Symbols and numbers

>(backticks), 205, 12

/* */ comments, 178

#$ format token, 230–231

// comments, 178

/x, 228

< (less-than operator), 177

<= (less-than-or-equal-to operator), 177

%x token, 229

!token in Process Explorer debugger, 539–541

18 USC 1029 (ADS), 25–29

18 USC 1030 (CFAA), 29–38

18 USC 2510 of ECPA, 38–42

18 USC 2701 of ECPA, 38–42


Access Check. See also access control

about, 535

allowed ACEs, 537

DACL checks with, 535–536

dumping ACLs with, 541, 542

enumerating executable files with, 569

flowchart of, 536

privilege checks with, 535

restricted SIDs access rights, 537

restricted tokens, 537

access control, 525–577. See also Access Check; ACEs

about Vista’s, 496

access mask, 532, 533

access tokens, 528–531, 537, 538–542, 575–576

AccessCheck function flowchart, 536

ACEs, 532, 534–535, 554–555

changing desiredAccess requests, 552–553

DACL check, 535–536

desiredAccess requests, 550–551

dumping security descriptor, 541–542

elevation of privilege in, 553–554, 567–569

enumerating named pipes, 574–575

finding untrusted process DACLs, 575–576

hackers’ interest in, 525–526

investing denied access during testing, 545–548, 571

key components of, 526

locating weak file DACLs, 569–573

power permissions for, 554

privilege check, 535

privilege escalation for directory DACLs, 567–569

restricted SIDs, 537

reviewing named kernel objects, 576–577

RunAs feature, 529–530

secret.txt in, 545–550

security descriptors, 531–535

security identifier of, 527

service attack patterns, 554–560

shared memory sections, 573–574

tools analyzing, 538–542

weak directory DACLs, 564–567

Access Device Statute (18 USC 1029), 25–29

access tokens

about, 528–531

dumping process, 538–542

restricted SIDs in, 537

restricted tokens, 530–531

RunAs feature for, 529–530

token kidnapping, 575–576

AccessChk command

dumping ACLs with, 541, 542

enumerating executable files with, 569

permissions display for secret.txt, 548–550

ACEs (access control entries)

allowed, 537

enumerating service, 554–555

explicitly denied, 536

inheritance of, 532, 534–535

inherited deny ACEs, 537

types of access control, 532

ActiveX controls

exploiting in ADODB.Stream, 500

functions to avoid in, 513

fuzzing, 515

reviewing safe-for-scripting, 511–513

security implications of, 497–498

tricking users to accept, 514–515

add command, 186

address space layout randomization. See ASLR


exploiting buffer overflow to control, 612–613

finding WAP IP and MAC, 87

noting where programs crashed, 597

overwriting stack’s saved return, 609–610

addressing modes, 188

administrator privileges. See local administrator privileges

Adobe Reader

CVEs for, 358

enabling DEP for, 360

protecting from content-type attacks, 359–360

ADODB.Connection crash, 518–520

ADODB.Stream vulnerabilities, 500

ADS (Access Device Statute), 25–29

Advanced Packaging Tool (APT), 139–140


making penetration testing, 161–162

making with clients, 12

Alinean, 5–6

Amazon, 7

antivirus software

disabling, 115–116

malware detection rates of, 5

obfuscating hex code in Adobe Reader, 352

applications. See also patching applications; software; web applications; and specific applications

assessing exploitability of, 596–601

detailed view of stack layout, 604

development process for, 472–473

educating developers of, 72

patching, 619–632

pre- and postconditions of vulnerable, 602–603

reducing privileges for Internet-facing, 522–523

reverse engineering, 414, 471

trying to break, 471–472

understanding vulnerabilities in, 601–611

arbitrary code execution. See shellcode


environment/arguments section in memory, 182

notation for Sulley, 581

sanitized shellcode, 606–609

ASLR (address space layout randomization)

bypassing, 324–325, 338

checking if on/off, 210

disabling, 204, 211

protection and vulnerabilities with, 240–241, 249

purpose of, 321–322

ASP pages, 375, 376

assembly language, 184–189

about, 185

add and sub commands, 186

addressing modes in, 188

call and ret commands, 187

executing setreuid, then calling execve, 273–274

file structure for, 189

files for setreuid system calls, 272

function calling procedures in, 202–203

inc and dec commands, 187

int command, 188

jne, je, jz, jnz, and jmp commands, 187

lea command, 188

Linux shellcode in, 267

making object code and executing in, 189

mov command, 186

moving system calls from C to, 269–270

NASM and AT&T syntax in, 185–188

push and pop commands, 187

shellcode system calls in, 269

writing port_bind_asm.asm program, 279–281

xor command, 187

Asteroid, 387–388

AT&T assembly language syntax, 185–188

ATM skimming devices, 27

attaching debuggers, 474–475

attacks. See also content-type attacks; exploits; penetration testing

Blaster worm, 33–35

educating staff about types of, 18–19

emulating, 19

file DACL, 569–573

inviteflood, 387

planning access control service, 554–560

possibilities with cross-site scripting, 378

SCADA, 395–409

SIP flaws available for, 381–382

spear phishing, 496–497

staying informed about, 522

using honeypots for warnings of, 638

VoIP, 379–394

weak registry key DACLs, 564

Windows directory DACLs, 564–567

Windows Registry DACLs, 560–564

Windows service attack patterns, 554–560


binary code, 427

security, 72

authentication, 71, 543–544

authorization, 71

Autodafé fuzzing framework

help menu, 403

installing, 399–400

running Wireshark to examine packets in, 403

using ADBG debugger, 402

automated malware analysis, 671

automating Metasploit, 155–156, 294–296

AutoRunScript variable, 155

availability in VoIP, 384, 385

AxEnum, 510–515

AxMan, 515–520


backdoor connect capabilities, 670–671

backticks, 205, 212

BackTrack, 125–140

about, 125–126

automatically saving and restoring changes in, 135–137

boot menu for, 129, 137–139

creating custom ISO for, 134–135

exploring, 130

illustrated, 129, 130, 132, 135, 136

installing Nepenthes on, 644–646

installing to DVD or USB drive, 126–127

persisting changes to installation, 131–137

running inside VirtualBox, 132–133

starting network services in, 130–131

supporting Autodafé fuzzing with, 399–400

updating, 139–140, 400

using ISO within virtual machine, 128–131

bash shells, 231

BAT files, enumerating vulnerable, 569–571

/bin/sh program, 272–276

assembly code executing setreuid, then calling execve, 273–274

execve syscalls executing, 273


analyzing after unpacking, 670

binary mutations, 626–631

getting locations of functions and strings in, 243–244

identifying packed, 661–663

patching, 622–626

recovering original, 663

unpacking, 661–669

binary analysis, 427–443. See also IDA Pro; reverse engineering

analyzing compiled C++, 459–460

analyzing statically linked libraries, 448–451

automated tools for, 441–443

BinDiff for, 442–443

BinNavi for, 439–440

BugScam for, 441–442

Chevarista for, 442

decompilers for, 428–430

disassemblers for auditing, 427, 430

IDA Pro for, 430–439, 459–460

PEiD for malware, 646–647

precautions for live malware, 648–649, 671

source code vs., 427

using Hex-Rays Decompiler plug-in, 439

viewing program headers in IDA Pro, 457–459

vtables in C++, 459, 460–461

working with stripped binaries, 446–448

binary mutations, 626–631

binary values in Sulley, 582

bind shells, 253–254

BinDiff, 442–443

binmode function, 608

BinNavi, 439–440

biometric door locks, 103

bit fields in Sulley, 583

bits, 180

BitTorrent protocol, 8–9

black box testing

about, 157, 471

debugging in, 474–476

fuzzing in, 473, 484

memory monitoring tools for, 480

using code coverage analysis tools, 476–477

black hat hackers

defined, 47

source code auditing tools for, 419

usefulness of source code auditing tools, 419

Blaster worm attacks, CFAA and, 33–35

blocks in Sulley, 584–585

boot device, 112


BackTrack LiveDVD System, 129, 137–139

Dradis servers, 165–166

bot herders, 6

botnets, 6

browsers. See client-side browser exploits; web browsers; and specific browsers

.bss sections in memory, 181

buffer overflows

creating local, 209–217

detecting stack-based, 318–320

exploiting, 612–613

Linux, 203–208


parsing buffer overrun vulnerability, 501–502, 503

testing, 222–223


about memory, 182

exploiting small, 215–217

fake frame to attack small, 237–239

IFRAME Tag Parsing Buffer Overrun, 501–502, 503


implementing with IDC script, 464

using for binary analysis, 441–442

Bugtraq, 49


biometric door locks in, 103

common ways into, 97–107

defeating locks in, 103–107

entering unmanned foyers, 102

getting by lobby security in multitenant, 99–100

mantraps, 102

penetrating campus-style or single-tenant, 101

penetration testing once inside, 107

reconnaissance of, 95–96

smokers’ door, 96, 98–99

tailgating into, 103

bump keys, 105–106

bypassing Windows memory

protections, 322–339

ASLR, 324–325

DEP, 325–331, 338

/GS protection mechanism, 323, 338

methods for, 338

overwriting SEH records, 323

SafeSEH, 323–324

SEHOP, 331–337


defined, 180

writing to arbitrary memory, 231–232


C programming language, 173–180

adapting code for reverse connecting shellcode, 284–285

for and while loops, 177–178

assembly vs., 185

basic constructs in, 173–178

building precision desiredAccess request test tool, 550–551

comments in, 178

compiling with gcc, 179–180

debugging with gdb, 190–192

decompiling, 430

establishing sockets, 276, 277–278

executing processes with DTOR section, 233–234

execution of main() function in, 446–447

functions in, 174

if/else construct, 178

Linux shellcode in, 267, 268–269

main() structure in, 173–174

making stdin copy of other file descriptors, 421

printf command, 175–176

scanf command, 176

starting exit system calls in, 269–270

strcpy/strncpy commands, 176–177

structures in, 276–277

system() function in return to libc exploits, 609

using memory in, 183–184

variables in, 174–175

working with IDC scripting language, 461–464

writing sample program, 178–179

C++ programming language

extending IDA Pro with plug-ins in, 464–466

IDA Pro for analyzing compiled, 459–460

vtables in, 459, 460–461

working with IDC scripting language, 461–464


disabling antivirus software to load, 115–116

identifying users in, 118–120

loading, 116–117

recovering local administrator, 117–118

call command, 187

call function, 202–203

caller ID spoofing, 80, 81

campus-style buildings, 101

canary values

implementing stack canary, 299, 318–320

overwriting, 231–232

placing between stack buffers and frame state data, 237

Cato Institute, 41

CBC (capacitor bank controller) devices, 405, 406

CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC), 50–52

CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act), 29–38

Blaster worm attacks and, 33–35

disgruntled employees and, 35–36

social media and VoIP events, 36

state law alternatives to, 36–38

worms and viruses under, 33

Chevarista, 442

child fork process, 474

chroot environment, 134–135

circumvention, 43

class ids (clsid), 510–511

classified documents, 41–42

client-side browser exploits, 495–523. See also Internet Explorer

AxEnum for, 510–515

AxFuzz for, 515

AxMan for, 515–520

css-grammar-fuzzer for, 510

exploiting javaprxy.dll as COM object, 502–504

finding new vulnerabilities for, 506–522

heap exploits with InternetExploiter, 521–522

history and trends in, 499–506

installing malware using, 506

Internet Explorer security concepts, 497–499

Metasploit for, 147–149

Mozilla fuzzing tools for, 509–510

Operation Aurora, 505–506

protecting against, 522–523

running client-side apps with lower privileges, 496, 522–523

vulnerabilities on client-side, 495–497

WMIScriptUtils design vulnerability, 504–505

client-side scripting

reflected XSS and, 375–376

stored XSS and, 376–377

vulnerabilities in, 373–374


alerting to SEAs, 79–81

coordinating penetration testing with, 164

expectations during penetration testing, 163

get-out-of-jail-free letters from, 162

kickoff meetings for penetration testing, 162–163

making agreements with, 12, 161–162

preparing for physical penetration attacks, 94

receiving penetration testing results, 168–169

simulating insider attacks for, 109–110

training employees about SEAs, 91

CMD files, 569–571

code coverage analysis tools, 476–477

collisions, 452

COM objects

exploiting javaprxy.dll as, 502–504

fuzzing with AxMan, 515–520

using AxEnum to find all registered, 510–515

using to entice users to malicious sites, 496, 497, 514


basic gdb, 190–191

command execution code, 257

injection vulnerabilities for, 361

SQL, 366

comments, 178

communication of vulnerabilities, 70


C programs with gcc, 179–180

IDA Pro for C++, 459–460

using gcc, 179, 202–203, 236–240

Windows programs, 297–299

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 USC 1030), 29–38


Intel processors, 184

memory in, 180–184

protected, 30–31


insider attacks, 110–122

penetration tests, 162–164

physical penetration, 94–97

social engineering attacks, 79–81

confidentiality in VoIP, 384, 385


changing, 60

Dradis user accounts and interface, 166

constructors, 429


points of view on ethical disclosure, 48–49

releasing information to, 61

content-type attacks, 341–360

about PDF files, 345–348

changing file extensions of malicious PDF samples, 350

file formats exploited for, 343–345

how they work, 341–343

illustrated, 342, 343

malicious PDF, 348–350

protecting environment from, 359–360

testing protection against, 358

tools detecting malicious PDF files, 351–358

control flow analysis, 477–479


bypassing in /GS protection mechanism, 323

ECPA and, 40

core dump files, 475

crackers and ADS violations, 26


developing exploit from, 596

interpreting results of in debuggers, 596–601

reproducing with mangleme, 508

reviewing instruction pointers in, 597–599

Sulley postmortem analysis of, 592–593

viewing summary of eip register, 592–593, 594

CreateProcess function calls, 253

credit card numbers, 26

cross-references to functions, 478

cross-site scripting (XSS), 373–378

about, 62–63

attack possibilities with, 378

how it works, 374–375

reflected XSS, 375–376

scripting of web result pages, 373–374

stored XSS, 376–377

vulnerabilities of, 362

CSEA (Cyber Security Enhancement Act), 45–46

css-grammar-fuzzer, 510

Cyber Security Enhancement Act (CSEA), 45–46

cyberlaw, 23–46

about, 23, 25

Access Device Statute, 25–29

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 29–38

Cyber Security Enhancement Act, 45–46

development of, 23–25

Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 42–45

sections 2510 and 2701 of ECPA, 38–42

SPY act, 46

state alternatives to CFAA, 36–38

Stored Communications Act, 39

Wiretap Act, 39, 42

cyberterrorism and Stuxnet malware, 408


DACL (Discretionary Access Control List)

about, 531

attacking Windows Registry, 560–564

checking, 535–536

displaying, 541–542

enumerating object’s, 553–554

evaluating accessibility of, 554

NULL, 545

rights of ownership and, 545

service attack patterns, 554–560

viewing in Windows Explorer UI, 533, 541

DameWare, 122


analyzing structure in IDA Pro, 454–457

controlling and collecting with honeywall, 641

ensuring safe handling of, 71

generating random, 582

locating sensitive, 122

manually auditing user-supplied, 420–421 script to monitor Sulley crash, 588–589

Data Control Language (DCL), 365

Data Definition Language (DDL), 365

Data Execution Prevention. See DEP

Data Manipulation Language (DML), 365

.data sections in memory, 181

Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocols, 383

DCL (Data Control Language), 365

DDL (Data Definition Language), 365

de-obfuscating malware, 660–669

about, 660

how packers work, 660–661

unpacking binaries, 661–669


about, 474–476

ADBG debugger, 402

attaching, 474–475

changing desiredAccess requests in, 552–553

closing before running editbin command on programs, 597

core dump files in, 475

debugging Windows exploits, 314–315

detaching Windows, 541

gdb, 190–192, 204–207

interpreting results of crashes with, 596–601

unpacking binaries with, 664–665

Valgrind, 480–483

dec command, 187

decoder for encoded shellcode, 288–289, 293


Hex-Rays Decompiler plug-in, 439

using for binary analysis, 428–430

defeating building locks, 103–107

defense strategies

developing against insider attacks, 123

effective for insider attacks, 123

physical penetration attacks, 108

return to libc exploits, 611

social engineering attacks, 91

defensive malware techniques

packers, 636, 660–661

protective wrappers with encryption, 637

rootkits, 636

VM detection, 637

delimiters in Sulley, 582–583

denial of service attacks. See DoS attacks

DEP (Data Execution Prevention)

about, 321

bypassing, 325–331, 338

enabling, 360

gadgets in, 326–331

methods for bypassing memory protection, 338

VirtualProtect function in, 326

Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 32, 42

dependencies in Sulley, 586

desiredAccess requests, 550–553

development process

exploit development, 217–223, 305

software, 472–473

dictionaries, Python, 197

diff tool, 621–622

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 42–45, 413–414

Dionaea, 639

direct parameter access, 230–231

directory DACL attacks, 564–567

about, 564

enumerating directories and DACLs, 564–565

loading attack DLL at runtime, 566

privilege escalation for directory DACLs, 567–569

replacing .exe files, 566–567

working with magic directories, 567

write permissions for, 565–566


antivirus, 115–116

ASLR, 204, 211

GCC non-executable stack, 240

JavaScript in Adobe Reader, 359


binary code, 427, 430

code with gdb, 191–192

shellcode, 262–263

discovery process in OIS disclosures, 54–55

Discretionary Access Control List. See DACL


enumerating vulnerable, 569–571

exploiting javaprxy.dll as COM object, 502–504

loading runtime attack, 566

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), 42–45, 413–414

DML (Data Manipulation Language), 365

DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol version 3), 398

Doo, 642

Doomjuice.A worm, 655, 679

DoS (denial of service) attacks

buffer overflows and, 208

Twitter, 7

VoIP, 387–388

worms with built-in, 655


jsfunfuzz, 510

Nepenthes, 644

OWASP Broken Web Applications VM, 367–368

Python, 192

Download.Ject attacks, 500–501

downtime losses from hacking, 5–6

Dradis servers

about, 164

adding export/upload and import plug-ins, 167–168

installing, 164–165

starting and using, 161, 165–166

synchronizing data for teams, 168

DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security) protocols, 383

DTOR (destructor) section

overwriting, 233–235

using in C/C++, 233–234

DVDs burning, 126

DWORD (double word), 180


eavesdropping in VoIP attacks, 386

ebp (extended base pointer) register

overwriting, 609–610

stack operations with, 201–202

ECPA (Electronic Communication Privacy Act), 38–42

editbin command, 325


application developers, 72

staff about attacks and techniques, 18–19

eip (extended instruction pointer) register

adjusting shellcode if close to esp, 313

analyzing in crashes, 592–593, 594, 597–599

defined, 202

exploiting and controlling, 204, 205, 208, 218, 306–308

local buffer overflow exploits and, 209

pointing to NOP sled, 209

repeating return addresses, 210–211

running shellcode, 209

Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA), 38–42

Electronic Frontier Foundation, 46

elevation of privilege

analyzing access control for, 553–554

attack patterns, 527–573

directory DACL attacks, 567–569

escalating service privileges, 559–560

file DACL attacks, 573

weak registry key DACLs and, 564

ELF (Executable and Linking Format) files

disassembling, 430

limitations of patching, 625–626

patching into hole, 624–625

tools to work with ELF32 format, 233

understanding structure of, 622–624

embedding components in malware, 657–658


finding on LinkedIn, 88

termination procedures for, 35–36

tracking time spent on attacks, 38

training about SEAs, 91

encoding shellcode, 260, 261, 287–293

FNSTENV XOR example for, 289–291

JMP/CALL XOR decoder for, 288–289, 293

reasons for, 287

sample code for, 291–293

simple XOR encoding, 287

structure for, 288

using Metasploit, 295–296


malware, 658, 671

TEA algorithm for, 658

using protective wrappers with, 637

enumeration and VoIP attacks, 384–386

environment/arguments section in memory, 182

environment strings in shellcode, 606–609

envstrings function, 424

epilogues, 609

error messages in SQL, 368–369

escalation of trust, 80

esi register, 600

esp (extended stack pointer) register

adjusting shellcode too close to eip, 313

jumping to, 600–601, 606

overwriting with eip, 220, 221

stack operations with, 201–202

ethical disclosure, 47–73

about, 47–48

CERT’s process for, 50–52

conflicts between finders and vendors in, 62–66

developing guidelines for, 49–50

points of view on, 48–49

publicity in, 69

RainForest Puppy Policy v2, 52–53

security community’s view of, 67

team approach in, 69–70

types of OIS, 54–61

vendor’s view of, 67–68

vulnerability disclosures and resolutions, 65–66

ethical hackers, 10–15

doing penetration tests, 11–14

emulating attacks, 19

ethical reverse engineering, 413–414

managing expectations and problems during penetration testing, 163

“No More Free Bugs” stance of, 63–64

providing vulnerability assessments, 10–11

relating to customers, 11

reporting penetration testing results, 168–169

role of, 10

toolsets used by, 16–18

usefulness of source code auditing tools, 418–420

using software traps, 268

ethics, 3–21. See also cyberlaw; ethical disclosure; ethical hackers

dual nature of toolsets, 16–18

educating staff on attacks and techniques, 18–19

hacking books and classes, 15–16

recognizing security gray areas, 8–9

role of ethical hackers, 10–15

why know enemy’s tactics, 3–8

Everyone SID, 543

.exc (exclusion) files, 452

exception handling. See SEH

.exe files

autoloading from USB drive, 82–86

enumerating vulnerable, 569–571

replacing with own, 566–567

ExecShield, 240, 249

Executable and Linking Format files. See ELF files

execve() system calls, 272–276

assembling, linking, and testing, 274

code calling, 273–274

extracting hex opcodes, 274–275

launching Linux with, 604–606

making in Unix systems, 253

testing shellcode for, 275

exit system calls

assembling, linking, and testing, 271

signature of, 269

starting in C, 269–270

verifying, 271

exploit development process, 217–223. See also exploits; safe test environments; user space shellcode

adding return statement jumps to code, 600–601, 606

building exploit sandwich, 222

controlling Linux eip, 204, 205, 208, 218

determining offset(s), 218–221

documenting problems, 614–615

improving reliability of exploit, 599–601

interpreting results of crashes, 596–601

kernel space considerations in, 264–265

overview of, 217, 305

payload construction, 611–614

recognizing pre- and postconditions, 602–603

repeatability of exploits, 603

setting attack vector, 221–222

stack predictability, 603–609

understanding program vulnerabilities, 601–611

exploit sandwich

assemblying in Metasploit, 222, 312–313

bypassing SEHOP, 331–337

preceding with NOP slide in shellcode, 313

using gadgets in, 327–331

exploits. See also client-side browser exploits; Linux exploits; Windows exploits

developing from crashes, 596–601

launching in Metasploit, 142–146

mutated layout for format string, 629–631

payload construction considerations, 611–614

repeatability of, 603

return to libc, 241–249, 609–610

using generic code for stack overflow, 213–214

export/upload plug-ins for Dradis, 167


fake frame technique, 237–239

Fast Library Acquisition for Identification and Recognition (FLAIR), 451

Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology (FLIRT), 431, 450–451

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 32, 34

file DACL attacks, 569–573

enumerating DACLs for files, 569–571

locating data files to attack data parser, 571–572

modifying configuration files, 571

privilege escalation for, 573

read permissions, 572–573

write permissions, 572

file transfer code, 257–258

FileMon (File Monitor), 650–651

files. See also content-type attacks; file DACL attacks; and specific files

accessing Python, 197–199

changing extensions of malicious samples, 350

detecting associated malware, 669

enumerating DACLs for executable, 569

formats exploited for content-type attacks, 343–345

generating signature, 451–454

java class, 428

PE and ELF formats, 430

reviewing binaries with PEiD, 646–647

structure of assembly language source, 189

structure of executable, 622–624

unpacking, 647

find socket shellcode, 256–257

find.c file

auditing source code of, 416–417

manually analyzing, 423–425

using IDA Pro with, 436–439


acting on vulnerabilities in shared code bases, 57–58

defined, 54

disclosure conflicts between vendors and, 62–66

managing communication with vendors, 68–69

relationships to vendors, 69

views on publicizing vulnerabilities, 69

working as team for disclosures, 69–70


blocking port binding shellcode, 253–254

bypassing with client-side browser vulnerabilities, 495–496

conditions suitable for find socket shellcode, 256–257

dealing with reverse shellcode for, 254–256

honeywalls, 640

on-by-default Windows, 499

preventing attackers with, 617–618

first chance exception, 303


gcc, 179

inheritance, 534

removing -static, 270

FLAIR (Fast Library Acquisition for Identification and Recognition), 451

FLIRT (Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology), 431, 450–451

flow analysis tools, 477–479

fmstr (format string program), 228–229, 234–235

FNSTENV assembly instruction, 289–291

for loops, 177–178

fork operations, 474

format string exploits, 225–236

direct parameter access for, 230–231

mutations mitigating, 629–631

operating vulnerabilities with format functions, 227–228

printf command for, 225–229

reading arbitrary strings with %s token, 229

using %x token to map stack, 229

writing to arbitrary memory, 231–232

format tokens, printf command, 176, 226

FPU (floating-point unit) environment, 289–291


C programming language, 174

constructors, 429

defining blocks in SPIKE, 490

execution order of main(), 446–447

failure to check return values of, 417

flowchart graph in IDA Pro, 478–479

format string, 225–227

free(), 182

function call tree in IDA Pro, 477–478

required and optional arguments in Sulley, 581

reviewing cross-references to, 478

SPIKE, 489–491

further references

access checks, 537

advanced Linux exploits, 249

BackTrack, 137

binary analysis, 440, 443

bypassing Windows memory protections, 338–339

caller ID spoofing, 81

CERT/CC disclosure process, 52

content-type attack, 350, 358, 359–360

css-grammar-fuzzer, 510

DMCA, 414

ethics of ethical hacking, 8

extending IDA Pro, 470

full disclosure using RFP v2, 53

fuzzing, 493, 594

GetPC Code, 293

Guidelines for Security Vulnerability Reporting and Response, 61

Ibiza and Download.Ject attacks against Windows, 500–501

insider attacks, 122

Internet Explorer vulnerabilities, 499, 506

InternetExploiter, 522

links for SEA, 89

Linux and Windows exploit variations, 601

Linux socket programming, 283

malware, 659

mangleme, 502, 509

Mark of the Web, 515

Metasploit, 141–142, 156, 296, 614

Microsoft debugging tools, 304

migration options, 619

mitigation, 632

Mozilla fuzzing tools, 509–510

overwriting code, 236

OWASP Broken Web Applications project, 373

passive analysis, 427

port knocking, 618

protecting against client-side exploits, 523

protocol analysis of target, 581

recording ISO disk image, 127

return to libc exploits, 611

reverse-engineering malware, 672

reverse engineering tools, 483

reverse shellcodes, 287

SCADA attacks, 398, 407

service attack patterns, 560

shellcode, 260

stacks, 611

structured exception handling, 317

Stuxnet malware, 408, 409

thwarting VMware detection, 643

unpacking binaries, 669

user space shellcode, 260

VirtualBox, 131

VoIP attacks, 384, 393

vulnerability disclosures and resolutions, 65–66

web application vulnerabilities, 362, 378

Windows memory protections, 322

WinObj download, 577

writing system calls, 276

writing Windows exploits, 315

fuzzing, 484–493. See also Autodafé fuzzing framework; intelligent fuzzing; Sulley

about, 473

ActiveX control methods with AxFuzz, 515

building fuzzers for open protocols, 487–488

COM objects with AxMan, 515–520

detecting fuzzing tools in Valgrind, 484

evaluating effectiveness of, 476

intelligent, 579–594

mangleme tool for, 501–502, 506–509

Mozilla CSS, 509–510

SCADA, 399–407

Sharefuzz, 492–493

SPIKE fuzzer creation toolkit, 488–492

SPIKE Proxy, 492

Sulley’s postmortem analysis of, 592–593

TFTP Daemon Fuzzer, 405–407

understanding how it works, 601–602

URL, 485–487

uses of, 484

using Sulley sessions, 581, 587–588


gadgets, 326–331

gas (GNU Assembler), 185, 275

gcc (GNU C Compiler), 179, 202–203, 236–240

gdb debugging

basic commands, 190–191

disassembly with, 191–192

viewing meet.c overflow, 204–207

get-out-of-jail-free letters, 162

getopcode.c, 600–601

GETPC (get program counter) techniques, 288, 293

GNU C Compiler (gcc), 179, 202–203, 236–240

Good Samaritan attack techniques, 81–86

goodbye() function, 234


hacker penetration of, 7, 505

lawsuits against Google Buzz, 40

offers cash bounty for hackers, 64

using Google Earth, 95


IDA Pro function flowchart, 478–479

producing Sulley session in uDraw, 587–598

viewing Sulley postmortem analysis in, 593

gray box testing, 157, 471

gray hat hackers. See also ethical hackers

assessing exploitability of programs, 596–601

defined, 47

usefulness of source code tools for, 419–420

groups in Sulley, 585

grub boot loader in BackTrack, 137–139

/GS compiler

bypassing by reconstructing SEH chain, 331–337

bypassing memory protection with, 323, 338

detecting buffer overrun with, 318–320

/GS flag, 299


H.323 protocol, 382–383

hackers. See also ethical hackers assessing program exploitability, 596–601

avoiding mantraps, 102

black, white, and gray hat, 47

changing community of, 4–5, 6

conducting insider attacks, 110–122

doing penetration testing, 14–15

duplicating ActiveX controls on malicious websites, 497–498

emotions exploited for SEAs, 77–78

entering via smokers’ door, 96, 98–99

enticing users to malicious websites, 496

finding software flaws, 19–20

getting past multitenant lobby security, 99–100

interest in access control, 525–526

knowing tactics of, 3–8

loading runtime attack DLLs, 566

mental preparation for physical penetration, 97

obfuscating malware, 660

once inside buildings, 107

organizing penetration testing team, 158

penetrating buildings, 101

preparing for face-to-face attacks, 89–91

reconnaissance of buildings, 95–96

replacing .exe with own file, 566–567

running shellcode, 209

subverting biometric door locks, 103

toolsets used by, 16–18

unmanned foyers, 102

using shellcode, 251


Access Device Statue laws against, 27–28

books and classes on, 15–16

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act laws against, 29–31

disgruntled employees and, 35–36

downtime losses from, 5–6

Electronic Communication Privacy Act protections against, 38–42

measuring costs of, 36–38

hactivism, 9


hardware interrupts, 268

hardware traps, 268

testing fuzzing approach for, 402

hashdump command, 153–154

header files, 457–459, 465–466


about memory, 181

attacks against, 236–239

double free problem corrupting, 482–483

dynamic memory allocation at, 480

exploiting with InternetExploiter, 521–522

mutated layout for overflowed, 628–629

preventing execution of, 240

recognizing pre- and postconditions with overflows, 602–603

Windows protections for, 320–321

Hello program

example in assembly language, 189

example in Python, 193

IDA Pro script executing, 463

PDF file content listing for, 345–348

sample in C language, 178–179

help menu in Autodafé, 403

hex opcodes

extracting from execve system calls, 274–275

extracting with objdump tool, 274, 275, 281–282

writing Linux shellcode in, 267

Hex-Rays Decompiler plug-in, 439

hflow format, 641

high-interaction honeypots, 639

HMI (human machine interface), 396

honeyd scripts, 639

honeynet technology, 637–643

high-interaction honeypots, 639

honeynets, 637, 640–642

limitations of, 638–639

low-interaction honeypots, 639

setting malware traps, 644–646

using as warnings of attacks, 638

using honeypots, 637–638

honeywalls, 640, 641

hostent data structure, 435


detecting malware, 670

hosts file, 658

hotkeys in IDA Pro, 432

HTA files, 569–571

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 484, 491–492

human behavior

emotions exploited in SEAs, 77–78

mental preparation for physical penetration, 97

preparing for face-to-face attacks, 89–91

human machine interface (HMI), 396


Ibiza, 500–501

ICCP (Inter-Control Center Protocol) protocol, 396–397

IDA Pro, 431–439, 445–470

about, 445

analyzing statically linked libraries, 448–451

assistance unpacking binaries, 665–669

BugScam scripts for, 441–442

building plug-ins for, 466–467

data structure analysis, 454–457

disassembling binary code with, 430–431

discovering vulnerabilities with, 436

extending, 461–470

function call tree in, 477–478

function flowchart graph, 478–479

generating sig files, 451–454

Hex-Rays Decompiler plug-in for, 439

ida-x86emu plug-in, 467–468

IDAPython plug-in, 474

IDC scripting language, 427–430, 461–464

loaders and processor modules for, 434–436

loading files manually in, 457–458

navigating disassembly in, 433

scripting with IDC, 427–430

SDK and plug-in modules for, 464–468

stripped binaries in, 446–448

structure of plug-ins for, 431–432

using, 431–439

viewing program headers in, 457–459

working with compiled C++ in, 459–460

ida-x86emu plug-in, 467–468

IDAPython plug-in, 474

IDC scripting language, 427–430, 461–464

iDefense, 63, 64, 72

IED (intelligent electronic device), 396

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 579, 581

if/else construct, 178

Immunity Debugger, 304, 309–310


Dradis plug-ins for, 167–168

structures and functions into IDA Pro, 458–459

inc command, 187

inheritance ACEs, 532, 534–535

injection vulnerabilities, 361

injunctions, 36

input validation, 374–375

insider attacks, 109–123

about, 109–110

conducting, 110–122

defending against, 123

disabling antivirus, 115–116

finding sensitive information, 122

gaining local administrator privileges, 111–115

getting orientation for, 111

identifying users in Cain, 118–120

joining Domain Admins group, 121

recovering local administrator password, 117–118

tools and preparation for, 110–111

user’s domain password recovery, 121–122


Autodafé fuzzing framework, 399–400

BackTrack to DVD or USB drive, 126–127

Dradis servers, 164–165

malware, 669, 670

Metasploit, 141–142

Nepenthes, 644–646

steps in VoIPER, 388–393

Sulley, 581

TFTP Daemon Fuzzer, 406

instruction pointers. See eip register

int 0x80 instruction, 252, 269

int command, 188

integers in Sulley, 583

integrity in VoIP, 384, 385

Intel processors, 184

intelligent electronic device (IED), 396

intelligent fuzzing, 579–594

conducting protocol analysis of target, 579–581

defined, 579

using Sulley, 581–594

Inter-Control Center Protocol (ICCP), 396–397


changes in information available on, 40–42

connecting BackTrack to network services, 130–131

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 579, 581

Internet Explorer. See also client-side browser exploits

ActiveX controls in, 497–498, 511–515

exploiting javaprxy.dll as COM object, 502–504

Ibiza and Download.Ject attacks against, 500–501

IFRAME tag parsing buffer overrun vulnerability, 501–502, 503

mangleme code for, 508

Operation Aurora and attacks on, 505–506

Protected Mode in, 496, 523

security zones in, 498–499

updating security patches regularly, 522

using Protected Mode in, 522–523

WMIScriptUtils design vulnerability, 504–505

Internet Protocol, voice communications over, 379–380

Internet Security Systems (ISS), 49–50

Internet zone, 498, 513, 517

InternetExploiter, 502, 521–522

interorganizational learning phases, 68

Intranet zone, 498

investigation process in OIS disclosures, 57

inviteflood, 387

IP addresses

changing sample code’s, 307

finding WAP, 87

ISO disk image. See also BackTrack

booting virtual machine with attached, 128–131

creating custom ISO, 134–135

opening with ISO Recorder, 126, 127

using ISO within virtual machine, 128–131

ISSAF (Information Systems Security Assessment Framework), 159



decompiler example in, 428

exploiting javaprxy.dll, 502–504, 510, 511–512

JavaScript, 355–358, 359

je command, 187

Jerry, 642, 643

JMP/CALL XOR decoder, 288–289, 293

jmp command, 187, 311

jne command, 187

jnz command, 187

Join the Company SEAs, 88–89

jReversePro, 428, 429

jsfunfuzz, 509–510

jumping to esp

adding return statement jumps to code, 600–601, 606

overwriting Windows eip by, 309–312

jz command, 187


kernel space

debuggers for, 475–476

defined, 251

shellcode in, 263–265


enumerating DACL kernel objects, 576–577

patches and scripts for, 240–241, 249

reviewing named kernel objects, 576–577

vulnerabilities in Windows, 264

KeyGhost device placement, 122

keystroke collecting, 122

keyword stuffing, 9

kickoff meetings for penetration testing, 162–163

knock sequence, 618


launching exploits in Metasploit, 142–146

laws. See cyberlaw

LDAP injection vulnerabilities, 362

lea command, 188


analyzing statically linked, 448–451

matching signatures of with FLIRT, 431, 450–451

parsing and generating IDA Pro sig files for, 451–454

Libsafe, 236, 249

linking files

execve system calls, 274

exit system calls, 271

setreuid system calls, 272

Linux exploits, 201–223, 225–249. See also writing Linux shellcode

buffer overflows, 203–208

determining offset(s), 218–221

exploiting and controlling eip, 218

exploiting local buffer overflows, 209–217

format string exploits, 225–236

function calling procedure, 202–203

memory protection schemes, 236–249

protecting memory with libsafe, 236, 249

setting attack vector, 221–222

stack operation exploits, 201–203

testing, 222–223

user space system calls from shellcode, 252

Linux operating systems. See also Linux exploits

execve() system call launching, 604–606

exploits using Windows vs., 297

Metasploit compatibility with, 141–142

socket programming for, 276–283

understanding network byte order for, 276


BackTrack grub boot, 137–139

IDA Pro, 434–436

local administrator privileges

gaining, 111–115

joining Domain Admins group, 121

recovering, 114–115, 117–118

targeting client-side sessions with, 496

user’s domain password recovery, 121–122

Local Machine zone (LMZ)

about, 498–499

pushing page loads into more restrictive zone, 513

zone elevation attacks against, 500–501

locations for penetration testing, 158


bump keys for, 105–106

making picks for, 104–105

shims for, 106–107

tumbler, 103–104

logging in, 153–155

logging keystrokes, 152

LOGON SID, 544–545


for and while, 177–178

writing Python, 199

LordPE process-dumping utility, 664

low-interaction honeypots, 639


MAC addresses, 87

Mac OS X, 192

magic directories, 567

main() function

about, 173–174

locating, 449

order of execution in C/C++, 446–447

Malcode Analysis Pack (MAP), 653

malicious activities, 19

malloc() function, 182

malware, 635–655, 657–672

about, 5, 635

analyzing with Norman Sandbox, 653–655

automated analysis of, 671

catching, 644–646

de-obfuscating, 660–669

defenses protecting, 636–637

embedding components in, 657–658

encrypting, 658, 671

hiding, 658–659

honeynet technology trends, 637–643

how packed, 663

identifying packed binaries, 661–663

live analysis of, 648–655, 671

operation phase for, 670–671

packers for, 636, 660–661

“pay-per-install” business model for, 519

reverse-engineering, 669–672

rootkits, 636

setup phase for, 670

spyware/adware, 636

static analysis of, 646–648

Stuxnet, 408

thwarting VMware detection technologies, 642–643

trends in, 657–659

Trojan horse, 636

using vulnerabilities to install, 506

viruses, 635

worms, 636


allowing password testing, 17–18

termination procedures for employees, 35–36

understanding cyberlaw, 23–24

mangleme tool, 501–502, 506–509

mantraps, 102

Mark of the Web (MOTW), 513, 515, 516

Media Gateway Control Protocol (Megaco H.248), 382


gaining root privileges with, 208

overflowing buffer in, 204–207

using generic code for stack overflow, 213–214

Megaco H.248 protocol, 382

memory. See also heaps; memory protection schemes

about, 180

buffers, 182

bypassing Windows memory protections, 322–339

double free problem corrupting heaps, 482–483

endian methods for shells, 181

enumerating shared memory sections, 573–574

example of, 183–184

memory leaks, 480

monitoring program’s use of runtime, 480–483

overwriting locations with strcpy/strncpy commands, 176–177

pointers, 182–183

program sections loaded into, 181–182

RAM, 180–181

reading arbitrary, 230

segmentation of, 181

strings in, 182

understanding Windows memory protections, 318–322

writing canary address to arbitrary, 231–232

memory protection schemes, 236–249. See also bypassing Windows memory protections

ASLR protection, 240–241, 249

disabling GCC non-executable stack, 240

kernel patches and scripts, 240–241, 249

libsafe for, 236, 249

return to libc exploits, 241–249

Stack Smashing Protection, 237–239

StackGuard, 237, 249

StackShield, 236, 237, 249

meta refresh tags, 507, 508

Metasploit, 141–156

about, 141, 156

assemblying Windows exploit sandwich, 312–313

automating and scripting, 155–156

automating shellcode generation with, 294–296

avoiding corrupted shellcode in, 613–614

building exploit sandwich, 222

compatibility and downloading, 141–142

determining offset(s) in, 218–221, 308–309

encoding shellcode using, 295–296

exploiting client-side vulnerabilities in, 147–149

launching exploits in, 142–146

option name in, 143

payload construction in, 144–146

penetration testing with Meterpreter, 149–155

setting attack vector in, 221–222

testing buffer overflow modules in, 222–223

testing content-type vulnerabilities, 358

verifying server vulnerability in, 306–308

Meterpreter, 149–155

mhtml: protocol handler, 500–501

Microsoft. See also access control; Internet Explorer; Microsoft Office; Windows operating systems

addressing client-side vulnerabilities, 499–500

client-side exploits affecting, 499–506

exploiting javaprxy.dll as COM object, 502–504

exploits against HTML tag parsing vulnerability, 501–502

Ibiza and Download.Ject attacks against Windows, 500–501

Microsoft Security Response Center blog, 523

Operation Aurora and attacks on client-side browser, 505–506

repairing WMIScriptUtils design vulnerability, 504–505

reporting vulnerabilities to, 64

responding to third-party patches, 631–632

security concepts in Internet Explorer, 497–499

source code auditing tools by, 416

vulnerabilities of ActiveX controls, 511–515

warning users about attacks, 523

WinDbg, 475, 476

Microsoft Office

content-type attacks on, 359

enabling DEP for, 360

exploiting file formats of, 343–345

migrate.rb script, 156

migration options, 618–619

Mio Watch, 90, 91

mitigating software vulnerabilities, 617–632

evaluating alternatives, 617–618

migration options, 618–619

patching applications, 619–632

port knocking, 618

Modbus protocol, 397–398, 400–405


runtime memory use, 480–483

system under test, 388

MOTW (Mark of the Web), 513, 515, 516

mov command, 186


fuzzers for, 509–510

mangleme code for, 508

reporting vulnerabilities to, 64

MS08-067 vulnerabilities, 142–146, 147

MS10-022 vulnerabilities, 147–149

msfencode, 260

msfpayload command, 294–295

multistage shellcode, 258

mutated layout for format string, 629–631


named pipes, 574–575


functions and variables in IDA Pro, 433

programs when overwriting values, 232

NASM (Netwide Assembler), 185–188


about, 639

installing on BackTrack, 644–646

reporting binaries to Norman Sandbox, 653, 655 script, 589

networks. See also honeynet technology

BackTrack services for, 130–131

byte order for IP, 276

command execution code on, 257

file transfer code compromising, 257–258

H.323 protocol recommended for PBN, 382–383

importance of physical penetration for testing, 94

inspecting malicious packets with Sulley, 589, 593–594

network byte order for IP, 276

placing unauthorized WAP on, 86–88

port binding shellcode on, 253–254

reverse shellcode on, 254–256

using find socket shellcode on, 256–257

nibble, 180

NIPRINT3 buffer overflow, 594

nm command, 233, 234

NOP sled, 209–210

NOP slides

locating in exploitable code, 606

using before shellcode in exploit sandwich, 313

Norman Sandbox, 653–655

notification process in OIS disclosures, 55–57

NULL byte, 246, 248–249

null characters in strcpy, 260


null pointers, 415


obfuscated code

ida-x86emu plug-in analyzing, 467–468

malware as, 660

objdump command, 233

objdump tool, 274, 275, 281–282

Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control (OPC) protocol, 396


attack patterns for access control, 554–573

coding and executing assembly language, 189

DACL kernel, 576–577

enumerating DACL for, 553–554

exposing execution vulnerabilities with various, 573–577

file extension of object code, 513

finding untrusted process DACLs, 575–576

named pipes, 574–575

Python, 193–197, 199–200

rights of ownership and DACLs for, 545

searching for shared memory of, 573–574

security descriptors of, 531

socket, 199–200

Office. See Microsoft Office

Offline NT Password, 112


determining Windows, 308–309

using Metasploit to determine Linux, 218–221

using OllyDbg to find correct, 337

OIS (Organization for Internet Safety), 54–61

discovery process, 54–55

guidelines for, 51, 54

investigation phase, 57

notification process in, 55–57

releasing information to public, 61

reporting confirmed, disproved, or inconclusive flaws, 58

resolving flaws, 59–60

timeframe of remedy, 60–61

validation phase, 57

vulnerabilities in shared code bases, 57–58


about, 475

breakpoint capability for, 664–665

commands in, 301

debugging on Windows with, 299–304

examining CPU registers in, 597

plug-ins for SEH searches in, 334–335

stack display in, 598

updating symbols server for, 302

OPC (Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control) protocol, 396

Open Web Application Security Project. See OWASP

OpenAction verb in PDF files, 349–350

Opera mangleme code, 508

operating systems. See also Linux operating system; Unix operating systems; Windows operating systems

kernel space shellcode for, 263–265

Metasploit compatibility with, 141–142

migrating to new, 618–619

ways to communicate with kernel, 268

Organization for Internet Safety. See OIS

OSSTMM (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual), 159

out brief of penetration test reports, 169


calling function pointers, 323

canary values, 231–232

.dtors, 233–235

ebp register, 609–610

esp with eip, 220, 221

memory locations with strcpy/strncpy, 176–177

SEH records, 323

stack’s saved return addresses, 609–610

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)

defined, 159

downloading Broken Web Applications VM, 367–368

testing DVWA SQL injection, 368–373

top ten list of vulnerabilities, 361–362


packers, 636, 660–661

packet-based networks (PBNs), 382–383

packets. See UDP packets

Page-eXec (PaX) patches, 240

parent fork process, 474

parsers, 571–572

passive analysis, 413–443. See also IDA Pro

automated source code analysis, 425–427

binary analysis, 427–443

ethical reverse engineering, 413–415

manually auditing source code, 420–425

recognizing vulnerabilities in source code, 421–425

source code analysis, 416–427


logging in with shared, 153–155

modifying account, 113–114

modifying in SAM file, 97–98

recovering from remote computers, 121–122

recovering local administrator, 114–115, 117–118

recovering offline NT, 111–112

removing from SAM file, 114

SIP password-cracking, 386

software for cracking, 17

testing security of, 17–18

patch tool, 622

patching applications, 619–632

about, 619–620

client-side vulnerabilities addressed by Microsoft, 499–500

command-line tools for, 621–622

finding holes for, 624–625

limitations of patching ELF files, 625–626

patch failures, 70

patching binaries, 622–626

source code patching, 620–622

updating security patches, 359, 522

Patriot Act, 29, 42

PaX (Page-eXec) patches, 240

payload construction considerations, 611–614

about, 611–612

buffer orientation problems, 612–613

choosing payload options in Metasploit, 144–146

embedding components in malware, 657–658

protocol elements and, 612

self-destructive shellcode, 613–614

PBN (packet-based networks), 382–383

PDF files

about, 345–348

detecting and disarming malicious, 351–358

exploiting formats for, 343–345

malicious PDF content in, 348–350, 355–358

PDFiD, 351–354

PDML2AD tool, 401

PE (Portable Executable) files, 430

PEiD tool, 646–647, 661

penetration testing, 157–169. See also insider attacks; physical penetration attacks; social engineering attacks

access during, 163

activities for, 12–14

carrying out physical penetration, 94–97

conducting SEAs, 79–81

doing, 11–14

external and internal coordination during, 164

Good Samaritan attack techniques, 81–86

importance of physical penetration for network, 94

kickoff meetings for, 162–163

locations for, 158

making agreements about, 161–162

managing expectations and problems during, 163

Metasploit Meterpreter for, 149–155

methodologies and standards for, 159

once inside buildings, 107

options for unethical hackers, 14–15

organizing testing team, 158

phases of, 159–160

planning, 157–160

process for, 12

reporting results, 168–169

scenario for insider attacks, 110–122

scope of, 158

setting up unauthorized network WAP, 86–88

sharing information on Dradis servers, 164–168

spreadsheets for test plans, 161

steadiness during, 164

types of, 157–158


binmode function, 608

Metasploit payload encoders, 613–614

script for TFTP Daemon Fuzzer in, 405–406

phreakers, 26

physical penetration attacks, 93–108

about, 93

campus-style or single-tenant buildings, 101

common ways into buildings, 97–107

conducting, 94–97

defeating building locks, 103–107

defenses against, 108

getting by multitenant building lobby security, 99–100

importance of physical penetration, 94

mantraps, 102

mental preparation for, 97

subverting biometric door locks, 103

tailgating into buildings, 103

unmanned foyers, 102

PLC (programmable logic controller), 396


Dradis export/upload and import, 167–168

IDA Pro, 464–468

ida-x86emu, 467–468

IDAPython, 474

OllyDbg SEH search, 334–335

tips for writing IDA Pro, 466–467

using Hex-Rays Decompiler, 439

pointers in memory, 182–183

pop command, 187, 201

pop-up calculator shellcode, 309–312

port binding shellcode

assembly programs establishing sockets, 279–281

blocking, 253–254

building sockaddr structures, 276–277

drawbacks to, 626

establishing sockets, 276, 277–278

implementing, 276–283

port_bind_asm.asm program, 279–281

port_bind.c for building sockets, 278

port_bind_sc.c test code, 282–283

testing, 281–283

Portable Executable (PE) file format, 430

ports. See also port binding shellcode port knocking, 618

researching protocol requirements for, 580

postconditions, 418, 602–603

power permissions. See also privileges

analyzing for elevation of privilege, 554

directory, 565–566

file, 572

service, 556–557

Windows registry keys, 563–564

preconditions, 418, 602–603

PREfast, 416, 418

primary domain controllers (PDCs), 119

primitives in Sulley, 581–582

printf command

exploiting format strings with, 225–229

format tokens for, 176, 226

forms of, 175–176

stack layout for, 630–631

stack operations with format functions, 227–228

stack overflows and, 205–207

using %x token to map stack, 229

Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act, 45

privileges. See also elevation of privilege; local administrator privileges

gaining local administrator privileges, 111–115

impersonating with named pipe, 574–575

protecting from client-side browser vulnerabilities, 496

running client-side apps with lower, 496, 522–523

process control infrastructures. See SCADA attacks

Process Explorer, 538–541

examining running malware processes, 651–652

illustrated, 538, 539

!token in debugger, 539–541

process injection shellcode, 259

Process Monitor, 548–550

Process Stalker, 476–477


access token for, 528–530

examining running malware, 651–652

finding untrusted process DACLs, 575–576

IDA Pro process modules, 434–436, 468

sorting and finding, 307

profiling tools, 477

program headers in IDA Pro, 457–459

programmable logic controller (PLC), 396

programming, 173–200. See also specific languages

adding return statement jumps to code, 600–601

addressing modes in assembly language, 188

assembly language, 184–189

C language, 173–180

compiling Windows programs, 297–299

computer memory skills, 180–184

debugging with gdb, 190–192

Intel processors, 184, 185

Python skills, 192–200

structure of executable files, 622–624

understanding vulnerabilities in, 601–611

x86 epilogue and prologue code, 609–610

prologues, 609–610

prosecuting computer crimes, 36, 38

ProSSHD server, setting up, 305–306

protected computers, 30–31

Protected Mode in Microsoft, 496, 523

protection. See also defensive malware techniques; memory protection schemes

against client-side browser exploits, 522–523

against SCADA attacks, 408–409

against VoIP attacks, 393–394

changing extensions of malicious file samples, 350

from content-type attacks, 359–360

migrating to new system or program for, 618–619

understanding Windows memory, 318–322

protective wrappers with encryption, 637

protocol handlers, 500–501

protocols. See also VoIP attacks

building fuzzers for open, 487–488

designing exploits for, 612

HTTP and SSH, 484

Internet Protocol, 379–380

SCADA, 396–399

understanding using RFC, 579–581

used by VoIP, 380–384

psexec command, 153, 154–155, 523

publicizing ethical disclosures, 69

push command, 187, 201

pvefindaddr tool

avoiding ASLR with, 324–325

comparing shellcode in memory and in file with, 315

determining attack vector with, 309–310

using with OllyDbg and Immunity Debugger, 305

Python, 192–200

about, 192

decompiling code in, 428

dictionaries, 197

downloading, 192

file access in, 197–199

Hello, World program in, 193

IDAPython plug-in, 474

lists, 196–197

numbers, 195–196

objects in, 193–197

script controlling VMware in Sulley, 589–590

socket object in, 199–200

strings, 193–195

white space and indentation of code blocks in, 199


RainForest Puppy Policy (RFP) v2, 52–53

RAM (random access memory), 180–181

RATS (Rough Auditing Tool for Security), 416–417

read attributes for desiredAccess requests, 551

read permissions

directory, 567

reviewing for file DACL attacks, 572–573

receivers. See software vendors

reconnaissance of buildings, 95–96

Red Pill, 642, 643

reflected XSS examples, 375–376

registers. See also ebp register; eip register; esp register

defined, 184, 185

registry keys

attacks on weak DACLs of, 564

enumerating DACLs for Windows, 561–563

write permissions for, 563

Regshot, 649–650

relative identifier (RID), 527

remote computers

creating remote access Trojan on, 81–86

pushing command shell to, 84–86

recovering passwords from, 121–122

remote terminal unit (RTU), 396

repeatability of exploits, 603

replybuf function, 424

reporters. See finders/reporters


confirmed, disproved, or inconclusive flaws, 58

exploitable vulnerabilities, 595, 614–615

Guidelines for Security Vulnerability Reporting and Response, 61

penetration testing results, 168–169

reports for penetration testing, 168–169

Request for Confirmation of Receipt (RFCR), 56

Resource Hacker, 658

Restricted Sites zone, 498

restricted tokens, 530–531

ret command, 187

return to libc exploits

about, 241

ASLR protection and, 241, 249

defenses against, 611

frame faking technique, 609–610

stack randomization and, 242

reverse connecting shellcode

assembly program for, 285–287

firewalls and, 254–256

writing C program for, 284–285

reverse engineering, 471–493

building fuzzers for open protocols, 487–488

code coverage analysis tools, 476–477

debuggers in, 474–476

Doomjuice.A worm, 655

ethical, 413–414

flow analysis tools, 477–479

fuzzing, 484–493

malware, 669–672

memory use monitoring tools, 480–483

passive analysis and, 413

profiling tools, 477

purpose of, 414, 471–472

source code auditing tools, 416–418

tools for, 473–483

understanding software development process, 472–473

Valgrind, 480–483

reverse shellcode, 254–256

revfrom() function, 423

RFC (Request for Comments), 579–581

RFP (RainForest Puppy Policy v2), 52–53

RID (relative identifier), 527

roo, 640

rootkits, 636, 659

Rough Auditing Tool for Security (RATS), 416–417

RTU (remote terminal unit), 396

Ruby for Windows command shell, 306–308

Russian Business Network (RBN), 4–5


SACL (System Access Control List), 531

safe structure exception handling. See SafeSEH

safe test environments

examining running processes, 651–652

features of Norman Sandbox technology, 653–655

finding changes in file systems, 650–651

live malware analysis in, 648–655, 671

monitoring VoIP system under test, 388

preparing VoiPER, 388

reviewing binaries with PEiD, 646–647

setting malware traps in, 644–646

setting up ProSSHD server for VMware, 305–306

taking registry snapshot, 649–650

unpacking files with UPX tool, 647

viewing ASCII strings, 647–648

viewing network activity with TCPView tool, 652–653

SAFER Software Restriction Policy (SRP), 523

SafeSEH (safe structure exception handling)

bypassing, 323–324

defined, 320

methods for bypassing memory protection, 338

reconstructing SEH chain to bypass, 331–337

SAM file

finding, 112–113

modifying account passwords in, 97–98

recovering Offline NT password from, 111–112

removing passwords from, 114

SanDisk Cruzer, 82–86

SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) attacks, 395–409

components of, 395

defined, 395–396

DNP3 protocol, 398

ICCP protocol, 396–397

Modbus protocol, 397–398, 400–405

OPC protocol, 396

protecting against, 408–409

protocols for, 396–399

SCADA fuzzing, 399–407

Stuxnet malware and, 408

TFTP Daemon Fuzzer, 405–407

scanf command, 176

Scoopy, 642, 643

scraper sites, about, 9

scripting. See also cross-site scripting

controlling target virtual machines with Sulley, 589–590

honeyd scripts, 639

inspecting malicious packets with Sulley, 589, 593–594

Metasploit, 155–156

running Sulley fuzzing session, 590–592

SPIKE, 491

Sulley fuzz sessions, 581, 587–588

using IDA Pro’s IDC, 427–430

using Sulley’s script, 588–589

web result pages, 373–374

working with IDA Pro’s IDC, 461–464

search engines, 9

Secret Service, 32, 34

secret.txt, 545–550

Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass (SPY Act), 46


compromises in current, 7

downtime losses from hacking, 5–6

engaging audits of, 72

ensuring safe data handling, 71

getting past multitenant lobby security, 99–100

limiting availability of classified documents, 41–42

recognizing gray areas in, 8–9

software complexity and, 20–21

testing client’s security operations team, 160

testing password, 17–18

vulnerability assessments of, 10–11

security badges, 96, 99–100

security descriptors (SDs), 531–535, 541–542

security patches. See patching applications

security professionals

alerting clients about proposed SEAs, 79–81

asking clients about SCADA systems, 395

developing disclosure guidelines for, 49–50

relating to customers, 11

view of ethical disclosure, 67

security quality assurance (SQA) for software, 71

security zones in Internet Explorer, 498–499

SEH Overwrite Protection. See SEHOP

SEH (structured exception handling)

implementing, 316–317

overwriting, 323

searched with OllyDbg plug-in, 334–335

SEHOP (SEH Overwrite Protection)

about, 320

bypassing, 331–337

methods for bypassing memory protection, 338

reconstructing SEH chain to bypass, 331–337

SELECT statements, 370–371

self-corrupting shellcode, 261–262

Server 2008. See Windows operating systems

service attack patterns, 554–560

escalating privileges, 559–560

execute permissions, 557

finding vulnerable services, 557–559

service read permissions, 556–557

write permissions, 556

SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG command, 559–560

sessions in Sulley, 581, 587–588

setreuid system calls, 271–272

shared memory sections, 573–574

shellcode, 251–265. See also writing Linux shellcode

allowing Metasploit stack space in GETPC routine, 313

avoiding self-destructive, 613–614

command execution code, 257

comparing in memory vs. in file, 315

dealing with sanitized arguments and environment strings in, 606–609

defined, 209, 251, 267

developing pop-up calculator, 309–312

disassembling, 262–263

encoding, 260, 261, 287–293

executing /bin/sh program with execve, 272–276

exploiting small buffers, 215–217

file transfer code, 257–258

find socket shellcode, 256–257

finding bad characters in, 314–315

generating automatically, 294–296

kernel space, 263–265

layout in stack overflow, 261–262

making system calls in, 252

multistage, 258

overwriting canary address in, 232

port binding, 253–254, 276–283

process injection, 259

reverse, 254–256

reverse connecting, 284–287

running, 210

running in user space, 251

running stdin, stdout, and stderr files, 252–253

self-corrupting, 261–262

system call proxy, 258–259

testing for execve system calls, 275

using fake frame technique, 237–239

using setreuid system calls, 271–272


creating bind, 253–254

direct parameter access format tokens for bash, 231

endian methods for, 181

shims for locks, 106–107

SIDs (security identifiers)

about, 527

access control and, 537

Authenticated Users group, 543

Authentication, 543–544

evaluating for potential elevation of privilege attacks, 553–554

Everyone, 543

found in access token, 528

LOGON, 544–545

signature files

generating with IDA Pro, 451–454

matching library, 431, 450–451

setreuid system calls, 272

single-tenant buildings, 101

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)

about, 381–382

Asteroid attacks in, 387–388

password-cracking in, 386

SIP inviteflood attacks, 387

skimming, 27

smokers’ door, 96, 98–99

social engineering attacks (SEA), 77–91

about, 77–78

conducting, 79–81

defenses for, 91

Good Samaritan techniques, 81–86

Join the Company pretext for, 88–89

meeting announcements, 86–88

preparing for face-to-face attacks, 89–91

social networking sites, 78, 79, 80, 88–89


establishing, 276, 277–278

find socket shellcode, 256–257

initiating connection to port on attacker’s computer, 255

malware’s user of, 670

Python socket objects, 199–200

sockaddr structures, 276–277, 435

software. See also mitigating software vulnerabilities

complexity of current, 20–21

developing guidelines for disclosing flaws in, 49–50

development process for, 472–473

educating developers of, 72

finding flaws in, 19–20

lines of code in, 20

migrating to new, 618, 619

mistrusting user input, 71

payments for finding vulnerabilities, 64

resolving flaws in, 59–60

reverse engineering of, 413–415

security quality assurance for, 71

testing fuzzing approach for, 402

timeframe for remedying flaws, 60–61

vulnerabilities after patch released, 70–71

software traps, 268

software vendors. See also applications; patching applications

acting on vulnerabilities in shared code bases, 57–58

CERT/CC guidelines for, 51

conflicts between finders and, 62–66

disclosure using RFP v2, 52–53

following up on reported vulnerabilities, 71

interorganizational learning phases of reporting vulnerabilities, 68

liability for vulnerabilities, 471–472

managing communication with finders, 68–69

points of view on ethical disclosure, 48–49

reporting vulnerabilities to, 58, 595, 614–615

resolving software flaws, 59–60

responding to third-party patches, 631–632

setting timeframes for repairing flaws, 61

view of ethical disclosure, 67–68

working with disclosure team, 69–70

source code

developing and using patches for, 621–622

when and what to patch, 620–621

source code analysis, 416–427

auditing tools for, 416–418

automated, 425–427

binary vs., 427

manual auditing of, 420–425

recognizing vulnerabilities in, 421–425

spamdexing, 9

spear phishing, 497

special characters in SQL, 367


about, 488–490

block handling primitives in, 490

creation primitives in, 489

example of HTTP requests from, 491–492

fuzzing variable declaration in, 491

script parsing in, 491

static content primitives in, 489–490

SPIKE Proxy, 492

Splint, 416, 417–418

spraying heaps, 521–522

SPY Act (Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass), 46

spyware/adware, 636

SQL (Structured Query Language)

about, 362

components of, 365–366

databases and statements in, 365–367

key commands in, 366

special characters in, 367

SQL injection vulnerabilities, 362–374

SRP (SAFER Software Restriction Policy), 523

SRTP (Secure Real-time Transport Protocol), 384, 386

SSH (Secure Shell) protocol, 484

SSP (Stack Smashing Protection), 237–239, 249

Stack Smashing Protection (SSP), 237–239, 249

StackGuard, 237, 249


allowing Metasploit stack space in GETPC routine, 313

bypassing SafeSEH on, 323–324

exploiting buffer overflow, 612–613

exploiting Linux, 201–203

function calling procedures in, 202–203

gcc non-executable, 240

implementing stack canary, 299, 318–320

layout of Linux program, 604–606

making calls with system() function, 241–245

mapping with %x token, 229

mutated layout for overflowed, 626–628

operating vulnerabilities with format functions, 227–229

Page-eXec patches gaining execution control of, 240

placing fake SEH chain on, 332

protection mechanisms for, 609

randomization and return to libc exploits, 242

return-oriented programming to execute code on, 326

shellcode layout in overflow of, 261–262

stack canary, 299, 318–320

stack frame in IDA Pro, 434

stack predictability, 603–609

stack section in memory, 182

structured exception handling on, 316–317

working with paged, 606

StackShield, 236, 237, 249

-static flag, 270

state trespassing laws, 36–38

Statement of Work (SOW) agreements, 161–162

static analysis, 445–461. See also reverse engineering

analyzing statically linked libraries, 448–451

challenges in, 445–446

data structure analysis with IDA Pro, 454–457

difficulties of control flow analysis, 479

generating IDA Pro signature files, 451–454

IDA Pro for analyzing compiled C++, 459–460

malware, 646–648

plug-in IDA Pro architecture for, 461–470

viewing program headers in IDA Pro, 457–459

vtables in C++, 459, 460–461

working with stripped binaries, 446–448

stdin files

making copy of C program, 421

running in shellcode, 252–253

steadiness during penetration testing, 164

Stored Communications Act, 40

stored XSS examples, 376–377

strace tool, 271, 272

strcpy command

about, 176–177

avoiding terminal null character with, 260

dangers of, 419

exploiting vs. converting to strncpy, 418–419

patches for, 620

stress testing, 473

strings. See also format string exploits

creating format string exploits, 225–236

mutated layout for format string exploits, 629–631

Python, 193–195

using %s token for reading arbitrary, 229

using esi register for string operations, 600

using in memory, 182

using in Sulley, 582–583

viewing malware ASCII, 647–648

stripping binaries, 446–448

strncpy command

converting to strcpy, 418–419

dangers of, 419

overwriting locations with strcpy and, 176–177

patches using, 620, 625–626

structured exception handling. See SEH

Structured Query Language. See SQL

Stuxnet malware, 408

sub command, 186

SubInACL directory, 541, 542

SUID (set user ID), 492–493

Sulley, 581–594

bit fields, 583

blocks, 584–585

code for fuzzing session script, 590–592

controlling VMware in, 589–590

dependencies, 586

generating random data, 582

groups, 585

illustrated, 588, 592

inspecting network traffic, 589, 593–594

installing, 581

integers, 583

monitoring data for faults, 588–589

postmortem analysis of crashes, 592–593

primitives in, 581–582

sessions in, 581, 587–588

strings and delimiters in, 582–583

using binary values, 582

supervisory control and data acquisition attacks. See SCADA attacks

SupportSoft install dialog box., 515, 331–332

system calls

assembling, linking, and testing exit, 271

execve, 273

exit, 269–270

making shellcode, 252, 268–269

proxy shellcode for, 258–259

setreuid, 271–272

socketcall, 279

writing for C-based shellcode, 268–269

system() function, 241–245

system under test (SUT), 388


tailgating into buildings, 103

TCPView tool, 652–653

TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorithm), 658


kickoff meetings for penetration testing, 162–163

organizing for penetration testing, 158

synchronizing data for, 168

team approach to ethical disclosure, 69–70

temporary visitor security badges, 99–100

terminating employees, 35–36

testing. See also safe test environments

code for SQL injection vulnerabilities, 367–374

execve system calls, 274

exit system calls, 271

files for setreuid system calls, 272

investing access denials during, 545–548

Linux exploit, 222–223

port binding shellcode, 281–283

protection against content-type attacks, 358

reproducing crashes with mangleme, 508

shellcode for execve system calls, 275

stress, 473

VoIP attacks with VoIPER, 388–393

.text sections in memory, 181

tfp.exe DACL, 544

TFTP Daemon Fuzzer

about, 405–406

executing, 406–407

installing, 406

third-party patching initiatives, 631–632

this pointers, 459

TLBs (translation look-aside buffers), 240

TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocols, 383

token kidnapping, 575–576

tools. See also Dradis servers

analyzing access control, 538–542

automated binary analysis, 441–443

BackTrack, 125–140

BinDiff, 442–443

BinNavi, 439–440

BugScam, 441–442

Chevarista, 442

code coverage analysis, 476–477

detecting malicious PDF files, 351–358

diff, 621–622

FileMon, 650–651

finding new client-side vulnerabilities, 506–522

flow analysis, 477–479

fuzzing, 473

Hex-Rays Decompiler plug-in, 439

IDA Pro, 430–439, 445–470

intelligent fuzzing, 581–594

jsfunfuzz, 509–510

loading Cain, 116–117

lock-picking, 104–107

Malcode Analysis Pack, 653

mangleme, 501–502, 506–509

memory monitoring, 480

Metasploit, 141–142

Microsoft compilers, 297–299

needed for insider attacks, 110–111

Norman Sandbox, 653–655

objdump, 274, 275, 281–282

open protocol fuzzers, 487–488

PEiD, 646–647, 661

precision desiredAccess request test, 550–551

Process Explorer, 651–652

profiling, 477

pvefindaddr, 309–310, 315, 324–325

reverse engineering instrumentation, 473–483

source code auditing, 416–418

SPIKE fuzzer creation toolkit, 488–492

SPIKE Proxy, 492

strace, 271, 272

SubInACL, 541, 542

TCPView, 652–653

testing protection against content-type attacks, 358

thwarting VMware detection, 642–643

UPX, 647

URL fuzzers, 485–487

used by attackers and professionals, 16–18

Valgrind, 480–483

VoIPER, 388–393

Yasca, 426

Trojan horse, 636

trust, escalating, 80

tumbler locks, 103–104

Twitter, 7

type secret.txt command, 545–547


UDP packets

analyzing vulnerabilities in incoming, 423–425

examining with Wireshark, 403, 594

using Sulley to inspect, 589, 593–594

uDraw, 587–598

UNetbootin utility, 126–127

United States vs. Digati, 34

United States vs. Kernell, 34

United States vs. Kwak, 45

United States vs. Mettenbrink, 33

United States vs. Rocci, 45

United States vs. Sklyarov, 45

United States vs. Tscheigg, 34

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) service, 526

Unix operating systems. See also Linux operating systems

execve system calls in, 253

root users with buffer overflows, 208

user space system calls from shellcode in, 252

unmanned foyers, 102

unpacking binaries, 661–669

analyzing after, 670

debugger-assisted unpacking, 664–665

IDA Pro assistance for, 665–669

run and dump unpacking, 663–664

UPX tool for, 647


BackTrack, 139–140, 400

Internet Explorer security patches, 522

OllyDbg symbols server, 302

upnphost vulnerability, 526

UPX tool, 647

URLs, 498

USA Patriot Act, 29, 42

USB drive

assembling tools for insider attacks on, 110–111

BackTrack installations to, 131–133

installing BackTrack to, 126–127

preparing for autorun SEAs, 82–86

user space

debuggers for, 475

hiding malware in, 658–659

user space shellcode, 251–260

about, 251

command execution code, 257

file transfer code, 257–258

find socket shellcode, 256–257

making system calls in, 252

multistage, 258

port binding, 253–254, 276–283

process injection, 259

reverse shellcode, 254–256

running stdin, stdout, and stderr files, 252–253

system call proxy shellcode, 258–259


enticing to malicious websites, 496, 497, 514

escalating service privileges of, 559–560

identifying in Cain, 118–120

manually auditing data from, 420–421

reviewing Microsoft’s security warnings regularly, 522

running client-side apps with lower privileges, 496, 522–523

running Meterpreter as different logged-on, 152–153

software mistrusting input from, 71

user accounts in Dradis, 166

utility systems. See SCADA attacks


Valgrind, 480–483, 484

validation process in OIS disclosures, 57


C programming, 174–175

declaring fuzzing, 491

VCP (Vulnerability Contributor Program), 72


exit system calls, 271

setreuid system calls, 272


running BackTrack inside, 132–133

starting, 128–129

VirtualProtect function in DEP, 326

VMs (virtual machines)

detection of, 637

scripting control of, 589–590

using BackTrack ISO within, 128–131

viruses, 33, 635

Vista. See Windows operating systems

Visual Studio, 504–505 script, 589–590

VMDetect, 642, 643


catching, 644–646

controlling in Sulley, 589–590

fuzzing, 590–592

saving snapshot, 649–650

setting up on ProSSHD server, 305–306

thwarting detection of, 642–643

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) attacks, 379–394

CIA tenants of, 384, 385

denial of service attacks, 387–388

eavesdropping/packet capture, 386

enumeration, 384–386

H.323 protocol, 382–383

Megaco H.248 protocol, 382

prosecution in, 36

protecting against, 393–394

protocols used by VoIP, 380–384

SIP protocol, 381–382, 386

SRTP protocol, 384, 386

testing with VoIPER, 388–393

TLS and DTLS protocols, 383

types of, 384–393

what is VoIP, 379–380

ZRTP protocol, 384, 386

VoIPER, 388–393

VSR (vulnerability summary report), 54–55

considerations before filing, 62–66

submitting for shared code bases, 58

validating, 57

vtables, 459, 460–461

vulnerabilities. See also VSR

application pre- and postconditions, 602–603

assessing, 10–11

attack possibilities with cross-site scripting, 378

continuing after patch released, 70–71

detecting malware, 670

disclosures about, 54

discovering with IDA Pro, 436

finding in shared code bases, 57–58

mitigating software, 617–632

OWASP’s list of, 361–362

patching into hole, 624–625

payload construction considerations, 611–614

repeatability of exploits, 603

types of client-side, 495–497

understanding application’s, 601–611

Vulnerability Contributor Program (VCP), 72

vulnerability summary report. See VSR


Walleye web interface, 640, 641–642

wanted_hotkey function, 465–466

WAP (wireless access point), 86–88

web applications, 361–378. See also OWASP

components in, 362–363

cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, 373–378

overview of, 361–362

SQL injection vulnerabilities, 362–373

testing for SQL injection vulnerabilities, 367–374

web browsers

client-side vulnerabilities of, 495–497

css-grammar-fuzzer, 510

exploiting javaprxy.dll as COM object, 502–504

finding new client-side vulnerabilities in, 506–522

Ibiza and Download.Ject attacks against, 500–501

IFRAME tag parsing buffer overrun vulnerability, 501–502, 503

Mozilla fuzzing tools for, 509–510

Operation Aurora and attacks on client-side, 505–506

outputting registered COM objects on system, 510–515

protection against client-side exploits, 522–523

WMIScriptUtils design vulnerability, 504–505

websites. See also cross-site scripting;


disclosing vulnerabilities of, 62–63

duplicating ActiveX controls on malicious, 497–498

enticing users to malicious, 496

finding network capture information on, 400

scripting of web result pages, 373–374

wget utility, 258

while loops, 177–178

white box testing, 157, 471

white hat hackers, 47, 418–419

WinDbg, 475, 476

Windows exploits, 297–339

address space layout randomization, 321–322

attack vector for, 309–312

building exploit sandwich, 312–313

bypassing memory protections, 322–339

compiling Windows programs, 297–299

controlling eip, 306–308

Data Execution Prevention and, 321

debugging, 299–304, 314–315

determining offset(s), 308–309

developing, 305

heap protections and, 320–321

implementing SEH, 316–317

launching against MS08-067 vulnerabilities, 142–146

safe structure exception handling and, 320

setting up ProSSHD server to develop, 305–306

stack-based buffer overrun detection, 318–320

Windows memory protections and, 318–322

writing, 304–315

Windows Explorer

dumping ACLs in, 533, 541

examining DACLs in, 541–542

Windows memory protections, 318–339

about, 318

address space layout randomization, 321–322

bypassing, 322–339

Data Execution Prevention, 321

heap protections, 320–321

methods for bypassing, 338

overwriting calling function pointers, 595

replacing /GS protection mechanism cookie, 323

safe structure exception handling, 320

SEH Overwrite Protection, 320

stack-based buffer overrun detection, 318–320

Windows operating systems. See also access control; Windows exploits; Windows Registry DACL attacks

Access Check in, 535–537, 541, 542, 569, 571

access control RunAs feature, 529–530

attacks on weak directory DACLs, 564–567

compiling programs for, 297–299

CreateProcess function calls in, 253

DACLs in, 531, 533

debugging, 299–304

detaching Windows debugger, 541

displaying permissions for secret.txt, 547

finding COM objects in, 510–515

Ibiza and Download.Ject attacks against, 500–501

implementing SEH, 316–317

kernel space vulnerabilities in, 264

loading attack DLL at runtime, 566

locating vulnerable services, 557–559

malware registry modifications in, 659

memory protection in, 318–322

Metasploit compatibility with, 141–142

plug and play vulnerabilities, 526

registry DACL attacks, 560–564

replacing .exe files with attack .exe, 566–567

running client-side apps with lower privilege levels, 496, 522–523

service attack patterns in, 554–560

successful protection in Windows 7, 322

user space system calls from shellcode in, 252

Vista’s User Access Control, 496

Windows XP Service Pack 2, 499

working with magic directories, 567

Windows Registry DACL attacks, 560–564

about, 560–561

attacks on weak registry key DACLs, 564

enumerating registry key DACLs, 561–563

read permissions, 564

write permissions for registry keys, 563

Windows XP Service Pack 2, 499

WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright) Treaty, 42–43

Wireshark, 401, 403, 594

Wiretap Act, 39, 42

WMIScriptUtils vulnerabilities, 510

word, 180


CFAA and, 33

defined, 636

Doomjuice.A, 655, 679

write permissions, 572

writing. See also writing Linux shellcode bytes to arbitrary memory, 231–232

C-based shellcode system calls, 268–269, 276

Python loops, 199

reverse connecting shellcode, 284–285

sample program in C, 178–179

Windows exploits, 304–315

writing Linux shellcode, 267–296

automating with Metasploit, 294–296

basics of, 267–276

encoding shellcode, 260, 261, 287–293

executing /bin/sh program with execve, 272–276

exit system calls, 269–270

implementing port-binding shellcode, 276–283

making system calls, 268–269

setreuid system calls, 271–272

using reverse connecting shellcode, 284–287


xor command, 187

XP. See Windows operating systems

XSS. See cross-site scripting


Yasca (Yet Another Source Code Analyzer), 426


zero-day attacks

capturing with Walleye web interface, 640, 641–642

defined, 8

Zero-Day Initiative, 63, 64, 72

Zeroday Emergency Response Team, 642

Zeus botnet, 6, 7

zone elevation attacks, 499

ZRTP (Zimmermann Real-time Transport Protocol), 384, 386

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