, 58

parallel index scans, 138

partitioned startup state, 84

--password option, mysql, 174

PATH variable, 27

performance issues

benchmarking, 130-132

cache effects on benchmarking, 131

condition pushdowns, 139

CPU bottlenecks, 146

data retrieval issues, 137-144

disk I/O, 130

engine condition pushdowns, 139

Ethernet speed issues, 146

I/O, network, 130

importance of, 129

indexing. See indexes

interconnect response times, 145-149

latency, network, 130, 144-145

message grouping, 145

metrics for, 129-130

ordered index access, 138

query caches, 136-137

query execution issues, 135-137

response time, 129-130

scalability, 129

SCI, 147-149

shared memory connections, 146-147

storage nodes, 23

TCP/IP, 146

throughput, 129-130

transactions with, 144

permissions tables, 118

perror, 177

phases of startups, 43

PortNumber setting, 71

ports, 109

primary keys

memory requirements, 57

PRIMARY_KEY columns, 132-133, 137


Q - R


caches of, 136-137

execution methods, 135-137

full table scans for resolving, 138-140

steps in execution of, 135

queue time, 129

RAM (Random Access Memory)

allocation failure errors, 157

automatic calculating of requirements, 60

constraint requirements, 58

DataMemory parameter. See DataMemory

DBTUP errors, 157

field width reduction, 62

index requirements, 57

IndexMemory parameter. See IndexMemory

LockPagesInMainMemory setting, 83

NDB requirements, 55

normalizing databases, effect of, 61-62

page storage system, 58

primary key requirements, 57

replica requirements, 58

requirements for installation, 22

requirements overview, 55-56

row overhead, 57

storage node requirements, 23

table requirements, calculating, 56-60

recovery, SQL nodes issues, 95. See also failures


logs, 44

NoOfFragmentLogFiles settings, 80-81

RedoDataBuffer setting, 89

redundant networks, 170-171

replicas of data

memory required by, 23

NoOfReplicas setting, 35, 73-74

RAM requirements, 58

response time, 129-130, 145


backups with, 68

config.ini changes with, 67

RESTART command, 180

restarting clusters, 44-46

restarting MySQL, 40

rolling clusters, 121-124

restoring backups

--backupid ndb_restore option, 176

ID specification, 104

mysqld sections for, 104

mysqldump for, 106-107

ndb_restore program for, 104-106

--nodeid ndb_restore option, 176

options for ndb_restore, 104

parallel restores, 106-107

--restore_data ndb_restore option, 176

--restore_meta ndb_restore option, 176

single-user mode for, 103

speeding up, 106-107

result sets, 136

rolling cluster restarts, 121-124

root passwords, 118

round-robin DNS, 165


creating, 41-42

overhead size, 57

width limitations, 22

RPM binaries, 24, 28-29



defined, 129

network I/O, 130

network redundancy, 170-171

one-to-one server relationships, 169

separate Web and MySQL farms, 169

simplest setup, from, 168

Scalable cluster interconnect (SCI), 147-149


MaxScanBatchSize setting, 94

parameters of config.ini, 79-80

SCI (Scalable cluster interconnect), 147-149


all SQL nodes, issuing commands to, 125

example, 120

rolling cluster restarts, 121-124

security issues, 118

timed execution of, 120


APF firewalls, 115-117

application servers, 111

application user, isolation from, 114

chrooted environments, 125-128

firewalls recommended, 109, 111

firewalls, software, 114-117

forwarding, disallowing, 111

IP address issues, 111

management daemon access, 109

network design, 109, 111

network traffic control overview, 109

overview of, 109-110

partitioning of network, 111

permissions tables, 118

ports, number required, 109

privilege level of MySQL, 117-118

root passwords, 118

script sockets, 118

skip-networking option, 118

sniffing, preventing, 111

standard procedures, 117-118

threats, types of, 111

user setup, 26

SELECT statements, 140

SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux), 25

servers. See also nodes

application. See application servers

designing clusters, 23-24

management. See management servers


client/server, 169

importance of, 163

JDBC driver parameters, 164

load balancing, 163-167

network redundancy, 170-171

one-to-one server relationships, 168-169

round-robin DNS, 165

separate Web and MySQL farms, 169

simplest topography, 167-168

topographies, 167-170

SET_GLOBAL command, 140

shared memory connections, 146-147

SHM transport, 146

SHOW command, 38, 179

SHOW_TABLE_TYPES command, 33-34


LogLevelShutdown parameter, 91

procedure for, 43

SHUTDOWN command, 184

unplanned, troubleshooting, 160-161

single user mode

backups with, 102-103

ENTER command, 184

EXIT command, 184

restoring backups with, 104

single-node restarts, 45

skip-networking option, 118

snapshots, BitKeeper installations, 31-32

sniffing, preventing, 111

software firewalls. See firewalls

Solaris, 54-55

source code, compiling MySQL from, 24, 29-31

split brain situations, 154

SQL nodes

all, issuing commands to, 125

ArbitrationDelay setting, 94

ArbitrationRank setting, 94

backup recovery issues, 95

BatchByteSize setting, 94

BatchSize setting, 94

chrooted environment recommendation, 126

config.ini settings for, 93-95

connecting, 40-41

database discovery of, 42

defined, 21

excluding unconnected, 120-121

FLUSH_TABLES command, 42

Hostname setting, 95

IP address issues, 95

MaxScanBatchSize setting, 94

MySQL-Max installation, 22

MYSQLD_DEFAULT settings, 93-94

RPM packages, table of, 28

SSH method for starting clusters, 49-50

stale sessions, purging, 185

START BACKUP command, 185

START command, 180

StartFailureTimeout setting, 84


LogLevelStartup parameter, 91

management server method, 51-53

monitoring, 43

ndbd failures on, 160

NDBD won’t start errors, 153-154

phases of, 43

rolling cluster restarts, 121-124

SSH method, 49-50

START command, 180

StartFailureTimeout setting, 84

StartPartialTimeout parameter, 45, 84

StartPartitionedTimeout setting, 84

START_BACKUP command, 100

STATUS command, 43, 160, 180

STOP command, 47, 180

StopOnError setting, 83

storage nodes

all of, config.ini settings for, 73

ArbitrationTimeout setting, 88

BackupDataBufferSize setting, 90

BackupDataDir setting, 76

BackupLogBufferSize setting, 90

BackupWriteSize setting, 91

BatchSizePerLocalScan settings, 80

Boolean parameters, 82-83

buffer settings, 88-90

check pointing, 44-45

config.ini settings, 73-93

DataDir setting, 74

DataMemory setting, 74-75

defined, 21

design issues, 23

directory listings, 151

disk storage by, 44-45

Diskless setting, 83

example config.ini section, 92-93

failure, testing survivability of, 46

FileSystemPath setting, 76

firewall rules, 114

HeartBeatIntervalDb settings, 84-85

IndexMemory setting, 74-75

--initial option, 44, 68, 75

LockPagesInMainMemory setting, 83

logging settings, 80-81

LogLevel settings, 91-92

LongMessageBuffer settings, 80

maximum number of, 23

MaxNoOfAttributes setting, 81

MaxNoOfConcurrentIndexOperations, 78

MaxNoOfConcurrentScans settings, 79

MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions, 76

MaxNoOfFiredTriggers, 78

MaxNoOfLocalOperations, 77-78

MaxNoOfLocalScans settings, 80

MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes setting, 82

MaxNoOfSavedMessages settings, 81

MaxNoOfTables setting, 82

MaxNoOfTriggers setting, 82

MaxNoOfUniqueHashIndexes setting, 82

metadata object settings, 81-82

multiple per server, 157-160

MySQL-ndb-extra package option, 28

ndbd --initial command, 44, 68, 75

ndbd daemon, 39

NDBD_DEFAULT section, 92

NoOfDiskPages setting, 87-88

NoOfFragmentLogFiles settings, 80-81

NoOfReplicas setting, 73-74

performance issues, 23

RAM requirements, 22-23

RedoBuffer setting, 89

restarting, 44-45, 47

rolling online configuration steps, 67-68

RPM packages, table of, 28

scan settings, 79-80

set up requirements, 22

shutting down, 43

split brain scenarios, 156

StartFailureTimeout setting, 84

starting, 39-40

StartPartialTimeout setting, 84

StartPartitionedTimeout setting, 84

StopOnError setting, 83

stopping, 68

TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints settings, 86

TimeBetweenInactiveTransactionAbort Check settings, 86

TimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints settings, 85-86

TimeBetweenWatchDogCheck setting, 84

transaction parameters, 76-79

TransactionBufferMemory setting, 79

TransactionDeadlockDetection setting, 87

TransactionInactiveTimeout setting, 86

UndoDataBuffer setting, 89

UndoIndexBuffer setting, 88-89

string types, table of, 56-57

SuperSmack benchmarking tool, 132


failures creating split brains situations, 155

gigabit recommended, 110

management daemons on, 168

SYSLOG option for management logs, 71

system architecture. See architecture, system

system restarts, 45-46


T-trees, 133


adding to clusters, 62-66

ALTER_TABLE statements, 62-63

auto-discovery of, 42

auto-increment fields error, 65

CREATE_TABLE statements, 63-64

creating, 41-42, 66

diskless, 83

errors from full, 156

errors while importing, 64-66

importing to clusters, 62-66

MaxNoOfTables setting, 82

memory requirements, calculating, 56-60

migration errors, 66

structure requirements, 22

table already exists errors, 66

table_log full errors, 64-65

width limitations, 22

tail command, 65

tarballs, installation from, 24-28

TCP/IP performance issues, 146

testing clusters by killing nodes, 46-47


disk I/O issue, 130

metrics for, 129

TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints settings, 86

TimeBetweenInactiveTransactionAbort Check settings, 86

TimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints settings, 85-86

TimeBetweenWatchDogCheck setting, 84

timed commands, issuing, 119-120


client/server, 169

one-to-one server relationships, 168-169

redundant networks, 170-171

separate Web and MySQL farms, 169

simplest setup, 167-168

trace files, 81


BatchSizePerLocalScan setting, 80

can’t lock file errors, 66

config.ini settings, 76-79

failover handling of, 164

large, reasons for avoiding, 75

LongMessageBuffer setting, 80

MaxNoOfConcurrentIndexOperations, 78

MaxNoOfConcurrentScans setting, 79

MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions, 76

MaxNoOfFiredTriggers, 78

MaxNoOfLocalOperations, 77-78

MaxNoOfLocalScans setting, 80

performance issues, 144

scan parameters of config.ini, 79-80

TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints settings, 86

TimeBetweenInactiveTransactionAbort Check settings, 86

TransactionBufferMemory setting, 79

TransactionDeadlockDetection setting, 87

TransactionInactiveTimeout setting, 86

transport types. See interconnect methods

Transporter class, 149

triggers, 82


DataDir issues, 160

DBTUP errors, 157

error 708, 157

firewall-created errors, 154

heartbeats missed, 152

help Web sites, 161

log file locations, 151

NDBD won’t connect errors, 152

NDBD won’t start errors, 153-154

overview, 151-152

random crashes, 160-161

split brain situations, 154

STATUS command, 160

table is full errors, 156


Ultra Monkey, load balancing with, 166


DataMemory setting for, 75

UndoDataBuffer setting, 89

UndoIndexBuffer setting, 88-89

UNIQUE hash indexes, 133, 137


backups prior to, 99

BitKeeper releases, 33

MySQL Cluster versions, 47-49

RPM binary setups, 29

soft links for, 26

source code installations, 31

tarballs for, 27

--user option, mysql, 174

users, database server setup, 26

V - Z

VARCHAR fields, 56

wait time, 129

WAIT_COMPLETE option, 100

WAIT_STARTED option, 100

watchdog threads, 84

WHERE clause condition pushdowns, 138-144

Windows, Microsoft, 54-55

world sample database, 141

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