Proper and Ethical Disclosure

For years customers have demanded that operating systems and applications provide more and more functionality. Vendors continually scramble to meet this demand while also attempting to increase profits and market share. This combination of the race to market and maintaining a competitive advantage has resulted in software containing many flaws—flaws that range from mere nuisances to critical and dangerous vulnerabilities that directly affect a customer’s protection level.

The hacker community’s skill sets are continually increasing. It used to take the hacking community months to carry out a successful attack from an identified vulnerability; today it happens in days or hours.

The increase in interest and talent in the black-hat community equates to quicker and more damaging attacks and malware for the industry to combat. It is imperative that vendors not sit on the discovery of true vulnerabilities, but instead work to release fixes to customers who need them as soon as possible.

For this to happen, ethical hackers must understand and follow the proper methods of disclosing identified vulnerabilities to the software vendor. If an individual uncovers a vulnerability and illegally exploits it and/or tells others how to carry out this activity, he is considered a black hat. If an individual uncovers a vulnerability and exploits it with authorization, she is considered a white hat. If a different person uncovers a vulnerability, does not illegally exploit it or tell others how to do so, and works with the vendor to fix it, this person is considered a gray hat.

Unlike other books and resources available today, we promote using the knowledge that we are sharing with you in a responsible manner that will only help the industry—not hurt it. To do this, you should understand the policies, procedures, and guidelines that have been developed to allow gray hats and the vendors to work together in a concerted effort. These items have been created because of past difficulties in teaming up these different parties (gray hats and vendors) in a way that was beneficial. Many times individuals would identify a vulnerability and post it (along with the code necessary to exploit it) on a website without giving the vendor time to properly develop and release a fix. On the other hand, when an individual has tried to contact a vendor with useful information regarding a vulnerability, but the vendor has chosen to ignore repeated requests for a discussion pertaining to a particular weakness in a product, usually the individual—who attempted to take a more responsible approach—posts the vulnerability and exploitable code to the world. More successful attacks soon follow and the vendor then has to scramble to come up with a patch and meanwhile endure a hit to its repetition.

So before you jump into the juicy attack methods, tools, and coding issues we cover in this book, make sure you understand what is expected of you once you uncover the security flaws in products today. There are enough people doing wrong things in the world. We are looking to you to step up and do the right thing. In this chapter, we’ll discuss the following topics:

• Different teams and points of view

• CERT’s current process

• Full disclosure policy—the RainForest Puppy Policy

• Organization for Internet Safety (OIS)

• Conflicts will still exist

• Case studies

Different Teams and Points of View

Unfortunately, almost all of today’s software products are riddled with flaws. These flaws can present serious security concerns for consumers. For customers who rely extensively on applications to perform core business functions, bugs can be crippling and, therefore, must be dealt with properly. How to address the problem is a complicated issue because it involves two key players who usually have very different views on how to achieve a resolution.

The first player is the consumer. An individual or company buys a product, relies on it, and expects it to work. Often, the consumer owns a community of interconnected systems (a network) that all rely on the successful operation of software to do business. When the consumer finds a flaw, he reports it to the vendor and expects a solution in a reasonable timeframe.

The second player is the software vendor. The vendor develops the product and is responsible for its successful operation. The vendor is looked to by thousands of customers for technical expertise and leadership in the upkeep of its product. When a flaw is reported to the vendor, it is usually one of many that the vendor must deal with, and some fall through the cracks for one reason or another.

The issue of public disclosure has created quite a stir in the computing industry because each group views the issue so differently. Many believe knowledge is the public’s right and all security vulnerability information should be disclosed as a matter of principle. Furthermore, many consumers feel that the only way to truly get quick results from a large software vendor is to pressure it to fix the problem by threatening to make the information public. Vendors have had the reputation of simply plodding along and delaying the fixes until a later version or patch is scheduled for release, which will address the flaw. This approach doesn’t always consider the best interests of consumers, however, as they must sit and wait for the vendor to fix a vulnerability that puts their business at risk.

The vendor looks at the issue from a different perspective. Disclosing sensitive information about a software flaw causes two major problems. First, the details of the flaw will help hackers exploit the vulnerability. The vendor’s argument is that if the issue is kept confidential while a solution is being developed, attackers will not know how to exploit the flaw. Second, the release of this information can hurt the company’s reputation, even in circumstances when the reported flaw is later proven to be false. It is much like a smear campaign in a political race that appears as the headline story in a newspaper. Reputations are tarnished, and even if the story turns out to be false, a retraction is usually printed on the back page a week later. Vendors fear the same consequence for massive releases of vulnerability reports.

Because of these two distinct viewpoints, several organizations have rallied together to create policies, guidelines, and general suggestions on how to handle software vulnerability disclosures. This chapter will attempt to cover the issue from all sides and help educate you on the fundamentals behind the ethical disclosure of software vulnerabilities.

How Did We Get Here?

Before the mailing list Bugtraq was created, individuals who uncovered vulnerabilities and ways to exploit them just communicated directly with each other. The creation of Bugtraq provided an open forum for these individuals to discuss the same issues and work collectively. Easy access to ways of exploiting vulnerabilities gave way to the numerous script-kiddie point-and-click tools available today, which allow people who do not even understand a vulnerability to exploit it successfully. Posting more and more vulnerabilities to this site has become a very attractive past time for hackers, crackers, security professionals, and others. Bugtraq led to an increase in attacks on the Internet, on networks, and against vendors. Many vendors were up in arms, demanding a more responsible approach to vulnerability disclosure.

In 2002, Internet Security Systems (ISS) discovered several critical vulnerabilities in products like Apache web server, Solaris X Windows font service, and Internet Software Consortium BIND software. ISS worked with the vendors directly to come up with solutions. A patch that was developed and released by Sun Microsystems was flawed and had to be recalled. An Apache patch was not released to the public until after the vulnerability was posted through public disclosure, even though the vendor knew about the vulnerability. Even though these are older examples, these types of activities—and many more like them—left individuals and companies vulnerable; they were victims of attacks and eventually developed a deep feeling of distrust of software vendors. Critics also charged that security companies, like ISS, have alternative motives for releasing this type of information. They suggest that by releasing system flaws and vulnerabilities, they generate “good press” for themselves and thus promote new business and increased revenue.

Because of the failures and resulting controversy that ISS encountered, it decided to initiate its own disclosure policy to handle such incidents in the future. It created detailed procedures to follow when discovering a vulnerability and how and when that information would be released to the public. Although their policy is considered “responsible disclosure,” in general, it does include one important caveat—vulnerability details would be released to its customers and the public at a “prescribed period of time” after the vendor has been notified. ISS coordinates their public disclosure of the flaw with the vendor’s disclosure. This policy only fueled the people who feel that vulnerability information should be available for the public to protect themselves.

This dilemma, and many others, represents the continual disconnect among vendors, security companies, and gray hat hackers today. Differing views and individual motivations drive each group down various paths. The models of proper disclosure that are discussed in this chapter have helped these different entities to come together and work in a more concerted effort, but much bitterness and controversy around this issue remains.



The range of emotion, the numerous debates, and controversy over the topic of full disclosure has been immense. Customers and security professionals alike are frustrated with software flaws that still exist in the products in the first place and the lack of effort from vendors to help in this critical area. Vendors are frustrated because exploitable code is continually released just as they are trying to develop fixes. We will not be taking one side or the other of this debate, but will do our best to tell you how you can help, and not hurt, the process.

CERT’s Current Process

The first place to turn to when discussing the proper disclosure of software vulnerabilities is the governing body known as the CERT Coordination Center (CC). CERT/CC is a federally funded research and development operation that focuses on Internet security and related issues. Established in 1988 in reaction to the first major virus outbreak on the Internet, the CERT/CC has evolved over the years, taking on more substantial roles in the industry, which includes establishing and maintaining industry standards for the way technology vulnerabilities are disclosed and communicated. In 2000, the organization issued a policy that outlined the controversial practice of releasing software vulnerability information to the public. The policy covered the following areas:

• Full disclosure will be announced to the public within 45 days of being reported to CERT/CC. This timeframe will be executed even if the software vendor does not have an available patch or appropriate remedy. The only exception to this rigid deadline will be exceptionally serious threats or scenarios that would require a standard to be altered.

• CERT/CC will notify the software vendor of the vulnerability immediately so that a solution can be created as soon as possible.

• Along with the description of the problem, CERT/CC will forward the name of the person reporting the vulnerability unless the reporter specifically requests to remain anonymous.

• During the 45-day window, CERT/CC will update the reporter on the current status of the vulnerability without revealing confidential information.

CERT/CC states that its vulnerability policy was created with the express purpose of informing the public of potentially threatening situations while offering the software vendor an appropriate timeframe to fix the problem. The independent body further states that all decisions on the release of information to the public are based on what is best for the overall community.

The decision to go with 45 days was met with controversy as consumers widely felt that was too much time to keep important vulnerability information concealed. The vendors, on the other hand, felt the pressure to create solutions in a short timeframe while also shouldering the obvious hits their reputations would take as news spread about flaws in their product. CERT/CC came to the conclusion that 45 days was sufficient enough time for vendors to get organized, while still taking into account the welfare of consumers.

A common argument posed when CERT/CC announced their policy was, “Why release this information if there isn’t a fix available?” The dilemma that was raised is based on the concern that if a vulnerability is exposed without a remedy, hackers will scavenge the flawed technology and be in prime position to bring down users’ systems. The CERT/CC policy insists, however, that without an enforced deadline there will be no motivation for the vendor to fix the problem. Too often, a software maker could simply delay the fix into a later release, which puts the consumer in a compromising position.

To accommodate vendors and their perspective of the problem, CERT/CC performs the following:

• CERT/CC will make good faith efforts to always inform the vendor before releasing information so there are no surprises.

• CERT/CC will solicit vendor feedback in serious situations and offer that information in the public release statement. In instances when the vendor disagrees with the vulnerability assessment, the vendor’s opinion will be released as well, so both sides can have a voice.

• Information will be distributed to all related parties that have a stake in the situation prior to the disclosure. Examples of parties that could be privy to confidential information include participating vendors, experts that could provide useful insight, Internet Security Alliance members, and groups that may be in the critical path of the vulnerability.

Although there have been other guidelines developed and implemented after CERT’s model, CERT is usually the “middle man” between the bug finder and the vendor to try and help the process and enforce the necessary requirements of all of the parties involved.



As of this writing, the model that is most commonly used is the Organization for Internet Safety (OIS) guidelines, which is covered later in this chapter. CERT works within this model when called upon by vendors or gray hats.


The CERT/CC Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Full Disclosure Policy—the RainForest Puppy Policy

A full disclosure policy known as RainForest Puppy Policy (RFP) version 2, takes a harder line with software vendors than CERT/CC. This policy takes the stance that the reporter of the vulnerability should make an effort to contact the vendor so they can work together to fix the problem, but the act of cooperating with the vendor is a step that the reporter is not required to take. Under this model, strict policies are enforced upon the vendor if it wants the situation to remain confidential. The details of the policy follow:

• The issue begins when the originator (the reporter of the problem) e-mails the maintainer (the software vendor) with details about the problem. The moment the e-mail is sent is considered the date of contact. The originator is responsible for locating the maintainer’s appropriate contact information, which can usually be obtained through the maintainer’s website. If this information is not available, e-mails should be sent to one or all of the addresses shown next.

These common e-mail formats should be implemented by vendors:






• The maintainer will be allowed five days from the date of contact to reply to the originator. The date of contact is from the perspective of the originator of the issue, meaning if the person reporting the problem sends an e-mail from New York at 10:00 A.M. to a software vendor in Los Angeles, the time of contact is 10:00 A.M. Eastern time. The maintainer must respond within five days, which would be 7:00 A.M. Pacific time. An auto-response to the originator’s e-mail is not considered sufficient contact. If the maintainer does not establish contact within the allotted timeframe, the originator is free to disclose the information. Once contact has been made, decisions on delaying disclosures should be discussed between the two parties. The RFP policy warns the vendor that contact should be made sooner rather than later. It reminds the software maker that the finder of the problem is under no obligation to cooperate, but is simply being asked to do so for the best interests of all parties.

• The originator should make every effort to assist the vendor in reproducing the problem and adhering to reasonable requests. It is also expected that the originator will show reasonable consideration if delays occur and if the vendor shows legitimate reasons why it will take additional time to fix the problem. Both parties should work together to find a solution.

• It is the responsibility of the vendor to provide regular status updates every five days that detail how the vulnerability is being addressed. It should also be noted that it is solely the responsibility of the vendor to provide updates and not the responsibility of the originator to request them.

• As the problem and fix are released to the public, the vendor is expected to credit the originator for identifying the problem. This gesture is considered a professional courtesy to the individual or company that voluntarily exposed the problem. If this good faith effort is not executed, the originator will have little motivation to follow these guidelines in the future.

• The maintainer and the originator should make disclosure statements in conjunction with each other, so all communication will be free from conflict or disagreement. Both sides are expected to work together throughout the process.

• In the event that a third party announces the vulnerability, the originator and maintainer are encouraged to discuss the situation and come to an agreement on a resolution. The resolution could include: the originator disclosing the vulnerability or the maintainer disclosing the information and available fixes while also crediting the originator. The full disclosure policy also recommends that all details of the vulnerability be released if a third party releases the information first. Because the vulnerability is already known, it is the responsibility of the vendor to provide specific details, such as the diagnosis, the solution, and the timeframe for a fix to be implemented or released.

RainForest Puppy is a well-known hacker who has uncovered an amazing amount of vulnerabilities in different products. He has a long history of successfully, and at times unsuccessfully, working with vendors to help them develop fixes for the problems he has uncovered. The disclosure guidelines that he developed came from his years of experience in this type of work and level of frustration that vendors not working with individuals like himself experienced once bugs were uncovered.

The key to these disclosure policies is that they are just guidelines and suggestions on how vendors and bug finders should work together. They are not mandated and cannot be enforced. Since the RFP policy takes a strict stance on dealing with vendors on these issues, many vendors have chosen not to work under this policy. So another set of guidelines was developed by a different group of people, which includes a long list of software vendors.


Full Disclosure Policy (RFPolicy) v2 (RainForest Puppy)

Organization for Internet Safety (OIS)

There are three basic types of vulnerability disclosures: full disclosure, partial disclosure, and nondisclosure. Each type has its advocates, and long lists of pros and cons can be debated regarding each type. CERT and RFP take a rigid approach to disclosure practices; they created strict guidelines that were not always perceived as fair and flexible by participating parties. The Organization for Internet Safety (OIS) was created to help meet the needs of all groups and is the policy that best fits into a partial disclosure classification. This section will give an overview of the OIS approach, as well as provide the step-by-step methodology that has been developed to provide a more equitable framework for both the user and the vendor.

A group of researchers and vendors formed the OIS with the goal of improving the way software vulnerabilities are handled. The OIS members included @stake, Bind-View Corp., The SCO Group, Foundstone, Guardent, Internet Security Systems, McAfee, Microsoft Corporation, Network Associates, Oracle Corporation, SGI, and Symantec. The OIS shut down after serving its purpose, which was to create the vulnerability disclosure guidelines.

The OIS believed that vendors and consumers should work together to identify issues and devise reasonable resolutions for both parties. It tried to bring together a broad, valued panel that offered respected, unbiased opinions to make recommendations. The model was formed to accomplish two goals:

• Reduce the risk of software vulnerabilities by providing an improved method of identification, investigation, and resolution.

• Improve the overall engineering quality of software by tightening the security placed upon the end product.


The process begins when someone finds a flaw in the software. The flaw may be discovered by a variety of individuals, such as researchers, consumers, engineers, developers, gray hats, or even casual users. The OIS calls this person or group the finder. Once the flaw is discovered, the finder is expected to carry out the following due diligence:

1. Discover if the flaw has already been reported in the past.

2. Look for patches or service packs and determine if they correct the problem.

3. Determine if the flaw affects the product’s default configuration.

4. Ensure that the flaw can be reproduced consistently.

After the finder completes this “sanity check” and is sure that the flaw exists, the issue should be reported. The OIS designed a report guideline, known as a vulnerability summary report (VSR), that is used as a template to describe the issues properly. The VSR includes the following components:

• Finder’s contact information

• Security response policy

• Status of the flaw (public or private)

• Whether or not the report contains confidential information

• Affected products/versions

• Affected configurations

• Description of flaw

• Description of how the flaw creates a security problem

• Instructions on how to reproduce the problem


The next step in the process is contacting the vendor. This step is considered the most important phase of the plan according to the OIS. Open and effective communication is the key to understanding and ultimately resolving software vulnerabilities. The following are guidelines for notifying the vendor.

The vendor is expected to provide the following:

• Single point of contact for vulnerability reports.

• Contact information should be posted in at least two publicly accessible locations, and the locations should be included in their security response policy.

• Contact information should include:

• Reference to the vendor’s security policy

• A complete listing/instructions for all contact methods

• Instructions for secure communications

• Reasonable efforts to ensure that e-mails sent to the following formats are rerouted to the appropriate parties:

• abuse@[vendor]

• postmaster@[vendor]

• sales@[vendor]

• info@[vendor]

• support@[vendor]

• A secure communication method between itself and the finder. If the finder uses encrypted transmissions to send a message, the vendor should reply in a similar fashion.

• Cooperate with the finder, even if the finder uses insecure methods of communication.

The finder is expected to:

• Submit any found flaws to the vendor by sending a VSR to one of the published points of contact.

• Send the VSR to one or many of the following addresses, if the finder cannot locate a valid contact address:

• abuse@[vendor]

• postmaster@[vendor]

• sales@[vendor]

• info@[vendor]

• supports@[vendor]

Once the VSR is received, some vendors will choose to notify the public that a flaw has been uncovered and that an investigation is underway. The OIS encourages vendors to use extreme care when disclosing information that could put users’ systems at risk. Vendors are also expected to inform finders that they intend to disclose the information to the public.

In cases where vendors do not wish to notify the public immediately, they still need to respond to the finders. After the VSR is sent, a vendor must respond directly to the finder within seven days to acknowledge receipt. If the vendor does not respond during this time period, the finder should then send a Request for Confirmation of Receipt (RFCR). The RFCR is basically a final warning to the vendor stating that a vulnerability has been found, a notification has been sent, and a response is expected. The RFCR should also include a copy of the original VSR that was sent previously. The vendor is then given three days to respond.

If the finder does not receive a response to the RFCR in three business days, the finder can notify the public about the software flaw. The OIS strongly encourages both the finder and the vendor to exercise caution before releasing potentially dangerous information to the public. The following guidelines should be observed:

• Exit the communication process only after trying all possible alternatives.

• Exit the process only after providing notice (an RFCR would be considered an appropriate notice statement).

• Reenter the process once the deadlock situation is resolved.

The OIS encourages, but does not require, the use of a third party to assist with communication breakdowns. Using an outside party to investigate the flaw and stand between the finder and vendor can often speed up the process and provide a resolution that is agreeable to both parties. A third party can be comprised of security companies, professionals, coordinators, or arbitrators. Both sides must consent to the use of this independent body and agree upon the selection process.

If all efforts have been made and the finder and vendor are still not in agreement, either side can elect to exit the process. The OIS strongly encourages both sides to consider the protection of computers, the Internet, and critical infrastructures when deciding how to release vulnerability information.


The validation phase involves the vendor reviewing the VSR, verifying the contents, and working with the finder throughout the investigation. An important aspect of the validation phase is the consistent practice of updating the finder on the investigation’s status. The OIS provides some general rules to follow regarding status updates:

• Vendor must provide status updates to the finder at least once every seven business days unless another arrangement is agreed upon by both sides.

• Communication methods must be mutually agreed upon by both sides. Examples of these methods include telephone, e-mail, FTP site, etc.

• If the finder does not receive an update within the seven-day window, it should issue a Request for Status (RFS).

• The vendor then has three business days to respond to the RFS.

The RFS is considered a courtesy, reminding the vendor that it owes the finder an update on the progress being made on the investigation.


The investigation work that a vendor undertakes should be thorough and cover all related products linked to the vulnerability. Often, the finder’s VSR will not cover all aspects of the flaw and it is ultimately the responsibility of the vendor to research all areas that are affected by the problem, which includes all versions of code, attack vectors, and even unsupported versions of software if these versions are still heavily used by consumers. The steps of the investigation are as follows:

1. Investigate the flaw of the product described in the VSR.

2. Investigate if the flaw also exists in supported products that were not included in the VSR.

3. Investigate attack vectors for the vulnerability.

4. Maintain a public listing of which products/versions the vendor currently supports.

Shared Code Bases

Instances have occurred where one vulnerability is uncovered in a specific product, but the basis of the flaw is found in source code that may spread throughout the industry. The OIS believes it is the responsibility of both the finder and the vendor to notify all affected vendors of the problem. Although their Security Vulnerability Reporting and Response Policy does not cover detailed instructions on how to engage several affected vendors, the OIS does offer some general guidelines to follow for this type of situation.

The finder and vendor should do at least one of the following action items:

• Make reasonable efforts to notify each vendor known to be affected by the flaw.

• Establish contact with an organization that can coordinate the communication to all affected vendors.

• Appoint a coordinator to champion the communication effort to all affected vendors.

Once the other affected vendors have been notified, the original vendor has the following responsibilities:

• Maintain consistent contact with the other vendors throughout investigation and resolution process.

• Negotiate a plan of attack with the other vendors in investigating the flaw. The plan should include such items as frequency of status updates and communication methods.

Once the investigation is underway, the finder may need to assist the vendor. Some examples of help that a vendor might need include: more detailed characteristics of the flaw, more detailed information about the environment in which the flaw occurred (network architecture, configurations, and so on), or the possibility of a third-party software product that contributed to the flaw. Because re-creating a flaw is critical in determining the cause and eventual solution, the finder is encouraged to cooperate with the vendor during this phase.



Although cooperation is strongly recommended, the finder is required to submit a detailed VSR.


When the vendor finishes its investigation, it must return one of the following conclusions to the finder:

• It has confirmed the flaw.

• It has disproved the reported flaw.

• It can neither prove nor disprove the flaw.

The vendor is not required to provide detailed testing results, engineering practices, or internal procedures; however, it is required to demonstrate that a thorough, technically sound investigation was conducted. The vendor can meet this requirement by providing the finder with:

• A list of tested product/versions

• A list of tests performed

• The test results

Confirmation of the Flaw

In the event that the vendor confirms the flaw does indeed exist, it must follow up this statement with the following action items:

• A list of products/versions affected by the confirmed flaw

• A statement on how a fix will be distributed

• A timeframe for distributing the fix

Disproof of the Flaw

In the event that the vendor disproves the reported flaw, the vendor then must show the finder that one or both of the following are true:

• The reported flaw does not exist in the supported product.

• The behavior that the finder reported exists, but does not create a security concern. If this statement is true, the vendor should forward validation data to the finder, such as:

• Product documentation that confirms the behavior is normal or nonthreatening.

• Test results that confirm the behavior is only a security concern when the product is configured inappropriately.

• An analysis that shows how an attack could not successfully exploit this reported behavior.

The finder may choose to dispute this conclusion of disproof by the vendor. In this case, the finder should reply to the vendor with its own testing results that validate its claim and contradict the vendor’s findings. The finder should also supply an analysis of how an attack could exploit the reported flaw. The vendor is responsible for reviewing the dispute, investigating it again, and responding to the finder accordingly.

Unable to Confirm or Disprove the Flaw

In the event the vendor cannot confirm or disprove the reported flaw, the vendor should inform the finder of the results and produce detailed evidence of any investigative work. Test results and analytical summaries should be forwarded to the finder. At this point, the finder can move forward in the following ways:

• Provide code to the vendor that better demonstrates the proposed vulnerability.

• If no change is established, the finder can move to release their VSR to the public. In this case, the finder should follow appropriate guidelines for releasing vulnerability information to the public (covered later in the chapter).


In cases where a flaw is confirmed, the vendor must take proper steps to develop a solution to fix the problem. Remedies should be created for all supported products and versions of the software that are tied to the identified flaw. Although not required by either party, many times the vendor will ask the finder to provide assistance in evaluating if a proposed remedy will be effective in eliminating the flaw. The OIS suggests the following steps when devising a vulnerability resolution:

1. Vendor determines if a remedy already exists. If one exists, the vendor should notify the finder immediately. If not, the vendor begins developing one.

2. Vendor ensures that the remedy is available for all supported products/versions.

3. Vendors may choose to share data with the finder as it works to ensure the remedy will be effective. The finder is not required to participate in this step.


Setting a timeframe for delivery of a remedy is critical due to the risk that the finder and, in all probability, other users are exposed to. The vendor is expected to produce a remedy to the flaw within 30 days of acknowledging the VSR. Although time is a top priority, ensuring that a thorough, accurate remedy is developed is equally important. The fix must solve the problem and not create additional flaws that will put both parties back in the same situation in the future. When notifying the finder of the target date for its release of a fix, the vendor should also include the following supporting information:

• A summary of the risk that the flaw imposes

• The remedy’s technical details

• The testing process

• Steps to ensure a high uptake of the fix

The 30-day timeframe is not always strictly followed, because the OIS documentation outlines several factors that should be considered when deciding upon the release date for the fix. One of the factors is “the engineering complexity of the fix.” What this equates to is that the fix will take longer if the vendor identifies significant practical complications in the process of developing the solution. For example, data validation errors and buffer overflows are usually flaws that can be easily recoded, but when the errors are embedded in the actual design of the software, then the vendor may actually have to redesign a portion of the product.



Vendors have released “fixes” that introduced new vulnerabilities into the application or operating system—you close one window and open two doors. Several times these “fixes” have also negatively affected the application’s functionality. So although putting the blame on the network administrator for not patching a system is easy, sometimes it is the worst thing that he or she could do.

A vendor can typically propose one of two types of remedies: configuration changes or software changes. A configuration change involve giving the user instructions on how to change her program settings or parameters to effectively resolve the flaw. Software changes, on the other hand, involve more engineering work by the vendor. Software changes can be divided into three main types:

Patches Unscheduled or temporary remedies that address a specific problem until a later release can completely resolve the issue.

Maintenance updates Scheduled releases that regularly address many known flaws. Software vendors often refer to these solutions as service packs, service releases, or maintenance releases.

Future product versions Large, scheduled software revisions that impact code design and product features.

Vendors consider several factors when deciding which software remedy to implement. The complexity of the flaw and the seriousness of its effects are major factors in deciding which remedy to implement. In addition, any established maintenance schedule will also weigh in to the final decision. For example, if a service pack was already scheduled for release in the upcoming month, the vendor may choose to address the flaw within that release. If a scheduled maintenance release is months away, the vendor may issue a specific patch to fix the problem.



Agreeing upon how and when the fix will be implemented is often a major disconnect between finders and vendors. Vendors will usually want to integrate the fix into their already scheduled patch or new version release. Finders usually feel making the customer base wait this long is unfair and places them at unnecessary risk just so the vendor doesn’t incur more costs.


The final step in the OIS Security Vulnerability Reporting and Response Policy is to release information to the public. Information is assumed to be released to the overall general public at one time and not in advance to specific groups. OIS does not advise against advance notification but realizes that the practice exists in case-by-case instances and is too specific to address in the policy.

The main controversy surrounding OIS is that many people feel as though the guidelines were written by the vendors and for the vendors. Opponents have voiced their concerns that the guidelines allow vendors to continue to stonewall and deny specific problems. If the vendor claims that a remedy does not exist for the vulnerability, the finder may be pressured to not release the information on the discovered vulnerability.

Although controversy still surrounds the topic of the OIS guidelines, the guidelines provide good starting point. Essentially, a line has been drawn in the sand. If all software vendors use the OIS guidelines as their framework, and develop their policies to be compliant with these guidelines, then customers will have a standard to hold the vendors to.

Conflicts Will Still Exist

The reasons for the common breakdown between the finder and the vendor are due to their different motivations and some unfortunate events that routinely happen. Those who discover vulnerabilities usually are motivated to protect the industry by identifying and helping remove dangerous software from commercial products. A little fame, admiration, and bragging rights are also nice for those who enjoy having their egos stroked. Vendors, on the other hand, are motivated to improve their product, avoid lawsuits, stay clear of bad press, and maintain a responsible public image.

There’s no question that software flaws are rampant. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list is a compilation of publicly known vulnerabilities, in its tenth year of publication. More than 40,000 bugs are catalogued in the CVE.

Vulnerability reporting considerations include financial, legal, and moral ones for both researchers and vendors alike. Vulnerabilities can mean bad public relations for a vendor that, to improve its image, must release a patch once a flaw is made public. But, at the same time, vendors may decide to put the money into fixing software after it’s released to the public, rather than making it perfect (or closer to perfect) beforehand. In that way, they use vulnerability reporting as after-market security consulting.

Vulnerability reporting can get a researcher in legal trouble, especially if the researcher reports a vulnerability for software or a site that is later hacked. In 2006 at Purdue University, a professor had to ask students in his computing class not to tell him about bugs they found during class. He had been pressured by authorities to release the name of a previous student in his class who had found a flaw, reported it, and later was accused of hacking the same site where he’d found the flaw. The student was cleared, after volunteering himself, but left his professor more cautious about openly discussing vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability disclosure policies attempt to balance security and secrecy, while being fair to vendors and researchers. Organizations like iDefense and ZDI (discussed in detail later in the chapter in the section “iDefense and ZDI”) attempt to create an equitable situation for both researchers and vendors. But as technology has grown more complicated, so has the vulnerability disclosure market.

As code has matured and moved to the Web, a new wrinkle has been added to vulnerability reporting. Knowing what’s a vulnerability on the Web—as web code is very customized, changes quickly, and interacts with other code—is harder.

Cross-site scripting (XSS), for example, uses vulnerabilities on websites to insert code to client systems, which then executes on the website’s server. It might steal cookies or passwords or carry out phishing schemes. It targets users, not systems—so locating the vulnerability is, in this case, difficult, as is knowing how or what should be reported. Web code is easier to hack than traditional software code and can be lucrative for hackers.

The prevalence of XSS and other similar types of attacks and their complexity also makes eliminating the vulnerabilities, if they are even found, harder. Because website code is constantly changing, re-creating the vulnerability can be difficult. And, in these instances, disclosing these vulnerabilities might not reduce the risk of them being exploited. Some are skeptical about using traditional vulnerability disclosure channels for vulnerabilities identified in website code.

Legally, website code may differ from typical software bugs, too. A software application might be considered the user’s to examine for bugs, but posting proof of discovery of a vulnerable Web system could be considered illegal because it isn’t purchased like a specific piece of software is. Demonstrating proof of a web vulnerability may be considered an unintended use of the system and could create legal issues for a vulnerability researcher. For a researcher, giving up proof-of-concept exploit code could also mean handing over evidence in a future hacking trial—code that could be seen as proof the researcher used the website in a way the creator didn’t intend.

Disclosing web vulnerabilities is still in somewhat uncharted territory, as the infrastructure for reporting these bugs, and the security teams working to fix them, are still evolving. Vulnerability reporting for traditional software is still a work in progress, too. The debate between full disclosure versus partial or no disclosure of bugs rages on. Though vulnerability disclosure guidelines exist, the models are not necessarily keeping pace with the constant creation and discovery of flaws. And though many disclosure policies have been written in the information security community, they are not always followed. If the guidelines aren’t applied to real-life situations, chaos can ensue.

Public disclosure helps improve security, according to information security expert Bruce Schneier. He says that the only reason vendors patch vulnerabilities is because of full disclosure, and that there’s no point in keeping a bug a secret—hackers will discover it anyway. Before full disclosure, he says, it was too easy for software companies to ignore the flaws and threaten the researcher with legal action. Ignoring the flaws was easier for vendors especially because an unreported flaw affected the software’s users much more than it affected the vendor.

Security expert Marcus Ranum takes a dim view of public disclosure of vulnerabilities. He says that an entire economy of researchers is trying to cash in on the vulnerabilities that they find and selling them to the highest bidder, whether for good or bad purposes. His take is that researchers are constantly seeking fame and that vulnerability disclosure is “rewarding bad behavior,” rather than making software better.

But the vulnerability researchers who find and report bugs have a different take, especially when they aren’t getting paid. Another issue that has arisen is that gray hats are tired of working for free without legal protection.

“No More Free Bugs”

In 2009, several gray hat hackers—Charlie Miller, Alex Sotirov, and Dino Dai Zovi—publicly announced a new stance: “No More Free Bugs.” They argue that the value of software vulnerabilities often doesn’t get passed on to gray hats, who find legitimate, serious flaws in commercial software. Along with iDefense and ZDI, the software vendors themselves have their own employees and consultants who are supposed to find and fix bugs. (“No More Free Bugs” is targeted primarily at the for-profit software vendors that hire their own security engineer employees or consultants.)

The researchers involved in “No More Free Bugs” also argue that gray hat hackers are putting themselves at risk when they report vulnerabilities to vendors. They have no legal protection when they disclose a found vulnerability—so they’re not only working for free, but also opening themselves up to threats of legal action, too. And, gray hats don’t often have access to the right people at the software vendor, those who can create and release the necessary patches. For many vendors, vulnerabilities mainly represent threats to their reputation and bottom line, and they may stonewall researchers’ overtures, or worse. Although vendors create responsible disclosure guidelines for researchers to follow, they don’t maintain guidelines for how they treat the researchers.

Furthermore, these researchers say that software vendors often depend on them to find bugs rather than investing enough in finding vulnerabilities themselves. It takes a lot of time and skill to uncover flaws in today’s complex software and the founders of the “No More Free Bugs” movement feel as though either the vendors should employ people to uncover these bugs and identify fixes or they should pay gray hats who uncover them and report them responsibly.

This group of gray hats also calls for more legal options when carrying out and reporting on software flaws. In some cases, gray hats have uncovered software flaws and the vendor has then threatened these individuals with lawsuits to keep them quiet and help ensure the industry did not find out about the flaws. Table 3-1, taken from the website, illustrates different security flaws that have been uncovered and the responding resolution or status of report.

Of course, along with iDefense and ZDI’s discovery programs, some software vendors do guarantee researchers they won’t pursue legal action for reporting vulnerabilities. Microsoft, for example, says it won’t sue researchers “that responsibly submit potential online services security vulnerabilities.” And Mozilla runs a “bug bounty program” that offers researchers a flat $500 fee (plus a t-shirt!) for reporting valid, critical vulnerabilities. In 2009, Google offered a cash bounty for the best vulnerability found in Native Client.

Although more and more software vendors are reacting appropriately when vulnerabilities are reported (because of market demand for secure products), many people believe that vendors will not spend the extra money, time, and resources to carry out this process properly until they are held legally liable for software security issues. The possible legal liability issues software vendors may or may not face in the future is a can of worms we will not get into, but these issues are gaining momentum in the industry.




Table 3-1 Vulnerability Disclosures and Resolutions


Full Disclosure of Software Vulnerabilities a “Damned Good Idea,” January 9, 2007 (Bruce Schneier)

IBM Internet Security Systems Vulnerability Disclosure Guidelines (X-Force team)

Mozilla Security Bug Bounty Program

No More Free Bugs (Charlie Miller, Alex Sotirov, and Dino Dai Zovi)

Software Vulnerability Disclosure: The Chilling Effect, January 1, 2007 (Scott Berinato)

The Vulnerability Disclosure Game: Are We More Secure?, March 1, 2008 (Marcus J. Ranum)

Case Studies

The fundamental issue that this chapter addresses is how to report discovered vulnerabilities responsibly. The issue sparks considerable debate and has been a source of controversy in the industry for some time. Along with a simple “yes” or “no” to the question of whether there should be full disclosure of vulnerabilities to the public, other factors should be considered, such as how communication should take place, what issues stand in the way of disclosure, and what experts on both sides of the argument are saying. This section dives into all of these pressing issues, citing recent case studies as well as industry analysis and opinions from a variety of experts.

Pros and Cons of Proper Disclosure Processes

Following professional procedures in regard to vulnerability disclosure is a major issue that should be debated. Proponents of disclosure want additional structure, more rigid guidelines, and ultimately more accountability from vendors to ensure vulnerabilities are addressed in a judicious fashion. The process is not so cut and dried, however. There are many players, many different rules, and no clear-cut winners. It’s a tough game to play and even tougher to referee.

The Security Community’s View

The top reasons many bug finders favor full disclosure of software vulnerabilities are:

• The bad guys already know about the vulnerabilities anyway, so why not release the information to the good guys?

• If the bad guys don’t know about the vulnerability, they will soon find out with or without official disclosure.

• Knowing the details helps the good guys more than the bad guys.

• Effective security cannot be based on obscurity.

• Making vulnerabilities public is an effective tool to use to make vendors improve their products.

Maintaining their only stronghold on software vendors seems to be a common theme that bug finders and the consumer community cling to. In one example, a customer reported a vulnerability to his vendor. A full month went by with the vendor ignoring the customer’s request. Frustrated and angered, the customer escalated the issue and told the vendor that if he did not receive a patch by the next day, he would post the full vulnerability on a user forum web page. The customer received the patch within one hour. These types of stories are very common and continually introduced by the proponents of full vulnerability disclosure.

The Software Vendors’ View

In contrast, software vendors view full disclosure with less enthusiasm:

• Only researchers need to know the details of vulnerabilities, even specific exploits.

• When good guys publish full exploitable code they are acting as black hats and are not helping the situation, but making it worse.

• Full disclosure sends the wrong message and only opens the door to more illegal computer abuse.

Vendors continue to argue that only a trusted community of people should be privy to virus code and specific exploit information. They state that groups such as the AV Product Developers’ Consortium demonstrate this point. All members of the consortium are given access to vulnerability information so research and testing can be done across companies, platforms, and industries. They do not feel that there is ever a need to disclose highly sensitive information to potentially irresponsible users.

Knowledge Management

A case study at the University of Oulu titled “Communication in the Software Vulnerability Reporting Process” analyzed how the two distinct groups (reporters and receivers) interacted with one another and worked to find the root cause of breakdowns. The researchers determined that this process involved four main categories of knowledge:

• Know-what

• Know-why

• Know-how

• Know-who

The know-how and know-who are the two most telling factors. Most reporters don’t know who to call and don’t understand the process that should be followed when they discover a vulnerability. In addition, the case study divides the reporting process into four different learning phases, known as interorganizational learning:

Socialization stage When the reporting group evaluates the flaw internally to determine if it is truly a vulnerability

Externalization phase When the reporting group notifies the vendor of the flaw

Combination phase When the vendor compares the reporter’s claim with its own internal knowledge of the product

Internalization phase The receiving vendors accepting the notification and pass it on to their developers for resolution

One problem that apparently exists in the reporting process is the disconnect—and sometimes even resentment—between the reporting party and the receiving party. Communication issues seem to be a major hurdle for improving the process. From the case study, researchers learned that over 50 percent of the receiving parties who had received potential vulnerability reports indicated that less than 20 percent were actually valid. In these situations, the vendors waste a lot of time and resources on bogus issues.

Publicity The case study at the University of Oulu included a survey that asked the question whether vulnerability information should be disclosed to the public, although the question was broken down into four individual statements that each group was asked to respond to:

• All information should be public after a predetermined time.

• All information should be public immediately.

• Some part of the information should be made public immediately.

• Some part of the information should be made public after a predetermined time.

As expected, the feedback from the questions validated the assumption that there is a decidedly marked difference of opinion between the reporters and the vendors. The vendors overwhelmingly feel that all information should be made public after a predetermined time and feel much more strongly about all information being made immediately public than the receivers.

The Tie That Binds To further illustrate the important tie between reporters and vendors, the study concluded that the reporters are considered secondary stakeholders of the vendors in the vulnerability reporting process. Reporters want to help solve the problem, but are treated as outsiders by vendors. The receiving vendors often consider it to be a sign of weakness if they involve a reporter in their resolution process. The concluding summary was that both participants in the process rarely have standard communications with one another. Ironically, when asked about ways to improve the process, both parties indicated that they thought communication should be more intense. Go figure!

Team Approach

Another study, titled “The Vulnerability Process: A Tiger Team Approach to Resolving Vulnerability Cases,” offers insight into the effective use of teams within the reporting and receiving parties. To start, the reporters implement a tiger team, which breaks the functions of the vulnerability reporter into two subdivisions: research and management. The research team focuses on the technical aspects of the suspected flaw, while the management team handles the correspondence with the vendor and ensures proper tracking.

The tiger team approach breaks down the vulnerability reporting process into the following lifecycle:

1. Research Reporter discovers the flaw and researches its behavior.

2. Verification Reporter attempts to re-create the flaw.

3. Reporting Reporter sends notification to receiver giving thorough details about the problem.

4. Evaluation Receiver determines if the flaw notification is legitimate.

5. Repairing Solutions are developed.

6. Patch evaluation The solution is tested.

7. Patch release The solution is delivered to the reporter.

8. Advisory generation The disclosure statement is created.

9. Advisory evaluation The disclosure statement is reviewed for accuracy.

10. Advisory release The disclosure statement is released.

11. Feedback The user community offers comments on the vulnerability/fix.

Communication When observing the tendencies of reporters and receivers, the case study researchers detected communication breakdowns throughout the process. They found that factors such as holidays, time zone differences, and workload issues were most prevalent. Additionally, it was concluded that the reporting parties were typically prepared for all their responsibilities and rarely contributed to time delays. The receiving parties, on the other hand, often experienced lag time between phases mostly due to difficulties spreading the workload across a limited staff. This finding means the gray hats were ready and willing to be a responsible party in this process but the vendor stated that it was too busy to do the same.

Secure communication channels between reporters and receivers should be established throughout the lifecycle. This requirement sounds simple, but, as the research team discovered, incompatibility issues often made this task more difficult than it appeared. For example, if the sides agree to use encrypted e-mail exchange, they must ensure they are using similar protocols. If different protocols are in place, the chances of the receiver simply dropping the task greatly increase.

Knowledge Barrier There can be a huge difference in technical expertise between a receiver (vendor)and a reporter (finder), making communication all the more difficult. Vendors can’t always understand what finders are trying to explain, and finders can become easily confused when vendors ask for more clarification. The tiger team case study found that the collection of vulnerability data can be quite challenging due to this major difference. Using specialized teams with specific areas of expertise is strongly recommended. For example, the vendor could appoint a customer advocate to interact directly with the finder. This party would be the middleman between engineers and the customer/finder.

Patch Failures The tiger team case also pointed out some common factors that contribute to patch failures in the software vulnerability process, such as incompatible platforms, revisions, regression testing, resource availability, and feature changes.

Additionally, researchers discovered that, generally speaking, the lowest level of vendor security professionals work in maintenance positions—and this is usually the group who handles vulnerability reports from finders. The case study concluded that a lower quality patch would be expected if this is the case.

Vulnerability Remains After Fixes Are in Place

Many systems remain vulnerable long after a patch/fix is released. This happens for several reasons. The customer is currently and continually overwhelmed with the number of patches, fixes, updates, versions, and security alerts released each and every day. This is the motivation behind new product lines and processes being developed in the security industry to deal with “patch management.” Another issue is that many of the previously released patches broke something else or introduced new vulnerabilities into the environment. So although we can shake our fists at network and security administrators who don’t always apply released fixes, keep in mind the task is usually much more difficult than it sounds.

Vendors Paying More Attention

Vendors are expected to provide foolproof, mistake-free software that works all the time. When bugs do arise, they are expected to release fixes almost immediately. It is truly a double-edged sword. However, the common practice of “penetrate and patch” has drawn criticism from the security community as vendors simply release multiple temporary fixes to appease users and keep their reputations intact. Security experts argue that this ad-hoc methodology does not exhibit solid engineering practices. Most security flaws occur early in the application design process. Good applications and bad applications are differentiated by six key factors:

Authentication and authorization The best applications ensure that authentication and authorization steps are complete and cannot be circumvented.

Mistrust of user input Users should be treated as “hostile agents” as data is verified on the server side and strings are stripped of tags to prevent buffer overflows.

End-to-end session encryption Entire sessions should be encrypted, not just portions of activity that contain sensitive information. In addition, secure applications should have short timeout periods that require users to re-authenticate after periods of inactivity.

Safe data handling Secure applications will also ensure data is safe while the system is in an inactive state. For example, passwords should remain encrypted while being stored in databases and secure data segregation should be implemented. Improper implementation of cryptography components have commonly opened many doors for unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Eliminating misconfigurations, backdoors, and default settings A common but insecure practice for many software vendors is to ship software with backdoors, utilities, and administrative features that help the receiving administrator learn and implement the product. The problem is that these enhancements usually contain serious security flaws. These items should always be disabled and require that the customer enable them, and all backdoors should be properly extracted from source code.

Security quality assurance Security should be a core discipline when designing the product, during specification and development phases, and during testing phases. Vendors who create security quality assurance teams (SQA) to manage all security-related issues are practicing due diligence.

So What Should We Do from Here on Out?

We can do several things to help improve the security situation, but everyone involved must be more proactive, better educated, and more motivated. The following are some items that should be followed if we really want to make our environments more secure:

Act up It is just as much the consumers’ responsibility, as it is the developers’, to ensure a secure environment. Users should actively seek out documentation on security features and ask for testing results from the vendor. Many security breaches happen because of improper customer configurations.

Educate application developers Highly trained developers create more secure products. Vendors should make a conscious effort to train their employees in the area of security.

Access early and often Security should be incorporated into the design process from the early stages and tested often. Vendors should consider hiring security consulting firms to offer advice on how to implement security practices into the overall design, testing, and implementation processes.

Engage finance and audit Getting the proper financing to address security concerns is critical in the success of a new software product. Engaging budget committees and senior management at an early stage is critical.

iDefense and ZDI

iDefense is an organization dedicated to identifying and mitigating software vulnerabilities. Founded in August 2002, iDefense started to employ researchers and engineers to uncover potentially dangerous security flaws that exist in commonly used computer applications throughout the world. The organization uses lab environments to re-create vulnerabilities and then works directly with the vendors to provide a reasonable solution. iDefense’s Vulnerability Contributor Program (VCP) has pinpointed more than 10,000 vulnerabilities, of which about 650 were exclusively found by iDefense, within a long list of applications. They pay researchers up to $15,000 per vulnerability as part of their main program.

The Zero-Day Initiative (ZDI) has joined iDefense in the vulnerability reporting and compensation arena. ZDI, founded by the same people who founded iDefense’s VCP, claims 1,179 researchers and more than 2,000 cases have been created since their August 2005 launch.

ZDI offers a web portal for researchers to report and track vulnerabilities. They perform identity checks on researchers who report vulnerabilities, including checking that the researcher isn’t on any government “do not do business with” lists. ZDI then validates the bug in a security lab before offering the researcher a payment and contacting the vendor. ZDI also maintains its Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) program to write filters for whatever customer areas are affected by the vulnerability. The filter descriptions are designed to protect customers, but remain vague enough to keep details of the unpatched flaw secret. ZDI works with the vendor on notifying the public when the patch is ready, giving the researcher credit if he or she requests it.

These global security companies have drawn skepticism from the industry, however, as many question whether it is appropriate to profit by searching for flaws in others’ work. The biggest fear here is that the practice could lead to unethical behavior and, potentially, legal complications. In other words, if a company’s sole purpose is to identify flaws in software applications, wouldn’t the goal be to find more and more flaws over time, even if the flaws are less relevant to security issues? The question also revolves around the idea of extortion. Researchers may get paid by the bugs they find—much like the commission a salesman makes per sale. Critics worry that researchers will begin going to the vendors demanding money unless they want their vulnerability disclosed to the public—a practice referred to as a “finder’s fee.” Many believe that bug hunters should be employed by the software companies or work on a voluntary basis to avoid this profiteering mentality. Furthermore, skeptics feel that researchers discovering flaws should, at a minimum, receive personal recognition for their findings. They believe bug finding should be considered an act of good will and not a profitable endeavor.

Bug hunters counter these issues by insisting that they believe in full disclosure policies and that any acts of extortion are discouraged. In addition, they are often paid for their work and do not work on a bug commission plan as some skeptics have alluded to. So, as you can see, there is no lack of controversy or debate pertaining to any aspect of vulnerability disclosure practices.

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