Chapter 13

Fundamentals of Cryptography

Scott R. Ellis, EnCE, RCA, RCIA,    kCura Corporation

This chapter discusses how information security is the discipline that provides protection of information from intrusion and accidental or incidental loss. It also provides a framework for the protection of information from unauthorized use, copying, distribution, or destruction of data. Cryptography plays a key role in supporting the protection of captured data from prying eyes. It does nothing to actually protect the encrypted data from being intercepted.


cryptography; encryption; privacy; physical security; logical security; ranking; risk; protocols; audits; confidentiality; integrity; availability; block ciphers; algorithms; cryptographic standards

1 Assuring Privacy with Encryption

Encryption provides a secure layer, at the storage byte level, under which information can be secured from prying eyes (see checklist: An Agenda for Action for Implementing Encryption and Other Information Security Functions). Data, or “plaintext” as it is called in cryptography, is rendered into cipher text through a ciphering process. Most importantly, encryption protects stored data. Files such as database data files, spreadsheets, documents, and reports can contain critical information—information which, if lost, could cause damage to:

• Sales generation

• Operations

• Reputation

• Competitive advantage

• Individuals

• Market capabilities

• Finances

An Agenda for Action for Implementing Encryption and Other Information Security Functions

Encryption implementation recommendations presented in this chapter enable organizations to ask the following questions (check all tasks completed):

_____1. Does your product perform “cryptography,” or otherwise contain any parts or components that are capable of performing any of the following “information security” functions?

_____a. encryption

_____b. decryption only (no encryption)

_____c. key management/public key infrastructure (PKI)

_____d. authentication (password protection, digital signatures)

_____e. copy protection

_____f. anti-virus protection

_____g. other (please explain): _________________


_____2. For items with encryption, decryption, and/or key management functions (1.a, 1.b, 1.c above):

_____a. What symmetric algorithms and key lengths (56-bit DES, 112 / 168-bit Triple-DES, 128 / 256-bit AES/Rijndael) are implemented or supported?

_____b. What asymmetric algorithms and key lengths (512-bit RSA / Diffie-Hellman, 1024 / 2048-bit RSA/Diffie-Hellman) are implemented or supported?

_____c. What encryption protocols (SSL, SSH, IPSEC, or PKCS standards) are implemented or supported?

_____d. What type of data is encrypted?

_____3. For products that contain an “encryption component,” can this encryption component be easily used by another product, or else accessed/re-transferred by the end user for cryptographic use?

Ultimately, the loss of enough data, especially were it due to incompetence, could be a business-ending event. Inadvertent disclosure of data, especially personally identifiable data, can mean financial liabilities and the need for restitution to injured parties.

Ensuring that files are encrypted in storage, everywhere, allows the files to be protected in the event of a breach of physical security. Should a hacker gain access to a system, database encryption will prevent her from accessing the database files. Whole-disk encryption will prevent her from accessing drive shares and pulling excel spreadsheets.

The past decade has seen additional liabilities and exposures of sensitive data in the form of lost backup tapes, lost laptops, and recycled computers that were not destroyed, encrypted, or wiped. After a third-party courier service lost a box of backup tapes, Bank of New York Mellon Corp. officials implemented a policy to encrypt data on all storage devices. Furthermore, they said they would limit the type and amount of confidential client data stored on tape backups. It took two losses of unencrypted data before the policy was launched.

Unfortunately, far too many companies wait for disaster to strike before they begin to think about all of the things they really need to do to ensure, or at least substantially mitigate, their risk of data loss. There are three primary reasons why industry executives are reticent to implement encryption:

1. The cost of doing it—the complexity of setting it up

2. Their feeling that it can’t happen to them

3. The fear of data loss due to key loss—an inability to decrypt the data

The cost of implementing an encryption policy pales in comparison to the cost of a data loss due to a breach, or due to release of data simply because Joe Smith left his laptop on the train. In an interesting, real-life situation, the author of this chapter did, in fact, once find a small box of hard drives in a bag on a train. The drives were labeled backup01, backup02, and backup03. Fortunately, the box had a CDW Computer Centers, Inc. shipping label that identified a client number. After reaching out to a friend at the computer company on the label, who contacted the owner (a large university library), a reunion was arranged. The kindness and responsibility of strangers cannot serve, however, as a failsafe. If anything, the loss of ALL the backup data was narrowly averted. According to the library executive, the backup drives held everything. She also promised that the policy would be changing immediately.

Encryption also introduces an additional level of difficulty in the event of corruption. Certain segments of the drive, if they become corrupted, can make retrieval of the data more challenging. This necessitates the storage, offsite, of secure, unencrypted backups. This may seem contrary to the purpose of this chapter, but consider that:

a. The data must be delivered to the unencrypted DR site encrypted.

b. Access to the unencrypted backup site should be manned access only with biometric access controls and no Internet or network connectivity.

c. As physical security and controls increase, the need for encryption decreases.

Such a high level of security allows the data to be under a much higher degree of control than the data in production data centers. A regular program of data movement, refreshing, and redundancy checks should be in place to ensure against data corruption. Placing data on a disk is no guarantee that two years later (if the disk has sat idle) the data will be coherent. Data can become corrupt just sitting on a disk.

Organizations should consider and design a program that understands and includes recipient and sender environments, and ensures that data encryption and decryption are as seamless and unintrusive as possible. In Figure 13.1, a clock-face approach to security balances the need for physical security against the need for encryption. Observe how, as the network segment approaches the 12th hour, everything is encrypted.


Figure 13.1 In a clock-face model, the most physically secure enterprise segments are at the zero hour, with the possibility of imminent attack or loss increasing up to the 12th hour. Note that the crescent line indicates increasing risk of loss, as well as a decrease in physical security.

This model only inserts five categories of devices and activities. Each “hour” could conceivably have its own protocols. The analogy of “hour” is used by this author simply to explain and set forth this model as one plausible way of making it easier to think about security, and thus categorize applications based on the activity or on the type of encryption required.

Physical Versus Logical Security

In this clock-face model, the level of physical security decreases the need for encryption security. Physical and data security are applicable to each of the items shown in this diagram. For some items, such as digital cameras, security can get complicated. GPS locators and remote wiping are available for many personal devices, but digital cameras, for example, do not have any sort of a mechanism for encrypting their memory cards.

Consider ranking things in order of “Needs no encryption” to “Must be encrypted.” As mentioned previously, the security requirement for encryption decreases as physical security increases. For example, a computer, sealed in cement and sunk to the bottom of the Mariana trench needs not be encrypted. Cell phones and laptops, on the other hand, should be. Create a panel of advisors to assist with the ranking. Depending on the workplace and the industry, the threat level of various areas could vary. Moving items from one position on the clock face to a lower number effectively diminishes the immediate need for encryption. This can be accomplished by increasing physical security. For example, whether a PC in an office is more deserving of encryption than a data center that is hooked into the Internet and has lots of virtual traffic through it may be dependent on other factors. Increasing the security in the office may effectively reduce the need for encryption to a level beneath that of the data center.

Deciding which area is more likely to be attacked first requires some decision making—decisions that may, down the road, turn out to be wrong. Planning the implementation requires a healthy imagination, not a paranoid one. Too much paranoia can bog down the project, but a healthy dose of possible, real-life scenarios and a little imagination can make planning both enjoyable and effective. See the sidebar, Using Imagination to Effectively Plan, for an example scenario cooked up by the author with one of his coauthors.

As shown in Figure 13.1, devices can (generally) be ordered by Highest Concern for Encryption and least physical security to Least Concern for Encryption and highest physical security:

• Cell phones, PDAs, memory sticks, USB drives, tablets

• Data Center Web farm (financial data)

• Office PCs

• BackOffice Data Center

• Printers and Fax

• DR site (of course, in a failover, encryption protocols should be activated)

• Data Vault

Most organizations will need to take into account their own strategy. This allows for deployment of a planned implementation of encryption in an orderly and risk-biased way.

The Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) Model and Beyond

CIA, or confidentiality, integrity, and availability, is a model for establishing security and risk. It dovetails into the clock-face model presented herein in that CIA provides the litmus tests needed for assessing into which zone things must be placed.

Imagination Allows Accurate Ranking

One way of ranking is to imagine that a hacker is actually employed (unbeknownst to you) in your organization. One afternoon, after a particularly strange day of slowness in the network that you finally have been able to trace, you’ve narrowed it down to a group of three people: Justin Smirks, Nate Doomer, and Scotty Potomac.1 You mention it to HR, who immediately panics, and later in the afternoon you learn (from an email) that Justin, Nate, and Scott were all fired, simultaneously, and they are really angry about it, and uttered some threats on their way out. “I’ll get you, my pretty!” they hear Justin shouting as they drag Justin out kicking and screaming. Scott escapes security, grabs his backpack, crashes through the 23rd floor plate glass window with fist shaking in the air, and base jumps out to safety. Nate snarls, laughs, and vanishes in a puff of smoke, with an evil, lingering laugh, echoing through the corridors.

What are you going to do first (besides change your pants because you assume that Scott is “in” and did his damage on the way down, before his parachute finished opening)? In order of importance, would you say (very generally speaking) that it is more important to have disk encryption on the back-office systems or on the PCs? What is the highest priority?

It takes a special kind of mind to examine an organization and architect a solution that will decrease the vulnerable surface area of a system. Such a plan includes intrusion detection, prevention, firewall policy, and encryption, holistically. Unfortunately, the challenges of creating a comprehensive encryption strategy are daunting. To achieve affective encryption, it must be both seamless and the default action. There are three types of encryption that are well known:

1. Secret Key Cryptography (SKC): A single key decrypts and encrypts data.

2. Public Key Cryptography (PKC): A user’s public key is used to encrypt data, and a private key is used to decrypt.

3. Hash Functions: A mathematical formula transforms the data to a set length of characters. For example, an MD5 hash reduces large blocks of information to a single, 128 bit, hexadecimal string.

Figure 13.2 demonstrates one example of how they are used and implemented in industry. Type 3 encryption is generally an augmentation of 1 and 2, used to send keys, to verify identity, and to ensure losslessness of information. By hashing a file before and after it is received, sender and recipient are then able to agree that they have the same file.


Figure 13.2 A sample of enterprise encryption. In this diagram, PKC and SKC forms of encryption are layered across the network in a zoned model of encryption.2

Users should be aware of the zones, what data lies within them, and the required encryption protocols. Auditors should check new processes, place them within the zones, and ensure compliance. If a new application happens to fail one of the tests, but passes another, move the application into a different zone until it can be made compliant. Zone 4 is “zone exceptions.”

Step 1: Identify Areas of Risk:

1. The location of any personally identifiable information. This information takes priority.

2. Laptops, PDAs, any portable computers or systems, and remote workers that work with the data in item 1.

3. Email and other information transport communications.

4. Instant messages might be plaintext sent across the network and may be stored locally as well.

5. Vulnerable server drives and application communications.

6. Backups.

Step 2: Organize

Many organizations have very disparate legacy applications. Get organized—knowing the location, method of transport, and types of applications is critical. Understand where data is housed, how it gets transferred to other organizations, how employees generate and store data and where. Mapping out the ins and outs of how data gets generated and how it flows will both assist in understanding the overall security topology of the network and identify areas that should be encrypted. The end state may be that ALL information should be encrypted, and it may be that only some small amount of data should be encrypted. Ultimately, the following steps will assist in implementing and enterprise encryption strategy.

Step 3: Choose Cryptography Applications—Develop an Implementation Plan

All aspects of encryption that are planned for deployment should be fully understood. For example, using public key infrastructure (PKI) encryption gives users of the Internet the ability to exchange private data, securely, through the use of a public and private key pair that both recipient and sender share through a mutually agreed upon, trusted authority. Without this man-in-the middle trust factor, the process will not work. Essentially, the authority provides assignment and revocation of digital certificates that identify individuals and organizations. See the sidebar, How PKI Encryption Works, for more details on asymmetric key operations. The vendor selection team should have a great understanding.

Developing a strategy of encryption should be treated as a major project. From the outset, things like planning and compliance teams should be established. IT should be involved as well, and all access controls should be audited. Creating an encryption program makes sense, but only if the access controls system is tight. What good is an encrypted disk if the intruder can simply log in and see the unencrypted data right there? Additionally, the National Institute for Science and Technology (NIST) cryptographic toolkit provides standards and guidance over a wide range of the technology used in cryptography. Any vendors should be familiar with these standards and ensure compliance with them.

The final plan should be endorsed by management, and should be communicated to staff. It should include consequences for noncompliance. This plan should also mesh well with data destruction and retention policies.

Step 4: Implement Encryption Protocols

Sadly, no single “enterprise encryption” solution exists. Many vendors offer products A–Z that can be deployed and integrated together in a piecemeal solution, but this sort of hodgepodge approach can also be defined and planned by an experienced project manager. Such a plan will consider possible regulatory compliance requirements as well.

Step 5: Periodic Audits

Periodic audits will help ensure compliance. Conduct them as needed or as things change in significant ways. Maintenance of zone plans and software security measures should be frequent. All documentation should be kept up to date.

1.All persons listed in this sidebar are fictional. Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely noncoincidentally intentional.


To the degree that some information must be made available only to a certain group of people, this determines the level of restriction needed. Unauthorized access to information must be prevented. In areas of the network where information transmissions are uncontrolled and breach the perimeter, encryption of confidential data must occur.

This is especially true of wireless networks. Frequently, wireless networks are set up with weak, flawed, or no security.

How PKI Encryption Works

In this scenario of message encryption, as shown in Figure 13.3, the infrastructure relies on the use of a public key to encrypt any message sent. This is called public key cryptography. Traditionally, cryptography relies on a secret key used for both encryption and decryption. The most serious flaw of this method is that the secret key can be uncovered, discovered, or stolen.


Figure 13.3 Step 1: The email requests the public key for the targeted recipient. Step 2: The email message is encrypted using the public key. Step 3: The email is unencrypted using the private key.

A public key cryptography approach has a higher level of trust because, on the Internet, the transmission of a private key could be intercepted. So, the public key infrastructure is the preferred approach on the Internet. (The private key system is sometimes known as symmetric cryptography and the public key system as asymmetric cryptography.)

A public key infrastructure requires the following components:

• The certificate authority (CA) that performs the following functions:

• Issues and verifies digital certificate that includes the public key

• A registration authority (RA):

• Provides verification for the certificate authority

• Issues the digital certificate to a requestor

• Storage directories to house the certificates and public keys.

• A system of certificate management.

In public key cryptography, when someone uses the service, a public and private key are simultaneously created using the same algorithm, such as the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm. The certificate authority creates the key.

Subsequently, the private key is sent only to the requesting party. Then, the public key is made available in a common storage location as defined above. The private key remains private.

The private key is then used to decrypt information that has been encrypted by someone else using your public key. People using the public key system can find another user’s public key in a central repository and use it to encrypt information that they are sending to them. Users then decrypt the message using their private key. In fact, a message encrypted using a public key can only be decrypted in this fashion.

A number of services, such as RSA, Verisign, and PGP, are all examples of companies in this vertical. Each of them provides PKI services.


Information should never be transmitted in ways that may disturb the integrity of the files or data. Unauthorized personnel should not be able to destroy or alter data. Hash values for files should be stored and transmitted with the file and accessed programmatically for validation.


Information that is so locked down that it is nearly inaccessible reduces the efficiency of operations. Information should be readily accessible to those who are authorized to view it.

Cryptographic Standards and Protocols: Block Ciphers—Approved Algorithms

Block ciphers utilize mathematical formulas that, when operated in cryptography, are called algorithms, and different flavors of algorithms are called ciphers. Block ciphers are a type of algorithm that converts plaintext into cypher text. They are called “block” ciphers because they work by enciphering a preset size of text at a time. Three well-known block ciphers are AES, Triple DES, and Skipjack.


AES, published in FIPS 197 in February 2001, replaced DES. The government reviewed several different algorithms, but ultimately chose the Rijndael encryption algorithm to serve as a FIPS-approved symmetric encryption algorithm. The primary consideration here is that, by virtue of publishing under FIPS, the government created a standard whereby the U.S. government organizations (and others) may protect sensitive information.

Federal agencies also review the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance, which suggests that AES is a standard that will be secure for 20 to 30 years. Furthermore, the OMB guidance warns agencies that the loss of cryptographic keys presents a risk to the availability of information needed to accomplish critical mission tasks and objectives.3

In today’s world of extremely complex communication systems, the need for a full understanding of security, which includes a detailed understanding of the business itself first, has never been more apparent. The ability to protect and secure information depends entirely on the ability of those doing the protecting to understand the business. It cannot be solely dependent on the mathematical strengths of the encryption algorithm or the ability of someone to classify certain information. Likewise, you cannot count on the classification of the material to always be an accurate predictor of which encryption algorithm to use. Flexibility MUST be built into the system. There MUST be a way for the governing organization to stop, look, and listen. Many factors must be considered in choosing an algorithm and process for encryption, and these factors may, of course, change over time. An inflexible policy risks failure. The following factors are most relevant:

• How well the implementation of the algorithm will perform in specific software, firmware, or hardware configurations;

• The ability to develop a functional key management system, or of the algorithm to mesh with an existing solution;

• The fragility of the of the information to be protected; and/or

• Any requirements to interoperate, globally, where encryption algorithm restrictions may exist.

Considered in total, these requirements demand the implementation of a flexible implementation and policy that mixes the best of breed software with best practices derived from the individual business requirements.4

2 Summary

Ultimately, the best encryption protocol would be completely seamless, effective, and transparent. A seamless encryption utility would provide, across the enterprise, a single-console approach to management. Phones, PDAs, hard drives, servers, network communications, and the like, all could be added to the encryption layer with the drag of a mouse. An effective algorithm is one that is not just unbreakable in the near foreseeable future, but rather, is simply unbreakable. A transparent system would provide encryption services without any observation by the user. They would not know, nor would they have reason to know, that their emails are encrypted using PKC technology. Unfortunately, modern information technology has not been able to provide any sort of all-encompassing program for managing secure communications. In the meantime, it is up to information technologists to cobble together a best of breed solution that protects and secures information simultaneously.

Finally, let’s move on to the real interactive part of this chapter: review questions/exercises, hands-on projects, case projects, and optional team case project. The answers and/or solutions by chapter can be found in the Online Instructor’s Solutions Manual.

Chapter Review Questions/Exercises


1. True or False? Encryption provides an insecure layer, at the storage byte level, under which information can be secured from prying eyes.

2. True or False? Ultimately, the gain of enough data, especially were it due to incompetence, could be a business-ending event.

3. True or False? Ensuring that files are encrypted in storage everywhere allows the files to be protected in the event of a breach of physical security.

4. True or False? The cost of implementing an encryption policy pales in comparison to the cost of a data loss due to a breach or to release of data simply because Joe Smith left his laptop on the train. In an interesting, real-life situation, the author of this chapter did, in fact, once find a small box of hard drives in a bag on a train.

5. True or False? Encryption also introduces additional levels of difficulty in the event of corruption.

Multiple Choice

1. The data must be delivered to the following unencrypted DR site:

A. Qualitative analysis

B. Vulnerabilities

C. Log

D. Encrypted


2. Which unencrypted backup site should be manned accessed with only biometric access controls and no Internet or network connectivity?

A. Firewall

B. Risk assessment

C. Scale

D. Access

E. Active monitoring

3. As physical security and controls increase, the need for encryption does which one of the following:

A. Organizations

B. Fabric

C. Decreases

D. Logs

E. Security

4. Who or what should consider and design a program that understands and includes recipient and sender environments, and ensures that data encryption and decryption are as seamless and unintrusive as possible?

A. Organizations

B. Denial-of-service attack

C. WPA2-Personal

D. Small networks

E. Taps

5. Deciding which area is more likely to be attacked first requires some __________decisions that may, down the road, turn out to be wrong.

A. Systems security plan

B. Consumer privacy protection

C. Administrators

D. Decision making

E. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)



What are the cryptographic module specification types?

Hands-On Projects


What is cryptographic key management?

Case Projects


What types of self-tests must the cryptographic module perform?

Optional Team Case Project


What is the minimum information required in a cryptographic module security policy?

2.The diagram in Figure 13.2 represents the author’s viewpoint of how encryption might be deployed across a network that he just imagined in his head. The purpose of this is to create a model, a framework of sorts, that can be copied and adjusted as needed. It is meant to start a conversation, not end one.


4.Additional information regarding the use of AES can be found in CNSS Policy No. 15, Fact Sheet No. 1 National Policy on the Use of the AES to Protect National Security Systems and National Security Information, June 2003.

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