

2D Extractor field solver (Ansoft), 166, 170, 215, 229, 234, 278, 280, 297305, 315, 389, 391

2D field solvers, 40

capacitance per length, calculating, 160, 164, 165168

characteristic impedance, calculating, 300306

differential impedance, calculating, 258259

LaPlace’s Equation, 471

Maxwell capacitance matrix, 471477

odd and even modes, determining, 269, 311

3D field solvers, 29, 32, 40, 190192, 212213

3-dB bandwidth of an interconnect, 85

3M C-Ply, 16, 158

50-Ohm transmission line

magnitude of S21 for, 644649

phase of S21 for, 641644

75-Ohm transmission line, 640

AN-905 National Semiconductor application note, 552

86100 DCA (Agilent), 339340, 362, 365367, 371

86100 DCA TDR, 45, 582


Acond, 427, 646

AdB, 419, 439

Adiel, 646

An, 65, 418

AC resistance. See impedance

AC simulation, 118

acceptance mask, 384

active CTLE (continuous-time linear equalizer), 451

active net, 457. See also cross talk

adjacent traces, coupling to, 386

ADS (Advanced System Designer), 101, 543, 544, 562, 591594

Advanced System Designer (ADS), 543, 544, 562, 591594

aggressor net, 457. See also cross talk


86100 DCA TDR, 45, 339340, 362, 365367, 371, 582

ADS (Advanced System Designer), 543, 544, 562, 591594

DCA86100, 45

N5230 VNA, 627629, 637, 647, 649, 651654, 667, 675

PLTS, 629, 644, 667, 675, 678680

Alloy 42, 179, 229231

alloys, 179, 229

Altera Stratix II GX FPGA, 697, 784

aluminum, 179

American wire gauge (AWG), 138

amplitude, 59

analytical approximations, 3940

angular frequency, 109

anomalous dispersion, 417

anomalous phase shift, 417


2D Extractor field solver, 166, 170, 215, 229, 234, 278, 280, 297305, 315, 389, 391

High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS), 31

Q3D field solver, 190, 213, 215

SI2D field solver, 167, 428, 469, 475, 479, 495, 500, 504, 518519, 546551, 554, 555570

antipad clearance holes, 448449, 690

anti-symmetric waveforms, 64

approximations, 37, 3940

analytical, 3940

attenuation, 423433

characteristic impedance, 297300

FEXT (far-end cross talk), 498503

loop inductance, 202204, 724733

lossy transmission line modeling, 405413

number of capacitors, 754756

numerical-simulation tools, 41

parallel plate approximation, 152153

resistance of interconnect, 133136

rules of thumb, 3738

Archambeault, Bruce, 37

asymmetry in differential pairs, 539, 584, 590595, 599, 600, 673674

attenuation, 645

approximations, 423433

attenuation per length, 432

coax cables, 264

decibels and, 417423

definition of, 431432

equalization, 450452

high-frequency components, 7071

AVX data sheets, 743744, 773

AWG (American wire gauge), 138

axial lead, 125126


backward cross-talk coefficient, 494, 579

backward noise. See NEXT (near-end cross talk)

backward-moving current, 486489, 491

balanced lines, 244

balanced S-parameters, 663668

ball grid arrays (BGAs). See BGAs (ball grid arrays)


clock frequency and, 7880

definition of, 69

interconnects, 8588, 438444

measurements, 8082

models, 8384

real signals, 7778

rise time and, 6873

barium titanate, 154155, 158, 179

basis functions, 55

behavioral models, 619. See also S-parameters

Bell, Alexander Graham, 420

Bells (Bels) scale, 420

Bessel functions, 55, 736, 739

BGAs (ball grid arrays), 10, 251, 295296, 654, 711, 722, 726, 735738

bismaleimide triazine (BT), 165

bit error rate, 383384, 447, 673, 681

blind vias, 448449, 672

BNC connectors, 161, 262

bounce diagrams, 333335

bound charges, 105

broadside-coupled stripline, 557, 559560

Brooks, Doug, 366367

BT (bismaleimide triazine), 165

bulk capacitors, 705706

bulk decoupling capacitors, 158, 705, 715716, 749751, 754, 767, 786

bulk dielectric constant, 169171

bulk resistivity, 135, 136137, 388

buried vias, 448449, 672

bus noise, 504505, 508, 510511

BWclock, 80

BWmodel, 311, 312

BWsig, 312

BWTL, 439


C0L, 369, 370

C10, 467

C11, 545550, 611

C12, 467, 519, 545550, 609, 611

C24, 467

C30, 467

Cbulk, 705

Ccorner, 364

Cfilled, 169

CL, 159164, 255, 258, 285, 292295, 364, 376, 408, 413, 425, 494, 608

Cload, 609, 611

Cmax, 359

Cm, 481

CmL, 481488, 494, 498

Codd, 609

Cplanes, 751, 762

Ctotal, 294295

Cvia1, 435436

Cvia2, 435436

calculation, creating models from, 3641


2D field solvers, 165168

capacitance per length, 159165

capacitance-matrix elements, 608612

capacitive delay adders, 359361

capacitive end terminations, reflections from, 353356

capacitive loads in middle of trace, 356359

coax cable, 160

decoupling, 156158

definition of, 103104

dielectric constant, 153156

displacement current, 149150

effective dielectric constant, 168171

effects of corners and vias, 361367

Maxwell capacitance matrix, 471477

measurement of, 147149

mutual capacitance, 461

on-die capacitance, 707710

parallel plate approximation, 152153

polarization current, 150

between power and group planes, 156158

of a sphere, 150152

SPICE capacitance matrix, 467471

capacitive delay adders, 359361

capacitive discontinuities, 356359

capacitive end terminations, reflections from, 353356

capacitive loads in middle of trace, reflections from, 356359

capacitively coupled current, 461462


bulk decoupling capacitors, 158, 705706, 715716, 749751, 754, 767, 786

chip capacitors, 703

combining in parallel, 740745

controlled resistance capacitors, 743

cost per nH, 756760

decoupling, 715717

electrolytic capacitors, 702, 704705, 749

IDCs (interdigitated capacitors), 774776

ideal capacitors, 103107

MLCC (multilayer ceramic chip capacitors), 703, 717721, 786

mounting, 733739

number of, 754756

PRF (parallel resonant frequency), 746747, 760762

reverse aspect ratio capacitors, 773

tantalum capacitors, 702, 704705

values, 748753

X2Y capacitors, 722, 775776

carbon, 179

Cartesian plots, 627

causal models, 155

cavity spreading inductance, 724, 738, 769

center-to-center separation, 191192, 196, 198199, 203204, 726

ceramics, 249250

characteristic impedance, 259266, 269270

calculating with 2D field solver, 300306

calculating with approximations, 297300

characteristic impedance matrix, 612615

characteristic impedance of free space, 262266

definition of, 259260

frequency variation of, 314316

lossy transmission lines, 413415

odd-mode characteristic impedance, 566

characteristic impedance matrix, 612615

chassis ground, 240

chip capacitors, 703

chip-fabrication factories, 24

chip-package combination, impact of impedance on, 785789

chip-scale packages (CSPs), 10

chokes, 19, 95, 599600

circuit ground, 240

circuit model. See models and modeling

circuit simulators, 2933

circuit theory, 117121, 408

circuit topology, 115, 121126

circular magnetic-field lines, 176181

clearance holes

antipad clearance holes, 448449, 690

loop inductance and, 214215

clock cycle, 2125

clock frequency

bandwidth and, 7880

trends in, 2026

clock period, 5253

coax cable, 261

capacitance per length, 160

unbalanced nature of, 244

cobalt, 179, 229231

collapse of the eye, 681

combining capacitors in parallel, 740745

common impedance, 567570

common signals, 664

chokes, 599

converting differential signals to, 590595

EMI (electromagnetic interference), 595600

in LVDS (low-voltage differential signals), 537

odd- and even-mode voltage components, 570572

pi and tee topologies, 585589

S-parameters, 663668

terminating, 583590

compensation, 375377

complex dielectric constant, 432

complex impedance of inductor, 114

conductivity, 136137

conductor loss, 70, 387392

conductor resistance, skin depth and, 387392

contacts, loop inductance via, 211214

continuous-time linear equalizer (CTLE), 451

controlled resistance capacitors, 743

controlled-impedance interconnect, 256

controlled-impedance lines, 243244, 259262


differential signals to common signals, 590595

to mixed-mode S-parameters, 675676

convolution integral, 679

coplanar, 168, 234, 243244

copper, 179

capacitance, 158, 167

copper puddle, 764

current distributions, 220229

loop self-inductance, 39, 203204

permeability of the conductor, 229231

resistance, 131132

analytical approximation for, 133136

bulk resistivity, 135, 136137, 388

ideal resistors, impedance of, 102103

resistance per length, 138139

resistor elements, 98

sheet resistance, 139143

volume resistivity, 138

skin depth and, 220229

speed of electrons in, 245247

copper puddle, 764

corners, effects of, 361367

cosine waves, 111113

Coulombs, 147

coupled currents

capacitively coupled currents, 485489

inductively coupled currents, 489493


to adjacent traces, 386

capacitively coupled currents, 485489

coupled currents

capacitively coupled currents, 485489

inductively coupled currents, 489493

ideal coupled transmission-line model, 579580

ideal differential pair, 506

impact on differential impedance, 545551

inductively coupled currents, 489493

origin of, 460462

to other transmission lines, 649656

tightly coupled differential pairs, 607608

C-Ply, 16, 158

critical nets, 29

cross talk, 1113, 457458. See also ground bounce (switching noise)

active net/aggressor net, 457

capacitively coupled currents, 485489

causes of, 94

coupling, 460462

dielectric constant and, 519520

differential pairs, 601604

equivalent circuit model, 464466

FEXT (far-end cross talk)

decreasing, 503505

definition of, 462464

differential pairs, 573578

estimating, 498503

features of, 496497

ideal differential pairs, 579580

fringe fields, 460

guard traces, 512519

inductance matrix, 478

inductively coupled currents, 489493

Maxwell capacitance matrix, 471477

minimizing, 13

mutual capacitance, 461

mutual inductance, 461

NEXT (near-end cross talk), 492495

definition of, 462464

ideal differential pairs, 579580

quiet net/victim net, 457

reducing, 528

saturation length, 479485

simulating, 505512

SPICE capacitance matrix, 467471

superposition, 459460

switching noise, 524528

timing, 521524

in uniform transmission lines, 479485

CSPs (chip-scale packages), 10

CTLE (continuous-time linear equalizer), 451

current distributions

eddy currents, 232235

image current, 232233

skin depth and, 220229


damping, 652653, 752, 785787

data mining S-parameters, 661663

dB. See decibels (dB)

DCA86100 (Agilent), 12

decibels (dB)

attenuation and, 417423

S-parameters, 624625

decision-feedback equalization (DFE), 452

decoupling capacitance, 156158, 715717

decreasing FEXT (far-end cross talk), 503505

de-emphasis, 451452


delay adders

capacitive delay adders, 359361

definition of, 360

time delay (TD), 250, 349

wiring delay, 251

delay adders

capacitive delay adders, 359361

definition of, 360

delta I noise. See ground bounce (switching noise)

design guidelines for PDN (power distribution network), 690691, 772777, 789792

design guidelines for signal integrity, 797803

design methodology

components of, 2729

need for, 2627

device under test (DUT), 4243, 623626

DFE (decision-feedback equalization), 452

DFT (discrete Fourier transform), 6061

diagrams, bounce, 333335

dI/dt, 12, 19, 216, 489490. See also ground bounce (switching noise)

dielectric constant, 153, 249250, 364, 399

bulk dielectric constant, 169171

complex dielectric constant, 432

cross talk and, 519520

definition of, 399, 432

effective dielectric constant, 168171

imaginary part of, 432

real part of, 432

relative dielectric constant, 153156

dielectric loss, 70. See also dielectric constant

definition of, 387

leakage current, 392396

reorientation of permanent electric dipoles, 394396

dielectric spectroscopy, 398

differential impedance

calculating, 552554

impact from coupling, 545551

with no coupling, 541545

differential insertion loss, 668672

differential pairs. See also differential signaling

asymmetry in, 539, 584, 590595, 599, 600, 673674

characteristic impedance matrix, 612615

common impedance, 567570

cross talk, 601604

definition of, 533534, 538

differential impedance

calculating, 552554

impact from coupling, 545551

with no coupling, 541545

EMI (electromagnetic interference), 595600

even-mode impedance

calculating from capacitance- and inductance-matrix elements, 608612

definition of, 565

measuring, 567570, 580582

even-mode state, 561566

velocity of, 573578

voltage components, 570572

features of, 538541

FEXT (far-end cross talk), 573578

gaps in return path, 604607

ideal differential pairs, 506, 579580

odd-mode impedance

calculating from capacitance- and inductance-matrix elements, 608612

definition of, 565

measuring, 566567, 580582

odd-mode state, 561566

velocity of, 573578

voltage components, 570572

proximity effect, 547

return-current distribution, 555561

tightly coupled, 607608

differential signaling, 664

advantages of, 533534

converting to common signals, 590595

definition of, 533

disadvantages of, 534

LVDS (low-voltage differential signals), 534538, 584

odd- and even-mode voltage components, 570572

peak-to-peak value, 537

S-parameters, 663668

terminating, 583590

differential S-parameters, 663668, 675676

differential TDR (DTDR), 582

digital multimeters (DMMs), 267

DIP (dual in-line package), 243

dipole moment, 397

dipoles, 394396

dielectric constant and, 154155

dipole moment, 397

dissipation factor and, 396405

reorientation of, 394396

discontinuity, 321323. See also reflections

compensation, 375377

definition of, 8

effects of, 711

inductive discontinuities, 370375

non-monotonicity, 371372

unintentional discontinuities, 340342

discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 6061

dispersion, 250, 416417

displacement current, 105, 149150

dissipation factor, 155, 396405, 432

distributions (current), skin depth and, 220229

DMMs (digital multimeters), 267

domains. See frequency domains; time domains

double bonding, 198

driving transmission lines, 271274

DTDR (differential TDR), 582

dual in-line package (DIP), 243

DUT (device under test), 4243, 337339, 623626

dV/dt, 19, 149, 276, 353357, 470, 472, 475, 480, 482, 485, 497


earth ground, 240

eddy currents, 232235

effective dielectric constant, 168171

effective inductance, 181, 193199, 220

efficiency of conductors, 103104

eigenfunctions, 55

electric dipoles. See dipoles

electrical models. See models and modeling

electrical simulations, 2933

electrolytic capacitors, 702, 704705, 749

electromagnetic (EM) simulators, 2933

electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), 36

electromagnetic interference. See EMI (electromagnetic interference)

electron velocity, 245247

electronic product trends, 2026

EM (electromagnetic) simulators, 2933

embedded microstrips, 170

EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), 36

EMI (electromagnetic interference), 4, 1719

common signals and, 595600

sources of, 95

emulation. See simulations

epoxy resin, 155

equalization, 450452

equivalent circuit models, 115117, 408, 464466

equivalent inductance, 216219, 220

equivalent series inductance (ESL), 208, 721724

ESL (equivalent series inductance), 208, 721724

ether, 105

even-mode impedance

calculating from capacitance- and inductance-matrix elements, 608612

definition of, 565

measuring, 567570, 580582

even-mode state, 561566

velocity of, 573578

voltage components, 570572

eye diagrams, 448450, 680


Fclock, 52, 80

Fmax, 760763, 769, 782, 791

fmax, 713, 754

fres, 308, 652653

fabs, 24

Farads, 147

far-end cross talk. See FEXT (far-end cross talk)

fast Fourier transform (FFT), 61

FCC (Federal Communications Commission) certification tests, 2425

FDTIM (Frequency-Domain Target Impedance Method), 766772

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certification tests, 2425

feed-forward equalization (FFE), 451452

ferrite chokes, 19, 95, 599600

ferromagnetic metals, 179, 229

FEXT (far-end cross talk)

decreasing, 503505

definition of, 462464

differential pairs, 573578

estimating, 498503

features of, 496497

ideal differential pairs, 579580

FFE (feed-forward equalization), 451452

FFT (fast Fourier transform), 61

FI (Fourier integral), 60

field solvers

2D field solvers, 40

capacitance per length, calculating, 160, 164, 165168

characteristic impedance, calculating, 300306

differential impedance, calculating, 258259

LaPlace’s Equation, 471

Maxwell capacitance matrix, 471477

odd and even modes, determining, 269, 311

3D field solvers, 29, 32, 40, 190192, 212213

fields, fringe, 460

filters, “windowing,” 6263

first harmonic, 63

first-order models

definition of, 116

of transmission lines, 291297, 406

forward noise. See FEXT (far-end cross talk)

Fourier integral (FI), 60

Fourier transforms, 6062

DFT (discrete Fourier transform), 6061

FFT (fast Fourier transform), 61

FI (Fourier integral), 60

inverse Fourier transform, 6668

free space, characteristic impedance of, 264


angular frequency, 109

definition of, 5859

high frequency, 229

Nyquist frequency, 25

PRF (parallel resonant frequency), 746747, 760762

SRF (self-resonant frequency), 207

definition of, 720

optimizing, 746747

frequency domains


clock frequency and, 7880

definition of, 69

of interconnects, 8588

of measurements, 8082

of models, 8384

of real signals, 7778

bandwidth and rise time, 6873

current distributions

eddy currents, 232235

image current, 232233

skin depth and, 220229

definition of, 54

FDTIM (Frequency-Domain Target Impedance Method), 766772

Fourier transforms, 6062

DFT (discrete Fourier transform), 6061

FFT (fast Fourier transform), 61

FI (Fourier integral), 60

inverse Fourier transform, 6668

impedance in, 109114

S-parameters, 676681

time to solution in, 5657


anti-symmetric, 64

significant components, 7377

sine wave features, 5456, 5860

spectrum of ideal square wave, 6466

spectrum of repetitive signal, 6263

wavelets, 54

frequency variation of characteristic impedance, 314316

frequency-dependent losses, 1011

Frequency-Domain Target Impedance Method (FDTIM), 766772

fringe fields, 460

fully embedded microstrips, 170, 499504

functions, orthonormal, 55


GL, 408, 413, 427

gaps in return path, 604607

garbage in, garbage out (GIGO), 35

Gigabit Ethernet, 25, 26

GigaTest Labs Probe Station, 45, 362, 365367, 371

GIGO (garbage in, garbage out), 35

glass, 155, 249250

gold, 134135, 138, 179

Grasso, Charles, 213, 215

Green’s function of the interconnect, 679

ground, 240242

chassis ground, 240

circuit ground, 240

earth ground, 240

ground lines. See return paths

ground bounce (switching noise), 12, 216, 462, 524528, 686687

causes of, 94

definition of, 283

inductance, 193199

ground lines. See return paths

ground plane capacitance, 156158

guard traces, 512519


habits, 2728

hacking interconnects, 622623

Hamming filters, 6263

Hanning filters, 6263

HDIs (high-density interconnects), 13

Henry, 180

Hermite polynomials, 55

HFSS ( High Frequency Structure Simulator), 31

high frequency, 229

High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS), 31

high-density interconnects (HDIs), 13

high-frequency regime, 3

high-permeability materials, 229231

high-speed regime, 3

high-speed serial links, 26

humidity, 398


Ia, 525

IC, 481488

Icomm, 598

Iinc, 326327

Ileakage, 393

Imax, 695696

Ione, 541542, 549

Ipeak, 696

Irefl, 326327

Itransient, 694698

Itrans, 326327

IBIS (input/output buffer interface) models, 3435

IC (integrated circuit), 270

IDCs (interdigitated capacitors), 288, 774776

ideal capacitors, impedance of, 103107

ideal circuit elements, 99102

ideal coupled transmission-line model, 579580

ideal differential pairs, 506, 579580

ideal inductors, impedance of, 107109

ideal resistors, impedance of, 102103

ideal square wave, spectrum of, 6466

image current, 232233

imaginary part of dielectric constant, 432

impedance. See also discontinuity; reflections

best design practices, 8

characteristic impedance, 259266, 269270

calculating with 2D field solver, 300306

calculating with approximations, 297300

characteristic impedance matrix, 612615

characteristic impedance of free space, 262266

definition of, 259260

frequency variation of, 314316

of lossy transmission lines, 413415

odd-mode characteristic impedance, 566

circuit theory, 117121

common impedance, 567570

controlled-impedance interconnect, 256

controlled-impedance lines, 243244, 259262

definition of, 93, 9798

differential impedance

calculating, 552554

impact from coupling, 545551

with no coupling, 541545

discontinuity, 8

equivalent electric circuit model, 115117

even-mode impedance

calculating from capacitance- and inductance-matrix elements, 608612

definition of, 565

measuring, 567570, 580582

FDTIM (Frequency-Domain Target Impedance Method), 766772

in frequency domains, 57, 109114

impact on chip-package combination, 785789

impedance analyzers, 4243

impedance profiles, sculpting, 766772

input impedance, 266271

instantaneous impedance, 252259, 269

magnitude of, 111, 414415, 644649

measurement-based modeling, 121126

odd-mode impedance

calculating from capacitance- and inductance-matrix elements, 608612

definition of, 565

measuring, 566567, 580582

port impedance, 639640

insertion loss for non-50-Ohm transmission line, 655661

magnitude of S21 for 50-Ohm transmission line, 644649

phase of S21 for 50-Ohm transmission line, 641644

real versus ideal circuit elements, 99102

signal-integrity generalizations, 1920

signal-integrity solutions and, 9497

source impedance, 331333

SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis), 706707

target impedance, 688689, 691700, 763765

in time domains

ideal capacitors, 103107

ideal inductors, 107109

ideal resistors, 102103

impedance analyzers, 4243

impedance discontinuities. See discontinuity

impulse response, 677679

induced voltage, 184186


cavity spreading inductance, 724, 738, 769

current distributions, skin depth and, 220229

definition of, 175176, 219, 235

eddy currents, 232235

effective inductance, 181, 193199, 220

equivalent inductance, 220

equivalent inductance of multiple inductors, 216219

ESL (equivalent series inductance), 208, 721724

ground bounce, 193199

high-permeability materials, 229231

inductance matrix, 478

inductance-matrix elements, calculating odd and even modes from, 608612

inductively coupled currents, 489493

loop inductance, 181

approximations, 202204, 724733

definition of, 219

inductance per square, 210211

loop mutual inductance, 216, 219

loop self-inductance, 219

loop spreading inductance, 729731

measurement of, 199204

PDN (power distribution network) and, 204209

per square of planes, 210211

of planes and via contacts, 211214

of planes with field of clearance holes, 214215

sheet inductance, 210211

magnetic-field lines

changes in number of, 184186

direction of, 177

explained, 176179

number of, 179181

mutual inductance, 181184

definition of, 219, 461

partial mutual inductance, 220

net inductance, 181, 193199, 220

partial inductance, 181, 187192

definition of, 219

partial mutual inductance, 192, 220

partial self-inductance, 187191, 220

principles of, 176186

self-inductance, 181184

definition of, 219

partial mutual inductance, 192

partial self-inductance, 187191, 220

sheet inductance, 727

spreading inductance, 212213, 777785

summary of, 219220

total inductance, 181, 193199, 220

inductance matrix, 478

inductance per square, 210211

inductive discontinuities, reflections from, 370375

inductively coupled current, 461462

inductors, ideal, 107109

InfiniBand, 26

input impedance, 266271

input ports, 625

input/output buffer interface (IBIS) models, 3435

insertion loss, 433, 645

definition of, 631635

differential insertion loss, 668672

for non-50-Ohm transmission lines, 655661

transparent interconnect, 636639

uniform transmission lines, 644649

instantaneous impedance, 252259, 269

integrated circuit (IC), 270

integrated passive devices (IPDs), 125126

interconnects, 175176. See also impedance; inductance

bandwidth of, 8588, 438444


2D field solvers, 165168

capacitive delay adders, 359361

capacitive end terminations, 353356

capacitive loads in middle of trace, 356359

coax cable, 160

decoupling, 156158

dielectric constant, 153156

displacement current, 149150

effective dielectric constant, 168171

effects of corners and vias, 361367

Maxwell capacitance matrix, 471477

measurement of, 147149

mutual capacitance, 461

parallel plate approximation, 152153

per length, 159165

polarization current, 150

between power and group planes, 156158

of a sphere, 150152

SPICE capacitance matrix, 467471

Green’s function of the interconnect, 679

hacking, 622623

Maxwell’s Equations, 131132

resistance, 131132

analytical approximation for, 133136

bulk resistivity, 135, 136137, 388

conductor resistance and skin depth, 387392

resistance per length, 138139

sheet resistance, 139143

volume resistivity, 138

transparent interconnect, 636638

interdigitated capacitors (IDCs), 288, 774776

International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 2122

intersymbol interference (ISI), 1011, 381, 382385

intrinsic rise time, 8687

inverse Fourier transform, 6668

IPDs (integrated passive devices), 125126

IR drop, 688

iron, 179, 229231

ISI (intersymbol interference), 1011, 381, 382385

ITRS ( International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors), 2122


jitter, 14, 382385, 681

kb. See backward cross-talk coefficient

kf, 498

Kapton, 398

Keysight PLTS, 33

Keysight Technology ADS (Advanced System Designer), 101

kink of field, 247, 248249

knee frequency, 74

Kovar, 179, 229231


Lab, 195, 200

Lb, 194, 195, 200

Leven, 611

LL, 292295, 369, 376, 408, 413, 425, 494, 498, 608

LLoop, 200203, 210, 478, 724727

Lmax, 373

LmL, 482, 494, 498

Lm, 216, 525526

Lmutual, 478

Lparallel, 218

Lpkg, 713, 791

Lself, 39

Lself-return, 478

Lself-signal, 478

Lseries, 218

Lspread, 729, 782

Lstub-max, 352

Ltotal, 195, 294295

Lvia, 436

Lvia-via, 731, 758

Laguerre polynomials, 55

LaPlace’s Equation, 165, 471

lattice diagrams, 333335

lead, 179

leading edge, spatial extent of, 251252

leakage current, 392396

Legendre polynomials, 55

Lenmax, 344, 350

Lensat, 484, 578

Lenstub, 671


capacitance per, 159165

resistance per, 138139

Lentz’s Law, 490

line drivers, 274

line parameters, 292, 408

loaded lines, 367370

loop inductance, 181, 729731

approximations, 202204, 724733

definition of, 219

inductance per square, 210211

loop mutual inductance, 216, 219

loop self-inductance, 219

measurement of, 199204

PDN (power distribution network) and, 204209

per square of planes, 210211

of planes and via contacts, 211214

of planes with field of clearance holes, 214215

sheet inductance, 210211

loop mutual inductance, 219

loop self-inductance, 219

loop spreading inductance, 729731

loss angle, 402403, 432

lossless models, 385, 406

lossy transmission lines, 381382

acceptance mask, 384


approximations, 423433

attenuation per length, 432

dB and, 417423

decibels and, 417423

definition of, 431432

bandwidth of interconnect, 438444

characteristic impedance of, 413415

conductor loss, 70

conductor resistance and skin depth, 387392

coupling to adjacent traces, 386

definition of, 431

dielectric loss, 70

definition of, 387

leakage current, 392396

reorientation of permanent electric dipoles, 394396

dissipation factor, 396405, 432

equalization, 450452

eye diagrams, 448450

insertion loss, 433, 645

definition of, 631635

differential, 668672

differential insertion loss, 668672

for non-50-Ohm transmission lines, 655661

transparent interconnect, 636639

uniform transmission lines, 644649

ISI (intersymbol interference), 381, 382385

loss angle, 402403, 432

lossless model, 385

low-loss approximation, 410413

measured properties of, 433438

models and modeling, 405413

radiative loss, 386

return loss, 433, 631635

rise-time degradation, 385387, 442444

signal velocity, 415417

time-domain behavior, 445448

low-loss approximation, 410413

low-voltage differential signals (LVDS), 534538, 584

lumped-circuit models, 306314

LVDS (low-voltage differential signals), 534538, 584


magnetic-field lines

changes in number of, 184186

direction of, 177

explained, 176179

number of, 179181

magnetics, 600

magnitude of impedance, 111, 414415, 644649



characteristic impedance matrix, 612615

inductance matrix, 478

Maxwell capacitance matrix, 471477

S-parameter matrix elements, 627

SPICE capacitance matrix, 467471

Maxwell, James Clerk, 105

Maxwell capacitance matrix, 471477

Maxwell’s Equations, 3031, 132, 150151, 165, 490

Mears, James, 552

measured properties of lossy transmission lines, 433438

measurement-based modeling, 121126


bandwidth of, 8082

measurement-based modeling, 121126

role of, 4547

types of, 4245

impedance analyzers, 4243

TDR (time-domain reflectometer) plug-in, 4445

VNAs (vector-network analyzers), 4344

Mentor Graphics HyperLynx, 2

microstrips. See also differential pairs

capacitance per length, 163

definition of, 261

embedded microstrips, 170

fully embedded microstrips, 170, 499504

partially embedded microstrips, 170

unbalanced nature of, 244

microvias, 672

mixed-mode S-parameters, 663668, 675676

MLCC (multilayer ceramic chip capacitors), 703, 717721, 786

mode conversion quadrants, 672

mode conversion terms, 672674

models and modeling, 3436

bandwidth of, 8384

causal models, 155

creating models from calculation, 3641

definition of, 32, 96

equivalent circuit model, 464466

equivalent circuit models, 408

equivalent electric circuit model, 115117

first-order models

definition of, 116

of transmission lines, 291297, 406

ideal coupled transmission-line model, 579580

lossless models, 406

lossy transmission lines, 405413

measurement-based modeling, 121126

n-section lumped-circuit models, 306314, 385, 406

second-order models, 116

third-order models, 116

translating physical design into electrical performance, 132133

zeroth-order models, 256

modes of the pair, 561566

Moore’s Law, 2425

mounting capacitors, 733739

multilayer ball grid arrays. See BGAs (ball grid arrays)

multilayer ceramic chip capacitors (MLCC), 703, 717721, 786

multiple inductors, equivalent inductance of, 216219

mutual capacitance, 461

mutual inductance, 12, 181184

definition of, 219, 461

loop mutual inductance, 216

partial mutual inductance, 220


Nunique, 630

N5230 VNA (Agilent), 627629, 637, 647, 649, 651654, 667, 675

nanoHenry, 180

napers, 418

Napier, John, 418

napiers, 418

near-end cross talk (NEXT). See NEXT (near-end cross talk)

nepers, 418

net inductance, 181, 193199, 220

nets, signal integrity effects on, 711

NEXT (near-end cross talk), 492495

definition of, 462464

ideal differential pairs, 579580

nH, cost of, 756760

nickel, 179, 229231

noise, 49. See also cross talk; discontinuity; reflections

bus noise, 504505, 508, 510511

cross talk, 1113, 457458. See also ground bounce (switching noise)

active net/aggressor net, 457

capacitively coupled currents, 485489

causes of, 94

coupling, 460462

dielectric constant and, 519520

differential pairs, 601604

equivalent circuit model, 464466

FEXT (far-end cross talk), 462464, 496505, 573578, 579580

fringe fields, 460

guard traces, 512519

inductance matrix, 478

inductively coupled currents, 489493

Maxwell capacitance matrix, 471477

minimizing, 13

mutual capacitance, 461

mutual inductance, 461

NEXT (near-end cross talk), 462464, 492495, 579580

quiet net/victim net, 457

reducing, 528

saturation length, 479485

simulating, 505512

SPICE capacitance matrix, 467471

superposition, 459460

switching noise, 524528

timing, 521524

in uniform transmission lines, 479485

EMI (electromagnetic interference), 4, 1719

ground bounce, 12, 216, 462, 524528, 686687

causes of, 94

definition of, 283

inductance, 193199

ISI (intersymbol interference), 1011

rail collapse, 1417

“ringing,” 322, 334335

signal-integrity generalizations, 1920


definition of, 11

effects of, 11

undershoot, 321, 356359

non-50-Ohm transmission lines, insertion loss for, 655661

non-monotonicity, 371372

non-return-to-zero (NRZ), 25

nonuniform transmission lines, 243

NRZ (non-return-to-zero), 25

n-section lumped-circuit models, 306314, 385, 406

numerical-simulation tools, 2933, 41

Nyquist frequency, 25, 671


OC (optical carrier) spec, 25

odd waveforms, 64

odd-mode impedance

calculating from capacitance- and inductance-matrix elements, 608612

definition of, 565

measuring, 566567, 580582

odd-mode state, 561566

velocity of, 573578

voltage components, 570572

Ohmmeter, 268

Ohm’s Law, 103

on-die capacitance, 707710

on-die core power rail, 4

optical carrier (OC) spec, 25

optimizing mounting of capacitors, 733739

orthonormal functions, 55

output ports, 625


Pmax, 696

package barrier, 710715

PAM (pulse amplitude modulation), 2526

parallel, combining capacitors in, 740745

parallel plate approximation, 152153

parallel resonant frequency (PRF), 746747, 760762

parallel resonant peak, 741, 746747

parallel rods, capacitance per length, 161

parameter values, 115

parameters of transmission lines, 408

parasitic extraction, 40, 115, 132133

parasitic values, 115

partial inductance, 181, 187192

definition of, 219

partial mutual inductance, 192, 220

partial self-inductance, 187191, 220

partial mutual inductance, 192, 220

partial self-inductance, 187191, 220

partially embedded microstrips, 170


return paths, 239, 241

current flow, 274278

gaps in, 604607

switches of reference planes, 278291

signal paths, 239

PCI Express, 26

PCIe, 25

PDN (power distribution network), 4, 9495, 685


bulk decoupling capacitors, 158, 705706, 715716, 749751, 754, 767, 786

chip capacitors, 703

combining in parallel, 740745

controlled resistance capacitors, 743

cost per nH, 756760

decoupling capacitors, 715717

electrolytic capacitors, 702, 704705, 749

IDCs (interdigitated capacitors), 774776

MLCC (multilayer ceramic chip capacitors), 703, 717721, 786

mounting, 733739

number of, 754756

PRF (parallel resonant frequency), 746747, 760762

reverse aspect ratio capacitors, 773

SRF (self-resonant frequency), 720, 746747

tantalum capacitors, 702, 704705

values, 748753

X2Y capacitors, 722, 775776

design guidelines for, 690691, 772777, 789792

engineering, 701703

ESL (equivalent series inductance), 721724


FDTIM (Frequency-Domain Target Impedance Method), 766772

impact on chip-package combination, 785789

impedance profiles, sculpting, 766772

SPICE simulations, 706707

target impedance, 688689, 691700, 763765

IR drop, 688

loop inductance, 204209, 724733

on-die capacitance, 707710

package barrier, 710715

parallel resonant peak, 741, 746747

PRF (parallel resonant frequency), 746747, 760762

product PDN requirements, 700701

purpose of, 686689

spreading inductance, 777785

SRF (self-resonant frequency)

definition of, 720

optimizing, 746747

VRMs (voltage regulator modules), 701, 703706

peak-to-peak value, 537

permanent electric dipoles. See dipoles


of the conductor, 229

of dielectrics, 249

of free space, 249

high-permeability materials, 229231

phase (sine waves), 59

phase locked loop (PLL), 701

photolithography, 20

physical design, translating into electrical performance, 132133

pi termination strategy, 583590


capacitance, 156158

loop inductance

per square of planes, 210211

of planes and via contacts, 211214

of planes with field of clearance holes, 214215

resonances in the planes, 290

returns paths switching, 278291

plastic quad flat pack (PQFP), 3031, 135

PLL (phase locked loop), 701

PLTS (Agilent), 629, 644, 667, 675, 678680

point-to-point topology, termination strategy for, 345348

polar plots, 627

polarization, 105, 150

polyethylene, 161, 398

Polyimide, 398

port-labeling convention, 650


port assignments, 623626

port impedance, 639640

insertion loss for non-50-Ohm transmission line, 655661

magnitude of S21 for 50-Ohm transmission line, 644649

phase of S21 for 50-Ohm transmission line, 641644

port-labeling convention, 650

power distribution network. See PDN (power distribution network)

power integrity defined, 36

PQFP (plastic quad flat pack), 3031, 135

PRBS (pseudorandom bit sequence), 680

pre-emphasis, 451452

PRF (parallel resonant frequency), 746747, 760762


clock frequency, 2026

single-chip microprocessor-based systems, 21

product-design methodology

components of, 2729

need for, 2627

profiles (impedance), sculpting, 766772

properties of lossy transmission lines, 433438

proximity effect, 547

pseudorandom bit sequence (PRBS), 680

pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), 2526

Python, 33


Q3D field solver (Ansoft), 190, 213, 215

QFP (quad flat pack), 243

quad flat pack (QFP), 243

quarter wave stub resonance, 669671

QUCS (Quite Universal Circuit Simulator), 33, 118

questions and answers review, 819

quiet net, 457. See also cross talk

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator (QUCS), 33, 118


RAC, 406

rb, 151

RDC, 226, 406

Requiv, 586587

RHF, 227

Rleakage, 393

RL, 142, 406, 408, 411, 413, 425427

Rseries, 407

Rshunt, 407

Rsource, 273

Rsq, 140, 142

Rs, 333

Rterm, 543

Rt, 333

radians, 109

radiative loss, 386

rail collapse

definition of, 205

impedance and, 9495

noise, 1417

rail droop. See rail collapse

real part of dielectric constant, 432

real versus ideal circuit elements, 99102

reference planes

resonances in the planes, 290

returns paths switching, 278291

reflected waves, 622

reflection coefficient, 323324, 328331. See also S11

reflections, 321322

best design practices, 8

bounce diagrams, 333335

capacitive delay adders, 359361

from capacitive end terminations, 353356

from capacitive loads in middle of trace, 356359

causes of, 324328

compensation, 375377

definition of, 7

effects of corners and vias, 361367

at impedance changes, 323324

from inductive discontinuities, 370375

loaded lines, 367370

measuring with TDR, 337340

reflected waveforms, simulating, 335337

reflection coefficient, 323324, 328331

from resistive loads, 328331

from short series transmission lines, 348351

from short-stub transmission lines, 351353

source impedance, 331333

transmission line termination

strategy for point-to-point topology, 345348

when to terminate, 343345

unintentional discontinuities, 340342

relative dielectric constant. See dielectric constant

reorientation of permanent electric dipoles, 394396

repetitive signal, spectrum of, 6263

resistance, 131132. See also impedance

analytical approximation for, 133136

bulk resistivity, 135, 136137, 388

conductor resistance and skin depth, 387392

ideal resistors, 102103

resistance per length, 138139

resistor elements, 98

sheet resistance, 139143

volume resistivity, 138

resistive loads, reflections from, 328331

resistor elements, 98, 102103


definition of, 3031

in the planes, 290

PRF (parallel resonant frequency), 746747, 760762

quarter wave stub resonance, 669671

SRF (self-resonant frequency)

definition of, 720

optimizing, 746747

return loss, 433, 631635

return paths, 160, 239, 241

current flow, 274278

gaps in, 604607

switches of reference planes, 278291

return-current distribution, 555561

reverse aspect ratio capacitors, 773

review questions and answers, 819

“ringing” noise, 322, 334335

ripple, 205207, 640, 647, 658, 669, 688700

rise time

bandwidth and, 6873

capacitive loads in middle of trace, 356359

definition of, 5254

impedance and, 94

intrinsic rise time, 8687

rise-time degradation, 385387, 442444

rule of thumb for, 441

from short series transmission lines, 348351

from short-stub transmission lines, 351353

unterminated lines and, 343345

rise-time degradation, 385387, 442444

rods. See also center-to-center separation

parallel rods, 161

rod over plane, 162

rotation of dipoles, 394396

round-trip time of flight, 270271

RT. See rise time

RTin, 87, 442

RTinterconnect, 87

RTout, 87, 442

RTsignal, 444

RTTL, 440442


s. See center-to-center separation

S11, 43, 433, 627, 631

S12, 631

S21, 433, 631

magnitude of, 644649

phase of, 641644

S31, 442444, 650, 663

S32, 663

S33, 662

S41, 650, 663

S42, 662

S43, 650, 662, 681

SdB, 624

Sd, 675676

Smag, 624

Ss, 676

SATA (Serial ATA), 25, 26

saturation length, 479485

scalar-network analyzers, 622

scattering parameters. See S-parameters

SCD11, 673, 682

SCD12, 666, 673, 675, 682

schematics, 32, 115

SCSI (small computer system interface), 268

sculpting impedance profiles, 766772

second harmonic, 63

second-order models, 116

self-inductance, 181184

definition of, 219

loop self-inductance, 219

partial mutual inductance, 192

partial self-inductance, 187191, 220

self-resonant frequency (SRF), 207

definition of, 720

optimizing, 746747

Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), 2026

Serial ATA (SATA), 25, 26

sheet inductance, 210211, 727

sheet resistance, 139143

short series transmission lines, reflections from, 348351

shorting vias, 209, 214, 516517

short-stub transmission lines, reflections from, 351353

SI2D field solver (Ansoft), 167, 428, 469, 475, 479, 495, 500, 504, 518519, 546551, 554, 555570

SIA (Semiconductor Industry Association), 2122

Siemens, 137

signal integrity defined, 36

signal integrity effects, rules to estimate, 805

signal paths, 160, 239

signal velocity, 416417

even-mode state, 573578

lossy transmission lines, 415417

odd-mode state, 573578

transmission lines, 247251

signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 57

significant components, 7377

silicone, 398

silver, 179, 231

Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis. See SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis)

simulations, 2933

AC simulations, 118

cross talk, 505512

definition of, 96, 622

numerical-simulation tools, 41

QUCS (Quite Universal Circuit Simulator), 118

reflected waveforms, 335337

SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis), 117121, 706707

transient simulations, 118

simultaneous switching noise (SSN). See ground bounce (switching noise)

simultaneous switching output (SSO), 12

sine waves. See also S-parameters


clock frequency and, 7880

definition of, 69

of interconnects, 8588

of measurements, 8082

of models, 8384

of real signals, 7778

rise time and, 6873

features of, 5456, 5860

first harmonic, 63

Fourier transforms, 6062

impedance, 109114

inverse Fourier transform, 6668

second harmonic, 63

significant components, 7377


significant components, 7377

sine wave features, 5456, 5860

spectrum of ideal square wave, 6466

spectrum of repetitive signal, 6263

wavelets, 54

single-chip microprocessor-based systems, 21

single-ended S-parameters, 663668

single-ended transmission-line signal, 534535

skew, 11

skin depth

conductor resistance and, 387392

current distributions and, 220229

small computer system interface (SCSI), 268

SMT (surface-mount technology), 123126

SNR (signal-to-noise ratio), 57

solder balls, 685, 711, 723

solder mask, 170, 300, 503, 569570

source impedance, 331333

source-series termination, 345348

S-parameters, 99, 433

balanced S-parameters, 663668

behavioral model, 619620

Cartesian plots, 627

coupling to other transmission lines, 649656

data mining, 661663

dB and magnitude, 624625

definition of, 43, 621623

differential S-parameters, 663668

eye diagrams, 680

frequency behavior of, 627

frequency domains, 676681

importance of, 619620

insertion loss, 631635, 645

definition of, 631635

differential, 668672

differential insertion loss, 668672

for non-50-Ohm transmission lines, 655661

transparent interconnect, 636639

uniform transmission lines, 644649

magnitude of, 624, 644649

matrix elements, 627631

mixed-mode S-parameters, 663668, 675676

mode conversion terms, 672674

phase of, 641644

polar plots, 627

port assignments, 623626

port impedance, 639640

insertion loss for non-50-Ohm transmission line, 655661

magnitude of S21 for 50-Ohm transmission line, 644649

phase of S21 for 50-Ohm transmission line, 641644

port-labeling convention, 650

reflected signals, 43

reflection coefficient, 631

return loss, 631635

single-ended, 663668

time domains, 676681

transmission coefficient, 631

transparent interconnect, 636638

uniform 50-Ohn transmission line, 641644

spatial extent of leading edge, 251252

spectrum of waveform

definition of, 61, 63

of ideal square wave, 6466

of repetitive signal, 6263

spheres, capacitance of, 150152

SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis), 3233, 117121, 706707

capacitance matrix, 467471

QUCS (Quite Universal Circuit Simulator), 118

spread spectrum clocking (SSC), 4

spreading inductance, 212213, 777785

square of planes, loop inductance per, 210211

SRF (self-resonant frequency)

definition of, 720

optimizing, 746747

SSC (spread spectrum clocking), 4

SSN (simultaneous switching noise). See ground bounce (switching noise)

SSO (simultaneous switching output), 12

step edge, 677679

Stratix II GX FPGA (Altera), 697, 784

striplines. See also differential pairs

broadside-coupled stripline, 557, 559560

capacitance per length, 164

definition of, 261

unbalanced nature of, 244

superposition, 459460

surface-mount technology (SMT), 123126

switching noise. See ground bounce (switching noise)


Tclock, 52

tangent of loss angle. See dissipation factor

tantalum capacitors, 702, 704705

target impedance, 688689, 691700, 763765

TDA Systems IConnect software, 45, 339

TDadder, 374

TDLoad, 370

TDR ( time-domain reflection) response, 622, 677

TDRs (time-domain reflectometers), 12, 4445, 57, 337340, 580582, 622

TDT (time-domain transmitted) waves, 622

tee termination strategy, 583590

Teflon, 179, 398

Teledyne LeCroy SI Studio, 33

Teraspeed Consulting Group, 765


common signals, 583590

differential signaling, 583590

reflections from capacitive end terminations, 353356

source-series termination, 345348

strategy for point-to-point topology, 345348

when to terminate, 343345

third-order models, 116

tightly coupled differential pairs, 607608

time delay (TD), 250, 349, 521524

time domains, 5254


clock frequency and, 7880

definition of, 69

of interconnects, 8588

of measurements, 8082

of models, 8384

of real signals, 7778

rise time and, 6873

Fourier transforms, 6062

DFT (discrete Fourier transform), 6061

FFT (fast Fourier transform), 61

FI (Fourier integral), 60

inverse Fourier transform, 6668


of ideal capacitors, 103107

of ideal inductors, 107109

of ideal resistors, 102103

inverse Fourier transforms, 6668

lossy transmission line behavior, 445448

S-parameters, 676681


anti-symmetric, 64

significant components, 7377

spectrum of ideal square wave, 6466

spectrum of repetitive signal, 6263

wavelets, 54

time-domain reflection (TDR) response, 622, 677

time-domain reflectometers (TDRs), 12, 4445, 57, 337340, 580582, 622

time-domain transmitted (TDT) waves, 622

timing, cross talk and, 521524

tin, 179

topology, point-to-point, 345348

total inductance, 181, 193199, 220


capacitive loads in middle of trace, 356359

guard traces, 512519


Fourier transforms, 6062

inverse Fourier transform, 6668

transient simulations, 118

transistor-transistor logic (TTL) gates, 331

transmission coefficient, 324, 328

transmission lines, 102. See also ground bounce (switching noise); S-parameters

50-Ohm transmission lines

magnitude of S21 for, 644649

phase of S21 for, 641644

75-Ohm transmission lines, 640

balanced lines, 244

characteristic impedance, 259266, 269270

calculating with 2D field solver, 300306

calculating with approximations, 297300

characteristic impedance of free space, 264

definition of, 259260

famous characteristic impedances, 262266

frequency variation of, 314316

chassis ground, 240

circuit ground, 240

controlled-impedance lines, 243244, 259262

coupling to other transmission lines, 649656

cross talk, 1113, 457458

active net/aggressor net, 457

capacitively coupled currents, 485489

causes of, 94

coupling, 460462

dielectric constant and, 519520

differential pairs, 601604

equivalent circuit model, 464466

FEXT (far-end cross talk), 462464, 496505, 573578, 579580

fringe fields, 460

guard traces, 512519

inductance matrix, 478

inductively coupled currents, 489493

Maxwell capacitance matrix, 471477

minimizing, 13

mutual capacitance, 461

mutual inductance, 461

NEXT (near-end cross talk), 462464, 492495, 579580

quiet net/victim net, 457

reducing, 528

saturation length, 479485

simulating, 505512

SPICE capacitance matrix, 467471

superposition, 459460

switching noise, 524528

timing, 521524

in uniform transmission lines, 479485

definition of, 239240

differential pairs

asymmetry in, 539, 584, 590595, 599, 600, 673674

characteristic impedance matrix, 612615

common impedance, 567570

cross talk, 601604

definition of, 533534, 538

differential impedance, 541554

EMI (electromagnetic interference), 595600

even-mode impedance, 565, 567570, 580582, 608612

even-mode state, 561566, 570578

features of, 538541

FEXT (far-end cross talk), 573578

gaps in return path, 604607

ideal differential pair, 506

ideal differential pairs, 579580

odd-mode impedance, 565, 566567, 580582

odd-mode state, 561566, 570578

proximity effect, 547

return-current distribution, 555561

tightly coupled, 607608

differential signaling, 533537

converting to common signals, 590595

peak-to-peak value, 537

terminating, 583590

driving, 271274

earth ground, 240

first-order models, 291297

ideal coupled transmission-line model, 579580

input impedance, 266271

instantaneous impedance, 252259, 269

kink of field, 247, 248249

line parameters, 292, 408

lossless model, 385

lossy transmission lines, 381382

acceptance mask, 384

attenuation and dB, 417423

attenuation and decibels, 417423

attenuation approximations, 423433

bandwidth of interconnect, 438444

characteristic impedance, 413415

conductor resistance and skin depth, 387392

coupling to adjacent traces, 386

dielectric loss, 387, 392396

dissipation factor, 396405, 432

equalization, 450452

eye diagrams, 448450

insertion loss, 433, 631635, 636639, 644649, 655661, 668672

ISI (intersymbol interference), 381, 382385

loss angle, 402403, 432

low-loss approximation, 410413

measured properties of, 433438

modeling, 405413

radiative loss, 386

return loss, 433

rise-time degradation, 385387, 442444

signal velocity, 415417

time-domain behavior, 445448

nonuniform transmission lines, 243

n-section lumped-circuit models, 306314, 385, 406

reflections, 321322

bounce diagrams, 333335

capacitive delay adders, 359361

from capacitive end terminations, 353356

from capacitive loads in middle of trace, 356359

causes of, 324328

compensation, 375377

effects of corners and vias, 361367

at impedance changes, 323324

from inductive discontinuities, 370375

loaded lines, 367370

measuring with TDR, 337340

reflected waveforms, simulating, 335337

reflection coefficient, 323324, 328331

from resistive loads, 328331

from short series transmission lines, 348351

from short-stub transmission lines, 351353

source impedance, 331333

unintentional discontinuities, 340342

return paths, 239, 241

current flow, 274278

switches of reference planes, 278291

round-trip time of flight, 270271

signal paths, 239

single-ended transmission-line signal, 534535

spatial extent of leading edge, 251252

speed of electrons in copper, 245247


reflections from capacitive end terminations, 353356

strategy for point-to-point topology, 345348

when to terminate, 343345

transmission coefficient, 328

uniform transmission lines, 243244

voltage on signal line, 242243

zeroth-order model, 256

transmitted waves, 622

transparent interconnect, 636638

trends in electronic products, 2026

TTL (transistor-transistor logic) gates, 331

twisted pair, 261, 599600


UL (Underwriters Laboratory) specifications, 240

undershoot, 321, 356359

uniform 50-Ohm transmission line, 243244

cross talk, 479485

magnitude of S21 for, 644649

phase of S21 for, 641644

unintentional discontinuities, 340342


Va, 494, 498, 525, 579

Vb, 494, 579

Vcc, 698

Vcomm. See common signals

Vdd, 694

Vdiff. See differential signaling

Veven, 571, 577578

Vf, 498, 577, 579

Vgb, 195

Vincident, 43, 323, 581

Vinc, 326

Vin, 418419

Vlaunched, 273

VL, 481482

Vnoise, 186, 216, 694

Vn, 525526

Vodd, 571, 577578

Vone, 541542, 549550

Voutput, 273

VPDN, 689

Vreflected, 43, 323, 581

Vripple, 689

Vt, 333

Vtrans, 326

values, capacitor, 748753

Vdd rail, 4

vector-network analyzers (VNAs), 4344, 57, 433, 622


dispersion, 416417

of electrons in copper, 245247

of signals

even-mode state, 573578

in lossy transmission lines, 415417

odd-mode state, 573578

in transmission lines, 247251

vias. See also center-to-center separation

blind vias, 448449, 672

buried vias, 448449, 672

effects of, 361367

loop inductance of via contacts, 211214

microvias, 672

multiple, 198199

shorting vias, 209, 214, 516517

victim net, 457. See also cross talk

VNAs (vector-network analyzers), 4344, 57, 433, 622

voltage components

even-mode, 570572

odd-mode, 570572

voltage on signal line, 242243

voltage regulator modules (VRMs), 4, 701, 703706

volume resistivity, 138

VRMs (voltage regulator modules), 4, 701, 703706


waveforms. See also S-parameters

anti-symmetric, 64


clock frequency and, 7880

definition of, 69

of interconnects, 8588

of measurements, 8082

of models, 8384

of real signals, 7778

rise time and, 6873

clock period, 5253

Fourier transforms, 6062

DFT (discrete Fourier transform), 6061

FFT (fast Fourier transform), 61

FI (Fourier integral), 60

inverse Fourier transform, 6668

impulse response, 677679

reflected waveforms, simulating, 335337

reflected waves, 622

rise time, 5254

significant components, 6873

spectrum of ideal square wave, 6466

spectrum of repetitive signal, 6263

step edge, 677679

TDT (time-domain transmitted) waves, 622

transmitted waves, 622

wavelets, 54

wavelets, 54

Webers, 178181

“windowing” filters, 6263

wiring delay, 251


X2Y Attenuators, 775

X2Y capacitors, 722, 775776

XAUI, 26


Youngman, Henny, 28

Youngman Principle, 28


Z0. See characteristic impedance

Zcapacitors, 754

Zcap, 357

Zcomm, 568, 586, 598

Zdiff, 542545, 552, 566

ZDUT, 43

Zeven, 568, 586

Zinductor, 373

Zodd, 566

ZPDN, 689, 694

Ztarget, 689, 694, 705, 713, 754, 757, 759, 760, 763, 782, 791

zeroth harmonic, 65

zeroth-order models, 256

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