Introduction to MSP processes


11 Introduction to MSP processes

Investments in programmes and programme management can be significant and span several years. In an MSP programme, there is a focus on ensuring that the seven principles are met through the design and application of a tailored governance and control environment informed by the seven themes. This control environment needs to be applied over time and it is the MSP processes that determine how this is done over the life of the programme.


Definition: Process

A structured set of activities that define the sequence of actions and their inputs and outputs to achieve a specific objective.

11.1 Programme lifecycle

The lifecycle of any programme is incremental. Programmes are designed to deliver benefits of value to stakeholders throughout the programme lifecycle. As new information becomes available, adjustments are made. Programme management requires a focus on learning, design, and redesign of the progression towards the desired future state.

As a result, the processes in the programme lifecycle are designed to support the governance of the programme by guiding an orderly progression with clear decision criteria. They also provide a flexible and adaptable way of ensuring that the programme adheres to the MSP principles.

Each process in the programme lifecycle addresses the MSP governance themes of organization, design, justification, structure, knowledge, assurance, and decisions. The lifecycle has a controlled start (identify the programme) and a controlled end (close the programme). Between these points, the incremental lifecycle ensures that:

the target operating model represents the future state that is required to embed outcomes and realize benefits

the business case continually reflects a justified trade-off between benefits, costs, and risks

the benefits are progressively delivered and stabilized at landing points

the programme strategy and plans continue to represent the optimal way of managing the programme.

11.2 MSP processes

The MSP processes are:

1 Identify the programme

2 Design the outcomes

3 Plan progressive delivery

4 Deliver the capabilities

5 Embed the outcomes

6 Evaluate new information

7 Close the programme

The first and seventh processes (identify the programme and close the programme) are the only linear parts of the lifecycle.


Figure 11.1 Processes that enable incremental progression

Processes 2–6 are repeated through the programme, forming an incremental spiral of progression towards the defined vision and outcomes of benefit.

At the end of each tranche or landing point, Process 6 specifically addresses progress and what has changed in the programme environment to inform Process 2 in the next cycle.

Process 3 focuses on the business case for the whole programme at a high level and planning the next tranche in detail.

Processes 4 and 5 focus on programme delivery and embedding the outcomes to realize benefits within a single tranche.

Figure 11.1 illustrates the processes that enable incremental progression.

Each process chapter addresses:

the purpose, objective, and context of the process

the activities involved and the information flow to transform inputs to outputs

the mapping of programme roles to the activities involved in the process.

The chapter finishes with a summary of how each theme is applied in that particular process. Together, the MSP processes ensure that the principles and themes are continually applied across the programme lifecycle.

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