

action property, 168

Adobe Photoshop, 91–93

-agentlib parameter, 278

-agentpath parameter, 278

alpha attribute, 76–77

altDown event, 257


overview, 132

along paths, 139–145

timelines, 133–139

AnimationPath class, 142

applets vs. applications, 38


vs. applets, 38

compiling, 269–273

with swing, 180

Applications tab, 21

ApplyEffects function, 103–104

Bloom effect, 106–108

ColorAdjust effect, 110

DistantLights, 120–121

DropShadow effect, 116–117

GaussianBlur effect, 111

Glow effect, 114–115

InvertMask effect, 119

Perspective Transform, 128

PointLights, 122

SepiaTone effect, 125

SpotLights, 123

Arc attribute, 67

arcHeight attribute, 63–64

arcs, drawing, 65–68

ArcTo function, 141

ArcType attribute, 67

arcWidth attribute, 63–64

arrays, 60

asterisks (*) for comments, 20


fonts, 32

name-value pairs, 23

Palette, 33

audio files

overview, 201–202

playing, 216–217

autoPlay property, 204, 207–208, 265

autoReverse parameter

PathTransition, 142

Timeline, 138

azimuth parameter, 120


backgroundLoading attribute, 89

balance property, 265

Basic Shapes section, 32

bin folder, 269

bind keyword, 46


inverse, 213–214

string interpolators, 174

Text node, 46–49

black-and-white film effect, 123–126

blocksMouse property, 254

Bloom effect, 106–108

blurring effects, 110–113

blurType parameter, 116

-bootclasspath parameter, 271

boundsIn property, 254

brightness attribute

ColorAdjust effect, 109

HSB color, 76

bufferProgressTime property, 265

Build Project option, 248–249

button event, 257


horizontal layout, 221–225

nested layouts, 227–230

play/pause, 207–211

RoundButton, 186–192

SwingButton, 166–172

vertical layout, 225–227


cache property, 254

camel casing, 41

Cartesian coordinates

in animation, 141

axes, 33

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 234–235

independent style classes, 241–244

packages, 235–238

style creation, 238–239

working with, 239–241

center points for RadialGradients, 81

centerX attribute, 68

centerY attribute, 68

check boxes, 173–176

chord attribute, 67

circles, 66

drawing, 68–69

RadialGradients, 81


extending, 184

in packages, 12–13, 204

-classpath parameter

javafx, 275

javafxc, 271

clickCount event, 257

-client parameter, 274

clip property

description, 254

overriding, 186

SwingButton, 170–172

ClosePath function, 141

code snippets

categories, 18

need for, 25

Stage node, 21–23

colons (:) in attribute values, 55

color, 72

fonts, 238

LinearGradient, 78

lines, 57

mixing, 74–77

polygons, 64

predefined, 72–74

RadialGradients, 81

rectangles, 63

Color class, 72, 74–77

color parameter

DistantLights, 120

DropShadow effect, 116

ColorAdjust effect, 109–110

combining effects, 130

combo boxes, 176–180

command-line environment

javafx, 274–278

javafxc, 269–273

setting up, 268–269

commas (,)

array values, 60

attributes, 55

parameters, 42


adding, 30

CSS, 238

overview, 19–21


process, 21

scripts, 24, 269–273

content.fxd file, 95–96

content property, 223

context menus, 14, 54–56

contrast parameter, 109–110

controlDown event, 257


Cartesian, 33

Perspective Transform, 128–129

copyright information in comments, 19

-cp parameter

javafx, 275

javafxc, 271

Create File dialog box, 90

create method for nodes, 193–197

createFromPath function, 142

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 234–235

independent style classes, 241–244

packages, 235–238

style creation, 238–239

working with, 239–241

curly braces ({})

for context menus, 54–55

functions, 41–42

string interpolation, 168

type names, 23

currentCount property, 265

currentTime property, 211–212, 266

cursor property, 254

custom nodes, 192–199


-D parameter, 275

-d parameter, 272

-d32 parameter, 274

-d64 parameter, 274

-da parameter, 277

dates in comments, 19–20

Debug option, 31

def keyword, 46

default.css file, 237, 241

default package names, 15

definitions, function, 104

delimiters, 21

deploying JavaFX, 248–251

-deprecation parameter, 270–271

descriptive comments, 30

desktop profiles, 35–36

{__DIR__} constant, 89–91, 136

disable property, 254

-disableassertions parameter, 277

disabled property, 254

-disablesystemassertions parameter, 278

dist folder, 248, 250

DistantLights, 120–121

distortion, GaussianBlur effect for, 112

distributed apps, 251

distributing images, 90

.docx files, 15

double plus sign operator (++) for incrementing, 169

downloading software, 4–7

drag-and-drop interface, 3

drag events, 257

DropShadow effect, 116–118

-dsa parameter, 278

duration property

PathTransition, 142

progress indicator, 211–212


-ea parameter, 277

Eclipse IDE, 7

effect property, 255


Bloom, 106–108

ColorAdjust, 109–110

combining, 130

description, 106

DropShadow, 116–118

GaussianBlur, 110–113

Glow, 113–115

InvertMask, 119

Lighting, 120–123

script setup for, 103–106

SepiaTone, 123–126

Shadow, 118

elevation parameter, 120


drawing, 69

RadialGradients, 81

-enableassertions parameter, 277

enabledTracks property, 266

-enablesystemassertions parameter, 277

-encoding parameter, 272

-endorseddirs parameter, 272

endX value

LinearGradient, 78

lines, 54, 56

endY value

LinearGradient, 78

lines, 54, 56

-esa parameter, 277–278


description, 147

key, 157–161

in layouts, 224

mouse, 148–157, 256–257

Excel files, 15

executable applications, compiling, 269–273

exporting images, 93–95

-extdirs parameter, 271–272

extending classes, 184

extracting layers, 97


fader property, 266

Files tab, 16–17

fill attribute

arcs, 67

rectangles, 62

focusable property, 255

focused property, 255

focusTraversable property, 159

folders for images, 90

Font class, 32–33


labels, 238–239

text, 32–33

full transparency, 77

fully opaque color, 77

function keyword, 41


adding, 40–46

definitions, 104

.fx files, 15

FXDNode, 96–97

FXZ files

creating, 93

effects, 102, 104

layered images, 91, 95

working with, 96–98


-g parameter, 269–270

Gaussian algorithm, 110

GaussianBlur effect, 110–113

getNode method, 97, 136

Glow effect, 113–115

gradients, 77

custom, 82

LinearGradients, 77–81

RadialGradients, 81–82

graphic buttons, 166–172


half transparency, 77

HBox layout, 221–225

height attribute

arcs, 67

DropShadow effect, 116

images, 88

rectangles, 62

Hello World script, 28

bind for, 46–49

comments, 30

functions, 40–46

Run configuration, 40

Stage and Scene, 30–31

text, 31–38

writing to screen, 28–29

-help parameter

javafx, 276

javafxc, 273

horizontal layout, 221–225

hover property, 255

HTML knowledge requirements, 3

Hue, Saturation, Brightness (HSB) color, 76

hue parameter for ColorAdjust, 109

hyphens (-) for properties, 238


id property, 255

IDE (Integrated Development Environment), 4–7

Image class, 87–91

images, 86

exporting, 93–95

FXZ files, 96–98

Image class, 87–91

ImageView node, 86–87

JavaFX Production Suite, 91–96

resizing, 112

rotating, 127–128

types, 99

ImageView node

importing, 86–87

rotating, 127–128

-implicit parameter, 272

import keyword

nodes, 34–35

packages, 22

independent style classes, 241–244

inference variable type, 47

inheriting mouse events, 151, 157

Insert Template: Text Wizard, 34

installing software, 4–7

Integrated Development Environment (IDE), 4–7


animation, 142

strings, 168, 174, 177–178

inverse binding, 213–214

InvertMask effect, 119

items property, 177


Java Archive (JAR) files, 12–13

Java development knowledge requirements, 3

Java SE JDK (Standard Edition Java Development Kit), 4

javafx.animation.Interpolator package, 137

javafx.animation.Timeline package, 133

javafx.awt package, 153

javafx command-line utility, 274–278

javafx.ext.swing package, 164–165

javafx.ext.swing.SwingButton package, 168, 186

javafx.ext.swing.SwingCheckBox package, 174

javafx.ext.swing.SwingComboBox package, 177

javafx.ext.swing.SwingTextField package, 194

javafx.fxd.FXDNode package, 96

JavaFX Production Suite, 91–96

javafx.scene.control.Label package, 240

javafx.scene.control.Slider package, 214

javafx.scene.effect package, 106

javafx.scene.Group package, 194

javafx.scene.image.Image package, 87

javafx.scene.image.ImageView package, 86

javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent package, 153

javafx.scene.layout package, 222, 225 package, 205 package, 204

javafx.scene.paint.Color package, 57, 67, 72

javafx.scene.paint.LinearGradient package, 77

javafx.scene.paint.RadialGradient package, 81

javafx.scene.Scene package, 136

javafx.scene.shape.Arc package, 66

javafx.scene.shape.ArcType package, 66–67

javafx.scene.shape.Circle package, 68, 81, 186

javafx.scene.shape.Color package, 68

javafx.scene.shape.Path package, 141

javafx.scene.shape.Polyline package, 59

javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle package, 61

JavaFX Script language, 3

JavaFX SDK (Software Development Kit), 4

javafxc command-line utility, 269–273

jfx prefix, 92

-jre-restrict-search parameter, 276


key codes, 258–265

key events, 157–161

KeyEvent class, 161


animation, 136–137

description, 133

keyFrames collections, 136

keywords, 20–21

knowledge requirements, 3


labels, 238–239


extracting, 97

JavaFX Production Suite, 92–93

layoutBounds property, 255

layouts, 220–221

HBox, 221–225

miscellaneous, 230

nested, 227–230

VBox, 225–227

level parameter, 113

light parameter, 120

Lighting effect, 120

DistantLights, 120–121

PointLights, 121–122

SpotLights, 123

LinearGradient class, 77–81

lines, 53–59

local image files, 88, 90

location of projects, 10, 12


Main class, 29

media property, 204, 211, 266

MediaPlayer, 202–203

properties, 205–206, 265–266

video, 203–204

MediaView node, 202–203

metaDown event, 257

middleButtonDown event, 257

milliseconds for video duration, 211

mixing colors, 74–77

Mobile profile, 159–160

mouse events, 148–157, 256–257

MouseEvent class, 153

MoveTo function, 141

MP3 files, 216–217

multiline comments, 19, 21

multiple effects, 130

multiple shapes, 70

music, 216–217

mute property, 266

MyMediaPlayer class, 204


name-value pairs, 23–24


in comments, 19

conventions, 14

functions, 41, 104

layers, 92–93

nodes, 23

packages, 13–15, 21

projects, 10, 12

variables, 46

nested layouts, 227–230

NetBeans development environment

configuring, 7

description, 4

downloading and installing, 4–7

empty projects, 15–18

New File Wizard, 235, 238

New Project Wizard, 10–12

node event, 257


creating, 192–199

importing for, 34–35

overriding, 184–185

properties, 238, 254–256

rotating, 241–244

type names, 23

Notes class, 193–199

-nowarn parameter, 270


octagons, 65

offset parameter, 78–80

on replace triggers, 187

onBuffering property, 266

onEndOfMedia property, 266

onError property, 266

onKey events in layouts, 224

onKey properties, 255

onKeyPressed event, 157–158, 161

onKeyReleased event, 157–158, 161

onKeyTyped event, 158, 161

onMouse events in layouts, 224

onMouse properties, 255

onMouseClicked event, 149–151, 153, 155

onMouseDragged event, 150

onMouseEntered event, 150

onMouseExited event, 150

onMouseMoved event, 150

onMousePressed event, 149–151, 154

onMouseReleased event, 149–151, 153

on Mouse Wheel Moved event, 148, 150

onRepeat property, 266

onStalled property, 266


alpha attribute, 76–77

DropShadow effect, 116

InvertMask effect, 119

opacity property, 256

open attribute, 67

orientation of animation, 143

overriding nodes, 184–185


package statement, 20–21


adding images to, 90

naming conventions, 13–15

overview, 12–13

style sheets in, 235–238


attributes, 33

NetBeans, 16–18

for Stage, 30

for text, 32


functions, 41–42

name-value pairs, 23

parent property, 256

parentheses () for parameters, 42

Path node, 140–141

Path statement, 268–269


animation along, 139–145

command-line environment, 268–269

PathTransition class, 142

pause button, 207–211

pause method, 209

paused property, 266

Perspective Transform transformations, 128–129

Photoshop, 91–93

placeholder images, 89

-platform parameter, 273

play method, 136, 209

play/pause button, 207–211


audio, 216–217

video, 203–207

plus signs (+) in increment operator, 169

pointer-style input events, 148–157

PointLights, 121–122

points attribute, 60

pointsAtX parameter, 123

pointsAtY parameter, 123

pointsAtZ parameter, 123

polygons, 64–65

Polyline package, 59

polylines, 59–61

popupTrigger event, 257

position, layouts for, 220–221

HBox, 221–225

miscellaneous, 230

nested, 227–230

VBox, 225–227

predefined colors, 72–74

pressed property, 256

primaryButtonDown event, 257

{__PROFILE__} constant, 35, 37, 44


desktop, 35–36

Mobile, 159–160

progress indicators, 211–215

Project context menu, 14

Project Properties window, 36–37


creating, 10–12

empty, 12–15

NetBeans, 15–18

properties, 29, 36–37

working files, 15

Projects frame, 12, 29

Projects tab in NetBeans, 16–17


Node, 254–256

projects, 29, 36–37

Properties dialog box, 248

proportional parameter, 78


question mark (-?) parameter, 276


RadialGradients, 81–82


arcs, 66

circles, 68

DropShadow effect, 116

GaussianBlur effect, 110–113

RadialGradients, 81

radiusX attribute, 66

radiusY attribute, 66

rate property, 266

rectangles, 61–64

Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color, 75–76

registering NetBeans, 7

renaming layers, 92–93

repeatCount property

animation, 138–139

description, 266

PathTransition, 142

requirements for development, 2–3

skills and knowledge, 3

software, 4

reserved words, 20–21

resizing images, 112

return keyword, 44

return value types, 42–43

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color, 75–76

rotate property, 241–244, 256


images, 127–128

nodes, 241–244

round attribute, 67


creating, 186–192

play/pause button, 207–211

Run configurations

for compilation, 24

creating, 40

Run Main Project option, 31

Run properties, 248–249


saturation attribute

ColorAdjust, 109

HSB color, 76

saving images, 93–94

sayHello function, 43–45, 47

sayHelloFromBind function, 47–49

scaleX property, 256

scaleY property, 256

Scene node, 31

scene property, 256

Scenes, adding, 30–31

sceneX event, 257

sceneY event, 257

screen, writing to, 28–29

screenX event, 257

screenY event, 257

script files, 19

comments, 19–21

compiling, 24, 269–273

Hello World. See Hello World script

name-value pairs, 23–24

package statement, 20–21

Stage node, 21–23

secondaryButtonDown event, 257

selected property, 178

self-test answers, 280–290

semicolons (;)

attributes, 55

functions, 42

statements, 21

SepiaTone effect, 123–126

-server parameter, 274

Services tab, 16–17

SetImages function, 103–105

Bloom effect, 106–108

DropShadow effect, 117

Glow effect, 114–115

rotation transformation, 127–128

SepiaTone effect, 125

XY transformations, 125–126


DropShadow effect, 116–118

Shadow effect, 118

shapes, 52

arcs, 65–68

circles, 68–69

creating, 199

drawing, 52–53

ellipses, 69

lines, 53–59

multiple, 70

Palette, 32

polygons, 64–65

polylines, 59–61

rectangles, 61–64

shiftDown event, 257

Show On Startup option, 7

-showversion parameter, 276

single line comments, 19, 21


fonts, 32

images, 112

skills requirements, 3

slashes (/) for comments, 20

Slider control, 211, 213–214


categories, 18

need for, 25

Stage node, 21–23


downloading and installing, 4–7

requirements, 4

Software Development Kit (JavaFX SDK), 4

sound files

overview, 201–202

playing, 216–217

Source Packages folder, 12, 14

-sourcepath parameter, 271

-splash parameter, 278

SpotLights, 123

spread parameter, 116

square brackets ([])

arrays, 60

Text node, 32

squares, 61

Stage node

adding, 30–31

name-value pairs, 23–24

snippets, 21–23

Standard Edition Java Development Kit (Java SE JDK), 4

start page in NetBeans, 6

startAngle property, 66

startTime property, 266

startX value

LinearGradient, 78

lines, 54

startY value

LinearGradient, 78

lines, 54

status property, 266

stops parameter

LinearGradient, 78–79

RadialGradient, 81

stopTime property, 266

streaming media, 202


with functions, 43–44

interpolation, 168, 174, 177–178

stroke attribute

arcs, 67

lines, 57

rectangles, 62–63

strokeWidth attribute

arcs, 67

rectangles, 62–63

style property, 234, 256

styleClass property, 242–244, 256

styles, CSS, 234–235

independent style classes, 241–244

packages, 235–238

style creation, 238–239

working with, 239–241

styleSheets property, 240

supportsMultiViews property, 266


applications with, 180

components, 165–166

overview, 164–165

SwingButton, 166–172

SwingCheckBox, 173–176

SwingComboBox and SwingComboBoxItem, 176–180


creating, 166–172

RoundButton node, 186–192

SwingCheckBox component, 173–176

SwingComboBox and SwingComboBoxItem components, 176–180

syntax, 23


-target parameter, 272–273

text and Text node

adding, 31–38

bind with, 46–49

document files, 15

sayHello, 44

writing to screen, 28–29

text property

SwingButton, 168

SwingCheckBox, 174


horizontal layout, 221–225

nested layouts, 227–230

vertical layout, 225–227

textFill property, 238

thickness of lines, 57

three-color LinearGradient, 79–81

timelines, 133–139

timers property, 266

timing for smooth animation, 133

titles in Stage, 30–31

toMillis method, 211


description, 125

Perspective Transform, 128–129

rotation, 127–128

XY, 125–127

transforms property, 256

translateX property

description, 256

Image View node, 127

translateY property

description, 256

frames, 137

Image View node, 127

transparency, 76–77

tween notation, 137

tweening, 137

two-color LinearGradient, 78–79

.txt files, 15

type names in nodes, 23

<type> notation, 104

types of variables, 46–47


U-shaped drawing, 59–61

underscores (_), 35

url parameter, 87, 89


valueOf method, 212

values in name-value pairs, 23

var keyword, 46

variables, 46–48

VBox layout, 225–227

-verbose parameter

javafx, 275

javafxc, 270

-version parameter

javafx, 275–276

javafxc, 273

versions in comments, 19

vertical layout, 225–227


overview, 201–202

play/pause button, 207–211

playing, 203–207

progress indicators, 211–215

supported files, 204

visible property, 256

VK_ key codes, 258–265

void functions, 42

volume property, 216, 266


web color hex values, 76

Web image files, 88

Web Run configuration, 37

wheelRotation event, 257

whitespace in arrays, 60


arcs, 67

DropShadow effect, 116

images, 88

lines, 57

rectangles, 62

words, writing to screen, 28–29

working files, 15

writing to screen, 28–29


x attribute, 62

x event, 257

-X parameter

javafx, 277

javafxc, 273

x position in Cartesian coordinates, 33

.xlsx files, 15

XY transformations, 125–127


y attribute, 62

y event, 257

y position in Cartesian coordinates, 33

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