

12-factor app rules, 386393

administrative processes, 393

backing services, 389

codebase, 386388

concurrency, 392

configuration storage, 388389

dependencies, 388

development/production parity, 393

disposability, 392393

isolate/build/run stages, 389390

log streams, 393

port binding, 392

stateless processes, 390391


accelerated computing instances, 160161

acceptor VPCs, 123

Access Advisor, 360361

access control lists (ACLs), 348

access keys for IAM users, 329331

rotating, 335337

access logs, 244

access management. See IAM (identity and access management)

ACID, DynamoDB and, 306307

ACLs (access control lists), 348

actions (CloudWatch), additional settings, 226

actions (IAM), 324325, 344345

adaptive capacity in DynamoDB, 304305

administrative access (security groups), 115

administrative processes in 12-factor app rules, 393

AEAD encryption, 123

alarms (CloudWatch)

additional settings, 225226

creating, 224225

ALB (Application Load Balancer), 233243

creating, 234237

features, 229

health check configuration, 242243

HTTPS listener security settings, 239240

rules, 237239

sticky session support, 242

target groups, 233234, 240241

user session maintenance, 241

Alias records, 140141

Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service), 204205

Amazon EFS (Elastic File System), 257, 281

key features, 282

performance comparison, 284286

performance modes, 283

security, 284

throughput modes, 283

usage examples, 282

Amazon ElastiCache, 257

Amazon FSx for Lustre, 258, 282

usage examples, 282

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, 258, 282, 286287

usage examples, 282

Amazon LightSail, 206

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). See AMIs (Amazon Machine Images)

Amazon Macie, 279

Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), 258, 287294

best practices, 293294

database engines, 288

database instances, 288290

high availability, 290291

installation, 292293

performance, 293

Amazon S3, 257, 269281

bucket configuration options, 272

data consistency, 272

Glacier class (S3), 280281

management, 274277

performance comparison, 284286

security, 278280

static website creation, 404

storage classes, 273274

terminology, 270271

usage examples, 270

versioning, 277278

Amazon web services. See AWS (Amazon web services) cloud services

AMIs (Amazon Machine Images), 164175

in AWS Marketplace, 167168

best practices, 174175

build considerations, 173174

components of, 165

creating custom, 168170

designing, 171173

Linux AMIs, 166167

Windows AMIs, 167

analyzing costs, 69

Cost Explorer, 7173

Simple Monthly Calculator, 7374

TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Calculator, 75

Trusted Advisor, 6970

API Gateway, 402404, 406

app server inbound ports (security groups), 114

Application Load Balancer (ALB), 233243

creating, 234237

features, 229

health check configuration, 242243

HTTPS listener security settings, 239240

rules, 237239

sticky session support, 242

target groups, 233234, 240241

user session maintenance, 241

application migration to AWS, 196202

AWS Migration Hub, 199200

AWS SMS (Server Migration Services), 200201

choosing applications, 2123

questions to ask, 2324

steps in, 197198

tools for, 196197

VM Import/Export service, 202

Well-Architected Framework, 2426

application scaling. See scaling

application security, 1819

application stacks, 206

archives (S3 Glacier), 281

ASGs (auto scaling groups), 248251

lifecycle hooks, 251

scaling options, 249251

associating services, hosting services versus, 81

attaching EBS volumes, 264265

attributes (VPC DNS), 143144

Aurora, 294298

architecture, 295297

communication in, 297298


in IAM, 320322

load balancer support, 233

MFA (multifactor authentication), 337

serverless Web app example, 405

authorization in IAM, 323324

auto recovery, 189190

auto scaling

AWS Auto Scaling, 251252

EC2 auto scaling, 245251

ASGs (auto scaling groups), 248251

benefits of, 245246

launch configurations, 246

launch templates, 247

auto scaling groups (ASGs), 248251

lifecycle hooks, 251

scaling options, 249251

automation, 373406

12-factor app rules, 386393

administrative processes, 393

backing services, 389

codebase, 386388

concurrency, 392

configuration storage, 388389

dependencies, 388

development/production parity, 393

disposability, 392393

isolate/build/run stages, 389390

log streams, 393

port binding, 392

stateless processes, 390391

API Gateway, 402404, 406

AWS Service Catalog, 384385

CloudFormation, 375384

benefits of, 377

change sets, 377, 382383

EC2 instance creation, 381382

stack sets, 383384

stacks, 380381

templates, 377380, 381

CodeDeploy, 399400

CodePipeline, 397399

Elastic Beanstalk, 394397


in Amazon RDS, 290291

AWS customer agreement, 42

projected service downtime, 43

availability zones (AZ)

distribution, 3738

failover, 3840

list of, 3537

load balancer support, 233

subnet creation, 9597

in VPCs, 95

AWS (Amazon web services) cloud services

application security, 1819

automation. See automation

characteristics of, 1013

compliance standards, 1920

data security, 1617

defined, 1

designing. See designing AWS

developer options, 6, 2021

IaaS at, 68

limitations, 1516

migrating applications to, 196202

AWS Migration Hub, 199200

AWS SMS (Server Migration Services), 200201

choosing applications, 2123

questions to ask, 2324

steps in, 197198

tools for, 196197

VM Import/Export service, 202

Well-Architected Framework, 2426

moving to, 56

network security, 18

networking. See networking

operational benefits, 1415

PaaS at, 810

AWS Auto Scaling, 251252

AWS CodeCommit, 387388

AWS CodeDeploy, 399400

AWS CodePipeline, 397399

AWS Config, cost of, 6162

AWS ECS for Kubernetes (EKS), 205206

AWS Fargate, 205

AWS Firecracker, 208

AWS Inspector, 370

AWS Marketplace, AMIs in, 167168

AWS Migration Hub, 199200

AWS Organizations, 365366

SCPs (service control policies), 347

AWS Promotional Credit, 6

AWS RAM (Resource Access Manager), 366368

AWS Service Catalog, 384385

AWS Shield, 46

AWS Shield Advanced, 46

AWS SMS (Server Migration Services), 200201

AZ. See availability zones (AZ)


BAA (Business Associate Addendum), 54

backing services in 12-factor app rules, 389


AWS services available, 14

in DynamoDB, 308

bare-metal instances, 161162

batch operations (S3), 274275

Blackfoot edge devices, 8485

block storage. See EBS (elastic block storage)

broad network access, defined, 11

buckets (S3)

configuration options, 272

data consistency, 272

management, 274277

security, 278280

static website creation, 404

storage classes, 273274

terminology, 270271

versioning, 277278

burst instances, 157158

bursting in EBS, 261262

Business Associate Addendum (BAA), 54

BYOIP (Bring Your Own IP), 107109


C states, 160

C4 instances, 149, 159

C5 instances, 150, 159

capacity units sizes in DynamoDB, 302303

change sets (CloudFormation), 377, 382383

changing instance types, 176177


applications to migrate, 2123

listeners, 236

location, 3032

regions, 49

storage type, 258259

CIDR blocks, creating, 91

primary CIDR block, 9193

secondary CIDR blocks, 93

CLB (Classic Load Balancer), 229

cloud computing. See AWS (Amazon web services) cloud services; public cloud services

Cloud Foundry, 9

cloud storage. See storage

CloudFormation, 375384

benefits of, 377

change sets, 377, 382383

EC2 instance creation, 381382

stack sets, 383384

stacks, 380381

templates, 377380, 381

CloudFront, 4748

CloudHub, 137

CloudTrail, 362365

CloudWatch, 211227

agent installation, 216217

alarm creation, 224225

alarm/action settings, 225226

cost of, 223

dashboard, 224

EC2 instance monitoring, 226

features, 213

load balancer metrics, 243244

logging data, 215216

metrics in, 213215

rebooting/recovering EC2 instances, 226227

service integration, 219220, 223

terminology, 220223

CNAME records, 140141

codebase in 12-factor app rules, 386388

CodeCommit, 387388

CodeDeploy, 399400

CodePipeline, 397399

Cognito, 353, 405

compliance standards, 1920

designing AWS, 4951

GovCloud, 56

HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 5455

list of, 5354

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), 5556

PCI compliance checklist, 5152

compute costs

calculating, 62

optimizing, 6768

compute optimized instances, 159

compute services, 147. See also EC2 instances

concurrency in 12-factor app rules, 392

conditions (IAM), 320, 350

configuration storage in 12-factor app rules, 388389

connection draining, 232233

connectivity. See networking

containers, 203206

Amazon ECS, 204205

AWS ECS for Kubernetes (EKS), 205206

AWS Fargate, 205

virtual machines (VMs) versus, 204

convertible reserved instances, 181

cooldown, 249250


analyzing, 69

Cost Explorer, 7173

Simple Monthly Calculator, 7374

TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Calculator, 75

Trusted Advisor, 6970

calculating, 5960

compute costs, 62

data transfer costs, 6466

managed services, 6062

storage costs, 6364

tiered costs, 6667

of CloudWatch, 223

of EC2 instances, 177187

reserved instances (RI), 178182

spot instances, 182187

of IP addressing, 102, 106107

of load balancers, 228

of measured services, 1213

optimizing, 67

compute costs, 6768

reserved pricing, 69

of PrivateLink, 130

of public cloud services, 45

of S3 storage, 269

Cost Explorer, 7173

Create VPC wizard, 8788

credential reports (IAM), 360

cross-account access (IAM roles), 354355

CRR (cross-region replication), 276

custom AMIs, 168170

custom policies (IAM), 339

custom route tables, 100101

custom security groups, 113114

customer gateways, 135136


D2 instances, 161

dashboard (CloudWatch), 224

data access, questions to ask, 2223

data centers

history of cloud computing, 24

moving to AWS, 56

operational benefits of AWS, 1415

data consistency

in DynamoDB, 305306

in S3 storage, 272

data control, 17

data privacy, 17, 41

data security, 1617

data transfer

cost of, 6466

options for, 309313

database server inbound ports (security groups), 114115


Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), 287294

best practices, 293294

database engines, 288

database instances, 288290

high availability, 290291

installation, 292293

performance, 293

Aurora, 294298

architecture, 295297

communication in, 297298

DynamoDB, 298308

ACID and, 306307

adaptive capacity, 304305

backup/restore, 308

capacity units sizes, 302303

data consistency, 305306

DAX, 308

global tables, 307

queries in, 300301

serverless Web app example, 405

SQL databases versus, 299300

tables in, 301302

Secrets Manager, 368369

DataSync, 311

DAX (DynamoDB Accelerator), 308

DDoS attacks

AWS Shield, 46

AWS Shield Advanced, 46

dedicated hosts, 162

dedicated instances, 162163

default region, 33

default security group, 112113

default VPC, 9395

dependencies in 12-factor app rules, 388

designing AMIs, 171173

designing AWS, 2930

availability zones (AZ)

distribution, 3738

failover, 3840

list of, 3537

compliance standards, 4951

GovCloud, 56

HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 5455

list of, 5354

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), 5556

PCI compliance checklist, 5152

cost analyzation, 69

Cost Explorer, 7173

Simple Monthly Calculator, 7374

TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Calculator, 75

Trusted Advisor, 6970

cost calculation, 5960

compute costs, 62

data transfer costs, 6466

managed services, 6062

storage costs, 6364

tiered costs, 6667

cost optimization, 67

compute costs, 6768

reserved pricing, 69

edge location services, 44

AWS Shield, 46

AWS Shield Advanced, 46

CloudFront, 4748

Lambda@Edge, 4849

list of, 4445

Route 53, 4546

WAF (Web Application Firewall), 47

latency, 5758

location selection, 3032

questions to ask, 30


choosing, 49

defined, 3233

isolation, 34

service separation in, 35

services offered at, 5859

SLAs (service-level agreements)

AWS customer agreement, 4042

failure protection, 4244

developers, AWS options for, 6, 2021

Direct Connect, 138139, 310311

disposability in 12-factor app rules, 392393

DNS services, Route 53, 4546, 139144

Alias records versus CNAME records, 140141

DNS hostnames, 143144

health checks, 142143

private DNS zones, 143

routing protocols, 141142

dynamic port mapping, 232

DynamoDB, 298308

ACID and, 306307

adaptive capacity, 304305

backup/restore, 308

capacity units sizes, 302303

data consistency, 305306

DAX, 308

global tables, 307

queries in, 300301

serverless Web app example, 405

SQL databases versus, 299

tables in, 301302


EBS (elastic block storage), 257258, 259269

general-purpose SSD baseline, 261262

performance, 263, 284286

provisioned IOPS (io1), 262263


attaching, 264265

best practices, 269

elastic, 264

encryption, 265266

snapshots, 266268

tagging, 268

types of, 260261

EBS-backed AMIs

creating, 169

instance store-backed AMIs versus, 170171

EC2 auto scaling, 245251

ASGs (auto scaling groups), 248251

benefits of, 245246

launch configurations, 246

launch templates, 247

EC2 Fleet, 186187

EC2 instances

AMIs, 164175

in AWS Marketplace, 167168

best practices, 174175

build considerations, 173174

components of, 165

creating custom, 168170

designing, 171173

Linux AMIs, 166167

Windows AMIs, 167

architecture, 152

auto recovery, 189190

CodeDeploy and, 399400

cost of, 177187

reserved instances (RI), 178182

spot instances, 182187

creating with CloudFormation, 381382

health checks, 230231

history of virtualization, 148152

launch templates, 176

monitoring, 226

naming conventions, 153

network performance, 163164

ordering, 190196

configuration options, 192

storage options, 193

rebooting/recovering, 226227

resource isolation, 153154

storage, 187189

tagging, 175

types of, 155163

accelerated computing, 160161

bare-metal, 161162

burst, 157158

changing, 176177

compute optimized, 159

dedicated hosts, 162

dedicated instances, 162163

general-purpose, 156157

M1, 156

memory-optimized, 159160

micro, 156

for paravirtualization, 156

storage-optimized, 161

vCPUs, 154155

EC2-Classic, 80

EC2-VPC. See VPCs (virtual private clouds)

edge location services, 44

AWS Shield, 46

AWS Shield Advanced, 46

CloudFront, 4748

Lambda@Edge, 4849

list of, 4445

Route 53, 4546

WAF (Web Application Firewall), 47

EFS (Elastic File System). See Amazon EFS (Elastic File System)

egress-only Internet gateway (EOIG), 132133

EIP (elastic IP addresses), 104106

EKS (AWS ECS for Kubernetes), 205206

Elastic Beanstalk, 389390, 394397

elastic block storage (EBS). See EBS (elastic block storage)

Elastic Compute Cloud. See EC2 instances

Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), 204205

elastic EBS volumes, 264

Elastic File System (EFS). See Amazon EFS (Elastic File System)

elastic IP addresses (EIP), 104106

elastic load balancing (ELB). See ELB (elastic load balancing)

ElastiCache, 308309

elasticity, 12, 209211

in 12-factor app rules, 392

AWS Auto Scaling, 251252

defined, 12

EC2 auto scaling, 245251

ASGs (auto scaling groups), 248251

benefits of, 245246

launch configurations, 246

launch templates, 247

NIST definition, 209210

ELB (elastic load balancing), 227233

additional features, 231233

designed redundancy, 229230

EC2 health checks, 230231

feature comparison, 229

monitoring, 243244

security groups, 116117


AEAD, 123

EBS volumes, 265266


in Aurora, 298

gateway endpoints, 125128

interface endpoints, 128131

enhanced networking, 163164

entities (IAM), 319

EOIG (egress-only Internet gateway), 132133

ephemeral ports, 121122

ephemeral storage. See EBS (elastic block storage)


F1 instances, 161


in Amazon RDS, 290291

of availability zones (AZ), 3840

AWS SLA, 4244

in Route 53, 142143

Fargate, 205

file synchronization in Amazon EFS, 286

Firecracker, 208


NACLs (network access control lists), 117122

ephemeral ports, 121122

inbound/outbound rules, 118120

WAF (Web Application Firewall), 47

flow logs, 122123


G3 instances, 160

gateway VPC endpoints, 125128


customer gateways, 135136

gateway VPC endpoints, 125128

Internet gateways, 131133

Storage Gateway, 312313

VPG (virtual private gateway), 134135

GDPR, 20

general-purpose instances, 156157

general-purpose SSD (gp2), 261262

Geo DNS, 142

Glacier class (S3), 274, 280281

Glacier Deep Archive class (S3), 274

global DynamoDB tables, 307

golden AMI pipeline sample configuration, 174

GovCloud, 56

gp2 (general-purpose SSD), 261262

Gramm-Leachy-Billy Act, 20

groups (IAM), 320, 332

GuardDuty, 369370


H1 instances, 161

health checks

configuring, 242243

on EC2 instances, 230231

in Route 53, 142143, 231

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), 20, 5455

Heroku, 9, 386

high availability. See availability

high-memory instances, 160

HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 20, 5455


of public cloud services, 24

of virtualization, 148152

host-based routing, 238

hosting services, associating services versus, 81

hostnames (DNS), 143144

HTTP access (security groups), 114

HTTPS listener security settings, 239240

hyperthreading, 154


Nitro, 150151

Xen, 148150


I3 instances, 161

IaaS (infrastructure as a service), 68

IAM (identity and access management), 317365

access requests, 322323

account details, 332333

account summary, 333334

actions, 324325

authentication, 320322

authorization, 323324

AWS services available, 15

best practices, 358360

features, 318

groups, 332

identity federation, 357358

MFA (multifactor authentication), 337

password policies, 334335

policies, 337350

ACLs (access control lists), 348

actions, 344345

conditional elements, 350

creating, 341342

elements of, 342343

identity-based, 337339

in-line, 340341

permission boundaries, 346347

resource-based, 340

SCPs (service control policies), 347

session policies, 348

summary tables, 348349

syntax, 343344

versioning, 349

roles, 351355

cross-account access, 354355

when to use, 352353

signing in, 332

STS (security token service), 355356

tagging identities, 350351

terminology, 319320

tools for, 360365

users, 325334

access keys, 329331

creating, 328329

identifying, 328

root user, 326328

rotating access keys, 335337

ICMP access (security groups), 115

identities (IAM), 319

tagging, 350351

identity federation, 357358

identity management. See IAM (identity and access management)

identity-based policies (IAM), 337339

inbound port numbers, 121122

inbound rules (NACLs), 118120

infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 68

infrastructure as code. See automation

in-line policies (IAM), 340341


Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), 292293

CloudWatch agent, 216217

instance storage. See EBS (elastic block storage)

instance store-backed AMIs

creating, 169170

EBS-backed AMIs versus, 170171

instances (EC2). See EC2 instances

Intelligent-Tiering class (S3), 273274

interface VPC endpoints, 128131

Internet gateways, 131133

inventory processing (S3), 277

io1 (provisioned IOPS), 262263

IP addressing

BYOIP, 107109

cost of, 106107

elastic addresses, 104106

IPv6 addresses, 110

load balancer support, 232

primary CIDR block, 9193

private IPv4 addresses, 102103

public IPv4 addresses, 103104

secondary CIDR blocks, 93

IPv4 addressing

elastic addresses, 104106

private addresses, 102103

public addresses, 103104

IPv6 addressing, 110

isolation of regions, 34


job function policies (IAM), 339


Lambda, 206208, 400401

Lambda@Edge, 4849

latency, designing AWS, 5758

latency-based routing (LBR), 142

launch configurations, 246

launch templates, 176, 247

Launch VPC Wizard, 8889

LBR (latency-based routing), 142

LCUs (load capacity units), 228

lifecycle hooks, 251

LightSail, 206

Linux AMIs, 166167

listeners, choosing, 236

load balancers, 1819, 227244

ALB (Application Load Balancer), 233243

creating, 234237

health check configuration, 242243

HTTPS listener security settings, 239240

rules, 237239

sticky session support, 242

target groups, 233234, 240241

user session maintenance, 241

cost of, 228

ELB (elastic load balancing), 227233

additional features, 231233

designed redundancy, 229230

EC2 health checks, 230231

feature comparison, 229

monitoring, 243244

NLB (Network Load Balancer), 244

security groups, 116117

load capacity units (LCUs), 228

local instance storage, 187189

location, choosing, 3032

log streams in 12-factor app rules, 393

logging data, 215216


M1 instances, 156

M4 instances, 157

M5 instances, 156, 157

magnetic drives

EBS (elastic block storage), 263

local instance storage, 187189

managed policies (IAM), 338

managed services

cost of, 6062

defined, 7

operational benefits, 1415

mapping service, 8586

measured services, 1213

memory caches, 308309

memory-optimized instances, 159160

MFA (multifactor authentication), 337

micro instances, 156

migrating applications to AWS, 196202

AWS Migration Hub, 199200

AWS SMS (Server Migration Services), 200201

choosing applications, 2123

questions to ask, 2324

steps in, 197198

tools for, 196197

VM Import/Export service, 202

Well-Architected Framework, 2426

mobile application authentication, 353

monitoring, 211227

AWS services available, 14


agent installation, 216217

alarm creation, 224225

alarm/action settings, 225226

dashboard, 224

metrics in, 213215

rebooting/recovering EC2 instances, 226227

service integration, 219220, 223

terminology, 220223

EC2 instances, 226

importance of, 211213

load balancers, 243244

logging data, 215216

planning for, 217219

moving to AWS (Amazon web services) cloud, 56

multifactor authentication (MFA), 337


NACLs (network access control lists), 117122

ephemeral ports, 121122

inbound/outbound rules, 118120

naming conventions for EC2 instances, 153

NAT gateway services, 9798

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

AWS compliance, 5556

public cloud definitions, 1013

scaling/elasticity definition, 209210

network access, broad, 11

network access control lists (NACLs), 117122

ephemeral ports, 121122

inbound/outbound rules, 118120

Network Load Balancer (NLB), 244

features, 229

network security, 18

networking, 7778

availability zones (AZ), 95

AWS networking internals, 8183

default VPC, 9395

Direct Connect, 138139

EC2-Classic, 80

flow logs, 122123

Internet gateways, 131133

IP addressing

BYOIP, 107109

cost of, 106107

elastic addresses, 104106

IPv6 addresses, 110

private IPv4 addresses, 102103

public IPv4 addresses, 103104

mapping service, 8586

NACLs, 117122

ephemeral ports, 121122

inbound/outbound rules, 118120

number of VPCs, 9091

packet flow, 8385

peering VPCs, 123125

performance, EC2 instances and, 163164

questions to ask, 7778

Route 53, 139144

Alias records versus CNAME records, 140141

DNS hostnames, 143144

health checks, 142143

private DNS zones, 143

routing protocols, 141142

security, 7980

security groups, 110113

administrative access, 115

app server inbound ports, 114

custom, 113114

database server inbound ports, 114115

default, 112113

ELB traffic flow, 116117

PING access, 115

stretch layer 2 network designs, 82


creating, 9597

NAT gateway services, 9798

route tables, 98102

VPC CIDR block creation, 91

primary CIDR block, 9193

secondary CIDR blocks, 93

VPC console, 7879

VPC creation, 8690

VPC endpoints

gateway endpoints, 125128

interface endpoints, 128131

VPN connections, 133138

CloudHub, 137

customer gateway, 135136

route propagation, 137138

VPG (virtual private gateway), 134135

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

AWS compliance, 5556

public cloud definitions, 1013

scaling/elasticity definition, 209210

Nitro hypervisor, 150151

NLB (Network Load Balancer), 244

features, 229


object lock (S3), 275276

object storage. See Amazon S3

object tags (S3), 277

on-demand scaling, 250251

on-demand self-service, 1011

One Zone-1A class (S3), 274

OpsWorks, 376

optimizing costs, 67

compute costs, 6768

reserved pricing, 69

ordering EC2 instances, 190196

configuration options, 192

storage options, 193

OUs (organizational units), 366

outbound rules (NACLs), 118120


P states, 160

PaaS (platform as a service), 810

packet flow, 8385

paravirtualization, 148, 152, 156

parity in 12-factor app rules, 393

password policies (IAM), 334335

path-based routing, 238239

PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance checklist, 5152


peering VPCs, 123125


Amazon EFS (Elastic File System), 283

Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), 293

EBS (elastic block storage), 263

EC2 instances and networking, 163164

storage comparison, 284286

permission boundaries (IAM policies), 346347

PING access (security groups), 115

planning for monitoring, 217219

platform as a service (PaaS), 810

policies (IAM), 337350

ACLs (access control lists), 348

actions, 344345

conditional elements, 350

creating, 341342

elements of, 342343

identity-based, 337339

in-line, 340341

permission boundaries, 346347

resource-based, 340

SCPs (service control policies), 347

session policies, 348

summary tables, 348349

syntax, 343344

terminology, 319320

versioning, 349

policy objects (IAM), 320

Policy Simulator, 361362

port binding in 12-factor app rules, 392

pricing. See cost

primary CIDR block, planning, 9193

principals (IAM), 320

privacy, 17, 41

private cloud services, 8

private DNS zones, 143

private IPv4 addresses, 102103

private subnets, 18

PrivateLink, 128131

provisioned IOPS (io1), 262263

provisioning capacity in DynamoDB, 302303

public cloud services

application security, 1819

compliance standards, 1920

cost of, 45

data security, 1617

defined, 5

history of, 24

IaaS, 68

limitations, 1516

network security, 18

NIST definitions, 1013

operational benefits, 1415

PaaS, 810

public IPv4 addresses, 103104

PVHVM hybrid model, 148149


quality of service, AWS customer agreement, 41

queries in DynamoDB, 300301


R4 instances, 159

R5 instances, 159

rapid elasticity, 12

RDS (relational database service). See Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service); databases

rebooting EC2 instances, 226227

recovering EC2 instances, 226227

redundancy. See load balancers


availability zones (AZ)

distribution, 3738

failover, 3840

list of, 3537

choosing, 49

default, 33

defined, 3233

isolation, 34

service separation in, 35

services offered at, 5859

relational database service (RDS). See Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service); databases

requester VPCs, 123

reserved instances (RI), 178182

limits, 179181

scheduled instances, 182

types of, 181182

reserved pricing, 69

resiliency. See scaling

Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM), 366368

resource isolation, 153154

resource pooling

defined, 1112

for scaling, 211

resource-based policies (IAM), 340

resources (IAM), 320

access requests, 322323

RESTful communication, 406

restoring DynamoDB tables, 308

RI (reserved instances), 178182

limits, 179181

scheduled instances, 182

types of, 181182

roles (IAM), 319, 351355

cross-account access, 354355

when to use, 352353

root user (IAM), 326328

rotating IAM access keys, 335337

Route 53, 4546, 139144

Alias records versus CNAME records, 140141

DNS hostnames, 143144

health checks, 142143, 231

private DNS zones, 143

routing protocols, 141142

route propagation, 137138

route tables, 98102

routing protocols

load balancer support, 232

Route 53 support for, 141142

rules (ALB), 237239

rules (NACLs), 118120


S3. See Amazon S3

Sarbanes-Oxley, 20

scaling, 12, 209211

in 12-factor app rules, 392

AWS Auto Scaling, 251252

AWS services available, 15

defined, 12

EC2 auto scaling, 245251

ASGs (auto scaling groups), 248251

benefits of, 245246

launch configurations, 246

launch templates, 247

NIST definition, 209210

scheduled reserved instances, 182

scheduled scaling, 250

SCPs (service control policies), 347

secondary CIDR blocks, adding, 93

Secrets Manager, 368369

security, 315316

in Amazon EFS, 284

application security, 1819

AWS customer agreement, 41

AWS Inspector, 370

AWS Organizations, 365366

AWS RAM (Resource Access Manager), 366368

data security, 1617

GuardDuty, 369370

HTTPS listener security settings, 239240

IAM (identity and access management), 317365

access requests, 322323

account details, 332333

account summary, 333334

actions, 324325

authentication, 320322

authorization, 323324

best practices, 358360

features, 318

groups, 332

identity federation, 357358

MFA (multifactor authentication), 337

password policies, 334335

policies, 337350

roles, 351355

rotating access keys, 335337

signing in, 332

STS (security token service), 355356

tagging identities, 350351

terminology, 319320

tools for, 360365

users, 325334

network security, 18

networking, 7980

in S3 storage, 278280

Secrets Manager, 368369

security groups, 110113

administrative access, 115

app server inbound ports, 114

custom, 113114

database server inbound ports, 114115

default, 112113

ELB traffic flow, 116117

PING access, 115

security token service (STS), 355356

selecting. See choosing

self-service portals, 1011

Server Migration Services (AWS SMS), 200201

server name identification (SNI), 231

server usage, operational benefits of AWS, 14

serverless Web app example, 404406

API Gateway setup, 406

authentication, 405

DynamoDB tables, 405

static website creation, 404

Service Catalog, 384385

service consumers, 129

service control policies (SCPs), 347

service providers, 129

serviceless computing, 206208, 400401

service-level agreements (SLAs), 1516

service-linked roles (IAM), 352

session policies (IAM), 348

SFTP (Secure FTP), 312

shared file systems. See Amazon EFS (Elastic File System); Amazon FSx for Lustre; Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

signing in as IAM user, 332

Simple Monthly Calculator, 7374

Simple Storage Service. See Amazon S3

SLAs (service-level agreements), 1516

AWS customer agreement, 4042

failure protection, 4244

snapshots (EBS), 266268

tagging, 268

SNI (server name identification), 231

Snowball, 311312

Snowball Edge, 312

Snowmobile, 312

spot capacity pools, 185186

spot fleet requests, 184185

spot instances, 182187

EC2 Fleet, 186187

spot capacity pools, 185186

spot fleet, 184185

SQL databases, DynamoDB versus, 299300

SSD (solid state drive) storage, 187189

SSL/TLS decryption, 231232

stack sets (CloudFormation), 383384

stacks (CloudFormation), 380381

Standard class (S3), 273

standard reserved instances, 181

Standard-1A class (S3), 274

stateless processes in 12-factor app rules, 390391

statements (IAM), 320

static websites, creating, 404

sticky sessions, 242


Amazon EFS (Elastic File System), 281

key features, 282

performance modes, 283

security, 284

throughput modes, 283

usage examples, 282

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, 286287

Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), 287294

best practices, 293294

database engines, 288

database instances, 288290

high availability, 290291

installation, 292293

performance, 293

Amazon S3, 269281

bucket configuration options, 272

data consistency, 272

Glacier class (S3), 280281

management, 274277

security, 278280

storage classes, 273274

terminology, 270271

usage examples, 270

versioning, 277278

Aurora, 294298

architecture, 295297

communication in, 297298

choosing, 258259

cost of, 6364

data transfer options, 309313

DynamoDB, 298308

ACID and, 306307

adaptive capacity, 304305

backup/restore, 308

capacity units sizes, 302303

data consistency, 305306

DAX, 308

global tables, 307

queries in, 300301

SQL databases versus, 299300

tables in, 301302

EBS (elastic block storage), 259269

attaching volumes, 264265

best practices, 269

elastic volumes, 264

general-purpose SSD baseline, 261262

performance, 263

provisioned IOPS (io1), 262263

snapshots, 266268

tagging volumes/snapshots, 268

volume encryption, 265266

volume types, 260261

ElastiCache, 308309

local instance storage, 187189

operational benefits of AWS, 14

performance comparison, 284286

types of, 187, 256258

storage class analysis (S3), 277

Storage Gateway, 312313

storage-optimized instances, 161

stretch layer 2 network designs, 82

STS (security token service), 355356


creating, 9597

NAT gateway services, 9798

route tables, 98102

synchronization in Amazon EFS, 286


T1 instances, 156

T2 instances, 157158

T3 instances, 157158

tables in DynamoDB, 301302

adaptive capacity, 304305

backup/restore, 308

global tables, 307

provisioning capacity, 302303

serverless Web app example, 405


EBS volumes/snapshots, 268

EC2 instances, 175

identities (IAM), 350351

target groups, 233234, 240241

target tracking, 249250

TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Calculator, 75

templates (CloudFormation), 377380, 381

temporary credentials in IAM, 352, 355356


AWS services available, 15

stages in 12-factor app rules, 389390


Amazon EFS (Elastic File System), 283

EBS (elastic block storage), 263

tiered costs, 6667

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator, 75

trust policies (IAM), 351

Trusted Advisor, 6970


updating Elastic Beanstalk applications, 396397

user session maintenance, 241

users (IAM), 319320, 325334

access keys, 329331

account details, 332333

account summary, 333334

creating, 328329

groups, 332

identifying, 328

root user, 326328

rotating access keys, 335337

signing in, 332


vaults (S3 Glacier), 281

vCPUs (virtual CPUs), 154155


IAM policies, 349

in S3 storage, 277278

virtual machines (VMs), containers versus, 204

virtual private clouds. See networking; VPCs (virtual private clouds)

virtual private gateway (VPG), 134135

virtual servers. See EC2 instances


history of, 148152

with VMware, 8

VM Import/Export service, 202

VMs (virtual machines), containers versus, 204

VMware, 8

volumes (EBS)

attaching, 264265

best practices, 269

elastic, 264

encryption, 265266

snapshots, 266268

tagging, 268

types of, 260261

VPCs (virtual private clouds). See also networking

availability zones (AZ), 95

AWS networking internals, 8183

CIDR block creation, 91

primary CIDR block, 9193

secondary CIDR blocks, 93

console, 7879

creating, 8690

default VPC, 9395

defined, 67

Direct Connect, 138139


gateway endpoints, 125128

interface endpoints, 128131

flow logs, 122123

hosting versus associating services, 81

Internet gateways, 131133

IP addressing

BYOIP, 107109

cost of, 106107

elastic addresses, 104106

IPv6 addresses, 110

private IPv4 addresses, 102103

public IPv4 addresses, 103104

number of, 9091

packet flow, 8385

peering connections, 123125

Route 53, 139144

Alias records versus CNAME records, 140141

DNS hostnames, 143144

health checks, 142143

private DNS zones, 143

routing protocols, 141142

security, 7980

security groups, 110113

administrative access, 115

app server inbound ports, 114

custom, 113114

database server inbound ports, 114115

default, 112113

ELB traffic flow, 116117

PING access, 115


creating, 9597

NAT gateway services, 9798

route tables, 98102

VPN connections, 133138

CloudHub, 137

customer gateway, 135136

route propagation, 137138

VPG (virtual private gateway), 134135

VPG (virtual private gateway), 134135

VPN connections, 133138

CloudHub, 137

customer gateway, 135136

route propagation, 137138

VPG (virtual private gateway), 134135


WAF (Web Application Firewall), 47

Well-Architected Framework, 2426

Windows AMIs, 167

WRR (weighted round robin), 141


X1 instances, 150, 159, 160

Xen hypervisor, 148150


Z1d instances, 160

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